CEDO Questions
CEDO Questions
CEDO Questions
Alpha particles, Beta particles, Radio waves C. Gamma rays, Infra Red rays, Beta particles D. Beta particles, Gamma rays, Alpha particles 386. For Industrial Radiography, which is the most penetrating form of radiation? C A. Beta particles B. Neutrons C. Gamma Rays D. Alpha particles 387. One of the effects of Gamma rays is its ability to cause: A A. Ionization B. Air to become energized C. Other objects to become radioactive D. Metal to become magnetized
388. The unit of measurement of radioactivity is referred to as: A A. Curies B. Roentgens C. Roentgens per hour D. REM
389. One curie is the quantity of radioactive material that decays at the rate of: B A. 3.7 X 1010 CPM B. 3.7 X 1010 DPS or TPS C. 3.7 X 1010 XPS D.37 X 10 DPS or TPS
390. Elements are classified in the Chart of Elements by the number of: C A. Electrons in an atom B. Neutrons in an atom C. Protons in an atom D. Includes all the above
391. One curie of cobalt 60 and one curie of IR-192: B A. Have the same dose rate at one yard B. Both have the same number of disentergrations per second C. Will weigh the same amount D. None of the above
11. The time required for of the atoms of a particular radioactive material to disintegrate or decay is called: 3 1. A curie 2. Ionization 3. Half-Life 4. Decay
12. Gamma rays will penetrate deeper in matter than Alpha or Beta particles Because? 3 1. It has less mass 2. It has a lower frequency 3. It will interact less with electrons in matter 4. It travels faster than the speed of light
14. Gamma rays are referred to as? 2 1. Particle radiation 2. Electromagnetic radiation 3. Scattered radiation 4. Primary radiation
15. The two most commonly used isotopes for radiography are: 3 1. CO-60 and CS-137 2. IR-192 and RA-226 3. IR-192 and CO-60 4. CO-59 and IR-190
16. The half-life of cobalt 60 is a little over 5 years. After 3 half lives, a 60 ci CO-60 source will have how many curies? 2 1. 15 curies 2. 7.5 curies 3. 30 curies 4. None of the above
17. Radiation energy is usually expressed in terms of: 3 1. Curies per gram 2. Roentgens per hour 3. KEV or MEV 4. Megahertz of Hertz
18. One curie of Cobalt 60 and one curie of IR-192 3 1. All have the same dose rate at one foot. 2. All are equal in physical size 3. All have the same number of D. P. S or T.P.S. 4. All are the same weight of material.
19. When an electron is knocked out of orbit of an atom by a gamma ray 1 1. An Ion-pair is created 2. Pair production occurs 3. The atom is now radioactive 4. A new element is created
20. The operating range of a pocket dosimeter required for industrial radiographers is ? 2 1. 0 to 100 mrr 2. 0 to 200 mr 3. 0 to 500 mr 4. 0 to 200 r\hr
21. Survey meters must be calibrated every ? 2 1. 90 days 2. 6 months 3. 3 months 4. Once a year
22. The film badge or TLD badge provides: 3 1. Immediate indication of radiation exposure 2. Exposure to Alpha particles 3. Record of radiation exposure 4. All of the above
23. Film badges should be worn: 3 1. In the shirt pocket 2. One the belt loop 3. Between the shirt collar & trouser pocket 4. Back pocket
24. Radiation survey instruments shall be able to measure from: 2 1. zero mr/hr to 2 R/hr 2. 2 mr/hr to 1 R/hr 3. 0 mr/hr to 1 mr/hr to 1 R/hr 4. 1 mr/hr to 1000mR
25. Most survey meters used to detect radiation in Industrial Radiography operations, us a? 2 1. scintillation counter 2. Geiger-Muellier (GM) tube 3. Ion Chamber 4. De-Ionization tube
26. Individuals allowed to enter a radiographers radiation area, must be monitored with the following items: 3 1. a survey meter 2. A film badge, dosimeter, survey meter 3. Film badge and dosimeter and alarming Rate meter 4. No monitoring required
27.If an individuals pocket dosimeter is discharged beyond its range (off-scale), the individual: 1 1. Shall cease operations and have film badge processed immediately and not return to work until a determination has been made. 2. Shall notify the RSO and wait for further instructions after completing job assignment. 3. May continue to work if individual determines that dosimeter reading is not correct. 4. Shall cease operations and have film badge exchanged for a new one and then may return to work.
28. The pocket dosimeter has the advantage of: 1 1. Providing immediate indication of radiation dose 2. Provides a permanent record of whole body dose 3. Being more accurate than the film badge 4. Gives dose rates of radiation exposure
29. Radiation received in a short period of time is referred to as: 1 1. Acute radiation exposure 2. Chronic radiation exposure 3. Thermal radiation exposure
4. Radiation sickness
30. Earliest detection of radiation damage may be detected in the: 3 1. Nerve cells 2. Skin cells 3. Blood cells 4. None of the above
31. The effects of radiation on the reproductive cells and passed on to the descendants, is called: 4 1. Somatic effects 2. Radiosensitive effects 3. Latent effects 4. Genetic effects
32. The area that has a boundary posted Caution-High Radiation Area will mean a person could receive a radiation dose of: 4 1. Five Rems per hour 2. 200 mRems per hour 3.
33. Source assembly refers to the same thing as a: 3 1. Crankout 2. Source tube 3. Pigtail assembly 4. Bull plug or safety plug
36. Using Co-60, at a certain distance, the radiation intensity is 600 mr/hr. The thickness of lead (assuming .490 of lead is required for Co-60) needed to reduce the radiation levels to 75 mr/hr is: 3 1. 14.7 2. .98
3. 1.5 4. 1.96
37. If the radiation intensity at a certain point is 20 R/hr, how many half valve layers are required to reduce the levels to 5 R/hr 3 1. One 2. Three 3. Two 4. Cannot reduce to 5 R/hr
38. Planetary electrons with protons and neutrons in the nucleus, make up 4 1. An alpha particle 2. A molecule 3. A compound 4. An atom
41. The radiation dose rate at a certain distance from a source is 400 mr/hr. If a
person remains at the certain distance for 3 hours, what will be the amount of radiation received? 3 1. 9 mr 2. 1800 mr 3. 1200 mr 4. 120 mr
42. Three basic ways to lower radiation dose when working with radiography sources are: 3 1. concrete, Lead, and steel 2. barricades, ropes, and signs 3. time, distance, and shielding 4. Half Valve Layers, Tenth Valve Layers, First Valve Layers
44. A leak test must be performed on sealed sources within a period of every: 2 1. 90 days 2.
45. The term used to let a company, with a radioactive material license in one state, be allowed to work in another state is called: 3 1. Bill of Rights 2. Agreement State 3. Reciprocity 4. NRC
46. The shipping container for most industrial radiography sources are classified as: 1 1. Type B 2.
47. How much radiation will a person receive standing 100 feet from a source with a dose rate of 20 mr/hr where 4 exposures were made lasting 3 minutes each? 1 1. 4 mr/hr 2. 36 mr/hr 3. 12 mr/hr 4. 33 mr/hr
48. If you were using a 100 Ci., Ir-192 source, what will the dose rate be at a distance of 100 feet from the source? 3 1. .06 R/hr
49. Repeat problem 48 except calculate the dose rate at 200 instead of 100 4 1. 12.5 r/hr 2. .05 mr/hr 3. 50 mr/hr 4. 14.75 mr/hr
51.When performing offshore platform or lay barge radiography, the largest source of Ir-192 that is allowed is: 1
52. The film badge or TLD badge used in industrial radiography are exchanged: 4 1. Once every quarter 2. Only when the RSO decides to change your badge 3. Once every sixty days 4. Once a month and on the day indicated on the badge
53. The single and most noticeable factor in the cause of over exposures to radiographers has been: 3 1.
Not locking the source in the camera properly 2. Survey meter not working correctly 3. By not using the survey meter as stated in the company procedures and State regulations. 4. Trying to put the source back into the camera after a disconnect.
54. If you lose or damage your film or TLD badge, you will 1 1. Cease work immediately until the badge is replaced 2. Continue to work and replace your badge when you get back to the office 3. Continue to work since you can use your dosimeter for your radiation exposure 4. Work more carefully by using your survey meter and dosimeter
55. If an individuals pocket dosimeter is discharged beyond its range (off scale), the individual shall: 3
1. Make a note on the area survey report and recharge the dosimeter 2. Tell the RSO when you get back to the office so he can calculate your exposure for that day. 3. Cease work immediately, turn film badge in for processing; and not return to work until results are received and determination of the exposure has been made 4. Cease work immediately, notify your RSO, and obtain a spare badge to use until results of processed film badge is received
56. Radiation Area means an individual could receive a radiation dose in excess of: 1 1. Five milli-rem in any one hour 2. Two hundred milli-rems in any one hour 3. 2 milli-rems in any one hour 4. 5 milli-rems per hour or a dose in excess of 100 milli-rem in any fire consecutive days
57. Pocket dosimeters shall be calibrated for correct response to radiation at periods not to exceed: 1 1. Annually 2. Once every 6 months 3. Not required to be calibrated 4. After each repair
58. Any vehicle transporting radioactive material with a yellow III label must placard the vehicle with signs printed: 3 1. Caution Radioactive 2. Radioactive Materials 3. Radioactive 4.
Danger Radioactive
59. Sealed radiography sources, when completing shipping papers, are referred to or classified as: 4 1. Solid form material 2. Safe form material 3. Normal form material 4. Special form material
60. The dose rate limit at one meter (or 39 inches) from a package containing radioactive material is expressed in terms of a: 1 1. Transport Index 2. Type A package 3. Special solid form material
61. The outer package that encloses a Type B container for additional shipping protection is referred to as: 2 1. Class A package 2. Overpack 3. Hazardous Materials 4. None of the above
62. A leaking source must be withdrawn from use if contamination levels exceed: 1 1. .005 microcuries of Removable Contamination 2. .050 microcuries of Removable Contamination 3. .010 microcuries of Removable Contamination
63. Using a 100ci, Ir 192 source, at what distance will the dose rate be 100mr/hr? 2 1. 140 feet 2. 76-feet 3. 68 feet 4. 100 feet
64. A record of inspection and maintenance of radiography equipment and sources are completed by radiography companies : 2 1. Once a day Quarterly 3. once a week 4. once every 6 months
65.When performing radiography the camera must self lock : 1 1. After each exposure 2. Prior to being moved or transported 3. At all times when it is not under direct surveillance of radiographer 4. All of the above
66.When must pocket dosimeters be recharged: 1 1. At the beginning of each shift or at least daily or if the dosimeter reaches scale during the shift 2. Work out 3. Radiographic exposure 4. None of the above
67. The unit of exposure in air is the: 2 1. RAD 2. ROENTGEN 3. REM 4. RBE
68. The inverse square law means that if you move a source twice as far away as before, the intensity is: 3 1. Twice as great 2. Half as great 3. One-fourth as great 4. One-half as great
69. The State Regulatory Agency may order a radiographer to cease operation if the following is found during an inspection: 4 1. Off-scale pocket dosimeter 2. Leaking source 3. Unsafe camera (lock of camera not working properly) 4. All of the above
70. The most biological damage for a given dose of radiation occurs when the exposure is to: 4 1. Feet and ankles 2. Skin 3. Reproductive organs 4. Whole body
71. The principal hazard in industrial radiography results from: 1 1. External radiation 2. Cosmic and Natural background radiation 3. Alpha and Beta particles 4. Concentration
72. One making a radiograph shall display Caution Radiation Area signs at what mr/hr level? 3 1. 100 mr/hr 2. 50 mr/hr 3. 2 mr/hr 4. .6 mr/hr
73.The level of radiation from a radioactive source, in a storage device or camera, cannot exceed_______ to be classified as a Type B package: 2 1. 200 mr at the surface of the camera 2. 200 mr at the surface nor more than 50 mr at 6 inches 3. 50 mr at the surface of the camera nor more the 1 mR at one meter 4. 100 mr at the surface or 50 mr at 6 inches File: Study Guide 12 Revised 5/12/08
74.A radioactive yellow II warning label is applied to packages with a surface dose rate: 1 1. Not to exceed 50 mr/hr at the surface or 1 mr/hr at 1 meter (39in) 2. Not to exceed 200 mr/hr at the surface of 10 mr/hr at 1 meter (39in) 3.
Not to exceed 10 mr/hr at 1 meter (39in) 4. Not to exceed 2 mr/hr at 1 meter (39in)
75.Vehicles carrying only White 1 or Yellow II warning labeled packages: 3 1. Must display placards on all four sides of the vehicles 2. Are not required to have shipping papers 3. Do not need to display radioactive placards 4. Must be shipped in a Type C container
76. The type of warning label that must be applied to the surface of a package containing radioactive material is determined by: 3 1. The weight of the material 2. The transport ending
3. The highest dose rate at the surface and at 1 meter from the surface of the package 4. The type or design of the shipping container
77. REM is the unit of radiation dose (the abbreviation means): 1 1. Roentgen Equivalent in Man 2. Roentgen Equal to Millicuries 3. Radiation Equal to Man 4. Radiation Equivalent to Mass
78. One curie can be expressed in another way, such as: 2 1. 3.7 x 10 DPS 2. 1,000,000 micro Ci 3.
79. At a distance of one foot from one curie of a radioisotope, the exposure dose rate would be approximately: 4 1. 5.9 roentgens per hour 2. 14.4 milliroentgens per hour 3. .61 mev per hour 4. dependent upon the radioisotope
80. The electron volt is a: 3 1. large unit of charge 2. small unit of volume 3.
81.Permissible levels of radiation from external sources in unrestricted areas cannot receive a dose in excess of: 2 1. 5 mr/hr in any one hour 2. 2 mr/hr in any one hour nor more than 100 mr per year 3. 100 mr in 7 consecutive weeks 4. Items 2 and 3
82. Before removing a camera with a radioactive source from the storage area, the radiographer must sign the device out on the: 4 1. Transportation papers 2. The area survey report
83. Some of the records required at temporary job sites are: 4 1. Appropriate license 2. Appropriate Operating & Emergency Procedures 3. Applicable Agency Regulations 4. All of the above
84.The sealed source shall be locked in the radiographic exposure device or source changer: 1 1. Each time the sealed source is returned to its shielded position 2. After completing the last radiograph before moving camera to next location
3. Each time the sealed source is returned and the key removed 4. When getting ready to return camera and source to the truck for storage
85. Radiographs must be made of 4 pipe. With only 35 Ci. Of Ir-192 and being unable to use your collimator, your meter reading is 100 mr/hr at a distance of 50. You must limit your number of exposures per hour. What is your radiation exposure rate at 25? 3 1. 200 mr/hr 2. 800mr/hr 3. 400 mr/hr 4. 40 mr/hr
86. A radiographer shall conduct an inspection and maintenance of equipment: 4 1. Once every week
2. At intervals not to exceed one month 3. After arriving at the job site 4. At the beginning of each day of equipment use
87.Vehicles used to transport Yellow II labeled radioactive material for temporary job site use must prominently display 2 1. Radioactive placards 2. Name and city of main business office of Company 3. Caution radioactive material signs 4. None of the above
88. A radiation survey performed to determine that a sealed source is in its shielded position upon job completion is referred to as a: 1 1. Lock-out survey 2. Radiation survey 3. Area survey 4. Transportation survey
89. Radioactive material records of a radiography company are required to show: 2 1. Contamination levels of the shipping containers 2. Receipt, transfer, and disposal of source of radiation 3. The focal point of the radioactive source 4. Semi annual inventory of radioactive sources
90. What is considered to be a fatal dose to radiation if applied to the whole body in a single exposure? 3 1. 150 to 250 Rem 2. 1000 to 5000 Rem 3. 400 to 500 Rem 4. 350 to 450 Rem
91. The most practical use of shielding in radiography can be achieved by the use of: 4
92. A survey of the radiographic exposure device after each exposure consists of: 3 1. Surveying the front of the camera 2. Surveying the circumference of the camera 3. Surveying the circumference of the device and the entire length of the guide tube. 4. Looking at the survey meter to see if it gives any indication of a radiation dose rate
94. Humans have always been exposed to radiation occurring from: 4 1. Natural background 2. Cosmic 3. Man made 4. All of the above
95.The amount of radiation the general public receives from natural back ground radiation and man-made radiation in a year is about: 2 1. 100 mRem 2. 200 mRem 3. 500 mRem 4. 250 mRem
96. If a person recieves a dose of 60 mRems after 15 minutes in a radiation field, what is the dose rate of the radiation field? 3 1. 120 mr/hr 2. 360 mr/hr 3. 240 mr/hr 4. 180 mr/hr
97. How much distance would be needed for 30 curies of Ir-192 to reduce the dose rate to 2 mr/hr without any shielding? 2 1. 300 2. 297. 3. 260 4. 305
98. Immediate notification must be made to the Agency of a dose of radiation to the whole body of any individual in excess of: 2 1. Five REMS or more 2. Twenty-five REMS or more 3. Five hundred MILLIREMS or more 4. Three REMS or more
99. Personal monitoring equipment shall be supplied to appropriate personnel: 4 1. Who enters a radiation area 2. Who enters a high radiation area 3. Who uses or operates any source of radiation 4. All of the above
100.An area survey shall be "performed 1 1. During the first Radiographic exposure or exposures 2. Prior to the first radiographic exposure 3. After the restricted area has been established 4. During each radiographic exposure
101.A SPEC 150 and AEA 880 are referred to as what type device: 2 1. Stationary exposure device 2. Crankout exposure device 3. Panoramic device 4. Directional beam device
102. Your survey meter is designed to detect: 1 1. X and gamma radiation 2. Gamma radiation only 3. Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation only 4. X-ray radiation only
103. Radiographers making an exposure, with the radiation area well posted, happens to see an unauthorized person entering into the restricted area, he should: 3 1. Call to the individual and get their attention to let them know they are in a radiation area and need to receive a film badge. 2.
Holler at the individual so he will notice you are working. 3. Attract the individuals attention that he is entering into a restricted area and should not enter: if person continues to disregard your warning, return the source to its shielded position until the area is cleared of unauthorized personnel. 4. Call to the individual to come stand behind you so you can keep him out of the direction of the gamma rays and warn him that he could become sterile if he does not stay out of the area.
104. In case of a vehicle accident carrying radioactive material, you should: 3 1. Set out barrier rope and flares as soon as possible to prevent hazards from oncoming vehicles. Get out of the area of the accident so you will not receive an overexposure and call your Radiation Safety Officer. 2. Look for your certificate of insurance for the vehicle and call the insurance company. Send someone to call your RSO and if the source is secured, call for a wrecker to move the vehicle. Check survey meter to see if it is still working. 3. Check your survey meter to see if operable, try to establish location and condition, rope off as large an area as possible, send for police and send for or inform the RSO of accident and procedures taken.
4. Refer to the Operating and Emergency procedures manual so you can give it to the civil authorities on what to do.
105. The ball stop attached to the pigtail of a radiography source is to: 1 1. To prevent the source from being pulled out the back of the exposure device and to keep source in a locked position. 2. To keep the cable of the pigtail from becoming bent and the lock block free from obstacles. 3. To act as a guide for the source when it is returned back into the camera. 4. To indicate the source is too far back into the camera lock box
106. Surrounded by the depleted uranium in a radiography camera, the metal tubing which allows movement of the source is referred to as the: 2 1. Brass source tube 2.
107. A sealed radiography source can make other objects radioactive if: 4 1. The source is left exposed to the object longer than 1 hour 2. The source is contaminated 3. The source does not emit neutrons 4. No it cannot
108. When a radiography source is cranked out of its shielded position in the camera, it travels through a: 3 1. Hollow plastic tube 2. Conduit 3. Source tube 4. Safety tube
109..Using a 28 curie Ir-192 source with a 4 HVL collimator and an exposure time of
18 minutes at what distance will you establish the radiation area boundary: 2 1. 30 2. 24 3. 50 4. 16
110. You note that your pocket dosimeter has picked up 2 mr/hr after a 5 minute exposure. What was the radiation dose rate? 2 1. 40 mr/hr 2. 24 mr/hr 3. 12 mr/hr 4. 36 mr/hr
111. The size of a radiography source is important. The use of IR-192 is due to its: 4 1. Large focal point 2. Half Life 3. Electromagnetic energy 4. High specific activity
112..You have just received a 100Ci. source at the job site. You need to calculate for your 2-mr/hr area. The source is Ir-192, and you will be using a tungsten collimator assuming it has 4 HVL. What is the distance to the 2-mr/hr boundary? 3 1. 100 feet 2. 125 feet 3. 134 feet 4. 88 feet
113..Your survey meter reads 100 mr/hr at some point. How much dose would you receive standing at that point for hr, 6 min., and 1 min.? 1 1. 50mr, 10mr,1.67mr 2 114mr, 1.75mr, 10mr 3 25mr, 10mr, 1.75mr 4 50mr, .10mr, 2.5mr
114..The leak test results of a new source, when received by the radiography company, can be found: 3 1. On the bill of lading from the shipper 2. It is not necessary to leak test a new source 3. On the decay chart received with the source
115..When transporting a radioactive source, shipping papers are only needed when: 4 1. The Yellow III label is required 2. For commercial carriers only 3. Crossing state lines 4. When transporting hazardous materials on public roads
116.. When shall the reference survey be performed: 1 1. During the first radiographic exposure or exposures 2. Before the third radiographic exposure is made at the jobsite 3. Before leaving the shop or beginning a new shift offshore 4. Each time the source is making a radiograph
117..What is the most important thing you can do to avoid an over-exposure to radiation? 3 1. Record your dosimeter readings after each work shift 2. Always wear the personnel dosimetry provided 3. Always make proper radiation surveys
4. Set the survey meter close to the camera during each exposure on the X100 scale.
118..With a collimator, a 45 Curie IR-192 source indicates an exposure rate of 8,296 mr/hr at 1. For this same source, the collimator will indicate 2 mr/hr at 60. The exposure rate of a 35 curie CO-60 source will also be 2mr/hr at what distance using the same collimator? 2 1. 48 feet 2. 86 feet 3. 68 feet 4. 78 feet
119..The majority of overexposures to radiographers can be summed up: 4 1. The source was not fully retracted in the camera 2. The source becomes jammed in the source guide tube 3. Forgetting to retract the source 4. Failure to make proper radiation survey
121..An individual under the age of 18 (a minor) cannot receive a dose of ionizing radiation in excess of 2 1. 50 % of 5000mR 2. 10% of 5000mR 3. 25% of 5000mR 4. 75 % of 5000mR
A.high dose in a short time B.same total dose given in many years?
5. Who conducts surveys and maintains records and inventory of radioactive materials? A RSO Radiation Control Committee Authorized users 6. Failure to comply with regulations result in loss of your privilege to work with radioactive materials? A True False
9. You want to procure radioactive material. Who will authorize its purchase? B authorized user
11. I-125 has about 60 days half-life, how many days should I store I-125 waste packet before I can consider its disposal? B 60 days 600 days 300 days
14. Radiation survey instrument must be calibrated annually. A True False 15. The survey instrument must be appropriate for the: A a. type of radiation b. energy of radiation c. both a and b.
18. A written notice of radiation exposure received must be given to a worker? A True
21. Dose rate in air from a point gamma source at 1 foot is 8 mR/h, at what distance from the source should you work to reduce the dose rate to 2 mR/h? A 2 ft 4 ft 8 ft.
25. TLD badges are used to measure: B internal exposures external exposures
26. Your privilege to work with radioactive materials may be withdrawn if you dont return your dosimetry badge in time. A True False
28. Exposure to finger from a beta source can be much higher than from a gamma source of the same activity. A
True False
31. For a beta emitter ratio of average energy to maximum energy is about: B half one-third one
32. Gloves not only prevent contamination of hands but also reduce beta doses to fingers. A True False
34. Lead is a good shielding material for which radiation? B beta gamma
35. What is a preferred shielding material for beta particles? B lead plastic