FAARFILD Airport Pavement Design

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FAA Pavement Design: AC 150/5320-6E FAARFIELD

Presented to ACPA Southeast Chapter Workshop October 21, 2008 Gary L. Mitchell, P.E. Director of Airports American Concrete Pavement Association

FAA Pavement Design AC 150/5320-6E, Airport p Pavement Design g and Evaluation

Completely p y revised in 2008 New design methodologies for Rigid and Flexible pavements Software dependent design procedures Addresses modern airplane p p parameters

Chapter 2 Soil Investigations and E l ti Evaluation

Chapter 2 Soil Investigations and Evaluation

Very y few significant g changes g Still uses Unified Soil Classification (USC) system
Reference to ASTM 2487








10 CL - ML 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110



Chapter 2 Soil Investigations and Evaluation

Same minimum subsurface boring g recommendations Same soil testing recommendations

AREA RWY/TWY Other areas Borrow areas Minimum spacing p g 200 ft interval 1p per 10,000 , sq q ft As necessary Minimum depth p 10 ft 10 ft As necessary

Chapter 2 Soil Investigations and Evaluation

Continues to split p soil compaction p requirements q based upon 60,000 lb gross weight airplane
< 60,000 , ASTM D 698 Standard Proctor > 60,000 ASTM D 1557 Modified Proctor

Chapter 2 Soil Investigations and Evaluation

Soil Strength g Parameter for RIGID p pavement Resilient Modulus E (psi) or Modulus of Subgrade Reaction k-value (pci)
Design value conservative selection K-value can be estimated from CBR
1500 CBR k= 26

(k in pci)

Chapter 2 Soil Investigations and Evaluation

Modulus of Subgrade g Reaction k-value (p (pci) ) Removed the statement:

Rigid pavement is not too sensitive to k-value k value and an error in estimating k will not have a large impact on rigid pavement thickness Design comparisons show that FAAFIELD thickness design is more sensitive iti t to k k-value l (converted ( t dt to E) than th th the previous i Westergaard-based procedure.

Chapter 2 Soil Investigations and Evaluation

Soil Strength Parameter for RIGID pavement k-value (pci) ( )

With the 3D finite element design procedure th sensitivity the iti it of fk k-value l t to rigid i id design d i iis increased. Errors in selection of k-value can generate noticeable changes in the required pavement thickness. p
K = 200 PCC = 16.14

24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 0

PCC thickn ness (in)

K = 150 PCC = 17.38

50 100 150 200 k-value 250 300 350 400

Example not indicative of all situations

Chapter 2 Soil Investigations and Evaluation

Seasonal Frost
Same Frost Groups (FG-1, FG-2, FG-3 & FG-4) Determination of Depth of Frost Penetration
Based on local Engineering experience i.e. local construction practice, building codes, etc. No nomographs or programs provided

Chapter 3 Pavement Design

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design

Completely New Chapter Covers standard pavement design procedures for both flexible and rigid pavement Applies to pavement designed for airplanes with gross weights exceeding 30,000 lbs Design D i procedure d requires i th the use of f computer t program, ii.e. FAARFIELD

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design FAARFIELD 1.0 Screen Shots

Main Window Structure Window Options Window

Aircraft Data Windows

Notes Window

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design

Rigid Pavement Design based on 3-Dimensional Finite Element model d l Westergaard design procedure no longer used. Flexible Pavement Design based on Layered Elastic design procedure US Corp of Engineers CBR Method no longer used

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design

Traffic Models
New procedures require that ALL anticipated traffic be included in the traffic model. Concept of design aircraft is no longer used Cumulative Damage Factor (CDF) replaces need for design aircraft procedure.

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design p g

g Factor Traffic Model - Cumulative Damage

Sums Damage From Each Aircraft
Based upon p its unique q p pavement loading g characteristics and Location of the main gear from centerline

DOES NOT use the design aircraft method of condensing all aircraft into one design model

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design p g

g Factor Traffic Model - Cumulative Damage

Sums Damage From Each Aircraft - Not From Design Aircraft
CDF = number of applied load repetitions number of allowable repetitions to failure

When CDF = 1, Design Life is Exhausted

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design p g

Traffic Model - Cumulative Damage Factor

CDF is Calculated for each 10 inch wide strip over a total 820 inch width.
Each strip treated as a 30X30 panel for analysis

Gear location and wander considered for each aircraft Use Miners rule to sum damage for each strip

Must Input Traffic Mix, NOT Design Aircraft

Chapter p 3 - Pavement Design g

Traffic Model - Cumulative Damage Factor

B747-200B B777-200 ER DC8-63/73 CUMULATIVE

Critical location

0 -500











Chapter p 3 - Pavement Design g

Traffic Model - Cumulative Damage Factor

Sample p Aircraft Traffic Mix CDF Contribution

Aircraft Name Sngl Whl Whl-30 30 Dual Whl-30 Dual Whl-45 RegionalJet-200 RegionalJet-700 Dual Whl-100 DC-9-51 MD-83 MD 83 B-737-400 B-727 B-757 A300-B2 B-767-200 A330 B 747 400 B-747-400 B-777-200 Annual CDF CDF Max Gross Weight Departures Contribution For Aircraft 30,000 1,200 0.00 0.00 30,000 1,200 0.00 0.00 45,000 1,200 0.00 0.00 47,450 1,200 0.00 0.00 72,500 1,200 0.00 0.00 100,000 1,200 0.00 0.00 122,000 1,200 0.02 0.02 161 000 161,000 1 200 1,200 0 44 0.44 0 44 0.44 150,500 1,200 0.09 0.09 172,000 1,200 0.17 0.17 250,000 1,200 0.02 0.04 304,000 1,200 0.03 0.14 335,000 1,200 0.01 0.13 469,000 100 0.01 0.14 873 000 873,000 100 0 21 0.21 0 30 0.30 537,000 500 0.00 0.14

Condition specific and not a general representation of noted aircraft

Sample Aircraft Traffic Mix CDF Contribution

Condition specific and not a general representation of noted aircraft

Sample Aircraft Traffic Mix CDF Contribution

Condition specific and not a general representation of noted aircraft

Large Aircraft Traffic Mix Gear Locations

B-777-200 B-747-400 A 330 A-330 B-767-200 A-300-B2 B-757 B-727 B-737-400 MD-83 MD-90-30 DC-9-50 DW 100,000 Regional Jet 700 Regional Jet 200 DW 45,000 DW 30,000 SW 30,000

Runwa ay Centerli ine .


















Distance From Centerline (in)

Chapter p 3 - Pavement Design g


Must use the entire traffic mixture No more Design Aircraft

Comparisons between new and previous design procedures using design aircraft for the traffic model will result in significant errors

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design

Traffic Model Airplane p Characteristics

FAARFIELD program currently provides 198 different aircraft models Each model is unique with respect to gross load, load distribution, wheel spacing, and tire pressure Gear types identified in accordance with FAA Order 5300.7
Eliminates widebody terminology

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design Traffic Model Gear Naming Convention

Main Gear Designation Body/Belly Gear Designation

#X# / #X#
# of gear types in tandem
(A value of 1 is omitted for simplicity ) simplicity.)

Total # of body/belly gears

(Because body/belly gear may not be symmetrical, symmetrical the gear must identify the total number of gears present and a value of 1 is not omitted if only one gear exists.)

Gear type, e.g. S, D, T, or Q

# of main gears in line on one side id of f the th aircraft i ft

(Assumes gear is present on both sides. The value indicates number of gears on one side. A value of 1 is omitted for simplicity.)

Gear type, type e e.g. g S S, D D, T T, or Q # of gear types in tandem

(A value of 1 is omitted for simplicity.) p y)

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design Traffic Model Gear Naming Convention





Chapter 3 - Pavement Design Traffic Model Gear Naming Convention





2 Singles in Tandem


2 Duals in Tandem


2 Triples in Tandem 2 Quadruples in Tandem



3 Singles in Tandem


3 Duals in Tandem


3 Triples in Tandem 3 Quadruples in Tandem



Chapter 3 - Pavement Design -Examples p

Single Wheel

Dual Wheel

2D Dual Tandem



2D/D1 DC-10

2D/2D1 3 0 600 A340-600

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design -Examples

2D/2D2 B747

2D/3D2 A380

C5 Lockheed C5

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design

Traffic Model Pass to Coverage g ( (P/C) ) Ratio

Lateral movement is known as airplane wander and is model by statistically normal distribution.
Standard Deviation = 30.435 inches (773 mm)

(P/C) -The ratio of the number of trips (or passes) along the pavement for a specific point on the pavement to receive one full-load application. -6E utilizes new procedure for determining P/C

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design

Traffic Model Pass to Coverage g ( (P/C) ) Ratio

Rigid Pavement
One Coverage = One full stress application to the bottom of the PCC layer

Flexible Pavement
One Coverage = One repetition of maximum strain at the top of the subgrade layer

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design

Traffic Model Pass to Coverage g ( (P/C) ) Ratio

-6E (FAARFIELD) uses the concept of Effective Tire Width Rigid Pavement Effective width is defined at the surface of the pavement (equal to tire contact patch)
(same as previous P/C procedures)

Flexible Pavement Effective width is defined at the surface of the subgrade layer

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design Traffic Model Pass to Coverage (P/C) Ratio

Flexible pavement P/C ratio varies with depth of pavement
Pavement Surface

Top of Subgrade

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design Frost Design

FROST DESIGN - 3 options p

Complete Frost Protection
Remove frost susceptible materials to below frost depth

Limited Frost Protection

Remove frost-susceptible material to 65% frost depth Limits frost heave to tolerable level

Reduced Subgrade Strength

Reduce subgrade support value Design adequate load carrying capacity for weakened condition

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design Typical Sections

Airport p p pavements are g generally y constructed in uniform, full width sections

Variable sections are permitted on runway pavements Designer should consider: Practical feasibility complex construction operations Economical feasibility cost of complex construction

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design Typical Sections

Variable sections permitted on runway pavements

Full pavement thickness Outer edge thickness (based on 1% of normal traffic) Pavement thickness tapers to outer edge thickness T Transitions ii Design using arrival traffic only

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design Typical Sections

Variable sections permitted on runway pavements
1. 2. Minimum 12 12 up to 36 36 For runways wider than 150, this dimension will increase. Width of tapers and transitions on rigid pavements must be an even multiple of slabs, minimum one slab width.

3 3.

1 2

1 2 3

Full pavement thickness Outer O t edge d thickness thi k (1% traffic) Pavement thickness tapers to outer edge thickness


AC 150/5320-6E, 150/5320 6E Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation CHAPTER 3, 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Typical Rigid Pavement

Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Subbase Course ** Subgrade

** Stabilization required when airplanes exceeding 100,000 lbs are in the traffic mixture.

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

FAA Specifications For:
Surface P-501 SUBBASE P-154 P-208 P-209 P 209 P-211 P-301 P-304* P-306* P-401* P 403* P-403* Rubblized PCC SUBGRADE P-152 P-155* P-157* P 157

* Chemically Ch i ll St Stabilized bili d M Materials t i l

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design 3-Dimensional Finite Element Design g

NEW procedure g design g uses 3-D finite element method ( (3D-FEM) ) Rigid for direct calculation of stress at the edge of a concrete slab. Predictor of pavement life
Maximum Stress at pavement edge Assumed failure position bottom at slab edge

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

CRITICAL LOAD CONDITION ASSUMPTIONS Maximum stress at pavement edge 25% Load L d Transfer T f to t adjacent dj t slab l b LOAD

Maximum Stress Bottom of Slab

Subgrade Support

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

CRITICAL LOAD CONDITION ASSUMPTIONS Maximum stress at pavement edge 25% Load L d Transfer T f to t adjacent dj t slab l b LOAD

Maximum Stress Bottom of Slab

Subgrade Support

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design g

TOP DOWN CRACKING DUE TO EDGE OR CORNER LOADING NOT INCLUDED IN DESIGN Maximum stress due to corner or edge loading condition
multi-wheel wheel gear configurations Risk increases with large multi These conditions may need to be addressed in future procedures
Maximum Stress Top of f Slab Sl b


Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design Observed Cracking at NAPTF

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design Observed Cracking Airbus Airbus PEP test Pavement Test by AIRBUS Corner cracking and longitudinal panel cracking

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Possible Critical Load Locations- Considering Slab Curling

Critical for BottomBottom Up Crack

Critical for TopTop Down Crack

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Pavement Structural Design Life
Default D f lt d design i life lif is i for f 20 years Structural design life indicates pavement performance in terms of allowable load repetitions before SCI = 80. Structural life is determined based upon annual departures multiplied by 20 (yrs). This value may or may not correlate with calendar years depending upon actual pavement use. Pavement performance in terms of surface condition and other distresses which might affect the use of the pavement by airplanes is not directly reflected in the structural design life life.

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Failure Model as Implemented in FAARFIELD Rigid pavement failure model in FAARFIELD SCI d bc b ) + Fsbc b 1 (ad Fsbd DF 100 log C + = SCI Fc SCI ( ( d b ) + Fsb 1 d b ) + Fsb 1 100 100 where: a = 0.5878, b = 0.2523, c = 0.7409, d = 0.2465, C = coverages SCI = Structural Condition Index Fs = is a compensation factor that accounts for a high-stiffness (stabilized) base. Fc= calibration factor = 1.13 1 13
Note: Equation is linear in log (C) for any value of Fs This is a departure from LEDFAA rigid failure model.

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Rigid pavement failure model in FAARFIELD Initial cracking occurs at the same time for aggregate gg g and stabilized subbase Stabilized section performs better (longer life) after initial cracking

Structural Conditio S on Index (SCI)






0 0

Log Coverages (n)

Rigid Failure Model as Implemented in FAARFIELD

SCI 1 (ad bc ) + Fsbc Fsbd DF 100 = log C + Fc SCI SCI ( ( d b ) + Fs b 1 d b ) + Fsb 1 100 100

Fc is the calibration, or scaling, factor. It is not derived from analysis of full-scale data, but rather from comparison of the uncalibrated lib t d failure fF ilc model d l with ith corresponding di designs d i based b d on the design chart method in AC 150/5320-6D. In FAARFIELD 1.1, , has a value of 1.13.

FAARFIELD versus Westergaard

Traffic Mix #4 - MEMPHIS RWY 18R
27 00 27.00
R805FAA / COMFAA 2.0


LEDFAA 1.3 FAARFIELD 1.003 (Fc=1.13)

PCC Design T P Thickness, in n.


21 00 21.00



15 00 15.00
P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306

E = 7.5 ksi E = 15 ksi E = 25 ksi E = 7.5 ksi E = 15 ksi E = 25 ksi E = 7.5 ksi E = 15 ksi E = 25 ksi E = 7.5 ksi E = 15 ksi E = 25 ksi MEM RWY 18R-36L - All traffic MEM RWY 18R-36L - no B777 MEM RWY 18R-36L - All traffic MEM RWY 18R-36L - no B777

R = 500 psi

R = 650 psi

FAARFIELD versus Westergaard

Mix 3 - IAD RWY 1L (B727 design aircraft)
R805FAA / COMFAA 2.0

LEDFAA 1.3 FAARFIELD 1.003 (Fc=1.13) (Fc 1.13)


PCC Design Thickness, in.





P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 P301 P304 P306 E = 7.5 ksi E = 15 ksi Dulles RWY 1L - All traffic R = 500 psi i E = 25 ksi E = 7.5 ksi E = 15 ksi E = 25 ksi E = 7.5 ksi E = 15 ksi Dulles RWY 1L - All traffic R = 650 psi i E = 25 ksi E = 7.5 ksi E = 15 ksi Dulles RWY 1L - No B777 E = 25 ksi

Dulles RWY 1L - No B777, A340

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design

Westergaard procedure

FAARFIELD procedure

18.26 PCC 8 S Stabilized Base


17.38 PCC (17.61 with P401 base) 8 P 8 P-306 306 Base

k = 160

Chapter 3 - Pavement Design

Westergaard procedure
Effective k=323 k 323

FAARFIELD procedure

18.25 PCC
8 Stabilized Base SUBGRADE k = 160

16.52 PCC
SUBGRADE k = 323

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design


Subgrade support conditions
k-value or Modulus

Material properties of each layer

Modulus for all layers (flexural strength for PCC) Thickness for all layers except surface PCC Poissons Ratio fixed in FAARFIELD

Frequency of load application Airplane characteristics
Wheel load load, wheel locations locations, & tire pressure

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design Subgrade Characteristics

Subgrade assumed to have infinite thickness FAARFIELD accepts Resilient Modulus ESG or k-value (only necessary to enter one value)
Converts k-value to modulus

E SG = 26 k 1.284
ESG = Resilient modulus of subgrade, in psi k = Foundation modulus of the subgrade, in pci
AASHTO T 222, Nonrepetitive Static Plate Load Test of Soils and Flexible Pavement Components, for Use in Evaluation and Design of Airport and Highway P Pavements t

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design Subgrade Characteristics

k-value can be estimated from CBR value

1500 CBR k= 26


k = Foundation modulus of the subgrade, in pci

Allowable range of k-value in FAARFIELD 17.2 to 361.1

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Subbase Layer Characteristics

Minimum material requirements
P-154, P-208, P-209, P-211, P-301, P-304, P-306, P 401 P P-401, P-403, 403 & rubblized bbli d PCC

Up to three subbase layers allowed in FAARFIELD

(minim m of one req (minimum required) ired)

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Subbase Layer Characteristics

Stabilization required with airplanes exceed 100,000 lbs Aggregate materials - modulus dependent on thickness
Modulus calculated by FAARFIELD based on thickness

4 inch minimum thickness requirement

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Portland Cement Concrete Layer Characteristics

Minimum material requirements

Flexural Strength as design variable

FAA recommends 600 700 psi for design purposes FAARFIELD will allow 500 800 psi ASTM C 78 Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading) Modulus fixed at 4,000,000 psi

6 Inch minimum thickness requirement Thickness rounded to the nearest 0.5 inch

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Design Flexural Strength versus P-501 Specification

Design D i St Strength th can b be 5% greater t th than P P-501 501 28-day 28 d strength e.g. P-501 P 501 = 650 psii th then d design i at t 680 psii Factors to Consider:
Capability of the industry in a particular area to produce desired strength Flexural strength vs. cement content data from prior projects at the airport Need to avoid high cement contents, which can affect concrete durability Whether early opening requirements necessitate using a lower strength than 28-day ASR Concerns

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Traffic Input for Rigid Pavement Design

Airplane characteristics
198 Airplane models currently available in FAARFIELD Wh l load Wheel l d determined d t i d automatically t ti ll b based d on gross weight Wheel locations Internal to FAARFIELD aircraft library Tire pressure Internal to FAARFIELD aircraft library

Frequency q y of load application pp

Entered as annual departures
Arrival traffic ignored User determines percent of total airport volume

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

FAArfield Gear Alignment on slab edge
FAARFIELD either places the gear perpendicular or parallel to the edge of a slab. FAARFIELD makes this determination.

3-D Finite Element Model

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Key Advantages of 3 3-D D Model

Correctly models rigid pavement features - slab edges and joints. Provides the complete stress and displacement fields for the analyzed domain. Handles complex load configurations easily. No inherent limitation on number of structural layers or material types. Not limited to linear elastic analysis. analysis

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Disadvantages of 3D-FEM

May require long computation times. Pre-processing and post-processing requirements. Solution are mesh-dependent.

In theory, the solution can always be improved by refining the 3D mesh. Improvement comes at the expense of time. time

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

3D Finite Element is:

A method of structural analysis. Applicable pp to a wide range g of p physical y structures, , boundary and loading conditions.

3D Finite Element is not:

A design method or procedure. An exact mathematical solution. solution Always preferable to other analysis models.

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Structures and Models
In finite element analysis, it is important to distinguish:

The physical structure

The idealized model

The di Th discretized i d( (approximate) i ) model

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design Improvement in Solution Time

Approximate time for B-777 stress solution:

July y 2000: 4 - 5 hours July 2001: 30 minutes (single slab with infinite element foundation) May 2002: 2 - 3 minutes (implement new incompatible modes elements) Current version implemented in FAARFIELD: 10 seconds or less

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Rigid Pavement Joint Types and Details

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Rigid Pavement Joint Types and Details 5 joint j i t types t provided id d in i 5320-6E 5320 6E
Isolation Joints
Type A Thickened T Thi k d Edge Ed Type A-1 Reinforced Isolation Joint

Contraction Joints
Type B Hinged Type C Doweled Type D Dummy

Construction Joints
T Type E Doweled D l d

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Rigid Pavement Joint Types and Details Isolation Joints

Type A Thickened Edge

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement D i Design

Rigid Pavement Joint Types and Details Isolation Joints

Type A-1 Reinforced

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Rigid Pavement Joint Types and Details Contraction Joints

Type B Hinged

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Rigid Pavement Joint Types and Details Contraction Joints

Type C Doweled

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Rigid Pavement Joint Types and Details Contraction Joints

Type D Dummy

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Rigid Pavement Joint Types and Details Construction Joints

Type E Doweled

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Rigid Pavement Joint Types and Details Beveled Joint Detail

Intended to reduce chipping and spalling attributed to snow plows

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Rigid Pavement Joint Types and Details Dowel Bar Spacing at Slab Corner

Chapter 5 Pavements For Light Aircraft

Rigid Pavement Joint Steel For Rigid Pavement Dowels
Thi k Thickness of f Slab Sl b 6-7 in (152-178 mm) 7.5-12 in (191-305 mm) 12 5 16 in 12.5-16 i (318-406 (318 406 mm) ) 16.5-20 in (419-58 mm) 20.5-24 in (521-610 mm)

Di Diameter t in1 (20 mm) 1 in1 (25 mm) 1i in1 (30 mm) ) 1 in1 (40 mm) 2 in1 (50 mm)

L Length th 18 in (460 mm) 19 in (480 mm) 20 i in (510 mm) ) 20 in (510 mm) 24 in (610 mm)

S Spacing i 12 in (305 mm) 12 in (305 mm) 15 i in (380 mm) ) 18 in (460 m) 18 in (460 mm)

noted may be solid bar or high high-strength strength pipe pipe. High High-strength strength pipe dowels must be plugged on each end with a tight-fitting plastic cap or mortar mix.

Chapter 5 Pavements For Light Aircraft

Rigid Pavement Joint Steel For Heavy Duty Pavement All Tie Bars 5/8 inch Deformed Bars 30 inch long (76 mm) 30 inch center (76 mm)

(16 mm)

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Rigid Pavement Joint Spacing

Part I, , without Stabilized Subbase Slab Thickness Inches 6 6.5-9 >9

Part II, with Stabilized Subbase Slab Thickness Inches 810 8 10 10.5-13 13.5-16 >16 Millimeters 203-254 203 254 267-330 343-406 >406 Joint Spacing1 Feet 12.5 15 17.52 20 Meters 3.8 4.6 5.32 61 6.1 Meters 3.8 4.6 6.1

Joint Spacing1 Feet 12.5 15 20

Millimeters 152 165-229 >229

Notes: 1. Transverse and longitudinal joint spacing. 2. For typical runway and taxiway geometries, the corresponding longitudinal joint spacing is 18.75 ft. (5.7 m). 3. Joint spacings p g shown in this table are maximum values that may y be acceptable p under ideal conditions. 4. Smaller joint spacings should be used if indicated by past experience 5. Pavements subject to extreme seasonal temperature differentials or extreme temperature differentials during placement may require shorter joint spacings.

Chapter 3 Section 3 Rigid Pavement Design

Rigid Pavement Joint Layout


Chapter 4 Airport Pavement Overlays.


PCC over existing flexible pavement (whitetopping) PCC bonded to existing PCC PCC unbonded to existing PCC D l t d partially Deleted ti ll bonded b d d PCC

Fle ible Flexible

Hot Mix Asphalt over existing flexible pavement Hot Mix Asphalt over existing rigid pavement

Chapter 4 Airport Pavement Overlays.

Overlay design requires the FAARFIELD program Input variables include:

Existing pavement structure
Including material properties and traffic requirements

Existing pavement condition

Rigid use Structural Condition Index (SCI) Flexible requires engineering judgment

Chapter 4 Airport Pavement Overlays.

Structural Condition Index (SCI)

Derived from the Pavement Condition Index as determined by ASTM D 5340 Airport Pavement Condition Index Surveys SCI is computed using only structural components from the PCI survey (6 off 15 di distress t t types) )
SCI will always be greater than or equal to the PCI

Chapter 4 Airport Pavement Overlays.

Structural Condition Index (SCI)

SCI = 80 FAA definition of structural failure
50% of slabs with structural crack

Pavement with an SCI = 80 and no durability issues can appear to be in surprisingly good condition condition. Pavement with SCI > 80 but with durability issues can look severely failed. failed

Chapter 4 Airport Pavement Overlays.

Structural Condition Index (SCI)


Distress Corner Break Longitudinal/Transverse/Diagonal Cracking Sh tt d Sl Shattered Slab b Shrinkage Cracks (cracking partial width of slab)* p g SpallingJoint SpallingCorner

Severity Level Low, Medium, High Low, Medium, High L Low, Medium, M di High Hi h Low Low, , Medium, , High g Low, Medium, High

Chapter 4 Airport Pavement Overlays.

Cumulative Damage Factor Used (CDFU)

SCI = 100 when there is no visible distress contributing to reduction in SCI ( no structural distress types) Condition of existing pavement described by CDFU

Chapter 4 Airport Pavement Overlays.

Cumulative Damage Factor Used (CDFU)

100 % CDFU CDFU < 100

SCI = 100


Structur ral Condition Inde ex Structur ral Condition n (SCI) Index (SCI)




No load related distresses (cracks)




0 0

LOG SCALEL o gCOVERAGES C o ve ra g e s (n )

Chapter 4 Airport Pavement Overlays.

Cumulative Damage Factor Used (CDFU)
CDFU defines amount of structural life used
For structures with aggregate base

LU = LD =

number of years of operation of the existing pavement until overlay design life of the existing pavement in years

FAARFIELD modifies this relationship for stabilized subbase to reflect improved performance

Chapter 4 Airport Pavement Overlays.

Overlay on Rubblized Concrete Pavement

Design process is similar to New PCC Rubblized PCC layer is available in FAARFIELD
Recommended modulus values 200,000 to 400,000 psi Thinner PCC layers warrant lower modulus values
Slab Thickness (inches) 6 to 8 8 14 > 14 Moduli (ksi) 100 135 135 - 235 235 - 400

Chapter 5 Pavements for Light Aircraft

Chapter 5 Pavements For Light Aircraft

Pavement design for airplanes weighing less than 30,000 lbs

Flexible pavement design procedure requires FAARFIELD Rigid pavement design procedure fixed thickness Aggregate -Turf pavement

Gross Weig G ght

1000000 1200000 1400000 200000 400000 600000 800000

50 airplanes < 30,000 lbs 67 airplanes < 60,000 lbs

198 total airplanes in FAARFIELD

79 airplanes < 100,000 lbs

Chapter 5 Pavements For Light Aircraft

Aircraft in FAARFIELD Internal Library

SWL-1.57 Chk.Six-P PA-32 Malibu-PA-46-350P Chancellor-414 Sngl W Whl-10 SuperKingAir-B200 BeechJet-400 Sngl W Whl-20 Citation-V VI/VII Hawker-800 Canadair-CL L-215 Sngl W Whl-45 SW WL-50 Dual W Whl-60 F-15C F Gulfstream-G-IV Dual Tan n-100 Adv. B737-20 00 LP B737 7-500 Dual Tan n-150 B737 7-700 MD90-3 30 ER B737 B BBJ2 A321-20 00 std TU154B B757 7-300 A300-B B2 SB DC8-6 63/73 A300-60 00 std B767-30 00 ER IL86 A330-30 00 opt A340-200 std Belly DC10-30/40 Belly A340-30 00 std B777-20 00 ER B777-20 00LR A340-50 00 std A340-500 opt Belly B747-40 00ER An n-225

Chapter 5 Pavements For Light Aircraft

Rigid Pavement -- airplanes weighing less than 30,000 lbs

Portland Cement Concrete surface s rface co course rse requirements

P-501 State Standards permitted for < 30,000 lbs

Minimum thickness = 5 inches < 12,500 lb 6 inches 12,501 to 30,000 lbs Maximum Slab Size 12.5 x 15.0 (ft) (3.8 x 4.6 m)

Chapter 5 Pavements For Light Aircraft

Rigid Pavement Joint Steel For Light Duty Pavement All dowels 3/4 inch diameter (19 mm) 18 inch Long (460 mm) 12 inch on center (300 mm) All Tie Bars No. 4 Deformed Bars 20 inch long (510 mm) 36 inch center (0.9 m)


Chapter 7 Pavement Design For Airfield Shoulders

Shoulders are primarily intended to provide
P t ti from Protection f erosion i and d generation ti of fd debris bi f from jjet t bl blast t Support for airplanes running off the primary pavement Enhanced drainage

Chapter 7 Pavement Design For Airfield Shoulders

Shoulder must provide sufficient support for unintentional or emergency operation of any airplane in the traffic mix. Must also provide support for emergency and maintenance vehicle operations

Chapter 7 Pavement Design For Airfield Shoulders

Minimum section provided by Chapter 7 will not perform in the same fashion as full strength pavement

Expect considerable movement and possible rutting with single operations Shoulder pavement should be inspected after every operation. ti

Chapter 7 Pavement Design For Airfield Shoulders

Shoulder Design Procedure

Uses FAARFIELD to determine most demanding airplane Evaluate proposed shoulder section for each airplane based on 10 operations Does not use composite traffic mixture

Chapter 7 Pavement Design For Airfield Shoulders

Shoulder Design Procedure Material Requirements

P-401/403 or similar local material specifications Minimum compaction target density 93% max theo. density Minimum thickness = 3 inches

Portland Cement Concrete

P-501 or similar local material specifications Minimum flexural strength = 600 psi Minimum thickness = 6 inches

Chapter 7 Pavement Design For Airfield Shoulders

Shoulder Design Procedure Material Requirements Base Material

FAA specifications or similar local material specifications Expect CBR > 80 Minimum thickness = 6 inches
May y be reduced to 4 inch minimum if asphalt p surface increased by y 1 inch

Subbase Material

FAA specifications p or similar local material specifications p Expect CBR > 20 Minimum thickness = 4 inches (p (practical construction limit) )

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