Awards Grant Application 07001932
Awards Grant Application 07001932
Awards Grant Application 07001932
The activity grant scheme helps to finance activities undertaken by groups of students. These activities should be beneficial but not essential to course work carried out under the normal curriculum. While the council will consider worthwhile projects by individuals, it is the general policy of the Students Association to provide activity grants for groups of students at Pe rth College. The activity grant scheme is for use by students and should not be used as a subsidy for faculties, college staff, lecturers, or any other person who is not a member of Perth College Students Association. Please complete all sections of the form. Incomplete forms will delay your application. Funds may be limited so please provide as much information as possible so the SRC can make a fair decision. The completed form should be handed into the Students Association and your request for funds will be discu ssed at the next SRC. The student rep. (or another student from the class, if the student rep is unavailable) should attend the meeting and be prepared to explain the application.
Course/Clas Music Business s: Student Richard Smernicki Contact No: 01738 877486 Adviser: Contact richard.smernicki.perth@uhi Email: Class Alex Cullens Contact No: 07598253593 Rep: Contact [email protected] Email: Reason For As part of my degree course I am running a music awards Request: ceremony for the music students. This event will celebrate the work of music students at Perth College, it will be run and staffed by music business // music // sound engineering students who are currently studying at the college. How will this Any money granted will be put towards running this event benefit students trophies, dcor, catering etc. taking part? Date of Activity: 02/05/2013 Amount of students 50+ attending? Total Cost of 200 - 300 What is the contribution 200 Activity: requested from the activity grant? How much are This is a free How much money do students event students aim to contributing? fundraise? Date activity ASAP Where should money be Helene Fuchs grant required: allocated to?
(Cost code, company etc)
Creative Industries
What fundraising activities are planned? Signed: Name: Helene Fuchs-Fraser Helene Fuchs-Fraser Date: Position: 28/01/2013 Student