Lerab Lingpa: Benefit of Mani Mantra

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The great terton Lerab Lingpa mentioned in his terma text that reciting the 6 syllable mantra is the

supreme virtuous deed of the ten directions and can pro pel one to awaken one to Buddhahood Reciting this mantra wholeheartedly can help fulfil one's wishes, eliminate the causes of sickness, drought, starvation, war, harms from the 4 ele ments and increase one's lifespan, merits and abundance All the Buddhas and Dharma Pro tectors will protect one who recite the 6 syllable mantra The mantra purifies th e mind of beginingless lifetimes of karmic deeds. affictions, suffering and habitual tendencies and hel ps one to attain peace and freedom from cyclic existence, the lower realms and t he Bardo state and lead one to rebirth in the Pureland

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