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Name of Policy: Policy Number: Department: Approving Officer: Responsible Agent: Scope:

Pharmacy Information System

3364-133-29 Pharmacy Associate Vice President Associate Executive Director Director of Pharmacy University of Toledo Medical Center
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Effective Date: January 1, 2011

Initial Effective Date: May 25, 1993
Minor/technical revision of existing policy Reaffirmation of existing policy


_ _ _ New policy proposal Major revision of existing policy

(A) Policy Statement

The Pharmacy Department utilizes the McKesson Horizon MedsManager system for daily dispensing, billing, and record keeping. All information entered, stored and retrieved shall be in accordance with the following procedures.

Purpose of Policy

To provide standard procedures on the management, storage, protection and use of the Pharmacy information management system.


The information management system (software) in use is the McKesson Horizon MedsManager software system. Software maintenance is provided by McKesson twenty four hours daily. Should a software problem occur McKesson can be reached by calling 1-866-356-7598. Our customer number is 1015287. The McKesson software is running on servers (hardware) located in the computer room. Should a problem occur that is related to the hardware, Information Systems should be contacted at 4259.

1. Interfaces
Admission, discharge and transfer information is entered into the pharmacy system via an interface with the hospital information system. Should a problem occur within this interface the UTMC Information Systems help desk should be contacted at ext. 4259. Billing information is sent to the hospital information system daily through an interface. This is an automated process and occurs each night at 2310hrs. Pharmacy orders and automated dispensing cabinets (ADC) charges are uploaded through a real time interface. Should a problem occur, the Director of Pharmacy should be notified. This interface is maintained by the McKesson company and can be contacted by calling the above number.

2. Information
Electronic and printed patient medication profiles and related information is considered confidential. All efforts are made to ensure that through the use and electronic storage of these records, only authorized persons have access to this information. The following persons may access records as is necessary for the execution of their duties within the hospital: Pharmacy Staff, Medical Records Personnel, Medical Staff, Professional Nursing Personnel, Billing Personnel, Law Enforcement or other regulatory agencies, and other persons as deemed appropriate by the Pharmacy Director.

Policy 3364-133-29 Computer System Page 2

3. Users
All users are assigned a password which is unique and provides access to different levels of the software. The initial password is assigned by the Director of Pharmacy and is considered an electronic signature for work done in the software system. Upon logging into the system for the ftrst time the user will be prompted to create a new password. Each password is a minimum of three alpha or numeric characters, or a combination of both. All activities are documented with the user id of the individual user signed on at the terminal when they occurred.

4. Protection of Data
The software system is backed continually by an automated process. Long term storage occurs in the history database.

5. Down Time Procedure

Should the software or hardware system be off line for an extended period of time it is the decision of the Director of Pharmacy or responsible pharmacist to implement the manual pharmacy procedures. (Guidelines for computer down time)

6. Storage of Records in a History Database

Patient proftles are stored in a history database. Information is stored as patient profiles. Inpatient data is obtainable by signing into this history database at any time.
ReviewlRevision Date: 5/94 7/96 3/99 7/02 7/04 3/08 111111 Norma Tomlinson, RN, MSN, NE-BC, FACHE Associate Vice President/Associate Executive Director
Review/Revision Completed By: Pharmacy


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