Norwegian Great Explorers Video Game

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Social Studies Auli School (6-7) 2012-2013

Mini-Videogame Project Great Explorers

Project Guiding Question How did a great explorer impact the historical, geographical and social development of a particular country/countries? Due: December, 2012 Skills Focus: Computer Programming, Planning, Storytelling, Critical Thinking, Cooperation and Problem Solving Social Studies Competences Create narratives to show how people think and act based on the community they are living in. Use historical maps and present trips of discovery made by Europeans, describe cultural encounters and how the difference cultures perceived these encounters. Elaborate on central characteristics of the following epochs: the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Enlightenment in Europe and discuss reasons for this division into periods. Plan and present trips to Europe and other regions of the world using digital tools. Choose a theme, formulate questions and illuminate these by using different sources. Talk about what we mean by identity and culture, recognize cultural symbols and prepare a visual presentation of them. Project Description For this project your team will: Build a video game world that helps to teach/reinforce grade 6/7 social studies content covered up to this point in the school year. Teach/reinforce your interpretation of one great explorer and the impact this explorer had on both the discovered and undiscovered land. Use Microsofts Kodu software. Assigned Task o You will design a world where your chosen great explorer will interact to develop a story line that covers at least five significant details. o Your video games should include different cases where cause and effect is illustrated. Here characters may have mental, emotional or physical responses

Social Studies Auli School (6-7) 2012-2013

o Remember your chosen explore has a story much like the books you read and the movies you watch. Having said that, remember to include the following elements of a story within your world: Setting, exposition, beginning, middle, end, problem, solution, climax, conflicts, different types of characters, complications, flashbacks, foreshadowing, etc.

Lets Get Started

***Part 1 Planning*** In this assignment you are to use Kodu to develop a small game module. Obviously, with real games taking years and millions of dollars I am not expecting a large project, but the Kodu examples should have shown you what is possible with a little bit of time and thought.

You are to produce the following for this assignment:

Plans o Game Proposal Paragraph What is the basic idea behind your game, setting, style, what is interesting about your idea? Dont go into too much detail here thats for the other sections. This part is to simply explain the idea not the details. o World and Character Design (1 to 2 pages) Where does your game take place? What are the characters (both player and computer controlled) that inhabit your game world? What are the characters missions? Game Script Document (storyboard, write it, mind map, story arch, timeline) o Outlines the rules and core mechanics. Just what does a player do? What are the challenges in the game? What are the actions? How do they relate? World Map o This maps demonstrates an overall picture of how the world is going to look.

Social Studies Auli School (6-7) 2012-2013

Grading Outline

Insufficient- the document is readable, but has some problems in presentation. It contains material on some, but not all of the areas listed under points 1 to 4 above. Basic the document is well presented, with few errors. It contains relevant and informative material on most, but not all of the areas listed. Proficient the document is well presented, with few errors. It contains relevant and informative material on all of the areas listed under points 1 to 3 above. As well as simply conveying the information, it has at least some elements that are convincing of worth of funding the idea that it is, at least in some way, exciting and original. Excellent in addition to meeting the requirements for a distinction, the whole document provides an exciting introduction to the game and what the designer is trying to achieve it leaves the reader thinking wow I want to fund/play this. Note the difference between Distinction and High Distinction for the former at least parts of the document have to convey some excitement to the reader for the latter the whole document should.

***Part 2 Game Creation*** Create your game!!! Show us what you can do. Please see attached game rubric. ***Part 3 Game Play*** During this time your classmates will play your game and you will play their games!!! For each game that you play, your group will be expected to give other groups 2 stars and a wish.

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