In this article an effort made to know about visual merchandising and its influence on the customer behavior. Due to increasing competition and the similarity of merchandise, retailers utilize visual merchandising to differentiate their offerings from others as well as to improve the desirability of products. The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between buying behaviors and visual merchandising. The study shows that there is a pivotal relationship between buying behaviors and type of visual merchandising practices. This study provides information as to why visual merchandising should be considered an important component of a strategic marketing plan in support of sales increase and positive store image. This study also provides insights to retailers about types of visual merchandising that can influence consumers buying behaviors. This is an area where the Indian textile and clothing industry, particularly, the small scale entrepreneurs lack adequate knowledge and expertise. This is best reflected in poor presentation/display and communication in various national and international exhibitions. Therefore this paper has been conceived to fill this gap.
Merchandising is planning development and presentation of product lines for identified target markets with regard to prices assortments, styling and timing. Though the role of merchandising came into existence a little later in this upcoming market, it has captured the market and changed the whole scenario of the sales and marketing. In the recent years, merchandising that to visual merchandising which is one among the three types of merchandising is regarded as the back bone for the retailers and the marketing people. Earlier in 18th century, retail owners and managers cared little for the appearance of their stores and the presentation of merchandise, later a new process of shopping came in, where it was no longer a verbal engagement between retailers and customers, but a "sensory experience .Where as in late 19 th century the complete scenario of the merchandising changed. Now the retailers started to give much importance to visual merchandising and the concept of themed displays came into exist. Visual Merchandising presentation refers to most basic ways of presenting merchandise in an orderly, understandable, easy to shop and find the product format. Visual presentation has an advantage over broadcast and print advertisements. Over 60% of all women get their clothing ideas from store displays.
Visual merchandising is the art of implementing effective design ideas to increase store traffic and sales volume. Visual merchandising is an art and science of displaying merchandise to enable maximum sale. It is not only a tool to enhance merchandise influence on customer decision to buy, but also plays an important role in educating the customers, creating a desire to buy and finally improves the selling process. Visual merchandising is the placement of merchandise in an aesthetically pleasing fashion, presenting them in a way that would convert the window shoppers into prospects and ultimately buyers of the product. This includes disciplines in pricing and discounting, physical presentation of products and displays, and the decisions about which products should be presented to which customers at what time. The retailers visual message should be conveyed to the customer in a short period of time. The arrangement of window display should go with the product and should not suppress them to make it discernable to the eye.
Improving service Educating the customer Increasing productivity levels Reinforcing store image
Visual merchandising, Creates an emotional relation between the customer and the display. Encourage the shoppers to enter the store. Helps the customer to stop and shop. Establish, promote, and enhance the stores visual image. Entertain customers and enhance their shopping experience. Introduce and explain new products effectively.
This table relates to the American womens wear consumer and her attitudes and behavior regarding clothing, appearance, fashion, fiber selection and many other timely relevant subjects.
Ranking #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
Store Displays Friends and Peers Catalogs Commercials & Ads Family Members Fashion Magazines Salespeople Celebrities
Percent Mentioning 62% 51% 30% 26% 24% 23% 14% 10%
In the right place At the right time At the right price In the right quantity With the right information
Visual merchandising not only focus on the displaying of the product but also includes interior displays, cosmetic promotions, customer flow in your premise, signage, lighting, sales and promotional events, branding, smell, touch, and sound as well as technologies such as digital displays, interactive installations and much more Such as changing competitive positions of various firms, varying consumer behavior as well as their expectations.
1. Display categories: Its the arrangement of the merchandise and the outlet concentrating on the arrangement of the displays in regular intervals will initiate new interest about the products in the minds of the customer.
It is regarded as the eyes to the interior of the store, there are various types of windows which can improve the appearance of the product.
Types of Windows
Straight front Angled front Corner Shadow Box Windowless 1.2 Exterior display:
It is the external appearance of the store Used to strengthen store image, with the aid of Signs, Decorative elements, Lights, etc. 1.3 Interior display:
An interior display is the arrangement of merchandise inside the store. They are strategically placed to catch a customers eye and to generate traffic flow within the store. Interior displays often provide information, such as how to wear new styles or coordinate accessories. It plays an important role in finding the attention of the customers i.e. by creating Fixtures, Flouring, Lights, Mirror, Interior signs, Banners, counter top, posters and Floor plans. 1.4 Remote display: Physical presentation of merchandise in another locations such as hotel lobbies, public transportation terminals. So as the display should drag the attention of the customers while traveling or talking on phone. 2. Display Components: 2.1 Merchandise:
Primary purpose for creating the display is to make the merchandise to come in contact with the customer vision, merchandise will determine other elements of the display. 2.2 Props:
These are the Functional structures which gives the Physical support to the customer, using of props is one of the effective methods of visual merchandising. of how an article of clothing will look when they put it on. 2.3 Lighting: Ex: Mannequins, furniture. Mannequins personalize items for consumers. It gives them a much better environment
It helps in drawing attention towards the merchandise and directs the customer through the store and it creates a mood in the store. Display light should be 2-5 time stronger. Care should be taken to avoid bright light directly on mannequin face, shoes and to hide the electrical wiring, where as if lighting is found to be expensive then timers can be used.
2.4 Signage:
It is the best tool to convey information about merchandise and to emphasize a theme here details with regard to designers name manufacturer, price and the offers related to discount, seasonal sale etc can be displayed. Display Maintenance: To maintain a good image, a display must be kept clean and orderly.
Dirty, messy displays can ruin a stores image. Some guidelines for good display maintenance are to check display at least once a day, clean regularly, replaces damaged goods, replace moved items, and replace lights as necessary.
Display Evaluation: The purpose of displays is to promote store image and sell products.
Visual merchandisers usually evaluate each display to determine whether it is meeting these goals.
o o o o o o
Does the display fit our store image? Does it grab customers attention? Is focus on merchandise? Are signs clear and easy to read? Is there enough light? Is the display neat and clean?
3. Design Elements:
3.1Color: Color is one of the most powerful tools in the Visual Merchandising segment. Colors can be associated with emotions, it can immediately create a mood, color attracts attention and pulls more customers into the store. A retailer has to focus on the right choice of color that would match with the theme of display, a right choice of colors in the display items can turn walkers into stoppers and significantly convert them into customers. Warm Colors: Red, yellow, orange are suited for aggressive spirited customers. Cool Colors: Blue, green, purple. Neutrals: White, black, brown these can be both warm and cool. 3.2 Texture:
It refers to the surface quality of materials, such as smooth surfaces appear lighter where as textured surfaces appear darker and this should be contrasted with the tints or shades of the merchandise. 3.3 Lines: Vertical (Strength, height, pride, dignity). Horizontal (Easy going and restful). Curved (Grace, charm, feminine). Diagonal (Action, force, strong). 3.4 Proportion: Its the relationship between sizes, scale, and weight. Attracts attention of the customers
4. Themed display:
A good theme will lure the customer with a shopping mood into the store. Themes mainly depend upon the retailers imagination and creativity. Focusing on the right theme rather than creating a display with expensive raw materials is the key to successful window display. Ex: A theme for display of casual wears can be a group of mannequins sitting casually at a get together in different poses. 5. Music and Aroma: A relaxing music and a pleasing aroma is the combination which makes the customer more comfortable inside the outlet and allowing him to relax and shop, which in turn provocates the consumer to spend more time inside the shop and buy more and more.
Pleasant atmosphere. Frequent special price offer. Friendly sales people. Broad assortment. No stress factors. Sufficient parking areas.
Supports sales The silent sales person Customer satisfaction. Customer freedom. Selection of the required merchandise becomes easy for the customer. Reduced shopping time. Visual presentation has an advantage over broadcast and print advertisements. Enhance costume knowledge, fashion details and trend information. Announcing new arrivals in merchandise collection becomes easier.
Initial investment is high. Requires more floor area. Maintaince is costly.
Competence of sales persons. To handle flood of available single items in context of limited space. Customer oriented product placement and presentation.
Visual Merchandising isnt only about sales productivity, but about branding, creating separate, distinct personalities. It is important to understand that visual merchandiser is there, not to impose ideas but to help clients articulate their own personal style. Visual merchandising helps all brands to directly explain its unique selling proposition (USP) to the customers. A creative & talented retailer can use this upcoming art to breathe in new life into his store precuts. Passion for design & creativity are essential to be a good visual merchandiser. It is a quick & cost effective way to revamp retail stores. This phenomenon of transformation of visual presentations and displays of merchandise accompanied by relevant thematic props, is still very new in India, there is a need for the proper education so that both the retailer and consumer are benefited.
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