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Vaf1b Form

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This form is for use outside the UK only. This form is provided free of charge.

READ THIS FIRST This form must be completed in English. You may use blue or black ink. Please follow the guidance notes carefully and complete all questions as indicated. If you run out of space, please use Part 9 Additional Information. The UK Border Agency may take a decision on your application based on the information contained here without interviewing you. Therefore please ensure you submit all relevant original documents (please see supporting documents guidance). It is better to explain why you do not have a document than to submit a false document. Your application will be automatically refused and you may be banned from coming to the UK for 10 years if you use a false document, lie or withhold relevant information. You may also be banned if you have breached immigration laws in the UK.
You should only complete this form if your main reason for visiting the UK is to see one of the family members listed below and they are permanently settled in the UK. Spouse, civil partner, father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister; Grandfather, grandmother, grandson or granddaughter; Spouses or civil partners father, mother, brother or sister; Son or daughters spouse or civil partner; Stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister; or Unmarried partner with whom you have lived as a couple for at least two of the last three years.

If you are visiting any relatives not listed above OR if they are not permanently settled in the UK you must not complete this form.

How long do you want your visa to be valid for? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box
6 months 1 year 2 years 5 years 10 years

What is the main purpose of your visit to the UK? >>>>

How long do you intend to stay in the UK?

On which date do you wish to travel to the UK? >>>>>>>>>>>

Travel Dates

On which date will you leave the UK?



Part 1

About You Read Guidance, Part 1

1.2 Family name (as shown in your passport)

1.1 Given name(s) (as shown in your passport) >>>>>>>>>>>>

1.3 Other names (including any other names you are known >>> by and/or any other names that you have been known by)

1.4 Sex Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Male Female

1.5 Marital status? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box

Single Divorced/Dissolved Partnership

Married/ Civil Partner Separated 1.7 Place of Birth

Unmarried Partner

Widowed/Surviving Civil Partner

1.6 Date of Birth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


1.9 Nationality

1.8 Country of Birth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

1.10 Do you hold, or have you ever held, any other nationality or nationalities? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Yes No
If Yes please provide details >>>>>>>>>>>>> 01 FAMILY VISITOR (VAF1B DECEMBER 2012)

Part 2

Passport Information Read Guidance, Part 2

Enter details of the passport or travel document that you will use to travel to the UK. 2.1 Current passport or travel document number >>>>>>>>> 2.2 Place of Issue

2.3 Issuing Authority >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2.4 Date of Issue

2.5 Date of Expiry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



2.6 Is this your first passport? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Yes
If Yes go to Part 3


2.7 Please give details of any previous passports, covering the last 10 years, including where these passports are now.

Part 3

Your Contact Details Read Guidance, Part 3

3.2 How long have you lived at this address?

3.1 Your full residential address and postal code >>>>>>>>>>>

3.3 Home (landline) telephone number

3.4 Your mobile telephone number

3.5 Email address >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

3.6 Contact details if different from those given in question 3.1

Part 4

Your Family Read Guidance, Part 4

4.2 Fathers family name

4.1 Fathers given name(s) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

4.3 Fathers date of birth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

4.4 Fathers place and country of birth


4.6 Mothers given name(s)

4.5 Fathers nationality/nationalities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

4.7 Mothers family name >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

4.8 Mothers date of birth

4.9 Mothers nationality/nationalities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


4.10 Mothers place and country of birth

4.11 Full name of spouse/partner (If single go to 4.16) >>>>>>>

4.12 Spouse/partners nationality/nationalities

4.13 Spouse/partners date of birth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>




4.14 Does your spouse/partner currently live with you at the >>> address given in Question 3.1? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Yes No
If No, please provide full details of where your spouse currently lives.

4.15 Will your spouse/partner be travelling with you? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Yes No

4.16 Do you have any children? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Yes No
If No, please go to question 4.20

4.17 Please provide full details for each of your >>>>>>>>>> dependant children Name Date of Birth

4.18 Do all your children currently live with you at the address given in Question 3.1? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Yes No
If No, please provide full details of where your children currently live.

4.19 Please list any of your children who will be travelling >>>> with you to the UK?

4.20 Will any other children be travelling with you? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Yes
If Yes go to 4.21


If No go to Part 5.

4.21 If yes please provide full details about the child/children Full Name, Date of Birth, Passport Number, Address, Place of Birth, Nationality, Your Relationship to Child, Your Relationship to their Parents

Please note: If a child is travelling without their parents, he/she should present written notification from the childs parent or legal guardian that they consent to the childs visit.

Part 5

Finances and Employment Read Guidance, Part 5

TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL APPLICANTS - Dependent children should enter parents details. 5.1 What are your current personal circumstances? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Employed full time, please go to 5.2 Employed part-time, please go to 5.2 Self-employed, please go to 5.2 Unemployed, please go to 5.9 Student, please give details of the course and institution you attend in the box provided; then go to 5.2 Employment 5.2 What is your present work or job or occupation? >>>>>> If you are a student and you also work, please give details of your work. If you are a student and you do not also work, please go to 5.9. 5.3 What is the name of the company or organisation you >> work for? 5.4 When did you start this job? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Retired, please go to 5.9 Supported by spouse / partner / other family member, please give full details in the box, including their relationship to you; then go to 5.9 Other, please give details, then go to 5.2



5.5 What is your work address? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

5.6 What are your employers telephone numbers?

5.7 What is your employers email address?

5.8 Please give details of any additional job(s) or occupation(s) you have

5.9 Have you ever worked for any organisation of a type (state or non-state) listed below? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Armed forces (including national service) Government (central or local) Judiciary Yes Yes Yes No No No Media Public or civil administration Yes Yes No No

Security (including police and private Yes No security companies) If you have ticked yes to any of the above, please provide details for every organisation that you have worked for that is of a type in the list. Include name of organisation, job title or rank and dates (year to year). Please enter details in Part 9, Additional information. Income and Expenditure

5.10 What is your total monthly income from all sources >>> of employment or occupation after tax? 5.11 Do you receive income from any other sources, including friends or family? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Yes No
If Yes please provide full details >>>>>>>>>>>>

5.12 Do you have savings, property or other income (for example from stocks and shares)? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Yes No
If Yes please provide full details >>>>>>>>>>>>

5.13 How much of your total monthly income is given to >>> your family members and other dependants? 5.14 How much do you spend each month on living costs? > 5.15 What money is available to you for your trip? >>>>>>>> 5.16 Who will pay for your travel to the UK? >>>>>>>>>>>>> 5.17 Who will pay for your expenses such as >>>>>>>>>>>> accommodation and food? 5.18 If someone other than yourself is paying for all or >>>> any part of this visit, how much money will they give you? Please also explain why they are paying for all or part of your visit 5.19 What is the cost to you personally of your stay in >>>>>> the UK?

Part 6

Previous Applications And Travel History Read Guidance, Part 6

Yes No
If Yes please provide details of any trips to the UK

6.1 Have you travelled to the UK in the last 10 years? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Date Destination Purpose




6.2 Have you travelled outside your country of residence, excluding to the UK, in the last 10 years? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Date Destination Purpose



If Yes please provide details of these trips


6.3 Have you ever been refused a visa for any country, including the UK? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Date Country Reason



If Yes please provide full details

Reference number (for UK)

6.4 Have you been granted any UK visas in the last 10 years? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Date Purpose



If Yes please provide details


Reference number

6.5 Have you been refused entry on arrival to the UK in the last 10 years? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Date Reason



If Yes please provide details

Reference number

6.6 Have you ever been deported, removed or otherwise required to leave any country, including the UK in the last 10 years? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Date Country Reason



If Yes please provide details

Reference number (for UK)

6.7 Have you made an application to the Home Office to remain in the UK in the last 10 years? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Date Reason for Application



If Yes please provide details


If refused give reason Reference number

6.8 Do you have a UK National Insurance number? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box National Insurance number



If Yes please provide details

Reason for getting a National Insurance number

6.9 Do you have any criminal convictions either in the UK or overseas (you must include spent and unspent convictions as well as traffic offences)? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Date Country Offence



If Yes please provide details


6.10 Have you ever been charged in any country with a criminal offence for which you have not yet been tried in court (including traffic offences)? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Date Country Offence



If Yes please provide details



6.11 In times of either peace or war have you ever been >>> involved in, or suspected of involvement in, war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 6.12 Have you ever been involved in, supported, or >>>>>>> encouraged terrorist activities in any country? Have you, ever been a member of, or given support to an organisation that has been concerned in terrorism? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 6.13 Have you ever, by any means or medium, expressed >> views that justify or glorify terrorist violence or that may encourage others to terrorist acts or other serious criminal acts? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 6.14 Have you engaged in any other activities that might >>> indicate that you may not be considered a person of good character? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box



If Yes please provide details in Part 9, Additional Information



If Yes please provide details in Part 9, Additional Information



If Yes please provide details in Part 9, Additional Information



If Yes please provide details in Part 9, Additional Information

Part 7

Travellers under the age of 18 Read Guidance, Part 7

ONLY TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANTS UNDER 18 (or parent/guardian on behalf of applicant) 7.1 Please provide full details about your parent(s)/guardian(s) in your home country Name Address Telephone Number Email Address Relationship

7.2 Will you be travelling to the UK alone? >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Put a cross (x) in the relevant box



If No please complete 7.3. If Yes please go to 7.4

7.3 If accompanied, please provide full details of up to two adults who will accompany you, including their passport numbers and your exact relationship to them 1) 2)

7.4 Is the address you will be staying at a private address? > Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 7.5 Please provide full details about the person you >>>>>> will be staying with Name Address Nationality Relationship



If No go to Part 8

7.6 If the person named in 7.5 is not a British Citizen or European Economic Area Citizen, please give details about what permission they have to be in the UK

7.7 How long will you stay with this person?

PLEASE NOTE: If a child is travelling without their parents, he/she should present written notification from the childs parent or legal guardian that they consent to the childs visit.



Part 8

Your Visit Read Guidance notes, at the end of this form

You can only apply as a Family Visitor if you are visiting a family member listed below and they are permanently settled in the UK. Spouse, civil partner, father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister; Grandfather, grandmother, grandson or granddaughter; Spouses or civil partners father, mother, brother or sister; Son or daughters spouse or civil partner; Stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister; or Unmarried partner with whom you have lived as a couple for at least two of the last three years.

8.1 If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying, what permission do you have to stay in that country?

8.2 Are you travelling with anyone? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Yes Full name No If Yes please provide details of the people you are travelling with. If No, go to question 8.4 Date of birth Nationality

8.3 Do they already have a visa for the UK? >>>>>>>>>>>>> Put a cross (x) in the relevant box



They dont need one

8.4 Please name the qualifying family member you will visit, explain exactly how you are related and detail their permission to be in the UK. Full Name Relationship To You: Permission to be in the UK 1 2 3 4 If you will visit more than 4 qualifying family members in the UK please provide their full name, describe your exact relationship and indicate their permission to be in the UK in Part 9 Additional Information. You should submit documentary evidence of your family member/s immigration status in the UK with your application. Further guidance can be found on the UKBA website. 8.5 Please provide your family members full address (including postal code), contact telephone numbers (including country and area codes) and personal email address. 1 Name Address

Telephone Number

Email Address Postcode: 2 Name Address

Telephone Number

Email Address Postcode:



3 Name


Telephone Number

Email Address Postcode: 4 Name Address

Telephone Number

Email Address Postcode: 8.6 Will any other family members be staying at any of the addresses above at the same time as you? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box >> Yes No
If Yes please give details

8.7 what does the family member/s you are staying with do in the UK? Please give details of employment, study etc.

8.8 In the last two years has your family member/s that you > are staying with sponsored anyone elses visit to the UK Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Name Relationship Address



If Yes please give details

Telephone Number

8.9 When and where did you last see this family member? >>> 8.10 Do you intend to visit any other relatives, that you have > not listed above in the UK? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Yes No

8.11 Please provide the following details of all other relatives in the UK: 1 Full Name Nationality Relationship To You

Permission to be in the UK

2 Full Name


Relationship To You

Permission to be in the UK

3 Full Name


Relationship To You

Permission to be in the UK

4 Full Name


Relationship To You

Permission to be in the UK

If you will visit more than 4 other relative/s in the UK please provide their full name, describe your exact relationship and indicate their permission to be in the UK in Part 9 Additional Information.

8.12 Please provide your other relative/s full address (including postal code), contact telephone numbers (including country and area codes) and personal email address. 1 Name Address

Telephone Number

Email Address Postcode: 2 Name Address

Telephone Number

Email Address Postcode: 3 Name Address

Telephone Number

Email Address Postcode: 4 Name Address

Telephone Number

Email Address Postcode:



Part 9

Additional Information Read Guidance, Part 9

9.1 Is there any other information you wish to be considered as part of your application?

If you run out of space please use additional sheets of paper to provide us with all the relevant information required as part of your application.

9.2 Have you ever received medical treatment in the UK? >> Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 9.3 Did you have to pay for the treatment? >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 9.4 Where did you receive the treatment? Address: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Yes Yes

No No

If Yes go to question 9.3

Name of hospital/clinic/Doctors surgery:

Telephone number:



Part 10


I hereby apply for a visa/entry clearance to the United Kingdom. The information I have given is complete and true to the best of my knowledge. I also declare that the photograph submitted with this form is a true likeness of me. I confirm that if, before this application is decided, there is a material change in my circumstances or new information relevant to this application becomes available, I will inform the United Kingdom Diplomatic Mission handling my application. I am aware that it is an offence under the Immigration Act 1971 (as amended) to make a statement which I know to be false, or not believe to be true, in order to obtain a visa/entry clearance to the UK. I am also aware that my application will be automatically refused and I may be banned from going to the UK for 10 years if I use a false document, lie or withhold relevant information. I may also be banned if I have breached immigration laws in the UK. I am further aware that should I use a false document, lie or withhold relevant information my details may be passed to law enforcement agencies. I declare that the documents that I have supplied with this application are genuine and the statements I have made with this application are truthful. I understand that UK Border Agency (or a trusted third party) may make reasonable checks to confirm the accuracy and authenticity of evidence I have provided and documents I have submitted with this application. I further understand that UK Border Agency (or a trusted third party) may also make reasonable checks on any sponsors to my application to verify statements contained in the application and establish that I will comply or have complied with the terms of any visa granted. I understand that I may be required to provide a record of my fingerprints and a photograph of my face (biometric data) as part of my application. If I refuse to do so, my application may be treated as invalid and, if so, will not be considered further. (See Statutory Instrument 2006 No 1743 - The Immigration (Provision of Physical Data) Regulations 2006, Regulation 7(1)). I understand that UK entry clearance applications may be handled by British Missions in other locations, including outside the country in which I have applied for entry clearance and that this may involve the transferring of my application and supporting documents to and from another Mission. I understand that the UK Border Agency will be responsible for transferring my application and supporting documents safely. I understand in these circumstances my application will still be handled in line with UK Border Agency published customer service standards. I understand that the fee payable is for an application processing and entry clearance decision-making service, not for the guaranteed delivery of a visa, therefore I will not be entitled to a refund should my application for entry to the UK or Commonwealth and Overseas Territories be refused or granted for a shorter time period than I applied for. I also understand that my visa application fee will be refunded only if the application is withdrawn in writing within 3 months and 7 days of the original date of application and prior to the submission of biometric data or any processing taking place. I am aware that I may be billed for any medical treatment undertaken in the UK and that I do not have recourse to public funds during my stay in the UK. I understand that all information provided by me will be processed by the UK Border Agency in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. I am aware that the UK Border Agency is the data controller in relation to the information provided by me in this application form. I am aware that the information I provide, including biometric data, will be treated in confidence, but it may be disclosed to other government departments, agencies, local authorities, foreign governments, and other bodies, to enable the UK Border Agency or those bodies to perform their functions. Any disclosures will be in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. I also understand that the information provided by me may also be used for staff training purposes. I also understand that the information provided by me, or information made available to UK Border Agency during the processing of my application, may be shared with my sponsor(s) or any person(s) acting on their behalf or any applicant linked to my application (for example to my spouse / partner if we apply for visas for a trip together) for the sole purpose of considering my application. I am aware that if there is any information I do not want you to disclose to them I will tell you by enclosing a letter with my supporting documentation. If such requests prevent you from making legitimate inquiries, my application may be refused. I understand that my details may in certain circumstances be passed to fraud prevention agencies to prevent and detect fraud and money laundering. I also understand that such agencies may provide the UK Border Agency with information about me. Further details explaining when information may be passed to or from fraud prevention agencies and how that information may be used can be obtained from the UK Border Agency website. I declare that the information given on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also consent to the processing of information provided by me by the UK Border Agency.

Applicants signature


Have you used an agent or representative to complete this application? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box Yes No
If Yes please give details of >>>>>>>>>>>>> agent/representatives name and address


What language did you communicate in with the >>>>>>>>>> agent/representative to complete the form?



Part 11

Supporting Documents

Please ensure you submit all the relevant original documents that you want the Entry Clearance Officer to see when considering your application. The UK Immigration Rules make it clear that it is your responsibility to satisfy the Entry Clearance Officer that you are genuinely seeking entry to the UK for the purpose and duration that you have stated. Submission of particular documents does not guarantee that your visa will be issued. It is your decision how you satisfy the Entry Clearance Officer that your intentions are as you state in your application. It is your choice which documents you submit. Further guidance on supporting documents can be found on the UKBA web pages.
Your photograph must be: Colour Passport style and size (45mm high x 35mm wide) A recent and true likeness, showing full face, with no hat, helmet or sunglasses, although you can wear everyday glasses Original - that is not digitally or optically altered (for example it must not be photoshopped or touched-up) Taken against an off-white, cream or light grey background so that your features are clearly distinguishable against the background Printed on low-gloss, plain-white photo-quality paper (with no watermarks or embossing) Photographs that do not conform to these standards will be rejected and may cause a delay in processing your application.

Advisory: To know your Customs obligations when travelling to the UK, please consult Notice 1, found at www.hmrc.gov.uk.

Guidance for Part 8: Your Trip

8.1 If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying, what permission do you have to stay in that country? Please provide evidence of your immigration status if you are not a national in the country where you are applying, e.g. a residence permit, visa, green card 8.2 Are you travelling with anyone? Answer Yes/No. If Yes please provide the full name, date of birth and nationality of the people you are travelling with. If you are travelling in a large group please just give the details of the group leader. 8.3 Do they already have a visa for the UK? Answer Yes/No/They dont need one. 8.4 Please name the qualifying family member/s you will visit, explain exactly how you are related to them and detail their permission to be in the UK Please provide details as requested. Explain your relationship to your family member (e.g. Grandfather = mothers or fathers father) and clearly indicate what permission they have to be in the UK. 8.5 Please provide your family members full address (including postal code), contact telephone numbers (including country and area codes) and personal email address Please provide details as requested. Please note that your family member may be contacted by email to provide consent for their personal details to be checked. 8.6 Will any other family member/s be staying, at any of the addresses above at the same time as you? Answer Yes/No. Please list the names of all other relatives who will be staying at the above address at the same time as you. 8.7 What does the family member you are staying with do in the UK Please provide details as requested 8.8 In the last two years has your family member/s that you are staying with sponsored anyone elses visit to the UK? Answer Yes/No. Please list the names, dates of birth and nationalities of anyone who has been sponsored by your relative in the last two years. 8.9 When and where did you last see this family member? Please provide full details of when and where you last saw this relative. 8.10 Do you intend to visit any other relatives in the UK? Answer Yes/No. 8.11 Please provide the following details of all other relatives in the UK: Full name; Nationality; Relationship to you; Permission to be in the UK Please provide details of all your relatives in the UK in the space provided including name, nationality, exact relationship to you and their permission to be in the UK. If you require more space please use Part 9 Additional Information. If you have no other family members in the UK please state None. Definition of a family member A member of the applicants family is any of the following persons who is permanently settled in the UK Spouse, civil partner, father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister; Grandfather, grandmother, grandson or granddaughter; Spouse or civil partners father, mother, brother or sister; Son or daughters spouse or civil partner; Stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister; or Unmarried partner with whom they have lived as a couple for at least two of the last three years. In addition children adopted under an adoption order recognised in UK law are treated as if they are the natural children of the adoptive parents. 8.12 Please provide your family members full address (including postal code), contact telephone numbers (including country and area codes) and personal email address. Please provide details as requested. Explain your relationship to your family member e.g. Grandfather = mothers or fathers father and clearly indicate what permission they have to be in the UK.



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