Drug Interaction Can Be Defined As The
Drug Interaction Can Be Defined As The
Drug Interaction Can Be Defined As The
Drug interaction can be defined as the modifications of the effects of one drug by the prior or concomitant of another drug (poly-pharmacy) 6.5% of adverse drug reactions in USA were attributed to drug interactions (0.2% of these patients may have life-treatening interactions) The potential drug interactions has been observed to be 17% in surgical patients, 22% in patients in medical wards, 23% in out patients clinics.
1) Loss of therapeutic effect 2) Toxicity 3) Unexpected increase in pharmacological activity 4) Beneficial effects e.g additive & potentiation (intended) or antagonism (unintended). 5) Chemical or physical interaction e.g I.V incompatibility in fluid or syringes mixture
a) Altered pH; The non-ionized form of a drug is more lipid soluble and more readily absorbed from GIT than the ionized form does.
H2 antagonists
Therefore, these drugs must be separated by at least 2h in the time of administration of both .
b) Altered intestinal bacterial flora ; EX., In 10% 0f patients receive digoxin..40% or more of the administered dose is metabolized by the intestinal flora
c) Complexation or chelation;
Milk (Ca2+ ) Unabsorpable complex
It depends on the affinity of the drug to plasma protein. The most likely bound drugs is capable to displace others. The free drug is increased by displacement by another drug with higher affinity.
Phenytoin is a highly bound to plasma protein (90%), Tolbutamide (96%), and warfarin (99%)
g) Altered metabolism
The effect of one drug on the metabolism of the other is well documented. The liver is the major site of drug metabolism but other organs can also do e.g., WBC,skin,lung, and GIT.
A drug may induce the enzyme that is responsible for the metabolism of another drug or even itself e.g., Carbamazepine (antiepileptic drug ) increases its own metabolism Phenytoin increases hepatic metabolism of theophylline Leading to decrease its level Reduces its action
N.B enzyme induction involves protein synthesis .Therefore, it needs time up to 3 weeks to reach a maximal effect
It is the decrease of the rate of metabolism of a drug by another one.This will lead to the increase of the concentration of the target drug and leading to the increase of its toxicity .
Inhibition of the enzyme may be due to the competition on its binding sites , so the onset of action is short may be within 24h. When an enzyme inducer (e.g.carbamazepine) is administered with an inhibitor (verapamil) The effect of the inhibitor will be predominant
Ex.,Erythromycin inhibit
Increase the serum conc. of the antihistaminic leading to increasing the life threatening cardiotoxicity
of diazepam
First-pass metabolism:
Oral administration increases the chance for liver and GIT metabolism of drugs leading to the loss of a part of the drug dose decreasing its action. This is more clear when such drug is an enzyme inducer or inhibitor. Rifampin lowers serum con. of verapamil level by increase its first pass . Also, Rifampin induces the hepatic metabolism of verapamil
Renal excretion: Active tubular secretion; It occurs in the proximal tubules (a portion of renal tubules). The drug combines with a specific protein to pass through the proximal tubules. When a drug has a competitive reactivity to the protein that is responsible for active transport of another drug .This will reduce such a drug excretion increasing its con. and hence its toxicity. Probenecid ..
* Passive
tubular reabsorption;
Excretion and reabsorption of drugs occur in the tubules By passive diffusion which is regulated by concentration and lipid solubility. Ionized drugs are reabsorbed lower than non-ionized ones
Ex1., Sod.bicarb. Increases lithium clearance and decreases its action
Ex2., Antacids
Pharmacodynamic interactions;
It means alteration of the dug action without change in its serum concentration by pharmacokinetic factors.
Synergism means =1+1=3 Additive means= 1+1=2 Potentiation means= 1+0=2 Antagonism means 1+1=0 or 0.5
* Risk factors:
1) High risk drugs; these are the drugs that show a narrow therapeutic index e.g., corticosteroids, rifampin, oral contraceptives, quindine, lidoquine
2) High risk
patients; these are the groups of patients that should be treated with caution due to a specific heath condition e.g., pregnant women, malignant cases, diabetic patients, patients with liver or kidney disorders asthmatic patients and cardiac disorders.
3) Monitoring some parameters that may help to characterize the the early events of interaction or toxicity e.g., with warffarin administration, it is recommended to monitor the prothrombin time to detect any change in the drug activity.
4) Increase the interest of case report studies to report different possibilities of drug interaction
One beverage is definitely beneficial when taking medications in pill or capsule form. That is water. Every time you take a pill or capsule, be sure to drink at least 8 ounces of water. Water helps to dissolve the medicine and improve its absorption. Diluting and dissolving some medicines with water also may make them less likely to irritate or upset your stomach.
It is also important to know whether you should take your medicines with or without food or milk. Sometimes having something in your stomach can interfere with drugs absorption and/or metabolism. Other times having something in your stomach, even just milk, can protect the stomach from any irritation from the medicine.
Definitely do not mix a medicine directly into a food or beverage unless your doctor or pharmacist recommends it. Substances in the food can sometimes bind with the drug and make it either not work at all or work less well.
Most importantly, do not take any medication with an alcohol beverage (wine, beer or liquor). Drinking alcohol while you are on a drug can make some drugs more likely to damage your stomach lining which could lead to bleeding. Sometimes drinking alcohol can also increase the chances that a drug will damage your liver, raise your blood pressure, make you drowsy or impair your concentration and coordination.
A new concern is the effect of grapefruit and grapefruit juice on drugs. Grapefruit can inactivate an enzyme that controls the amount of a medicine that is absorbed from the intestines. For many drugs this increase may result in very high levels of the medicine in the body that may be toxic. Also grapefruit can cause some drugs to not work as well as expected.This is the case for Viagra, the impotence drug and Allegra, a drug used for controlling allergies. These negative affects can continue for 24 hours after drinking or eating the fruit. .
If you regularly take pain relievers like aspirin, or cortisone for arthritis and other pain definitely to not take them with alcohol. Alcohol will just enhance the chances that the medicine will irritate your stomach and cause bleeding. A special concern is with Tylenol or acetomenophen. There is now a warning on its label telling people not to drink over three drinks a day to prevent liver damage.
Some medicines for high blood pressure cause to lose or retain more potassium. Too much or too little potassium in your body can be very dangerous even fatal. Most diuretics or water pills cause a loss of potassium from the body, but Dyazide and Maxzide cause you to retain potassium. Too much potassium could cause heart faillure. ACE Inhibitors like Capoten and Vasotec also can increase potassium levels in the body.
Some drugs do not work when dairy products are consumed. These include tetracycline, an antibiotic and several anti-fungal medicines like Diflucan and Nizoral. Also iron supplements can cause tetracycline to not work well.
MOA Inhibitors
No beer, red wine or other alcohol No cheddar, American, bleu, brie, Parmesan or mozzarella cheese No beef or chicken liver, cured meats, game meat, caviar or dried fish
MOA Inhibitors
No avocados, bananas, soy sauce, miso soup, sauerkraut No ginseng, broad or fava beans or food or beverages containing caffeine like coffee, chocolate, cola drinks, tea