‘The Citizen, Ayr, Ned York
Sanday February 17.2019 C3
Lake Life
DAVID WILCOX, Lake Life editor
Phone (315) 282-2245,
Email david wleaaee.net
Twitter. eadewicor
From WWII to Weedsport: The journey of ‘Doc Prok’
When you think of “living the
‘American dream?" you wouldn't
necessarily associate the phrase
‘witha rural
physician of
Central New
York. It would
take a world
‘war toalter
the fate of his
family, placing
them among
displaced Dawn.
personson = ROE.
the USNS.
Gen, C.H. Muir that departed
Bremerhaven, Germany and ar-
rived nine days later atthe port
fof New York on May 17,1931
‘The passenger manifest at An~
cestry.com shows Wolodymyr
Prokopiw, his wife, Olga, their
infant son and Wolodymyr's
85 year-old mother all having
the destination of 458 Grand
St., New York. This manifest is
{for the family of “Doc Prok" of,
‘After contacting Ellis Island,
I received a reply from Mike
‘Maring with the American Fam~
‘ly Immigration History Center.
He also reviewed the Ancestry
record and shared that beeause
this was a refugee ship, pas~
sengers would have been pro
cessed at Elis, ut there was no
fevidence that this family was
‘etained due to illness, so they
arrived in good health. Much
‘of what is known about Doe's
background comes from a bio in
‘The Citizen in 1988, as well asa
short biography provided by the
Ukrainian Medical Association
of North America.
Wolodymyr (Walter) Pro-
kopiw was born in 1906 in
‘Austria, the child of Teodor and
Dorotha Troutman Prokopiw.
He received his education at the
Jagiellonian University founded.
1364) at Krawkow, Poland.
Upon completing his studies
he opened a general practice
in the town of Townace, Olga,
his foture wife, was teaching
‘mathematies at a high school in
Pruemysl when they met in 1936.
‘When German forees marched
{nto Poland, the invading offi-
cers consulted Walter regarding
{infectious diseases and instruct~
ced him to open a hospital, a task
that was no small undertaking
‘When the forces retreated, they
took Walter and his son to'a con-
centration camp, where Walter
treated other prisoners
‘While in the various camps,
wwe know very little about Wal-
ters experiences, According to
Walter, "they needed meas 2
doctor, There were so few dac~
tors. Many who did not have
the strength did not survive.”
Despite his status, harsh treat
‘ment was commonplace; he
reported having been beaten
several times, and his ribs were
broken, What he did not diseuss
‘was having his eyes sewn open
something he briefly mentioned
tohis patients after the war.
With the arrival of the American
and English forces, they were
taken toa displaced persons
camp. Itis not known how his,
The USS Gen. C.H. Miz «General G.0,Sque-clss transport ship foe
the US. Navy in Word War I was ulin 1948 by Kalser Shipbuilding
fof Richmond, Cali She brought soldiers to Pear! Harbor, andar trans
fEredto the Military Ses Transportation Servis, bringing thossands |
Fefuges ofthe war America The Prokop famaly merc among he
{Teplace persons of Bremerhaven, Germany who were brought the
ot of New orb the Nsiron Nay 17,193)
wife and mother cametobe ___1960.'The move allowed him to
boarded with him on the Muir be closer toh son, who was at
bound to America in 1951. tending college in New York City.
Upon arriving in America, Dr. rok served as Weedsport's
‘Walter served asaresident and school physician for many years
admitting physician at St, Peter's and built alarge general practice
(wherehe intemed), as wellas at Weedsport, with his wife han-
Cumberland and Williamsburg dling the clerical aspects ofthe
hospitals in Brooklyn. Upon _ office. He was known to consult
fbtaining his state license in_ is reference books in front of his,
1953, he moved to Ohio, where patient, kept his doots open after
heintemed at Williamsburg. hours, and even made house cals
‘After several years, he moved a bygone era in medicine
to Unadilla, NY. With theloss as overjoyed to discover
(of Weedsport's physicians Dr. that our local physician and his
Goodwinand Dr. Kempton, devoted wie left several endow
Walter came to Weedsport in ments for scholarships to help
the next generation of physi-
clans, A review of is estate pa-
pers shows hs insight included
Foquesting that all taxes and fees
be paid by the estate to eliminate
Durden tothe recipient. His es-
tate benefited the Shevchenko
Scientific Society, the Ukrainian
Free University, and the Ukraini-
an Medical Association of North
‘America, which was the only or~
ganization to reply to my inquiry.
UMANA received, after fees,
$44,388 as part ofthe Dr. Walter
and Olga Prokopiw Scholarship
Endowment Fund. Their gener
ous gift gave UMANA the ability
to offer scholarships forthe first
time ints history. The scholar-
ship is awarded to medical as
‘well as dental students. Since
iW'was established in 2006, the
scholarships have been awarded.
tostudents from the slates of,
Wisconsin, California, Iinois
and New York, said Executive
Director Dr. George Hryeclak.
Doe Prok was ous family
physician when I was a child.
While his war experience leaves
us wanting to know more, de~
spite his hardships, this humble
man continued to give back to
‘humanity. Walter died in 2001
ands buried at the Holy Spirit
Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery in
Campbell all, NY.
the Owasco Chapter Daughters of
the American Revolution, She ea
bereached af beatatumedtds.net
or une, portbyronhistory.com