The Complete Guide To Knots and Knot Tying PDF

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The book provides over 200 tying techniques comprehensively illustrated with step-by-step photographs. It covers key knot types including bends, hitches, bindings, loops, mats, plaits, rings and slings.

The book covers knot categories including general purpose knots and knots for outdoor pursuits like angling, fishing, caving and climbing.

The book provides information on cord and rope fibers, and an invaluable table charting the qualities and breaking strengths of each.










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This edition publisbed by Lorenz Books

an imprint of An ness Publishing Limited
Hermes House, 88-89 Blackfrinrs Road, London SE t 8HA

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any way or by any means, decrronic, mechanical. photocopying, recording or
otherwise, withoul the prior written permission of the copyright bolder.
ISBN 0-7548-0422-4

A CIF catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
P ublisher: J oanna Lorenz

Project Ediror: Sarah Duffin

Designer: Michael Morey
Photographer: Rodney Forte
EdiLOrial Reader: Joy \'(fonon
Production ControUer: Don Camp:micHo
Also published as The Ultimate Encydoj>edin of Knots & Ropcwork
Primed anJ bound in China

<0 Anness Publishing Ltd 1999 Upd:ued 2001


Do not use any of the knots, bend s, hitches, etc. in thi s book for a purpose Ihal involves
foreseeable risk of loss, damage or injury without Ihe appropriate training and equipment.
Cavers, climbers, rescue workers, wilderness or ocean-going adventurers who wish to use a
particular knot for those (or any other) acti vities and pursuits are strongly advised to seek the
advi ce of qualified practitioners first. Thi s book is intended only to be a safe and simple
introduction to knot tying.


Basic Knots, Bends & Hitches












Mats, Plaits, Rings, Slings & Things




Ind ex


Further In formation



"It is extraordinary how little the overage iNdividual kNoUJs about the art

of making even the simplest kl1ots."





Knotting is an enjoyab le pastime. Most people ca n learn to tie knots and soon acquire an
im pressive repertoire. Knot t ying is as absorbing as reading a good book, and the end product
is as satisfactory as a completed crossword or jigsaw puzzle - bur with many more practical
applications. Everyo ne ought to know a few kn ots; t hat is why the International Gu ild of

Knot Tyers (lGKT), founded in 1982, is now a recognized educational charity. Nobody should
be over-dependent upon safety pins and superglues, patent zips (zippers) and dips and other
faste nings, when a su itable length of cord and the right co mbination of knots are cheaper,
consume less of the planet's scarce energy resources and often work better.
Th e re are several thousand individual knots and an almost infinite number of va riations of
some of them . In addition, new knots emerge eve ry year from t he fingers of innovative knot
ryers to increase the ex isting numbers. Th en there are the ornamental aspects: macram e;
leather-braiding and whipmaking; Chinese decorative knotting; Japa nese kumihimo and other
elab o rate bra idin g or plaiting techniqu es; traditional British corn dollies; tassels, tatting and
crocheting. Magicians and escapologists practise knot a nd rope trickery. Mathematicians
venture into three dimensions when they exp lore the abscruse topo logica l field of knot theory.
For periodic dabb lers and se rious devotees alike, knotting is a delightfu l pursuit, a li felong
obsess ion, and for a few fortunate individua ls it is a wonderfu l way to make a liv ing. T his
book can not possibly cover everything outli n ed above, but the 200 or so ca refully chosen
knors it conta ins wi ll gentl y challenge chose new to knot tyi ng and, it is hoped, even teach
more experienced hands a thing o r cwo.

General Purpose
Outdoor Pursuits


History, Origins and Uses

Cave dwellers tied knots.
The1960s American knotting
writer, Cyr us Lawrence Day,
believed that knots pre-dated
(perhaps by several millenia) the
time when humankind learned to
usc fire and cultivate the soil,
invented the wheel and harnessed
the wind. Unfortunately, any
tangible evide nce for this has long
ago decomposed, but the first
knotted materials are li kely to
have been vines, si news and rawhide strips from animal carcasses.
There are some credible clLles

from non-perishable artefacts dug

up by archaeologists tbat humans
used knots and cordage more
than 300,000 years ago.
However, there is nothing to
indicate what knots were
employed before the earliest
surviving specimens, less than
10,000 years old - fragments of
nets, fishing li nes, amu lets and
clothes - found in prehistoric
garbage du mps and with
mummified bog bodies. So we
know that Neolithic folk tied the
overhand knor and half hitch, reef


The artful geometry of rope.


Codline and \ValeT-resistant coir contraSt

with da rkly ta rred and weatherproofed,
arom:ltic hemp h:lwsers and spun yarn.


+ LEfT

Prac!ical and decorative marlinespike


the time human history was first

recorded, the artfu l geometry of
rope was already established,
inherited from a prehistoric time
beyo nd the memories of the
oldest and wisest scribes.

Knotted cords were used in

primitive cultures to keep track of
dates, events and genea logies; to
recount fo lk lore and legends; as
mnemonic memory cues in prayer
or confession, and to record
trading transactions and
invento ries. Both the rosary and
the abacus probably evolved from
knotted cords. The Incas of
ancient Peru made ropes of
maguey, de rived from the
trop ical agave plants, that were

Old glass fis hing flo ats are protected by

a nt:!work of mes hes.

(square) knot, clove hitch and a

runn ing noose - and probably
others too . They used them to
snare animals, catch fish, tote
loads, perhaps as su rgical slings and to strangle the occasiona l
enemy or sacrificia l offering. The
Late Stone Age lake-dwellers of
Swi tzerland were exce llent
ropemakers and weavers, who
also used the mesh knot (similar
to a sheet bend) in their nets, and
they would have instantly
recognized the cord reticules that
secu re and protect those glass
floats - now found in many
waterside cafes - whi ch once
supported the gi ll or drift nets of
seagoing f ishing fleets. Indeed, by


strong enough for the primitive

suspension bridges they
constructed over mountain chasms.
They also produced excellent
textiles, and their bureaucracy,
lacking a written language, relied
upon elaborate coloured and
knotted fringes of cord known as
quipus (Quechua: quipu = knot)
to keep decimalized records and
so administer an empire that
extended 4,827 km (3,000 miles)
from north to south.
In Hawaii, as recently as 1822,
illiterate tax gatherers kept a
comprehensive tally of what was
collected from each and every
inhabitant on the island, in cash
or kind, by means of a cord over
800 metres (half a mile) long, to
which were attached knots of
various colours and materials one representing dollars, another
hogs, others indicating dogs,
pieces of sandalwood, and so on.
Ancient Egyptian art tells us
regrettably little about th eir

knots, but we know that they

applied the theorem of the Greek
mathematician Pythagoras
(c. 580-500 Be) to solve practical
surveying and building problems

by making 12 equal knotted

intervals in a rope and then
stretching it into a 3,4,5 triangle.
Even the legendary Gordian
knot of ancient Greece is a

A "pudding"

A boat fender

neady enhanced
with a cast-off
length of
machinery drivebelt in the centre.


bottles or fla sks,
with a rigger's
callvas tool
bucket and a
ki tbag.

sailor's ornate

chest becket

or handle.



\V1lisk brushes, in progress and


mystery. Gordius, farher of

Midas, was a peasant who rose to
be king of Ph rygia and - so the
sto ry goes - ried his by then
redundant fnrm ca rr with leather
harness traces and prese nted it to
the temple of Zeus. $0 intricate
was the knot that nobody could
unti e it, and the oracles
proclaimed thar whoever did so
was destined to become emperor
of all Asia. Alexander the Great
tried his hand at ch is knotted
puzzle but soo n lost patience an d,

accord ing to one account, severed

it with his swo rd. "To cut the
Gord ian knot" came to mean
disposing of any intractable
problem at a stroke.

It is not necessary to like boats to

enjoy knot tying. Ind eed boati ng
these days yie lds few opportunities
to tie knots. It is equally wrong to
assume that knot tying emerged
only from sai ling-ship crews.
It is tru e that it flou rished when

ropework evolved aboard the

massive square-rigged warships
and merchantmen of the 18th and
19th centuries when sai lo rs had
to cope with increasingly com plex
rigging. The sailor 's chest becker
or hand le shows how seamen
then turned in their leisure hou rs
from practical to ornamental
knotwork. Th is era lasted,
howeve r, for barely 'ISO years.
Cowboys tied fancy knots and
braids every bit as elaborate as
those done by sailor men. Ashore,

knots had always been tools for

[hose who engaged in particular
trades and pursuits: archers and
anglers, basketmakers, bellringers,
bookbinders, builders and
butchers, cane rs, cobblers and
cowboys, dockers (longshoremen),
falc one rs, fa rmers, firemen and
fishermen, gunners, jewellers,
millers, ped lars and poac hers,
ri ggers (in circus and theatre) ,
shopkeepers, soldiers, steeplejacks,
stevedores and surgeons,
waggoners and weavers. There



Cargohandling hooks for dockers

(longshoremen) - or prost heses for
disabled pirates.

8El OW

A monkey's flu door-stop.

was a time wil en a handy wh isk

(brush) and maybe a chunky
door-stop, berh made from rope,
could be found in many. homes.

Th e practice of knotti ng is an
ancienr one. Knots were believed
by so me to possess supe rnatural
properties and wizards and
witches were known to have
traded upon that fact. The
legendary Greek epic poet Homer
(traditional ly a blind mi nstrel
living in the 8th ce nmfY Be)
has Aeolus, king of the winds,
give Odysseus a leather bag in
which all of the winds are tied up.
The Greek philosopher Plato
(c. 428-347 Be) detested the
blacker aspects of knot magic and
wrote, in his Laws, that those
who preye d upon the gullible by

means of knot sorcery shou ld be

put to death. As recently as '1718,
the Bordeaux parliament in
France sente nced someone to be
burn t alive for bewitching
an entire fami ly by means of
magic knots.
In his Natural History, the
Rom an scienrist and histo ri an
Pliny the Elde r (AD 23-79)
advised that wounds bou nd with
a Hercules knot (a reef or square
knot) healed mOre quickly.
Indeed, those who learn first aid
today still use this kn ot for slings
and bandages bur are unaware of
the reason why.
Prese rved in the medical
coll ections of the 4th century AD
Greek physician Oreibasius of




Antique hardwood {ids, used 10 help

luck in the working ends of a kllOI.

Pergamum are 18 knots,

originaU y described three
centuries earlier by Heraklas
as surgeons' knots. These are
regrettably not illustrated, bur
have been lnterprered to includ e
the overhand knot, reef (square)
knot, th e clove hi tch, a noose,
a fisherman's loop knot, the jug,
jar or boule sling, Tom Fool 's
knot, a eat's cradle, the true
lover's knot, and - quite
possib ly - the constricto r knot.
An earl y Scand inavian fo rm of
bi rth contro l, when a couple
decided they had a large enough
fam ily, was to name the last-born
boy Knur (mea ning "knot"), In
some places it was thought that a
cure for warts was to tie knots in


Classic boa l fenders of coir.

a piece of string, one knot for

each wart, and then to discard the
string; thereafter, the first person
to ContaCt the string would
acquire the wans.
One of the ea rliest heraldic
knots was the carrick bend used
by the Saxon leader Hereward
the Wake, who in 1071 AD
revol ted against William the
Conquero r. In heraldry, it is
still called the Wake knot,
Ro mantic allusions to the true
lover's knot continuall y crop up
in English literature after 1495
AD . Alth ough there is no clue as
to whether such a knot existed,
severa l contemporary kn ots, with
two interl ocking identical parts,
are refe rred to by that name.


Who invented or discovered aU of

th ese classic knors ? Some of the
simpl er ones must have arisen
spontaneously, in separare regions
of the world, whereve r so mebody
picked up a flex ible bit of
material and idly royed with it.
Th en again, others are likel y to
have been spread by foreign
traders and occupying arm ies.
Imagine tracing a particu lar knot
- say the distinctive jug, ja r or
botrle sling - from hand to hand
and back through the centuries to
its originator (an imposs ible
notion, of course), History, as far
as t.h e activity of people was
concerned, mighr have ro be
revised an d rewritten.


Rope has been made by man since
the Stone Age, utilising the
materials that were available.
Eu ropean h unter-gathere rs,
10,000 years ago, grew only one
crop - fl ax - and that was for
rope, not food; the ancient
Egyptians and Persians made rope
from papyrus and flax. Even a
captive orang-utan is reponed to
have made a kind of rope from its
beddi ng material and then swung
from it.
It is no surprise that man has

gone to such lengths to develop

and enhance rope-mak ing
materia ls. Rope enabled
humankin d to probe the deepest
caves and to seek fue l and Ofes in
underground mines; to migrate
ove r rugged terrain with pack
anima ls; co capture, harness and
,ride other beasts; to sa il and cross
oceans in search of treasure,
trade, conquest and colonization.
Rope concentrated the efforrs of
the labou r force that bui lt the
great Egyptian pyram ids and
created the blocks and tackles
w ith wh ich med ieval European
smile masons erected their Goth ic
cathedrals and castles.


A leftha nded (or Slaid) cable consisu of Ihree righlhandcd (Zlaid) hawsers. Each of
Ihese ropes has Ihree lefthanded (coumerclockwise) stra nds made from numerolls
righthanded (clockwise) yarns, spun from vegetable fi bres.

horse and came l (even human)

hair, dare palms, reeds, esparto
grass, wool and silk.
Because of its origi ns in naru re,
such cordage is also referred to as
natural fibre. These fibres were
spu n clockwise (or righrhanded)
to create long yarns. Several of
these yarns were next twisted up
an ticlockwise (coun terclockwise)
into strands. Finally, three
strands were laid up clockwise or
righthanded w hich created a
typ ica l rope.

The incurably romantic - who

wish that square-rigged saili ng

ships were still commonplace regrer the demise of these
vegecable fibre ropes, with their
evocative smells and every shade
of gold and b rown; but, w ith the
emergence of synthetic
(Olanmade) cordage, the
shortcomings of nanlral fibre
ropes became intole rable. T hey
were comparatively weak, even
when scaled up to enormous
diamete rs. Unable to withst:lIld



As we have seen, until this

century, rope was made from the
shredded, combed and graded
fibres of plant stems sllch as flax
and jute, o r from the leaves of
sisal and abaca (hemp). It was
made from fibres anached to
seeds (canon), and from other
vegetable materials as dive rse as
fibrous coconut shells (coir) ,

A 14 mm r /u in) diameter, soft mall polyester, 16-plait sheath endoses a hawserlaid

(:Ore of several Ihollsa nd high-tenacity polyester filame nts.




Vegetable fibre knoftcd cordage in its

natural e1cnlcnt.

Natural fibre ropes va ry in colour and

ma y be blonde or bru nette.

much abrasion, vegetable fibre

cordage was also prey to mildew,
rot, insects and verm in. It swelled
when wet (so knots became
impossibl e to unti e) and froze in
icy conditions with irreparable
weakening as brittle fi bres broke.
Such ropes were also rough on
the hands.
Obtainable only from
special ized sources, and at a
prem ium price, the use of natural
fibre cordage is now ve ry limited.
- except in situations (such as
filming a costume drama, rigging
a classic wooden boat, and
designin g the interior decor and
window dressing of nautical pubs,
clubs and resraurants) where the
appearance of an earlier period
must be evoked. Some thoughtful

sou ls, however, concerned by

what they perceive to be a
profl igate use of the earth's finite
resources, prophesy an eventual
return to natural fibr e co rdage,
the raw materials of which can be
harvested fro m renewable growing crops, without destructive
ecological footprint s.
Sisal rope is still sold for
general purposes. Children shin
up best-quality soft hemp ropes in
school gyms. Coir is used for boat
fende rs. And for weather-resistant
serving and seizing of wire and
rope rigging by pro fessi onal
rigge rs, balls of tarred hemp spun
yarn are still sold in several sizes.
It used to be that a rope could
only be as long as the ropewalk
(open field or lo ng shed) where it


was made - although, of course,

two or more could then be
spliced together - but compact
modern machinery has overcome
this and, with extruded synthetic
filaments, rope of practically any
length can be made.

Discovered and devel oped by

resea rch chemists in th e 19305,
the basic elements for synthetic
cordage are: ve ry fine continuous
clusters of mu ltifilamenrs, less
than 50 mi crons!IAoo in across and
o f uniform diameter and circu lar
cross-sectio n; coarser monofilaments, indiv iduall y mo re th an 50
microns!!.1oo in in diameter;
discontinuous staple fibres (from



Sisal fibres arc rough and hairy, but soh to

the touch .

Cordage lengths are no longer limited by

the eXfent of the ropewalk, either field or
long shed, where if was made.

2 cm/% in to 2 ml2 yd in length)

made by cutting multifilamems or
monofilaments into discrete
lengths; and flat, narrow, ribbonlike strings produced from
extruded split or fib rillated film.
The brighrly colou red balls of
C\vine ofren found in hardware
shops and stores are usually split
film products, as are the larger
balls and cops (cylindrical reels)
sold at garden ce ntres for
horticulrure use or as baling
C\vines for agricultural machinery.
All of these raw materia ls make
cordage that is size-far-size
stronge r and lighter than its
vegetable fibre equivalent. A
three-strand nylon rope is more
than twice as strong as a manila
one, yet it weighs half as much
and may last four to fi ve rimes as
long. Many can be dyed a variery
of colours (even including
psychedelic patterns). Almost as
strong when wet, they have a high
tensile (breaking) strength and are
also able to withstand su dden
shock loading. AJthough not

plagued by the ills that afflict

natural fibre ropes, they are more
susceptible to heat generated by
frict ion - softening, melting and
even parting in extreme cases.
The most common manmade
materials are: polyamide (nylon),
the strongest man-made cordage;
polyester (best known rrade names

Terylene and Dacron); polypropylene, which is best for

mundane domestic use ;
polyethylene (o r Polyrhene), often
sold as balls of rwine; and a few
so-called "m iracle fibres" (such as
Kevlar, Dyneema or Spectra)
representing the latest and more
expensive cuning edge of
rope making techno logy. There
are two grades of ny lon: Nylon
66, discovered in the Du POnt
laboratories, was the firsr
manmade fibre of meriTavailable
ro the cordage industry, and
Nylon 6, subsequently developed
by I.G. Farbenindustrie. Teryle lle
was a British development from
investigati ons at the Calico
Printers Association, the sale
rights were then taken up by
Imperial Chemicallndusrries.

Man",.d. ('01dJg< ;. .mn",h.r ,han
na,u ...! r~m . bUI IImngo' .




K""I~r - dilC(.,.~~d by D u Pom ""

long ~go a~ 1965 -;s an organic
polymcr immunc.o ruoi"ur~ and
,0 Weigb,-f,',-"'eight il is tw;c. 31
IIrung as nylon, hut with luw
dUlli,i.)", and it h." b n used to
r~plac~ wire halyard<. Th.n ,htr. is
bmnd natne o f
AIIi,d Ch.mical. wI,,> manufactu red
,hi, superligh , weigh, polye,hl'enc
(muk."d b)" OIhors as Dy""rrna .. nd
Ad"'''312000). I" ph.nomen~l >1"'''S,h i. grea'~r tru.n .ha' uf
.I:IInl.u ~.ed. Rdra.ed in 1985, i.
)""L;. sc, '0 sUJXrlcdc Kevlar. ,,,.
considerable COli of ,he,e w;lI not
de'er UCean yach' me .., or climben.
for whom eompeti.ive odge and ex'ra
Snlel)' """Sins ore worth a ny price,
hut Ihey are no, r.commended for
rou.ine knOt ,ying.


rOl YUUIl{


( S ytO ~'1

I'oly~mide h Ihe monges, manmad.

rortbge (ahhougb 10-15 per ern'
I"" "h.o "'e,) and chlper ,han
pollC."'" h is "or}, ela"ic. """ching
under ~ lo~d anl',hing from 10 per
C(nt 10 ~ O per cen., .hen regaining i..
urillinnl Jeng,b ",hen .he load is
rClll0ved. This m3kn i, .uit"ble for
mooring lines, 31so .owing and rockclimbing ropcl- but nO! in the
rC_Itricled lp~U of <:aves o r crowded
mooringi, where sltclchy ropes could
~ m l,ab,li,y_ It does nO! fi02', SO
n~lon can ~bo be ",.d fo< yach,ing
anchor warp . Th. ~I coluur IU
buy i. while, as rolouring moy weaken
,h. fibrn by 10 per cen' (while

cortainl), adding 2 10"0 the price)_

A fairly high mehing point of up In
160C (~ 78f) eruures a reduced risk
of mehing dll~ 'f) fric.iun; bUI be
warned, i, will, lik. all $)"n.h .,i ,
juflcn ,1 11d b. i.redeem,bly wcakened
al n much lower .cmperature thall i.~
mehilll!! point. ['olyamide w;,bs'and!
auack from albli, (and acid . ,0 a
l"'le. dogr). oils and organic
.ol.~n". h h3..1 acctp. ab k ,,,,iSl.mco
10 pho'OI'hemi",[ dtgr:>d.aliu" from
thc uhu,iok. wawlcng,h, io
sunlight . and 10 ,b",.iolL Dun,,,,,,c
colUum.~ uf Ihi, product will be
illlpr~.~cd 10 kart! thaI il is
recommended fu r deep-sea lowing
nnd widely IIsed in the off-shore
uil jlldllStr),.
rOlH: I"rFN




Ine "rength of n}"lon

(but equally ,'rong ,,-ct or dry),
pul),c!,., does no, s"<lCh half a.
much, and pr",s1rn~hing during
manufactur. c~n remo'-e 100" o f ,h~
I~'~n' da>licit}' i, does po>;.c.n.
Consequently it ii rceomlll.oded for
lIanding risging . he~" alld hal)"ards,
whtr~ IIrelCh is ullwa",.d hut high
tonlilo "fcngth is required, c,'cn
rcplncing wire. I, r .. i<t., ~cids (.nd
~Ik~lil, . o" less .. (XICn,). oils and
argJnic sokcrm. I~kc n)lun.;1 does
nm no~, ~nd " has about the ,,,me
n>cluns poiot 3nd 'esi,,~n 10
lunlighl - b." pql)osle, ...ea.. ~tlor.
~OI . "'E1 " H\'UIH


Cheapl light (b1ll;1 bare[!' fio" .. i"

w~ r), w;,hulII much streICh,

pul)"e,brle" e i5 fairly hard-wearing

and dUr:lblc but has 'he low"" ntelllng
point of the four "p ull" ma,eriab. It
;, sold in h..dwarc ",ore, al bans of
,winc 3nd il used in the fi_'hing
i"dlllt.y, bllt;1 is too "iff and
I"ring)' for 111 0st kno' ,)il1g.

In I.nn~ of III and performance.

Ihil cordage ma), be ,anked b.,,,,n
'~gc' 3ble fib", a"d ,h .<upniut
(n)lon, leryl.n~) manmade fib.e
co,dagc. M~de f, om muhifil3n>Cm,
mOl1ofilamem, Slapl. fibre or .plil
film. it i, ,he nlOst versa,il. of
>1'nlhNir fibres_ la rge quan';I'.s .ro
111""Uf,tc.u'ed ~nd sold , at
r.~'on"ble prices, vi,t h~rdw"rc "lid
[lIY .hops 3nd stores fll. all kinds af
l1,und,tne wnrk emailing no high
p.rform~ncc ri,h. It has une-third to
half Ihc b,,,,,klllll "reoglh of nylon
"nd a much lower melting point"wund l50"C (JO .!QF) - rendering i,
u",l.u for any lask where mClion
gcner:II'" ~n)thing approaching ,h~t
amount of he31. bu" as i. is lh~
ligbtes, of Ibe ')n.heli ... , ~nd fluats
ind~fini,dy,;. is Ihc ob,';ous choioe
fll' Jjfd;ne~ and waler-,kiing
lowline". It i. comp le,ely rot-proof
~nd TO)i\,.m, '0 mo" acids, albli,
and oils. bu, affecd ad"endy by
bl ..... ching 'gen,s and 50m< indunrial
soh'em., while some cheaper brands,u .. io b' ight sun. For la~cn of
'radi,iona[ CIIrdage , .h.." is a ljghl
bru ... n rope - reliable, hardwcaring
and inup'",i ... - made from
polyprop)"len. to resemble he",p.


Types of Rop e
str ength and flexibility. If very
little tension is app lied during the
ropemaking process, the product
wiil be nop py and flexible (soft
laid), whereas great tension
produ'e5 sri ff (hard la id) ~ruff.
H:lrd laid lines wear hetrer but
soh laid ones are preferable for
tyi ng knots. A thr~-strand rope is
known as a hawse r (a nd SO is
h:lwsc r1aid). Three hawsers laid
up lefthanded make a nine-strand
,able. FOUT-strand (shroud-bid)
rop e is less common and require s
a core of yarns to fill the hollow
space tha t inevi tably occurs at the
heart of s u, h ropes. ufrha nded
hawsers (and righlhanded c:ables)
are rare but !lot unknown. Textile
workers, weavers and braiders
prefer the terms S-Iaid (Iehhanded)
and Zlaid (righthanded) for th e
alternating twist and countertwis!
of ya rns, strands and rupes.

Vege table fibres are short and

must be spun and tw isted to create

the long yarns and S\Tands needed

for rope. If is the countless fibre
ends that give traditional ropes
thei r charaaerisric hairy
appear:met and useful su rface

grip. Long symhnic filaments run

the full le ngth of the ropes th ey
fo rm , so manmade cordage 1$
smoot h - unless the filaments arc
purposely chopped into shorter
lengths of staple fibres to make
ropes that recapture the desirable
handling qua lities of the older
natu ra l co rdage. Mo re fibres and
ya rns make thicker cordage, and a
rope thaI is twice Ihe diamcte r of
ano ther will, as a general rule,
be fou r li mes as strong (because
the cross-sectional area has
bee n quadrupled).

It is the twi st and counter-twist

imparted during manufaCture that

Braided vegetable fibre cordage
has always been I'3re, except in

holds rope su ands together and

gives th em their geometry,


smnll sizes for nag hal yards and

Sas h window cord. In synt hetics it
is co mmo np lace and in many
ways preferable to strands. An g.
or 16.plait (b raid ) is more {lcxible
and stretches less than laid line.
h docs nOt kink. nor docs it
impart a spinning marion when
loaded (as laid lines tend to do).
Some braided cordage is hollow.
In most, howeve r, a se parate
co re provides strength, elastici ty
and other esse ntial prup~rties,
reinforced by the sheath, whi,h
adds ext ra surface clIaracte risti l;5,
such as frierion, feel, resistance' fO
abrasion, sunlight and ,hemicals.
Th is core may take several
di ffereD! forms, in which a
braided outer sheath encloses
heart Strands that can be braided,
laid o r co mposed of parallel
lllu ltifilamc!l!S, monofi laments
or yarns. Braid-un -braid is
ackno wledged to be th e strongest
of cordage consrructions and
braided synthetic lines are Ihe
maS! \'e r!>3tile of all co rdage.

'''T"OO UeT ' O N




to absorb the heat generated hy

abseiling (rappelling) and
belaying. Obtain specialist advice
on the detail ed properties of these
ropes and look for the UIAA
(Union Internationale des
Associations d'Alpinisme) label

Climbing ropes are a special clas~

of approval.

of cordage, often referred to by

the European designarion
ke rnmante1 (core-sheath). Static
ro pes take th e full weight of
climbers and are designed for the
wear, rear and occasional short
fall of regular climbing; while
d r namic ropes are used for safety,
ge nerally unloaded, hut with the
eXI ra elasticiry and integral
strengrh to cope with potentially
dis.'1srrous falls and uncontrolled
spins. Single ropes are
manufactured in 11 mm/~ in
diam eters, plus or minus S mm/
~. in, while ha lf-ro pes of 9 mm!
Iii in diameter, plus or minus
2 mm/Vil in, are intended to be
used doubled. Climbing ropes
shoul d have high melting points

Kernmantel accessory cord,

used for slings and other
attachments, can be ob tained in
diameters that range from 4-11
mm/ \i-h in.
Woven nylon webbing comes in
widths from lQ.-7S mmP/1l- 3 in,
but the width most commonly
se~n is 2S mm!l in. A tubular
tape, resembling 3 flattened
hollow tube, hand les and knots
easily due to its suppleness, but a
flat weave, similar to that found
in car seat belts, is stronger, stiffer
and has better resistance to wear
and abrasion. It is highly verSiitile
and not toO expensive for
harnesses, belts and slings, and it
also makes excellent luggage rack
lashings (straps) for cars and vans.

Eight or sixteen rapes, usually

nylon, are woven in pairs to
creaw mighty mooring warps for
su pertankers.







8-"rand nylon, 16 mnli7\ in

anchor b .... id.
3-str3nd nylon, 14 mm/'A, in
3'51rand polye'ter,
14 mm/'/h in haw,er.
3"r3nd .pun polyestcr,
14 m,nI'/h in haw,er
(<<Iembli ng n.tural fib,e rope).
3'''rand monofilamen' pol)'propylenc, 14 mml'A, in

6 3mand 'Tap le/'pun poly-

propylene, 14 mm/'/h in
16-p lait man polyeS!,
14 mmf'A, inbraid-onbraid
rope, wit h an ~nu,u"1 core
(i"elf al6-plait an
S-plai!), crcoring three
,oncentric layer,.
16plait mo" poly.".r, 16
mmi?\ in braid-on-braid rope
(with a double layered core, a,
abo,c). pre-",etchod
poly,mer. 16 mml'll in braidnn-braid (with on Splait core)

W 16-plait D ynccma, 12 mm/'h in

braid-oo- braid rope (with.
two-Iayucd corc).

" '.-I,16-plail
in hraid-on braid ropc (with

a two-layered core).


16-plait polypropylene. 9 mml

li in braidon braid co rd (with
h.rd-bid cord ,ore).

D 16-plait polyester, 6 mml~ in

,h ea thandcore cord (with.
heart of four 3mand string').

matt p<>lye"er, 10 mn>!

" '8-plait
.-I, in braid on-braid rope (with
an core).



U 8plait mu ltifilament poly-



propylene . 8 mrtt/'.ol in braid

onbraid cord (with.n Sp!.;t
16 S plait prc-":tch.d poly ... e.,
6 mrn/I'< in .hea'h-and-coft
cord (wi, h a h " or three ..ring.).


1~ T.oDIiCTIO"

Breaking Strengths
Ropel11akers' bro chures and
leaflets usuall ) contai n tab les
listi ng the minimum average
breaki ng lo ad of every type and
size uf Their cordage products.
Unformnately, th e data differs
from comp:my to company,
depending upon the tem lnd
equ ipment each firm uses,
maki ng comparisons difficu lT.

Pruduct specifications may blur

[he facts: for examp le, a
"mooring line", made for
speda lized markcts, Illay consist
of an elastic nylon co re inside a
hard -wearing polyes ter sheath,
while many mass-produced and
comparativdy cheap cordage
items, so ld for the domestic
market. can be moeh weaker.
Nevertheless, an appreciation
of the m3in rope and cordage

species can be gained from the

following outline. The minimum
bre aking , tre ngth of a 4 111111/'4 in
diameter slim ny lon cord o f
J-stra1ld or 8-pbit construction is
likc1y to be around 320 kg/70S lb,
which might wi thstand twO 159-

achieve these kinds of

performance wi th natural fibres,
il would be necessary to have at
least a 25 per crill in crease in
diameter to 5 mmJ 'A in man ila or
JJ.3 per cent to 6 mm/l4 in si,al.

kgl25~rone Japanese sumo

\,(Iith a 10 n1ml'II! in thin nrlon
3-strand hawser, the minimum
breaking strength increases ro
around 2,40 0 kgl5,292 lb. That
is almost two-an d-a-ha lf m~tric

wre,tleTs havi ng a tug-of-war. For

standard J -s!rand pulyester uf the
same diameter the figure is a trifl e
lower - 295 kg/650 lb - but an Spla ir con,rmction combined with
pre-stretch treatme nt changes thaI
to around 450 kg/990 lb.
Polypropy lene of the same
diameter is variously quoted at
14 0 kg/309 lb, 250 kg/551 Ib and
even4JO kg/925 Ib; polyethykne
is about 185 kg/408 lb, wh il e the
average br~aking stre ngth of a
4 mm/ Yo in cord of DyneemaJ
Admi ral 2000/SpecTra is a
remarkable 650 kgll, 432 lb. To

tonnes, the w eight of a large

motor vehicle. Again, the average
figure is somewhat less for
polyester at 2,120 kg/abuut
2 tons ; I ,J82 kg/I 13 tons for
polypropylenc ; an d 1,090 kg/
just ov er a ton for polyethelene.
D),necma/AdmiraI 2000/Spectra,
by comraM, would b~ about
4,000 kg/about 4 tons. The same
size of ro pe in man ila could on ly
cope with 710 kgll,565lb and
sis;!1 with 635 kg/\, 4 0D lb.
Finally, for 3 sizeahle 24 mm/
1 in rope diameter, the aver"ge
qUOIed brea king strengths are:
nylun == 13 wnnes/U.8 tons;
polyester == 10 tonnes/9.8 tonS;
polypropyle ne == 8 tonnc.~17.9
tons; polyet hylme = 6 !on nes/5 .9
tons; and Dyneema/Admiral
2UUO/Spectra = a stllpendous 20
tonnes!19.7 ro ns. Even rhe best
manila would have to be nearly
twice that size (and four times as
strong) to match those figures .

'- '_H
V~ge(.,bl~ fibre cordago i, mu ch w<.k<r
.nd generally h as:l , h""., life ,h.n

!),mhelic proouCil.


'''ToOuu e TI O''
" rH''''
S),m hcti( (or~ i, much mo"~r ."d
.. ".rally h~. ~ Ion," life ,h.n prndllCIJ

"",de rrun,



C O M!'AKI NG AN D C ONTR ,I STIN G N ~ 'I U ~Al FI BRE AN O SY N" H ~ Tl C F1H~E R o n s

---........ -....

Shod lnadin.

O" ....bili'1

C.. "~n

It ,mp

mildew m i<URCI'

U.V. ,et",._
Add , ,,,;,,"ncc

" .s _... ...................-



._. _. -
.... .. .....


.. " A T U~ M .


. , ....


.... _. .- - ..
-- .. ......-.. --._._. -__....
..... .. ..


.. ' n H " [T I C H u n --

Poly" hyl,,,,, P<llyp"'l'yl<n,


I'ulr >mid<


00' affected
K"' . - . . _
Soo< ... , _ _ _

.... _
.. .......... ' ...loO ... _

These data take no account of fair
weaT and tear (inclu ding kn ots),
damage or mi suse (e.g. shock
loadin!j:, or excessive friction ).

..... ........-...

aircraft), and all who calculatingly

engage in polentially hazardous
pursuits - fmm astronautics 10
undersea exp loration - can obt3in
these tec hni cal derails from the

manufacturers. For the :"'crage

user, a genera l knowledge of
the main types of cordage is all
Ihat is needed to huy shrewdly
:lnd se nsibly.

Conseque ndy a safe working load

wiil be considerably less - perhaps
a fifth TO a SCI'enrh of the quutC'd
strengths. Then again, it is often
necessary 10 buy synrhC'tie
tordage many times saonger than
3ttu:llly required; for example, a
4 mml\4 in cord would not match
a block and tatk le mad e fOT
25 mm/1 in ro pe even though it
might b~ ab le to cope with rhe
IIlTe nded load, nor could it be
tomformbJy grasped in the hand
:lJld heal'ed.
KnOt tyers do nOt normallr
need 10 know ei the r the
molecu lar nrucrure of tordage or
IQ tCSt dam interpre ted in chartS
.wd graphs. Cavers and dimbers,
fil'en (o f gliders and microligltt



Care of
Do not l eav~ rope or smaller smff
(cotton, thread or 5tring) exposed
needlessly to bright sunligh t.
Avoid any chemical contamination
(for exampl~, car bauery acid).
I'rotect synthetics from heatgenerating fricrion, spark-spitti ng
camp-fires o r acetylene-cum ng
torches, and all othe r kinds of
combustion. Try to avoid letting
wet rope fr~ne. Store cordage in
;t dark, dT}' and coo l place with
good air circulatiun; relarive
humidity should be 4 0--60 per
cent and the temperaTUre I 0-20"C
(S0-70"F). Wash dirly ropes in
WIlrm water to remove abrasive
grit from their fibres and then dry
them gently; similarly, at tbe end
of a sailing season, soak and rinse
in fresh W:tte r ropes that have
been exposed to sal t crystals.
Abr:ls ion ca n r~'lIlt from careless
. .. on

Rope and .malkr

ronlav ill. 1lI~1


" ar. in a bal or 'ht

bOD! (tl"Unk) of.

"''''''' v.lUck, ,..i. h

a ruH,,;c hop hal
;1 may"" ,. meved
langle-I". 3' 'he

end of .h.

handling in a rough envi ro nm ent

or from ill-fitting blocks. dealS,
or fa irleads, but fair wear and tear
is inevitable, whether it is from
regular usc: or from being kept in
the same position for prolonged
periods. Even unused rope tha t
has been cardull r stored will age
and become less reliable.



A L ~'NE


Oimbon f3vour

.hi, me.n, of

<;arrying ropr,.


Inspect ropes periodicall y, Il\erre

b)' metre/ya(d hy yard in a good
lighl, for loose, wom 3nd broken
surface yams and CUi strands.
Some surface fl uffi ng is inevilable;
jt is fai rly harmless and might
aCTUall y afford sliglu proreclioli
from funhe r wear. Chemical
attac k can 5how as staining aud

. . . LOW




SlOrckeepero prefer 'hi' me, hod, which

pro>'ide, a loop for h.nging rope.

Elegantly ,impl., ,hi."d dcm-w . 10

be be"er known .

used with lifting tackle must be

pensioned off long beforc they
reach such senescencc. Each rope
should have its own log book in
which its working history is
recorded. Communal club ropes
(that anyone might use at any
time) should he retired after two
or three years, but individually
owned and maintained ropes may
be used for fonr to five years,
then down-graded for teaching
knots and other points of general
use that do not involve climbing.

It has been observed that rope

wirh a min d of its own, awkward
to manipulate and a trifle
disobedient, is generally at the
height of it~ powcr>. By contrast,
rope that is soft and amenahle, a
pleasure to hand le, should be
condemned and discarded. Thcre
is some truth in this. Do not tread
on rope, allow it to be nipped or
become kinked, or drop it from a
height. Coil ropes loosely and
then hang tbem up 011 pegs well
above the floor.

softening. Heat damage is harder

to identify, unless fusing and
glazing are detectable. Internal
wear and damage can be seen by
carefully opening laid strands but
may be concealed in braided stuff
(when the core could be weakened
while the sheath remains relatively
unworn and lacks obvious
So a risk assessment for braided
line, must also take into account
their recent history of us~ and
abuse. Worn-out rope looks its
age. it is often anenuated
(weakened by stretching), with a
reduced diametcr and a more
acute angle of lay between th e
strands. Sheath-and -core ropes
can develop creep, rhe sheath
moving separately from the heart
strands, Climbing ropes and those



I no ..
Tying <laoo ratc knOll i. made ea,i . r
wi. h One Or mo re h~ndr '00[' (>c-< ke)'

ill"" .. ';on).

Acquire a $harp and robusl craft

knife 10 cu t rope and cord ;
'\ccissors wo rk onl y 0 11 th in strings
a nd !"\\~ n es. Most of Ihe knon in
Ih is book can be ti ed and
tightened with JUSt the fingers,
aided now and then with a prod
from the pointed cap of a
ball poi nt pen. A fe w (such as
the Tu rk 's heads) arc more
e'lsilr co mpleted with one o r
mo re of the fo ll ow ing too ls.

Ha ndmade by rope craftsma n

Sruart Grai nger, these resemble
small Swedish fid s, w ilh the
refinement thaI the lip clings to
working strands. pu ll ing them
through knotwork as th e 1001 is
wilhdrawn. Two si zes CO pe wi th
cordage up to ei lhe r 7 mm/ l-Io in
o r 12 mml'h in d ia meter.

lengt h of about 10 cml4 in,


wilh more robust sizes from

about 15 cmf6 in upwa rds.

Th ese serve as bobb ins for slOring

qu antities of small cords tanglefree and ready for im media!!: use.
Sizes range from a li ny 11.5 cmJ
4 \.1 in to jumbo-siud ones 3 0 cmf
12 in or mo re in length. Shun
cruddy mad e ones in fa vour o f
those that arc polished to a
smooth finish. T he se ll er wi ll
sho w you how 10 load them.

pl iers") will have an o verall

SW t:; [) I$ H FTD S'

These are used 10 po ke and pri~e

open gaps through which
wo rking strands can be lUcked
a nd pull ed. Obtainable from
yacht chandlers and serious rope
stocki sts, they range in length
fro m about 15 cm/6 in to 38 cmf
IS in or Illore. Choose a size 10
matc h the scale of your work.


H:md)' for tigh tenin g kn ots with

lOIS of crossi ng po ints. Most h igh
sl ree t hardware sho ps o r do-ityo ursd f su pe rstores will have
them. Choose a pair to suit Ihe
5(ale of work: a. small size
(sometimes called wjeweller's


Ne.,," . Qdl. (1.'11")

Nen;n. ndle (medium)

N<ttiQg " dl. (,mall)




Gript'id (.m oll)

Hollo", "Swtdi,h" fid (,maU)

Hollow "S w"';'h~ lid ([ a'lle)

wi,. loop (large) de wire loup


10 H"men,ad. wire loop (mediun,)

II Jowdkr'1 pher5
12 Round-bill'" plie"


Ho memade fro m sliff a nd springy

wire 0.25 cm/lA1i in diameter - o r
Ihinner - inse rted securel), into a
handle, these arc indispcn~ab l i!

alternatives to fids when working

wi lh smaller stuff.

O riginall y fids were solid

hardwood spikes. T hey ca n
occas ionall y be found in a nt iq ue
shops o r markets as collectable
tree n (la, he- mrned wood).

Cutting & Securing Ends



Before cutti ng any natural fihre

corclage, first l:ape or lie it co
prcI'cnt fraying. Ad hesive rape is
the leasTattractive: option - and
unacce ptable on finished

craftwork - but il is used a Jot in

pr~para{ory stages as an easy
alternati ve to whipp ing. Wrap
where the cur is to be made and



IWO con.triaor
on~ eithn,ide of where the "'.. " 'ill be m.:tde.

then ~imply slice the rape in half

to achieve two bou n d ends at a

Stroke. Alrernadvdy, ric a pair of


Sliu ,..... icaIly do" ,, hal"'':1]

bel"'een lh. IWO bin ding knOtl
alre.dy ,ied.

slr.lngle or constrictor knots, one:

on either side of where: the CUI is

to be made.


This is now wi dely p ractised by

ropeworkers and riggers. There is
no need to tapt or ric: beat-sealed
ends. Rope manufacturer$ and

stockists have electrically healed

guillotines to cur-:lnd-se:al the:
topes and cords they sell. These

Wnop I lurn or 1\00 of .dh.. i,~

arou"d Ihe rope or cord.

Cut .. cnically down through the

middk "f ,h . .. ped portion.



Wilh a n elec tric ~uillo'i"e or .. hea!Cd

knife bl.d" (nm ,hown). cordaV .nd
, mall di.mtt .... ropn may be DUtly 0 11
ilIId ....Jed.

u the Mked flame of a nlMch or

c;garcncligl"er for a quick but onon

polyethylene react allowc!

temperatures, shrinking rapidly
away from the source of heat. It is
po ssible to pi nch th e soft heated
ends to a poinl, [oHinS them
between forefinger and thu mb,
befOre they harden, bu t takc care

to wet the finge rtips


much for most of us, so

the co mpantivel y cool yd low
flame of a struck ma TCh may have
to do on small stuff. For brgt

COSt 100

diameters, or to cur-and:;.:a! a
batch of strands, heat the blade of
an old penknife in the blue flame
of a blowtorch until the tip and
edge glow cherryred . Pause to reheM it eve ry few seconds for a
clean and faSt t;Ut. Nylon melts.,
d rips and burns with whitish
smoke and a smell said to
resemble fish or celeryi it may
even flash int o a small flame
(easily hlown our) . Polyester
melts, drips alld burns with dense
black smoke and a smell like
mushrooms. Polypropylene and

]u mp y 1<',1.

fint o r it

may cause a bum and blister. A

cord th3t 3p pears to be synthetic
but acwn lly chars and eve n ignites
wi thout mdri ng, is probably
made from rayon, which comes
from wood pul p .

'''T.oo~CTIO .~

Terms & Techniques

Anyone who ties a knot is
described in kno tting circles as a
tyer (not ti er) since the former is
unambiguous while th e laner has a
differem meaning when written.

T he end actively invo lved in the

tying process is referred to as the
working end o r sometimes - by
angl ers - as the tag end; the inactive remainder is known as the
standing part and standing end.
Doubling a line so that two parts
are brought close together creates
a bigh t. If this is don e to locate
the exact centre of th e bit of sruff
in hand, then one is said to middle
it . Once the two adjacent parts
cross, a bight turns into a loop; a
further twist creates a couple of
elbows, while the process of
turning a bight or loo p into an
improvised eye by wrapping the
end several times around the
sta nding part is referred to as
dogging. Any loop that is pulled


Several categories of kn ots in this

book have heen illu mated in
thicker cordage than wou ld
ordiMrily b. u.ed to tie the lll.
For i n't~ n c., tbe wbi pping, and
fishermen', knots would actu ally
be tied in very fine twi n.. and
monofilamems. This has b.en
done to make th e tying pro,."
clearer. The characteristically
barrel-' haped knots for us. in
angli ng monofila mem. do not
always tighten a, easily in larger
cordage - bu t the)' can, wilh a
little more tim e and ~are , be
shaped and tightened t<> mak<
useful gene ral pu rpose holdfam.

so small that it deforms and

damages a rope becomes a kink.
The word rope is generall)'
defined as meaning any plaited,
braided ur laid (in strands)
product over 10 mOl e,'11 in) in
diameter, although rhere are
exceptions (for example, some

'''''''mg p.Ht

climbing ropes are 9 mmjlh in

diameter). Anyth ing much smaHer
is referred to as cord, string ,
twine or thrend. Rupe and cord
are collectively caHed cordage
but, more commonly, stu ff. A
rope or cord dedicated to a
particular job becomes a li ne
(tow line, washing line, lifeline,
th rowing or heaving line), or
acquires an even more specific
label (lanyard, lashi ng o r la55oo).
A lightweight throwing or
heaving line thaI is used to haul a
heavier line across an int~rvening
space is known as a messenger.
T he terms pla it and brai d afe
virtually interchangeable. T here
are, however, some who say that
braids are flat while plaits have a
th ree-dimensional cross-section.
Ropeworkers often "take a
tu rn" in order to check a luad by
means of the friction it applies.
Wrapping the wurking end an
extra amount to bri ng it alongside
the standing part, so as to tie it
off, produces a rou nd tum.
Converting a si ngle-ply knot to
two, three (or more) ply involves
following the origi nal lead uf the
knot around with the working
end. The place within a knot
where the collective friction of its
parts is concenrrated is known as
the nip. The tuck that finally
secures a knot, preventing it from
collapsing or unravelling, is the
locking tuck. A simple loop is an
overhand loop when the worki ng
end lies on top of the standing
part, becoming an un derhand
loop if the worki ng end goes
beneath the standing part.



M<>.~ oft .... than not , ' clove hi,ch may have bun ,;.d with
tlK working end.

But Ilid. ,he knm .ideway. off ;t, foundo,ion _ an d;1 will



On~ _epara,.d from;1I foundation, n", bing rcm.ain. of the

kDOl but ,h. line in " 'hieh it wn ried.

1 - --



Cru,. a oond und"hand loop imm.clia,dy .Ioni'id, ,he

lim On .


Mos! knots can be: tied in morc

than onc way. The methods



To;> re-tic {h. clove hilCh. ,hi. Ii"," in ,h. bigh', finl cUI an

4 ''''.rhond

been cho~n

Twill the Ioop!.t> Oytn.p ,htm. llIc 'Hlllting do~. bi"h

m.y b. did b.>ck on.n '" found.,ion.

created. A sho rt CUI may occur to

you. Retie it that way in furure.

Tying a knot "in the bight"

o;ompleTc:d knot in YOllr h:lnds,

means doing so withou t using the

working end. When a hitch or a
binding knot collapses to nothing
if slid from the foundation
around which it was tied o r a
loop knot un be unravelled
withoul recourse TO its ends (in
OTher words, it ~unties in the
bight"), then it can bC' tied in the

back-track, unryiDg the

bight. This is the

either because they are easier TO

learn or


photograph dearly.

Pracrised knot tyers develop more

dextrous way s to tie knots that
:lrC: almost sleight of hand.
Discove r these: slicker and quicker
tying tricks for yourself: with a

step at a time, to



how it is



of hitch &

bight'" proposed by Harry Asher

in the


A surprising

number of knots may be tied this

Knowing th e prindple ,an


also enable knot ryers TO spot

subtle differences in seemingly
identical knots: for eXlIlllp!e, the
bag knOl can be tied in Ihe bight
bU I the miller's knot cannot.
Most knots must be drawn up
gradually 50 as to remove slaek
and daylight before gently pulling
on each end and standing part in
turn to crea te a knOt that remains
snug and firm.

"Every kllot is an exercise ill friction ... extreme
simplicity call Oldy be had at the expense of
effectivel1ess. "

Toss -

THE RIG GER'S ApP"F.Nn CE . 1984 )

All knotting may be


up under three

main headings: Knots, Bends and Hitches. A

hitch atta<;hes;J line


a post, rail, spar, ring or

even another rope; a bend joins two ropes

together; a knot is anything orher than a bend
or a hitch (including stopper knOTS, binding
knots and loop knots) although the word

"knot" is also used, sometimes confusingly,

in a general way to refer even to bends and
hitches. Discover how easily you can tie
these 20 basic knOTS. All you will need

is two lengths of flexible cord, each

1- 2 m/3- 6\1 ft long and from 5-10 mm/
~_5!h ill in diameter.
Most cordage will fray unless the ends are


in some way. A better-looking

, than taping, tying and heat sealing is
a whipping of some kind, and four whipped
ends afe detailed in this section.






Simple, Overhand
or Thumb Knot
This is the most elementary
~toppcr knot, to prevent small
stuff (corton, thread or string)
from fraying or pulling out of a
hole through which it has been
threaded. Its uses range from
securing thr ead in a needle to

Make on ov.rhnd loop in

stuff that il <0 h< tied.



tying loose change into the corner

of a handkerchief when on the

beach or anywhere else where
deep pockets are temporarily not
available. Nobody ever has to be



tie this knot. It JUSt

comes naturally.

Tuck the working end through the

loop already formed and pull on the

"anding end to tighten the knot.

Overhand Knot with Drawloop

Draw]oops act as quick releases,
and may also strengthen some
knots by hulking them up wirh
an extra knot part. Overlooked

and underrated by many kn ot

eyers, drawloops deserve to be
used morc, and will from time
to time be recommended in
this book.

<0 ,it" ,imple overh3nd knot bUl

SlOp before ,h. working end h., be.n

full)' pulkd through.


B"" C

K"'OT' .


" H I T C H"


Two Strand
Overhand Knot
This is another knot that the
youngest person can tic
insTinctivel),. It creates a bigger
stopper knot, for cottons or
domestic suing, and also acts to
hold cords together as long as
they lie in the same direction, for

Place lh. twa SITing' or cord, to be

,ied parallel and togeth er.

example, to prevent a waist tie

in pyjamas, swimming trunks or
tracksuit trousers (sweatpants)
from pulling OUt when not in use .
NB: This is nut a bend because
the two cords are not aligned to

be pulled in opposite directions.

T ic ... imple ov .. hnd knol.

Tighten, ,.king COre to keep ,h.lioe,
parallel (Iik. railwoy track.) lhroug/lour.

Double Overhand Knot

This forms a chunkier stopper
mOl than the simple overhand

knot, although it will not block a

Tic an ''''"hand knOt - bu t ,uck 'he

...orking end a sond time.

larger hole. h is, however, an

indispensable technique for other
knots thar are based IIpon it.


Ge ndy pull both end. apart, a{ the

,ame time twisting them in oppo,it
direction . In {he example ,hown, Ih.
l.rthand thumb g"'" up and away /rom
the tYeT, the righthand thumb down "nd
away. Th. cord die{,"e' what it wan" to
do; l imply go along wilh it. Se. how a
diagonal knot pat! wrap. i"c1f around _
let it happen. I'IlU on both .nd t the
I'me {ime {o {igh{en thi, knot .


Triple (and Multiple)

Overhand Knots


Three (or more) initial nicks

produce triple or multiple

overhand knots. These can make

shortenings and embellishments,
such as those seen in d ie ropes
around the waists of nuns and
monks, who used this triple knut

a symbolic reference



threefold sacred vows.

Pull both ~nd., mlaring them in

differe", direction . so that.

diagnnal WTapping turn appear>.

Tie" double o,'crh.nd knor. ,ben

tuck the working end a third ti m.

Shape 'he em<f ~ing knollO bed all

of lhe knot pari< down , nogly.
Tighten b) pollin g both end, ap.rt.

Strangle Knot
A doubl e overhand knot, ned

clamp do-it-yourself and

around something, makes a

hobbyists' bits-and-pieces


togethe r while th~ gl u~ hardens.

Several oth~r usefu l binding knots
are featured in this book; bur, for
a start, this one is as good as any.
Tr)' it also wilh a drawloop.

knot. Use it to seize cur

ends of cordage ami preve nt them
from frayi ng; to secure rolls of
anything from carpets to technical
drawings a nd wallpap er, or to


Produc e a double m'c,n, nd knot bUI

at Ihi. otage kee p it >'.ry 100 .

in ,( wh",.,., i, to b. bound,
en, o,. the oveffidin~ cli.~onal Ii..
b. , ..... " [h. o,h., "''-0 knot pa,ts, and
,iSh,." ,h. knot hy pulling on both end .
Th. end , con then he cUI off ,hor!.



K ~OT'

~Nn '


"I re " "

Single Hitch
Commonl y referred to a~ a half
hitch, alone this is an unreliable
means of ;ltt;lchmem e.xcept for
the most tempora ry and trivial of

(when a drawloop migh t

help) but it is the means of
fin ishing off other more
>ubstantia l working hitches.

Tic the ubiquitou. overhand knol

oround . om<thing finn, ,ueh as a far
felt tip pen, TO discover how ,hi. "orcful
rearrange ment trap' the working e"d .

Lea,-, a lunge< wor king end, whir h

is no. completely pulled through. for
a dr.wloop.


Two Half Hitches

Two hal f hitches are the tried and
trusted way to secure a line to a
ring, rail or any thing. They are

Tie a .ingle half hitch with the

..-o rking cnd of ,h. ~n .

always identical, i.e. the working

end goes the same way aroun d
th e standing part in both cases.


Add an id<n,i".l , wind h,lf hitch

and draw them snugly togetb<r to
comple this meful attadment.


~ .. .. ,

, .. 11.


Round Turn &

Two Half Hitches
Th.) IS a claSSK h,td., COmplrlnvdy slrong and secure. Ihe nanlC'
of ",hich descriOes II exactl)'. It

Tal. a ... m a... und ,h. anch<>nllC.

hnn8'M ,.o,It,"I t " d .lonllsHl~ ,lot
"~...t'nB p.:ifl. ~...t apply a h.lf hnch.

can be used to secure a boal. 10

fO" .1 broken-down vchicle Of
SC'cure a load.



balf hlt .. h 10

2 ''''''I,klf 'h" """"...uhl<


Overhand Knot & Half Hitch

Th,) loop knot ha~ heen useu by
"'Cl.-crs fO rig loom), by Inuits
(EskIl110S) 10 slrmg how), b)"

anglers J.'I:l leader loop for lackle.

.mrl for Sllnmg 10 li~ parceb. It "
somellmC!l c:Jt1ed 3 p<Kker', knol.

r",an""c,handln", .. "hat.arg<'
dra ... IOOfI and _diU\! Iht loop III
Ihe "q,,,,,d IOU.

rap and .""k a hit h"eh ..."h.1ot

"".I .round ,lot ".nd,"I
TiJh,rn b y poUon. "" tach _ of


2 " '0.1.'"11


dM' \oofI

~ 1ft lum.

, ,1 ." " " . ,


" "I lt l'

Ove rhand Loop

lise dus ...~r}' basic knot in Ihm
if1lfi for stanmg parcds and urher
Wlnngs.. II does lIot eaSily


Dnubk "n~ ~nd of 3 cord (mako

blghl) and fo,m .1!KIp in Ibe

~ ~d.

and IS therefore a knol th at must

generallr he Cut uff ;md discarded
ailcr usc.


rie an overhand kno', Jakin@,h.

""uhle 10 kp .he knu, pa", n<a.l)
va",nd ,hlO"gho.n the knO!. Tigh .." by
pulling on oad . ono of Ih< fo.u. kn'"

part. in 'um,

Do uble Overhand Loop

T'hD loop

[)() not aut'"mpl (0 untie iI - rut 11

IS hulkier and slightlr

Rronger (h .l1l the previous one.

off after





b'8h . Ii."



Un",. "Or , ..i".d \cno. p.ct, anJ

""tim. anr ,lock unul ,h. knO!

au .. m.. '"'><'c,h,K



tigh.en p'~du.!ly. pullins un Ieh of Ih.

(uo. knOt part> "'lUrn.



. " " . . . . . . ,' ,


" , . , ""

Surgeon's Loop
triple overhand loop,
monger for ,he ("Tr.I tude. and is
n:collllllendcd for angling hoes.



1 ,<rille-

b Illy 10<'8 It.jIb,


~nd t .. ~

kno< in ;,. ,hiS Imor In dlspcllS.lblc

stuff as it is easier to CUI it off
dun 10 unuc II.

Ellm' .... '. any ........-mnn. and mould

)'OU' finF" in", ......,,,,h

2 ;...;th



An8kn ...ay _pi, On

monofiLlIntnlO to l\lbJl<"~' h<'on .

Simple Noose
ThIS Simplest of runnmg (slldmg)
loops is u..o!fullo surl parcds or

OIhcr lashmgs.

W... lun8 ..... y from t b~ .hon .1111 ...,.n

o .... h.nd kl>O< (w;,h dr~ ..'1onp1 on .. b.,
wc>uld IHIf12Ully'" .,ankd die
J!andi"l p"" of ,h<]ilK, Ind pul] II ",ht.


Scaffold Knot
11us u a 5trong, secu re sliding
loop. Use it when an eye mUSI be

metal o r plastic liner (called a

-thlmblc~). Tightt'" the loop 10
gnp and hol d this particular bil of

hardware. With pranised fingers,

Ihis kn ol can be lied in no more
than 30 seconds and the beaury
of it is Ihal the more the strain
thaI'S put on it, the tighter this
knot wil! grip.

M.kt a bight .nd ti< a doublt

".-o,.h.nd knot ,,jlb m< "''''kinM . .. d
- . . . l the ..... dinS p.rI of the lin .

Poll tho ond and 1M approp.i lt)I

of ,,,,, loop in <>PP"';'" dj,,ion. to
tiKhn the knot.

prlllC'(tcd from chafe by means of


Multiple Scaffold Knot

<\ mple o verhand knot will make

mul tiple overhand knot, bill there

.. double scaffold knQl, whk h is

is probably little benefit from

paIu ~

doing rhis olher than 10 produce

a handsomely handy bulk.

shghdy 5Irongt'r. A
IIIIIlup lc knOl results from a


SlfaIIh' fo,..,.ard


- " - d 1m0l in 'M working ~"d

.... ouadio& put.

PuU ,"~ ~nd and 'M ~pp,opri~'c

loop I'l! in op!""i,. di'e<:';on. '0
';gh,... t..b.ltnot.


AI50 known a5 the: tape knot, thlS
knOt 1$

re.;:ommcnded for the


or tubular wmen .... cbbmS (tape)

u:.ed hy cavers and clombersal though II works in anythmg

from the: largt'~1 cables 10 the
finest :Ingling monofibmcnts.


FOI' a ,...ofold kno<, <II,urc

.!tor. ....
Tot "-" o..t"~nd knm ," , .... <JId of

1 I'M "I '''''""010",,, II' bo: 'GlMd.

In..,,, 'he cnd or .1>< .ond Ii.....

,1t.1. aU


knlH pMl'
paralld 1UId
d, cmc:~ '" d lop of ,.... k_
;I. ,h ..... ,I'me ...,"""", Ih~, ""'''Y ....
'''0!\i''" ' h" .uy. Pull 1M " \lII,ha8


", "~l".n.

Fisherman's Knot

The reliable: fi~hc:rman's knol

(.m be ~d for anYlhmg and
~vcrythinJ.l from domesne to



ThiS is

'''-I> p."dLd .Itd do!.co

'\> , _ ,...... bn. 'y,a, an Ot'..-h.:ond



" 'm ....e cnd uuu...J ,h" ,_din,

of ,h" Dlhn.

if It h:a
been madt: from rope, hUI If )'011
m~\.:e II Out of ~rring you will
have 10 CUI II off.

a knot Ih31 C3n be uDncd

2 Turn 'N half-<<HDpktnl bioi nId

for-md and t>< ..., tdtnl..,.~1 O~ff""nd

kM. " ,,h . he otbff end. Pull
hulh IO'orlnn8 ond " " , h.....h
individual Lo,,'" 'MOon Ihe ,,~ndin ~
p.....o un" nd "81".n ,h. knot.

fi", ""


Fis herman's Knot
The stronger double fishcrm:m's
knot IS known to anglers as;)
gnnncr knot (preslimably becausr

of Ihe gaping mouth farmed

befOIC' the kn ots slide ~hur).
II is a reasonably secure knot.

PI.~c the tw., line. pua UoIand d"".

.og h..... ')';ng a doobl. ,,,'.rh. n"
kIM)'[ with <>11< ,,o.king end around ,h.
ncba ,unding P~"'

Turn ' he haU-compk,.d knol .ndfor ... nd :ond.;... ><.ond duuhk

ovorhand knot "'jlh ,h. mh .... cnd.
Ti~'.n individual kno" belOfC pul~ns
011 the .,anding port. [" 01""" .h. knot .

Triple Fisherman's Knot

A trlple fisherll131l'S knot is an
.1Ilglcr's double griuner knot and

used for thinner, springier or

more slip~ry lines.

""""eed a. fot. doubk fi,hCTman', knot

- but 0"" 'Tlplc uy., h~nd koolO - and

riP ...... imilarL)',

" .~o r

,,,, ,,, ..

It,Tt' ""


~"O .,



" " C HII

Strength &

, .uo ...

. . . 0_

Oimbn', .. rop

",unl of a <Ioublo

lkU"nly ...ulc.od bot

ra><lnflllCCu.... "h .
Cl>U1'1o or double-

o rhand knol.

o hand lenon.

, IUO ..

r"u.r of ....... loop nu.<k

....n ",or ..,....,., hy

" ..1Ij!lh ....t and ICCllml

..i.h 3 ......bk Ii.h.."'...

knn. pl.. ~ '3p.,j ",d..

Knots weaken the rope, co rd or

~tri nl! in wh ich they are tied. An
unwanted overha nd knot allowed



a fishing linc o r

\\';I.shmg lme, for instance, will

more than hahc: rhe breaking

strength. Sulky knots afC' better,

Ihe double fis~rman's or grmner
knol preservmg 65 lO 70 pcT Ctll!
of the: cordage sncngth and the
blood knot 85 [0 90 pe r cent;
whi le the bimini rwis\ is cl a imed

by w me to be 100 ~r Ctlll
cfficiclI1 (in other words, as
strong as the un lmo n ed line).

Chmbers, whO!iC Jives Inerally

hang upon their koo15, anglers,

keen 10 prdervt upensi,'c tx ldr

and 10 catch thaI record-breaking

fish. ropewarkmg assault, rescue

aT surve y turns, lifting rackJe
operatives on construction mrs all choose and use sttong knots.
Security is 3 diffuent
considera tion. A StrOllg knot Ih31
slips and slides. spills, capSIZes o r
mhe rv.l5C eomn undone. is less
:.ecure than one- lhaI holds firm.
Some- knots arc sure- e-nough
when carefully ~mbled and
place-d undc-r a sle-ady load bUI
100000n and come adrifl if
imenTIl u cmly re rked or
repea tedly shaken.
Smce strength and security arc
diffe rem characteristics, knou
Ihat combme hOlh of [hem would
5Cem to be ideal- why bother
with any others? This is because
caSe' of tYing and untying arc
often cssc.nnal. Sim plicity 100
may be desirable. So, when lhey
can gel away wllh it , knot tyers
kn owmgl y trade off one quali!y


ag:llnsl Ihe ol her. Indeed $Orne

d:tSsif;: knOIS, despite long
cslJbhshcd repu l:lnons fo r
rdiablhl}', arc surprismgly wcak
and msecure when pm to Ihe
tCSt. The common bo" hne IS
barely 45 per cem ~trong and m
stiff o r slick rope can easily he
made co spill.

, ... u~.
SlrmJjlMMd bo""jj"" oenor"! ... IIh ~n
o ..... ~nd kno .

Knots can bc made more

secu re. Fo r example. the
relauvely Slrong figun' of eight
loop may be made more- secure by
anachmg the: sho rt end of the
rope to 1fli ad jacent 51andmg pan
With a doubl e o\'erhand Ienot
(ahove ldt). Similarl y, the
co mmon bowline rna)" be both
sfren gt hened and made mure
sure wi lh the e"tra rurn of this
double (or dimher 's) version, the
working end of which is funher
s;lfrgua rded with an ovemllnd
IenO! to the nearest leg of the loop
(Ielt). The reef knot is ~nti:all)'
weak. bU I lne tWO ends may be
secu red with a couple o f douhle
ove rh and knots (abo\'e centre).
And ~ proprieTa ry brand of
chock (above right), known
~s a ~waUnut~ and used fo r
mount:llllec:ring and n:latl
actiVities. IS anachcd to a StrOP
of outstan dmgly strong ~mH1.cle
fibn:~ Spcttra ac~ry cord.
which IS tied wilh a douhle
fisherman's kno! and sccumy
assured by laping bolh ends to
adj acent stand ing pam.

.~ <lC

. NOT . .

8.';0 . . .

Hl r C H ( '

Co mmon
W hipping
Com panti\'(ly qu ic k to apply,
thi {radilio":!l treatment (o r a
ro pe'5 end is also the most likel y
to come untied.

Whipping twin .. are ,old b)'
fflIX ~locki$IS. Use natural
(~<'gMahk) fibr~ for natural ibn
.~ and ~rmlln;c (I" .)'m hetic
fflP($. Whippl .nds should nol
be hUHUlcd. The illustration
.am ple!. ha" . Men made ..... ;,It
thicker cordi, (or darity, than

would .c.llr be "",d.

Mah. {"Ill! bight and ray it along

,he "'I'<'~' .ho..' n.

lkJIin CO wrap ,h. working end

around ,IK '''1'''. 'rapping hoth Ifill
of In. biglu wi,hin the initiall .."'.
Wrapping !Urn. are ma& in In. opposite
dircnion 10 the !.or of lh. "'I'<'. so th.,
any Itndtncy for .h. mf>< 10 .. nlo y wiJl
,igl"cn 1M wbippinB.

(Irft) Tu<\, rh. working end through

(rigbt) I'\III'M ,,o. king end (not

.he remaining

porn",,, of th.


ill...."".d) Itt reduce the h;Sb, until

i, Irap' Lb. workins .nd; ,hen puU
h~rder, SO ,h~, Ihe ,.o.king rnd is
d.aAllN btnea,b ,be wrapping IBm
SlOp when ,h. in,erlocked elbow. rcacb
,he ern"_ "f 'he whipping.. If ,hey .aw
'hrough and b.eak 'he ,w;ne, .i, h.. wup
I... 'igh,ly or .,. OIronser , lUff 10 av" id
a bulg" ""ne",h ,he wrapping rum .

Trim ,he end .

Continu. t o w.ap 'ightly ,nward.

,h" rope') rnd. ,.kin8 care.o keep
tach ,urn .nugly and nea.l y againn ,h"
p ..."ding On Om,inue un,il ,h.
whipping i ,Ie." a. IQng ... 'he
diame,er o f


'P'" >,>do, ''1' """J "''I.mj >u~.. ,

''1' JO .md IU'I' 'I'!-" d ...... 01 u!lbg

Jlo II'!"!.! pu" '1" "'"


"11"1""111" >Ill
<pu. '1""1 uo

~I!P~>" !U!II"d ""P'l,.unlllu!"<!"J...

trug '4' IlI"'J "J~t'1!~ ." w;,

''1' JO pu. ,,0 1I"d

0, ""! ....

' ("""J~OJd


"1'0... >'1' n PO!_""" IIvo.

lJ~U! lJ~l.lIll ,

'"'1' ..!....,."',,,"O,.
. >J!",.,d

"'!'" ' II!"

Arq.'!A'''! '! '''II'

1>1I"'1l1! 0, p'U_dw!

"!"" ''11 ' .OW., .....

'."U!,,,' ll(~!q IIu!'I")'"

''I' 'V V


',>do, ~I
1lI0'! (uo!mloA" 1"'1>ldl1loo q.n) ."S!q
I!U!p!u.,un po. '10'1 '&'
PO" PIl,,-,od <".d ,u!."lliu!"lupun


(I.". '1/' ~u~'1 ''1'1!"oo ,. "11.'u C'

puo .(11'111!I.II d.J'" "I .nu!luo:)


'>dOl ~~I UO '.uO!,:JiP

'I!.odd" "! l1"!lo!oo '.uqI>So. I

>"'."1 HUldd!q," 'Q110 ' P'" 11""1 ...., ...

'Su!ddn{<\\ uowwo:> ;'IIP)O ",nit ;)}







, . ,~

> ""

... '''"

' . I" _~~



. " "-

~S OT ' ,

"['"0 ' "

H" C" '"

Wes t Country Whipping

Somt dismIss this :IS ugly and
nUl a prope r whIpping. It is
~r rtllinly nOI as nur ~s o ther
..... hlppings, but mo re pr3gmatk
mOl tyers point 01.11 ,hal il ~mys
PUt when a common whipping
comrs undone. In pucnce, th e
allCm ~te half knors, with
reprmion, begin to 1:lke on
a rugged hum pmess that is
not unam3Ct;ve.

Tic an ,..... hand knll' aboUT l.S em!

I in from ' he rope'. end.

T urn 'he ropc face d",.'n ~nd .ie an

idcn ,ical,,,:ond ovc,hand Imoo Of\

,hc ,c,'''.c .idc.

Turn 'hc wo,k fKe up again. and lie

"thin! o,'crhand k nll' aJon~.ide rhe

fin[ ~Ot. Rrpca[ [hil PH)(tJl of limple

1uoo1llng Of\ .!t~'n .. e . idc.

Fu",.t. Ilff ",u h " ,cd ('quu<j kno'.

and p<lk< ,he cnd. b. <k MRea,h
do.: rompk'cd WhIpping ,.,i.1o a Ioandy
~,rd rmpk""" ...

Sailmaker' s Whipping
No mam"r how well ried , a ft~ r
much wear and tear, whippings

do inc:vimbly come 1005(' and

come off. For ropes that flog

ahOllt in {hc wind, such as flag

halyards and ru nning rigging
aboard sailing craft, this tough
variant is ned imo the rope's
strands, which gives it extra
strength and se-=urity.
AlfernaTivdy, on braided rope,
the riding turns that secure it may
be stitched right through with a
robust needle.

Wrap nudy and tightly from ,h.

",d he .0",,', end.


l oop .he bight .h",nd and

pull ;l ligh, .... i, h ,he ".ndinS end of



,It. rope, end for a di"anc< of

~Itou ' 5 <:ntI2 ill and P"" a bight of

whipping twin. ,..... , one " .. nd, 10 thaI

bo,h end> of ,I,e twine .....,g. Mn.,.en

2 R...


,h. "raod,


>eke i,lt..

cnd of the ,wIne wi.h which tu hcpn

the " 'hipping.

,he other , ..." I\,an d>.

Con.lIIu< un,il ,he leog.h of the

whipl'ing .. k ... Cijual h.
dlam .,. of ,h ope.

Loy .he higb. along .he rope.o .hal

; pin ]. w ilh 0"" kg followin~ each
01 tbo groove. cread by Ih. ""'nd i.
orisinally o""k> ..d.

Lay th i. end ol.he twine in a

.imil.u belix along .he ren.aiDing
third gr""~

T i. the 'wo end .... curd y MI'...'e n

lhe .... nd preferably wilh " r~
(.q uaTe) ~ nu t. {Nute _ A gnnny k_
w"' u!oed here " .... n u.ier 10""""'"
in the pictu re "I .h. fini.hcd ,,'bipp"'A.
gi"m tholhi.\,:



(" 0".

1 1 "0 . . .


"To belld tlllO Cabell~ or R.o,lpes together . ..
whell we meani! to take them <.I-slmder againe. "
(S I" H n " lll ~1 ~1"''' H Il ISC.-

T lfe;

S I ..I-M V." ! DJ CTl ( '~'A"r,

16 ~4 )

A bend is any knot that joins two ropes or

OIher lines together. A:. a general rult', it should
be possibk to un tie bends aftcr use, for rope is

costly item tha t may be re-used later for

anothcr purpoq'. Renrier umie3ble knots


sfTing, anglers' m()nofilamentS 3t1d OIher such

sroff, from which they can be cut off 3Jld
discarded when no longer needed. f., lOST bends
3re m3dc in two separate ends of identical
rn3terial but SOme, for eX::lmplt' a sheet bend

and the different heavmg line bends, are

Intended for use \~hen two lines differ
noticeably in diame ter or stiffness. The
lightweight bmding knors that Join

lht' twO

ends o f the same length of line (for example.

parcel twine or shoe bees) 3re knOis - as

opposed to bends - hut m more subsr:mthl

stuff bends are employed to create cargo
strops and endless slings for caving
and climbing.

F lemi sh

Old S('amC"n vIewed thi s bend
with dlSfa\'our, becaw;c: II tended
10 lam in natural fibre ropes, but
it suilS symhetlc cordage.
Climben like it beause it is easIly
le.nned and ",adl1y chked by a
1(3nl leader.

Tuck lb. work,08 ond ,ho"',, 10


,he ~_"mtic fil"n--of

..p, ""tliftc:.

1 'wo

1< loop ......... md uf (1M of !he

H..... 10 M joinal.

I".",duee .h. >",,11 lin wi,h i ..

end pM:II1k1 III and

4 " 'Dfki"l

aloofSMW 'M r....' OM

''''pall half a ...'",. LII.h .. "" """

Ihurn" JOm8 up and ...ay lha.

2 Ie"

~n[ido"k .. i (ountn.loi:kw;~).


Foil" ... ,b. Iud "f

fir .. ropc wi,h
1M KCOfId, k~.o ,....... hlde of
01,. fin. M.. d 1r<1d."".


malt", trQIIIU k.....j.

eon,,"u ,oond and Ih'''''8'' , ....

tran,/emllllO d
in.i.d" or ..... ~nd """d.

6 ,,"gind knol,

7 compaCt. d ...



tisl"m ". IN! "' a ri .... lor pulhng

Oft.Kh ......It.......d and .talld,,,. pan



Do ubl e Figure-of-Eight Bend knot






~ fidt~rman's knot but, unlike

dul knot, It is bilaterally


(both sides look Ihe

53IYl~). SeHni knots with a
figu r~-{)f'~lghl layOut arc rd~rred
to;lS Flemish knots, and an
;l]rern:1l1ve n:'l mt for this one is
Ihe Fl~ml,h bi:nd. LC:'I ve the knots
~ f~ mch(!!; apart for a knot tilal
will absorb a sudden jerk o r
m<1teh by sliding before it hol ds.

6gu<<,-"f..,iSh. kno, in
the Iwo Ii".. and ;runt 1M
Ii,.. ,hr(HIgh ,h. 6", kno .

Comple.e .he ..,,,,,d fil\ure .... f~8h.

kno ,,-h-icb, ..-hen the ,",ork i<
JUr~d rndfor"1'o d, W~iL be idemk"l lo
tM fu" one.

4 Pun

6.., on .he ..-orki"g .nd "

remo,"" Ih. ,I;u:k from . he indj~iduaJ
knot<, .bm 0" both ""ndinS pan, .0
WIk tMnl '''f!cth...

one of

.~n d


Linfit Kn o t

TIlick and springy marerial~ need

an al rernal1ve 10 lhe double
fisherman's (or grinner) knot, and
this one was dcvi~d by anglu

Owen K. NutT:ll1.

1I ,;og lh~ ... D. king .... d 01 'he 1" ..,

line ,,,,, OJ, the
taking il fronl I" ';gh .



"13 k ~ ~

bighT in <ach (If the ,w<llinn

to be: joined


Loy 'Mm onc .,"os.

OIher. a hown.

Pa<l Ih. Len hand worlrinlt ond in"

dockwi .. di.c<lin" .lOund ,h.

I.fthand .tonding parr.

T ah

,h. wo. king md of ,h. UI'f'C'"

lin. "lOun d , h. h. ck ,,/ .h. 1" ..,..bish' " OTII .igh! 1O !t1!.

Turk th i.ld,hand wo. Iring m d fwm

""hind .nd b,ing II up lhrough the
Idlhand bight,

Rnng ,h ighth.od .. mking cnJ

T uck ,hi. working end from in fWDI

"".;dock.. i .. (couDlerel""lr wi",)

around ,h. righth."d ""oding pan .

d" .. n through ,h. ,ighth."d hight.

Romu,". ,he slack from .hi. ~rungcmtn. r,m have ~ .,-mm",riaJ fom wi.h
bot b end, emtrging~, ,igh ngl .. 1<, .he
standing p" n, and on 'he ". mt ,idt of
the kdot . "" II on tach """king and
"Anding end in Tum 1<, ';gIHnI th.
<ompkt<d k nOi.



Ze ppelin
Be nd

1$ ODt'

of a family of bends

........ P>wng two .merlockcd

~ knots. [t


both !Otfong

-.:I !oa.--uro:', and the faci Ihm both ends snek OUl :It right
~ IQ

their standing parrs is

, .. mmor snag thai may be
~b;;,t un$igh d~' but is nutly

Hold Ih~ ,,,n.opcs, ,",';'10

Ibtir .nd. in 110. sanK dirffuon.

Fn.m a loop ... ,,10 110. wOfking .nd (}f


'''p. 110.1 "d",." 10 you.

The- AmcrlOln Dava]

.ftKrf ~nd ae r on:lUU0;5 h(,lo

"lrurIn R.osc:ndahl reqUI Ted his
_~e dlrlgihle Los Angeles 10
~ .ogred with Ihl} bend - and
rchn - in the 19JOs; and the
",;1\-'; wounued 10 e mploy II
~teHhanal r ~h lp5 until as 1962. Rosendahl's
~w of tying th.s knO! was


Tab. 1M worktn~ .nd around

bolh Iop.> . nd "rin~ il bod, WuuRh
ie.o .. 'n Iuop.

1;ft 1M "andinl p:UI qf IIw othn

.ope .o .-;ank il> " 'OfI.:'''1 mel.

, [h.m Ihe OIlC

~ro. wh,,;:h was deVised al a

t:..a d.ue - sometime In thc
~ .. It - by Ettrick W. Thnm!l()n .
In ~nnhmg from
. . Clghl t2hles and ha1.l.'Ser$
~lesl of cords.

5 ......
.. '-P

-....d work,n, mil bonta,h

__ ~ pon;om! .lIdIu

WI .. fotmm. PUU on
. . . ~aodo aDd ,,~ndln~ pam to
_ tI.or:k to npllm .ho< bout.


I '" U


U!>C (hiS bend wnh Ih~ tWin knOlS

5Omcwh;11 separlfcd. Under ~
moderate :lnd Mc:uh low. they
will tcltUm ~pa". Ii a sudden
e!Clta IwJ IJ cxc-ned upon them,
hOlrocva. they ~hdc .lnd 50 abtorb
wmc o f ,he stram. ~ knOls nur
bt IItd In rop<' or webbing (Iapc).
The Canad ,~ n climber Robe"
Chlsn31i devl~d thiS bend
5(lU1~ U rnc before 19112.

1 10 tach1M'' '




of cIKd

p"' ..Ud

c.. of ,he

, ..." I",... aruubd .t.. mhe, ....... PfHn_

to ..

Tah. _1HHl nun .."h 1M 6".10 ...

2 .,,,,,mlllI<
!.eCond "...,.

,..d. ito ""..rc.' cnd.

doe .. ori;... ~ - . d ....

doc ...1IppC'd 11K ...d
," 0''''' " ....d,.. pan.

3 ..........11 hoch

dw .....",........
4 IkmtI
front of

umk, ,to

Io;o.;k ok> ..'o ..

It.. '"""" laM. Ilttk'''11 01

linal IIlfn.

T ..... Ih.IWf-co....... ~ u.... NIl.

for ...... Md ........ ,hor ICC.....! 1,....
.... h an odnt""ll.....t "'_ mo..l
frQ" d,,, fin, .......

"""z '"


T hIS young rel.nive of the
uppe lin bend is probably its
equal. Amcn(al1 Phil D. Smith
devised It during tht" Second
Wo rld War, and he simply called
It a rigger's bend; but English
physician Edward Hunter

1'10 Ih~ tWO lin"" 10 M joinN

puallcl and bnidc 0"'" onolh.r.

Take ,h. working rod f'om the front

of rhe loops around 10 the b,,<~ .

4 ,<>

Turk ,hi, ."d 'h"'''gh the I"op from

front 10 back, in , b. OPJ><l';1<

M. k~ twin

100.,.. !>king =r 110

. h. t wo linn remain p.rollel .

ted,sc<.wcred it ill i 978, and the

worldwide publicity he achieved
fo r the kn ot led to the
c)tahlishment in 1982 of the
Imern ~ tional Guild of Knor Trers.
The tying lIu:thod illustrated is
the one Dr Humer uso::d.

BnDM [he other .... orking end up.n

fron. or the .....0 1<..",..

dirta;on to the flm end.

Tuck ,h i. end fronl bebinJ through

,h. f,on, of bolh 100.,..

Begin '" ,.mo,'. ,h I~k from the

knOl, laking care rh.t


md) 00 1tO[ come OUt of the loops.

,--- - - - - -

rull u ch .... orking eod and "anding

part, in ,um, until the knot is
NIl} lIg/" ened.



Surgeon's Knot
Often recommended

:lli OJ


knot (pc'rhaps: wrongly. :u II does

YIeld :I ccnam amoum of sbck In

ughu::mng). thiS makes;l neal and
bend, t'v('n In -'>ynthet!c

~-u r('

cordage. It


powble Ih:1I II may

once have bn used in surgu:al

sutures. hence us name, Usulily

seen In ~m3.11 !;ordagt'. Lt C;:1.Il be a
worthwhile knOI 10 use

types of rope.



emu.1K .m'kinK end, or the "",

joinnJ, in Ihi. ;n"'nc~

1 "'PO to be

I.n o~<r ri&"I.

Tit a 10:001. "",i"glw... ,h.

tWo pam
ld,h.ndcd !H"
...,1"lo.:k... ,,,,, (cOllotfrd<Kk .... i.<).



Yah ~~ n't:O n,ek.Dd ,lien boo",

lhe ..'000... nl<illognhn api. , th;,

nab' 0>'" kit.

Tie a It"ol h. lf Irnot, or o""",ile

hand.d""l. 10 ,h. fin. <""pit. wi.h
<1'. ' 10'01"'" ,win inN ri,hthond.d

(chlCk"';""J. To IIgh'.n ,h. knol, lim

hold <;I(h work in. end whh ,,,


.",,,,Iin, pan: bur 6n~lIr JU" pull on

Ih...and'n, ~fI', .1~,,,' UPI'"
llalfl".o. 10 1"';01 .hslllly Mllh~I;\
o ...rl"Y' II,," compklfd k ....1 di ...... allr
from com.. III CII ......

H arness Bend
As IU n; Implies. this knot was
known 10 carters and waggoners
In the day~ of horse-drawn goods
"chICles bc::C<lUSC it works tquall )'

. "ell In leather or ra .... hide sm~

II ....,11 .. 150 lOin mau:nab as
.J1\l'rM' IlJ raffia or fenct' wire:.

nul. 01 .... ''''0 .:unis 1o bep>,aIld I.. each 01 ...... ...1

1 rt.o

, Ii/,c 1~1Kr.

3 ..,.Im

Kpi .. ~ .... "'11 cord. IO!! ......... I~l.

wooing md "nda and ,......
0"(1' lilt Olhfr sl~ndinK puc.


nod unand 10 compktt

..... mel ..... ht Uo..

4 ra.. "'"'

CKbn " 'odinS c:nd bc....~lh

dot "'~'br ..aDd",. pU1.

.. 5

Mili ~ h..lf "'cd! ..~th thO md..

~ pall the MJ2l>solMnlushl, ...

... .... ..... .........,. no 0fJPU"" .ldn .,f


.. ...

Double Harness Bend with

Parallel Ends

Imo!: ryen prdtr

symmc:maJ bends. "'hKh afe:
o ften better 1oo1u1l8 and an be
( ,,"Ief to leam, IIC' ;J.nd mcmOrl~C.

11us "emon


al)\O a link

stronger 3.nd more: secure rh.ln

Ihe harllCSli bend.

T ~~t ..... WOI'i<'''J t .... d.,.".-~

2 Milne" .10. ",1M>-


","d,~. pul.

-,lin Ion,. ,........ up .1tII I>o<k

....n ,ho OCM 10M.

TKk the .... do ...... bnWttII

10 ~~ ..... !lalr

4 .......1Uws

'I'll", d.c ""lf~I'" ~..d.

"".-.;I ~nd tot ." oOmlocol ...........
" - "Olio ,IK .. ,Iocr ...""la.t ..... II. .... ~
the ~ . ', WI Ii..., both ...... prulI"IMk
'''''".... "MI IN -..- ... ul ,lot I.JMM...


Strop Bend
Any ~wo eyes, loops and endless
strops or slings may be interlaced
this W:I)", II can amuse young
children to make long multicoloured chains of elastic bands
...ith a series of these knots; but
the mop bend call also be put to

hard labour on conSTruction sires

and dockyards.

Pick up 'he >landinN pun of ,h.

,,o.ltiog !oop'" d...~w ,hem ,htousJ!
..... _onduy loop. IOSc,he, ''''0 bighu and in .... '

on. up <brauNh the 0'1..

rcma;nd.., of . b. '.iorking
loop mmplc.dy through i,..,lf.


Doubl. Lb. w"rkin~ bight of ,h. two

hack upon iudf.

Btgin ,,, pull the two bi~h" in

.."posit. directiOn!, on. ''''~f from

,h. ",h.,.,

Con tinue .. mil ,h. fWO bigh .. arc

.....glr intcrl""kcd with on. ano,her.

by puUin~ on both of

at Oncr. While ,hi. knot
.. a
("'Iuan) kn", in la~"u"
arc var diff<Tcn., Hd it
. . . . , COlI ...... only rom. undone if on<

7 iDoplep
.'"'~ rm


. . Iioon b<nlu.

I ...


Blood Knot with Inward Coil


This is one of the several c13~sic

angling knots that, because of
their numerous compact
wr~pping turns, are col1('(:livdy

h""" f"",nll in "I'P""'~

1d"mion''''0.. d<>I.c: '''I!<'thn-, and Lor


known as blood or barrdshap.:d

knots. Numerous wrapping rums
make this knO{ both $trong :and
secure. 11 is primaril y used br

I:n" .. ~ ,ha, the fi .., ..npponll

lI,no ....:IOIft both of 11K Ii"",
.0 bt joined .co as .0 nap iu " .,.
.. and'''1 pan.

\li th 1M od .... working md, btpa

"n&ppi"l j><ocn. api.Il.

7 'M

OUI of woller.

\\~.h 0"" of 1M ....... klnll nod., bqln

,0 apply .. rappinl tum<,

"''''P .......14 su .... ou~d .he

and ,hen dtJ ... " 'M of
both linn.

T..,.." make each ..nPJlln. IUrn I..

UlUsl1 and .ightly t.e.i6r.he

Cantpktc fin or "" IUno,. ,...... uck

IIJId Inp .M "'''"'ina end bot"'",,
boih 10_

.MIn ,,"""lid.

angl ers, who tie it in th< ir fine

lllles, but it can pro~e equali r
usefu l, lied in thicker rordage,

!'"'lOUt 0""

~"tlor prniou. "~. --rappl"II

ill 1I1,.an!> ,M ""dd]., of ,lor
nnn'l'nl knol.


3 fron.fim

Foully IUd:: 1M ooad ,..or1<tq md

d" " ,,, through. ,ho . ...... of 1M knot
OJIPI."i dj,tiun '0 .he o.hIN
end). Mould all of ,h. IUno, ."h., from
.h. ou,.,de In. and ,hen pull " n 1M .wo
endl ,0 r...... v. any .Iuk.


,.. ,) I

Carrick Bend with Ends Opposed


This knot name dates from the

llhh century, but ils actual o rigin
is obscure. At Ca rrick-on-Sui r in
Ireland. the: Elizabethan
plastcrwork of Ormonde: Castle is
embellished wilh numerous
carrick bends mauJd~d in rdid,
whill.' a "carrack~ was a rype of

Make a I""" wilh ' he working . nd of

"". of ,h.

'''0 Ii..... to bt joi...d

lyinS (in ,hi, jn'l~nu) nvr, if> "", n

..."J ingp.n.

reduces the breaking stTrngrb of

the ropes to about 65 peT ccnt.

Neve rt heless, given today's strong
synthetic cordages, it is still a
considerable heavyweigh t among
bends. It is ~id to be more secure
jf it is tied in such a way that th~
working ends em~rgr: o n oppositc
sides a f the knot.

over.h. j"itial
2 1',h.1"". the sonJ lin.bcnn.h

/kgin a .ccond loop. ,.king

"""ond working ... d ovor

medieval trad ing ship, from

which pe rhaps comes Carrick
Road outside: Falmouth H arbour
in Cornwall. Recommended ror
brge hawsers and cables, Ihis
bend has acquired a repu tation
far strenb'1 h, whcn it actually

1<><>p, in th. dirnc.ion

po ..
working end

,h. o,her


"."ding p....

Wi,h 'he ....,ond <Rd, make locking

,uck ,hat J!UC> undor"", -un"", 10
compb. Ihe kOH,.. I'ull nn .he tWD
"anding part>.o righ, O" .h. knol. ,,h.n
Iho lb . he1".ld'< nudine will cal"Uc inw
compa .. an d dilf..... " ' fonn.


I '" D

Carrick Bend with Ends Adjacent

With the ends on the same side of
the knot. the carrick bc:nd
becomes the heuldic device once
!,;nown a) the Wake knot. the
b.ldge of the Saxon leader
Hcrewlrd the Wake who in 1071
.w re"olted against William the
Conqueror. The lau~ De5mond
Mande"IUe, who re~arched the
rebuonshl p~ of bends for more
than 25 yean;, discovned there
...1' one knOI 10 which aU were
rebted and 10 which every family
trt"C he drew returned - thiS one.
UK dus knOI for decorarive
pu~. rctaimng the: flat and
'1pC1l b"ou t. II Oln look mosl
MUlCt,~e ....hen used as a curt;J1n
~-tud(. 10 !>(Cure a dressing
rov;n cord. or e.'en on an antique:
~h.ltloC" longue.

1 "al.

a 1<><.,. ","h , .........,rIu"l! md of

_ pl ..... '" 0 II .... 10 b e jOln.d

_ _ 0"',' lb. >lalldin, pH'.

4 ....

a "'""'" loop by ukJ"l! ,....

_ _ _ ""orkrn,md under 'hr

.... ~DIJP"

La~ 1M _d,;n, md of I.... 00fId

10... bm,,;uh ,.... ;nin.J loop, po;>lnnn~
,n ,he d,r"on lho,,-n.

hllf of the: kno .

6 kup ,hi. kno,

Iock'n, ",de (bat &on 0>".,'

unokr-o>'", '0 l\I..., ,h. kf.hand

8nn& ,be: oond " 'orkinll ... d tn'",

I.... 0,10., ....".klng end.

UlIlikc II.....d, ~ vcn""'.

flu.nd open.



Vic e Versa


Some intractable matt"riaJs - such

as wet and slimy leather 1hongs or
bungee (eJmit) shock cord - arc
difficult to kup in place and
slither out of other bends. They
can, howe\'er, be tamed with
this relatively new knot from
the fertile mind of Harry Asher,
first publhhed in 1989. The
extra secnrity can ollly be
achievt"d with the additional tncks
and rurns tha t .!.re features of
this knot,

1'3" ,h ...,d D. .... ,he o,horlin. and

,h.n , .. ck i. hon ... h i.""If.

eros, ,h. rig.h'h~nd end ""<r ,h.

4 Take""0',h. ,b. r...,


working . nd



Id.haod end and .uck i, .hu>ugh

l.r,hand loop alongsid. in o"'n ,t;o.nding
f'an. Similarly, .ak. hokl of "ha. h ..
become rite righ'hand .nd,


lo y II.. ,wo lin 10 be joined

and '''II.,h"r.

1 ".""lId


'0 ,h.

of ,h. rwo linn.

Tak.,h. righ'hand W("I<in~ cnd

and bring i, ben... h ,h. othor
naDding f'OT' .


Bnnll ,h. ''''''n<l ....",king cnd back

ben ,h ,h orh", lin. and Uf' f''''
frun, of ,h. knot (" 'i,b no ruck).

finall~, ,uelo:
r<n>ainit18 wo.king .D<I.h.0\I8h th. ngh,ru.nd loop aJongsW. ill
OWn ... n<ling part. C.. ntl~ pull on all (our "f the . m<r)!in g ~n a. 0"". 'Q -..rdy

,igh, .., ,hi.


I I '" P'


I .. 0 I

Sheet Bend
Th,s knot 15 ntlther sfrong nor
secure. II reduces the nrenglh
of Imn b)' 5S ~r ecm, and an

Sp.1I1f subf1lo sp:a5mOlilc

IUkmg. ThI5 SOlid. II IS p;an of
C'\'CTl knoll)"cr', basIC rtpenOltt.

WIltn 11 attaChes a lany;ml TO a

loop n nuy bt referred 10 as a
beckel hllCh, and, Ilcd (by a
dlffcTrnt method) In YJrns. II il

C'.IUed the wt,lI'cr's knOi.

Ih~ "'I"'"

blSln in Ih~ md of.,.,~ 0/

'0 he licd.

T .~~


<ond '01"" .lId ,.. rl< " up

2 Ih'''''h the bight.

Tllrk I"" " 'l>I'k,nl md tt.rnul~ "..,If

in IlKh ..... y 1I ,Ix,,1I ......., md.
Ioaotecl on "'" um< ..... of 1M
complntd k"", (..-nlo __ y "'~Ierial..
It _ . mix....,.., JcnIff ,h .. ....r).


I I .. " .

Do uble Sheet Bend

It elK tWO hnes are of dissimilar
Sl.1.t or stlffncss, make the bight in
rhc: btgger or fougher one, and lie
till' double sh:! bend to
' OUnleTltCl any lC'ndency for II to
W"~ghttT\ and W $pillihe knot.
There tIi no need for a tblrd rude.
It thu Imol 15 Insufficient, try Ihe

8...", I~ md around and hcnc:.,11

the "'''', In ,... miter cope,

M.k bllh, ;" Lh.

larvr of ,II<- ",'0

ope. '" he jolnN.

T..d: 1M .. orlwlK tnd Mnc..b tOOf

In Ihal bolh.oo" end, an kocaLN
de or ,I!., knot (..,lh many
it II III" <un:

4tho: "".......


,hi, .....

T"k. tho< """,,,nd of rho linn .no!

tlKl< II up throop , he ....P'.

8 .."1 the .. """ias md atOIInd Ind

1><....'" tb. b,lP" and ... u .....
' Iand'nll' ... \lne. _p.m. ~tqIUIl H 10
lh. "Shl Df ,h. IIngin.1 p....

F.....oy, ,ltd: Ilk

6"k .h.

<ad throop
itutl, .1 tuck.o rompInc:




Sheet Bend
When a sheel bend is likely 10
he dragg~d over or t hrough
ohSlruclions. !hc two ShOfl ends
can Ix! srrc~mlined b} means of
this ada ption. u~ this simple bur
effcnm.. modification for ropes
that mar be lOwed in water,
pJssed through a rocky creviCe or
even exposed !O gale-force winds.
The Ihr('e short ends sho llld, o f
COllr~e, po,n t ;iway from the
dlT~crion In which the kllOI is
be in g pulled so that they will nm
be pulled hy !he ellrTCl11 Of ca tch
against any rocks.

Take 'M ~nd of 'M ",loa . ope and

luck i, up 'hrough the bigh,.

Make ~ bigh, ... ith 'M w.,,-kinK end

of o"e of
11'1 '0 rope> '0 "" joined.

I'~ .. ,Ite wo,king.nd a,ound ond

""""a,h , he bigh' in 'he o,he, rope.

4 .hur, ....d.


Tuck , h. cnd bene,,,h ;uelf.o bo,b

an on ,h. ume ,id .

Then bring ,he ...o. k,ng .nd around

and hack on ;".11 again '0 make a



FinaUy. ,uck
cnd ben ,h i,~lf
(., .!m"Il) and la y i, alons,ide ,h.
I.. " p'''' "I ,h. o,h rope. Tigh' ....
"".dully .., ,ha' all ' he knl>l pam bed
dO"'n .nusJy IOgelher.

. , '" I>

Heaving Line Bend

11m quick and ~lJl1plc knot
.,IU.1Lh(,> a lightweight throwing
Ime: (or ~rnc:ssc nser~) to the: bight
(lr t)c: uf a hU"ler hawser thai IS
10 be: hauled 1010 positlon. It was
lint mt"nllonc:d in a scalll3.M.tup

nunual of t 912.

\blr a hog'"
hr "a~kd.

1 10


eM ...... .." Ihal II...

0. .... , thr ..-orI.:,"I ..... d.o ""'" ,wit

kfr In ,.....""ana). ,alwqj"
_lid .nod I><nr h .he 'LlDdin~ 1"'" of

3 I"'"

tIoo "'Jill and IMn brlnll,ng;t 0 .... ;1>

_ .. u.ncllftB pm. oM """,looll cod t.a.c..,lIlhr

.1Ion '"'" of eM boghl.

IIn08 'M ...-.... kin8 cod bade 10 'M

Idd..."'!.ode of oM knoc .....k,ll."
fin~lIr ~alh " ..If", ,,",,,,'n. Ntllr lIuI
1M fi ....hcd .h" ho,,-, thr ,<",<"" J'dc:

~f 1M complcted



Racking Bend
Racking is rhe term for figure-ofeight interweaving, such as in this

inst:lncc, where a small di:lmClcr liTle seizes the bight of
a much thick!."r rope. The purpose
is to seize ami grip rhe la r~cr rope
so th at its bight remains dosed

and docs oot spring apart. It is for

heavier duties than those
undenakcn by the variOll' sheet
bends, but scale is a relative thing.
II can be used to join 1II3!>Sivc
Glble-Iaid cordage aboard ocean going ships but it could also be
applied in fine twines to a mooel
galleon made from m:m:hsricks.

M~k~ a bight in (h~ beg of tho two

lin"" to .... mponrily linko:d and
b';0ll ,h. >mallct ODe OW, i,.

Di.'." Ihe working end CO on. ,ide,

lude;"!! if under on. lox "f the mgh,.


BrinK ,h. workins cnd back am.

10 [h. olM' . id., JI"';"g oo'or. ,h.n


.he ,.'o,king cnd b~o k ~cro..

bigh., going 0. ... . ben f~d "
book undo< .

4 ,h.

Cnnlinue ,hi. ",,,king procco. ,..

.Iong 'M nk 0/ .h. biBh' a.
ntt...... ')' '0 hcp i. '''II<lbcr.


Finally, lU ck 1M ,.'Orking ~d
" f ,he radcin@'urn
hown. Th. cUDlpl.,C<! knQ' DIU" b<
,igb ..""d. lurn al a 'imt ,oward. ,h.

6 hene,..h unc

end nf .he high .


. t,"'"

Se izi ng Bend
TIns has alllhc quali fies required
of ill ~OI.v lng line bend. namely
iUn\gth. securiry and ease of
1IIln"lI1g. A comparative
_,orner on (he knotring scene,
WOI,!; devised and publidzed hy
thrry Asher in 1986.

D.on1 'M wo. king ..,,<I to one ~id ..

el lM b,p,!" aud brgin t" w.ap ;1.

r- .... loop (lv tbe ;nc:n

7 "boP'me,

Make a big/.. in 'he large. of ,he "" 0

lin.. 10 M temporarily ioiocJ and

T .ke alum w,lh ,h .. working end of

2 th.. lin.. Around ,h...nd of tb.. bi8hl.

tuck , h.. cod of ' h .. light .... lin. up

through it.

Ernu ha. tbe fi ... .um ,up> its

P",..Ii08 " andin!! pan.

W",p ... ady u d ."ugly 'oword h.

end of th.. hight,

<od or


",,<I pIIll it ,iglll ,..,

...... of
wrapping rurn. and ".1"
. . ~ end of.1K kn ot. Fo. lui
_.kov~ alonset ..nd tIun .h" I"n
... -Iinr and r....en it to ito own
~ pan .."II a bowline.


I ._ N


Albright Special

Tills {fled-and-tested knol is used

by numerous anglers 10 jOin
monofilament to braid. o r braid
to wire. It is shown here using
much thicker cordage th an would
normally Ix used. Its first
appearance.," prmt was 10 1975.
but l:ncr publicluions s.oml.'fimes
rder to it as th e Allbr igh t Special.
>t.llherc is some uncertainty as
TO the corrcct spelling of the
origlllat<Jr'~ n3mc.

1),,- b~ wo.kinJ!. end.o nne .id.

(itl l h.! 'omoe. Ille nshlh3nJ).
p ..,.",.o.y.o makiD~ wnpping tIlm .
!kIPn .h. wrapping I"",. by uking .h.
"" .. king ond "ye. one 'ide of 'hc bigb.
and back bene b bo.h bighl l"l!'.


Ta. a <oDd full ,.. .... 1'fl;"8 'u.n

neally [email protected],,,uDc.

IalllC' of 'hc .wo

lI.ins ,h. ~nd lin. ow. ""d

pa.alld ,,i.h .he in,,;;,1 bigh .

T ~kc .he ,,n.lung cnd back OYCf Ih.

Con.inue.o "''"''P O\"e' and do,,""

benulh Ih~ bWu legl ~gJin.

Complete a, many ,um 1 ncss;o.y

for a .u= and .t.hl. kOO1 .

Finally ,,~k .h. working end dO,,-D

.h.ough ,he otigi .... l bigh .


1lirK"l ' o

top of

bight in


b< jnin.d.

,h. bighl.



pI"C"CCdin8 . u nding pan in .he pmc<so.


I .. '"

Simple Simon Over


ThIS ImOl: (:;and tWO I'lrunons of

II) wcrt' dC:\"Iscd by Harry Asher
lind published In 1989. It It
especIally effective: In slid;
synthetlc hnes lnd. once
IlUSltrcd, II an be fled C'lslly. II
h:n rind)' lppcartd In pwn. hUI ,I
merils being mort wide-I) kno ..... n

II IS:a usefullc.nOl lO have


ont', fingerups when fillce"! wllh

t)'lIlg slipper)', ~ynthctlc hnes.

.\bkf. bosh.
01 u.. ''''0 li_
'n h.t ,oint<! and
11K ..'nrkJn_
."d of.he och ... li..., ,,,"
in one



T ..d. ,... work,... ~"" ...... n ,h...,.....

Lay dot .. d bad: (to'a' ,1\ ~ (liw
D4 1M ~_).

'M btJII nd hnn. it OU, 10 ,he kll

(in .hi, ;n... nce), , h.n ,.k ,.,," both
bight 'lB' ond, ,n * . nok,nl ~7. rack.
h..,k "pin Mnnlh ,hom.


h"", .IK UUl)idt (If .h. bW", luck

'M "'Ofkan~ ond lip . lMllhrouaJ! and

IinoUy by n oklnJ';o., 01' o,,'n ),,,nd;II,
p:ort.. T 1,.In... V.odully..... Ofk,,'1 the


...., of thor tompklrd kllOl.

imp le Simon Under

I'lI.t IS I. l;marion of the simpJ~

s.-.n OYP:"f knot by Harry Asher.

\llhough on first appearance, it
doa DOl" look unlike the sim ple
~ O\"tr, 11 is more ~cure and
~ ymh diSSimila r co rd
ma UK! textures. This is an
~Iy useful knot thaI
~n more r.-cognition as it is
.,did for slippery synthetic cord
.-d Iobould be used on a wider
~!kin 11 IS al present.



Ma~ c.

bight ,n 0". o f the Iwo lints

10 be io",cd and bring the wo rking

rnd of .h. DIM' line ovcr il.

Tuck It.. working end down ,h,oul\h

the bight and di'"e" it 10 the ItI, (in
.hi. illltan) pri<>. ,<> gl)i", back 0. ...
both bightl"ll'.

~ ~ ,",orkin, end back bcll~alh

.......' top ~Ilcl 'Mil tuck if
- - . .. pnndinJ pari (Ih~ und~r

. . . . '-oIUlDt).

' - ... _ruok of m~ bigh., lUCI<

.. -'-I: <D<i up . hro ugh and
........ iI . . . .1dt ," ","' II ..and;ng
. - . T. . . . ,,-actually, " 'otlcin5 the
"'_."cumplet~ knot.


I I "'"

Simple Simon
This is a ~ariarion of the simple


SlnlOn knots of Harry Asher; if is

ellen more SCOlre and h;JS the
advantage that it can cope with a
greater dissimilarity of cord sizcs
and texrures.

Wrap the rod o"cr amlth= bencatb

both bight IC'!!'.


.h. ,",o.king ",,<I

(in .hI.

M.k" a bigh, io , h" 1'lJ!'" of ' he ''''"

hOe<!O M ,0iMd .nd briog ,h~
..-orking md of ,h~ och.r lin. ov~r it.


Tah .hc "' .... king eod back "~;.in

..., that it Ii ov.r both I.~, ,,(
tho bigh .

ra" , he \..,o'kin~ end d" ..." bme h

the b<ght ,,"n ito ,,"-n I""~ding
~.andi"B pan.

jn"~n<. ' ""''''II n . o tbe

1m) Mn~th

bi(lh .

Carry ' he end ac. os he (,-"". Ilf the

bight ovcr ill OWD " anding par .

From .he oo!Side of th~ bight. finally

.uck .h. working cnd through
310,,~,ide it> o .... n ,cand"'g part. 1'1111 the
knot . nug and tillht, ,.ki", car< no. tn
di ...,,, it "' .h" proc ....


Shake H and s
TIus e:x<:ellcnt knot is 3lmo5t
unknown, yct II is one of the beSt
bends. bemg nOl only secure but
.llio comlr loosened untied,
Vld neat m appearance with the:
rndJ; alongs,de: the standing parts.
H.uT)' Asher dev,sed II, influenced
- admITtedly - by Clifford
Ashier's 1944 dcscription of a
YIIllhr larour as a loop knot.

2 h"'M ,h. ;n;l;alloop

o,h " orking .nd up

and mal. a
_ d loop (the rnd goillg und... ,h

......u..ll pm).

5 ,,,. .
do .." ,h. fim ",,,,king end


fron' of bo,h I""p'.

Take ,h. Ii..., ,.-"rking . nd !>xk

do,.-n bohlnd both of ,h. loops in
,h. d...I()p,"@knll'.

Then turk ,h. ,"c"nd ,..",king rnd

do ...... b,,,,,gh the rommon ""tn l

.paer M,wern bo,h "f ,h. l""p'.

Bring the fir" ... "rkin~ rnd np

,"",ugh ,he rom,noD C<1Ilf31.pac.
bo, ....." ho,h lOllfl'.

t'uJ! on bo.h ...". king end. and

..""ding part> in ,urn'" .igh.rn



Thief Knot,
This chunky knOt, with both ends

centrally I11pped, 1$ a good reason

to lurn the unreliable common
thid knol descnbcd belo ......

Mak~ - b,,'" in OlIo< of Ill< ",,'0 ha..

to"',..tDcd.. BrtfIJ.he workinl .... d
oI'M Other ~ .... lip .hrou,," Ik btgh\
..... 6
dhI.... it II> 11M- <i<k of 1M "'Ih'
..h.", II; tho end " located.


BnnA 1M workinA md doYo-~ beton,h

both Iep of ,.... bop .. and _k d'

.... d bKk th ..... p ,I>< initial b' gh,

Now lqLa 10 puU each of 'M

mod. KrOI. 10 tbe oppotollC

3 ..orion,
,ielc of

1M knot .

UDCfOl.O Ih< " -orkinl! conI. to

moonmurily a.......... he "-elr
locknl lay,,,,, ,h"wn

I""I'OM i .. 0"" " .... <liIl8 pan. T'hiJ "

1M common Ih,of knot.

workin, end.""'n"
is 'M
!"mbUnl! thief, d' fo<m of
,h. thitfknnt if d", ..." .~h'.
Cro.. the


SprlW:ly '" ,!to"o. TlIiJ


T ~k. ,.... "PI'" workiaK .nd .nd '"ek

.1 d,,,,.lIy do"'11 ,hroup d CDmmon



of ,h ~i kn(lI.

T.h Ihr 10..,.........,\0;"" <nd and n.d,

;, up Ihrougb ,h. common nn,ul

SfI Pull on uch "no or ,h. four cord.

in 'u'n ' 0 ,,"".m thu. kilo<.


Alpi ne Butterfly Bend

Cmtmg th~ loop off an Alpine
banntly KnOi produces this bend.
~ :llot of loop knots can be
~ed to useful bends this
~ MKi knOt tyers who Imvt:
~ed and re poned this
mooplco 1Ilducle Brion Toss,

lJrftmond Mandeville and Harry

\shn. Tie It direcriy to bend
~r (WO Imes.

f" rm an und<rhand loop ",;Ih "..., of

the 'wo end. 10 1M. joined.

fo rm I ,imilar undhand loop with


.h. ",her end. inl.rlocking;' ,,-ilh


loop, "" .hOl, -n.

Tili .. Ibn on" or ' he ' wu working

ad ..... d IlICk <11),,"" . h roujj.h .he
_ _ op;oa: <OInDIO" 10 bOlh loop,.


flKk Ihe mba


end ,be r,m cnd, through

......... compk,.d knOl.

5 ....



both "'''rkin~


.... _ tho OIand,ng p<lrl 10 remove

. . uplrn the kll'Ol,


I '" II

In wet n:uural fibre ropes:.n


when C'ven simple knms could he

relied upon fa holJ, it was
recommended rh:n hawsers
should be: lamed Wllh a pair of
Interlocked bowhnes, and that

still holds good - hUr.1Il)' - in

wme of tooay's conhgc-. The
ad\'3mage of the 00" line IS thaI It
does nOl shp or lant even under
tcnslon. ThiS hem] (iill be- used
for lines of di~,jn1;br dbnll:ten.
constructions and materials. bm
fhe tWO loops may be wea kened
"here thdr 11Iterhnked elbows
UOSIi and ruh ag;unsl one another.

M.k. Ih" UI;",aJ Dn,h~nd loop Ih~1

..,ill <inch Ih. <ompl.le<! ~nOI and
lurk 1M ...",kinll<nd up Iltr000gh il.

P~ .. I~

" ',,,klnK end a,ound beh,nd

3 .d.... *'"

4 1l>fI'.l1o........

lid he! ,",on",,! md do ...... "rOilSh

:uw:I pca.IJ tiw "'orkin" end ' 11
nth"''' II kJIOI..

,h. ......,hn' PM! "I ,It< lin .

Abko a" ....m.nd loop ..-j,h.


throu,b 1M

nKk II.. " -<Ifk"'ll

bu ..-lint.


I'a ..
"'ur~inH .nd up Ihroutlh Iht
Kcond loop _nd under Ihe "and,n.
1"'" of ,he

6 T..d , d".

"<lflung end do"'n

IkrOllW. d... -.J1oop and pull d...
worlnnl end 10 h8hlt1l 1M k"",.


Twin Bowline
Ben d
T\a MmnanH~

to the bowline
the sharp elbows of
lamer knot and IS stronge r for
. . . l'QK)fl U It avoids the risk of
......... ;and rubbmg.

l.:i . .
3 6rwoIP

othtt "''''king end up

dIr loop and p ... jl around
_~., dot .. "nding pan.


.he twO lines l'u.Ud, "j,h

1,h. ,,o, kinlrnd.


~o.m II",

loop ,hai;. cha,",ct"';,,;c

bow Ii .... in ,h. " anding I'a" of
on. of
lin.. , " hown.

2 "I


,h. cod dQwn through rh.loop

4 Tuck'nlpl.,.
Ih. rlf'S'


Turn ,h. half..compl<!cd knot ... d

(u.-end and bogin "gain ,,-j,h an
id.""caJ loop.


T...... atd and lUck it kr",.,

. . . . . . . . . Ioop and arouod ,h.

7 YG.a.t .........

through ,""loop
" .. 11K oecond bo",lin.,
end tt at
. . . _ . . . _ ...... iIIus" ...rd (and

....., ...... ..or.....,


S ~

n.. .wuf"'g P'"S

. ..-.. . . . _ ~ 1M" of IbntrnD

___ .....,t-..



"Hitches are employed III mllkillg fast to 511Ch

t"illgs as II pile, bitt, spar, rail, ring or hook, and

... 110 olle hitd} will SIIffice for all. "
(IiUVlY GAu. rn SMI1H _

Til l A.n


TilE: o., IlIS3)

A line is said to be -made fasr- (nor "hitched")

ro various objects, even another rope, and only

the knot itl>elf i~ called a hitch. Some hi tches

work best with a direct pull


right angles to

the POlllt of attachmem; others will wi rhsmnd

a sideways or varying direction of pull; It is a
rare ,md remarkable hitch indeed thai can cope
with a pull towards the point of a tapering
foundation - but one is included in lhis section.
The fisherman's or anchor ocnd and the gaff

topsail halyard bend are :lctually hitches and so

are included wlthm thLS seCtion. Their irregul:lr
names are due to old-time sailorlllen who,
obeying a verbal quirk, :J.lways spoke of
"bending" a line to a ring or spar. The
knOt is also


hitch, but it is known


;IS :l

since there is already an ossel hitch.



Cow Hitch

Tlus iS:I u~flLJ knot for 3 pull

Ihm is more or less 31 righl ~ngles
10 Ihe POint of attachment. Put it
IU work 10 stan lashings: or 10
suspend garden 5hed and garage
Impcdlmenm from the: roof.

T ,~~ II.. ....,..I.;,nl end arowod .. ~d

......n. !rum &0'" 10 back of ,""
~"" ........~ 1"'111'.


llrinz ,he end

HO .. nd

.. " '. Oland""


Tab rn.. nod had.:. .p bch"..1 ,""

ftwonda ...... an.d bn,. " Iiovo. In




On ~g;"n.

.. p ,"" b,,",,,, ,""

4 T""k bonn,n>d Ihm
f....-ly .. odes,


rom .......

"","' h"'h.


N_lIIn If><, ..
nod b,Kk
, ..... up 11K b~.ic I",,,, '" ....,.. r~ 3n~

lran,form ;t.



Co w Hitch
Va r iant

e\'en stronger and more

tn."1.Itt \ e rSiOn than the pedigree
a:rv. linch. Although similar to
dat pedigree cow hitch, which

.. ~ ,In mno.'auon (rolll



mmd of H arry Asher, rh e cow

hll"h ,'anam W.I~ pu blIshed in

1<W5 h) Roben Pont of France,

.bo first spooned il in Q ..... bec and
IUIDC'd II [he Piw1(h knot aiter rhe
dnld (Plw;(h KUST of .ht" Bois
&uk Ulhe) who ned it. Use J! as
.I N!! knOT_ or 10 suspe nd ]CKl.:cts,

.m:IJJlers and silllibr items of

,""ellery from a neck hlOyard.

hit. ,he ,,'orkIDs ~nd "nee .round

tb< I"'i n, "f an.<IIm.n,.

\bL >logl. hAlf hll<h ,,-;, h rho

_orklDjt .od
....ttng par"


,he Ii",,',

T alc. tho ,.",k in~ ""d . cr"" .h,

fm n. and p. .. i, up (ib ,hi. insla...,."
to ,b.lof,) Mbind tho anch"rag. poilU .

Bnng ,h. working ond d""," ill front

and luck it do.... " besid. ,h. ",,,dinS
the lin coking it 'hrough ,h.
. ""Iosing turn.

4 of


" , r C " .

Figure-af-Eight Hitch
A rrivi~1 holdfast for the odd
undemanding iob, this hitch is
re1earive1y simple lind easy fO
mater. The extra cros5ing point
gives a hit more friction and hold
than a single half hLtch. It is more
secu re than a single half hirch,
e5pecially around an object with ~
small diameter, and could, of
course, be used wLlh :l round
rurn. but always treat II with
caU(lon as LI does nor have the
stTength of many ot her hitches.

1 ..

" ~ ,h~ wor~ln~ end of tho linc

.",uod ,he ...,hur.tgt poin' from

fro", to had<.

Bri,,~ th~ tnd forward and .eros. the

... ndin~ parT (in ,hi. innancc. from
rigl" 10 Id,).


Tuck ,he end up rhrou~h ,he l00f' '0

crea'e the <=hu~rn"ic nKurc-<of

,he end (in 'hI> In''anCe. flOm

lef, 10 righ') around ,he b",,~ 01 'he
'Undtng pan.



' " TC Hl I

Bun tline
Hi tc h
dim. tIus


two half hitches

me K'COnd one insid~ rhe

fInl. me .. o rki ng end being

.......,...d ~mt whateve r it is licd

..--.d. TIns knol is for 5ituations
~ dK' [mc flaps ahom with a


.h. working end ,hmug" I>T

.h. ~nd.u"'gt poin! from
/ron. '" b.d:.

3T1)Un cl

Take 1M end . cr",. ,he frOOt and

bring il ~round the b.<k in a fig" ,

of <igh, la)'ou "

'on" to shah less S(:cuu

Soose (for example, running

MId flag halya rds). A

w.u used to brai! up

.,....-e...S;l!lS, whi( h flogged

~fu lly.

a nd so


vcry ~cure

t.a.:..-u n(('cicd. Tied in fbi

~. I t rums out to be rhe
m _ot)1l four-in-h and necktie

. . . WI around 1860
~ed bowncs for men.

r a.. the end romplOfdy .eros. the

loop .h. t h. , 1>.. fom!.d .

Conlinu.H' take rh e.nd around 10

,h. b""k of rhe .r""l!.m~'.

TKIE IDe ,,-orking <:"d .brough from

....... lO iT.,nl,., .h.,wn, Ih".
~ ... o lull hitche


",, 11"

Clove Hitch, Tied


The case wilh which this knot can

be tied makes it a popular one,
hut it comes adrift if pulled and
lerked about. Then a.gain, II can
.I1so ja m. so consider add in!; a
drawloop. Usc it to suspend
obje<:ts by means of lanya rds ur to
secure a light OOat to ~ bollard.
Ashore, this knot was once
known as a builder's kllOi.


a Bight

~bk< . n ,,~h.nd 1",,1' at any

ron .,.coin" point in .he lin .

Add aD und .... h. nd loop further

.Ionll.he lino. '" ,hal the pair
.un,i... u( ,,.... """",ing 10.1 ....

"""'''SC the tWo 1",,1" ",. 'hOI '''C1

are ,h ame
and elo..t together.


Kota the ,,..., lo<>p"

o.....I.p ,h."..

Ijul. ,n< dir<nwn<. in order.o


In.on Ih. ro il, ' par,

m "'hrr
found.""" through bo,b 1001" ,"d
pull ."her or Im, h end. ", fi~h' .n tlK
, uhinS hi,.h.


"'T e".,

Clove Hitch, Tied with a Working End

1J"b~ n this knot can

be neither

dropped O\'~r a bolhrd or

nor slipped on to the
md 01 a r.lil, or it is to be fastened
ro :l ring, It must be fled Ihis way.
suoch lo n

3 T"k.

Pa>s II, . wOlk,og .od around Ih.

aorhfmlgr p"int from frunl 10 back.

Bring lh nd fo ...ud and

up _cr"nlh. fronl of Ih.
... nding pan (id IhlS i.. <I"n from ';gh l
In loft).

di~gon ally

lh . ..-nrkin~ end d" "-n Ih.

I>.>rk of Ih. ancho .... g. 00 a. 10 trap

.., . "",ding pa rt.

lurk Ihc cnd up ben.atb lh.

dl.lMonal (("rming ..-h. , look. li k.
N. o. i" mirror-i mago).

Lo.:.d",,, luop, fancO\yqUlck.

r. ....... IS 'equi,od. Pull Ih...and",!
..... lC> ..Jlbl.n Ih. knn .


H'T C H . '

Line Hitch



This is a simple ~nd easily tied

L.:not 10 hit<;h a thin cord on to a
thicker one. It is a tried an d
Trusted hitch that ha5 bern used
by cod fishermen on thc;r tr~w!
nels and as a picL.:et line llllch by
horse soldic rs and wilderness
pioneers. It can be used in thC' cnd
of a coil of line to keep it all
TOgether, and is suitable for all
kinds of cordage or other plmble
materials. Add a drawloop for
quicL.: release, provided the knot
is only intended TO hold
inanimate objects and th~ pull
is a steat]y one.



,.",king end

~rou n d


founda,;"n from fm n' to bad,.

Dring 'he end fMW~rd again (in ,hi,

in"anco. '<> 'h, lof, of if, own

lunding part).

Take ,he ",.,rkin! ""d up and

diag'mally an"ij ,b.: f,-<ml ul
,h. "'urk.

Pa .. ,h, working end duwn bohind

'he founda,i"n '0 ,mer!!e a"h.
"Dd '0 ' h, righ f of ' he ,,"nding pan.


Pull up ,he ".nding par, '0


ul'1"'r high '.

Turk ,h. working .nd 'hrough ,h.

"""'{f <roa l.-d bigh' and Ihen pull
do ..'n un
""nding pan '0 trap i,.




H , t (; H I

Highwayman's Hitch
Children like 10 learn and show
off this hm:h, because: of th e wa y
liS appa rent complexity melts to
nothing with one lug on the short
~nd. Use it as a third hand for
handiwork, as well as to moor or
tether a boat or horse. There is no
reason to bdieve thai highwa).
men eve r actually used this knot.

Mak< a bigb' in on" rod of a '''p<,

and p~ .. i, up
hifl:hing .... il.

1cord,IKo. oth., Ii""

f'kk up the "anding pan of ,h. Ii""

and mak" a ';mih.- ",<Dod bight a'
tho front of tho rail.

T uck tho <ood bight from front!O

Incl< thmugh th. Ii"t on., tMn puU
......... on th ...",king <TId.o ~""'. it.

TIOd< th" ,btrd bight fmm fron' to ,Iu""gh ,IK >C"<ond 00. ~nd
. . . . ""U down on . he ",. nding part
_ _
It. Th. fin.ol hight may IK
........: ~nd the working"nd ,ulI/I<d for
..-J< rdo-....


"' TC""

Rolling Hitch


An ebboration of the clove hitch,

this IS intended to cope with a
Itngrhwi$.l' pu ll. The two di3gollal
riding turns must go on the side
of the object from which the pull
will be applied.

P... ,n., ..o.king end ;u"pnd ,h.

1"nehons< frun, fronl'o bad:.

Take ,h. clId up Rnd d'agonally

unding p.rI .

2 a""", Ih. f.o" , of ,h

IIring rhe ,.o. lUng e"d do"-" behind

th. work un DID . bringing it uu'
'0 emerg. belw..,n tlte diagon.l and th.
".nJing pari.

Creal<: ~ ...."od di~jloHI tum, 'nujlly

fin. ont (~nd d....-s. '0 ,h.
mnding p~rI). before I"'",og ,h. end
do,..n behind ,h. "",,,l un<c 01.".


~p benuth
di . goo.I,u,n only and levCl

Tuck 'h" "",,,kinK cnd

. h.I~"

i, ,ight.


Ossel Hitch
MOssel is a Scottish sea

fisherman 's word (Cornish: l~)

for a gill nct.


knots secured rhe submerged

lower ends of osseJ Imes rhm

sup porled the m~rs as they wcrc
rowed through choppy seas

behind the fi shing ves",els known

drifters. Subjected 10 continual
underwater mm'cmem, this
seemlngl) simple knot coped wilh
11 all. It is a super little hitch.

BnnK 'he ..-orking en<! d"w .. hchi"d

,h. found.rion rop< ond .round '"


r ... ,h. rnd up ami .round the b""k

It~n d ing pari (in this in".n .
from Id. 10 righ I).

2 .h.

"~kc 'he 'H><k;ng . "d do"-n ,h.

fron' of the fnun da.i,,,. r~ ~nd
Ih.n bring it back up behind the wurk.


lu,k .h. end 0>'"," the


knot p.rI and ,hcn ","ncalh ,h.

>ODd ( ,ho"-n).


" "Lil t .

Ossel Knot
At ,he upper end of ossel ropes
was this more ~cur(' knot which,
In conrrast to the sub merged
os~ 1 hitch, had to resist bdng
bashed about on the surface of
rough seas.

Bring the working ~nd up along,id.

tl.. fin' ..... pping turn and tak~ it

up for a oond, diagonal wrapping n.m:

P... lh~ "''''king ~nd up at t~~ f,-un!,

'hen "v~r and dnwn behind ,h.

'o"nda,;on .,..,.,.

S" fling on the .am. ,ide of ,h.

<landing p.rt . ompic he Ottnnd

.1'''11''11,],'0 ,loa. it ~.,. .nugly lInid. ,h.
first on .

Bring .he cnd up and di,son.olly

aero .. in front of
IIandin8 pot,

\l'r~p the """, king cnd up in front " f

,h. f"unda'K'n ropt once rn"rr. ,hi.


and PUt il do"",, !>thind ,h. ".,,k.

tim. on the fa r ,ide of ,h. standing pa.,

from Ihe,"'o diagonal .urn. _



I"",. bigbt in the >landing

par... he.. il pn. ovcr

f""nda.ion '01"'.


Tu<k the ,,o,ltins rnd Ihtough Ihe

high! f,om front '" bock . T,~p i! by
pullin)! do ..n on !he ~! andinH patl.



, T C "

Gaff Topsail Halyard Bend

A ItgaC)' fro m th ~ days of woodm
~hIP~, tarred ropes and large
canvas ~il5, even the name of this
knot evokes an image of
blustering storm s and sca ~pray,
Howt\'tr, this is a misl tadlllg
name since this knot is actually a
hi tch, an oddi ty that comes from
the fact tha t ~i lors, by some
unwrtl ten mil', alw ays talked of
~ben dmg~ ro pes to rings or s pars,
It ,s su ffiCIently secure under a
stead}' pull at right angles to th e
pam! o f att achment.

Takc 'he "''''king end "f 'he rn(K II.

other line up behind the.ail Or <par
~Dd ,hen bring i, dow n in f.on"

Pa.! the end up behind the

anchouse on<>: as.i", romple';ttS

.. "'n!,

B.ittS 'he wo,king end down in front

onto """e, making. full round tum,
and t:lke it b<hUtd ito own ..~ndUtg pan .

Finally tuck the end up (in thi.

in from left '0 risht) beneath
both pHU of th. found fum.

E \

, "


Vib ration-proof Hitch

The American physicist Amory
Bloch Lovins invented this knot
over 20 )'C3rs ~go. It is d~signcd
for an anchorage of large

diame ter. Vibrariun of the

sr.mdmg p3rT will only tighten it
further due 10 the r.m,:hcl-likc

operation of the knot


1'3" lite "'", k,ng ..... d ,,( ,be <old up.

\ ound an~ <lown ,h.loulI~~linD

{rum front to hack. tllon ,ake it
di.jtllnJJJy up and 10 tbe righ! (in th"
,ml .n ) btn tll ils own ".nding p.rI.

T al. ,h nd on mur. up. ,,,.r

and do .. n behind ,he found>!;"n .

Take tho ond arm.. ,h. front uf , he'

>t.nding por, 'hen through ,h.
und .. l),inll didgonal (from Id, to ,,~hl).

Gil o."or tho ",- Iaying lnu, I'~n

~nd r. n.II~ tuck ,h nd I>cnu,h 1M
d i.gon.1 again. 1'1,11 i"'nmi" .olly "pon

,h. "anding


p~ "





H" ' "''

Hitc h
rdJIII-cly new 1.:001, which
. . - tv rlOfLl'~ in 1987 , W;lS
'TUlrd by Ow.:n K. Nun~1I of
~ 'u'I"k)hITC, England. Exfr~

, mJ ru rns yield lidded

ICOUlTl 1(1 I.m hsu,nd a ' -anable

:..a In t'\C:n ~)nlhcnc cordage.

I.zad the ..... \.;,nll md octO''' In fron,

dot '''lId,''tI p~rt I" IU<k II wnd ...




alum ..-,m 1M "'orb,,! mel

1Take b 11 do.asonally up .nd
~. ,ho,

front ,,' .he! .t>.!)d~ pAn,

T air........... ~ md d",,-n "",,,.. d

Ih. allCho<a~ O~ :tg.1IJ1.

I'm , .... t1Id do" .. "'" b.dwf,,,,"



alld bnng ,I .p al I....


5 ,uck"
benta.h "'"

<011 ,..., md '"'CT .,.... k_ INn and



1"" ".o. k,n, rnd down bri!ind

6 ok ""rlr
_So',n. bflrtg1nll up at

. . iroat III I" .......



knot 1"'" and

u"k "'n.~,h ,b. n.",.



Boom Hitch
ThiS anractilc and robu st hitch,

described by Clifford Ashley in

1944. is qUldd)' and c:asily tied

conSC'cuu\'(' wrapping turns,

Lar''''' 'm.k,n, md d,agonally up

~nd xr .... , (,~ 11m ","ana. fr..... kit
10 "PI ) 1IK andlon,. po.n .


Take."" . nd do ... n
behind tho
anchoragt .,.d bnnll i. fun,ttd.

T akt 1M md d.aHOnaUr up from

7 .'0 'of. 0..._ . - .... pm.

.h.... nd.nK.nd

and IUSI a final single ruck to

secure il. It ",ally would. as Ihe
name suggestS, cope wl1h Ihe
varilblt direction 3nd strength of

pull mlt'o]vtd as an Lmprovi~

lIlaln sheet on a sailmg dinghy.
and It works CqU3Jl y well whether
weI or dry.

l ud It.. w(lflung ~n.d diollonall, lip

.... d ...... ~ III O" -n standins PM1


fro .. npn to kh.

M.k di"!1 01Ial l"l! " 'i,b ,h.

"'Oflun,md up and ocrO'II,on, kh
10 "sh' O. or , .... in,o... ""'" kl\Ol pMl.

Pa .. ,"" ~nd down behind til. work

bet..... 11 Ih~ "'-0 u,, " nll kno, panl,

T alet d ...d do,""" bduad II"

ant .." ....., and bri:q " undn and

r." lh. w<>,k,",,,,,d down !>fllln"

,h. onthotas" [0 emo.lI<' a, , h. f.on.
onto .pill.

to ndOf'V aL

,h. fron.,

'\\al. ~ fin.l di.,<lna] p... ,,-i.h ,h.

.."'king end up fro m lef o ri~hl,
gOlllg o ... r one knOl part ...,d tuckin,
ben.a,h ,"" ntx'. M.h .nug ~"d

,i"" .


"': H~i


.,," "

Timber Hitch / Killick Hitch




h,h ........ ~

~ '''''''........ 'Q


Fot loot; aod <lwo Iood>, ""'" ...


" .. '""'" fru." <loo u.,.!r'J"O",h

""I><-,,~,.oh!Iouth" ....II f<m<"< ...J dr.

roup ,....... '" rllrouJh ....,...

011 ..,.". 04 ,............


_... _....-. ...


P_ ................... ..


... ffi>Iol """" <><roa...!.J

II.""' ...... ..u.d IWik",k

(e"" .....". "" ...........
hotdo no. !ullock Oddo) krqo>
................. on ......,.. l.....
!I<a- "1dIb- w.. ,1>< .......

T ......... _

.. _ .

......1""" "" "" ' " or ..... ...wd.

~,D"'k Mtk ...............P
...ty ...... t . - lot _
b.>oy '" .....


- '.. po<.

...._ . . _001 . . -.

3 T""' ........... -

- ....- _'

- ........ _ ... ......

S ....... -..J ... _
-n. -,-,
.... _ ...................
...... - .



2 ......... .............

bpI u.chot. ><I: or

...~ ,lot dw """" hold

ouno< ......




6 ....................... -

..... n. ... _ _ ......

." ....

....... _,,,,._
........_ .......-_.
7 ....


'..- ... looOI......... _ ...

"dl .. _ . ,

.............._.... - ..



Clin gin g Clara


...,....rJ....- IB .....


tI,," I... 10. doo:krt ""'" !". .


1nW~"'>< I"'I~ , .... "' ..... re>lty

V'I".oN! hBI<k. It ~ _oJ",

"",., .... "" It.rry .......... <1,0" . .

!rum ....... 19". n... Iuoil_

I>< .rrbrd .. IlK ",.. II"I p.on.

.'hidt D " " " " ' . . . . m ,I><...,.

porno, .. ~ .... "I"""'J. '" "'"

11< ,......,.,. u..<


."-" -""l


'1'"1 >Ia>n.

mol rNn


oM "'" >p-Ior~

............ _100_
- ........ ..
I T.... -

. ..... ~ .... ..

_,... _

2 -... ... _ .....


----.... .............
3 .........


.... .,.-.. -.

....... _
_ ......
... 10l0i........ _
4 '_
..... IiooIo __ _ ...





Ligh term an's

R"" n....... "'C
I'I.n '"

ti _


1_', b<..,. .....

....... (I ........' " .. ~_ ........


.... " ... hoo;h.k .... .-.

. " .....

,.......1 ... _ _ ...... "-'" .. t




.I t 'M",

..... _101 PI , ......... '"

W +,,< '" l>mIo ..

..u_ ..... 'Ioo.I!oaItO< ..... ""~

0<Wt ,-...tPol<I, .......... ~ ti
,....... Ui>, odor<.bIr .. " un ...

......,'..........,. ....,,,.....


3 ' ............
...., . -....


...__-..... -_.
4 - .. - -... -


- ... ~....
01 .............
5 .......

6 '.. __




Knute Hitch

n... wropi<. MId 00 _ _

k........ n.-cd Irr ........."""
...,........ _T.... tn "WI.

."""Ion .... ,...J ... "",r...J ro

.."""", ",til


-..u <7<, ...



ru<krt kru,-." "'.,..,.., .......

_ . >iii "",............

(WUm ....



....... __ ..,-

2 .....

_-_ ... ,....................

T ......... ' - . _

3 ......._,..,
01_ ............


Pil e Hitch
I.... lek ....... -..,.!Q ..... _
" .d."rro!'<f"kaoo-duo
wmpI< kKh 6 b<d .....< 'f'D'\Jy
,"'" n 'M b< dn<riIlcd. I, .. .x.I
"" ",,,,mn. ~ "'I'<' '"
p<4U .... 1m. ,.b<n d>< 00Jft1 Of
loop ""-I be "....... "'.. tho l"Po
lor .,..,...J """rnI Of ro """""
.....:I Wb. J<>I> ~ ..
11>< 1"","""."",1
<""Id uI ~_ Tym.. _

me""'" .,..,...

,................._.... -_ ..

m. ...

,!at. If ""'" ....,,, 10 bo on!) . ....... It..



6 ..-""IJ


,Ib,... _lor" ..... (.. hr

""""",,",.. <>1."" be"..... oIy

od.of!<<<i ""'". knoc, bond,

......... .,.Ioop.

_ ... ___ ..


:... - .. -

2:.:""" .......... ........

"" ..

........ lop "';,;-;,;-"


Do uble Pil e Hitch

John 5_11 d<>-.l ,"" <louI>i<

pol< .. " ...... aI,rtnab .. '" "" ""<I. ........... .

bFo...,. ""u.

...... ..,--..

......... .-4,

2 :-:" ~:::.'"'...:".....

.. ---

'...... ............

...... ........ _._ ...

- .............. _ ..............
........ __.........-...
...... ___ ..

..... _
5 -_..n..-.....-_ - .. ....



. ,,, ., .

Ic icl e Hitc h


'" ... "',....- of ..... . - pdr

bu,"'~" S-~ firI<

<l", ,,,,to! mo. ...

_ - - . .. M.,.

I_ .. dot

...... o\-..Ic.c-oI~""""
"' ............... LoooIoI '"
" - l }.... . . - 10< Ioooos

,.,~..' " lor. io-- ".,<~~


01..100= _ _ td. '"lifo

..,oM _ _ .. 010. Iooodo

woIIl><eI4. ,--'aIoI< I<>00I ....



10... of foouId.o""",_

...... firmI".', hr... ,..... ..-lJ

It< .....-. ~ .... _ - "
... . 1


""~ - ' - '..... ...,j . . .

w.... ~ .... _"' ..

.. ...a..

""'- '"
........ _ load Iodtol .... Id.

!br 1m ~ of III bork . .

"",,,,I, ........ ', .... - ' "

..._.......... _.. _....---_
..-_--.... -_.......
...- .. --"'......
...... "' ..

-. --.-~
, n. .... _ _



,........ __.................-- --_. --.........-...


2. '.... ___ --

Bale Sling


n..'''''''F_",o/ .. .........

""'I' .....u ........k. a.I..

"'''r ".,., Io....l ..... ~ .........

........ ....! ....... II. <ron< '"
O<h<, ""n:t .. uoN, , .... "1'1""
..... ' """"'-l b< "'" ... 10 !lor

'-* ""., <>1"


.. _ ...........
__........ ..


...... __ __ ..


... __

Ring Hitc h
T" ...... b "", ot.,oa _. k.Wr .................'....-'" UDr>r~ Ioor .... d... "''''''If ..... loop .. 1"....... 1n 'M
. . .y . .

d, "'-.... " " ~

.....,mM tho< .... ""'"

Q .....

""",gil ,,,,... Off< .. Iwrv....

'" to. ~ from II.

.......... _ ..... _ ..

2 .-- ...



. . ..

- ....--........... -..
~- ... 1 ....

... -

......... _ .... _ ......

3 .. ................. . . .




Cat's r aw

hooI< II< .... ,",d, r...

..... ...,. Io.;l .to." ""'" "'odo "
" """'I

"" ..... duo .. (\oq-

.I.... ,,,,,,,) '. 1os ........... ....J by

.......... _J.c->bIy ru... .......

11,,,,,.. dooobI< ...... <>i IoocII
'Of!< "".. , IIooIt ........ m.
rn..c.nol <..."".... n.. ......

_....-__ .



_ .. __ ...... -

"".......... 11<,,,,,, "" toP,t.,

pc"" ... mn ... um,.

I~ by

d.o._. _ ..... <he: ""'"

......!J .m';m"U, brnk. d

""Y tok< m. ... ..p, 01. ,to..
..... ,..,j '""""'" .... CI<JO '" l><

Icow=d ........., '" m. poo.><>d.

-"<t ...... _ ' .. " ro fall

""'" II"'''''' .......~

___ . . ,t '. ..

3 ,.- .... -. ........... -


_ .. _ .. _ -...

5 ......................

. _In_ ...

_ ...... _ ...............,..
6 ... .............."



Anchor Bend


Itdot<J ... ,I>< rounJ nltn and

""olulflu:,h<>, .......

.....,.."6 ................... ..
" ....... ,j,;>pJ' (-'< .. on<

."""bnI ...... ""II of .......1

........... .....,.. ""'h.," "'........

.. ,


s.c...... oiJ-Il ....

odoot "'. 'fW. ,I><

-.llor ,t.. I'M"'...... ""rpof<

<h: ~ond

nmi<..Ji"' ...... of _ _ llu>

. , " " " ' " 6.1", Imo"", ......
" ....,"" , h<n<I.


...... _ .... _ ..

2 .......
...,.N .. _.....


3 ..... __ ....... -.
T ..... _

.... _


......... __ .......

T . . . - - .... - .
_ .. _ . _


., t "

Anchor Bend Variant

. ........ ..- . . . ......

Th """ ... urn 01 Jbr ..a.u.

."...iI~ .........,.......,If
~ l>ood< "' 1'10< " ..


_ _ --.oad ... _
; .... 1OId...-.

_ .... 3 '.......
.--- .." ~-




.... _ ...... __ ..

.,,,., ,

Ha lt er Hitch

' ",th "" Iucb ..."l .........l(~.

!hi> ...... ~ u....!. .. '" ...".
....,. ...... , rthtt


I hoo ..

.tOO' 1<"1',... "".,.... hm:h. IIr

..-..................... <hot-..
......... m., ,I><w 011 koou bk.
dt.a ....l .Jmn...,d, .-10 """"
... ,h ,Iw ....... h.



_._ ..-..

- , foo
.... ..............
2 _



3 --.. ~........
............... _



_.. .

4 r--...



oo<Wo ................. . - ..



." "

Half Bl ood
Kn ot

A...... L.O< d". kn<x .... m,eI,

ko< .... Ioook, hon:
.. lilt ...."" ~ oi .... Im< ...



...... _01- '

1 _'-"~--"



_ ....... _ -

- ........
..- ......-.

2 ~ .. -

_.. __

5 - .......... --....




M oo ring Hitc h
, .,01<.0", wh< ""'"


.,.. .....t toll .. t!.<u t..rtho, tolr

_1"""' ...-..I. _

...,j ... "",.y

""od Io,k .......

.... .. - ........

... ...-.I'l'.~ --.I


........... _

" 'n ...

. . . ", . . _

... 110<

,-t ' ...... I<od. It _ to.

....w, ...-.t " - .... <ron
owIL d "" ~ ".Ioop ....J. ..
"""" h..

... to<.otd.

,Iu, ~ ....... bo<~

-.. ...


_....-. .


- -.3 ......--._........ _-'

_ ...... " ,
2 .-.....
.... ...............


' .......
-. ..-.-4 .......
......... -


... , ...
TJ.. ... _ _ " - do-.I lit'



.Ii........ CM I>< -.1.-"

..... ...-.dr ...........


.. -

- ..... "'~ ... ... '"

1 """_


- -..
2 - ..........

....... '--

"""_" __


.. _

4 ....."",-_-



5 '--------

." co ..

Spec ial
no.. .........., <..,. ....""s


""",I"..,,,,, <.... ~ du ..

,.... io ".~" IW "... <mO) lor

!oook, ..... '"

,,,,,<I, n.. <Ioubk

........... _ .. _
2 --'_00_._-

"'"' om...p ............ _

..J.l""",,1 _b., "lui< the
.... pI< nK~ wt1h .... <II....J Imd.
..........,. ,,, .. ,, """pocIitno<. II ..
""""" !'<,. th ... _ ...
tlu<kr <nI"forc
to D< ~
on al"'" ........c.w......



<...... - __ ... _



..... --.

""' ......... ...1..........

...... . .
5, .......
.,. ........


...... - ......... ""'...



- - .... _ -




Turle Knot

"ti.., .,td """",

fot -..01 <II'

>nil A..... 'ftb ,1- .......... ' I ....
_ ~o>h<d ..

".1 I.",


!If M .....

r.,1< of

1'1,,,,... s....) .. I I ..........",

10..... kw ~ t..
"" ... Iqw, '", .... I.""1r '" ".11 ~
lM<. ,k.. J'I"" , ...
,..ord ""ISh<.

..... ,.n,

,... -..................





2 ..........................

. ......

.. .........
4 ..... -.--.

.'" ...
True Lover ' s
0... '" d" ......... ..,p .... ~""..
(10 , ~ "" nI!. tIu. h.. , b



........... """"", ......... Of

pIo>o<--w ,,< t.. .

_.- ...... _......

....... -- ~ .. --"
...- .. -. ...

............ -

.. -

4 .'"'_......- - ....

--_... _-__

_ ..................
5 ....~.........t " '_ ........


-II, .....u I ..... I>tJ..n_
,.. <1"' .. ~...... "ab ,~ cool!.. 1<:,.,

,..... f....


f ......

.... =-F'






Ashley's Stopper Knot

knuo, r.p..~

b..>t ",01 .. ",<duo. au-.~.

mnr onc-uooo,.I>ul... ",II ... 1pull

~ h.oIt '" Jboot lilt ......
J", ....... < f.,. , ,...."
tIu _ dn.,rJ It) {j,fford


A>IIIq - ......,,"'...
... " lor


...t ~ lumpy ""'"

... bo..:h h..!oJ"", .... _""'

.oI>wrd 1>0>, '" "" koc.ol ..,.,. ....
"""'" /bot. n... ~ ... ht _ , ... w,
_ , ........... '""


.""'~ 1..>1",
"Ilea ............. '" _ "'"
"'>1}' __ <k.<..". " I""'rd tu

"""""".', ""I'J'C'I'

100_ ... ""'. ~ ...... ......,.

."... "" 'opUr-oI..,po, kaoI,"'t
A>hI<r .......

""111'<"._ .....

"",,....j '" " " ' - .......


_ _-

' ,.. _ .......

...... - l ..........


...... - - ........
2 T-~-


... __ ....... ..
3 ...- ' ' .... .....


.................... ....
_ _ _ ...... 01 ... _
loo--..., ... ...... _

....-.-......-........ ....


.. "

Fi gu re-o f- Ei gh t K not

~.. .,..roJ to) <imghr ... k><, lor "'"

<DOlo 01 roO ...oJ. o<>d ...... oI!.rt~

.......... ,>n<l ~mP< ~_I>.

... ""'"' loun. ...... ,. Q'o:rlun<I
~ ,.,.j ~ ..........


~ .. ,I"""", ~

I>oln <>I

-'>1>. d........... In '"

"",OPU.....d """'- tI.oo "..,1,,,

h.o> ~""' ...... _


...k unlI."" ..,.. _ ....... bIrm vi

..,"" ,,.. ... .dlr<boll.

1, 0...... -

,-.-............ __
- ... .
,.~ .-


..... 3 --.....

. . loop .......... "


. ,_..... .-.....
.. __
._._ ........... _....
4 "'..................... .,

' ....... _


.... 1aM,


Steved o re's Kn o t
Pnor ... m. o;h''''' 0/ <OIl .......

rran. ""odora (Ionp/Iot<m<n)

_ktJ oIMwd oIupo '0 Ittool....!

.nIood =-,~.
_ ..... thnn. tIoq _.,.. ...d..

a .... >1M <OOb .. .....J "'" 0/

..""I>ouo<, by ........ of, 'OJ><
~ M . . . . pun.... .-I .....

~"'" "orp<d " from >111<". i....

...... ___
.. _
............ .. . .... ... _,_ ..


.... _ ............ .....


_ ... ... _
................ 01
3 .......


-_ _

............... ...
y .. . . - . . . ..... -

.. 1oop ............ - .

... _


............ >.-

. . .. n

C r ossi ng Kn o t
It "",ad be .up<d ,b;o,.ru. ..

><1,. .II,_of .... ~,""""....J

...... ,....... g f "'110.. ok. . . .

u .. "",,'" ,f "C'I'........ rIN ,lui

~ .... lmt ........... In I><t n n
""'-"o:n<><> h~, the><
oW., _
k= o.u<h. 1.0<_


ndol <>i ""'" ffw d<Yoo .. ~ u..

do .. I . 10<", puW .... Of I.
OU'!" ........ , ... ...,. m- >Uk<
'" .... 1 ..... _
"'" ....,
pt..<" "I'" ., "'",. of <tUII<

...... lot ~ '""" 11 "'

by ...... 0(


"'" k_ lit "...., ,ho ..... ""

d ... h . . - "'-I)

. __ -.......

c-. ___ "'-''''m

- ... _........"""' .....

2 ..........

-_.... __ -.....................
- -.. -

'..... _ .... _ ..
..- ....................

""' ........
__-. ._ . . -'
4 T.....r


I'Tu sik KnOT

1....... I~."A.uu.

_._........ ,
_0..-_._-n....'.I1 .... ;
-"'--._....... -_ . . ...

.... _

,. "'_ GO, ...,

.... 1... ............ ....

..,..w ............ __

11' ,


. . . . . . . . . . . . ._

,I>< boo _

_"" __ ""-



""" ...... ....

_oJ. """ ~oclf

" ...... B

- ' ....... ""ohtd ... ,hot """

n.. ....,.t ~ .... """ Lo..,Ir

.w.= ...
1" ....


... ,. ,'... t -

_ _-- ---_..........._..

_ .. ...__ .... -

,.. ___ ..... -


5 ' ....... __ .... -


Doub le Pru sik Kn ot

.....,.t.,,,,,,,, '''''

In ..~ ... muol.Jr

....! ro n........ ,.... .L."...

..,J """"" !he: boo ... pnI>&I< k_

WIIb ...., ....... O!' ........... ".

""h ,10< pnoW; 1._ ,b..... ...

.....! ,n ,..,,, "" ,... ""'" "'...".

... ,'''' ,t>, pM' bit 'o....n 1"'"

...) "P' lui< t,- "",""",n_ "'"

w..v, ............ ,I!< """ .......

"'h.~1' or ..... ~ ,,,,10 ,,,,J "'"'

............ ,hon ,II< .... n ....... " ;,
l>ouo~ ..... _no!. 'flo< """"'"
kno~ co" ho odorI<<<!



.....'" ""p i"'p&. ~1'_

- ""' ... ,..,....., "<II> l-J.


2 ..',...........,_- '......."""''''


4 '......... -_,;,...
...... ..
.... _._ .. ,t ... ..-. --,.,
T""' .. _ _ _ .....

3 ......
0/0,_ _ r"' ..........

, _ .. ' ' I0000< __ ... ''-



Ba chmann
IJonI ....... l .......... du.


""" hr ....... """" .....

<II< ~ """'"' ~ .... If .. ,hr

"""'" 01 ,I.e .......111 ......- - . . . ~""" """ I}' "" dim


..... """'

iii <~

1...... - .. - .... -..


0.,. ...- - . . _ 2 ..............



_ .. _ ....._-..
.... _.


.... _,__ -

4 -~.



5 ("...........,............-


" ""

llu. i<loo< ...y

u.o "" int-.l

..-...I, Iv.ot. .... <"'"

d.........JI. "hklo ~ d
....... 10 tllolt ..-hen



.... ,--...... _._


........ _-

2 _-.... _ -


_..... ....- ..

E - ..... -

,......... ....

_... _--..... ..

,...... - ' ........

7 ............


Marin e r ' s
Kn ot

To"",""""'" 01. r.....

,I<ri><f" ,I>< ......,. .....


~ .......h

...".... . ~ ..
..... bcd to ..... n<bon (od
lI<ttlh<", to ....
Iwd. onol ...... b!.no ,,"h 1.4 "'"



,.. "Ie_

"' '" '" 1.1_ ... ~~ I,

... """"ouloh ....."..j ...... '"
"","",. OI.-l),., no ".=" ~


1..... ---.._ .. .......





_ .....-_ .... ...

2 -"'" ... - ...

. . . ..
5 ,_

__ .._._-





6 '.. ...............
......... .......

.. _

- .. ---......
....... .........
4 .......

.. _-

...... _ l . . ........... ...

..... ,_ ....... ..
7 1....
,.. ...


Penberth y
Kn ot
llo,-.l>Cd bv I......,. l'f<>II<"h,.nJ
D,d M,t<hd on obcm 1%~.
"",wl"nl~_ .. 01", ~-.. ..
"'" ........ Iorb("l koo<, A.. "'"
IN: IioldIr" 1><, <Itmbtni ..."....


!oU M ...rn _ _


1Iw. _ _

"= ... ,-

1 ""' .................

nWn<'d ""'" ............... ,. ."I!

- .... ""--.11 ........

2 _ .. "'... --"" ....

""",no! ,.., ...... , ,nd 11...... .

""'" 11on..J.d ,h,.,..t. _, ........

'1"" ",,,,h <......, AI".,.. ......

............ ,oi ....... ....Jdw
___ 01 ob<k '" "'" _,',
~-"""" ''''' m""h .... k .... H
010"" _lOti<..,., w


.wt.:uIc "' .......


...... '.....'........
. 5 ......


_... . .

....__.-.. _--

3 '..... __

........ ...-


" w.

6 r.. ....... - - - - - " 7 ... ,

T ....... - - . . . ... - _ ..


'......... __ .. ....
8 .......... -- ~



Munter Friction Hitch
An off"", ......... <>f


1r-"'>1l.1>oIay.... Of
... ' ; .... _oI.;.a, ....
'""- _

b "",_


_ ........... .,.wolod'"

. " . . . . _ ........... d.1I. no.

....... ....-1..-.1.


...... '" -" ........ ...,.


IItuI. .... &I "'. .,

uo ..... II<k loch
.... bouP ., .... II< .....J 10<
oboftl,..(, .."",.c1. Ibn .. _


............. .

tIto- ... _ _ _ _

1 " -_"'-'''



....,.. ......"'""" ....... :::


"' __ '"" ... 1ou.I_ .... _ .


- ... _


" ' " - - . . ".


, ........ _

-_ _-

4 ----~*~,=,=

-. .. -

n.....- ... ' .



.... -


..... -100


6 '--- ".',-.."-


Double Munter Frictio n Hitch


Co. ""~
t..., ......
dlt,.b<,. Ilubm CIoro.u.tI.k.-.I


...... ~ ..... ...,."""

<\,. BIU"''' &;.,_ .... ,It. 111<
.o.Id_1 .. m """od m.
Lo,""'" """ .. .,.out r..o.-

...... ,_o,1y """" """rut


m. ...... ,.... 1bu. ok..

/", .....Ik, du"""",

_ .... _

""... - ' " """" Inrnun.


- - -... ____
..' - _ ... ...

...... '
3 __

-..-.,. --...

'... _ ......_ ........ ...

4 -..- .... .... ..

.,. .......~

-_- ................


'004, ....... .....






Mul e
"....,....................... "'"
conmvu ..., ................. ,
'b''''cl.~ rat><. &.w.1""

"Y "


III " .............."""

boI..... ,..,..... '" ... "",k.rr


lIo<d 10. .,."" oft

... ,~~ <b ............1"<"......,

.... _ .. ...ft.o~ .... - .

II", hbOh...... oht 001 ...... .

1:>0 .... "" "''''1<

k>oolnI. I, ..... <fft. ""'...,

,"'" " <2n

m.,_ ImIo - d..o< ~

rtl.&,,,,,, 0/ oht ...... ,... <to. . . .
~ _"""'" .... "'= ....-.I00I
....t b)' ... ooId_ '" <lop kr<>t
000:WI1O;J b)' on ""cm.r.l ~
f\>o<' ..... ,n oht bopt).
......, .. ol< ......!Lnt.o mak .. "




"""' .....
-. ... ..
--..... ....-.

....n..,: _ _



-. -.


u , .

Shee pshan k

Thr ohtcpo/wII<
....,....... ........ h ui """,. I, will
bnolp .. ~d"= g d ",
"If""" _ _ of __ ...,..
,i>< "''''"",," .... _ , ....

.,_.,. ,.,u.


1".... _ .... IoW._


..... '''


... .. "2" ..... _ _ _

1.........._ _ -

4 ...... _ _ _ r ,

......... .............

--.---. ...... .----'. . . -_01..
... -...... ...-.
5 -. ... .- ,iooIo_


............ 1...... _ ..

.... ..





Hedd on Kno t
n,. ...Iro. ..-.......d lor

u ... tw.loloo .. I.n... _

........... _.....,.
......... _.......... --._-_ ....
...... _--- .. -....

..... ,,=" '-

........ h ....U.... Ir .. . -


- ' " Ino>t. .. 1YnIor .. Iuowo

... _ _ .... 01'

s Ao...J

...... -'< ............... ...

..... 1IooW. ... _ _ ..

... -.1 ..... loy , '

_ ....



' __

'" ......

2 _ .....- _

_...... ..-3 ...... _., ........ -

---.. _--

4 - - ........... -


Doubl e Heddon Kn ot
Th ...10li0<,,",,, of ,he "--

HnJOOo.. """". """" ...

t ...............

_,0<.. VU''''

r,~""", .... '" ""f'" upt<d

.., '''I'''
VU''' Io.od. n..
.~". ",... 01 Ihn I>r<1nI-""
...- oJ .... ho.I.lun
d,fl<rrn, "1'1'<....... ...d
, .... .,..k>o ......... h.oo Io.nIr,



.... rtr

'" ""-" ~ iI ~.. fulfil in


.... rn ....... '


hu,,, ..

...m.1 .....,-.

,..-.._... _..-


.... M_ .... _ _

......... . .---. . ...............
. . ,. ._r--. . -_........ _- _._ ........,_ ... __.....
....- 3 ',........ 004........ .....
2 .......

4 '--~ ... - - -

.............. 01 .... .....


Release Hitch, To p Loa ded

TO<W<f<_ .... ~ol

"'''''' _ . " " ........ IWb<n

CfI"n.ll =>< up""", .....

....."....,.. ......... I'!O'~ ......
om thr Iood .....................
...... 011 .... _
!"pp<Q ..... ...

"""' .......... . . . ......

......... _ "'" __ "' ..... A

i1nI .... .., I<!d ...... ,1>0 _

_ _ _ '" *1<, c-.,_

... w..n "'.,.... 11m k...,.. ... ih

.. ., .11 ""'" .. 1000., will oIij>
her,... _ .. ....! ... , ....L

........ --' ..... -..

... . -...........
.... ....

., I I0000 .. _ _



..... _


.... _

........ ;.,-~ ....



-_.......""-.................. _..
4 ......


- ..... ~---

Re lease Hitc h, Botto m Loa d ed

111< born>m _

, ....... Dl du.

h",1I, ..,. ...... c.... II ...... '""'~

"'"" thr pn...k ."".. I, .... llP'r

...... .. tw. ""'rrilr ,oN. ~,1Ioop

",...J.., dnft ....." ,,"'"

IooJod if ........ "")' oIocI.. Tho

""""-01(,, tho! thr '""""...d

m... ... '" to< "..UN '7 ........

...k. It ~I" Whc>IIX<I .,.."t,r. .....

Iouttom Io.d<d ...._ lutdI "'"
be f,...t ""'" ....1,-,



3 --.......





. .....--.-_
__..-......,... ___.. __ ..........

, ... - . -........ - 6 C--.

'---' ....

..... .

- -


.. . - .. - - 2 ......
--' ...........
1 ...

7 - ... -... ... - -...

4 T...~ ... -L.o"""""""" 5M.L. .. linool .....~ " .




Extend ed French Prusik Kn ot

1................. KoI!<n lI" .... ~

,...,..._ fn"" """,,,d I ~81 I,

... ""' .. aw.... ~ ...... '"

" '!uo:h "'" ",.... ~ .......
II, k...! c<J...-",,~. J ........... _>
...""" .. ~ ".lJ>I"O'I. To .w. .. ..,.
Ind, IV"'!' ,,", III'J'C"....,.....J
f>uII-.......... """''''''''l! " and

. . . .,",m... ... ""'"'I'<

'0<1'<""'' ' '" 1kI........" w, "

~ ... ," I"P ~ ~..Jr,. In f.....

" " mo .......,! 11... , ,II" ~_

.w.. .................. Iuodq ...

........ .. _
----1 ..... _..lJ - , ..

............ __ .......


o-l .. "'"' ........ ,.,.. "'" .....

""""'" """'IY "",,) Ill<

.... "'f'< '" "'~ " ...... ~

'"'" Ir1fI

..J hold,

,h., ....,"" ..

..1..01 br d.nWn.. Th" up< knoo

......k.......1t w<lI "". ~".... '"
.h I kd Co ...... "'1"".

_3 ............
.... __ ..... -........
-..---- -f ...





... . ..-.... _ .............. 6 .....

5 "'"'_01.........


.........__ ...

...... '

..... - .


r ......."
.................. _......
8 ....


~ "

Chi-Fi Knot
nu. .-.rtm<>II '" tho: <>m.ded
~'"""h ~k

kIlO<, ..............

u.....u..d ......


ChowuIl mil jr....\I.,., filion,

.. ,,.J ............ >I,,," I, Ir...
tho: "",,',!un<h lor . .d
(t,I'P<') .'11 """"" WO<k. It ...
,,,,,", rdnon Of II>< .., , _

... _. -_"-

... ...... _.......


...... _ ... _ ..
"...... ._
_ .. _ -,
100<\. ..... _ . '
.. ' :I, ___ "'_ ... ...

F"",h I'... ~k b ,.J\o <!<>.-.!

b)' 1IOOt.. 0."' ,.
~.-...d-I"I' ..... _
...... (IN
on tho: 191';s..r." ~ of tho:


Qo ......


Aooot>o ...... ...d 01' ... unknown

........Ie- '" .... _ " ' . I, ..

""...."'" , " ... obbIo fr""""

<l<>K< m.. _1.1 1'1"< -W In
..u ~,ool. <f ~nunont.. .u.o.:.I
- . tho: Iut......... _ad ...


'<Of[ _ TIl .. ~

"""" Inmon. _

... -... .......

..... 4 '"',......... - ""...... """


.. ...... _ -


,f p,q ..


.. IO

10 II . . . . . . "'" ....~

-_ .. __ 01 . . . 5 -~-


... "'.


Square Knot

Imoaq """" (bocb rob<) Ifllo

.. <Kh<r ...... ~ ... 11\0)' bo

'-'...d ...u. ..... __. .u-.".

.... tnd> <0 ...... _

..,.. ...


l! ....... ~"'.... knuttaI

o<orf. _

.... _pan<l1N' 6U. "'" V h

I ~

. . - , '"'...,... _


1Ioc.... ,kr< .... ru<tr



,n tho l!tutt<I s,,_ (wiudl

"'" II........ <.011 .... r<d "-I.

Alno""" .. t<I..t '" diu "'-


.... ""'" ......... ~ ....
.....J.t', k-. .... J___ """""
k-. .... ~_k_

.... 00 ..... "'- .-. .oJ "'"

0.., , ,M.><Iluo:k Iuooo.

,-. ...................___....... __........




........ -.

..... _ -.. _ ... 3 - ... - - -.. 2 ...... """;" --.

_-._ _-

4 - .......
_ ... _. ..

...>-., ...... .

__ --

..... _


.......... 1000 ......


, "

Lan ya rd Kn
u.. m~ ..... Ionk k_ to ...u.
<o<d loop fot ,001 ... lQ oulfN'a<l

.........................,. ,f ...... "",kl",<, II



_._-.. _.100,.-.

- .... 01 . . _ ....... _,...01......

......... ... 2 ......
. ........... I""(io . .

........." ,.,...,Ir "- "',m

~ ...

- -- -

... 4 .... _... k...... """" '_I


5 -'""--,

.... ..... . ..- ........ __ i_.w,'

-., ..........

.... 01 . . .-.




_b.ol._" _ _ 01 ...

_ ..

.... -..............
6 .....

--~... _ . w, '
. . _ .. _


I~ ............ - . . . . .






.'" .
Chin ese Lan ya rd Knot
!.no diffinl~ '" ,,. ....... g

. _....

"lint 111-<. ,t.. .......... "I'W'"

"""'" .... , ....... 01 <hi> k_
"'""'. <ht~~ ".""" <ht.ffun.
I, "'" Iw -.I ... oltwt ......
........ 01 hcoI.luoJ "".., ron <of

""'" ,.,..,10<, _;<1..1 j",

_k ......

u..nct< """'"....nrn

a... <do , ..... "'" r\ofon<I

."'" IJ>i.rp,od ........... dKot.. oJ

d,"Ill ......_ " "",mtoIoo <ht

"""'10 ..... '" a.- mpl<&





'_ ........ _ ...._ ..

3 .......... _ .._0.-.
4 t- . . 01.. _ _ .....


6 ~-"'.



7 _'.........--

_'.......... -__
. _...-

01 ... _ . _ . - .

01 ... "'"




.._.... ......;' -...

9 '_"'_
.... _

-_ ----

10 '_""".-... ............
... . .
*"'----.. . .




Good Lu ck
h" , ...... h .... , '''1 ' 0 to< """


' ................. -...,. 'd

ph .

....... _+ '

"" ~ 100.. '

_~ llorr
_ _ 01 ............ ...

_ ... '" I,..


_-- .......--....
..... _

1- - -

..... _..

-.I ...


4 '.. - __ .... -

'..... __ oorI ....

6 _._oIro," '_


.......... .. _7 '_~"

' - _ ...

2 "...__k...o__-"
J .. owrI.

' ...... __ .... 100.

_oIro _ _

_ -

'" '_ .....

1 O ~ ............



- . 01
11 1............. -...............

_ _ .... " _ _ T"O... - - 0 _ . . . _

....... -


"" "

C h inese
Btl tt o n Kn o t
no. ~ oct..... _
an b< ,,-.J

k_ It...
<>t PI"""

,b .....

.ad """" <tthot .... """""'"

r......"" '""." ..

) , : . ." , , , , ,

b.m"", ,..-I

1- - -...... - .....



ro b<.oo 1>... lot hu.<~ ...

f-",I~ ...... ,~ ,,,,d k...,. or


__ ..... _ .......



Imp. T...... ,'" <r.>k...d

p.o''''''''' .<TJ'......u

r.".trtuI, bu<ron k"""
,,,..,,...I """"PO I.. . . "



d". k_ "'" b< .....s.

10...,. ... , ""


".,hot IN<. ......-....1...._

.-...... _ .... _
3 ................



110 ......
. __ . _
4 1'10
' ... ".00'.......
_.... "...

- -....
5 ...

.. _-_ ......
..- ......_
.... _-

- ............. ' ..........


"" ........... _01 _

_ fr'_ .... _ _ ..


C hin ese Button Knot (Doubl ed)
Th< 0....... """"" ~ .. oIrcao
_ " TO ,..,.....,..

bun.;.. .....

th<1.""" """'"" k _ Wba>

makms m..........." ~ .. "'"

-.....,- TO p<io< "I' ,1,0 TOp

.......... IW'... bic~ ~ "f'PO"'<d

by _':vI

_...... _..-

.......... "' .. 0 . -


-\Ooo ....

_ _

...... _ .............
_ _ d ....


_ _....

....... - - ..... -



_.... __ ...

, ",0-0_-..,--'


5 '.......... _ ...... ..


.. ..

Wrapped & Ree f Kn o tted Co il


II<>p< ruoi<d m.. .....,..w1 ><alt<.:I

""b rwf (oq ...... ) ~...,.. """

p><>J,~ ............. ""T
........, ....... fr. n... i.
.,..... ........pI. ... ,--'"
.... , 0CfV<t '" 1""'- >II ""'" of
....._ , ,'_"'~ I,
_It> 1<1' rtu.:k ror< onoI_

"h<n m. ..". .. '''''' ......


............... eal ... ""'"

...... _01 ........ -

('0 ........ _ _ _ _ _ .


r- ..u . --' MII-b.!oI



... _ ....,_ ...........

(...-l ........

Alpine Coil
n,. .. tIw_1 ."' .........
mil '" ""'" lot a
; M1 _ ..

"..w-..ny PO""'..! ~ dim/..",


..,...... _ ... _ ..

_ _. ' f

.. _

_... _-

- ..... _

.. ',

_.. _... --....


' .. - - -


...... _



Fi gure -of-E ighr Co il

....,.c.c....* .......... ..

. ...<Hn_......

ThO. ..
~""ar of
loa '" ,odo ........ ..r 11M.',


... _k ............... ,..

......,. ...............,.do<y
. . Ioop_.
... i '

... _


... ""'_

"" !wid pIocc IIr W .......

ot.,oa. ~
... I,k, "~nl ot .......... ~
.ond-roo-"."'fflIU',rd ..




......... .... - ......

3 .................

4 .-.-
""_ ... .. ..................



... -

. ~



Coi l

............ ...... .
n.. __ ofko

,.do_,. ,","

.. ....


10< ...... _ .

-...... _


... 01 . . _...,.

-' '-.... _01 . . _


-... ... ...........


4 ............ _ .. -


"f . . . ,.... .,...,. lilt ~...,. tr-J.

W_,.. _ .... _IOJo ..

..., ..

...... ..... ,...


,~ ,

n.m- _ "'"' Iu.h.,; b d "1"-- Thr Iino

.. ~ ... '.......... ,,11.. ond. daamoI...

"""" wn/, ...... t.t.n.. .... ... _


- _ ..... "'" ................... 1,

nod ,loa , b t'

L. ~_ ....

p...,_OO ;;I' . . .

.,.. ......... Iur~+



.i. . . . . .


" .. ,.... "- .. ~"'--.I

",til ,r. _n .1tInn.1I fro.,."", (l or

...... pk. ,~ ...... n. ,lot .... , md aI . "'I'< ."'"

h, '''II CIt IY ~, ..<h ........... ur). 1IaIdt"",
""II. .. 1.... hnJ., .. .........t hoau.oo ... Ihn'

""'"'""'"' .... '_. '" non...... __

no. T...... .1o<od ~ 10.


_ _ (

4 I'

_ ......._..taa .... . . 1 _

- " - ~ " ' - ....... nonv .......,..

-.I ........

' .......... _ . , ......

II dot T~,~ '.Iou.k MkIOOrd ... """ _

,"""'"' to ~ ..... "'"'

,horw "

.................... i~

,,_ <I.......



Granny Kn ot

Th ........ <<>rnm<I<I<>I Df
kno< .. F.'OfT""" \t"",,~ ...". f<>

,I< ,~ bu, m..... .. tilde ,ODd Ig

bo: ...d f.,.. II. h .. m.. <l,ps""

iomo and.., .. mull, UIlI"<1ubIc:

lied .. ,t", doubl. p;n"y buw
",,,h I.". d.....1oops. u "'..... '0 """'" ulMlonc. h
.. ,,,,,tudtd h<1< ookty '0
1og!Wp., II> oItonromJ"P- and
,hul '"

"'"'''"'tnd con,..... "

"'''h ,IN: rf ("""). ,h,d

and Jll"l<f <no<>..

-'.....-_.........-__.... .. . -----"",---,-_............


.. ... -

- - " " ...

-.--- --

3 - .. - ............-

_.M '..... _..........


100 "II



- _ ...



Reef Knot (Square Knot)


n.. ud .,.............,.. ""'" '"

.... """"Ioclocd bosh ......

""""'" to rh< ......... F-II'J'IW'>,

GKdu .... Roonano. 'I'j,b .... ,"
J, .. ' , ~ ~ 110,
dIr oIo.obI<
m:/ (>:quor<1 bo.,. ....... 1Uf'O
"'1 to Do oho.-Lacr., It .. .......,.
t.n<Ii,. r-, ......,.. .....1


., 'PI"" """""""

<I :KId ,it<! .. bod> ....... 0( tho


.......... '" ,....



'0 ~ and aU .... of

~<I> ~ ~hni'h< 0/ ..... 11 <Hft).

"Oll - N<!I"" ... it ... bond..


- .... .......

T>: . w. _ _ _ . . . . ....



3 .........
... .... ........."""'-,

- -"

..-"-'I'- s... ....

4 ...r" ....
.......... ...


..................... 1.'-

"", o.j.


.... , ' 4'

Thi ef Knot
". f"" ......., ..... ~ ,.~ bk..
rcd!......... )~_ ...........
.... U ._ . no. ""'" nolo

.......... -....
,,..............,.,.-..........-.... '$

...... ..-,al

_n.. ......... _



...... W.,'Oot..~
rfIoo( ~_ .....

K _




. ."'.....he)"'uouw
" '" ""'....
" ""*'~......,.j
.... ..,r ' -


....... _..

, ....... __ __ .... 2 .... -.



.. _ - _ ..

__ ....-

3 .......



'......... --........
4, ~
... .....
, ......



Grief Knot
toili.op ai ~
md tk,..f
~.-. ..... ~ Iho: """'" .......... 01
~-... d.... >n>I.,. .. b.ol.nJ ..J




""M j..., ......

end< on "I'>".,,<...b. aut d.. ..

m tnd ,,,;,. PuU borh end< .",j
1<"'11 r<iII do< I<noJI '" "p.... "'
...... ",,"tt""" ""


...... '" ..... ....,.I<><i; ooIW. ,.

,.... ..., ,.., .".,. an boo ...... ...

Ioonol .0\Ib<f "",,oim .....'""'"
..... 1iBuW ............... ,""",we..

_... . . _I0 __ ....

.' l>b . .....

__ ..

2 ' ................. .--

..... .... -

3 _-,..... _..,.-....-

.. _

.... 01 . . _

.. ___ ..

....,._ ....
4 ,.-.... 0 , .. _ .

~ .n;.,.001_





Po le Las hin g

" I"'" oi ...... 1MIwIp, "",".

~ oi""; Ioqur<) .......
wdI .... '" """

..,w"" '" """fIol

01' -w ...,.poI<; ... ""1

. __ ,_., oi IonI on<!

.. ....--................
. . _....

... _

. . . . .- .. "7..

_ __...

_ ........ _ ...
2 ' ... ......


c-. ............ "", .... _


~_ . . . . . . . . . . . .

..... -.-.... - ...... ..

6 ......... -~-.... 1oIl)...


. . ....

<W4. _ _ , ........ _



Bag Kn ot
I.ih _

0II<II k<Iou _ wluclo

..... 11'> _ , Ill< ........, ....... 01

knon _ ..... dotn I..- .....

,!,or> .. h<I> .,..'" uod ""'"

" olu",~ ... rcnU.
'..'" ~ ~p m

_Iu. ,h<
_I 0/ ", .;:10 ",<" ohm .....
""h poxtooN ...... ......, by

...u... -.lV"~'"
Lc..... d wioop I.. """"') 10.
<"'1 ,rk_!.o .... J ""'.....,.

- -

l.000i ...... _ . . - . ......

3 ...

' - - .......

r............... _

.. __

*. _ _ _ ,


..,......_. . ..-.
.. . . __

01 .......

". "


Sack/ Mill e r 's

lIl\bkc d...... .......


. - . w """ ;, ........... '""" ..,

~....... . , _ antIO<

II< nrd in ....

blah., "'" II ;, """,lin """ '"

,,h,u,. <.........." ..,. lit 1<[, .0

pm",' pr l' ,u,....., "' ....

tr.s: oJ ,bt kilo! ........

_........... _._
-... ..

1 "'.. .-'-.. ---




2 - ................ .. ~..

-__.. _

.... .... . .
.... ... _ _
3 ,
-. ,........

- ....... '........

5 '........ _... ......



.... ...

Co nstrictor Kn o t,
Tied with an End
~ .... , ......... KI ....

"'onP k_, ,t.

_""""' a.- coo bo "'" ..... 01 ........ l - .

u.. wtrlo >r to.................... _ _


.......... """'..........


.n._ ....,."-'_. __

".do,urI' ",100_,,"

..... ....,.o.Id .. - .


I ..... ....

_ _ ad ...... ".


, . _



..... .-I . .

m....,.. Ir no .. I
. . ,.! ~ ~....II>T
Orffunj Aoidcy ... lJ. u.. ..... "",,,,-'rod

....... t. .. d.,t .... /~ """, .... ' '"

~ _....Iy
_ to'"



.-"""'00 ....

""-,,," .... lot

, . _ .. fils ...... ", """. oIrr.p ............ ...

" oar ,

. . _Iot.
, ,... __ .- ..
- ....-

-_-.... _.._- . -_...-

of ......
.. -_

i00i .. _ ..... _
l .'.... .-._of_
3 .... ... _ .. _ ...


...... _ ... _ ..



- ...

_ , , -, .



........ ..
-...... __-.-......_




Co nstrictor Knot, Tied


the Bight

n.o ilonotbn .,..,.,pI< 01 ....

_ ...., _ k - . r.. ~

_ ..-1<Ir"' ....,.
"'" .

ndoido< '


.... _'



p.Iod ........ 1o<l ..... I~

- ...-

h __
oppIoeJ ~ "'- dot OJ"'_


... ..... ....

...... ..... . . 01 . ......

_01-.1,, _ _ _ ..


4 """-"'~' ......


.. _ _ _ _ _ 01

- .....- ....._-""

5 - .. - -..... .....". ...




..... .

Transo m Kn ot
C;~ floN Ao-'dor ""~'" ....Jo,

..... \_ '" """ ,.,110, ....0

(0O ............ d, ' ,',
_ " ., e"po_'" dot

___ 1Io...J


.... ..... ..-.

.... ..,. . . . M.1Ioo " , , , _


.. _..........._-

1 ""

......... -


2'............'" -...-..... ...

=-- --_
-_ _.-.
.. ...

3 - ............

4 -~- ........ ...,

__ "'_ " .......
' ..... __ - ..
5 -..-.-.-_


". "


Doubl e Co n stri ctor Kn ot


Th, ~ ... "'" oj d.. >m<n<It><

u.... ~ ,.oro ""mul me.;.",
..,.t P'P;" .. ...., ......... ouI*
fot buodaq aq.,;,. ",lifo
.t...-tu... " .............. n ...
.., k",..! .... r< .........., _
podI ,.u...,. WbnI
'Y"'I' P'fD<"wtr ~,...nI



...> ... _

.......... ..p.n. ........" .. ..

"""~ .. r'<Q<llmI. ..... ~ ...h .....
'" ,I><.....J "'. ",,..,J,,... Of
..,..;W I.mdl. .,. _ _ <II. ",10

....."11 .. 'rrIr ..... 10...... '


'1" ......... _

... _

., .......... _



.... -

1 ...... ~ ........

3 ......... '

.................. ...-......-.

...... _. ............
4 -.


. . _.......... _

....... _ ... _ 2
........ ...

.......... -

_ ....... - ..
........... ,....


....... _ ... _ ...

_ ' -...
6 .........
.......... ... 8
_ ..... _ " 010041_

. ........


" "'



Boa Knot

n... ....... "'.................J

..... .. 1m..,. rho:
;1....., ......... .......
' ........

pia ... t.... rho: I<~"""""

",Iud. ~ .... naI ..... <WI

,........ + dIt buo. h

..... ____.buo
.1,_ ,



, .....


_. . ---

2 ..... _- - - -... 01 3 "" ___
......... ....




....... --- -....


" '_ .... ..... 5 r...o,-,,-'
4 _ .....................
_..... _ .... 0010,...

. . . . - - . . Iop . .


__ - -_.. _... . ___----...........

. _----....

' ... _



- .. _ .. -, ......
.. _01 ... _ _

.. '......,

8 -. """"" _ .. ..
e' e, .... _'"

-9 -,-.. , ''''_


..... ,-.
Ju g, Jar or Bottl e Slin g



,n,,,,,,,,,,,.., "- p.orOI '" """

do ... ..., ___ will <h ..

~ '0'11<....,.,..,...-*
01 ",,*, """,.b. . " .... 0 ' ' ' ' ' '
~ . . . . . Nm)W

10". '"

"""'...".. .. ', . . h-lln lot.

L.p .. '" ,., (pi ...... ) - ......
... ""' .... Grm..~ u.o"

to ><II

"""'" ...- m

" " '..... OJ

0 _""

I.... ,k"", 01 fIll",

.>a<- ,h. IDmr-~



bonpOJ""'" 01 ""'""'1-0


"'-'''' __ 6
- ,-.



-. """" .....
. -...........
2 ;.,-;;;-~

... _._ .... -..Io<bo

__ __
.... _......... - .. ..5.... " .......

~ .. - -..
. - .....
3 .........

... -"+-

1 ......."'_ .............



" ' h.... _




_ ..... 8 ...... _ .. _ .. 7 .....
_"' .....



............ _.......

9 '.... _ ..---

10 ..........


- ..._-...........
... - __
.. ...... ....... _-_
........... --...
... .
..... ---. . -

..., ..
_K . . . ' ' '... ..
r.. ..-.oo4""',_
11 ............

.......................... 01 .....

12 ........ _..-..


..... _ ......... ....

... ........... . . .
.. W'



..........;1 . ..,...


" ,.

Asher 's Equa li ze r

",.. <IIIIaq;

k-. addrJ "'

IU& (""d".. ).... or

b<Jn1< .......

....... ......" kujpho ..,-...uQr

handI<. th. .......... ,
~.hod. nuln co ..... tIo<
""""" _,. I, w...........d br
H=y &lor< '" the -,I I!Ilio..

10"",, .....


.... --....... -....f-...

1 .....

1 .......""1.



- .......
.... -....
_-. .......




... _......... 1000

3 ...- ........- . . 4 ..........-_.........or...,



.-_ .. __ .. '

., -.j ' "

Double Figure-of-Eight H itc h

o-n K. 1\."'" am< ..,.....

'h"~_,,,f............... toh ..
........ Iootth; ........ ~

....... b<ut b.ndi", knot.

TIl< .....ort .... ol"'" porto<aW

f""" ,,""'~..;lr ............ .....


,.............. fip""Ol.

<iSI" l"oII:. 1ly ft .. In

.h...,.."", 00 "'" beN .....

wt . - -..... '
3 ................


lVn,.u . """' _ _ '

._.f . . . .

.. _
1. ...
2 .w;
..+............ ....

"' .... _ ...... ....

_ .. =
..... .....

........... u '

' ....

..... _ ..... 0..4 .. ..-w.




.... "

Square Turk's H ead (4 Lead x 5 Bight)

"". T.,\,. h<>d ~ .,., .......

..<'fWO'............. lOf "'.d.) ",til

m< o<>Ik>p-oh>p<d nm porn.

(bopul.n....-........."" "

"-'boooI loh:t " b ...,.." . . .

"'.... J-boVo Turlt, lor...
(-.n.<N fwI .... wbc.


'" 'L"" "'). NI ,.,...., h<....


!no dun
""0 Itftll,d "' .. "OQIW<" T... k,

m. """"'"

Ior..!o. n.. 'Y'. "", d.od ",..


hr o...h. Smull.

- _-

_ ....... _ ... -

3 .............. ........ ....

_ _ _ too_ooWI.

-_........ _ _....... -..- _..
1 ,,__,.............. ..... 2 .... ....... r
................... ..

T ........ - - ...... ~.'.


' ...



....... .....
... _'"""
-._ ....... _ .. _ ....

4 .....................



__ .. "'"
, ,
5 '......

.... __ .

- _--'" 'W. __ _
6" ,

-..._ n._...-........

..- . .... 110"-1_ .. ........



" .. ,

Square Turk's He ad (5 Lead x 4 Bight)

u.. .........'...... ,,"",'.......

.... .,,_ ......... JiW

wI" ... __ iW

, ...... oI_.A_T.,j,



...loco. pmIJ'_
........ f...iW


lIr ......,j . . . .wJ.I "'"

...... " ao _IIOII! ... ~'hU!f"

.... M. r.- ...... """


' .......

fIn ........... _

..."." <10_ - " ' ur

_ _-

--(,.' ...- ---......... '--__ ......_ ... ..-...
... _. __ "' ..... 01 ... ...2 '...................
_ooWlt_ .. _1NI.

..-. __ ... . .. __ _....

_ .. _
_ .. ......

..3 _01. __ .... ..... 4





5 T-"'--""~


,. ,



Twined Turk' s
Head (2 Lead x

3 Bight)
"", pnm<,,<.~of .Turk,
h<>oI ~ .... """" 11 ..... <1, ......
"'booP ~ .... born -.l '" booJ
do< ...... d .......",. <11lI'L

.. ............... _ _ _.....


H _ _ ...


2 ..... ... ........

0...4 . . _

.... s

-........... _-..

4 _ .............. ....


r""' ............ __ ..

...... s .

..... _



'''''' ......... _ ....

7 ................
'L.'.,H ..




,. TIi. A_

.' " , , - , _ ... l~. ,. ', ...


' ....

l:L . .




-rn. ..... _

Spade End Knot
AtIaIrn ..... _ .....,.; ......... 10
I ...w (<Ydtool IoouIu. or



"'-' It... ,",,-,100

.......... Iho_k ..........
,..oJ ....... OW," S




.. -...............

'-"'01 .. _ ... 2
; ,': _ _ _ _


_,-- -_-_






. ..-.... ......
5- ...


'4"""" _ ........... __"', ...

, .



.. ,.... ..

_It .

",', dlo,. .......

J "-h ......... ,pi",.!.! cunopW

___ ond-,..lIa

,t"' ........

....... l~ ....... '...... Iwubac .. .",.. It

.,..._ "' ..... ! - " "" WooocI .. ",","-,, 'dk .......... ~.i II
d ...... _~ ...J ..........



-.I " , '" .... '

_ ...... _Ioor - . . b<l, .... _

'''' , ft'>

u<._r Co.



""nk>r.nI ... ""h ,he- ..mol,,,, puI of rht

'''I''' """"". ,....1. lb........ I.. 1\ loop Io>ot .....)

be -.I 10k, "", pIaud.,. .... pu. , ..
.... , hn .......
................, ..........!4- .... _ .
Do "...1 P ~
.......u,. ...... - . I _........ Coo 1M..,

,I<'II. ' ..), .... Ah-..

--..._100' : __

. """'"

, 100..... . d

"_ _ ~ lot !W..... . . ,
.. -... .......h
+_IanIo .... ~w

-\oq!o .,., lord ...... bop.. ""'"' ......

-.lot . . . . ._

.. ,,-

. _.. ......
_--- --_._.

'. _....



.... _

.. : : : -




Angler's Loop


n... ... oId ....... __ _

"'" ,..... "'_1 '"' of lou- , .....

_ ...... 01 .....

.....,h t... ...n-d ... W<W<

"""" ~ lot .... Iorftt ..

~ ..
ropco. ~ ....n....,. ..., nod ,~

""- ~eJl ,,-k _.I.

".,. ~ _

.... bo ,...., .. "'"

............. 1



.. _"' ...... -.1".


1 :':,::_:::~:-~.:.."::~


3 ... ........... _ ....

........ _


. . . ..



.. _ ..
'........ _ ....,......

Fi gure-of-Ei ghr Loo p

R<fcrr..d <> b,. ..00....... """"

n_ ... fltmooIo loop.

tilt fi... ~"""1oop .....


by,.,... ,..ol! doI_

btauor "trDoI<.l "' .. m on ....

I"",lJ' or """"ILl rop<> .u><I ;wIld
.... ~....,. '" ..,oed ofI<'r I00<I''11'.
Cn ....... clombon ....... P'<k.
oil .. ,....,.1< ..,.......... hi tho
_ . I t .......Iy I>N - <>'<10

!oJ' .. _"""'" ......-' _...:I

..... .,. _UJ OJ' ,..... 1<....

r.. ,II< ......... ~,"' ......11<

,,"'" ""zh<r). rIO
.,.l '" ....

"" ....n."11

....wl'" pm lot


.. --

_' .. ...............
2 .........................

' t_........ 3 -_ .. .."~~


_ w. ' -' ' 4 '_""' _



Bow line

On.t.. knoo ..... _


........q.lin<m... .... I>o ... Qi.

_......... _. _- ..............
,.-.- ...... . .

""" '" m. ""'................. .


hoI.I. .. " ,,,,,", 10

.............. ...J_rtn... b . . . .
...... takrn

, _

,,'1. _>d.o,.. .......... _


... -m., .... _


_ ....... _ ..... ..



...... ood >n<I ~ lot



.,... . ""' .... '" In'< ......,..,.

......,.,. .. ><1 ... _

... , .... ..

ok... "'" ~,p, ........ '" ...... I

......... nmr,-,.I It-.

... Ncb ..." ........... nd '"
0..< '" ~ ........ d Of
<ap<d to .... odio< .... 1oop lei
for ..l.W O<OIn",

-_...... -......... _--_



............... -

4 '-' .................... ..


__ .. _--

5 n...-~ ........... .~

........... --....... -................






Esk im o
Bowlin e
n... ......... "" .... ,buJu.
bowIi.. ~ .............. ,d",,,d

t... ....... The Arm<

....... _

""pkpm- s.. PIm R.;.o

( Im~1 '561 broufh< .. 'noR
(EW.o) .... bod. '" ~
....., Iud .... ~ ....-....1 to
1_... I, ,......-;I on

h"" br

.......... "..................

""" u.o.. ito if> .-kid< l00/I0....

Inw. Imoo. 1bo oIN ..,.. .. do<

.. 01 ,t.. Mu ...... '"

Mrimd. 1
~ ....

' . Ao

n .. """"

do< UN, ...... buwIioo<,

~ .. >j'mbm< ...,.., " ..


2 - .............. -. .......
........ _

_ ....
1_ -... _



6 "'..... ,- ,"-5 ...... _ .............

" ......
- .......... ...


_.~ . . . .



, "

Dou bl e
Bowlin e
'C"'" "~<1l "'p. <bit ~

;.. t''''f''' (7U 'D 1j p<>' ..... )

....J ...,... _"" dLm ,10<

coo ...., _b ... Ir~h. bul,
k,... <...!. ~ ...., _ -.J to 10.

"ptd '" ""II.

,.......---_ _ 10.'

, loop.

3 .......................



..... --.

T .......... _



_.. __ -

...... _ .... .......


_--__ ............
.. -.l1ooo _ ..... _

6 .....



.... ,"' ......,.,ol

"'-- ....

1M . - ,"",1- .. Ifv, b.oMr


_ .-I ...



Jt_ _


3 __ .... ..-.


, _ ......... ---.. -

. . . _ ...._.

2 _ ......... _ -...

--- - -

..- -

...... 4 '-.. -...


. . .... .
""_ ...... __
6 .....



Blood Loop Dropper itnor

r .... "'IIh"l ' .........

.....,.. ouru,. loop Iuo
<hl, kaoc



, ""*I< _

.w.o..p- ............. .....

~ .... IO "" 1nnJ ..... ' 0 f\y-/;"''''''
1ft ,II< _

. -.. oord
iDIDI,.. <d
I.,..... .... f,.,!

h<r<. " 04 I.... ,.., 011

loop in .... _

bndoof ...><hmrn ...

.... .


. .-.....Ioop--.
_5 <- ... _


......... -


_ - ........ ..


... - - .. ....
6 c...w,.


Farmer 's
Thu ooIiJ 1itdt knoo -....... 10
.,.,... '" knoo 'JU' boa ... of
It< k"""", aI<lho.l J IJ'''' I,
><qII ..... 'D ....... w ..... "'uk >
H...-..,! 'I; Ril<y ~io ..
hn I'll rompl>ltl a.. knoo -.:I
",,~ f.......



3 _ ... _-...........
_ . _ ....





6 '- ........ - ~ - ..


-. -

..".. ................. 7 ........



Kn ot

n... .. ;on ......... knot hI... p,

.. t<nIl) .. 19'!l ... .......,...
Mil:< Sro.:h .~.

- ....... -

><ndri ..... k-.~ ....

....... . ""I .. I, ... ttl .........

- . I t...J '" .... o,p,.

-_1 .....



2 - .. - ~ ..... '""

3 _ .. I .. ...... . .

... --,,'--

....... Ioop ........ _



..... - ..
H ... _

. . Ioop . . . . . . . .


Alpin e
Butterfl y
TIuo ........... -.........

..u-: "'del.......,.......... IL ..

~ (18\10--"71) WT<>

"'.ro-. ..... ~ ......

k. . oIl-.", Ibm ,hcA/flm<

""<=fI)< """' ......


omm joh.~.

<.. I..
Ckf.,..j .\>hIq; .. ,he ~ ....... '
..... h ~ no.! .. ,ho bop.
.,..,.. ....,., " . . . to

_-_ ......

1...f.., ..... oI..,. .... _IooooI

".: ....

_ _. __

2 ..........--.. .... "' ... -..

.;;,;...Ck _ . - _

__ _-

...... __ ",. ......

... _ ......
4 ""'"

3 -~-

of ... "'"'"1


5 '->"_"--~~

...... __ ...

1 ....... _

.... _ - -


-- .....


7 ... _"'""01 ... _ .... .

.................... L-.



, "

Three-Quarter Figure-of-Eight Loop

" .......,. Ill .... bow< fipre.of
..... Ioop, .......... """'-I
........t 1M. b7 n.. c.n.dWI
t<d >lid Ion~~ .. dU.d>e< ~
o-..Jl. who .......... Iuoo< ....,
oould ... p>lltd .. tith<t oh._
""Ihovt ~ w(0 d<mond
ul",o ~ ..... ' _h ....... ~ h

.... "'dy ..... "" ..,." "'" .. uk


..... .. diot<ro ....... Ioow

.......,..,. .................. '"

<1000< Iuoo<t<d loop ......
.. the 01_ buncrIl,r.

_. _..... . ....-...
_ .... ' , . ...",
, ..............

-_... _

2 T...... - - . . ... . . . . . . .

-""' ...... -.,...,

3 - .....................


__ ...........

4 ..... --........... ~

.... Iino, ...... _ _ _



, 00 ,

Frost Knot
no. "- "- "'" olUllplo

~ '"'" ...... io!ird ..

..I! .. ThD .. .....t ......
;"'I'W'-t .bon ~ <>I
<b ........ lodJ<n uJ1<d ftritn

~f"""h: "'''''I''~ I...-.. ~

..,. Tooo F"", _

. - Io! ....

IftIlo. n", hoo ..... " ..1)' r.....

c. ..... J.,.. ....... tap< l-.

........... m......... ~,
tw:J .. ' ' ' ' .

,_...... _. _-"'.

..... of .............. .....

_ _ 01 .......

......... __ ..
-.... __. - _. --.
2 ......
"' ...>. v' ' .........

T ...... _

.......... ...

3 ..................

T .........

' .... - - . .....


Do ubl e
Frost Kn o t
>o>obuu,"", .....t. .. t....;
f _ kn<>o, ,ha
01 '"
..."pIe f<~"" '''''''''' ........



""" .......... kn<n 1-'


,.-.......................- .... "',


_........... "..""-

-.. .. ___ ...

'__ .... '.. ...,..-!


-_.. _-

5 _ ....... ... _""

- ..........
............ 6 .-' .....


-_.... _

7 ' -_'''' :






Double Fi gure
of-E ight
Tb dwIW Ioo!I<'II " ...... 01 ..
d,m"'",' Jq'IIL..- hooic: boo< ...,
,ibod '"


..,. Offord

oWIk7- I, ,,001 on tIo< ho;ht.

~ "",fill

,Iur ....... """ 01 du,

J'U"C"lar ......"'" Di. .... ~
"_ M

oft.. . ......... h1_y....m

,Iu, .."", W<ri; _ . wh.:h

hr1i>o '0 ..... '


..w.>'dy ........

n... ""'" k>". _nlly ,..,.I '"

''''"I'' ""' ......... Ii .0<11 . ...... be. di/kmo. ~

.,...".. duo br J'>'><'OIlI ioN""
o!o<k b..... '''I'''rW ..... "'"'" ,I><
""""rIn...t 1-.


_ .. ..,. .. ,---" - . 2 - ..... 01 . .- 1 ..... .




_ - - - . ..... 01 ........

........... 01 . . _ - . .
_ ... -; ...............
4 .....
5 -~--

.........- .......
r........... 3 .....


...... ...


-.- ... - -..

.....6 ~-


Spani sh
Bowl ine
The ",I&y..l

Ioof>o of ,ho. ........

~ """ ...... "'"'"' oIof<, ...

loom ...... w.Iy, ""'" o lot
"""" do 01. <acII. II ,. uoed ..,..
fi .. bnp<b. , .,... rdr. oad

.....,.., ...... ...d ~ ... k___

,....-.. _.....
_-... __
... _~

.. III< _ - - . 11<;1 ",_

..,..,... ..... bnN .....Id ....
10 IioId

Ii....,. '" .... otandi",

pam 01 III< "'I'" .. d ......... ..,

.. _ "" I.. "f'P<'l-. '" ,...fUd

,100 UUf>OO or rbr - " ' ' ' ' 01 duo

It""'~ ......

o.,.. d

, ...... I.JKn. n... _lint ...

tri<d mol "...,ed old ...... ";'11




...-......- 6~


7 ....

Il0l' ............. -

.-... ....--.
.......... _ ......... 8
.... ... ' - - ' - ... ....

....... ,..._.


' I.-.


Bow line
Nt ..... wu~ _

"'" Ioc>po, tI..

-._.","" III"

... ..., be.-.l ""'" .....,. _

Iuopo I>r"
10k. <uiI '"

-. ...

100: . . ..,


_ _ Hu.,.""',.....w.

... -.................. _..............-


1 __ ...... _ .. _ 2 - ........ - -

....... ..................
3 __


--- -

.. - - . .............
6 r.......


... - .


Trip le Figureof-E ight

n... 1" ........... '" dooo< ...,oJ

d".I-c_'...."""" <r<..... '"



1Id><rt a.......11.

..... .... -.---

-----.-- ....


_... ___
. _..... _.

......~ ....... - - 7 _ .......

5 -.-.................... 6- .--.. _ ...........-...


_ _ _ loll ...... ...

Tri pie

a. ...... dr.. ...... dolo ",pi<

.....L.; l..d .. ,he ...... /""

"""'"JpotII<>On." .......

..... noct ... 1M pupd '" b<by

" .. '" _


ondooo.., ("""

>ur< """'..., , ..hi.


,.. ... __ ..

4 ........... - ..

--- ..
6 '. ...............
. . "' ... -C'~"'.."'---,

-_ --_

- ...............
.. .. .....-.....
. _w. _.u' ._

7 ~-..
...... "' ,..

..... - - - - .

.. _

....... _

........ 11

................ .0-., . . . ..


' 00 "

Bowstrin g Kn o t
I.Jm,," aolj"""""" ....... du.
~ ........... ro. uooaIl rvko-"


......' ...... Of oIK~

po, )""" or ...
I..... II hoo.
~to ''''P''''''''' ,t.. ~;d;q
loop .",.......,""'. _boro'
) _ .. d Iht t.r.... 0/ Iht


.......... ............., ....... 0100

.......,. """'" I.m<Io:- ~I>n -

......... 1.fOO.,,_ """"...Iiod

.......' ......... oIi.pI.>,od ,.Iht
11<""" ~ .... londoa _ ..... .... ,h ,WDIi1&r ~-.


1 ............


2 ...,
...... _



_....... - T ...... _

... _
01 ... . .. ,

......-,... ....


---. -

4 ' -... .-._,.... ......



n.... ... obolt~p <-.
which IIlI)" "" ...p<d ....!.Jod 0,.
.b<r< it ~ .....,.... I......

o..,d ",

..Iv<b tt huId. """~ ...... '''1 ;,

""..- ... ""'''''''''' ...,. b_
...,.. '" Thr......,

Ror" :-:..,. .........

"'.... __h."'
%... - . . . -



2 - .. _............. ..-....

.... ;-...-.~- r-~

S .......... ---..J......,
........ ......
... _ _ f
T ...... _

............ -


...... ...

3 ::.-;';'_._:::-.:..::'.:=

_.. _....-

'...... _ .... _ ...

6 ..........................

_.._..........- ............ ......


'''''''It._ ....... _ _








knoo .....
poruI.n<r<I to, "'" 1 ....... ,.,.
.... __ faltp.l.,100

n.~ ~idt-.rod-&nl'


..-. Hownn. ~ .... . - , .

' ..... _ ....... . _

. ...
2 ........

It)' Au.,,.,.. .....

'"""""" ,n 1!I46. ..... orlcncd
'" ....., _"tilt knoo".1t ..I ...

,.,. ""1P'i' up.wo ct<..... I o!ow',

...... ,lie ~ pm 0/ ,lor
"'1"'; .... " ""'." - , " " "

,<I.. oo.<fuI hotdo ,g ~

IoICflll""l wn. npl ,:ad '"

'1'" ...... _ yoclJ ..........rJ

" .. __ """-<I ..

I ck ..... k"",. ~ "",101

................ "'''' .... _,.....w.

ofko ...........l..-.

--- .......
3 ...

.. -

4 .. ............ _,... ....


.... _ _ . .


. -_ .._..... .
.. _ ... ....
6 ........
_ _


.. 0.- .... _

, n ..

Adjustabl e Loo p

cr<"""" '""'" Cn.!,"

do ....... Rob:n
..., <...Iy bo ... fKd by Iwod In

J,...,."" - .... ......
w!>rn .......... A ...rn, k,,"m: <>I

thn k..... 1.....:1 \Of all




.. II.., ohock 1oad..,. ... 11

"""" .. 11> ....... nl m.;,;."

tIocn ,bo load 1ft" ""'r.blt

1"'"""""",,, ~!>rn 10 .. ;D holt/.

........... _



_ __

... ... ......

5 ...... ... ......w,.



, "

Ha ngman 's N oose

Tho ..... , ....... of rlu. ~"'"
'*""old . . ...... .~ on ....""
... pnt<aI_f' ... b .. _


.......... , _ J .... "'-

._. . . .....
....... 1'11<_ .._

....... of .... _ _ _

'_of .. thcd '

,I" '.. _ ....."'"


f __ ,,""'_.~ ....
.."" "'" ~fI ...... doot


_ .................... ..
...... -..,..... zo_
, .........
.. .. 2 .....

4 <10 ..... - " ".

.. - --_._-__
.... . .
s .......
--'_......... _ 3 ........

4 ("


....... ...... _7 -~-...

0:-- .. - '
6 .......



...... ............


_. ._....
_.. - ................. ..
-.......... ....
.. .





Arb or Kn ot
l'I1owt1y. k"", ..".,""'-

- r.......... .,.. bnod .....

MI>o. I_ ,,01 Of.....,.~ dI. _

.. ...., """ "'-k_..

k............ _
hn< 10. hooII Of lure.
~od< . uod-V'I'


.. _
3 .............


... - - ...


..... ......
4 - " ...... - .........


' ............ _ - 6 ~_"""*l_""

5 .......



......... 7

- . . . - - - ... -0.100


,n "

Bimini Twist

Th .. ",,,,,,I,,'lI, ........ ...,..

l"~IOO p<! t<>!I}.


I<>< ........ ~ .... bt.... ..

1If!"' ~n<C ",Ir... lt11. I, ..

~ ...... .,tJ lot donty .. """'"

!.up. " ............... Id .n llet

b. ......



rnltM><OllJ _

poooabi< '" . -


. _-

,......_ .... "'.-'lO .. _

......... _ ..... 01 ...........
1 - . . , . . . ...... 01 ....... ..,.
2 ......

d.. band. ~ uwI 1m ~ wooold coop<t;o
k_ w,,,"

.. .,.... tho.



"'Old. SaIl ......--. ...... Ok

,,",,,,I, """"'- Th< .,.,..,....

....... """~ Iomj>Ir 'mfW'<"d
"'nh ~ .,. 'hm
.... 001 "1"" '"
....<Ny......... .,..,.,_

=_ ....

ou"" ............. hm .-I fi"""


_ ....

... 01 ............... - . .
......... _
. . 0.../...-


wt _-""0
loool ...
5 .........

.... _
_ .... 01
6 -


..... ___
..... _... ....

- _ ...

4 ~..:.... .:::.:.:. ... _

............ -.,.


Portu guese
Bowlin e
Old ....... ,k ""4 .......

1"'1, .... - ..... ' II ,

-.....J ..r <<MOl , .... """"" ...,

. . . . . --_.,......t

h:' !lw",," hCo.or Itt...... .


<dt.:I ...... F'-" 1_.....

:.,_ AoIoIto. .....

"'""'. .. r.. ___
OCSr<o1Io:r d.,M



..... ~

"'" '~r"'" _. Ir .... .,...! ..

bod",,,,,, _ ........ ......

.... ........... Iop.""""P ....

loot> _ Mloo.:k " .J ..,.



3 "' ..

........... _.- .... .......
6 ...- - .. ...--.

r - ........ _ .



--001..... -, ' .. 4 .OJ!OO'

- ... ..........
-_ _ ..

Po rtu g uese Bo wl ine with Spl ayed Loo ps
A _pi< .. thr,., k-.

~ill ~"". pUnk '" Iooldo; .....

"~"""' ~ ... but

"""' ..... <><10 ..... 01 tho """

Iooro .... I'dl .... k n-. II..
<><hot. 0., """ _ ,lin k_ ...

a'.I1"...."'<> wiler. mft ....,.

p""." UlId..or.... I.."". A<>

ilhD<r.oOOll '" w ""'" ."p<..r.l

.. "IN,..... -...."...,.IJ", '" N .....,
118H). UoIoooI. ...,. CliflOfd
AoIkr "'port> ...."'IIint .......
UW"d ~ I\Jmopo<t< ""I"-

.... .4...-.-.....
.. ..__
_............- ..3.._-_
.... ..._.
... __
.. _
- ...__..
2.-... ...

_01 ... _


-loop ..... , 1 ... _

- --


.. ..

T. . . . . . _


..... -


. . -~Ioop .. - - . .


Tom Foo l's

0<1<'" ...

n... ..
nr oo-aII<.l
lundcuff _ _ a<a>fd"" '"
kno< Jor.. c.. ~ .....
HOIIdon, hc~ k ... ln loa ....,.
...... ptoIobIy -.I lot ...........

f."" In""," <r<'I'n. . . . . . . .

11..... ,"'. "'. I'd... 1_. "' ..

'" k .... b<m II.. '" p=. n.
tbnk_ ...... t.r..


c- ...... _ _ , . -


2 "'--~

..... . . o j "

01 _ _ ..... " " -


... ...
. .. _-.-..""...... ..

.. _01 ...
. " ... ..- ........
........... oI . .


............. 01 ... "





... _ ..... _ _ _ ....

I "

Handcuff Knot
llooo uI.n. -..I Of .., _


.................. T_fooI'.

__ rlw ...'" ...... ....

.... ,Iodi<i ...... dooooboflil "'"


"""" tIobo>f... .-..- ..

""....... """" o<.obk , ....

...' u...


c- ... -

. . .....

..... - 2 __
, "" .... I ' I


_ ... _ ......... I
1_ _ .. _ ...
4_ .... ;11............
3, .......... _


, .... _
.. _
.. ...
.. I01II000I_




Fir eman's Chair Knot

&thr. III< ~ k_ ... 111<
Tom I'00I\ k..,. .. .., ...... ,.,.


""" Col., Gr...." ....... tmdo<d

III< fi .."",,, _

~ ... poo "d

.... , ... br<......u.J .... 11. 0...
loop. Hlp d ... _. Goo ...........
,he ....... 1I1IIp">' ~uh ..,

..- ...""'" "'"
knL A ,....'11,,, !l!.t. krw< ... ,IK

t.,. .... _

oj _

""'- mJ,

..1uIo wrond .-.... !"'I~ .......

...... 1 ,."",. III< ....... rull '" odin
tw..nI ..,oft 01... ..,...., "'1"'.

. _.... """"--. . . . ..2__ ........ -

, _ -....

- .... _...... ..

_ ......... _ ..... 3 ~,":"i -:".:r-.. _": .....,.

4 ...................
... I ' ' ........ _


-_ -

. ....................
. ...... ..

' .....

.. _ -

..... - .. 5 ----..


6 ~..........


.......... - ..........


7 ~..... ~ ......... -

........... ..


-.,uI. ,,,_, ,. ""c_


..,01 ..... _ ....._'"

"", ',,,J_... __ ; _,.

..... u..~,
.. " t.




_ blo.o ... ~ .. I, II;" hie II> . .JJIr

......... h .. "' .......... ...d.

........ ""1 . . .





W _ _ ........ ,




..., .....


_".-.0.........._ M.n. ~ ."'

_ . .

.. "-doc",.

no- ... .....,. ~""""...d h....-.... .....

..., lor -.l """ ..u~", ""~ ....... ,lit,

_ .............. ,q"" .. -n. ....... k>Ik ....



" .. "

", . ..... . ,.

, ... G.

Barrel Sling
llo< ..... opt;, foro" ol



u.o. ... to<- <>r ........

... 0f'<1I N<rel, all< or dn". ,1>.>0

;, ... ,,!)' foH. Tl>< _,"S..-.I

'*'" ..

......... Iur! to
...J. .
!W' o>l ,k, """,,, ..... - . .....
ukrn to ......... m..
""""'" 1_ .. ~_ '" llip
!tom ....... h
Iood. u... ......




;oppe.u> Iooo"r/f

......... foo


job.)' ....... ""'" "-Ir

~ wrt!o.,...... oIoiftt"S

a ...... 0/ nd!o. nob ..... Nrr<Io.

-. .......... -.. ........

-- ..

_-_ -_

.... '...... -- .......

.... ....
2 ........

.. _ - 3 ....... 100>"

4 ... .....


F......... - _ ...........

... " .... .... " .... , ... ,.


Plank Sling


,h ............. _

. , . .......... A ,""""'.,.
pLo.~ ........... -


_1. ........ ,- .

--, - - -

...._ ....... __ ..
1 .......

- .... .........

3 - -.... " ..... - ...



. ..-

'...... ___ ... """'"

- ... -.. _01
.... _.


5 -~- ........ ....



..... "" .. . ,." ""'f. " f ,

] lIr y M as t
Kn o t
\{"oth K" ..... .J,b ..... k>up..


u"r """ .... ""'. ro "II
..... loo.bft ~Uf}'l_". ~ f
f...:h of ok
d", rwo
...J. ....dr ~ ""'... I...
the """"""'l' .1"","" ,rod our' ,n
ooh '" _-.Ir ond .. ppun ..


_.-0. .

/<."....... ,... to ,,<lucrd '"



...... .....,. po<.


..... -_2
_"'-"_"_11011 .
,' '\.

-..... ' .....

3 ......
....... ...

...--......... - .....

.....-.. _-

5 ~ '!'<~.:.: ....,.. ':'"

..... _ 1 .......
.. _ .
6 ......

...... _ ........
7 '..............

, . ...., "

._.0--.. .


' ....



4 - .._ .. _ ... ..

. _ ........ .... ..

-... _..-

.. .. ... " ... " .. ....... .


Sheet Bend

!'or ....... ., ...... '"

_ "'S ;....


. ...-"""tht

~."... ~
lin< " ..... ood ... 1m

w ..

s'""""'" ...,........... .and

k""" .......... , "'"""' IIoor-.

... 110 oponr.I " "M. , _

-_............... ..

.. .. ___ .. 4
.. .- ....




..... ." ... ..... ..


M o nkey's Fi st

$IJ "<>P

......., ~ ...,q ''''p'a"

dlclbpr ...J ,h
' ..... i . . '


or """"'''


,Iuo .......1Innouml1<-. 11 -.J.

00f< " ' ......... """"'_

"""""'''1 ..... yl.h. _ _

"""' ....... h """" ... be ' " _

briar. CO" .................. II"""

"' ..... T.... co ... 0 """"" III<

"""'.,..,.t ."............

..... __ .-

lmp!IoI rile urdo<t (b<l< "'"

... ~ .. Obro or hn-) '" IIw <0

.... mal< ..... ~"'" ""'1'




.... -

a.-.I000 .. _

_ - ,t _ _

2 -.,_ ........ -. ... ....


_ ... (.m _ _ .......

..- .........

_ .... _"' ... "' _ _ 01_ ...

6 ..."'"'___.........




--' ...
...- .....




-.-- ..........

- .. ....... ...
5 T~....
. ,_ _ 0 1 -

- ' " " _ .. _ _ ......... -

7 _01 _ _ _ _..... +
_ ...... _ ............... ,

...... w


-,_......"'--_ ....... _"


.. _

.... 01 ........ "".~ .. _

..... .

.... ... " ..

, ~

.. ... ... ..

'" ' ~


.. . "" ., ... ", ... .. ...



Half H itching

u,.,. ,...",h oi _1 .101_

.Jupt; ......... (tr-. <>tJ'<" 10
~ ... J. rI-< pI.omho .. fn>m
.k,-".1"" ...... - . ) ...,. "" tonl
WITh ...."" 0/ boh ,",ch<> 10
........ """'" o..r. )'<* bo nrd
"'" ~,. """'"- ..... """"0. . 10
" " - do,,,, .. ,It..- ..., ...

i........... -t .... rn-'" II><

...n... 0/ "'" IW<.I .. """"".....

AppIr _I< ,..- Or-"'"
oi 1I.. ...-11J1 ka<io, "" ,he


......... Iod.ooI ....... ..

' " . ....

2 eo....
. ... -~- ......

- ~ ;.,.

- - --....-,


3 !OOO ..................................

_-- ...

r_ ..


5 ....

...., .......... _ _ _ ...


"--_.-..-... --4

__ .. _ ..... _ ....... ,


6 .. .. .. ............. -..



""_ ........... <1 . . _

7 .......


""" "


.... " ..........

8 -- ,'........... __ ............. <1


H., ....... ,,, ,. , .

Marl ine
IWtbnt h:rdoq IoDb ..,.:ical
'" t..W .....iu... bon " .... faa
""T.Lifn-. Tty,J~ both
I",,,," off, hall h"rhi", roILol*>
to """""" .'Ndo ............. "

"" bo ....... m. bopt. ...tWo" Iddw>s ,_.......

"",,,01 ",,<tIwwl ' - (0&1
.., mpurn 0 wOOrl"l .!NII. n.;,
-mo.! tmd. to dioti bon ..
J""", .too
but ..

...,k."" .............
bnh ......

IJJc: '"

" lull

boll "I' prd.. b>,"_~ I<K
.......... -

'" catptf


...... "" ....... , oDd ... pmorI...,.

",hoc ..........u, .... kwooi

--.---- -..---...---.
__ . -....


_ _...............

3 .................



loOM ...... _ _ _

T ....... '

. _ . . - ......... _


.... -01_
...........T.....'-._. . . . . ...-.....

..4___ ._01 .............. ...





Poldo Tack le


n-... , ,
........ _' ,w. ...
.. __ .. ..,.d:IJ


........ ...,. ......... !lot .....

....,. ........,." <lit
~ lot

r ... _

.... _ _ ...,.





_......--- .... ..

........ _ ........ ...



_ -

3 - ...............
............ _ ........... ..

.............. ___ .. _.
.. ----.
4 -r._

- ..... - ............

.... -


.,. ".,,, ... .. ", , , ,

Chain Stitch Lashing

n.~ !.oIt'''l ..... ~ Imr ""'"
....". <10 ........... "

iii> <u<d1 "'..

km'I'1 .... t....r...,.1<q 1'''1<.

..... b .... m>d<tiJ dw ;, _ b<", ........ Wot"" "" pullq
"" , ... _ k " -t TorJ .....

...m '"

.........".. ""J"..m .. m,

coIQO.,. ., "" "",bp-.


.>1 '" pli
""'r _
e.,"- .....
r ... _ _ ..... _.....
"""'P t!q _" ... ..Jf.... ud}
........, .......... ,...
.............. ~..
............ ...
-""'I "k<:t,




<-' . . _

.... _ . , _ ...

_-......, ....

... ___ ... 3 ...


....... ......

5 - - ' ... ' - - - - -

....... _ ... _,_ ... __ ...........................

- ......_-4

6 .........

~-- .......

." .. . ... . ... " . so .


7 1.004 .... - . . . - _ _ ... -


~ .


................. _ __ ...


... " "." . " . " ... ,. r., ...

Diamond Hitch


~.moI ,"loon
.iWc ....... pooon.. dt,ddt ...
.,..,.. p",d ......... ,. _,...,. ..,

_'" of Ioool<. ""'" """'" Or ....

hrtdl. .... ~ _ oriII ... """"'" in

01.. __ ..,hcmX mwboj< 61_

Tho< 1o.IN"II ..,a '""'" ."6 hriy

Ioodt.J "" 00 b<a<h .........

"'~ ...... ....,. Mi<

""" """ .. "'" 0II1r _ <lit bod"

...... m. h,,,,... bKk"",kt" ....m.

"" ....... .od ho>nn hat """

_1taIoI< _

.r..p.d <

_.....,;In .......... . - .





10" >Iso

'" <u.y.


1 ...- r '--""""'"
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2 _ ................

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.......--01 ...-~


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....... ... .

1.004 ...... _ ... _

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0I . . _ _ ....

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.......... _ ..:::::::

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Tru cke r ' s Hirch

SblI ..... t., <nrl d.o .... .., LooI,
d0:>001l Io>d. ......... 1)' _ who,... ..
""p< J-. ...

""'" ..... Morn

... ,wdodt.,..-.._
..."h II>lIM>iaI

..... hooch.,., lor

~~ _

,,_ bocI< '" m. can<1'> .....

L...k....... _ ...... i" ....

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_.. . .
_ ........ _ ....
4 ... ... - _ .. ......,100/II.

-,... _


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...... .....


._.. _

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... _..... ........ _ -


7 '-"'--~---"'--"

......" . " .... .......

8 ...

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_- ....._-_._ ............

T...... ~_ ....... - - -... -


- ~ .. -

.. -04j .. -

. . .....

~. "

".". " ...... , ''"0.

Round Mat



...-Io:! ... ,..p...;..

.., Ofd.n&-r ...... Of .. ...,. ...

p....t .. """""""...... '"

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o w'

. ........ _


_ .............
" . .,
"101 .... _ w

01 . . loop .......


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'-'.., "'"'
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" " ..



......... ,

Carri ck M at
no.. .... h< ootoI .......... _.
, ,.01 __

. _.... _.....

or . . .





_ot_ . __

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.. -- _.


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.. _..

_ .. _ ... _ - _ ...
4 '... .....'---3 ...... """ ........

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. ....


..... ." ... . , .....

Ocean Plait

n.~ p>O<!-""*'''f ....... """ II<

"""",I ...... Ii""" <W, .... '"

'M dud... I'Of'<L C _,*",o"r

~ ...,. II< ........ tab!< .... Of


u,"- for

",,, ...d .._ ', _ _

Of ,... - ' "

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tho ...a.

"'" _

...1<'Nlo at! 10

""""" It.. hrullock,.. 10K'"


'.... _ ... .
4 ....

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_ ....... _ ... ......

, . ... Woj ...... . .... . .

3 ..

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... ... 6
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Wf<1", .., .......

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.................. .....

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7 - .. -..--,


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............., ." .... , .....

Lo ng M at
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, ........ ,.~ """"'" ,II< InI:JIh
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C,., ................. (.....

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'0 "",n"", odtIuo& ..defin" .,. to

,boo "-. M"", "01-.:.1.,, tt ..
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,-_--_............. ......... _............-_..........

_ _ w"'_",""'"
2 r;:... ....,,_.

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4 ....
.... ,.,' ,
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.......... .

6 ..._, ......--"'''' 7 -'------"



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...... """-T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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_ "...



.. ~01 ......



8 t., ..

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' ..... " '_0001

_ .,w ' " " , ' ,_

, 0001_
....... 1 ...... _ _

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.... "



..... , .....

Altern ate Rin g H itching

lorsr ...... ronp "'r "" tun .....

.w...u.,. .,..... ......

...... ... ""'...., , ...... ....,.,. . "..j



~ ........

,.,. blm.! poo/I>, ..."

~ondI ............. ,
""'~. Of hundmJo of '<rf

Iin< ...... ....! r!ono

""'h ,.....

.....'hc, .. ",0<1"", 10


.....,;!.b~ ..... ~ ~ ... Of


...... _ -

1 ...... _....... --........

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......... - .... ~



-, ,


4 AM

. _ .............. -

5- ' .. .. _
___ " _ " " _ ' ,Iwl,
... -.



... ".

"" .... U

Co ntinuous Ring H itching


.. ---

_ _ "-01_
h 4

1._............ _

.. __

... _.. ___


3.... _........
_.... _.

..__ ........ -....


... . _ _ . .

........ - 1

.. _ _ .... _

;I , , _ .... _ ... ..


.", ",'"


.. ..... .....


Double Rin g
Fo< ..... ... ,~ ......k<t '" .... ,.
Of . - ....x '" _" '" by
..,.,...........Iy """ -.t. ,h ..
O'ft'>oOlll .. dI ........ w.. ipVI<)
ktt<, ,boo ....
<Of"<In ..... "OC ""'hmJ. R.on~
h..,h",. ....,. k ........ "lI'"

-- ............---....


_ ....... ..


- - . ond . ppI><d '" ..... ,

t.a...b< .. fn, "'" w"'" abo II<

opr!I'" "' ......dIn.

3 - ....

... -

....... ~rioo _ _ _

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A. - ........_

.. _


.s.. ....................,

.......... _


; ,




I)_~ .. " _ -

"-"rioo;, _ _

....... ", ... " ..... .....


Und er hand Loop Hitch ing

,_,.,1""" .....

,,'tt' .. ... kmd oi dt..odo .. odo
Ioao ~ ...... ill< ...... k<T ..... n...
- ....:I _
ft"l hn:dloop - ..... y
I>< , ........rd .. 1.. <lJ lint .... ......
.... ,,,,oI.l>r~" or b)o
rope .."..ken ,n ....,.,.. >0'1 ..... or

......... ,...,. ... ...." owl"" "''''

............... ~ohoopb)o
1<"""",, ...... k.o ... I,;. ....,.
,......., .. ~ho_. n.. foftJoi
hrtdonlloo&.. ......... "'.
~"m .... "''''. bot< 1aI,...... ,.......
t ............ ~ ..... ..........

.. rono~o/ ,odnodl>of ~

txt. "-"""1 n and

-..It ".J ...... onlil k""""ll
"',,; ..... " _ ..Iu.. oro tlo<
pn'ili"llal,.. or ..........

u.. "

"" ..... pulh'" ""'"'" """"'-

" '....
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_ ... -.,. .... _ ...

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,"" ....... _ ..
4 . , ..........



_ -

... _-_...
_ "
' 100,0.
5 ".... _.......
6 "' '.............

.. .. ,," " .......... ,., .. .


Rin gbo lt
Hitchin g
~"" aNy ~ np. -.!. dID

Ib"' ...... prOduc ... """" ..........

>Ioq do< ....... .de< of do< .....

..... mbI, ... , ............t pIm ...

"'-I, ................1.10: In< 0100

... '" b<w6ew nnp.

_ --

-..... .. _ .. 3 "" .. .....


... _I"- ...........~

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..... W - - . . _
1 --.



<'~ ',.
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_ . _ ...
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0-.. .... - _ .... _

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-~ ......
2 ..,.......
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5 ..........

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.... . -

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Versatack le
o...K<ol """ p>bboh<d I. Onut!n
byC-.. IJ,hIp, tin,
...,u. oppIon ......... ~ ...
...dod. I, ..,., II< n<d ,~.....u
ronI...d - " ..... ''''f'I'O''
rump I\x " tduI """"'"


" ........ ' ....... 0<0Ib<r

....,..j_: m """', " ";11 .....

ho:....,.1oook. ........, ~

,_._- .............. ....... _...-....... ...


....... - - . .... _
_ _ _ 01 . . _ _ .....'

--_..... -......... 100--. ...... _

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,..-. ....... 1, ..... , ........nIt

oxkIr _ be_ I ......... . " .,

""..~ _ clwk .... ....J ..

, ~ Iibrt _


,, ".hm!: to<doF ..;u.....".

-Iootrt ",d>aut~_

... .... _ ......

3 ........... _

4 ~ .... -


..._....... _ .. _-

_ .."""
6 ''''_....................
01 ..... .. .......... _ .... , .. ..



... """,.wO;oJ.T._ .. _


.. .. " " ... ,,, .... ,, ,, "

, , "

Simpl e Cha in

wmf'k cb.u....1""""... ..,

Of <on! hr-"

.... Cf'"koq;!t'PC

....m.r.l. b "JI ....,....t..lbd.

.... ""' ..... '" .... ~ ..... maru><
"",d Iu ....... "'~

I ....!<


... _-

.....WM! . ,,' . .......

.......... _-..,.- .

-,'"'- ...........

s'............-- _
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_, ... ......... '"'4 ... ............


. . . _oiI_ ..

T. _ ... - - _ ...

6 _ _ ... ' " ' - ....,I





. . oo . . . . . . . . . " . . . . "

End less Simple Chai n

lb ........, ..... WI T to



...... "'. """'" <b.un. .......,..

..... ~ Uq>o ,II< ___ oI!.o"" ......

"" <II< _ . 11 ........ ~ ... .., .....
hno:<l<t. ...auc.,
kkt, .....

ot ..

_ r ""'" II< -.I ,~ ....... I

1'"'''''''''",,_. "", ...1"_

~ ........ r<I .. ....,d""m"
, 0100" "" 010 .. , .............lIr
.,.... ..."h ""'" <nolo 01_


-_.....,' '''-......... ...

-..... _
2 ...

.......... ...
--3 ........

TOU ............. ~ . .


_ .....................
4 ~........ ...

.......... . . _..

_ ................
.. _ .... _ ._
5 "....01



n ... ,



, . "

Doubl e

/.:"""" . . ,......,... IX baJIt ...,.,t

(\>re..... "' ........
"'nd""", ~), m.. ...
..... 1<0<. _
ol ""' .... pI<
<bo. w.rl " in !hick auld ...,.,t

ro.. ".''''T~

...1-~- " - ............




.-...... _ ... "..

2 ,,--..


_.- .....
................. _

4 ..................



5 ...... _ .. _ .. _ ..

-....... ... ...
6 '-....,-.. ......


" n.". " ... " ... ' ......

Endle ss Double Cha in


j",n .... cnJo vi. ~


"'- ..

"""" .............

x .......... on ...., <nil

_"n. 'I'101< .... "<pi ....
ill .... r>ft1I .. OW<> iii""",,
rok-.,Iot....." dooo dwd ..
..-. ...... 117 ........... !WO
Of OK . .

...... '" " .... cvnI.

... _,..._-... _--.


r ................
.... _ _ _ ..
3 u.


T ...... _




........-...... _
- ...6 .. -~---.
l<o4 ................. -


7 ::-~~....:"~";':



- -_..... .....

T ... ............. l'- ... ..

.....' -.'-, ..-""'-

.. "

... ..... .. .........



Braid Knot

h .. p' ... bk....,.'.... ........

(btod), ,,l00;I0 ... ,""" to.

.......... ~. to ~< ,""

.....Iior -t.r-.e-" ....... poatool ,....,

....... ' " ..........." " It.


, ,' '
1 0:. ........' ...........

~ '0 " - ' " ....... Of

n.. bt-.Id

_. . ....


... -.... .......

__ ...., .....ka. pncll<aI

""knluft ~ lor. _
'" o.>ibn:I: do""", d : I , ~

3 ...

_...........- _...

n.. ......... _

...... ....

_ -.._- _-. ......-_-->'--'"

......... ---4

..J _


_ . . . - ........

...... ...


.... ". ". ....... ..... ..

". ~

... .. _"'_."-.. _- .. 7"
.... -..._.

- ........
'_ .. ....
8 ..... _


,-. ..,_ ... -..,. ...


...... -

* .... -


.,, '

... ",

... < ,

... . . . .

, ... ..

Zigzag Braid
A pDt <Ii tutthml "" ...,. II<
b ltikJ ... mado'nlU ~'I"
. . -.., - I
"-'l< ....
..... r.otd bj ___ 0/ , .... w"'l'l<



I....."" .... <n>I (.ao

i, ouka. _
ww- " _ _ : I." ,. r;.,.., h... ~
":'~..... . ....... 11010: ~
~ ..... , ....


.... _--,_.._.._.......
'_. ,"



2 --.~::::~.-=--



3 __ '.............

_. ...... _

__ .. _ ...... ."
"'''1 C
_ ........ ..


.". .. " " ....... ". ,.,."


Braid Knot
A IrnJd> of IouMlrUkl "'""
(tnojj ....,. be ....... cd. b,. .......
of Ihio _ . . . J IwMol ...........

"""... lonr.ardo.. no.

dn:........ ...,. be ......

.... 111 _ ""'" of th< _


..... ')1>< ..... ~

io ........... to

<"J'Cri........"h >fell '" ""0

<ok>.. .... ...

I. <an...., look ....... ~"".-do

..., ....... hm "",,,"iLo.


.... "''''''' olI ...... rooo will ......


.c<'" ..p... .....,

01 .... br ....

____... _.....
_............ __--...........- -_- _---01-_.

... ~- ...


3 .......

.;" ,


_. ...- _... _......-- - ...-..-. ...

......... -.;'. ..

...- -.. 5 __ ... _ .. ... 110- ............ -.


4 ~ .. -


............ _ ......

__ k __




... " . . . ,

..... , ..... . .


T1u. 1o "" _
~ I .. h ....



....t 1on)Vllo .....

q'rlIr lot ..... It.- .........

... Hbr ......... m.: bon<>' wi>
'" ...... 11 ........... <.an . . . to.
-.I< onbIy ....k ..

_......_... ---_.. _.
,........---................. - ..2 -...

. . . . . . . . . II

-_. . . . ...__. . ....... .-0_.

3 ' ...

.......... I t

_ ....


...... ...

_ .. _-


_ _-

..... ...... - ......

5 _ ...


,. ......_t- ...
6 - - '.......,

............ -... 7


. . . . . . . . . . """'0)



......... .....

--t, ""*''''''- __

.,, ' .,,", "

.... " ...... ,.,.

Fo ur-S trand Braid

1100 "",11. n. ...,.... ...

Lony.... """=11. .. "'If ...If. will

..... k ... d<uiJftI ........... kol

-...-..<>1 """",,,",

' ...... '....... _ ...... _100



' 3 '... _ ...........


... _s-_--,
..- J'--.... ............

-' ...
4_ .......
... 'I . -.~

.... . . - - . .


to"" " " ..... , .....


Plai t
lIo< ..... - " ' " __ ..........

..... r... ....... des. ~ <If

op. pWI. Of

.-.OJ< b


..1onn.oI1I"........ n.. .. rhr

pI.a;< (bn>J) r.......,1>< ""'"
.....-hod"' .............. "' ......
.. ~ .......... II ... ,0110110 '"
qua<irup.< .... ......,h 01 .........

<o<dotI< .... "" doidrt coN Of

""'" " doI>Ic.

_.... - .......
1 ....... - - .-...-

... _--..
.....--.. ......



_ _ ...... _








__ '_00-

...-_..... __




.......... .. " ... . ,. ,...


Square Plait

.." II'

.. ....,.n. "" 011 ...... <II..,..,..,

. --

...,... In",,, (Eoi.,_) ...... ;, '0

...... _Iiohooot .... rn.

, "+ ........... -ud ........

....... ..u--'r_ ...

..... dofo. I" doIId.. I
............._ _ _ _ - 0 0


,b"" " tbo ...... 01 pOO:\<m<I "'"


be -* ............ pIaoo (ht.ol).

--..--....... _.. _,

....... _..
...... ...
.... . .
........ - ,"



ooi ....... _







-- -...--

.... _,"........ .....




..... (.- 4 "'a.3 a.-... "Io-o_

.... .........


.. 110_

.. _
--2 - ,......



""-_.. .... ..',.........

6 r ......" _

.. -


...." . , ............. .

Six -Strand
Round Pl ait
<.rt... _

Ba.hIo "'I'<' ......

rhoo _ _ _.... .,J

- ..... .-.....--

.wf<_ ..-. '" '

.. ....

" .--

......,. ........
..........-. _,
......... """ -----..........,-. --.
.....- ,.........

......... 11< _

.. Iiht _

......... _ _ ....




....... oIof .... """",...j .<r-'o

... ... J ....... tIoa. pa.c.

'0 ..... _ _ ..

.... ~.-




..... -

. .....


.. ... --4 ' ... _..""'_

__ "'_6 :'..........

2 r... -


1;0, . . . . . . . -


7 ............ - .. - - 8 '_.... _


... _


j '... ... _-

..... , .... ...... " .... , ...




9 1..-"-~"-


-~10' ......
.. __ ..





AB-SEIL A climber's sdf.comrolled
descem of:rn anchored - and often
relric-vabl., - climbing rolX'.
AN C HOR AC E Boa ting - a genera!
term ,hal re fers to moorings and the
bending of cor""g., (by meanS of
hi tches) ro vanO\l~ attachments;
climbing - a ~fe belayi ng point.
ARAM IDES The firs! commercial
manmade (synthetic) fihe do nOt
melt when heated. Thei r high COSI
~mirs them ro specialized applicationi.


sec Blood


Boating - to make fast [0 "cleat or pin, oftcn with a round turn

followed by a figure-of-f:ight (or [wo)
and then another round turn;
cli mbing -Ihe method of secunng
a climber in Clue of a fall.
BEND A name given 10 anyone of
,he knotS thar bind (bend) twO
separ:llc ropes together.
BI G HT A slack pan of rope Or
olh er cordage between the two

end!>, particularly when it forms a

partial loop.

strong and secure knots lhat depend
upon numerous wrapping turns,
favou red by angl~rs, cavers and
climben. nn~ name i~ derived from
a limi ted ~urgkalu~.)
BRAID A tcrm generally
interchangeable wi th plait; but one
that is wmetim<"!: st:lted [0 refe r only
to Strands interwoven [0 make a flat
pam rn. (See alw Plait.)
manufacturer's estimnion of the load
a rope will beu before it ruptu res,
expressed in kilograms and (onnes,
taking no account of wear and lear,
shock looding or knots t hat may
reduce the figure drastically. (See
al() Safe Working Lood.)
CA BLE Strictly ~pea k.i ng, three
riglnhanded hawsers (laid up
lefthanded) make a nine-strand
cable; but the term may also be
1()O!>tly applied to any luge. length
of rope.

Whal oo.;ur. when a koot

layout is distorted due to overloading,
misuse or careless tigh tening. II may
also be done deliberately u a mean.
of quick release.
CA R ABINER Stt Ka rabiner.
CO RD Small !ituff under 10 mm/!o'i l
in diameter.
CO R Fib~1o, yarns and lai d or
braided marerials that inertly fill the
unwanted space al the hean of a four
(or morc) strand rope, or that
actively contribute de~irable qualities,
~uch as Strength or elasticity to
shuthand--rore rope5.
DO G T o improvise a temporary
run ntng eye by making a bight in the
wOTking end of cord, around its own
standing part, and t hen rucking the
end several times to trap it in place.
EHI C I ENCY The acrual.m.ngth of
a knOt til a rope or cord, expressed as
a P<'rcenrage of irs theoretical
b~aking stccngth.
ELBOW Two trOS$ing pointl; created
by an extra twist in ~ loop.


EYE A small round loop.

fl BR E The smallcst element in all
vegetable roP<' and cordage.
FILAMENT See Monofilament.
FRA V The a<:cidental or deliberate
unlaring of a rope's end to irs
component strands, yarns and fibres,
mul ti or monofilaments.
HARD LAID Stiffcordagc.
HAWSE R Any th ree-strand rope.
HEART See Core.
H IT CH Arty !tnOt lI~d to make a
line faSt to an anchorage such as a
rail, spar, POSI, ring Or another rope.
KA RABI N ER A D-sh:lP<'d or pear
mapcd metal snap-nng, with a
pivoting gate that can be SUTe1y
closed, u~d by cavers and climbers.
KERN MA NTEL Climbing rope
construction consisting of a core (or
kern), often of pualJel hunches of
fibres contained within a tighdy
woven protcuive sheath.
" I NK A cbmaging deformation
caused by an oveHigln loop.
KNOT The term for stOppers, l oops
and sc:lf-sufficient bindings (th us
excl uding bends or hitches); also the
generic word for 311 rope and
cordage rucks and ties.
LANY A RO A short length of cord
that .s used fa lash, !iUre or suspend
an object.
LA Y The di rection in which rope
strands spi ral as they go away from
from the viewer, ei thn clockwise
(righthanded. Z-Iaid) Ot
(lefthanded, S-Jaid).
LEA D (Pronounced ~Ieed) The
d treC'!ion taken by the working end
as it goes around or through an
object or knOt.
LINE Any rope with a specific
function (fOT example, a faw line
or washing line).
LO C KIN C TUCK The concluding
lead of a working end thai secures
any knot in irs finished fotm, without
which it would unravel or collapse.
LOO p A bight with a crossin g poim.

<ao .......

MAt: E. fAST To .. naeh .. llnc to an

anchcJraF or bcby (oItm WIth .. hlt~h).

ESSENGE!t The IWM fof a
throWln, or bunl18 hM when II 1$
lI5ed 10 pull .. ducker cord or rope


an mtnTm."I )JIll.

MIOO l [ Uwd '" a ~rb, to dou.ble a

ropr.cord 10 alia mle III celun.
NO:-'OflLAMENT CQtllmuous
~ 6bu of wufonn d.ameler
&ltd CU"CUlat CRJU.l'tlon Luger
dt.atI50 tru<:~ In. (See a150


eonnnuous synm..lie hbre of uruform
du.mc1cr ""d CIrcular (rQf,5 $Cerion
lew than SO m~ In. (Sec aJso
NATU !tAL fI IRE Pl""OSSfd plant
producu used to make rope and

NI ~ The point within a knot where
fn<non m"y be conntuted.
NOOSE A fr"ronmn" 1liding or


adllliUlble loop.
/'oIYLON The fint synthetic
(manmalk) fibre of menl ava.lable to
1M cordage IIIduilry. There arc rwo
grades: Nylon 66 II tlrlen5lvf!y uSfd
In the UK and USA; Nylon 6 (made
available under trade names luch as
Perlon and Enblon) "wIdely u.scd
In Europe aud Japan, as ...dlllS bemg
anibble ID the UK and USA.
(ckX"kwlSC oranndockwuc,l
coumerc~) In whIch the
working cnd i, laid on tOP of the
lIandlng pari. (Sec allO Loop.)
'LA IT A term generally

'lIIerch2ngcablc wllh braId, but

",hlCh can ref.,... only 10 interwoven
"",nods fonruns" p;!ottern that"
thr-wITICrn.1onal in CfOU-M"Ctlon.
(Scc al~o Braid.)
,OL YESTER A widely used
synthenc cordage (trade n,m"

Dacron and Terylcne).

'OLYET HYLHI[ A polyolefin
I}'mhcric (ITAnmade) film: (commonly
known as PoIythenc:lpWnc).

poIyolcfin Iynthetic fibre.
PR US! k [NC To chmb " rope UJ'118 a
kno , 'h" jams when downward
pressure is applied but can slide up
the rope when the wdghl is rcmo~.
I A , PEL Scc Abseil.
IEEf Boallnl- 10 reduce wi area in
"rong WInds (verb); each InWldual
fold or roll of gill3ken III (noun).
ROPE Cordage over 10 mml'.1. III


IIOUN I) TURN In which. working

end completely encircles a rlllg, nul,
post or rope, and fmishcs up aJongslllc
In own Wlndmg part. (Sec abo Tum.)
SLA 10 Lchhandcd (
Clollmated load a rope may wlthlland,
tlIktng into acC()tlnt vn iow
wukening fitnon (wear and tur,
damllc, dfce' of knots and o,her
uses); 1\ lTUIy be as litrle as one
$CVenth the quotcd breaking Mnngth.
(Sc-c: 8reaking Strength.)

SECURITY The Integral mtbiltty of

SLING An endless rope O r webbing
(l3pc) band or In op.
S ..... A L L ST Uff A Ol5u,,1 lerm for
any cordage, not rope.
SOfT LA 10 Any flulble rope

SPLIT FILM Syn,hetlC (manm.:llk),

rihbon-I.!ke fibrcs produced from a

plutic sheet.
ST ANDINC END The inacnvc end
of cord. (See al50 Work'"g End.)
ST ANDIN C PART That pan of a
rope Or cord anywhere berween
work,"! and KandUlg ends.
STAPLE fill RES Graded nalural
fibres of limited Itngth and Strength.
due to the,r plant angUli; aoo
di5COntmuOu~ synthetic


fibres created hy cu ning filaments

Jnto discretc lengths.
S T RAN I) The largtlit clement of a
rope, made from COIltratwistni yMllll.
STRENCTH The integral abuny of
klll:mcd conb,e {a w"hlland a load.
STR IS G ReI.nvely cheap and
dIsposable small cord and rwJJ\C.
STlOP Sec Sling.
S YNTHETIC ROPE Cordage thl! i~
made from synthctlc (manmade)
mulrifilamenrs, monofilamcnrs. slaple
fibres Or splil film.
TAG END An&iing- working end.
T HIM II LE A metal or PW;{1C limng
f()f an eye.
THREAD Fine lin".
T URN A 360 degrte wrap around a
rig, rail, poiit or rope. (See also
Round Tum.)
wluch the worlung end is laid

hene:arh the "and"'g pan.

WHIPP ING A bllldmg {O pre"ent a
rope's end from fray"'g.
''ORKINC END The ICtiveend of a
rope or tord. (Sc-c ,110 Standing End.)
YARN The b.a~le flcment of rope
fibres or
synthetic (m~nmldc) IIlate.uls.
Z.LAID Rlghlhandcd (ckX"IrwISC).
nr~nds, spun from ffi\Nrai


adjustable ~nd. 52
adju,!able loop. 197
Albnght .~ial. 70- 1
31pil1~ bUlt~rn)', ISS
alpine butterfly \x,nd, n
Alpin~ cotl, 147
aitemate ring hitching, Do!
anchor ~nd, 107-8
angler's loop, 176
arbor knot, 200
A.dler's equalizer, 16M
Ashley'$ stopper knoT, 118
ltachmann knot, 114
bag kllOl, \57
bale sling hitdl, 105
barrel sling, 210
~ekel hitch, 64
bends, 47-79
Binuni twiSI, 201
blood knot, 58-9
half, 110
blood loop dropper knot, 1112
boa knOl, 164-';
boas bowhne, 179
boom hitch, 96-7
bonl~ sling, 166-7
bowline, 178
Rnnnmycham, 191
double, 180
Eskimo, 179
French, 102
Spanish, 190
triple, 193
water, 181
OOwlin .... bend., 78-9
bowsmng knol, 194
braJds: fnur-STrand. 247
Ihree -mand.246
ziy...1g, 144
braid knol, 242 -3
braided rope', IS
breaking slrength .. 10-1
Rrumm)'cham bowline, 191
build~r', knOI , 86
bunthne hitch, 85
bunon knOl., Chinese, 144-5
Camel. ~nd, 60- \
Carrick mal, 22 7
c:n', paw, 106
caver's heliol knot, 127
chains: double,NO 1
.impl.... , 238-9
chain s,itch la.hing, 220-1
Chi -Fi knol, 137
Chine!;\; bUllon knnts, 144-5
Chin('W cross knol, 138
Ch ine", good luck knol, 138


Chinese lanyard knot, 140

climbing ropes, 19
cling)tlg Clua, 100
dove hitch, 27, 86-7
coil" 22-3
Alpine, 147
figure -of-elgln, loiS
fireman's, 149
wrapped and reef knoned, 146
COif rope, H, 16
common thid kno t, 76
constrictor knots, 159-60, 162-3
conflnuous ring hllching, llJ
cow lurches, 82-3
n",s-pfusik knot, Ul
crosing knill, 111
CUlling cnds, 25
diamond hitch, 221-3
double chain, 240-1
double grinner knO!, 39
double ring hit.:hmg, 2.14
dr.lwloop, ov~rhand knOt with, 30
dropper knOl, blood loop, IS2
end .. cumng and s!lring, .!5
Eskimo bo .... line, 179
farm"r\ loop , IS3
fids, 24
figure-of-cig./lt: douhle, t l!9
triple, 192
figure-of-eight bend, double, 49
fil;UIc-of-elght coil, 148
figure..,f-eight hitch, 84
double. 169
figure-of-eight knOl, 119
figure..,f-eigln loop, 177
three-qua rter, 186

fireman's chaIr knot, 106-7

fireman's coil, 149
fi.h~rmal1'S bend, 107
fisherman's knlll., 3S-9
Flemish ~nd, 48, 49
four-strand pbil, 248
French bowhne, 102
French Prusik knot, extended, U6
friction hitch: double, 129
Munter, 128
FrOSI knots, 187-8

gaff !op3il halprd

~ml, 93

good luck knOl, 142-3

Gunl>anknOI,IO - 11
granny knot, Hl
grumer knill, 39
ground line futch, 88

half bitches: overhand knol and, 34
round turn and two, 34
two, 33
half hilChll1g, 116- 17
halt~r hitch, 109
halyard bc:nd, gaff tops.ail, 93
handcuff knot,l05
h~ngman's nnose, 198-9
hamc bends, 55-6
heal sealing ends, 25
heaving line bend, 67
Hcddon knOl, U2-3
hemp rope, 15, 16
highwayman's hitch, 89
hi tch~s, 33, 81-11 j
",e alS(> half bitches
hitching: alternate ring, 132
continuou, ring, 23J
double rmg, 234
h~lf, 216-1 7
marline, lIS
ri"gbolt, 236
und('rhand loop, 235
humer's bend, 53
icicle hi tch, 104

in,peaing rope" 22.1

Italian hnch, 1211
Jansik special, t 13
Japanese crown knot. JJS
J ~panese success knOl, US
),ar ding, 1667
Jug.hng, 166-7
iury mast knol, 212

killick hitch, 98-9

KlemheiSI knol. 115
knife lanyard knol, 139

I " "

Poldo radk. 21 'I

.... Luhm.156
POf1ugueK bo...,hne, 101-3

knon. II"'-4j
knulC~ hllt:h. 102
krnuklnn. Ul

I"d ropn. 18
bnym knob, Chuwv. 1<4{),
kntf~. In
-bwof hnch and,-, 21
hgluerltUon', hllch, 101
ILlwman'lloop, 185
hnfil knOi. 50
lung m~'. 2301
loops. 17S207

knOl. lH4
knul, 12.6
m~rhne hn,hu'III.218
mJrhl1e~plke hnch. JJ 1

fU;uC' tlJI" 14 17

mal],: Cund:.121
long, 130'
1000nli. lI6
m,d!.lupnun'J hl"h. 195

miller', knol, I S8

I'nasIk k:rIoM. 1213

nlelKkd F!enm, 1.36
".;k1l13 btnd. 68

red knoI, 1.53

ffle~ h,tches;, 1345
r'W". bend, 53
nng hitch, 105
nndlol, hild!ing, 236
rolGng huch. !W
ropes: hrt J king strcngths.lO.1

of, 22\
m~,cria l~ 1417
lI!ength and ~'unrr. 40
lernllnology, 267
types of, 111 19
mund m;tl. 126
round 'urn and 1"'0 half huches, H
runnong loop, 36
ruillt:" knot, 138

monkey', M. 2141S

Ad; knot, 157, 158

hUm. 111

mUllin froroon h,t.'ha, 128'


milk. IJO

IUlu ....1 fibut. 1416






5ot'1'ng bmd, 69


ncNln. nctnllllo H

wlmakn'" .... h,pplng. 4+5




nylon ropr. 16, 17



ropn.. 19




pUll, 218'

ossd huch, 9.
.,.~I kn<.ot. 91o,'uhmd bend, J8
O\'C'rhJnd 1.00'11, 10
and half huch, 1"
dl)uhlc. J I
IMrie, 32
tWO Ilrand. 31

\\"lIh d"' .... ICM;lp, JO

o" loop!'. JS
oystcrman', ~lIJrpt'r knUl, 11H

p""I<cr', knol, J4
hlOll13t knvt, 112
J)<'d'gree row h'''h.1I2
Penboenhy!mOl, 127

p.le hudlcs. 102J

P,wlCh koot, 8J
pb.fond kllOl. 140

PUll); flght-Mrlnd .\lIlJ.Ire, H9

four-Mrmd, NS


.u;wnond ruunJ,15().1
pbutt! ropa.. 19
rlmk ",n8o 111

"I"no rounJ-bolJcd. 1-4

onc ....y, 66
Ihlft.....,., ! 13
IMmple lilaon. 2389
"'mplc b,o', 30

~mpk SImon doul>k, 14

IUIIpk S,mon On'. 72
.\oImpk SImon, 13
.\.Illdc' h"ch, J'
",~1 rop'". 15
slodon, loop. 36
",od,n, tlllB hnch, 1111
)11111": b:llui. 210
snuagk h,ld,. 'H
~p;lac l'ud kllOl. 113
SpJlIIsh bo,,'lI n(, 190
square kllOI. UN, 15.1 (~e al!tO reef
<qllMe Turk's hud, 110 1
\Ie.'eoore', kU<>I, 120
nr~n8lt kUOI, \2
smngrh, ~ O
mop bend, 51
,urgcon's luor, 36
SwedIsh fidl, H
~rn,hn\!,; tOfd~SC', 16 17, 18
I~PIll' endl, l$
Tarbuclr1r.not, 19'

Ihumb knul, 30
limber h,rch, '189
Tom foof, knoc,l().I
looIl, 14
If"MItorn knot, 161
IrucUr'~ hnd!. 214.1'

(rue 100'cr\ kIlO(, I), 115

lumbhlll' Ihu:( knoI, 76
Turk', he","; "I1l~re, 170.1
I""UIN, 1"2
T urlt knOl. I H

1000p hu,honlt- 235

vtgc,abk fibre


,,,. 16, III


vlbrallonproof hnch, !'4

"ICC HQ, 112.\

.... a~uud~ h",h, 2l ~

I'I"' ~r I>owllnc, III I
wtJvct', kllOl, " ..
W~I (.().unlry ",h'ppinll< 41
.... h,pplng: (ornmon,".
pcrreclw, "2
sa,lntlkcr'l, "4S
Wal Counlry, 43

\\ Ire loops. 14
I'I'r.oPJ'C'J and ru:f knonw cod, 1411

bend, S1

up2I ffild,


Further Information
SU I'I' I. It;RS

M Iu* 1Wp<. lod, O,plnd.

Kltot ....J F~14C711<}/1<r W"'"'

1.,..J,.h 11<." SpnRl Lon<.

M.h..", ''111 4 IA!.

W..,. H ..
BN11 jJ~


r.. :OI .....Ulll

The........, .... uIa dJ....,., =-t>

""'Ih< ....


....J ..... ra<lll", Suppb<n 01

b.mwr ""'"" -= _do.
..".J,., ~ "'--' wd>I>mc
w ..'C!>-I.t<h -..n,. " _
.....t .uuol<o/. ....I hoI"- 6do.
c....acr 'h<m I........ Ioc,u"", of



... ..'...,...

[ur<>.<>p< Um""'. ~ I'htxrux

Co<an. A,k,n_ \1.' fudulli
11Iduoor...J F,.,. ..... kundo<wp<
T.tQI~HlI0 4 10


~ wpt>I..,.. '" oupr.

-u. ................. 1aftm5 IF"

'brkn I<c...... III Y<><M !'OJ'<

ttdonoIotr anJ -*


.. thndmrd, hu ..... nrpn.

, ....... p """ l>uo)'alX}'


... .. p.. , "pel..

N"""'....SopIlWl, Aon>n

R.o.a<llbml""'" o.funIoJu ....

T.~b.: 01993.10 Ul

~" hanoIwa... ...d...u.._-.h..

......... Iout _ _

- - . ..... ropn 01 trado-.l

Ltod _
. Ach"" offc...d ..,J


_ . ","",ed.

I,.. k I.u 1'.......... F"","'P<

/("", 501 Wht .....od ko;>.od.
lpo",,,,h. S"rfol~ W1 n.l
Ttl OH7H'1OtfflI
s..1'J'il<" uf ,raJ,,-..l "'P<.

O.xr.",,, QouI"T


top<...J di.wn, anv.o:-*:


~" .... W.....",.T,od"'.


H..... kn.oJ. ~tlnobndF. ,,"0'

T.b0I712 16Ii HI
~u:O I 1.ll'MjH

WhoIeuI< ~ 01 rop<.

lim ..... , Icndon. 1"""-rdo,

" - hod... .-I ..... Uanmrt.:
hoob (Jr. ...... ..oroaol"-l .ad
r ... ~ 'I'htv _ _ ....-I<
...., ... .--1 In<

... , .... <,onlop, mau., doonn.oo..

Ii' pnor on....-l.

Aohn, 110"'1, Tlv""-,,,..
K.ot ""'" (N.......... ~
A. ~ C. KIodr, Lunolon, 1989)
....h..,.. Q,fIu<d 110........ Tho

1( ..... j(n ..,.. K,J, I(.

~ ... T_n .....""

r.rmh"".., /'uJd"'pon..
T".n'.... l)rv"" r.x16 ~lW

'",H...,0 181 4 160 691

)ow..... of ""'do.OO fin,,,,,,

~T 1Ifa<d<d 1)'".........
Pr>~" ..............

I......t., H IIoomwd.tI< Drn ..

Nurwxh, SorinIk NIt1 41.V
Tdw" OIItO! "~-o 7

T",u\ra'" 1"'-""
..... uf..noun; ~'n

J...--..J"' aDd

_ . . . . . , . ..... <,!Wp""'I>I:

~,.. >1'''''''''1 ond

""'''''1: .1.... """" I....

M... lboroush. WJ""' ... 1991)

v.... AIm II. n.. H.mJr II<1t>It tJ{

Fw.......,."-. (c.n..lctI
1'I>hUoho", I............ 19171

W....... Clwb,Afmll



Gnmd.P....... _T-..
j.c. ( n..~_

.......... (W......... Y-.Inr...

NS'I', 1"2)

SC....~o(bDI. ('&'urId

.......... d~Coman
.1It"' low !bo """""'" oi)'OW'

c...,.,... MaryWld. 19.19)


1Il'<bwtt, Itnp ........ ~


1>\..,,,,,,,, ""-.

c;,. <>. IUdwd H., n..

~ H-JIIoob ,f .....

F.." IIUlJ 440 ~l
......J. flIChnlljl'''_ktw


F"", Ol7H 157 ~jO


!"'..... F__ s....."

-"- ..,dm......u.n.

c-.... IInDda Iltod.>oo lot !bo

........... oJ ,..... ataIN ..

"'''''' '" 1i.oo<Jl, (Douhloob1,

1'Itw'l''''k.1~ 4IF iIbcT/(.

r...... london,I'M1)
1:\>,,,,,,. 11...d, """"1 ""

(rludr, (Qtl C'.u..b

" ' - - l J >......... m7)
00nNII. RoIttn (LIut). .....

......... """""'

Clnoo6not J.tfrry M-oI

A>ooa--.c...."d., 1994)
C ...... UrwrTII< QootIou ~

W",,..,"-' (Un.......,. of
"-,,,... PY-. 19611
(;"'.'"11'''. ItaoiIt ."" Hen...!.
John. Tht E..qt~ '"

SonK,fic ~ eo ...,......

s......f'UI"<. New,......,..


loodoD. Hooa
I.G.K.T., "-,,,,,IoLa,m
(1981 f<> tho 1"'_"'1
Kf<h. Lefty, otId S<:>i,n. !>I.,k,

The """"" ..! 10 1) teI
1<... _ m.at1nt...J.n ........ lot

rn,l .... &-..d, ltd, ...ho ...pphtd

Mlp<'" _<14< fu. tlol. book.

rr"",,,.1 fru",.,6/1w,,"II'

n..lon"".ng, I...,m whom ,lit

/(_, (A. /(.

~ ..... olK>,n<d '" "" ""'"'

oI!bo """""""" I<noc>
......... jp<fICn>U> .lIb ,lint
11m< .ad :odo.= IInDda Il1Jd.ooI
(OMbw>I QItalirJ .........n WI;

Co aIodI. lonJ.:,n,


1~ 1J1

l.u<bhtn. Cr .... ,..., (tN

ClwJwn (~P, ...
E _ CuIondo. I'HI)
M.. tdI, IIdI. u......... .."..

T~ lCun_ '""

""'" ~Ie,. (K.j./(.

Rop<wwb): ...... 1ot.n.
IWpn ~): On /(. U.
....._1I'ootropo t:-I.

1 ~1.otIow

N"""'""-M........ a.......,
,,-, - (f>t l",fion .-I1tofItr...
II.CJi.1nnb. M.,.,.,..,I\C',
loduIu.. 19'.11)
1'odtIcI Alkn. k s.nllll. /Ir""
o..lWIw (N'h"",1
Hun .... IIo, Alob.o ..... 1!t':I1)
...y..... 1# . "" Bub, "Th<
F....,....., .l.cppelJn K_"


'f""'W ""In ~.

"due '0 On P........ w/Io~ loy _
'" h.. IMImt .0Id

nuJ. poooibk me

""'Q\>C porI,..,,,.1 trado,oun.!

ropcw<>ri< rha. m""" thll bMIc .


""","" .. ~.)Ioludo

n.. ~..,....J GuIld 01 ""'"


"""'- ......

T,.... ..............hod ... 1"1, Andy. T ...... Sh.- V

/ " " - CTrnIISJ,..y
fqDipm<llf. 1991)
~,F.>Dk. .~


(W. W. N<I<IO<>. Nc-w



_ _ .wp. k ........mI
......... _OJ do.on<>-. dcda.. d 10
puot<Y> . . ...r
III< on.
crah ""'" .amtc 01 ........


..... l"""' -cxpcn .... _ -

Show, Georp: R..... I~ ,,-,_

a o.".,,,,,.u


~ .... 1IooI<.,

Nt", '1'''''0,

1914 ...! 191Jl


I-.~ ..
SfJI..n .,.
IV".. (II..........
50. 6: f .......,.., C ........



- . Jobft, ~ r-r..

ts<- """"_"' Loodoft.


T-. e.;."" n.. .....'1


Ino ..........

M ..,...~Co.

CamcIo ... ~b, .... 1"4'

T ........,NoI.o.,~ ,ttJ
~ (Hel""""," """' ....

"'.......N ,n .,.... k_ ....,.

""n. IGKT


q""n<rly .......... B<. Mot"",

.1'1;.,..... ,n adWh"" .0 <qUI..
n><ehIIp. r"" """.<kudo lind OIl
,oppI""'- korm. COld.... '

NiJld H.,d.....
IC)'T Hor-orr Srcury.
16 qbCroft, Udlir\d, F....
- . , Th"1lllY. F. .......


!&bl!!-'hardi.... ~uk

(ro:-"" an .1", ... ''''''''' ""

'''" In .. mn.)





L 0 0 P S








Over 200 tying techniques

comprehensively illustrated in
step-by-step photographs throughout
All the key knot types covered , including
bends, hitches, bindings , loops, mats,
plaits, rin gs and slings

Knot categories include general purpose

and outdoor pursuits, from angling and
fishin g to caving and climbing


Information on cord and rope fibres,

and an invaluable table charting th e
qu alities and breaking strengths of each


Over 1,200 full -colour photographs



I S BN 0 -7548-0 4 22-4







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