Noise Figure

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The key takeaways from the passage are that a balanced amplifier configuration can improve input and output VSWR, noise figure, gain, and power parameters are used to characterize amplifiers, and factors like source impedance matching, transistor properties, and cascade stages impact the overall noise figure.

The balanced amplifier configuration can improve input and output VSWR (return loss) by using input and output couplers. This configuration results in better impedance matching and gain flatness across broadband frequencies.

The main parameters used to characterize an amplifier are its noise figure, power gain, input and output reflection coefficients, 1dB compression point and input/output VSWR.

Noise Figure Signal - to - noise ratio : The ratio of desired signal power to undesired noise power .

Noise Figure : a measure of the signal - to - noise ratio between input and output of the component . Noise Figure F

Si F= So

Ni No

S i : input signal power

N i : input noise power

S o : output signal power

N 0 : output noise power

N i = kTO B where TO =290K

Consider the following noise network

R Pi= i+ i S N No isy n two e rk G , B , Te Po So No = + R

To 2 0 =9 K

G : gain the network B: bandwidth

Te : equivalent noise temperature

Si F= So Ni No = Si kGB(TO + Te ) T = = 1+ e 1 kTO B GS i TO

Noise Figure is defined for a matched input source and for a noise source that consists of a resistor at temperature TO =290K .

Te = (T1 1)TO

Noise figure and noise temperature are interchangable . Consider the following loss line or attenuator with loss L and temperature T . Since the entire system is in thermal equivalent N i = N o


L , T , Zo R =

Po Ktb No = =

Po = GkTB + GN addid = kTB

N addid = 1 G kTB = ( L 1)kTB G

N addid is the noise generated by the line and L=1/G

Te = N addis 1 G = T = ( L 1)T kB G
Te T = 1 + ( L 1) To To

F = 1+

If the line is at temperature To , F=L . This states that a 10 dB attenuator at room temperature has a noise figure of 10 dB . Noise Figure of a cascaded system Consider the cascade of two components as shown below
Ni To G1 F1 Te1 N1 G2 F2 Te2 No

G1 ;G2 : gains
F1 ; F2 : noise figures

Te1 ; Te 2 : equivalent noise temperature N 1 = G1kTo B + G1kTe1 B

The noise power at the output of the second stage is

N 0 = G2 N 1 + G2 kTe2 B
= G2 G1kTo B + G2 G1kTe1 B + G2 kTe 2 B
= G2 G1kB(To + Te1 + 1 Te 2 ) G1

We define the equivalent network as

Ni To G1 G2 F cascaded Te ,cascad ed No

N o = G1G2 kTo B + G1G2 kBTe,cascaded = G1G2 kB(To + Te ,cascaded )

Therefore , we obtain
Te,cascaded = Te1 + 1 Te 2 G1

F = 1+

Te T 1 Te 2 = 1 + e1 + To To G1 To
1 ( F2 1) G1

= 1 + ( F1 1) +

= F1 +

1 ( F2 1) G1

For an arbitrary number of stages , we obtain

Tcascaded = Te1 + Fcascaded = F1 +

Te 2 T + e 3 + ... G1 G1G2 F2 1 F3 1 + + ... G1 G1G2

Example : Consider the following wireless local area network (WLAN) receiver , where the bandwidth of the bandpass filter is 100MHz centered at 2.4GHz . If the system is t room temperature .

IL =1 d .5 B

G =1 d 0 B F =2 d B

G =2 d 0 B F =2 d B

(a) Find the noise figure of the overall system . (b) What is the resulting signal - to - noise ratio at the output , if the input power level is -90dBm ? (c) Can the components be rearranged to give a better noise figure ? Solution : The noise figure of the cascade is F 1 F3 1 Fcas = F1 + 2 + = 1.41 + (1.58 1)(1.41) + (1.41) / 10 G1 G1G2 = 2.31 = 3.64dB If Pin = 90dBm , than we get

Piout = 90dBm 1.5dB + 10dB + 20dB = 61.5dBm

The noise power output is

Pn = Gcas kTe,cas B = k ( Fcas 1)To BGcas

= (1.38 10 23 )( 2.31 1)( 290)(108 )(10 = 64.3dBm
2.85 10

) = 3.71 10 10 W




= 61.5 + 64.3 = 2.8dB

The best noise figure would be achieved with the arrangement shown below

G =20 dB F =2 dB

G =10 dB F =2 dB

IL =1.5 dB BW =100 MHz

Then the noise figure is

Fcas = 1.58 + (1.58 1) (1.41 1) + = 1.586 = 2.0dB 100 1000

In practice , however , the essential filter may serve to present overload of the amplifier and may not be allowed to be moved .

Low Noise Amplifier The noise figure of a two - port amplifier can be expressed as
F = Fmin + RN YS Yopt GS

YS = G S + jBS : source admittance presented to transistor

Yopt : optimum source admittance that results in minimum noise figure .

Fmin : minimum noise figure of transistor , attained when YS = Yopt

RN : equivalent noise resistance of transistor

Also we have

YS =

1 1 S Z o 1 + S

Yopt =

1 1 opt Z o 1 + opt

The quantities Fmin , opt and RN are the characteristics of the particular transistor being used and are called the noise parameters of the device .
YS Yopt

S opt 4 = 2 ZO 1 + 2 1 + S opt

* 1 1 S 1 S 1 1 S ( + )= and GS = Re{YS } = * 2 Z O 1 + S 1 + S Z O 1 + S

2 2

Therefore , we obtain
S opt 4 RN F = Fmin + Z O (1 2 )(1 2 ) S opt

Constant Noise Figure Circles For a given noise figure Fi , we define a noise figure parameter , called
N i , as
Ni = S O 1 S
2 2

Fi Fmin 1 + O 4 rn

This equation can be written as ( S O )( * * ) = N i N i S


* or S (1 + N i ) + O 2 Re(S O ) = N i

If we now multiply both sides by 1 + N i . we obtain

* S (1 + N i ) 2 + O 2(1 + N i ) Re( S O ) = N i2 + N i (1 O ) 2 2 2

or S O 1+ Ni

N i2 + N i (1 O ) (1 + N i ) 2

This is a family of circles with N i as a parameter . The circles are

centered at C Fi =

O 1+ Ni

2 with radii RFi = 1 + N N i + N i (1 O ) i

When Fi = Fmin , then N i =0 , C F min = O , and RF min = 0 . The centers of other noise figure circles are located along the O vector . Example : Noise Figure Circles A certain GaAs MESFET has the following noise - figure parameters measured at Vds = 5V , I ds = 20mA , with a 50- resistance for a frequency of 9 GHz.
Fmin = 2dB
o = 0.4851550

R n = 4
Plot the noise - figure circles for given values of 4.0 , and 5.0dB. Solution : follows :
Ni =
2 1.78 1.59 1 + 0.4851550 = 0.21 4( 4 / 50)


at 2.5 , 3.0 , 3.5 ,

1. From values of N i , cFi and rFi for Fi at 2.5dB are computed as

0.4851550 c Fi = = 0.401550 1 + 0.21

1 1 2 [(0.21) 2 + 0.21(1 0.485 )] 2 1 + 0.21 = 0.37

rFi =

2. Similarly , the values of N i , cFi and rFi for Fi at 5dB are also computed . 3. All values are tabulated in Table . Table : VALUES OF NOISE - FIGURE CIRCLES

Fi (dB)

2.5 1.78 0.21 0.37

3 2 0.45 0.51

3.5 2.24 0.71 0.55

4 2.5 1 0.66

5 3.16 1.72 0.76

Ni cFi

0.40 1550 0.33 1550 0.28 1550 0.24 1550 0.18 1550


4. The noise - figure circles are plotted in the Figure .

Example : A AaAs is biased for minimum noise figure and has the following S parameters at 4GHz ( Z 0 = 50 ) , S11 = 0.6 600 , S 21 = 0.621000 ,
RN = 20 . Since S12 is relatively small , we assume the device is

unilateral . Then design an amplifier having 2.0dB noise figure with the maximum gain that is compatible with this noise figure . Solution : We first compute the center and radius of the 2.0dB noise figure circle :
Ni =
2 2 Fi Fmin 1.58 1.445 1 + opt = 1 + 0.621000 = 0.0986 4 RN / Z o 4( 20 / 50)

c Fi =

opt Ni +1

= 0.56100 0

RFi =
GS (dB )

N i ( N i + 1 opt ) Ni +1

= 0.24
Cs Rs

Next we calculate data for several input section constant gain circles . 1.0 1.5 1.7 0.805 0.904 0.946 0.52 600 0.56 600 0.58 600 0.300 0.205 0.15


(b) We see that the GS = 1.7dB gain circle just intersects the FC = 2dB noise figure circle and that any higher gain will result in a worse noise figure . From the Smith Chart , the optimum solution is then S = 0.53750 which yields GS = 1.7dB and FC = 2dB .
* For the output section , we choose L = S 22 = 0.5600 for a maximum


of G L =

1 1 S 22

= 1.33 = 1.25dB

The transistor gain is

Go = S 21 = 3.61 = 5.58dB

The overall transducer gain is

GTU = G S + GO + G L = 1.7 + 5.58 + 1.25 = 8.53dB

A complete AC circuit for the amplifier , using open - circuited shunt stubs in the matching sections , is shown in the figure .

Example : The scattering and noise parameters of a GaAs FET measured at three different optimum bias settings at f=6GHz are : Minimum Noise Figure (VDS = 3.5V , I DS = 15% I DSS ) :
S11 = 0.674 152 0 Fmin = 2.2dB
S12 = 0.0756.2 0
S 21 = 1.7436.4 0
S 22 = 0.6 92.6 0

O = 0.575 138 0
R N = 6.64

Linear Power Output(VDS = 4V , I DS = 50% I DSS )

S11 = 0.641 171.30 Fmin = 2.9dB

S12 = 0.05716.30

O = 0.542 1410

S 21 = 2.05828.50

R N = 9.42

S 22 = 0.572 95.7 0

Maximum Gain (VDS = 4V , I DS = 100% I DSS )

S11 = 0.614 167.4 0

S12 = 0.046650

S 21 = 2.18732.4 0
S 22 = 0.716 830

Design a microwave transistor amplifier to have good ac performance . Solution : There are four ac performances that must be considered : noise figure , power gain , power output , and input and output VSWR . The linear power- output bias point (VDS = 4V , I DS = 50% I DSS ) provides a good compromise between the minimum noise figure and maximum gain . At this bias point , the Table gives the noise , gain , and power parameters . The output power performance , measured ant the 1-dB compression point , was experimentally measured and it is given in the figure . The data for the output power were taken with an input power drive of 8.3dBm Noise Parameters Gain Parameters Power Parameters
O = 0.542 1410
Ms = 0.762177.30 ML = 0.718103.9 0

Ps = 0.7291660
PL = 0.4891010 F = 3.69 dB
G P = 8.2dB

L = 0.575104.50 Fmin = 2.9dB

G A = 9.33dB

F = 4.44dB
G A,max = 11.38dB

P1dB = 9.3dBm

P1dB = 13.4dBm

P1dB = 15.5dBm

The input VSWR with S = Ms is 1 , and the VSWR =3.82 with S = O . In order to calculate the VSWR , we obtained a (in the next page)

and used VSWR =

1 + a 1 a

Trade - offs between noise figure , power gain , and VSWR Last Figure shows the noise figure , G A and input and output VSWR as the reflection coefficient is varied from O to Ms , along a straight line , in the Smith Chart . The table shows that a good compromise between noise figure , G A , and VSWR is to use S = 0.6141600 and

L = 0.6271060 . The noise figure is increased by 0.24dB from the

minimum noise , but G A is increased by 1.22dB and the input VSWR is improved by 40% (i.e. , VSWR =2.28) . The ac schematic of the amplifier for the selected values of S and L is shown in next Figure and the microstrip board layout is also shown . The board material is Duroik ( r =2.23 , h=0.031 in.) . The measured characteristics of the amplifier are shown in next page .

Figure : (a) The ac schematic of the amplifier with ff =1 ; (b) microstrip layout with two different dc bias networks.

(c) (d) Figure : Measured characteristics of the amplifier : (a) gain performance ; (b) noise performance ; ( c) input - output VSWR performance ; (d) wideband gain performance . Reference : A 6GHz amplifier using the HFET -1101 GaAs FET HP Application Note 970 . Balanced Amplifiers

Figure 4.4.5 Balanced amplifier configuration . Why use balanced ? In broadband amplifiers , the design of compensated matching networks to obtain gain flatness results in impedance mismatching that can significantly degrade the input and output VSWR . The balanced configuration can be used to improve the I/O VSWR (Return Loss) . The I/O couplers are 3dB hybrids (usually 90 0 hybrids) (i.e. .
S11 =
S 22 =

hybrids) 4

1 S11a S11b 2
1 S 22 a S 22b 2

S12 =
S 21 =

1 S12 a + S12 b 2
1 S 21a S 21b 2

S12 : reverse power loss

S 21

: forward power gain

Where a and b indicate the two amplifiers and 1 and 2 refer to the input and output ports of the balanced amplifiers . If the two amplifiers are identical , then S11 =0 and S 22 =0 and the gain

S 21 (and also S12 ) is equal to the gain of one side amplifier .

Ref . K.Kurokawa , Design theory of balanced transistor amplifiers , pp . 1675-1698 . BSTJ , OCT . 1965 . BSTJ : Bell System Technical

Journal .

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