Pediatric Trauma Program: Presented By: Kaetyng Chen Lieutenant Governor D44S
Pediatric Trauma Program: Presented By: Kaetyng Chen Lieutenant Governor D44S
Pediatric Trauma Program: Presented By: Kaetyng Chen Lieutenant Governor D44S
Unintentional Injury is the #1 killer for children 14 and under in the U.S.
Unintentional injury kills more children every year than any other cause (disease, homicide, and suicide) Common reasons: Biking accidents, faulty car booster seats, playground injuries, and drowning accidents.
Treatment is more difficult when professionals do not have proper education about child safety.
90% of these unintentional injuries can be prevented! Injuries are not inevitable.
Our mission!
Develop local projects, which will reduce the number of children in our District who are killed or injured by trauma
Emma Jennings
Had we not been at Renown, Emma and I might not have made it. The surgeon said that if we had been 60 minutes later, I would have bled out and both Emma and I would have died. I credit Renown and their amazing staff, with saving our lives. -Sara Jennings, Emmas mother
Alexis Hoekstra
Doctors at LLUCH discovered Alexis had a lifethreatening allergy to iodine, which almost cost Alexis her life. Alexis was also diagnosed with a rare allergy to the proteins found in milk.
Project Ideas
Sponsor a bicycle rodeo, child safety fair or child safety seat inspection event Purchase and distribute bicycle helmets, child safety seats, electric outlet covers, choke tubes, etc.
Established to assist SLP clubs in financing PTP service projects on a start up basis PTP projects only Limited to 50% of the total project cost, up to $250 per grant
How to apply:
Complete the SLP - Estimate of service hours committed to the event - Date when funds are required - Copy of clubs current Community Service Budget - Project budget (club funds, donations, and sources of outside funding)