Early Childhood Development
Nutritional Feeding Scheme
P.O. Box 220, Mthatha 5099, Eastern Cape, South Africa • Telephone: +27 (0)47 575 0437 • Email: [email protected] •
Submitted by:
TransCape Non-Profit
Registration No.: 035/619NPO
Kathryn Nurse
Mdumbi Education Centre Director
Telephone: +27 (0)47 575 0437
Cell: +27 (0)83 461 1834
Fax: +27 (0)68 665 0437
[email protected]
7 November 2008
Table of Contents
Project Activity 11
Early Childhood Development Project
Canzibe is a rural Government hospital which provides a service to
people in a wide geographical area, covering a large part of the Nyandeni
municipal area. The staff at Canzibe were keen to improve access to
treatment and care within the hospital and in the surrounding
communities. Together with the managers and staff of Mdumbi
Backpackers, they established TransCape in direct response to the
perceived social, educational, economic and health needs in the area.
In 2006 a qualified teacher from Cape Town formed a partnership with TransCape
and Mdumbi backpackers to establish an education centre in the Mankosi
community to:
• Support the local education system with preschool and after-school classes
which develop the knowledge and skills of young people to the appropriate
national level.
Our approach
TransCape helps implement projects that respond directly to local needs in the
rural areas, ensuring that community stakeholders participate in their creation and
Our activities
• Malnutrition: Intake of under fed children to bring them back to health and
nutritional training for their parents.
• Maintenance and Upgrade of health facilities: Upgrade and maintenance of
Canzibe Hospital and surrounding clinics.
• Education: Canzibe pre-school, Mdumbi Education Centre (photo on right),
• Interest Free Micro-financing
• Tourism Development: Village Based Accommodation; Port St. Johns to
Coffee Bay Hiking trail; Community owned Tourism businesses
• Care and support for orphans and children in need
We have been involved with initiatives from Port st Johns to areas South of Coffee
Bay. Inland as far as the city of Mthatha. We coordinate our developmental efforts
with Madwaleni and Zithulele Hospitals and Coffee Shack and Bulungula
Examples of this are: Tribal Authorities, Community Trusts, Community
Developmental Organisations, existing HIV Support Groups and School
Governing Bodies.
The Eastern Cape is one of South Africa’s poorest provinces with, according to
statistics from the Department of Social Development, the highest percentage of
people living in poverty.
· Major stigma and no information surrounding HIV and AIDS; 20 000 people from
different communities visited our HIV awareness days in 2007 and 2008.
Poor health facilities; 550 people are currently receiving ARV treatment through our
ARV unit at Canzibe Hospital; 360 bed ridden and critically ill people are cared for
through our HIV support groups doing Home Based Caring.
Secluded regions in lack of government services; 220 orphans being cared for;
Availability of water in Tshani Village; Transport to ARV patients and medical
Over 20% of the local population is HIV positive; 10 support groups formed since 2006;
450 people trained through our Wellness program.
More than 94% of people living in the surrounding communities are unemployed; 80
Micro-financed businesses formed since 2006; Mdumbi River Kayaking owned by
two community members; 4 Families owning VBA’s and 3 guides benefiting from
our Village Based Accommodation project; 5 Locals owning and earning through
our beading project; 11 local community members employed by TransCape.
· 61% had no schooling; 150 students trained at Mdumbi Education Centre in 2007
and 35 toddlers at Canzibe Pre-School. Currently our Education Program has
grown to include 2 rondawels,, 10 laptop computers, 75 adults for a Multi Media
Literacy Project, 32 children in our new Preschool, a Community Library
containing over 7 000 books as well as Training/Workshops
Thobela Langa (South Old Mutual Sales Financial Advisor
African) Manager
Thathiswa (South Grade 11 Education and Community
Masiso African) Advisor
Dave Rogers (South PhD Physical Developmental Advisor
African) Chemistry
Volunteers’ Country Education Position
Mike Boehme (German) Electrical General Implementation
Adski van (South Medical General Implementation
Tonder African)
Alice Clarfelt (English) Literacy HIV/AIDS
Simone van der (Dutch) Doctor HIV/AIDS
Project Activity
The need and context
• severe lack of Early Childhood centres in the rural Eastern Cape (239 ECD
centres for 14 426 learners)
• in the greater Mankosi area of a few thousand people, MEC offers the only
functioning Preschool (which is too far for many children to walk to)
• the urgent need for Preschools is listed as a Mankosi Community Needs Analysis
Priority (see Community Workshop below)
• the local Primary School (1 hour walk from Tshani Village) offers Grade R, but
with no teacher and no resources.
• children enter Grade 1 with little or no basic knowledge and skills.
• lack of nutritional health
• to improve the quality and access of ECD in Mankosi Area (Primary School)
Sub Objectives
1) MEC site
other schools
• to start a food garden to grow vegetables and fruit for feeding scheme
• to initiate twice daily feeding scheme for 35 children (porridge, vegetable soup
and rice)
• to start a food garden to grow vegetables and fruit for feeding scheme
• to initiate twice daily feeding scheme for 40 children (porridge, vegetable soup
and rice)
• to share MEC resources and material with local Primary School Grade R
• to start a food garden to grow vegetables and fruit for feeding scheme
• to initiate twice daily feeding scheme for 35 children (porridge, vegetable soup
and rice)
4) Community
• the beneficiaries of this specific funding are 35 Preschool children from Mdumbi
Education Centre site, as well as a further 35 Children from the Community
Preschool site
• the children are all between the ages of 3 and 6 years old
• all children beneficiaries are from Mankosi AA in the Ngqeleni District, rural
Eastern Cape
Role of our organization and the community (for the specific funded nutritional
• TransCape will ensure the ePap is ordered regularly and stored appropriately
• Community members will prepare and distribute the ePap to 70 children, during
morning meal
Longevity of funding
Total R 10,000.00
Meals R 9,200.00
Transport R 800.00
Operational Costs R 500.00
Total requested amount R 10, 000.00
Expected Benefits
“The school feeding scheme is South Africa's most critical aid in lifting people out of poverty.
Not only does it provide sustenance to children in their critical growing years, but it also
provides them with a major incentive to go to school, and allows them to focus better on their
48% of households in the area have no income or money for food. This affects children
in the following ways:
• they can afford to eat only foods with a low nutritional value
• this makes them more susceptible to infection and disease
• micronutrient deficiencies are prevalent in rural areas. One out of two children
aged 1-9 years have an intake of approximately less than half the recommended
level for vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron
and zinc. Iron deficiency and anemia are common problems among children in
rural communities and dietary deficiency in iron is a major concern. iii
Mail and Guardian “Great concern over school feeding cut” 28/09/2005
The Integrated Nutrition Programme