Kinetics Silencer Specification

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Kinetics Noise Control, Inc.

Vibron Products Group

HVAC Rectangular and Circular Duct Silencers RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATION
1.1 GENERALA. Furnish and install Kinetics Noise Control models VRS, EVRS and CD silencers of the types and sizes shown on the plans and/or listed in the schedule. Silencers shall be the product of Kinetics Noise Control, Inc., Vibron Products Group. Any specification change must be submitted in writing and approved by the Architect/Engineer, in writing, at least 10 days prior to the biddate. B. Warranty Period: 1 year from date of shipment 2.1 MATERIALSA.

Outer casings of standard rectangular straight and elbow silencers shall be made of 22 gauge; lock former quality galvanized steel, Type G90 (316/304 stainless steel, aluminum). High Transmission Loss (HTL) outer casings of rectangular straight and elbow silencers shall be made of 16 or 10 gauge; stitch-welded and caulked galvanized steel, Type G90. Stitchwelds shall receive a single shop-coat of zinc-rich paint. Outer casings of standard circular silencers shall be made of lock former quality, galvanized steel, Type G90 (316/304 stainless steel, aluminum), in the following gauges: OUTSIDE DIA. METAL GAUGE- (0-10wg+) 12-26 inches: 27-60 inches: 61-84 inches: 22 ga. 18 ga. 16 ga




Outer casings of reactive (no media) rectangular straight and rectangular elbow silencers shall be made of 22 gauge; lock former quality galvanized steel, Type G90 (316/304 stainless steel, aluminum). Interior baffles/liner/bullet for standard rectangular straight, rectangular elbow and circular silencers shall be not less than 22 gauge; lock former quality, perforated steel, galvanized steel, Type G90 (316/304 stainless steel, aluminum). Filler material, except for reactive (no media) silencers shall be inorganic glass fiber of a proper density to obtain the specified acoustic performance and be packed under not less than 5% compression to eliminate voids due to vibration and settling. Material shall be inert, vermin and moisture proof.



G. Combustion ratings for the standard silencers with acoustic fill shall be not greater than the following when tested to ASTM E 84, NFPA Standard 255, or UL No. 723: Flame spread Classification .20 Smoke Development Rating .20 Filmed lined silencers using Teldar and spacer and acoustical fill shall be not greater than the following when tested to ASTM E 84, NFPA Standard 255, or UL No. 723: Flame spread Classification .25 Smoke Development Rating 50 3.1 CONSTRUCTIONA.

Units shall be constructed in accordance with the SMACNA recommendations for low pressure (class I), medium pressure (class II), high pressure (class III) ductwork. Seams shall be locked formed (option: mastic filled). Rectangular casing longitudinal seams shall be in the corners of the silencer shell to provide maximum unit strength and rigidity. Interior partitions shall be fabricated from perforated sheets and shall have radiused entrance shapes so as to provide the maximum aerodynamic efficiency and minimum self-noise characteristics in the sound attenuator. Interior partition tail sections shall be configured so as to provide pressure-regain.


Attachment of the interior partitions to the casing shall be by means of an interlocking track assembly or spot welded to the outer silencer casing. Tracks shall be solid material and shall be welded to the outer casing. Attachment of the interior partitions to the tracks shall be such that a minimum of 4 thicknesses of metal exist at this location. The track assembly shall stiffen the exterior casing, provide a reinforced attachment detail for the interior partitions, and shall maintain a uniform airspace width along the length of the silencer for consistent aerodynamic and acoustic performance. Sectionretainers shall be welded to the casing and interior partitions to provide further reinforcement and integrity. Interior partitions shall be additionally secured to the outer casing with welded nose clips at both ends of the sound attenuator. 1 slip flange shall be standard factory finish on both ends of silencer.

C. Interior partitions for circular silencers shall be secured with galvanized steel radial mounting brackets welded to the partition and the outer casing. The radial brackets shall be installed full length and at 120 degree angles to each other to assure uniform spacing for consistent aerodynamic and acoustic performance.

Sound attenuating units shall not fail structurally when subjected to an internal static pressure of 8 inches water gauge. Airtight construction shall be provided by use of a duct sealing compound on the job site; material and labor furnished by the contractor (option: factory applied). Width and height of rectangular straight and elbow silencer casings shall not exceed duct dimensions.



All silencer ratings shall be determined in a duct-to-reverberant room independent test facility that provides for airflow in one direction and sound in both directions through the test silencer in accordance with ASTM Specification E-477. The test set-up and procedure shall be such that all effects due to end reflection, directivity, and flanking transmission standing waves and test chamber sound absorption are eliminated. Acoustic rating shall include dynamic insertion loss (DIL) and generate noise levels (GNL) both for forward flow (air and noise in same direction) and reverse flow (air and noise in opposite directions) with no airflow and, minimum, three additional


airflow rates. Acoustic ratings shall also include the effects of using Tedlar and fiberglass cloth linings. 5.1 AERODYNAMIC PERFORMANCEA. Static pressure loss of silencers shall not exceed those listed in the silencer schedule as the airflow indicates. Airflow measurements shall be made in accordance with ASTM specification E-477 and applicable portions of ASME, AMCA, and ADC airflow test codes. Tests shall be reported on the identical units for which acoustic data is presented. 6.1 CERTIFICATIONA.

With submittals, the manufacturer shall supply certified test data on dynamic insertion loss, self-noise power levels, and acoustic performance for reverse and forward flow test conditions. Test data shall be for a standard product. All rating tests shall be conducted in the same facility, shall utilize the same silencer, and shall be open to inspection upon request from the Architect/Engineer.


DUCT TRANSITIONSA. When transitions are required to adapt silencer dimensions to connecting ductwork they shall be furnished by the installing contractor.

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