Resistance Rulebook
Resistance Rulebook
Resistance Rulebook
10 Character Cards 10 Mission Cards (5 Success & 5 Failure Cards) 15 Plot Cards (Cards used in The Plot Thickens expansion) 5 Team Tokens 20 Vote Tokens (10 Approve & 10 Reject Tokens) 5 Score Markers (Blue & Red Markers) 1 Round Marker 1 Vote Track Marker 1 Leader Token 3 Score Tableaus
The Resistance is a social deduction game with secret identities. Players are either members of the Resistance attempting to overthrow a malignant government, or Spies trying to thwart the Resistance. The Resistance wins the game if three Missions are completed successfully; the Spies win if three Missions fail. The Spies can also win if the Resistance is unable to organize the Mission Team at any point in the game (5 failed votes on a single mission). A fundamental rule of the game is that players may say anything that they want, at anytime during the game. Discussion, deception, intuition, social interaction and logical deductions are all equally important to winning.
Set Up:
Select the tableau corresponding to the number of players. Place the tableau in the center of the play area with the Score Markers, Team Tokens and Mission Cards adjacent to the tableau. Place the Round Marker on the tableaus 1st Mission space. Give each player a set of two Vote Tokens. Randomly select a Leader; the Leader receives the Leader Token. Use the chart below to determine the number of Resistance Operatives and Spies that will be in the game.
Resistance Spies
3 2
4 2
4 3
5 3
6 3
6 4
Shufe the appropriate numbers of Character cards. Deal one card to each player face down. Each player secretly looks at the role assigned to them on the Character card.
Spies Reveal:
After all the players know their afliation, the Leader must ensure that all the Spies know one another by repeating the following script:
Everyone close your eyes Spies open your eyes. Spies look around and make sure that you know all the other Spies Spies close your eyes. Everyones eyes should be closed. Everyone open your eyes.
Game Play:
The game consists of several Rounds; each Round is comprised of a Team building phase and a Mission phase. Build the Team The team building phase consists of the Leader picking the players that he would like on the Mission Team followed by all the players voting to approve/reject the Mission Team.
Resistance Strategy Tip: Get on the team As a resistance operative you need to get on the mission teams, letting even a single spy on the team is enough to make it fail. The leader gets to propose team members, but everyone gets a vote. If the leaders proposal doesnt get enough votes then the next player becomes the leader and gets to propose a new team.
Mission Team Assignment: After appropriate discussion, the Leader takes the required number of Team Tokens (using the following chart) and assigns each Team Token to any player including himself. Note a player may only be assigned one Team Token.
1st Mission Team 2nd Mission Team 3rd Mission Team 4th Mission Team 5th Mission Team
2 3 2 3 3
2 3 4 3 4
2 3 3 4 4
3 4 4 5 5
3 4 4 5 5
3 4 4 5 5
Example: The rst mission in a ve player game requires a Team of two players. The Leader passes Team Tokens to Paul (himself ) and Charles, then calls for a Vote.
Spy Strategy Tip: Act like the resistance The resistance players are out to get you - think fast and remember if you act and vote like a resistance player you will be harder to spot. All the resistance operatives will want to go on the missions, and so should you. Resistance Strategy Tip: Build trust in yourself A good resistance player not only determines who the spies are, but also builds trust in themselves. The best way to build trust is to explain to others what you are attempting to do and why. When interrogated the spies can stumble in their web of deceit and expose themselves.
Mission Team Vote: After appropriate discussion, the Leader calls for a vote on the Team assignments. Each player, including the Leader, secretly selects one Vote Token. When all players have their selected Vote Token ready, the Leader asks for the Votes to be revealed. All players ip over their Vote Tokens so everyone can see how they Voted. The Mission Team is approved if the majority of Votes approved and fails if a majority rejected the assignments; a tied vote is also a rejection. If the Mission Team is approved, play continues in the Mission phase. If the Mission Team is rejected, the Leader passes in a clockwise manner and the Team building phase is repeated. The Spies win the game if ve Mission Teams are rejected in a single round (5 consecutive failed Votes).
Example: Paul, Charles, Candice and Ian Approve, Ralph Rejects the Vote is approved, play continues in the Mission Phase.
Spy Strategy Tip: Change your MO From game to game spies can get stuck in predictable patterns of behavior, such as never failing the rst mission. If the resistance operatives can predict your behavior, they are more likely to uncover your identity. Resistance Strategy Tip: Trust no one If you dont trust everyone on the team then strongly consider rejecting the proposed Mission Team. Good resistance players will usually use three or more votes per round, carefully watching who is voting yes and asking them why. Remember the spies know each other and sometimes you can catch them approving a vote just because a spy was on the proposed team.
Example: Paul gives himself and Charles a set of two Mission cards. Paul selects the Mission Success card and places it face down in front of him, Charles places the Mission Fail card face down in front of himself.
Paul takes the two Mission cards and shufes them before revealing that the Mission failed. Place a Red Score Marker on the rst Mission space on the Tableau, advance the Round Marker to the second Mission space on the Tableau and advance the Leader token clockwise.
Game End:
The game ends immediately after either three successful or three failed Missions. The Resistance wins if three Missions are successful. The Spies win if three Missions fail. The Spies win the game if ve Mission Teams are rejected in a single round (5 consecutive failed Votes).
Spy Strategy Tip: Never give up Even if you are caught as a spy, you still have a valuable role to play in keeping the other spies safe. Use your status as a known spy to create confusion and discontent among the resistance operatives while protecting the remaining undercover spies. Resistance Strategy Tip: Use all the information available Information in The Resistance comes at multiple levels. First are players voting patterns, second are Mission results, and third are cues that you can discern from player interactions. Resistance Operatives must use all the information at hand to root out the Spy infestation.
The Resistance is a game highly dependent upon the group playing it, feel free to experiment with different variants. Two popular variants are: Targeting The Missions do not have to be undertaken in a set order. The Leader rst chooses which Mission to go on (using the Round Marker on the Tableau) before completing the Team Assignment phase. The number of players on the team corresponds to the Mission selected by the leader. The players Vote on both the Leaders proposed Mission and Team. Each Mission can only be attempted once. No Mission is required. The 5th Mission can not be selected until two other Missions have been successfully completed. Blind Spies Skip the Spies Reveal Step
Spies winning too often? Its not easy to overthrow a powerful government. You can expect the spies will win a signicant proportion of the time with the core game rules, particularly when played with 7 or more players. The Plot cards in the The Plot Thickens expansion (included) provide additional information for the resistance operatives, and opportunities for the spies to be more deceitful.
immediately then discarded, those with a one icon ( 1 ) are held until used, and one card with a square icon ( ) which remains in play for the entire game. If a situation arises in which multiple Plot Cards could be used, precedence and order is determine by proximity to the Leader (starting with the Leader in a clockwise manner). Each player gets one chance to play any applicable cards, a player may not pass and then subsequently elect to play cards later in the same opportunity. Information gained by the use of a Plot card can be discussed, but a players Character, or Mission cards may never be shown to the other players.
There are three types of Plot cards. Cards with the Leader symbol () on them are used
Opinion Maker Permanent Effect The player to whom the Leader passes this card must select and reveal their Vote token before any other players have selected their Vote tokens. This card remains in effect until the end of the game. If two Opinion Maker cards are in play those, players must reveal their votes simultaneously. Estabilish Condence Use immediately The Leader must pass their Character card to any other player for examination. Open Up Use immediately The player to whom the Leader passes this card must pass their Character card to any other player (including the Leader) for examination. No Condence One time use - The player to whom the Leader passes this card may use this card to reject an approved Mission team (successful Vote). Using this card counts as a failed Vote.
Keeping a close eye on you One time use - The player to whom the Leader passes this card may use this card to examine a played Mission card. Using this card does not require a player to announce its use before the Mission cards are played, nor does it affect the Mission card played. Multiple Mission cards may be checked in a single round, but no more than one player may check a single players Mission card on a round. Strong Leader One time use - The player to whom the Leader passes this card may use this card to become the Leader. Use of this card must be declared before the Leader takes any actions (draw Plot Cards or distributing Team tokens). When a Strong leader is played, another Strong Leader may not be played until a Vote has been taken. In the Spotlight One time use - The player to whom the Leader passes this card may use this card to force a player to play their Mission card face up. The player playing this card must declare its use and the target player prior to any player on the Mission team selecting their Mission card.
Take Responsibility One time use The player to whom the Leader passes this card must take one Plot card from any other player.
Example: The Leader draws Overheard Conversation and Strong Leader. The Leader passes Overheard Conversation to Deniz, who immediately uses it to look at Paulas (who is seated next to Deniz) Character card. Deniz may make any (true or false) statement regarding Paulas afliation, but may not show anyone (other than himself ) her Character card. The Leader passes Strong Leader to Charles, Charles may not play the card immediately, he holds the card to play in the future.
If Ive never played The Resistance before, should I try the Plot cards in my rst game? It is not recommenced, try playing a couple times rst without the Plot cards rst. If after a few plays you feel you want more information then try adding them the next time you play.
Game Design: Don Eskridge Game Development: Travis Worthington Graphic Design/Illustration: Luis Francisco, Jordy Knoop, Michael Rasmussen, George Patsouras, Jordan Saia, Maryam Khatoon, Luis Tomas, Vinh Mac, Alex Murur Acknowledgements: Thanks to Brian Carpenter, Eric Hehl, Martin Burley for playtesting and the Berkeley Boardgamers, Mike Lee, Pete Vasiliauskas for assisting the development of The Plot Thickens expansion. Special thanks to Eric Zimmerman, Katie Salen, Chris Jones, the BGG community, the Eskridges, Narae, Thomas and Jessica, DoPa, Team Don, and many more.