MCA Sem V AWT Assignement

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ADVANCED WEB TECHNOLOGIES MCA Semester V 2009 -2010 Assignments

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Assignment No. 1 What is World Wide Web? Discuss the architecture of the World Wide Web. What are Web Search Engines and Web Crawlers? Explain Web Search Engine Optimization. What is Semantic Web? What are its main goals? Explain the Semantic Web Stack. Explain the life cycle of a servlet with an example. Explain the different servlet threading models with examples. Assignment No. 2 Explain the JSP development model. What are the components of a JSP page? Explain. Explain the anatomy and working of request processing. With the help of an example, explain session tracking in JSP. What is a Web Service? Explain the architecture of web services. What is Service Oriented Architecture? Explain in detail. Assignment No. 3 Explain the principal design features of .NET. Explain the Microsoft .NET framework architecture. Discuss the advantages of .NET. Explain the principles of object oriented programming. Explain the different data types available in C#. Assignment No. 4 Explain Exception handling in C#. What are generics? What are the benefits of generics? Explain with example. Explain in detail, the file handling class hierarchy in C#. Enumerate the difference between Asp and ASP.NET. Explain the features of ASP.NET. Assignment No. 5 Explain the different server controls available in ASP.NET. What is XML? Explain the anatomy of an XML document. Distinguish between DTD and XML Schema. Explain XSL Transformations with examples. Explain document object model and simple API for XML.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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