Electronics Ryk Syllabus
Electronics Ryk Syllabus
Electronics Ryk Syllabus
Short Term Courses based on Short Term Courses based on Modular Employable Skills (MES) Modular Employable Skills (MES) in in
Electronics Sector
Course Curricula for Short Term Courses based on Modular Employable Skills (MES) in the Electronics Sector
1. Background ..................................................................................................................... 2 2. Frame Work for Skill Development based on Modular Employable Skills ..................... 2 3. Age of Participants .......................................................................................................... 3 4. Curriculum Development Process ................................................................................... 3 5. Development of Core Competencies .............................................................................. 3 6. Duration of the Programmes ........................................................................................... 4 7. Pathways to acquire Qualification ................................................................................... 4 8. Methodology .................................................................................................................... 5 9. Instructional Media Packages ......................................................................................... 5 10. Assessment ..................................................................................................................... 5 11. Certificate ........................................................................................................................ 5 12. Course Matrix .................................................................................................................. 6 13. Module............................................................................................................................. 7 14. Basic Electronics (Repair & Maintenance of Power supply, inverters and UPS ............. 7 15. Operation of clinical Equipment-Level(I) ......................................................................... 9 16. Operation of ECG & ICCU Instruments-Level(I) ............................................................ 11 17. Operation of X-Ray Machine & Dark room Assistance ................................................. 13 18. Operation of Physio Theraphy Equipment-Level(I) ....................................................... 14 19. Installation & Maintenance of DTH System ................................................................... 15 20. Digital Videography Editing and Mixing ........................................................................ 17 21. Repair & Maintenance of washing machine and microwave oven ................................ 18 22. Repair & Maintenance of TV Receiver .......................................................................... 20 23. Maintenance & Repair of Electronic Test Equipment .................................................... 21 24. Repair & Maintenance of Cellular Phone .................................................................... 24 25. Repair & Maintenance of Intercom System ................................................................... 26 26. Installation & Maintenance of Electronic Equipments in Cell Phone towers ................. 27 27. Repair & Maintenance PA & Audio Systems ................................................................ 28 28. Repair & Maintenance Photocopier and Fax Machine ................................................. 29 29. Maintenance of ECG & ICCU Equipment-Level(II) ....................................................... 31 30. Maintenance of X-Ray Machine-Level(II) ..................................................................... 33 31. Maintenance of Physio Theraphy Equipment-Level(II) ................................................ 35 32. List of Expert/Trade Committee Members..................................................................... 37
Background The need for giving emphasis on the Skill Development, especially for the less educated, poor and out of school youth has been highlighted in various forums. The skill level and educational attainment of the work force determines the productivity, income levels as well as the adaptability of the working class in changing environment. Large percentage of population in India is living below poverty line. One of the important causes is lower percentage of skilled persons in the workforce The skill development at present is taking place mostly in the informal way, i.e. persons acquire skill at the work-place when they help their parents, relatives and employers etc. Such persons do not have a formal certificate and thus earn lower wages and are exploited by employers. They have come through informal system due to socio-economic circumstances of the family and the compulsions of earning a livelihood rather than attending a formal course. While their productivity is low, their contribution to the national GDP cannot be ignored. If the country can create a system of certification which not only recognizes their skills but also provides education and training in a mode that suits their economic compulsions, it will not only benefit the workforce to earn a decent living but also contribute to the national economy by better productivity of this workforce. Another related problem to be tackled is large number of students drop outs (About 63% of the school students drop out at different stages before reaching Class-X).
Frame work for Skill Development based on Modular Employable Skills (MES) Very few opportunities for skill development are available for the above referred groups (out of school youth & existing workers especially in the informal sector). Most of the existing Skill Development programmes are long term in nature. Poor and less educated persons can not afford long term training programmes due to higher entry qualifications, opportunity cost etc. Therefore, a new frame work for Skill Development for the Informal Sector has been evolved by the DGET to address to the above mentioned problems. The key features of the new frame work for skill development are: Demand driven Short term training courses based on modular employable skills decided in consultation with Industry Flexible delivery mechanism (part time, weekends, full time) Different levels of programmes (Foundation level as well as skill upgradation) to meet demands of various target groups Central Government will facilitate and promote training while Vocational Training (VT) Providers under the Govt. and Private Sector will provide training Optimum utilisation of existing infrastructure to make training cost effective. Testing of skills of trainees by independent assessing bodies who would not be involved in conduct of the training programme, to ensure that it is done impartially. Testing & certification of prior learning (skills of persons acquired informally)
The Short Term courses would be based on Modular Employable Skills (MES). The concept for the MES is : Identification of minimum skills set which is sufficient to get an employment in the labour market. It allows skills upgradation, multiskilling, multi entry and exit, vertical mobility and life long learning opportunities in a flexible manner. It also allows recognition of prior learning (certification of skills acquired informally) effectively. The modules in a sector when grouped together could lead to a qualification equivalent to National Trade Certificate or higher. Courses could be available from level 1 to level 3 in different vocations depending upon the need of the employer organisations. MES would benefit different target groups like : o Workers seeking certification of their skills acquired informally o workers seeking skill upgradation o early school drop-outs and unemployed o previously child labour and their familly Age of participants The minimum age limit for persons to take part in the scheme is 14 years but there is no upper age limit. Curriculum Development Process Following procedure is used for developing course curricula Identification of Employable Skills set in a sector based on division of work in the labour market. Development of training modules corresponding to skills set identified so as to provide training for specific & fit for purpose Organization of modules in to a Course Matrix indicating vertical and horizontal mobility. The course matrix depicts pictorially relation among various modules, pre requisites for higher level modules and how one can progress from one level to another. Development of detailed curriculum and vetting by a trade committee and by the NCVT
(Close involvement of Employers Organizations, State Governments, experts, vocational training providers and other stake holders is ensured at each stages). Development of Core Competencies Possession of proper attitudes is one of the most important attribute of a competent person. Without proper attitudes, the performance of a person gets adversely affected. Hence, systematic efforts will be made to develop attitudes during the training programme.
The trainees deal with men, materials and machines. They handle sophisticated tools and instruments. Positive attitudes have to be developed in the trainees by properly guiding them and setting up examples of good attitudes by demonstrated behaviors and by the environment provided during training. Some important core competencies to be developed are: 1. Safety consciousness and safe working practices 2. Care of equipment and tools 3. Punctuality, discipline and honesty 4. Concern for quality 5. Respect for rules and regulations 6. Concern for health and hygiene 7. Cordial relationship and Cooperation with co-workers and team Work 8. Positive attitude and behavior 9. Responsibility and accountability 10. Learn continously 11. Communication Skills 12. Concern for environment and waste disposal Following competencies should also be developed during level-II and higher courses: 1. Ability for planning, organizing and coordinating 2. Creative thinking, problem solving and decision making 3. Leadership 4. Ability to bear stress 5. Negotiation Duration of the Programmes Time taken to gain the qualification will vary according to the pathway taken and will be kept very flexible for persons with different backgrounds and experience. Duration has been prescribed in hours in the curriculum of individual module, which are based on the content and requirements of a MES Module. However, some persons may take more time than the prescribed time. They should be provided reasonable time to complete the course. Pathways to acquire Qualification: Access to the qualification could be through: An approved training programme; Or A combination of an approved training programme plus recognition of prior learning including credit transfer; Or The recognition of prior learning that provides evidence of the achievement of the competencies for the qualification. 4
Methodology The training methods to be used should be appropriate to the development of competencies. The focus of the programme is on performing and not on Knowing. Lecturing will be restricted to the minimum necessary and emphasis to be given for hands on training. The training methods will be individual centered to make each person a competent one. Opportunities for individual work will be provided. The learning process will be continuously monitored and feedback will be provided on individual basis. Demonstrations using different models, audio visual aids and equipment will be used intensively. Instructional Media Packages In order to maintain quality of training uniformly all over the country, instructional media packages (IMPs) will be developed by the National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai. Assessment DGE&T will appoint assessing bodies to assess the competencies of the trained persons. The assessing body will be an independent agency, which will not be involved in conducting the training programmes. This, in turn, will ensure quality of training and credibility of the scheme. Keeping in view the target of providing training/testing of one million persons through out the country and to avoid monopoly, more than one assessing bodies will be appointed for a sector or an area. Certificate Successful persons will be awarded certificates issued by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT).
Course Matrix
Installa tion & Mainte nance of DTH System Digital Video Graphy Editing and Mixing EC020 2 EC020 1 Repair & Maintena nce of washing machine and microwav e oven Repair & Mainte nance of TV Receiv er Mainten ance& Repair of Electron ic Test Equipm ent Repair & Mainte nance of Cellul ar Phone Rep air & Main t of Inter com syst ems EC0 207 Installa tion & Mainte nance of Electro nic Equip ments in Cell Phone towers EC020 8 Rep air & Main t PA & Audi o Syst ems EC0 209 Rep air & Main t Phot ocop ier and Fax Mac hine EC0 210 Main t of ECG & ICC U Equi pme nt** Maint of XRay Machi ne ME02 03 Main t of Phys ioTher apy Equi p
EC020 4
EC02 06
ME0 202
ME0 204
* on completion of this module the participant can be employed as Medical Instrument operator in Hospital / Diagnostic Lab ** on completion of this module the participant can be employed as Medical Instrument Service Assistant in bio-medical department
MODULES Basic Electronics -Repair and Maintenance of Power supply, Inverter and UPS
: Basic Electronics -Repair and Maintenance of Power supply, Inverter and UPS : Electronics. : ELC101 : After completion, the participant would be able to maintain and repair of Power supply, inverter and UPS. : 8th std pass with age at least 14 years. : 120 Hrs. : Underpinning Knowledge (Theory)
Electrical and personal safety, dangers and preventions Multimeter and its various application Basics of electricity define DC, AC // practical measuring units of voltage, current, resisistance. Types of transformers its construction, testing Testing of proper earth using test lamp Testing of earth using multimeter Fuse types, use of fuses and its rating Basic Electronics passive and active components testing of components, MOSFET precautions when handling Applications of transistor its uses Op-Amp Introduction, applications, construction, comparators Voltage Regulator and their types DIAC, SCR, TRIAC - applcation Digital electronics gates and its application, multiplexers, de-multiplexers, counter Electrical load their VA and watts. Various types of batteries used in UPS and Inverters and their maintenance. Single phase and three phase system, Different types of inverter, UPS, Working principle, specifications, explanation with the help of block diagram, basic principle of working of power switches, testing methods, discussions of various faults, diagnosing methods, rectifying common faults.
Practice procedure for electrical and personal safety measures Use of multimeter Testing of active and passive components Testing of transformers Testing of semiconductor components Testing of unregulated and regulated voltages Soldering and de-soldering techniques Assemble and test rectifier circuits half wave, full wave & bridge rectifier Assemble a power amplifier circuit (ce, emitter follower) Assemble and test an audio power amplifier (buzzer) Construct a RC- oscillator and test it Find the total load and select a suitable UPS/Inverter (rating factor) Installation of UPS and Inverters Maintenance of battery Opening & dismantling an equipment and identifying the major parts , testing of major components, identifying transformers and checking , checking of power modules, Charging , discharging and testing of batteries, repairing of SMPS, simulating various faults diagnosing and rectifying it.
Equipment List ;
Inverter / UPS trainer Battery charger Technicians tool kit Digital multimeter Clip on ammeter Soldering gun Desoldering pump Soldering / desoldering temp controlled station SMD soldering tools Antistatic mat with proper grounding and wrist band
Operation of Clinical Equipment (Level 1) Name of the Module Sector Code Duration Entry qualification : Operation of Clinical Equipment (Level 1) : Electronics :ELC112 : 180 Hrs : 8th std pass with age at least 14 years. Should be able to read and write English. Terminal competency Contents Practical Competencies 1. Practice procedures for safety and health hazards measures 2. Identify and Operate centrifuges, incubator, colorimeter, spectrophotometer, flame photometer, gamma Counter, Microscope. 3. Perform calibration on centrifuge 4. Perform preventive maintenance on centrifuges, incubator, colorimeter, spectrophotometer, flame photometer, gamma Counter, Microscope. Underpinning Knowledge (Theory) Safety and security, health hazards List out various instruments in clinical laboratory, Hot plate and magnetic stirrer operating procedure, care important specification Centrifuges construction, working principle, use, care rpm calibration, timer calibration, thermometer calibration, preventive maintenance, selection of centrifuge, various types of centrifuges. Hot air oven use, operating procedure, construction procedure, use, care, important specification Incubator use, construction, care. Temperature bath: use, construction, care. Body fluids- blood, urine, CSF & other body fluids Colorimetry and photometry define: - light wave, wavelength, unit of wavelength, monochromator, light source, cuvette, photodetector, coloured solution Colorimeter use, construction, front panel controls, operating procedure, care, important specification Spectrophotometer use, construction, front panel controls, operating procedure, care, important specification Flame photometer use, construction, front panel controls, 9 : Should be able to operate the clinical Instruments
Practical Competencies
Underpinning Knowledge (Theory) operating procedure, care, important specification Gamma counter - use, construction, front panel controls, operating procedure, care, important specification Use of pH strip Microscope with oil immersion - use, construction, operating procedure, care and maintenance, important specification Glucometer - use, construction, accessories, front panel controls, operating procedure, care and maintenance, important specification Semi auto analyzer use, construction, accessories, front panel controls, operating procedure, care and maintenance, important specification
List of Equipment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Hot plate and magnetic stirrer Centrifuge Hot air oven Incubator Constant temperature bath Colorimeter Spectrophotometer Flame photometer Gamma counter Microscope with oil immersion Glucometer Stop watch Semi-auto analyzer
: Operation of ECG & ICCU Instruments (Level 1) : Electronics : ELC113 : 120 Hrs : 8th std pass with age at least 14 years. Should be able to read and write English
Terminal competency
Contents Practical Competencies Underpinning Knowledge (Theory) a. Practice procedures for Programme Contents: safety and health hazards measures Electrical and personal safety, dangers and b. Practice procedures for preventions safety and health hazards Electrical and personal safety, dangers and measures preventions c. Operate Single-Channel Human anatomy (Basics), list out the different ECG recorder & Multibioelectric signals & physiological parameters, Channel ECG Recorder. Physiology of heart, ECG signal and its d. Test the ECG recorder component, Electrode placement, ECG Leads e. Operate Cardiac Monitor, ECG Recorder use, types: single channel & Defibrillator, Pulse Oximeter multi-channel, manual and automatic // & NIBP Machine. Technical specifications of ECG Recorders, working principle of ECG Recorders, Operation of ECG Recorder. Front Panel controls, Patient Cable, Electrode types, Programmable features of multi-channel recorder, calibration using of 1mV control , Care and maintenance of ECG Recorders ECG Monitor:- Specifications Front Panel controls , Patient Cable, Electrodes used, electrode placement, working principle, Operation, care and maintenance Pulse oximetry Pulse oximeter:- Specifications Front Panel controls , Patient Cable, Electrodes used, working principle, Operation, care and maintenance Blood pressure measurement. - invasive and non-invasive, NIBP measurement methods NIBP Machine:- Specifications, Front Panel controls , Patient Cable, cuff placement , 11
Practical Competencies
Underpinning Knowledge (Theory) working principle, Operation, care and maintenance . Defibrillator:- Specifications Front Panel control, Patient Cable, Electrodes used, working principle, Operation, acre and maintenance Precautions and prevention of transmission of diseases, minimizing infections
List of Equipment : 1. ECG recorder single channel (Manual) 2. ECG recorder single channel (Automatic) 3. ECG recorder multi channel 4. ECG Monitor 5. Pulse Oximeter 6. NIBP Machine 7. Defibrillator
Operation of X-Ray Machine& Dark Room Assistance (Level 1) Name of the Module (Level 1) Sector Code Duration Entry qualification read and write English Terminal competency: Should be able to: Operate the X-Ray Machine and develop X-Ray Films Contents Practical Competencies a. Practice procedures for safety and health hazards measures b. Familiarize with controls and operate mobile Xray machine c. Familiarize with Darkroom and its stages, Able to develop x-ray films Underpinning Knowledge (Theory) Electrical and personal safety, dangers and preventions Properties of x-rays, Use of x-ray Precautions and safety when operating the x-ray machine, Radiation dose, effect of x-ray radiation on human/operator Mobile x-ray machine list out various controls i.e. Kvp, mA, exposure time etc of x-ray machine, construction, operation Dark room, procedure for developing x-ray film Film drier use : Electronics : ELC115 : 120 Hrs : 8th std pass with age at least 14 years. Should be able to : Operation of X-Ray Machine& Dark Room Assistance
Operation of Physiotherapy Equipment (Level 1) Name of the Module Sector Code Duration Entry qualification Terminal competency Instruments Contents Practical Competencies 1. Practice procedures for safety and health hazards measures Prepare patient for physiotherapy treatment 2. Operate TENS Machine 3. Operate Interferential therapy Instrument 4. Operate short-wave diathermy machine 5. Operate and maintain UV light system 6. Operate Ultrasound diathermy machine Underpinning Knowledge (Theory) Electrical and personal safety, dangers and preventions Preparation of patient Transcuatneous electrical nerve stimulation uses, positioning of electrodes, intensity, working of TENS, construction, front panel controls, operation procedure Interferential therapy working Methods of heating the tissues direct and indirect methods Short-wave diathermy use, construction, front panel controls, operation procedure Ultrasound diathermy use, construction, front panel controls, operation procedure Ultra violet radiation use, construction, front panel controls, operation procedure : Operation of Physiotherapy Equipment (Level 1) : Electronics : ELC117 : 120 Hrs : 8th std pass with age atleast 14 years. : Should be able to Operate
Resources 1. Tens 2. Interferential Therapy Machine 3. Short-Wave Diathermy 4. Ultrasound Diathermy 5. UV Light System
: 60 Hrs
: 8th std pass with age at least 14 years.
MES Modules on Basic Electronics -Repair and Maintenance of Power supply, Inverter and UPS
TERMINAL COMPETENCY: After completion of this module participants will be able to :i) identify parts and learn terminology used for DTH system. ii) assemble the parts of mini-dish and install independently at customers premises. iii) iv) Guide the customers to operate the DTH systems installed in their residence Learn to have effective interaction with custom
CONTENTS: Practical Competencies Practice procedures for safety and health hazards measures
Name the various mini-dish components and their functions.
Underpinning Knowledge (Theory) Electrical and personal safety, dangers and preventions
Basic satellite communication, types of satellite & its orbits, uplinks and down links, frequency spectrum, broadcast centers, area covered, polarization, EFC, symbol rate, BER, MER, C/N, etc.
Chronology to assemble the various parts of minidisk. Various types of connectors and cables, its specifications and connectorization procedure. Identify and use different tools and equipments used in DTH installation procedure & cabling procedure. Site selection, installation mounting tracking for azimuth and elevation angles using SAT meter. Laying cable, connecting auxiliary equipments. Activating, setting of IRD/DIGICOM/DIGIBOX
Multi-dwelling unit design, headed amplifier, line amplifier, cascaded in/out multi-switch, tap, splitter.
RESOURCES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Complete Assembly of mini dish IRD/Digibox/digicom alongwith all channel package Tool Kit (Comprising various tools added as per requirements Special tools as compression tools, preparation tools and other tools required time to time etc. Power drill machine Hammer type bidirectional rotation SAT Meter Colour TV Inclano meter Compass Practice wall comprising bricks, concrete etc. LNBF (Universal, dual, quad, quattero) Headed amplifier, line amplifier, cascaded 2 in 4 out multi-switch, tap, splitter.
: DIGITAL VIDEOGRAPHY EDITING AND MIXING : ELECTRONICS :ELC203 : 8th std pass with age at least 14 years. MES Modules on Basic Electronics -Repair and Maintenance of Power supply, Inverter and UPS
: 150 HOURS
After undergoing this course the participant will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Get familiarize with Digital Still and Move Camera controls. Operate Digital Still and Move Cameras. Capturing Still and Move Video. Down loading Captured image in PC. Editing & Mixing Still and Movie Video. Preparing Project and creating CD.
Practical Competencies Practice procedures for safety and health hazards measures
Computer fundamentals & how to operate Camera working principle, Lighting, Lens, Focusing, Aperture, Shatter and Film Speed, lens, zooming, focus Digital Still Camera working Principle different function advantages compared with conventional type camera Digital Video Camera working principal. PAL Standards Capturing and Storing methods of Digital Still Camera photographs by using PC USB port. Adobe Photo Shop Tools applications and their using methods for editing and mixing Pinnacle Studio Editing and Mixing Software. Capturing and Storing methods of Digital Video Camera movie. Methods of using video clips, transitions, titles and background sound effects. Video project making creating MPEG movie.
Underpinning Knowledge (Theory) Electrical and personal safety, dangers and preventions
Practice on computers Camera Operation: Familiarizing with different controls & their setting for operation Digital still Camera operation and observing different controls and their applications Digital Video Camera operation and familiarizing with different controls and their application Installing Digital Camera Software on PC: Downloading & storing captured Photographs Using Photo Shop tools on still images/Photographs for editing and mixing Installing Pinnacle Studio Editing and mixing software on PC. Downloading and storing captured video movie. Using Pinnacle Studio editing and mixing software for making vide project Movie Project CD writing.
RESOURCES: 1. Still Digital Camera 2. Digital Video Camera OF Latest standard (presently like HI-8, DV) 3. Computers 4. Software for video capturing (Adobe-Photoshop, pinnacle or latest) 5. Various light sources.
: Repair and Maintenance of Washing Machine and Microwave oven : Electronics : ELC204 : 60 Hrs. :8th std pass with age at least 14 years. MES Modules on Basic Electronics -Repair and Maintenance of Power supply, Inverter and UPS :
After completion the participant would be able to install and repair washing machine and microwave oven. CONTENTS : Underpinning Knowledge (Theory)
Practical Competencies
Practice procedures for safety and health hazards measures
Washing machine front load & top load. Installation of washing machine
Identify the internal and external parts of washing machine Operate semi, automatic and fully automatic , fuzzy logic, neorologic washing machines Rectify the fault leading to not working of control panel switches
Rectify the fault leading to not working of pulsator / agitator Rectify the fault leading to spin drier not working Rectify the fault leading to one side rotation of motor Rectify the fault leading to water inlet and outlet valves. Maintenance and precautions (types of detergents)
Microwave oven Types with grill, without grill and conventional Identify the internal and external parts of micro wave oven Identify the different touch pad controls their functions, testing of high voltage diode Identify the HV capacitor and discharge it Rectify the fault leading to fuse blows off when cooking is initiated Rectify the fault leading to not responding of touch switches.( front panel ) Rectify the fault leading to Dead set Rectify the fault leading to long cooking time . Precautions importance of interlocking switch in performing maintenance
Understand the working principle of micro wave oven with the help of block diagram and by observation.,
RESOURCES: Maintenance tool kit Washing machine of different makes Micro wave oven of different types Spares for micro wave oven Digital multimeter Technicians tool kit Hand glove Radiation leakage tester
: Repair & Maintenance of TV Receiver : Electronics : ELC205 : 180 Hrs 8th std pass with age at least 14 years. MES Modules on Basic Electronics -Repair and Maintenance of Power supply, Inverter and UPS
Simulate faults related with the micro controller and I2C sections . Fault finding in remote control TV kit replacement with suitable yoke system (vertical and horizontal deflection coils)
RESOURCES: Television of different makes. Technicians tool kit Soldering iron Digital Multimeter Isolation transformer Pattern generator ( B/W & COLOUR) Infra Red remoter control tester
: Maintenance & Repair of Electronic Test Equipment. : ELECTRONICS. : ELC206 : 8th std pass with age at least 14 years. MES Modules on Basic Electronics -Repair and Maintenance of Power supply, Inverter and UPS
: 240 Hrs.
The candidates would be able to: Use hand tools used for servicing the electronic test equipment. Operate the following electronic test equipment. Servicing, cleaning of switches, tighten the loose knobs, check the power cord. Repair the following electronic test equipment: 1. Analog Multimeter. 2. Digital multimeter 3. Function Generator. 4. Signal Generator. 5. Oscilloscope.
Replace the of battery if required. Maintaining the test leads in proper condition. Cleaning of the switches etc. Replacing the open Fuse with correct rating.
(2)Digital Multimeter: Precaution to be taken in handling a Digital multimeter. Cleaning the switch contacts with switch cleaning solution. Testing the display (LED display, LCD display). Check the DC voltages & waveforms at the test point of the ic commonly used in 31/2 digit Digital Multimeter. Replace the defective IC. replace the Battery of the meter. Maintaining the test leads in proper condition.
(3)Function Generator: Precaution to be taken in handling a Function Generator. Familiarization with front panel controls, switch etc. Cleaning the dust, Cleaning the switch contacts with switch cleaning solution. Identify & testing a Function Generator Power supply circuit and test at the test points provided for correct output voltages. Test the waveform generator circuit output waveforms at the test point provided with the help of a CRO. Test the Function selector switch for its proper contacts. Test the output amplifier circuit by doing voltage & waveform measurement at the test points provided. Service the equipment by blowing dust, cleaning all the switches, potentiometers, output terminals etc. (4)Signal Generator: Function Generator. Familiarization with front panel controls. Cleaning the dust, Cleaning the switch contacts with switch cleaning solution. Identify Different circuit blocks of Signal before trouble shooting.
Cleaning the dust, Cleaning the switch contacts by switch cleaning solution. Testing the fuse. Testing the 7 segment LED display. Testing the LCD display module. Check the DC voltages & waveforms at the test point of the IC commonly used in 31/2 digit digital multimeter. Troubleshoot DC voltage, AC voltage, DC current, AC current & Resistance measurement circuit by doing measurement at the test points provided. Check the battery used in the digital multimeter. Repair of test leads/probes if found defective. Replacing the open Fuse with correct rating. After repair test the digital multimeter for its performance. Familiarization with front panel control. Cleaning the dust, Cleaning the switch contacts by switch cleaning solution. Testing the fuse, Power cable & ON/OFF switch. Test & repair the Power supply circuit, waveform generator circuit amplifier circuit by doing voltage measurement at the test points provided. Effect of DC-offset control on the waveform. Replacing the open Fuse with correct rating.
Familiarization with front panel control. Cleaning the dust, Cleaning the switch contacts with switch cleaning solution. Testing the fuse, Power cable & ON/OFF switch. Testing a Signal Generators Power supply circuit, oscillator circuit & output amplifier circuit for trouble shooting. Replacing the open Fuse with correct rating.
(5)CRO: Precaution to be taken in handling a CRO. Familiarization with front panel controls. Identify different blocks in a CRO. Study & Trouble shooting technique of CROs Power supply circuit, vertical amplifier, horizontal amplifier & Sweep generator circuit etc. Test the by doing voltage & waveform measurement at the test points provided. Check for proper operation of AUTO/NORMAL, LINE, CH-1 or CH-II, EXT etc. Check the calibration of the cro for accurate measurement by feeding the CAL signal to each channel. Cleaning of switches, potentiometers etc. Maintaining the test probes in proper condition. Test the probe with attenuation (X1, X10). Time base and amplitude control Triggering, ALT-CHOP mode
Familiarization with front panel controls and measurements Cleaning the dust, Cleaning the switch contacts by switch cleaning solution. Testing the fuse, Power cable & ON/OFF switch. Identify & testing a CROs Power supply Vertical amplifier circuit , horizontal amplifier & Sweep generator circuit etc. Check by feeding the CAL signal to the channel in use for accurate measurement. Test the circuit by doing voltage & waveform measurement at the test points provided. Check all functions AUTO/NORMAL, LINE, CH-1 or CH-II, EXT, selection of AC-DC-GND etc. Maintaining the test probes in proper condition. Use of CRO probes wth & without attenuation (X1, X10). Replacing the open Fuse with correct rating. Time base switch its functions, operation and repair
TOOLS & EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: 1. Screw drivers of different types & sizes. 2. Plier. 3. Long nose plier. 4. Watch makers screwdriver set. 5. Side cutter. 6. Brush. 7. Adjustable spanner 6. 8. Tweezer. 9. Soldering iron. 10. Analog Multimeter. 11. Digital multimeter. 12. Oscilloscope. 13. Function Generator.
CODE :ELC207 Entry qualification : 1. 8th std pass with age at least 14 years. 2. MES Modules on Basic Electronics -Repair and Maintenance of DURATION : 210 hrs : Candidate will be able to repair 2G and 3G cell phones Power supply, Inverter and UPS
Identify various components of mobile handsets Replace faulty parts with new parts of mobile phone that can be done without use of soldering Test the battery and battery charger with multimeter. Testing of Mic, speaker and vibrator Soldering and desoldering of various SMD components and select suitable temperature for use. Soldering and desoldering of BGA Ics. Check track continuity and use jumpers for track problems. Apply proper flux and cleaning the cell phone Test and rectify the problems in antenna and antenna switch Identify the fault and test the display interface circuits. Unlock and lock various functions Identify the faults of Network section and voice section and rectify them.
Identify BGA Ics. Identify various blocks and their functions Use of various solders , flux and cleaning agents. Use of antenna and antenna switch
Functions of display, CPU, memory Various locks used in cell phone Functions of the IF section, COBBA section and PA section. Complete knowledge of Block Diagram, circuit diagram, i.e., Power Section On/off circuit Net Section Charging Section Software Section
Rectify the faults related to SIM and SIM connector Rectify the faults in Camera and camera interface circuits Identify and Rectify the faults in Bluetooth circuits Use of anti-static mats
SIM and SIM related problems of GSM & CDMA PHONES Use of computer for cell phone servicing cell phone software Camera phones its constructional details and working Bluetooth and other wireless circuits. Flashing and its need- precautions to be taken while flashing Knowledge of downloading of add-on software, ring tones, wall papers, themes, etc. on nonmultimedia and multimedia handsets, window based handsets.
Complete hardware and software knowledge of PDA and multimedia handsets, Window based handsets.
RESOURCES ( for a batch of 20 trainees): 1. SMD rework station - 10 Nos. 2. Soldering station 6V/10W - 10 Nos. 3. Magnifying lens with illumination - 5 Nos. 4. BGA soldering kit - 10 Nos. 5. Computer with Flashing Unit - 5 Nos. 6. Tweezers ( assorted size and shapes ) 10 nos. 7. MULTIMETER ( Digital) 4 nos. 8. ANTI-STATIC PAD 9. Software compatible with different types of handsets. 10. Screw drivers assorted size and shapes (TROX) for cell phones (Every trainers should have his own tool kit set of screw drivers, blade, soldering iron, multimeter, set of pliers, cutting, nose, combination pliers)
CODE :ELC208 Entry qualification: 8th std pass with age at least 14 years. MES Modules on Basic Electronics -Repair and Maintenance of Power supply, Inverter and DURATION
: 150 hrs
TERMINAL COMPETENCY: HE/SHE can able to setup a intercom network with EPABX and
repair Electronic Push button Telephones.
Installation & Maintenance of Electronic Equipments in Cell phone towers Name of the Module: Installation & Maintenance of Electronic Equipments in Cell phone towers Sector Code Duration Entry qualification : Electronics : ELC209 : 240 Hrs : 8th std pass with age atleast 14 years. MES Modules on Basic Electronics -Repair and Maintenance of Terminal competency , Power supply, Inverter and UPS
: Should be able to: Install antenna Install and Maintain Generator set, UPS Install and maintain Base Terminal Station Underpinning Knowledge (Theory)
Electrical and personal safety, dangers and preventions
Programme Contents: Feeder Cables earthing, clamping, connector Ladders used installation of indoor and outdoor ladders Base Transciever Station (BTS) INSTALLATION Installation of transmission rack (TMR) Equipment Installation and safety Installation of Antenna Fundamentals of AC Microwave spectrum - CDMA, GSM - micro wave link wave guide modem multiplexing unit Switching Multiplexing Unit Tributary Frame Distrin\bution Unit Mini link cable and installation Antenna- mini-link & serving antenna, antenna maintenance UPS and its maintenance Generator set and its Maintenance Lighting arrestor Electrical wiring, cabling and routing
Resources: 1. Multimeter 2. Altimeter 3. GPS meter 4. binocular 5. VSWR Meter 6. M4 crimping tool 7. BNC crimping tool 8. SMZ crimping tool 9. MAINTENANCE TOOL KIT consisting of spanners, screw drivers etc 10. clamp meter
: Repair and Maintenance of PA and Audio System : Electronics. : ELC210 : 120 Hrs 8th std pass with age at least 14 years. MES Modules on Basic Electronics -Repair and Maintenance of Power supply, Inverter and UPS : After completion, the participant would be able to Maintain and repair of public address systems and Audio systems
CD Player
Identify the internal parts of CD player such as Loading motor and its assembly Turntable motor and its assembly Slider motor and tracking coil Linear tracking pickup assembly Servo system and OPU Lens cleaning Trouble shooting with the following faults.
Study the working principle of ACD and VCD players Study the functions of front panel controls Study the parts in mechanical section and their working Explain the loading action of CD player Study the motors used and the working of servo system Study the optical pickup unit and its working
Dead set, Tray does not open., Disc not reading, Track jumps, CD gets ejected
RESOURCES: PA system Mic assorted types Speakers assorted types and wattages CD/VCD players DVD players Wireless microphone (VHF)
Repair & maintenance of Photo Copier & Fax Machine Name of the course SECTOR CODE Entry qualification : Repair & maintenance of Photo Copier & Fax Machine. : ELECTRONICS : ELC211 : 8th std pass with age at least 14 years. MES Modules on Basic Electronics -Repair and Maintenance of Power supply, Inverter and UPS Duration :120 Hrs 1. : HE/SHE can able to repair Photo copying machine & Fax machines CONTENTS: Practical Competencies
Practice procedures for safety and health hazards measures
(a). PHOTO COPIER Operation of a photo copier. Dismantling and assembling of paper feed mechanism, paper tray, Thermal unit and Toner Unit. Identify the various sensors used in the copier and their fixtures. Fault finding and repairing in electrostatic high voltage unit. Dismantling and fitting of drum unit- cleaning of drum unit Dismantling and refitting of Carriage unit , mirror unit and light unit Fault finding in light unit Identify the faults and repair in the thermal unit. Control modules- understand the fault codes and identify the faulty sections. Fault finding in control module Periodic cleaning and servicing of copier machines Overall fault finding and repair a photo copier machine. Fault finding and repair of Colour copiers Repairing of Jumbo copiers Repairing of multipurpose copy printers. Repairing of heavy duty copiers (b). FAX MACHINE Operation of a Fax machine. Telephone line access and phone connection Dismantling and assembling of paper feed mechanism, paper tray, Thermal unit and Toner Unit of Fax machine Identify the various sensors used in the Fax machines
Image transfer methods Various types of sensors and their functions. Electrostatic charger and charging of drum assembly. Toner and its properties. Paper trays, Paper feed mechanism and the sensors used for paper movement Effects of light Intensity on charging the drum unit. Focusing, enlargement methods Functions of control module fault codes Fault finding methods and procedure for copier machines Principle of Colour Copiers Multipurpose copy printers and heavy duty copiers.
Principle of Fax machine. Properties of telephone line, ISDN line Data reception and printing Checksum and its importance Scanning of paper and converting to data.
Thermal printers and Ink printers. Identify the faults and repair in the thermal printer unit. Control modules- understand the fault codes and identify the faulty sections. Fault finding in control module Periodic cleaning and servicing of fax machines
Printers thermal and ink , their working principles. Paper trays, Paper feed mechanism and the sensors used for paper movement Functions of control module fault codes Fault finding methods and procedure for Fax machines Fault finding methods and procedure for Fax machines
RESOURCES: 1. Photo copier ( mono) 2. Photo copier colour 3. Copy printer 4. Jumbo copier 5. Fax machine 6. High voltage test unit 7. Multimeter
Maintenance of ECG & ICCU Instruments (Level 2) Name of the Module Sector Code Duration Entry qualification : Maintenance of ECG & ICCU Instruments (Level 2) : Electronics : ELC214 : 120 Hrs : 8th std pass with age atleast 14 years. + level 1 certification in ECG & ICCU Instruments or Persons with work experience in maintenance of ECG & ICCU Equipment or Certification in BASIC ELECTRONICS module
Terminal competency: Should be able to test electrical earth, test & replace faulty power chord, test patient cables, test & replace battery, charge battery Should be able to do performance test and study symptoms on ECG Recorders, ECG Monitors, Pulse Oximeter, and NIBP Machine. Should able to dismantle the equipment Should be able to do identify the faulty PCBs & Fuses in ECG Recorders, ECG Monitors, Pulse Oximeter, NIBP Machine and replace them Test components and replace faulty electronic components Contents: Practical Competencies Underpinning Knowledge (Theory)
Programme Contents: Multimeter and its application Basics of electricity define DC, AC // practical measuring units of voltage, current, resisistance. Testing of earth using test lamp Testing of earth using multimeter fuse types, use, testing Basic Electronics passive and active components, testing of components, Op-Amp Introduction, applications, construction, differential amplifier, biomedical amplifier, filters integrator, differentiator, notch filters, comparators Digital electronics gates and its application, multiplexers, de-multiplexers, counters Operation of ECG Recorders, Operation of ECG Monitors, defibrillatr, pulse oximeter, NIBP Machine block diagram of ECG recorder, Common PCBs and identification of PCBs, fuses in the PCB performance of ECG Recorder study of symptoms and finding out the faulty PCB, fuses in the PCB block diagram of ECG Monitor, Common
Practice procedures for safety Electrical and personal safety, dangers and and health hazards measures preventions
a. Operate Multimeter & Measure Resistance, voltage, current b. Use tools & Perform soldering and de-soldering c. Perform power chord maintenance of equipments d. Test earth using test lamp or multimeter e. Perform cable maintenance f. Open equipment g. replace fuses which are outside the equipment
a. Test the performance of ECG Recorder , study symptoms & Identify the faulty PCB b. Test the performance of ECG Monitor, study symptoms & Identify the faulty PCB c. Test the performance of pulse oximeter, study symptoms & Identify the faulty PCB d. Test the performance of NIBP Machine, study symptoms &
Practical Competencies
Identify the faulty PCB e. List out the tools required for performing intermediate level maintenance f. Follow dismantling procedure open the equipment and replace the faulty board g. Remove, test and replace blown fuse in the PCB
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Multimeter Soldering Iron De-soldering gun regulated power supply ECG Recorder cable single channel ECG Recorder cable Automatic ECG Monitor cable Pulse Oximeter cable Defibrillator cables
Maintenance of X-Ray Machine (Level 2) Name of the Module Sector Code Duration Entry qualification : Maintenance of X-Ray Machine (Level 2) : Electronics : ELC216 : 240 Hrs :8th std pass with age atleast 14 years. + Level 1 certification in X-Ray Machine or Persons with work experience in maintenance of X-Ray Machine or Certification in BASIC ELECTRONICS module
Terminal competency: Should able to use multimeter Should be able to test electrical earth, test & replace faulty power chord, test hightension cables cables, test Test fuse in the equipment and replace them when required Test switches, interlocks, magnetic relay, and circuit breakers and replace Maintain patient table, tube stands and tracks Should able to replace fused bulb in collimator Should be able to do performance test Should able to dismantle the x-ray machine Should able to maintain the x-ray tube housing Test components and replace faulty electronic components Contents : Practical Competencies Underpinning Knowledge (Theory)
Programme Contents: Multimeter and its application Basics of electricity define DC, AC // practical measuring units of voltage, current, resisistance. Use of line-tester Testing of earth using test lamp Testing of earth using multimeter Basic Electronics passive and active components, testing of components, Op-Amp Introduction, applications, construction, differential amplifier, biomedical amplifier, filters integrator, differentiator, notch filters, comparators Digital electronics gates and its application, multiplexers, de-multiplexers, counters Layout of a x-ray room, safety features required Fuse use, types used in X-Ray Machine, ratings Switches and interlocks, relay, circuit breakers in x-ray machine Power cord maintenance, changing broken 3-pin plug
Practice procedures for safety and health Electrical and personal safety, dangers hazards measures and preventions
a. Operate Multimeter & Measure Resistance, voltage, current b. Use line-tester, c. Perform power chord maintenance of equipments d. Test earth using test lamp or multimeter e. Replace fuse in the equipment and replace them when required f. Test switches, interlocks, magnetic relay, and circuit breakers and replace g. Maintain patient table, tube stands and tracks
h. Test the performance of X-ray Machine , test exposure timer, mille ampere testing, kilo voltage testing i. Test the performance using non-invasive x-ray QC device j. Maintaining of log book k. List out the tools required for performing maintenance l. X-ray tube housing maintenance j. Replacemen of fused bulb in Collimator k. Follow dismantling procedure open the equipment and replace the faulty board
high tension cables & its precautions General care and maintenance for mobile x-ray machine and stationary x-ray machine Operation of X-Ray Machine block diagram of x-ray machine, Common PCBs and identification of PCBs, fuses in the PCB performance of x-ray machine use of spinning top, wisconsin test tool, aluminium test wedge, dosimeter , Wisconsin test cassette non-invasive x-ray QC device use, operation bucky tray and its maintenance x-ray tube types, working, rating chart, faults in x-ray tube, tube housing collimator use, construction, bulb in collimator rating & replacement
1. 2. 3. 4. x-ray machine (mobile) x-ray machine (stationary) performance test tools non-invasive x-ray QC device
: Maintenance of Physiotherapy Equipment (Level 2) : Electronics : ELC218 : 120 Hrs : 8th std pass with age atleast 14 years.+ Level 1 certification in X-Ray Machine or Persons with work experience in maintenance of Physiotherapy Equipment or Certification in BASIC ELECTRONICS module
Terminal competency:
Should able to use multimeter Should be able to test electrical earth, test & replace faulty power chord & cables Test fuse in the equipment and replace them when required Should be able to do identify the faulty PCBs & Fuses Tens, Tnterferential therapy Machine, short-wave diathermy, ultrasound diathermy machine Should able to replace fused bulb in UV light Test components and replace faulty electronic components
Practical Competencies
SECTOR/AREA: Electronics
ATI-EPI, RAMANTHAPUR, HYDERABAD-500 013 The following members from various organizations/industries and officers of ATI-EPI, Hyderabad attended the Trade Committee Meeting on 10th May, 2006 at 10.30 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Institute for development of short term courses on Modular Employable Skills in the sector ELECTRONICS: S.No. Name of the Member with Designation S/Shri: Mirza Afzal Baig, Retd., Indian Airforce, Joaquim D. Silva, Manager Shiva Shanker, Service Co-ordinator M. Nagarjuna Chary, Service Engineer M. Narasimha Rao, Service Engineer (Sales & Service) D. Venkateswara Rao, Service Engineer S. Soma Sekhar, Service Engineer G. Narender Reddy Name of the Organization / Industry M/s BAIG Electronics Service Centre, Hyderabad M/s Program Power System, Nacharam, Hyderabad N/s ADONIS Electronics (P) Ltd., (ONIDA), Abids, Hyderabad. -doM.s SYSTRONIC, Shivam Road, Vidyanagar, Hyderabad. M.s Maruthi Electronics, 111-152, Shamlal Buildings, Begumpet, Hyderabad. M/s SAMSUNG India Electronics Ltd., Hyderabad M/s PHSITECH Electronics, 101/102, Padma Plaza, Secunderabad -doM/s Tirumala Diagnostics, Ramanthapur, Hyderabad. M/s SETWIN & EUGTECH Computers, Hyderabad ATI EPI, Ramanthapur, Hyderabad. -do-do-do-doPhone No.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
9392444101 27423064
7. 8.
9849075029 27537483
P. Venkateshwar Rao, N. Kumar Ch. Ekambareswar Rao H. Somasundaram, Director R.L. Singh, Jt. Director Sri V. Subramanyam, Asst. Director N. Ramesh Babu, Asst. Director C. Shiv Kumar, Trg. Officer