Competency-Based Curriculum: Government of India Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

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Hand Embroider



Government of India
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship


Sl. Topics Page No.

1. Introduction
2. General Information &Course Structure
3. Job Roles and Reference NOS & NCO
4. NSQF Level Compliance
5. General Training Plan, Examination & Pass Regulation
6. Learning Outcomes
6.1 Generic Outcomes
6.2 Specific Outcomes
7. Assessable Outcomes with Assessment Criteria
8. Syllabus Content with Time Structure
8.1 Syllabus Content for Professional Skill & Knowledge
8.2 Syllabus Content for Soft & Entrepreneurship Skills
9. Infrastructure
10. Assessment Standard
10.1Assessment Guideline
10.2 External Assessments
11. Annexure-I: List of Tools &Equipment
12. Annexure- II:List of Tools &Equipment for Soft &
13. Annexure-III:Guidelines for Instructors and Paper Setters
14. List of Trade Committee Members


The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship is an apex organization for

the development and coordination of the vocational training including vocational training
for women in our country. The Ministry conducts the training programmes through the
Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS), Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS), Modular
Employable Scheme (MES) under the Skill Development Initiative (SDI) Scheme, and
Craftsmen Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) to cater to the needs of different segments of
the Labour market. The National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) acts as a central
agency to advise Government of India in framing the training policy and coordinating
vocational training throughout India.

A majority of Indian workforce does not possess marketable skills which is an

obstacle in getting decent employment and improving their economic condition. A large
number of school drop outs do not have access to skill development for improving their
employability. The higher entry requirements and long duration of courses under the formal
training system are some of the obstacles for a person of low educational attainment to
acquire employable skills.

The Ministry is implementing the Modular Employable Skills (MES) under the Skill
Development Initiative (SDI) Scheme to provide vocational training to earlier school leavers
and existing workers to develop skilled manpower for the industry. Under the Modular
Employable Skills, training to earlier school leavers and existing workers,especially in the
unorganised sectors, are to be trained for employable skills. Training is provided by
registered Vocational Training Providers (VTPs) under the Government, Private Sector, and
Industrial establishments located all over the country. Testing of skills acquired informally by
an individual under the scheme is tested by Assessing Bodies. Nationally as well as
internationally recognisedNCVT certificate is issued to everysuccessful individual.

The key features of the Modular Employable Skills (MES) are:

 Short-term training programmes designed in consultation with the Industry.
 Identification of “minimum skills set” sufficient to get employment.
 Flexible training delivery mechanism (part time, weekend, or full time).
 Different levels of programmes (Foundation level to advanced level).
 Opportunity for lifelong learning.

The training under MES would benefit different target groups like workers seeking
certification of their skills acquired informally, workers seeking skill upgradation, and early
school dropouts and unemployed. Central Government facilitates and promotes the training

while Vocational Training Providers (VTP) under the Govt. and Private Sector provide the
training.Testing of skills is done by independent Assessing Bodies to ensure impartiality.

The National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), published in the Gazette of

India on 27th December, 2013, is a national framework that aims to integrate general and
vocational streams of education and training. The main thrust of the NSQF is to focus on
competency-based qualifications. The National Skill Development Agency (NSDA) under
the Ministry is responsible for the implementation of the Framework, by bringing together
the key stakeholders through the National Skill Qualifications Committee (NSQC).

The competency-based framework organizes qualifications into ten levels, with the
entry level being 1, and the highest level being 10. Each level of the NSQF is described by a
statement of learning outcomes in five domains, known as level descriptors. These five
domains are (1) Process, (2) Professional knowledge, (3) Professional skill, (4) Core skill, and
(5) Responsibility. The paradigm shift from learning focused on inputs to an
outcome/competency-based education would help in the Recognition of Prior Learning
(RPL), and simultaneously enable the alignment of the Indian qualifications with
international ones. Government funding is expected to be on a preferential basis for NSQF
compliant courses. The NSQF notification provides a Qualification Register, which is the
official national database of all qualifications aligned to NSQF levels. Through this Register,
learners can expect access to all NSQF compliant qualifications.

The Ministry has set up Mentor Councils to focus on courses under NCVT in various
sectors with representation from thought leaders among different stakeholders viz.,
industries, innovative entrepreneurs who have proved to be game-changers,
academic/professional institutions, and champion ITIs for each of the sectors. The Mentor
Council for each sector reviews curricula, admission criteria, course duration, and
requirement of trainers and assessment/evaluation systems for the sector on a continuous
basis and make recommendations regarding the same. Sector-wise Core Groups are formed
to plan and prepare the documentation for the competency-based curricula for the courses
under each sector.


1 Qualification :HAND EMBROIDER

2 MES Code No. :GAR -501
3 NSQF Level :2
4 Duration of Modular Training :520Hrs +100Hrs
5 Entry Qualification :Passed 5th Class
6 Trainees per unit :20

Distribution of training on Hourly basis:

Sl. Broad Theory & Practical components to be Duration (in Hrs)

No. covered
1. Hand embroider (theory& practical) 520Hrs
2. Soft Skills 100Hrs
Total 620Hrs



Trained person would be able to make decorative handicrafts, do embroidery at nick lines
Yokes, Sleeves, kameez etc.


QP/NOS : AMH/N 1001&,AMH/N 1002,AMH/N 1003,AMH/N 1004,AMH/N
1005 & QP AMH/Q 1001

NCO: 7436.15


NSQF level for Hand Embroider trade under MES: Level -2

The Broad Learning outcomes of Hand Embroider trade under MES matches with the Level
descriptor at Level- 2
The NSQF level 2 descriptor is given below:

LEVEL Process Professional Professional Core skill Responsibility

required knowledge skill
Level 2 Prepares Material tools Limited service Receive and No responsibility
persons and skill use in limited transmit written works under
to/carry out application in context , select and oral instructions and
process that are a limited and apply tools , messages, basic close supervision
repetitive on context , assist in arithmetic
regular basis understands professional personal
with little context of financing
application of work and understanding
understanding, quality of social
more of political works
practice with no
good and bad


General Training Plan

The knowledge and skill components as stated in the section for ‘learning outcomes’ are to
be imparted in accordance with the instructions in respect of the content and time structure.

The competency assessment for the Modular Employable Skills under the SDI scheme is
being done by the assessor of the independent Assessing Bodies (AB) which is not involved
in training delivery, to ensure an impartial assessment. The assessment process through
Assessing Bodies aims to test and certify the competency of the persons who seek
certification of their skills acquired informally or the persons who have been trained at the
registered VTPs. In the assessment process, identification of competency, ways to measure
the competency and deciding on the type of evidence that has to be collected are the
responsibility of the Assessing Bodies whereas administering the assessment and collecting
the evidence and reporting the results are the responsibility of the assessors.

Candidates are to demonstrate that they are able to:

1. Plan and organize work processes, identify necessary materials and tools;
2. Perform task with due consideration to safety rules, accident prevention
regulations and environmental protection stipulations;
3. Apply professional knowledge and soft skills& entrepreneurship while performing
the task.
4. Check the job for accuracy, identify and rectify errors in job.

The details of the assessment standard are as per section-13.

Pass regulation:
Minimum passing marks for Practical is 60%
Minimum pass marks for theory is 40%

Successful persons will be awarded certificates issued by National Council for Vocational
Training (NCVT).


The following are minimum broad learning outcomes after completion of the Hand
Embroider course of 520+100 hrs duration::


1. Recognize & comply safe working practices, environment regulation and

2. Understand and practice soft skills, OSH&E, working with Computer and
communicate with required clarity.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of concept and principles of basic arithmetic calculation and
apply knowledge of specific area to perform practical operations.
4. Explain time management, entrepreneurship and manage/organize related task in day
to day work for personal & societal growth.


1. Practice and application of basic stiches and decorative stiches.
2. Practice with different designs.
3. Practice transferring designs to different fabric.
4. Practice on zardozi, ribbon, Beads, Mirror work etc.

NOTE: Learning outcomes are reflection of total competencies of a trainee. Each learning outcome may
include multiple assessment components. However assessment will be carried out as per assessable outcome and
assessment criteria.


1. The training shall be conducted as per the syllabus.
2. The trainee shall demonstrate the competencies which are defined below in assessable
outcome and assessment criteria.
3. All the assessable outcomes are to be tested during formative assessment, observations,
and viva-voce.
4. Assessable outcome of Soft skills & entrepreneurship shall be tested separately and also
be applied in Theory and Practical examinations.
5. These assessable outcomes and assessment criteria will serve as a set of guidelines for
Trainers and Assessors.

Generic assessable outcomes:

1. Recognize & comply safe 1.1 Follow and maintain procedures to achieve a safe working
working practices, environment in line with occupational health and safety
environment aspect and regulations and requirements and according to site policy.
housekeeping. 1.2 Identify and take necessary precautions on fire and safety
hazards and report according to site policy and procedures.
1.3 Report supervisor/ Competent of authority in the event of
accident or sickness of any staff and record accident details
correctly according to site accident/injury procedures.
1.4 Identify Personal Productive Equipment (PPE) and use the
same as per related working environment.
1.5 Identify basic first aid and use them under different
1.6 Take opportunities to use energy and materials in an
environmentally friendly manner
1.7 Avoid waste and dispose waste as per procedure

1.8 Recognize different components of 5S and apply the same in

the working environment.
2. Understand and practice 2.1 Recognize & practice soft skills in day to day work.
soft skills, working with 2.2 Conduct appropriate discussions within the team and report to
Computer and communicate higher authority.
with required clarity. 2.3 Present facts and circumstances and use appropriate
terminology related to work.
2.4 Conduct written communication.
2.5 Use computers and access internet for day to day activity
3. Demonstrate concept and 3.1 Apply basic financing and accounting procedures in
principles of basic professional life and for managing day to day personal finances.

accounting procedures and 3.2 Identify the source of financing institutions for taking loans
apply knowledge of specific etc.
area to perform practical
4. Explain time 4.1 Ascertain appropriate time for the assigned task.
management, 4.2 Execute the assigned task within time frame.
entrepreneurship and 4.3 Manage own work within specified time.
manage/organize related 4.4 Explain importance & factors affect the development
task in day to day work for of entrepreneurship.
personal & social growth. 4.5 Identify service providers for developing entrepreneur/ business

Specific assessable outcomes:

Assessable outcomes Assessment criteria

1. Practice and  Select correct needles, frame, scissor & tracing method.
application of basic stiches  Select suitable design, thread & fabric.
and decorative stiches.  Carryout embroidery work as per the design
requirement .
 Maintain hygiene
 Maintain safety expects.
 Maintain Quality as per requirement.
 Practice with different  Select correct needles, frame, scissor & tracing method.
designs  Select suitable design, thread & fabric.
 Carryout embroidery work as per the design
requirement .
 Maintain hygiene
 Maintain safety expects.
 Maintain Quality as per requirement
 Practice transferring  Select correct tracing tools .
designs to different fabric.  Select suitable design, & Tracing Method
 Select Suitable fabric
 Check tracing and techniques.
 Maintain hygiene
 Maintain safety expects.
 Maintain Quality as per requirement
 Practice on zardozi,  Select correct needles, frame, scissor & tracing method.
ribbon, Beads, Mirror  Select suitable design, thread & fabric.
work etc.
 Select suitable accessories.
 Carryout embroidery work as per the design
requirement .
 Maintain hygiene
 Maintain safety expects.
 Maintain Quality as per requirement


8.1 FOR THE MODULE OF Hand Embroider

Duration : 620hrs

Learning Objectives
1.Learning Objectives:
1. Communicate with required clarity ensuring that the information communicated is
clear and accurate.
2. Understand and apply basic computer working, basic operating system and uses
internet services to get accustomed & take benefit of IT developments in the industry.
3. Knowledge of entrepreneurship and identify establishment for supporting the
development of businesses/entrepreneurship.
4. Follow and maintain procedures to achieve a safe working environment in line with
occupational health, safety, environment regulations.
5. Comply time management technique in day to day work.

Detailed Syllabus:
Practical Competencies Under Pinning Knowledge ( Theory)
 Practice Health & Safety-  Importance of hand
Select, use, maintain & store- embroidery .
tools, equipments & clothing  Knowledge of hand embroidery
safely. tools
 Practice of Basic stitches  Knowledge of different basic
(Flat, Knot & Loop stitches) and decorative stitches.
Application of decorative  Methods of transferring a
stitches. design
 To design & practice,  Softy Precautions to be taken
motifs,Floral designs, while using embroidery tools .
geometrical design and to  Knowledge of accessories used
finish with various in embroidery.
decorative stitches.
 Practice of transferring
designs to different fabrics .
 Practice on different types of
embroidery works like
zardozi, ribbon , beads,
mirror work etc.


General Information


Applicability :Compulsory with every SDIS module of duration 300 Hrs. or
Hours of Instruction 100 Hrs.
Assessment : Theassessmentshall beconductedby independent Assessing
Instructor Qualification MBA OR BBA with two years experience OR Graduate in
Sociology/ Social Welfare/ Economics with Two years
experience OR Graduate/ Diploma with Two years
experience and trained in Employability Skills from DGET

Must have studied English/ Communication Skills and

Basic Computer at 12th / Diploma level and above


Learning Objectives:
6. Communicate with required clarity ensuring that the information communicated is
clear and accurate.
7. Understand and apply basic computer working, basic operating system and uses
internet services to get accustomed & take benefit of IT developments in the industry.
8. Knowledge of entrepreneurship and identify establishment for supporting the
development of businesses/entrepreneurship.
9. Follow and maintain procedures to achieve a safe working environment in line with
occupational health, safety, environment regulations.
10. Comply time management technique in day to day work.

Detail of Syllabus:
Sl. Practical Theory
1. Development Competency / Proficiency in English
/Vernacular(Hindi/regionalLanguage) - 15 Hrs.
Practice on:
 Oral/spoken communication skill & testing - voice and accent, voice clarity, voice
modulation & intonation, word stress etc.
 Feedback & questioning technique:
 Objectiveness in argument (Both one on one and in groups)
 5 Ws& 1 H & 7 Cs for effective Communication
 Development Etiquette and manners
 Study of different pictorial expression of non-verbal communication and its
2. Effective Communication - 10 Hrs.
 Concept of Effective Communication
 Components of Effective Communication- Conviction, confidence & enthusiasm,
 Communication Process & Handling them
 KISS (keep it short & simple) in communication - composing effective messages
 Barriers to Communication- Int. & Ext Barriers Intrinsic Motivation,
Perception, Language, Fear Power of speech etc.
 Listening -it's importance, Good and bad listening
 Non-Verbal Communication - its importance and Nuances Facial Expression,
Posture, Gesture, eye contact, Appearance (Dress Code)
3. Self & Time Management - 10 Hrs.
 Self Management  Self Management
 Self Evaluation  Identifying one's strength and weakness
 Self discipline  Planning & Goal setting
 Self criticism  Managing self -emotions, ego, pride
 Recognition of one's own limits and
 Independency etc.
 Thoughtful & Responsible
 Self Awareness
 Time Management Technique  Time Management concept
 Practice by game play and other  Attendance, Discipline & Punctuality
learning methodology for achieving  Act in time on commitment
targets and getting of right first time  Quality /Productive time
4. Motivation Techniques - 05hrs.
 Motivation/ Inspiration  Motivation techniques
 Ability to shape and direct  Motivation technique based on needs
working/process methods according and field situation
to self defined criteria  Idealising
 Motivate customers
 Ability to think for oneself
 Apply oneself to a task
independently with self motivation.
5. Interpersonal Skill Development - 05 Hrs.
 Interpersonal Skill Development  Interpersonal Skill
 Positive Relationship  Importance of interpersonal skill
 Positive Attitudes
 Empathise : comprehend other
opinions, points of views, and face
them with understanding
 Mutuality
 Trust
 Emotional Bonding
 Handling Situations (Interview)
6. Computer Literacy - 20 Hrs.
 Computer Fundamentals -  Computer Fundamentals, MS-Office &
Customize the Desktop Internet
Environment e.g.  Introduction to Computers History of
 Desktop, Start Menu, and Taskbar Computers Components of Hardware
etc. Peripherals
 Configuring & Migrating Files,  Concept of Operating System -
Folders & Settings - Folder Views, Windows XP Exploring & Configuring
Accessibility Settings the Windows XP
 MS Word -Creating, Organizing &  Desktop Environment - Customize the
Formatting Content Collaborating -  Desktop,
Merge, Insert, View, Edit, Track  Start Menu, and Taskbar etc.
Mode etc. Configuring & Migrating Files, Folders
 Formatting & Managing Documents &Settings - Folder Views, Accessibility
 MS Excel -Creating, Analyzing & Settings
Formatting Data &  Features of Windows XP
ContentCollaborating - Insert, View,  Understanding concepts of Word
Edit etc. Managing Workbooks processing using MS-Word
 MS PowerPoint Creating &  Understanding concepts of Electronic
Formatting Content Collaborating - spreadsheet and various types of entries
Track, Edit, Add, Delete Comments, in it
 Managing & Delivering

 Internet Concepts  Understanding concepts of URL -
 Opening websites and Creating and Opening an E-mail
downloading data Writing, reading account. Receiving and sending emails
and sending emails, Searching information on Internet.
Life Skills - 05 Hrs.
07. • Knows how to use technology to
communicate safely and effectively.
• Knows and understands the concept of
• Knows how to access community
resources in case of emergency.
• Knows how to obtain copies of personal
• Knows how to book train ticket, Bus
Ticket and Air Ticket.
• Knows how to get a driver's license.
Entrepreneurship - 20 Hrs.
08. • Define the term Entrepreneurship
• Definition of entrepreneurship from
different perspectives.
• Outline the importance of
entrepreneurship Importance of
• Enhances creativity and innovation
• Builds self confidence in people
• Serves as a tool for nation building
• Serves as the engine of growth for the
• Explain the reasons why
entrepreneurship should be developed in
a country
• Reasons include: employment
generation, increased
nationalproduction, re-investing
nationalresources, harnessing youth
• Describe who an entrepreneur is and
who a business person is
• An entrepreneur refers to one who
undertakes to organize and

manageresources and assumes the risk
of a business to come out with goods
and services.
• State the characteristics of an
• Characteristics of the entrepreneurs:
Risk taking, Need to achieve, Innovation
and creativity, Opportunity, Orientation
• Explain the factors that affect the
development of entrepreneurship
• Factors that affect the development of
entrepreneurial spirit in people:
i) Environment immediate family and
community, national, international
ii) Financial
iii) Displacement, etc.
• The role of the
i) Government
ii) Society
iii) Families and friends
iv) Other stakeholders, for example,
financial institutions play in the
development of entrepreneurship in
the Country.
• Define employment
• Describe the types of employment
(i) Wage employment
(ii) Self employment
• State the advantage and disadvantage of
wage and self employment
• Types and characteristics of wage
employment and self employment.
• Outline the reasons why people go into
wage or self employment
(i) Self employment
(ii) Regain lost image
(iii) Exercise control over business
(iv) Become boss
(v) Wage employment
(vi) Assured income
(vii) Commitment may be less.
• Define small business
• Small business are defined based on the
number ofpeople and the capital
• State the characteristics of small
business, Labour intensive Small capital
outlay, etc.
• List the areas of small operationAreas:
Trading, Catering, Etc
• Outline the role of small businesses
• The role that small businesses play in the
country. They form thenursery for other
entrepreneurs technical base for
economic development ,platform for
mobilizing resources for economic
development. Etc.
• Explain the challenges/problems facing
small businesses
• Challenges/problems facing small
businesses include:
(i) Financing
(ii) Access to markets
• Government policies
• Inadequate managerial skills
• Define the business environment
• Definition of the terms:
(i) Business
(ii) Environment
(iii) Business environment
• Business development service providers
in India.
Institutions and Banks.
• Describe the procedure for
registering a business
• Define Business Idea
• Definition of business idea., source of
business idea. Programmes/ procedure
and available schemes.
• Describe how to generate Business Plan
• Generation of business ideas Consider
talents, skills and knowledge required
Identify problems and find innovative
solutions to them, market survey Etc.
• Mention the sources of Business Ideas
Sources of ideas
(i) Needs and wants of the community
(ii) External environment
(iii) Hobbies and interest.
• State the process of starting a New
Enterprises Process
• Mobilize resources reorganize resources
• Assess the suitability of the various
sources/uses of fund
• The advantages and disadvantages of the
various sources of funds .
• Distinguish between: Money, cash and
cheques, Notes, coins and currency .
• Detail description of money, cash,
cheques, notes,coins, currency.
• How to open bank account?
• How to fill up Cheque?
• How to deposit cheque in the bank?
• What is PAN Card?
• Why it is mandatory? Explain on-line
• Explain source Documents Source
• receipts ,honour certificate, invoice.
• List the Basic Books kept by Small
Business Basic books :
(i) Cash record
(ii) Stock
(iii) Credit purchase (Creditors
(iv) Account Record)
(v) Credit sales book (customers
(vi) Accounts Record)
(vii) Record Books (Ledger)
(viii) Trial balance.
09. Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education - 10 Hrs
Safety & Health • Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health importance of
safety and health at workplace.
Occupational • Basic Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Vibroacoustic Hazards,
Hazards Mechanical Hazards, Electrical Hazards, Thermal Hazards.
• Occupational health, Occupational hygienic, Occupational
Diseases/ Disorders & its prevention.
Accident & safety • Basic principles for protective equipment.

Accident Prevention • Accident Prevention techniques - control of accidents and safety

First Aid • Care of injured & Sick at the workplaces, First-Aid &
Transportation of sick person
Basic Provisions • Idea of basic provision of safety, health, welfare under legislation
of India.
Ecosystem • Introduction to Environment. Relationship between Society and
Environment, Ecosystem and Factors causing imbalance.
Pollution • Pollution and pollutants including liquid, gaseous, solid and
hazardous waste.
Energy Conservation • Conservation of Energy, re-use and recycle.
Environment • Right attitude towards environment, Maintenance of in - house

Above practices may be imparted by usingMovie clips, games, examples, story / sharing
questionnaire /role play/ exercise/Task, Video / Audio recording, group discussion, role
play etc.


1. Instructors’ Qualification Graduate in Apparel related subject

3 years Diploma in Costume Design & Dress making /
Fashion technology from recognized institute with two
years’ experience in the field.

2. Desirable qualification Craft Instructor certificate in any trade of Garment

3. Space Norms -
4. Power Norms 2 KW
5.Tools, Equipment & General (As per Annexure I)



Appropriate arrangements should be made to ensure that there will be no artificial barriers to
assessment. The nature of special needs should be taken into account while undertaking the
assessment. Due consideration shall be given while assessing for teamwork,
avoidance/reduction of scrap/wastage and disposal of scarp/wastage as per procedure,
behavioral attitude, sensitive to environment and regularity in training. The sensitivity
towards OSHE and self-learning attitude shall be considered while assessing competency.

Assessment will be evidence based comprising the following:

1) Job carried out in labs/workshop
2) Record book/ daily diary
3) Answer sheet for assessment
4) Viva-voce
5) Progress Chart
6) Attendance and punctuality
7) Assignment
8) Project work

Evidence of internal assessment should be preservedfor an appropriate period of time for

audit and verification by examination body.

The following marking pattern to be adopted while assessing:

a) Weightage in the range of 60-75% to be allotted during assessment under following

performance level:
For performance in this grade, the candidate with occasional guidance and showing due
regard for safety procedures and practices, has produced work that demonstrates attainment
of an acceptable standard of craftsmanship. In this work there is evidence of:
 Demonstration of good skill in the use of hand tools, machine tools, and workshop
 Below 70% tolerance dimension achieved while undertaking different work with those
demanded by the component/job.
 A fairly good level of neatness and consistency in the finish
 Occasional support in completing the project/job.

b) Weightage in the range of above75%- 90% to be allotted during assessment under

following performance level:

For this grade, the candidate, with little guidance and showing due regard for safety
procedures and practices, has produced work that demonstrates attainment of a reasonable
standard of craftsmanship. In this work there is evidence of:
 Good skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine tools, and workshop equipment
 70-80% tolerance dimension achieved while undertaking different work with those
demanded by the component/job.
 A good level of neatness and consistency in the finish
 Little support in completing the project/job

c) Weightage in the range of above 90% to be allotted during assessment under following
performance level:
For performance in this grade, the candidate, with minimal or no support in
organization and execution and with due regard for safety procedures and practices, has
produced work which demonstrates attainment of a high standard of craftsmanship. In this
work there is evidence of:
 High skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine tools, and workshop equipment
 Above 80% tolerance dimension achieved while undertaking different work with
those demanded by the component/job.
 A high level of neatness and consistency in the finish.
 Minimal or no support in completing the project.

1. Recognize & comply safe working practices, environment
regulation and housekeeping.
2. Recognize & comply safe working practices, environment
regulation and housekeeping.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of concept and principles of basic
arithmetic calculation and apply knowledge of specific area to
perform practical operations.
4. Explain time management, entrepreneurship and
manage/organize related task in day to day work for personal &
societal growth
Total of External assessment

Annexure - I
12. List of Tools & Equipment for module:Hand Embroider
For a batch of 20 trainee

Sl no Name of Tool/ Equipment Quantity

1. Embroidery Needle 20
2. Tracing paper 20
3. Embroidery frame 20
4. Big & Small trimming scissors 20
5. Trimmers 20
6. Seam Ripper 20
7. Embroidery Threads As required
8. Sequences, Beads Mirrors etc As required
9. Electric iron 01
10. Press stand 01


Tools & Equipment for Soft & Entrepreneurship Skills:

SI. Name of the Equipment Quantity

1 Server Computer (Latest configuration) 10 Nos for a batch of 20
2 Multimedia Nodes (Pre-loaded Windows 2000
or latest)
3 Inkjet/Laser Printer 1 no.
1 Windows 2008
2 Microsoft Office 2010 Professional
3 Anti Virus Software (TVD/ Norton/Any
popular brand)
4 Internet connection 0



1. Due care to be taken for proper & inclusive delivery among the batch. Some of the
following method of delivery may be adopted:
3. Maximum utilization of latest form of training viz., audio visual aids, integration of IT, etc.
May be adopted.
4. The total hours to be devoted against each topic may be decided with due diligence to
safety & with prioritizing transfer of required skills.
5. Assessment may be based on following instructions:-

Sl. Question on different aspect Weightage in

No. %age
1 Knowledge 15
2 Understanding 15
3 Practical Execution 70

1. Due weightage to be given to all the topics under the syllabus while assessing.

No. Name of the member with Post (Shri /Smt/Ms) Organisation Position in SMC
1 Mr. S. Venkatesh, Head HR & Admin Raymond Member
2 Mr. Sanjeev Mohanty Bennetton India Pvt. Ltd.,
Managing Director Gurgaon Member

3 Mr. Animesh Saxena Udyog Vihar Industries

Association, Gurgaon
B-40, Phase 5, Udyog Member
4 Dr.Darlie Koshy IAM & ATDC
Director General and CEO Apparel Export
Promotion Council Chairman

5 Mr. Arindam Das National Institute of

Fasion Technology, New

6 Dr. Kushal Sen D/o Textile Technology

Professor IIT Delhi Member

7 Mr. Bhatacharya. G Institute for Textile

HOD Textiles Department Technology, Member

8 Ms. Poonam Thakur NIIFT, Mohali

Professor & Academic Head Member

9 Mr. L.N. Meena, Lecturer Arya Bhatt Polytechnic,

Delhi Member

10 Mr. Prabhas Kashyap , General Manager- Planning Gokaldas Export Ltd.,

& Production Co-ordination Bangalore
11 Bishwanath Ganguly
Madura Fashion & Retail,
Aditya Birla Centre for
Retail Excellence
(A B C R E)

12 K.N. Chatterjee, HOD Fashion and Apparel THE TECHNOLOGICAL Member

Engineering INST. OF TEXTILE &
SCIENCES, Bhiwani,
Haryana, INDIA-127021.

13 Tapas Kumar Adhikari, Sr. Manager Reliance Industries Ltd. Member

14 Vikas Verma, Asst. Vice President Welspun India Ltd. Member

15 Navjot Walia, Vice President Maral Overseas Ltd., Member

16 Rajeev Mehani, Vice President Vardhaman Textiles Member

17 Mr.R.P. Dhingra, Director (P) DGE&T Mentor
Core Group
Sl. Name of the member with Designation (Shri
Institute Position in SMC
No. /Smt/Ms)
18 Mr. Haradhan Das, TO CSTARI, Kolkata Member
19 Mr. Subhankar Bhowmik, DPA Gr. B NIMI, Chennai NIMI Representative
20 Mr. Rajendra Kumar, JDT(WT) DGE&T Member
21 Ms. D. Shanthi, ADT RVTI, Trivendrum Member
22 Ms. Abha Rastogi, TO RVTI, Panipat Member
23 Ms. Chitra, TO RVTI, Panipat Member
24 Ms. Rinku Soni, TO RVTI, Jaipur Member
25 Ms. Babita, TO NVTI, Noida Member
26 Ms. Bhagyashree, TO RVTI, Indore Member
27 Mr. L. R. Ramesh Babu, TO RVTI, Trivendrum Member
28 Mr. S.S. Meena, TO NVTI, Noida Member
Mr. Bhavin Kumar M. Solanki ITI, Jambughoda,Gujarat Member
30 Mrs. Divya, TO RVTI, Bangalore Member


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