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I. Key Terms II. Equations III. Test Questions IV. Universal Tips I. Key Terms

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Kevin Dizon-Cua

I. II. III. IV. I.

Key Terms Equations Test Questions Universal Tips Key Terms

Chapter 1-Introduction, Measurement, Estimating Observation-design and carrying out experiments. Theories-explains and order the observations. Broader, more detailed, and can give quantitatively testable predictions, often with precision. Model-trying to understand a particular set of phenomena. Precision-refers to the repeatability of the measurement using a given instrument. Accuracy-refers to how close a measurement is to the true value. Significant Figures-number of reliably known digits in a number. Chapter 2-Kinematics in One Dimension Any measurement of position, distance, or speed must be made with respect to a reference frame, or frame of reference. Ex: while on a train traveling at 80km/h, a person walks past you at 5km/h. Persons speed=5km/h with reference to the train. Displacement-how far an object is from its starting point Decelerating-does not mean that the acceleration is necessarily negative. Ex: treat right as positive and left as negative; if the object slows down while going to the right, the acceleration is negative, and if the acceleration is going to the left and slows down, the acceleration is positive. Chapter 3-Kinematics in Two Dimensions; Vectors Projectile Motion-analyze only when object is moving freely through air under the action of gravity alone; after it has been projected, and before it lands or gets caught. Chapter 4-Newtons Laws of Motion Force-any kind of push or pull on an object Normal Force-a contact force acts perpendicular to the common surface of contact Chapter 5-Circular Motion; Gravitation Centripetal Force-makes a body follow a curved path Chapter 6-Work and Energy Conservative Forces-work done does not depend on the path taken but only on the initial and final positions. Nonconservative Force-work object does depends on the path Chapter 7-Linear Momentum

Center of mass-point at which the net force can be considered to act, for purposes of determining the translational motion of the object as a whole



Chapter 2-Describing Motion: Kinematics in One Dimension All equations regarding kinematics require constant acceleration.


useful for solving for time. For example, if

youre given x is 5, v0 as 3, and A=6, you can solve for time easily. 5=3T+3T2 -> 3T2+3T-5=0 this represents a quadratic. Plug in 3 for a, 3 for b, and -5 as C into the quadratic , highly recommend making a quadratic formula into your calculator as it saves time and is very simple to make. Use the positive time result, as time cant be negative. Note I used random numbers, not exactly sure if they worked or not, but the process is valid. Can utilize the fact that an objects velocity at its maximum height is 0 to solve for various variables E.G. Maximum height X Chapter 3-Kinematics in Two Dimensions; Vectors




self-explanatory; use to find resultant displacementwhich is a vector. Construct a right triangle and let be the resultant displacement-which is the hypotenuse in your constructed right triangle. D1 and D2 are the x/y components of your right triangle. It is important to separate the x and y values; use xcos to find x, ysin to find y. Use resultant eq. to solve for the resultant. to solve for range. Ex. From book:Suppose one of Napoleons cannons had a muzzle velocity, v0, of 60.0m/s. At what angle should it have been aimed to strike a target 320m away

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screw the angle; dont think well have a problem like this.

Use logic when solving problems involving x and y values. It is crucial to realize that if it takes T amount of time to reach X distance, you have to have the same amount of time T to reach a vertical distance Y. Chapter 4-Newtons Laws of Motion

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