Error Detection and Correction: CIT 595 Spring 2008

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Data that is either transmitted over communication channel (e.g. bus) or stored in memory is not completely error free

Error Detection and Correction

CIT 595 Spring 2008

Error can caused by: 1. Transmission Errors

Signal distortion or attenuation E.g. sender and receiver out of syn, can happen if clocks are not synchronized systems distributed over network

2. Storage Errors
DRAM memory cell contents can change spuriously due to some electromagnetic interference In magnetic storage devices such as disks, magnetic flux density increases could cause one or more bits to flip (change that value)

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Error Detection and Correction

Error detection is the ability to detect errors Error correction has an additional feature that enables identification and correction of the errors Error detection always precedes error correction Both can be achieved by having extra/redundant/ check bits in addition to data deduce that there is an error
Original Data is encoded with the redundant bit(s) New data formed is known as code word

The simplest and oldest error detection method A binary digit called parity is used to indicate whether the number of bits with 1 in a given set of bits is even or odd
The parity bit is then appended to original data

Usually used to detect transmission error

Sender adds the parity bit to existing data bits before transmission Receiver checks for the expected parity, If wrong parity found, the received data is discarded and retransmission is requested

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Parity type: Even

Forced an even number of ones on total data sent
000 0001 000 0011 1000 0001 0001 0001

Parity type: Odd

Forced an odd number of ones 000 0001 000 0011 0 000 0001 1 000 0011

Generating even parity bit is just an XOR function

Odd parity is generated using a XNOR function

Data Received Examples: 0111 1111 - incorrect 1000 0000 - incorrect 1000 0001 - valid

Note that error could be in data or parity Not entirely fool proof
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Limitations of Parity
Cannot determine which bit position has a problem If 001 is encountered, it is not a valid code-word and hence error is detected The correct code-word could either be 101 or 011 but we cannot tell
Data Word 00 01 10 11 000 001 010 011 Parity Code (Even) 0 1 1 0 100 101 110 111 Code Word 000 011 101 110

Limitations of Parity (contd..)

What happens if the code word is subjected to 2-bit error? E.g. 011 became 000 while transmission According to parity scheme, no error is detected but error!! In general
If an odd number of bits (including the parity bit) are changed from a set of bits Then parity bit will be incorrect and will thus indicate that an error has occurred

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8 possible, only 4 correct code-words

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Hamming Distance and Error Detection

Hamming Distance = # of bit positions in which 2 code words differ
E.g. 10001001 and 10110001 have distance of 3

Hamming Distance and Error Correction

If there is a larger hamming distance between valid code words Then we may be able to determine which valid codeword was intended Suppose a code needs just 2 different values, and we use: One valid value = 0000 0000 and the other = 1111 1111 Then distance between these is 8 Suppose we got 2 bit changes so that: 0000 0000 became 0011 0000 Can we determine what the transmitted value was? Was it more likely 0000 0000 or 1111 1111?

If distance is d, then d-single bit errors are required to convert any one valid code into another
Implying that this error would not be detected

In previous parity example (slide 7)

Could detect 1-bit error as 4 code words had hamming distance = 2 But could not detect 2-bit error

In general, to detect k-single bit error, minimum hamming distance D(min) = k + 1

Hence we need code words that have D(min) = 2 + 1 = 3 to detect 2-bit errors

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Hamming Distance and Error Correction (contd..)

The greater the distance between valid code words, the easier it is to figure what the correct codeword was Requires additional redundant bits (> 1 parity bit) to chose code words that are far apart D(min) = 2k + 1 is required for correcting k-errors

Hamming Code (HC)

Hamming Code is type of Error Correcting Code (ECC)
Provides error detection and correction mechanism

Adopt parity concept, but have more than one parity bit In general hamming code is code word of n bits with m data bits and r parity (or check bits)
i.e. n = m + r

Can detect D(min) 1 errors Can correct errors

Hence to correct k errors, need D(min) = 2k + 1

Need a least a distance of 3 to correct a single bit error
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Determining # of Parity bits for single-bit correction Hamming Code for single-bit error correction is the most commonly used Experiments (IBM study) show 98% time there are single-bit errors Need determine r for m-data bits that provides code words of n-bits that has single-bit correction capabilities

Determining # of Parity bits for single-bit correction An error could occur in any of the n bits of the code word, so each code word can be associated with n erroneous words (at a hamming distance of 1)
E.g. Previous Parity Example (slide 7) 000 can become 001 or 010 or 100 due to single bit error

Therefore, we have n + 1 bit patterns for each code word: one valid code word, and n erroneous words This gives us the inequality: (n + 1) 2 m 2 n
2 m is the number of legal code

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Hamming Code: Determining Parity bits for single-bit correction Because n = m + r, we can rewrite the inequality as: (m + r + 1) 2 m 2 m + r or (m + r + 1) 2 r This inequality gives us a lower limit on the number of parity bits that we need in our code words
Example: Suppose we have data words of length m = 4

Hamming Algorithm for Code Generation

Hamming Algorithm provides a technique to design codes for single-bit error correction We will look at an example generating code word
Steps/rules are provided in the book section 2.7.2

(4 + r + 1) 2 r
Implies that r must be greater than or equal to 3 To build a code with 4-bit data words that will correct single-bit errors, we must add 3 check bits

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Example: Generation of 12-bit Code word

8-bit data needs 4 parity bits, total of 12-bit code word Using our code words of length 12, number each bit position starting with 1 in the low-order bit Each bit position corresponding to power of 2 will be occupied by a parity or check bit All other bit positions are for the data to be encoded Each parity bit calculates the parity for some of the bits in the code word

Example: 12-bit Code word

We then write each bit position, 1 through 12, in powers of 2
1 = 20 2 = 21 3 = 21+ 2 0 4 = 22 5 = 22 + 2 0 6 = 22 + 2 1 7 = 22 + 21 + 2 0 8 = 23 9 = 23 + 2 0 10 = 2 3 + 2 1 11 = 2 3 + 2 1 + 2 0 12 = 2 3 + 2 2

1 (= 20) contributes to all of the odd-numbered digits

Hence parity at position 1 will based on bits in position 3, 5, 7, 9, 11

And so on

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Example: 12-bit Code word

2 (= 21) contributes to positions 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, and 11 Position 2 will contain the parity for bits 3, 6, 7, 10, and 11 For the bit values shown, we have a parity value of 0 in the second bit position using even parity Even parity = XOR i.e. 0 ^ 1 ^ 0 ^ 0 ^ 1 = 0

Example: 12-bit Code word

The completed code word is shown above: Bit 1 checks the positions 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11, so its value is 1 Bit 2 checks the positions 3, 6, 7, 10, and 11, so its value is 0 Bit 4 checks the positions 5, 6, 7, and 12, so its value is 1 Bit 8 checks the positions 9, 10, 11, and 12, so its value is also 1
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Example: 12-bit Code word

Example: 12-bit Code word

Suppose an error occurs in bit 5, as shown above Our parity bit values are: Bit 1 checks positions, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. Its value is 1, but should be 0. Bit 2 checks positions 3, 6, 7, 10, and 11. The zero is correct. Bit 4 checks positions 5, 6, 7, and 12. Its value is 1, but should be 0 Bit 8 checks positions 9, 10, 11, and 12. This bit is correct.
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Parity bits 1 and 4 both check position 5 and 7 Since parity bit 2 checks bit 7 and indicates no error occurred in the subset of bits it checked that means that error occurred in bit 5 If we change bit 5 to a 1, all parity bits check and our data is restored

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Some notes on Hamming Code

Require Dmin = 3 to detect and correct 1-bit error If any-one parity bit has error, the error is still correctable If two errors occur, Hamming code still produces an error This is because the Hamming distance between two code words is enough that double bit errors can be detected
D(min) for 1-bit correction = 3 (2k + 1) D(min) for 2-bit error detection = k + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3

Some Notes on Hamming Code (contd..)

But sometimes cannot tell if 1 or 2 bit errors occurred
With 2-bit errors, hamming code ends up correcting wrong single-bit position (which actually is innocent)

To determine whether we have 1-bit or 2-bit error we add need to add an extra check bit
The extra check bit is to determine parity across all data and existing parity bits If this extra check bit is calculated to match the received value, then we either have two bit errors, or no errors No errors can be confirmed by further determining whether parity at bit position 1, 2, 4, 8, etc are same as received parity at those positions
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Some notes on Hamming Code (contd..)

Overheard in terms of bits
Small number of bits data -> overheard is high E.g. 4 bits, need 3 parity + 1 for 2-bit detection, overhead is 50% E.g. 1 byte transfers, need 4 parity + 1, overhead is 38 % For larger transfer -> overhead decreases E.g. 6 parity bits for 57 bits (~7 bytes). If add another bit for 2-bit error detection, we need 7 parity bits still less than a byte Need to devote 1 byte out of each 8 bytes i.e. 12.5% to error correction/detection

Error Correcting Codes (ECC) in General

Hamming Code is type of ECC
Others include Reed-Solomon, Convolution Code

Requires extra bits for maintaining information integrity

E.g. in hamming code: 3 bits are added to a 4-bit data

The overhead of extra bits does pay off

Single-bit correction often costs less than sending the entire data twice If the storage is the only source of data (e.g. disk or DRAM) then we want a error-correction to avoid crashing of programs

Overhead in terms of hardware

Some part of storage will be utilized for the check bits Need hardware that will encode and decode code words on the fly added circuitry If done in software, will be slow need processors involvement
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