Crossroads Neighborhood Plan: NCAC-APA Planning Conference

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crossroads neighborhood plan

NCAC-APA Planning Conference

November 10, 2012


Kristin OConnor, Lead Planner, M-NCPPC, Montgomery County Planning Department [email protected] Eric Luedtke, Maryland State Delegate, Maryland House of Delegates in Montgomery Countys District 14, [email protected]



Miti Figueredo, Director, Eastern County Regional Services Center [email protected]

Cathy Mahmud, Senior Planning Specialist, Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Montgomery County Government [email protected] Katherine Nelson, Environmental Planner, Area 3, M-NCPPC, Montgomery County Planning Department [email protected]



neighborhood plan vision
turning a crossroads into a community

challenges and opportunities

economy connectivity design environment

main street neighborhood village center neighborhood rural edge

planning challenges plan recommendations

summary county and state agency involvement questions

regional context

Where is Burtonsville?
north eastern gateway
low density, rural wedge

crossroads of MD 198 and US 29

highway access to I-95, ICC, US 29

park-and-ride, commuter bus

near multiple employment, housing, transit, and retail centers

neighborhood plan vision

turning a crossroads into a community

neighborhood plan vision

attractive, connected community with diverse community-friendly uses small business retention for their local market

a main street with safe local streets, sidewalks, and trails

public areas for gathering and recreation protect sensitive areas

neighborhood plan economy




challenges and opportunities economy

challenges regional competition high vacancy rates in large shopping centers (up to 74% in one center) single-use zoning

plan recommends local services and housing for nearby employment centers access to neighborhood retail from transit, local roads, and trails small businesses support with flexible zoning and infill opportunities

challenges and opportunities connectivity

challenges conflicts between through and local traffic on MD 198 limited local street network inadequate pedestrian/bikeway infrastructure

plan recommends
grid of streets and access road main street on MD 198 park-and-ride lot connections street character sidewalks, bikeways and trails

challenges and opportunities environment

challenges located in sensitive tributary headwaters of the Patuxent declining water quality high impervious levels determining appropriate sewer service
plan recommends target commercial area for development reconfirm rural zoning outside the commercial area and reduce imperviousness more tree canopy and forest cover

challenges and opportunities design

challenges auto-oriented development pattern inadequate pedestrian/bike environment absence of public spaces

plan recommends
public green space and open spaces safe and attractive local street system better location and design of parking building character, retail faade improvement program infill and adaptive reuse

community patterns

Middleburg Route 50 (1700s)

Chevy Chase Conn. Ave (1800s)

Germantown Town Center Century Blvd (1990s)

neighborhood plan recommendations main street neighborhood and public green

emphasis on local, small business infill and a mix of uses including new housing
new access road for school and new residential and improved MD 198 with streetscape and landscaping public green 1. elementary school expansion 2. recreation 3. open space

community patterns main street neighborhood and public green

main street/md198

main street MD 198: median, crosswalks, streetscape

existing: parking within the right of-way

better: parking screened from right-of-way

best: parking located behind of to the side

neighborhood plan recommendations

village center neighborhood

regional business infill and redevelopment mix of uses including new housing quality public spaces new grid of streets and landscaping connections to park-and-ride

community patterns
village center neighborhood

neighborhood plan recommendations rural edge

acquisition for properties that are sensitive and provide recreational and conservation opportunities

provide protections for the headwaters including a decrease in imperviousness on each site from 10 percent to 8 percent
increase tree canopy confirm rural cluster zoning

community patterns rural edge

provide an attractive, connected community with a vibrant commercial area and a defined rural edge

provides for a school expansion and parkand-ride connections

links together the crossroads area with new local roads and intersection improvements provides parks and public spaces

county and state agency involvement

Maryland House of Delegates in Montgomery Countys District 14
Eric Luedtke, Maryland State Delegate, District 14 Burtonsville Olney Damascus
native of the county teachers middle school social studies at A. Mario Loiederman Middle School in Aspen Hill served on the East County Citizens Advisory Board (ECCAB) involved in promoting redevelopment in Burtonsville

county and state agency involvement

Eastern Montgomery Regional Services Center
Miti Figueredo, director what do we do? links County services with 111,250 residents and businesses in a 47.5 square mile area that includes the following communities: Burtonsville, Colesville, Cloverly, Fairland, and White Oak is one of five centers in the County that functions as a link to the County Executive's Office: 1. offers problem-solving assistance to neighborhoods, individuals, businesses, and County agencies 2. coordinates direct service delivery, focusing on the particular needs of each region 3. works with a regional Citizens Advisory Board appointed by the County Executive and approved by the County Council

county and state agency involvement

Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA)
Cathy Mahmud, senior planning specialist, dhca

burtonsville faade easement program 2 facades completed 1 faade under construction 1 new facade proposed 2 potential additional facades
burtonsville retail center signage program 4 new signs proposed 1 potential additional sign

county and state agency involvement

burtonsville faade I

county and state agency involvement

burtonsville faade II

county and state agency involvement

burtonsville faade III

county and state agency involvement

potential faade IV

county and state agency involvement

burtonsville current signage

county and state agency involvement

burtonsville current signage

county and state agency involvement

environmental partners
Katherine Nelson, environmental planner m-ncppc

mde dep wssc m-ncppc-parks patuxent reservoirs watershed protection group

county and state agency involvement

government land purchases and acquisitions adjacent to the rural edge that include tributaries that flow into the rural edge wssc sha m-ncppc-parks forest conservation easements

moderator: Kristin OConnor, Lead Planner, M-NCPPC, Montgomery County Planning Department [email protected]

panelist: Eric Luedtke, Maryland State Delegate, Maryland House of Delegates in Montgomery Countys District 14, [email protected] panelist: Miti Figueredo, Director, Eastern County Regional Services Center; [email protected] panelist: Cathy Mahmud, Senior Planning Specialist, Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Montgomery County Government [email protected] panelist: Katherine Nelson, Environmental Planner, Area 3, M-NCPPC, Montgomery County Planning Department [email protected]

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