Book 4 Durga Puja Final Press
Book 4 Durga Puja Final Press
Book 4 Durga Puja Final Press
Book 4
Association of Grandparents of Indian Immigrants (a nonprofit organization) Nashville, TN 37205 (e-book)
Book 4
Durga Puja
dugA pUjA
Copies of this book can be obtained from Eagle Book Bindery Publishing Company Cedar Rapids, IA, USA
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Henry Pellerin Arabinda Misra Manas Roy Sujit Das Rohini Chakravarthy Shubhankar Banerjee Sati Banerjee Tara Chattoraj Maya Chattoraj Sukumar Ghosh Ratna De Arundhati Khanwalkar Monisha Chakravarthy Arnav Ghosh Aurin Chakravarty
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Dilip Som Amitabha Chakrabarti
This book is dedicated to The Children of Bengali Immigrants The proud bearers of Indian heritage
Our Publications
Book 1: Book 2: Book 3: Book 4: Book 5: Book 6: Book 7: Book 8: Book 9: Book 10: Book 11:
Introduction and invocation Saraswati Puja Satyanarayana Broto (Katha) Durga Puja Lakshmi Puja Kali Puja Annaprasan Sacred Thread Hindu Marriage Grihaprabesh Farewell to the soul
New Age Purohit Darpan: Book 4 DURGA PUJA FOREWORD As a child of Indian immigrants growing up in the United States, I had never considered myself to be particularly religious. I identified myself as a Hindu by default simply because of my family ties. However, I never felt comfortable expressing this openly to my friends and classmates. As one of very few non-white, non-Christian students in my school, my main goal was simply to fit in and feel as if I were the same as everyone else. While my father taught me some simple prayers to recite each morning and evening, I shied away from performing this ritual when classmates visited my home for dinner I did not want them to see me as different, and so I would try to hide this part of myself. The experience simply made me uneasy. Despite the fact that my late father was a Maharashtrian Brahmin a community known for its deep faith in the Hindu religion and my mother the daughter of a Bengali priest, my family never forced Hinduism on me in any great way. At most, I enjoyed the comics of Indian folk stories, as well as the videos produced by my grandfather that brought these stories to life. However, these stories served mainly as entertainment for me and I did not seek any deeper meaning. Indeed, while my family would attend temple functions and pujas, I was never sent to Sunday School nor forced to learn Indian languages. In fact, I did not receive the so-called Sacred Thread in the Upanayan ceremony at the age most Brahmin boys do. And so I proceeded through life without giving it much thought. While I would now celebrate the opportunity to expose others to my culture, at the time I had no such desire. However, when I was in ninth grade, my father was suddenly and unexpectedly diagnosed with malignant lung cancer. Over time, we learned he was beyond any medical treatment. Perhaps feeling a sense of spiritual duty before his passing, he made it priority only weeks before his death to arrange and perform the sacred thread ceremony for my brother and myself. He approached my grandfather, the author of this book, to assist with this process. Thus my brother and I received our sacred threads in a small, rushed ceremony. My father died only weeks later. While I was then officially inducted into the Brahmin fold, I still did not feel any specific change or desire to learn more about what had just happened. If anything, I was simply angry at everything that had happened; the seemingly unfair nature of my fathers passing. I still did not wear my sacred thread, for fear of seeming different from those around me. I continued to live as a typical suburban American child among my friends this was my culture. However, as I grew older and reflected on my past, I became increasingly curious about the purpose of that ceremony, and why my father had wanted it done so badly even though he had never pushed for it during the traditionally practiced time of adolescence. I hoped to find peace with the difficult events that transpired a way to come to terms with the past. At the same time, I grew increasingly interested in the religious practice of my grandfather whom so many people in the community respected. And perhaps most importantly, I began to ask him questions many, many questions.
Spending long rides in the car with both of my grandparents, I would continually inquire about their past. These incredible individuals led multifaceted lives as both academics and as religious leaders in their community. Through these conversations, my thirst to learn more about my culture heightened exponentially. Once in college, I took a class on Indian mythology, but that still did not satisfy my desire to learn more about cultural practices, and more importantly the reasons for their existence and the origins of the ideas. I discovered a deep-seated desire to connect the philosophical underpinnings of Hinduism with the practiced rituals. Over time, I realized that when I was young I could not develop an interest in the practices because I did not understand their significance. With the benefit of some small degree of emotional, intellectual, and spiritual maturity, I then found myself to be quite fascinated with the philosophy and associated ceremonies. While I still take part in an academic and professional community where religion is a personal choice, I am now proud to share with my friends and colleagues the cultural background I possess and explain the underpinnings as much as I am able. Unfortunately, my own knowledge is limited, as are the resources available on the Internet and so my inquisitions of my grandfather continue. Every chance an opportunity presents itself; I spend time with him to learn as much as I can about my past, my culture, and where I come from. Sadly, I realize these opportunities will not last forever. For that reason I am grateful for his incredible commitment to produce this work. Never before has such a tremendous volume been constructed to explore the most important rituals in Hindu (or at least Bengali) culture. The line-by-line explanations, as well as the additional historical and philosophical context, offer an incredibly rich analysis of the ceremonies. I look forward with great anticipation to reading his entire works in particular that on the Upanayan, which planted the original seed of curiosity and I hope that you too will share in my admiration of my grandfather for this great feat.
Ashoke Khanwalkar
Proud Grandson of the Author
This book is compiled for Bengali immigrants with the goal of explaining the history, significance, and meaning of the mantras used in common Hindu puja rituals. A book like this is desperately needed as both the language used in the rituals, Sanskrit, and the script in which the rituals are transcribed, Bengali, are often foreign to immigrants and their children. Unlike Hindu children growing up in India, children of Hindu origin growing up in the West are constantly challenged by their neighbors, peers, friends, and teachers to explain the basis of Hindu faith and belief. This problem I never faced when I was growing up in India in the 1920s. Hindu rituals had always been a part of life, no questions asked. Thus, I strongly feel I should share my thoughts with my beloved grandchildren, growing up outside India. Priesthood was our family trade. I learned all the rituals from my father, and started to perform puja rituals soon after receiving my sacred thread (Upanayan) at the age of twelve. But, like many other professional priests, I had no knowledge of Sanskrit, the language of Hindu puja rituals. We were trained to hear and remember (sruti and smriti) and stay away from explaining. In addition, my childhood days were spent under British rule when Sanskrit scholars remained obscure and learning Sanskrit was not considered progressive. So I studied science and technology for a better future. Yet, the spirit of my ancestors never left me, and I had to perform pujas upon request from time to time. The community was satisfied with the ignorant priest as they devotedly watched Hindu rituals while praying in their own ways. God listened. However, Hindus of the twenty-first century are not satisfied with this. They demand explanations of the rituals they inherited. My grandchildren are among them, and they regularly asked my late wife, Bibha Mukherjee, and me about the details of Vedic traditions. Instead of mimicking ritualistic actions, they want to understand the underlying meaning. I was overwhelmed by their enthusiasm. This book is the outcome of that call. Spirituality has many facets that accept the natural diversity of the human mind. Now I am eighty six years old. I am not worried whether my grandchildren are believers, nonbelievers, agnostics, or atheists. But I feel immensely satisfied by telling them my own story of how I came to depend on my Invisible Caretaker who was always beside me when I needed Him. A series of eleven books will be published under the title of New Age Purohit Darpan that will cover eleven of the most important puja rituals of the Bengalis. I am thankful to the world community of open-minded spiritual seekers, Hindus and non-Hindus, who promoted this humble endeavor of mutual understanding. I have no words to express my gratitude for my coauthors and reviewers whose constant support made it possible to turn my dream into reality. Mahalaya, October 15, 2012 (Bne 28, 1419) Kanai L. Mukherjee New Age Purohit (Cyber Grandpa)
Preliminaries Reviewers and Associates, iv Dedication, v Our publications, vi Foreword, vii Preface, ix Content, xi DURGA PUJA Introduction, 1 Whos who in Durga Puja, 3 Puja layout, 5 Basic Puja rituals (Sadharan Puja), 8 Invocation, 8 Sanctification, 11 Obeisance to Sun God, 13 Gayatri prayer, 14 Gurupuja, 15 Seeking blessing from assembly, 17 Invocation of Durga, 18 Resolution, 20 Gods of entrance, 22 Prayers to the Spirits, 23 Breath control exercise, 25 Dedication of self, 26 Meditation of Durga, 27 Special offerings, 31 Establishing the Holy Pitcher, 33 Welcome to Goddess Durga, 38 Offerings to Planets, 38 Offering to the Guardians of Directions, 39 Offerings to Durga, 39 Bodhan, 42 Invocation prayers, 42 Worship of wood-apple tree, 44 Worship of Goddess Durga, 46 Saptami Puja, 49 Invocation prayer (dhyan), 49 Resolution, 51 Reception, 54 Weapons of Durga, 55 Nabapatrika: Welcome and bath, 56 Holy bath of Goddess Durga, 58
Establishing Durga, 67 Inclusion of life, 70 Offerings, 71 Worship of accompanying Gods/Goddesses, 81 Honoring accompanying creatures, 85 Worship of Nabapatrika, 88 Puhpanjali, (mass offering of flower), 93 Mahasthami Puja, 98 Invocation prayers, 98 Resolution and abridged offerings, 99 Reverence to various attributes of Durga , 102 Worship of Accompanying Gods and Goddesses, 111 Acknowledging Helpers of Durga (Bhairaba), 114 Worship of Tutelary Gods, 114 Worship of weapons, 115 Frightful aspects of Durga, 116 Sandhi puja, 119 Worship of Durga in Various forms, 119 Offering 108 lamps, 120 Chandipath, 121 Adornment with one hundred and eight lamps, 125 Mahanabami Puja, 127 Invocation prayer, 127 Havan, 132 Kumari Puja, 146 Benedictory prayers, 148 Dashami Kritya, 151 Farewell treat (Dadhikarma), 151 Singing the glory of Durga, 152 Immersion ceremony, 156 Moving the Holy pitcher, 159 Peace chant, 160 Benedictory prayers, 162 Lokpuja, 165 Additional Prayers and Songs, 168 New age Grandparents, 176
Durga Puja is the most important festival of Bengalis. It comes during the month of Ashwin (September-October). Before Durga Puja, comes the Mahalaya, which is a fortnight after the new moon (Amavasya). During that fortnight, called Pitripaksha (Pitri ancestor, paksha fortnight), we remember our family ancestors and offer til (sesame seed) and water in their name. This is called the til tarpan. If one is unable to perform til tarpan for fourteen days, he does it on the day of Mahalaya, the last day of the ancestorfortnight. The procedure of tarpan in described in the booklet on Rituals after death in Hindus. After Mahalaya starts the Devi paksha (shukla paksha or waxing side of the moon). It is the fortnight of the celebration of worshipping Goddess Durga that culminates on the tenth day (dashami). Five days after is the Purnima, the day Lakshmi puja. Durga puja is done for five days: Shashthi, Saptami, Ashtami, Navami and Dashami. Sandhipuja is done between Ashtami and Navami. The mythological story behind the Durga Puja is that Durga, the goddess with ten hands, killed the demon Mahishashur. Mahishashur did years of penance to Brahma to become immortal. Brahma granted him the boon making the exception that he can only be killed by a woman. Mahishashur felt that to be as good as immortal, as he could not think of a woman who could be more powerful than him. So Durga took birth with the power of all Gods and Goddesses and slew Mahihshashur. Five days of Durga Puja celebration marks the victory of righteousness over evil. Traditionally Durga Puja used to be held during spring, which is still continued. But Rama prayed to Durga during this time in order to get her blessing and the weapon to kill Ravana (Read Indian epic Ramayana, originally written by Valmiki). Thus a new tradition was started since Ramas time and Durga Puja was shifted to this time of the year. Hence it is often referred as akal bodhan that means untimely prayer. In the following pages we will describe how the Bengalis celebrate Durgapuja spiritually. IDOL WORSHIP Bibhas Bandyopadhyay Worship of an idol is the bridge between a human being and his or her salvation. To reach the final concept of formless God, the present idol worship is the guidance in front of the eyes of Hindu Faith believers. Durga Puja comes from Hindu Holy Script called Markendaya Puran. According to the Indian mythology Devi Durga, the epitome of Shakti, the divine power, as presented in her ten arms, kills Mahishasura, the king of all Asuras, who are the evils.
Goddess Durga emerges out of the accumulated powers of The Holy trinities Lord Brahma, the creator; Lord Vishnu, the preserver; and Lord Shiva, the destroyer of the universe. She personifies unity. She symbolizes unity needed for upliftment of mind and soul. So Durga Puja is the worship of Goddess Durga, the Shakti, and the Power, which protects us from evil and brings peace, happiness, and prosperity in our lives. It is a great occasion for Hindu families to come together and share love in early fall every year.
Saraswati Kartik
Kalabau (Nabapatrika) Kalabau, popularly known among Bengalis as Ganeshs wife, in reality has no relationship with Ganesh. Our scriptures call her Nabapatrika or new leaves. Interestingly enough, Nabapatrika was actually a popular ritual performed by the peasant folks for prosperous harvest. As idol worship was not common then, people worshipped Mother Nature. It was during the autumn (Sharat), the time for reaping crops (Amondhan); peasants worshipped Goddess Nabapatrika for good harvest. Later when Durga Puja became a popular festival of Sharat, all the nine holy rituals of the Nabapatrika, were added to the ceremonies of Durga Puja. In fact Nabapatrika represented the primitive form of Durga Puja. This primitive form of worship is still prevalent in some places. The original nine plants of Nabapatrika are: banana plant (kalagaach), colocassia (kochu), turmeric (halud), jayanti, wood apple (bel gach), pomegranate (daalim gaach), arum (mankochu), rice plant (dhan), and the ashok tree.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Nabapatrika, which is worshipped during Bodhan (Shashthi), is an important part of Durga Puja. These nine plants represent nine goddesses (Some are combined Brahmani, Kalika, Durga, Rudrani, Jayanti, Kartiki, Shivani (wife of Shiva), Raktadantika, AhokaSokrahita, Chamunda-Lakshmi which are the nine forms of Durga). With the spread of Bengali culture around the globe, sticking to the above plants in building the traditional Nabapatrika does not seem to be justified. Instead we choose any nine branches of trees growing in the area, preferably fruit bearing. This is a compromise between the thought planted by our ancestors and the modification adjusted to the current environment of our lives. Introduction to Durga and Her Family Origin of Goddess Durga During the days of mythology, Mahishasur was a powerful demon king who could change his form from human to buffalo. After many years of prayer he received a boon from Brahma that he could only be killed by a woman. As a result he became invincible to all men and terrorized heaven and earth. The Gods finally went into conclave and created a nemesis in the form of a young beautiful woman. She was named Durga or the rescuer from trouble (cNa). After ten days of fight, Durga killed Mahishasur on the tenth day of the waxing moon. Thus Durga was called Mahishasur Mardini (slayer of the buffalo demon). Later, Durga, with Her divine powers became the wife of Lord Shiva and was known as Parvati (daughter of the mountain parvat, whose name was Himavat, another name of Himalaya). They got four childen Lakshmi, Saraswati, Kartik and Ganesh. Each of them had different divine attributes which made them different Gods and Goddesses. The mother, Durga-Parvati, visits the earth once a year along with Her children during the autumn season whose images (deities) are displayed on the puja mandap (stage). Ganesh (Ganesha, Ganapati, Vinayaka, Ganesa, Vighneshvara) God with elephant head; younger son of Shiva and Durga; one of the best known and most widely worshipped in the Hindu pantheon; revered as the remover of obstacles and entrusted for an auspicious beginning. Mouse is His pet animal. Kartik (Kartikkeya, Subhramany, Kartikay, Skanda, Guha, Sanmukha) Central deity of the Hindu tradition, God of war, elder brother of Ganesha and slayer of the demon Taraka. Peacock is His pet bird and vehicle of transportation. Lakshmi Beautiful and loving Hindu Goddess of Good fortune, wealth and prosperity (both material and spiritual). She is one of the daughters of Durga and sister of Saraswati. She brings eternal happiness, abundance, and good fortune. Owl is her pet bird.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Saraswati (Sharda, Vani, Vaakdevi) Saraswati is the Goddess of knowledge, music, arts and science. She is the consort of Brahma. She is widely revered by the students dedicated to learning. White swan is her pet bird and transportation vehicle. Mahishasur Mahishasur was a powerful king of demons who had the ability to switch from human to buffalo. He was invincible by Gods that resulted in the creation of Goddess Durga by their contributed powers. After a ferocious fight Durga finally slayed the demon and brought universal peace. Thus Mahishasur is credited in the creation of Durga, the goddess who rescues the humans from troubles. Puja list
The followings are only the most essential items. More are given in the addendum. Raised platforms: The platform holds the display of Mother Durga with her four children and Nabapatrika on the left of Lord Ganesh. Make sure there is a picture of Shiva on the back drop. He is the husband of Durga. Durga comes to earth every year to spend time at her home on earth. She is the daughter of Himavyat (Himalaya), the king of mountains. Pushpapatra (flower plate): flower, sandalwood paste, durba grass, wet rice, haritaki, til, mashkalai, beetle nut (supari) and red thread. Lamp plate: Lamp stand and dhup stand and dhupbati. Puja accessories for priest: Water conch, kosha-kushi (pot to hold water for the priest during the puja), bell, asan (priest to sit). Ghat and tekathi: Pitcher filled with water placed on a bit of soil, five grains scattered on the top of the earth (panchsashya) if these are not available, use rice, five colored powder sprinkled over the earth (yantra or pattern is recommended), vermilion powder made into paste by mixing with oil (put the mark on the pitcher) the design can be the Swastika or the Vastupurush (king of earth). Tekathi means three-headed sticks. Four sticks with three-headed tops (made with pieces of dry palm leaves, resembling durba grass head) are placed around the pitcher. This will be explained later in details. Two small bowls: (a) Yogurt with a few grains of mashkali (called Mashabhaktabali) (b) madhuparka honey, ghee, sugar, milk and yogurt. Others offerings: Two glasses of water, sweet candy (misri), raisin, spring water, fruit on pitcher (coconut recommended), five leaves from fruit bearing tree (mango recommened). Keep a stock of one jug of spring water or clean water. Kamandalu (if available).
Puja Layout Before starting the puja arrange the puja materials in the puja place, the following diagram may help. Searching for the materials when the priest calls for it interrupts the smooth flow of the puja process. In this distraction, the purpose of the puja gets lost.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Hence, go over the entire script and check whether all materials will be available when called for. (Note: This elaborate list is modified according to ability. Your thought is more important that your materials. If nothing else, do the puja with a glass of water and imagine the rest of the offerings.)
1. Durga and her family on the dais (an image of Shiva should be displayed on the backdrop). 2. Offerings on display 3. Offerings on display 4. Seat for Tantradharak (assistant to priest or devotee) 5. Priests asan (seat)- a small patterned rug 6. Havan arrangement 7. Holy pitcher or Ghat: a pitcher filled with water placed on a bit of soil that symbolizes elements of life. Five types of grains (rice, wheat, barley, mashkalai or black lentils, black sesame) are scattered on the top of the earth (panchsashya). If five grains are not available, use rice. Five colored powders are sprinkled over the earth (yantra or pattern is recommended). Vermilion powder is mixed with a little oil to create a paste that is used to create the design on the potthe swastika (14) or Vastupurush (King of Earth, 15). Five leaves of fruit bearing tree (mango recommended) are inserted around the neck of the pot, and a fruit (usually a coconut) is placed on the opening of the pot . Put a garland over the pitcher. Use four sticks to mark the corners of a rectangle around the pitcher (you can use clay or Play-doh to keep the sticks upright). Wrap a red thread around the tops of the sticks to create a rectangle around the ghat. 8. Lamp stand, incense (dhupbati) stand. In ancient times, the lamp was needed to see the diety. Literally, the incense provided a sweet-smelling fragrance. 9. Mashabhaktabali (yogurt) with few grains of mashkalai (black lentil). 10. Madhuparka (milk, yogurt, ghee, sugar and honey), a sweet offering. 11. Spare kosha and kushi for devotees 12. Puja bell: Heralds the progress of puja 13. Offerings First glass of water. 14. Second glass of water.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN 15. Priests water vessel (kosha-kushi) the water in this vessel is used for offering. 16. Swastika design. 17. Chediraj (King of earth). 18. Pushpa patra plate for holding flowers. Also contains: sandalwood paste (for fragrance), durba (a special grass with three leaves that represents nature), haritaki (seed)orsupari (betel nut) (represents the growth of success), red thread (tied around wrists after puja for protection), mashkalai (black lentil, offering to spirits), wet rice and til (oily seed) (food offerings). 19. Paper towels for priest (hand drying and spills). 20. Jalasankha (water-conch) 21. Tamrapatra: Plate to make offerings of water, rice, flower etc. Keep a stock of one jug of spring water or clean water in a kamandalu (pitcher with spout). As we use these items during the puja, we will try to explain the significance of these items and their symbolism.
Chediraj Icon The icon of Chediraj symbolizes king of earth. Chedi was a powerful kingdom in the days of Mahabharata. It was rich in minerals and other natural resources. Hence, remembering Chediraj expresses the natural blessing of the earth. Chediraj, the king of Chedi, however, took the wrong side of the Mahabharata war, fighting against Pandavas. He was thus cursed. When we remember our ancestors during Nandimukh, we worship Chediraj as we do not want to forget the ones who made mistakes and pray for their forgiveness and wish their salvation. In a similar situation, we worship demon Mahashasur during Durga Puja thanking him for the appearance of Durga and whose blessing we seek today.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN so the wise always see Lord Vishnu with their divine vision. Hail to Lord Vishnu. o^ apib pibEA bA sAbAQ gEtAip bA| J: mErq pu&rIkAxQ s bAhYAvYr: Suic| nm: sml mlYQ bErNYQ brdQ vm| nArAyNQ nmtY s kmAiN kArEyq| Om apabitra pabitro ba sarbabashan gatopi ba jahsmaret pundarikaksha sa baihya-abhyantarah suchi | Namaha sarva mangala mangalyam varayenam baradam shubham Narayanam namaskritya sorvakarmani kaarayet || He who, impure or pure, remembers lotus-eyed lord Pundarikaksha, Vishnu, in all situations, becomes purified inside and out. We bow to Lord Narayana who is all auspicious, most adorable, beneficial and kind. Remembering His name we should begin all our work. Offerings to Lord Vishnu and other Gods Ncl AQe Gandhadir archana
Take a flower, dipped in sandalwood paste, in your right hand. Chant the mantra and then discard it in the copper plate meant for offering (tamra patra).
hoh Jy hoh ejx Om Vishnabey namah || My reverence to you Oh Vishnu Nci Ha Hacdfau hoh hw Haj Nci ejx z Ha Nff Hacdfau nhoh ejx z chaNZ Zi Hav pfceu fSeu chaNZi ejx z Bong! Etasmai gandhadibhyo namah | Etey gandhapushpey etadhipataye Sri Vishnabey namah | Etat sampradanaya pujaniya devataganebhyo namah || Uttering the primordial sound of Bong, I am offering the scented flower at the feet of Lord Vishnu, and also offering herewith my deep respect to all the revered Gods. Prayer for the Holy River Ganges
gA pRNAm
Ganga pranam Sprinkle a little Ganges water on your head for sanctification while chanting (if Ganges water is not available, use any water): sdY: pAtk sQhI sEdYA du:KibnAiSnI| suKdA EmAxdA gA gb prmA git:| o^ gAy nm:, o^ gAy nm:, o^ gAy nm: || Sadyah pataka sanghantri sodyo dukha binashini;
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Suhkoda mokhada Ganga Gangoiba parama goti. Om gangawai namah! Om gangawai namah! Om gangawai namah! In the name of that Almighty, Oh Holy Ganges! Who takes away all the sin, and miseries and brings happiness. You are the only way to attain salvation. General Offer pjeO Samanyargha Lift up the kosha (with the kushi) with your left hand. Sprinkle little water on the floor and make a water mark of a triangle without a break. Then draw a continuous circle outside the triangle (see figure). The make the following sound conveying the thought move out all the evil spirits of this place: gV Phat Place the kosha on the water mark.
Put a flower, some doorba grass and a little rice on the narrow edge of the kosha (facing to the front) and chant the following: o^ aA}ArSEy nm:, o^ kumAy nm:, o^ anAy nm:| o^ piFbY nm:| Om adharashaktaye namaha, Om Kurmaya namaha, Om anantaya namaha, Om Prithibai namaha. I pay my reverence to my holder (Vishnu), the divine turtle which holds the earth, the supreme cosmos and the earth. In case of Bisheshargha (done on the water-conch) add the following: Put some flowers at the tip of the kosha and chant the following mantras while putting the flowers. e Ha Nff Jy Aw ALjmu cn Lmae ejx e e Jy Fw pjjmu osn Lmae ejx, Jy jw hqjmu cnLmae ejx z Etey gandhapushpey Om Am arkamandalaya dadasha kalatmaney namah || Om Um Somamandalaya sorasha kalatmaney namah | Om Mom banhimandalaya dashakalatmaney namah || Herewith I am offering these scented flowers to the ten-fold solar system,
Sanctification of water tIFAbAhn Tirtha abahan The water to be used for the puja is sanctified by calling the names of various sacred rivers of India. Move the kushi (spoon), sitting in the kosha (copper vessel), in a way to make waves in the water of the kosha. Utter the mantra as you move the kushi. e Jy N Q kje Qh Nchl pla c Lhl Smje ejc p Lhl Smje pdw Ll zz Om Gange cha Yamuney chaiba Godavari Saraswati | Narmadey Sindhu Kaveri jaley-asmin sannidhim kuru || Oh the waters of Ganga, Yamuna, Godaavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindu and Kaveri, present yourselves in this place Sanctification of the Seat Bpe Asanasudhi The seat on which the devotee sits for the prayer needs to be sanctified. Put a flower under the asan (seat on the floor) and recite this prayer with folded hands: eEt gpEp o^ aA}ArSEy kmlAsnAy nm: | j Bpefhne heuNx efhn Jy Ap Bpejp jlfGox pamw Rcx Ljcha Bpefhne heuNx z Jy fb au da mL ch aw hoe da z a dlu jw eaw fhw LlQpej zz Etey gandhapushpey Om adharshaktaye kamalasanaya namah | Om Ashya asanamantrasya Meruprishtha rishi Sutalam chhanda | Kurmo Devata asana upabeshaney biniyogah || Om Prithwi twaya dhrita loka devi twam Vishnuna dhritah | Twancha dharaya mam nityam pabitram kuruchasanam || I am offering this flower to the divine earth holding this asan (my seat) | Meruprishtha, the sage who introduced the mantra of the seat sanctification, insutal meter, in the name of God Kurma (one of the incarnations of Vishnu), I am sanctifying my seat. Oh the goddess earth! Who is holding this world, and in tur, you are held by Lord Vishnu; hold me firmly and sanctify my seat.
Iy gV Owing Phat Move out the evil spirits Jy ffLalSqEa nau pjL pu qw z Om pushpaketu rajahartey shataya samyak sambandhaya hrang | These bright beautiful flowers in plenty collected for the sacred offering Sprinkle little water on the flowers kept for the puja and sanctify it with the following mantra o^ puEp puEp mhApuEp supuEp pupsEb| puEpcyAbkEZ Q fT AhA| pcyAbk Om pushpey pushpey mahapushpey supushpey pushpasambhabey | Pushpacayabkirney hung phat swaha May these flowers, great flowers, good flowers, and many flowers be sanctified for the offering. Sanctification of Palm Ll Karasudhi
Purify your hand by crushing a flower between the palms and throw the crushed flower on your left. Circle your right palm over the left palm and make the phat sound.
gV Phat May the evil elements leave Securing the directions cncNhe Dashadikbandhan Clap three times by hitting right the palm on the left and then snap with right hand fingers (QVL) over the head three times.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Obeisance to Sun God (Surya) pkO Suryargha The Sun is one of the primary gods of Hinduism and receives offerings at the very beginning of most rituals. He enlightens our soul. Pick up the kushi (spoon) with little water. Put in this a flower (preferred red in color) or dip the flower in red sandalwood paste and put in that a little rice from the pushpapatra. Holding the kushi, pointing side out, chant, while meditating on the rising sun: hhE iE phE phE uE Jy ejx hhEa hZ iEa hoEaSEp SNv phE pQEu phE LjcuEe, iNhE CcjOw iNhEa npku ejx z wn aSln SNvfE Hq pox pqpwn EaSln SNvfEa z AeLfu jw iw NqZOw chLlj zz iNhE Ho AOx iNhEa npku ejx zz Om namah bibsaswatey Brahman bhaswatey | Vishnur tejashey jagata sabitrey suchayey sabitrey karmadainey | Idam arghyam bhagabatey Shri Surjaya namah || Ehi Surjyo sahasrangsho tejorashey jagatpatey | Anukampaya mang bhaktam grihanarghyam divakaram | Esha argha bhagabatey Shri Surjaya namah || Oh, the illuminator of the universe, who carries the energy of Lord Vishnu (the preserver), who inspires people to work, allow me to offer my reverence to you. Oh the Sun, the emitter of thousands of rays of light, the reservoir of energy, the lord of the universe, I am offering my reverence to thee, please accept it, Oh Lord, the Sun God. Obeisance to Sun God sUJY pRNAm Surya pranam Close your eyes and imagine the rising sun as you pray: o^ jbA kusm skASQ kASYEpyQ mhAdYuitQ| }AAirQ spApGQ pRNEtAhim idbAkrm|| Om jaba kusamo sankasham kashyapayam mohadhuting: dhwantarim Sarbopapoghnam pronatyoshmi divakaram. The super brightest illuminating star in the sky and sometimes resembling the color of red hibiscus, oh the powerful Sun, the remover of darkness, I pray to you.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Gayatri prayer gAyIjp Gayatri jap Light is a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. Many would like to meditate on light as a formless symbol of the Supreme divine. Gayatri mantra helps in such a meditation. This prayer is repeated 108 times. To keep track of which repetition (jap) you are on, mentally number the creases on th fingure of each hand, starting with the second crease of the ring finger (see diagram below). Place your thumbs on crease 1 of both hands. When you have finished saying the prayer once, move your right thumb to crease 2. After the second iteration, move the right thumb to crease 3 and continue in this way. After the tenth repetition move your left thumb to crease 2 and your right thumb returns to crease 1. After the twentieth repetition, move the left thumb to crease 3 and continue. Thus when the left palm reaches the ten count, you have done jap 100 times. o^ vvb: :, tq sibtuErNYQ vEgA EdbsY }Imih| i}EyA EyA n: pEcAdyAq o^| Om bhurbhuba swah, tat Saviturbarenyam, bhargo devasya dhimahi. Dheyo yonah prachodayat Om! || Om! In the three worlds the physical (bhur), the mental (bhuvah) and the celestial/spiritual (svah) you, that transcendental Paramatama, the adorable Sun (Savitur varenium), with divine effulgence (bhargo devasya), we meditate upon (dheemahi) thee; enlighten our intellect (dhiyo yonah prachodayat). Note: Om, the primordial sound is customarily uttered before and after all mantras. Gurupuja rpUjA Gurupuja
Guru has a high position in the development of an individual. Each individual is born ignorant with the Galini mudra ability to learn with change of time. This is our natural Nme j Also used in process of development. It starts from the parents who meditation teach us the basics of living. But the guru is the person who gives you a second life. He introduces his disciple to the Unknown. He/she is the spiritual teacher. So, he/she is respected like a God.
Literal meaning of the Sanskrit word guru: gu means darkness and ru means light. Guru is a person who represents the incandescent light of supreme consciousness which eradicates the darkness of ignorance.
In this step the spiritual teacher is remembered and woshipped. Offer a little water on the offering plate imagining that the water is poured on the Gurus feet (padyam). If one does not have a spiritual guru, remember the parents. Meditation r }Yn Gurudhyan Take a small flower on left palm and hold it in Kurma mudra, covering with the right palm and meditate: }YAEyi Cris kAE iEnQ ivUjQ rQ| EbtArEbtAr-prI}AnQ EbtmAlYAnuElpnQ| brAvykrQ SAQ krNAmy ibgRhQ| bAEmEnAqpl}AirNYAw bAEmEnAqpl}AirNYAw SAilt ibgRhQ| sA}kAvIdAykQ|| EsrAnnQ supRQ sA}kAvIdAykQ|| Dhyayachhirosi shuklabjaye dwinayetram dhibhujam Gurum; Sweytambara- paridhanam shayetamallya-anulaypanam; Bhrabhayokaram shantam kurunamaya bigraham; Bamanotpalo-dharinyam shaktalingata bighraham; Sayronnanam suprsannam sadhaka-avistha-dayakam. Let me meditate on the glory of my spiritual teacher who represents the incandescent light of supreme consciousness, who is dressed in a white outfit with a white garland around the neck and sandal wood paste on forehead (signifying purity), with a calm, smiling face, forgiving attitude, holding a lotus in th e left hand signifying symbols of blessings and whose feet rest on a lotus with one thousand petals. Obeisance for Guru l fZj Gurupranam Pray with folded hands: aK&aK&-m&lAkArQ bYQ EJn crAcrQ tq pdQ diStQ EJn t SRIrEb nm:| Akhandamandalakaram vyaptam jena characharam; Tatpadm darshitam yena tasmai Shree Gurubey namah. Salutations to my respected Guru, who gve me the vison to look for the Great power that pervades the entire universe. rbA rib> rEdb mEhbr r: sAxAq prQ bR t SRIrEb nm:| Gurur Brahma gurur Vishnuh gurur devo Maheswarah| Guruh sakshat param Brahmah Tasmai shree Gurabey namah. Salutations to my respected Guru, who exemplifies as Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshvara; who is no other than the all-pervading supreme self.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Offerings ppcAEr pjA Panch0pacharey puja Place a sandalwood dipped flower on the holy pitcher and chant: eEt gE puEp nm: SIrEb nm:| Eteh gandhapushpey namah Shri gurobey namah | I am offering this flower in reverence to my guru | Offer a small amount of water on the offering plate and chant: etd pAdYQ nm: SIrEb nm:| Etad padyam namah Shri gurobey namah | I am offering this water for washing my gurus feet Offer a small amount of rice with durba grass on the offering plate. This symbolizes welcome to a respectable guest: e> aGYQ nm: SIrEb nm:| nm:| Esha arghyam namah Shri gurobey namah | I am offering this argha (rice with durba grass) in gesture of welcoming my guru Offer a small amount of water towards the incense sticks and chant: etq }UpQ nm: SIrEb nm:| Etat dhupam namah Shri gurobey namah | I am offering this incense in the name of my revered guru | Offer a small amount of water towards the lamp and chant: e> dIpQ nm: SIrEb nm:| Esha deepam namah Shri gurobey namah | I am offering this lamp in the name of my revered guru | Offer a small amount of water on the food platter (naivedya) and chant: etd nEbEdYQ nm: SIrEb m:| Etad naivedyam namah Shri gurobey namah | I am offering this food platter in the name of my revered guru | Offer a small amount of water, with the kushi, on the glass of water placed as achmania: etd pAnIy jlQ nm: SIrEb nm:| Etad paniya jalam namah Shri gurobey namah | I am offering this glass of water in the name of my revered guru |
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Jap rm Gurumantra After the prayer one repeats the name of the guru several times to express respect. The process of counting is shown in Gayatri. jy r Jai Guru Hail to my guru Following japa pay obeisence to the Guru by taking a small amount of water in the right palm and drop it off on the offering plate after chanting the mantra: hYAit hYEgApA tQ g<hANA q k<tQ jpQ| isivbt tqsQ tq psAdAq sErSr|| Gujyatigujyagopta twam grihana kritam japam. Sidhir bhabatu tat sarbam tatprasadat Sureswara. Take away my ignorance with the repeated completion of your name and I may succeed in my endeavor by your grace, Oh the learned.
Auspicious Beginning NZnc ee cha fS Ganeshadi nana devata puja NfE NE HEa NfEf Jy NEZnu ejx z HEa NfEf Jy eluZu ejx z E HEa NfEf Jy hEZEi ejx zz Etey gandhapushpey Om Ganeshaya namah | Etey gandhapushpey Om Narayanaya namah | Etey gandhapushpey Om Brahmanebhyo namah || My humble prayers to various Gods I am offering these scented flowers to Lord Ganesha, Lord Narayana (Vishnu), to my teacher (Guru) and to the learned Brahmin, the spiritual inspiration. Seeking Blessing of Assembly hQe Swastivachan
Seeking the blessings of various Gods for the successful completion of the prayers. Take the kushi and put in that little water, haritaki, flower, touch of sandalwood paste, durba (or kush) and little rice. Hold it between two palms and chant the mantra. Pour the content of the kushi in tamprapatra after completing the prayer.
Jy LEhqje hoL-nlvLmeniNhccNfS LjZ ihE ihE ihE Jy fZqw ihE hh, Jy fZqw ihE hh, Jy fZqw ihE hh zz Om kartebeyshmin Barshik Saratakalin Shri Bhagawat Durga puja karmani Om punyaham bhabanto broobantu, Om punyaham bhabanto broobantu, Om punyaham bhabanto broobantu || As part of my solemn duty I resolved to perform the annual Puja of Goddess Durga, Oh the assemblage, bless me that my act be holy. Response of the assembly (devotees) Priest and others will throw rice towards the holy pitcher in response to the wish of the devotee: Jy fZqj , Jy fZqj , Jy fZqj zz Om punyaham, Om punyaham, Om punyaham || Let holiness shower on you Jy Lhqje hoL-nlvLme niNhccNfS LjZ z ih ih ih Jy ih hh, Jy ih hh, Jy ih hh z Om kartebeyahshmin Barshik Saratakalin Shri Bhagawat Durgapuja karmani
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Om swasti bhabanta brubanto, Om swasti bhabanta brubanto, Om swasti bhabanta brubanto || As part of my solemn duty I resolved to perform the annual Puja of Goddess Durga, Let my act be auspicious. Response of the assembly Jy , Jy , Jy zz Om swati, Om swasti, Om Swasti Let it be auspicious hqje Jy Lhqje hoL-nlvLme niNhccNfS LjZ z ih ih ih Jy Gw ih hh, Jy Gw ih hh, Jy Gw ih hh z Om kartebeyahshmin barshik Saratakalin Shri Bhagawat Durga puja karmani | Om rhidhim bhabanto broobantu, Om rhidhim bhabanto, Om rhidhim bhabanto || As part of my solemn duty I resolved to perform the annual Puja of Goddess Durga, Let my prayer bring properity. Response of the assembly Jy Gaj , Jy Gaj , Jy Gaj zz Om rhidhyatam, Om rhidhyatam, Om rhidhyatam || Wish you for prosperity Seeking Divine Blessing p Swastisukta Take rice in your hand and offer it to the names of various Gods controlling the environment, appealing to them to bring success in the completion of your puja offering. While chanting the mantra throw the rice three times in the offering plate, coinciding with the last mantra (Om swasti). lijq Jy Epjw lSew hlZjNjlijq Bcaw how pow hZ hqfaj zz Cc Jy e Cc hnhx Jy ex fo hnEhcx z AlE erx AlEejx, e hqfada zz Jy , Jy , Jy zz Om somam rajanam Varuna Agnim ambara bhamahey, Adityam Vishnum Surjyam Brahmanancha Brihaspatim || Om swasti nah Indro Bridhashrava Om swasti nah Pusha Viswavedah | Swasti nastyarkshyo arishtanemih swasti no Brihaspatirdadhatu || Om swasti, Om swasti, Om swasti || I offer my praises to the glory of Moon (Som), Varuna, Agni, Sun, Vishnu, Brahma and Brihaspati; with my prayers to mighty Indra, learned Pusha, undefeated Taksha, and the care -taker of Gods, Brihaspati, seeking their blessings on us.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Divine Witnesses sAxYm Sakhyamantra With Folded hand in front of your chest chant and pray: EsA o^ sUJY: EsAm Jm: kAl: sEY iaeqrf | fhe cLfaijlLnw MQljlx z MQljlx bRAQ SAsnmAAy k}imh sii}m| o^ tqsq| o^ aymAr vAy vbtu| Om Surjah somo Yahmah kalah sandhaye bhutanaha-kshapa; Pabano dikpatir bhumir-akasham khachara marah | Bramham shasanomasthaya kalpadhwamihaa sannidhim. Om tatsat. Om ayamarambho shubahaya Bhabatu || The Sun, the Moon, the Yama (death), the Time, the Morning, the Evening, the Twilight, the Living creatures, the Day, the Night, the Wind, the Guardians of the directions, the Earth, the Sky, the flying creatures, the Gods and Goddesses may you all come here to witness my pious act, Let the beginning be auspicious. Alternate: The spirits in all the planets, all the visible and invisible Gods and Goddesses, whereever they are, no matter what time it is now I pray for everybodys presence. Let the holy occassion begin. Resolution sQk The mantra declares the goal of the puja after identifying the time, place and the name of the devotee. If the priest is doing the puja, take your name and then the name of the host and at the end say kir>YAim (which means I am doing for someone else). If the devotee is making the offering himself, take your own name and at the end say, kirE>Y (which means I am doing it). Take the kushi (spoon) on the left palm. Put a yellow flower, with a touch of sandalwood paste. Place a little rice inside the spoon and (if available) a haritaki or supari beetle nut (a dry fruit), symbolizing the fruitfulness of the goal. Then cover the spoon with your right palm and chant: o^ nm: nncNu nm: Om namah Shri shri Durgawai namah Hail to Goddess Durga!!!
(pU ib>ErAm tqsq adY ---- (mAs,itiF) amk EgA: SI ---- EdbSmA (pUjArIr nAm, EgA), Ljx phf-nfhL cOu Aam hia Ljx pwhvpl pMLjx hoL nlv Lme pflhl niNhc cN fS fLlo Ljqw Llo (prAEF-amuk EgAsY amukEdbSN: - kir>YAim) Vishnurom tatsat adya --- (month and tithi) --- gotra Shri --- devasharma --(name of the priest) sarbapa-shantipurbaka dirghayu atula bibhuti kamah sambatsara sukhakamo Barshik Sarat kaleen saparibar Shri Bhagavat Durga puja karma-aham karishey (doing for someone else, karishyami) In the name of Lord Vishnu, on this auspicious day of (month and tithi or the day by lunar calendar- see Bengali almanac), I of ____ Gotra name ____ born by the grace of God (devasharmana) performing this worship with the goal of bringing peace for all, their long life, good name, peace for the whole year, I am performing this Annual Autumn time Durga Puja with all her entire family (Or, performing for someone else. State the identity of the person for whom you are doing the prayers). (Note: Gotra is the family identity. (In Hindu society, the gotra broadly refers to people who are descendants in an unbroken male line from a common male ancestor, which is usually the name of a sage Kashyap, Bharadwaj, Agastha etc.). After the completion of the chant, turn over the spoon (kushi) on the offering plate (tamrapatra) and sprinkle some water on the spoon. Use your right hand forefingers to pick up water from the pot container (kosha). Then chant the following mantra seeking His blessing to complete. Seeking Gods Grace pfp Sankalpasukta This is the prayer, seeking His grace for the successful completion of the worship. Jy ch h hZcx fZw hhpQj z E pd jf h fZd jc ch Jqa z Om devobo dravinodah purnam bibastasicham | Udhwa sinchadwa mupa ba prinadhwa madidwo deva ohatey || I seek the blessing of illustrious Agni with devotion. May he help me to fulfill my goal by His grace. I call Him with my utmost humility. o^ asY sitAFsY isir| | o^ aymAr vAy vbtu || Om asya sankalpitarthasya sidhirasthu. Om ayamarambha shubhaya bhabatu || In the spirit of divinity may my goal be successful. May this be an auspicious beginning.
Welcome of the Priest and Tantradharak (helper of priest) m o^ sA} vbAnAAm | Om Sadhu bhabanastam Welcome Oh the pious one o^ sA}Bh mAEs | Om sadhwaha masey Thank you. I am comfortable o^ aciy>YAEmA vbm | Om archayishyamo bhabantam I would like to make offerings to you o^ acy | Om archaya Go ahead with the offering gNAu Hae g-pp-b-JE@ApbItAin o^ bANAu ej: Etani gandha-pushpa-vastra-yagyopabitani Om Brahmanaya namah With humility may I offer this flower, cloth, sacred thread and others to the honored Brahmin Jy h | Om Swasti I accept your gift Worship of the Gods at the Entrance dArEdbtA pjA Dwardevata puja The house is considered as a temple guarded by the Gods at the entrance (Vastudevata, bAEdbtA). These gods help in removing the hurdles (Ganesha) or bring good luck and wealth to the family (Lakshmi and Kuber). Hence before the core of the puja, they are worshipped. Take two flowers, dip hem in sandalwood paste and offer them to the Gods of entrance. Ask a family member to take the flower to the entrance door and leave them on the step. The entrance is usually decorated with water pots, marked with vermilion powder and contains banana sapling or any green foliage. Some families decorate the floor as well which is symbolizes to invitation of divinity. lcha chai Ha N ff Jy lchai ejx Etey gandhapushpey om Dwaradevatabhyo namah |
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN I offer my scented flower to the guardian Gods of the entrance. Following the reverence to the guardians of entrance, the house is worshipped. Prayers to the Spirits ibEGAqsArN Bighnotsaran Before starting the puja ritual, all efforts are made to remove the hurdles that may interrupt the puja process. It is done in several steps. Removal of evil spirits around the worship area vUtApsrn Bhutapasaran
Special offerings are made to all invisible spirits. It is believed that invisible spirits that previously occupied the place of worship, need to be satisfied before you intrude in their domain.
Sprinkle white mustard around the puja area or put them in the offering plate. Jy hamQ fnQQ lrpQ plpfxz Afpf a p cNZh asaxzz Jy Afpf a ia k ia ih pwaxz l k ia hOLl en nhuzz Om betalascha pishachascha rakshasashcha srisupah| Apasarpantu tey sarbey Durgastreynaiba taritah || Om apasarpantu tey bhutah jey bhuta bhumi sansthitah | Jey bhuta bighnakartarastey nishyantu Shivagaya || The evil spirits that are residing on this ground may please clear out. The evil spirits of residence may please move out Under the commands of Lord Shiva
Show five welcome mudras (explained earlier).
Jy iacu CqNRa, CqNRa, Cqaa, Cqaa, Cqpl Cqpldj Adew Ll, jj fSw NqZ z Om Bhutadaya iha gacchata iha gacchata Iha tishthata Iha tishthata Iha sanniruddha, iha sanniruddhadhyam | Atradhisthanam kuru mama puja grihana Oh the spirits come, establish here, come close and stay close to me, Rest here and accept my offerings. NZ Zi Hav fcw Jy iaNZi ejx Etat padyam Om bhutaganebhyo namah I am offering this water for washing your feet, Oh Spirits!
NZ Zi Hav AOw Jy iaNZi ejx Etat arghyam Om bhutaganebhyo namah I am offering the rice in your reception, to all the spirits that reside here. NZ Zi Hav ffw Jy iaNZi ejx Etat pushpam Om bhutaganebhyo namah I am offering flower to all the spirits that reside here. Offerings to the spirit joi hm Mashabhaktabali Take a flower (preferably red) and place it into the small container with a spoonful of yogurt and mashkalai (black lentil). This is called mashabhakta bali (joi hm). joihmu ejx, hw Haj joihmu ejx, joihmu Ha Nff Jy joihmu ejx, Hacdfau hoh Ha Nff Jy Hacdfau Jy hoh ejx z ci Ho joi hmx Jy iaci ejx z Bam etashmai mashabhaktabalaye namah! Etey gandhapushpey! Om mashabhaktabalayey namah! Etey gandhapushpey etadhipatayeh Om Vishnabey namah! Esha mashabhakta balih Om bhutadibhyo namah || Reverence to the mashabhaktabali. (the container with yogurt, mashkalai and red flowerdipped in sandalwood) As I offer the scented flower to the name of Vishnu and The invisible spirits.
Looking up, with folded hands, pray to the spirits. At the end of the prayer touch the mashabhakata bali container.
Invite the spirits with five welcome mudras described earlier. Jy iax fax fnQQ k hp iam z c hmlo a Nq ju c hmlo fpdax z f fSa N ffcmifab z cncjv cncjv hexpa fSw fn jv Lajz Ho joi hmx Jy iai ejx z Om bhutah pretah pishachascha jey basantyatra bhutaley | Jey grihnantu maya datta baliresha prasadhitah || Pujita gandha pushpadwairabalibhistutharpitah statha | Deshad asmad binihsritya pujam pashyantu matkritam | Esha mashabhaktabalih Om bhutebhyo namah ||
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN In the name of divinity (Om) I am requesting all the spirits who lived here earlier, take my offerings of sandalwood paste and flower and others. Please clear this place until I am done with my worship. I bow to you, Oh the spirits. Finally conclude the ritual by picking up a few mustard seeds and sprinkle them around the worship area with the following mantras: o^ s ibGAnqsAry h^Q fT bAhA | Om sarba bighnanutsaraya hung phat swaha | May all the hurdles be removed. Snap your finger over your head, circling three times, and uttering the sound phat, phat, phat. (fT,fT, fT). Then throw some mustard seeds in the vicinity. fT Sanctification of the floor Throwa little water on the floor with the following chant. Jy lr lr qw gV hq z Om raksha raksha hum phat swaha Protect this place from the evil spirits Then touch the floor in front and chant: Jy fh hS ij qy qw gV hq z y Om pabitra bajra bhumey hum hum phat swaha May this auspicious ground be free from evil spirits Then mark with water a triangle on your left side, in front of you, and put a flower on it while chanting the mantra. H nc Jy qw Ha N ff Bdl nci ejx z Om hring etey gandha pushpey adhara shaktadibhyo namah | In the name of divinity, I offer this scented flower I pay my oblation to the ground that holds us firmly. Breath Control Exercise
Pranayam The meaning of pranayama in Sanskrit is control (ayama) of the life or breath (prana). Breath provides the vital energy for all living creatures. In humans, as we can feel, it has three components inhale, restrain, and exhale. We inhale oxygen that enters into complex metabolic processes inside the body and finally the harmful product (carbon dioxide) is thrown out, or exhaled. Control of the breathing process, the subtle invisible force, connects the body with the mind. Meditators believe that body and mind are separate entities and the breath connects them. Thus pranayam can be called as
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA extension of life force to control ones mind. It is highly recommended before performing the puja. The mulmantra used in the worship of Durga is Hrim (qQ). Repeatition of this mantra keeps the count for inhaling, holding, and exhaling. Note: Mulamantra is the primordial sound designated to each God explained in the Introductory Book (#1). Take the right thumb and close your right nostril. Inhale air while counting Hrim (qQ) on your left hand fingers (see Gayatri for the counting process). Make 16 counts for the inhale (purk), repeating the japa Hring (qQ). In the next step, take the middle finger and the ring finger together to close the left nostril and hold the breath (kuk). Make 64 counts, repeating the jap Hrim (qQ) while holding your breath. Finally, open your right nostril by lifting the right thumb while continuing to close the left nostril and let the air blow out or exhale (Erck). This time you will count 32 times with jap of Hrim (qQ). If you are unable to hold the breath for long time, reduce the counts to half (4-16-8). The alternate Sanskrit terms used for inhale and exhale in Sanskrit are anulom and bilom. Dedication of Self nYAs Nyas Here the devotee dedicates all his body to the prayer of the Lord. Offering the Various Parts of the Body anYAs Anganyas I am offering the different parts of my body heart, head, apex of my hair (shikha), arms, eyes, and my hands to Thy prayer. With the fingers of right hand (all joined together) touch each of the following parts of the body: Heart: o^ gAQ hdyAy nm:| Om gam hridayaya namah | Head: o^ gIQ iSrEs AhA| Om gim shirashey swaha| Hairs on the tip of the head: o^ guQ iSKAy b>[| Om gum shikhawai bashath | Arms: o^ gQ kbcAy h^| Om gaim kabachaya hum | u Two eyes (one at a time): o^ EgQ EnAy b>[| Om goum netratraya boushath | Hand: Circle the right palm around the left palm and then strike in the middle of the left palm with the ring finger and middle finger (joined): o^ g: krtl p<<AvYAm aAy fT| Om Gah karatala prishtabhyam astraya phat | I offer my hands to Thy prayer
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Offering of fingers krnYAs Karanyas Touch your thumb, then the pointing finger, then the middle, then the ring finger and finally the little finger. Finally, as you have done earlier, hit the center of the left palm with two of the right fingers (middle and pointing); simultaneously utter the sound astraya phat. o^ sAQ auAvYAQ nm:| o^ sIQ tjinvYAQ AhA| o^ suQ m}YmAvYAQ Eb>T | o^ sQ anAimkAvYQ h^| u kin o^ EsQ kinvYAQ Eb>T| o^ s: krtl p<<AvYAm aAy fT| Om sam angushthabhyam namah, Om sim tarjanibhyam swaaha, Om sum madhyamabhyam boushat, Om saim anamikabhyam hum, Om soum kanisthabhyam boushat, Om sah karatalaprishthabhyam astraya phat. I am offering my thumb, pointing finger, middle finger, ring finger, the small finger and my palm to your prayers. (Follow the same procedure as described before with body parts) Meditation of Durga dugAr }YAn Durgar dhyan Take a flower on the left palm and in dhyan mudra meditate on the image of Devi Durga in your heart before you bring life in the idol. ESKrAm o^ jTAjuT smAJuAQ aEdu k<tESKrAm| ElAcny sQJuAQ pUENdu sd<nAnnAm|| atsI pup bNAvAQ supRitAQ suElAcnAm| nb EJbn spnAQ sAvrN vUi>tAm|| Om jatajuta samayuktam ardhendu kritashekharam | Lochanatraya samjuktam purnendu sadrishananam || Atasi pushpa barnabham supratishtham sulochanam | Naba joubana sampanam sarbabharan bhushitam || Goddess (Durga) with her matted hair on her head Forehead like the half-moon, face like the full moon Her color is like the atasi flower (hot melted gold) with beautiful eyes. She is full with youth and decked all over with exquisite jewels.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA sucAr dSnAQ av pIEnAt pEyA}rAm| n iv An sQAnQ mih>Asur midnIm|| m<NAlAyt sQpS dSbA smintAm| mAd}:|| ilQ dixEN E}YyQ KQ Qw mAd}:|| Sucharu dashanam tatbat pinonnata payodharam | Tribhanga sthan sansthanam Mahishasura mardinim || Mrinalayata samsparsha dashabahu samanwitam | Trishulam dakshiney dhyeyam khargam chakram kramadadhah || Her teeth are beautifully set and sharp; her breasts are full Standing gracefully on three bends she is killing the demon Mahishasur (buffalo demon). Like the stalks of the lotus, long and gentle, are her ten arms. On the top right arm is the trident, under that is the axe or sword and then is the (chakra) in sequence. tIxbANQ dixEZ tIxbANQ tFA SiQ dixEZ>u ibicEyq| Q|| EKTkQ pUNcAp fnjnjh Q|| GTAQ bA prQ bAip bAmt: siEbSEyq| a} tchiSrQ h a}An mih>Q tchiSrQ pRdSEyq|| Tikshnabanam tatha shaktim dakshineshu bichintayet | Khetakam purnachapancha pashamankushamebacha | Ghantam ba parashum bapi bamatah sannibeshayet | Adhasthan mahisham tadbadbishiraskam pradarsayet || As you continue meditating with Her lower right arms The lowest two arms hold sharp arrow, and thunderbolt (shakti, spear). On the left, at the bottom she holds the leather shield (khetaka) Over that is the bow (purnachap), and then is the serpent, Above that is the hook (ankush). At the top is the bell or the axe. At Goddesss feet is the sheared head of the demon. Note: The mantras described here differ from the descriptions found in other literatures. Here is the list of 10 weapons held by Durga in her ten arms, as described by others: Trishula (trident), Chakram (discus), Scimitar (kharga), Snake, Conch Shell, Mace, Bow/Arrow, Hook, Lotus, and Thunderbolt. The mount also differs in some descriptions Lion or Tiger. In any case, the overall image of the Goddess killing the buffalo demon does not change. iSrECEdAh tc iSrECEdAhQ tc dAnbQ K pAiNnm| hid Eln inivQ inJd ibvui>tm|| rAr irEt rAr k<tA r ibfuirEt xNm| v>NAnnm|| EbitQ nAg pAESn kuiT v>NAnnm|| Shirascheydodbhabam tadbat danabam kharga paninam | Hridishulena nirbhinnam nirjadantra bibhushitam || Raktarakti kritangancha rakta bisphurita khanam | Bestitam naga pashena bhrukuti bhishanananam ||
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN From the sheared head of the buffalo emerges the demon, halfway raised with his kharga (sickle-shaped sword) in hand. His heart is pierced by the trident of the Goddess, And his guts are out from his stomach. His body is smeared with blood and his eyes are red and wide open. The serpent of the Goddess is winding up the demon. He looks dreadful with his raised eye brows. EkS spAS bAmhEn }<tEkS dugyA| bmd i}r yv bmdli}r b EdbYA isQhQ pRdSEyv|| EdbYAu dixNQ pAdQ smQ isQEhApiritm| W ikiq WQ tFA bAm auQ mihE>Apir|| Uy mAn tdRp mmr: siEbSEyq| fp hcew Echw p Lj gm fcwz Sapasha bamahastena dhritakeshantu Durgaya | Bamadrudhir baktrancha devya sinham pradarshayet || Debyastu dakshinam padam samam sinhoparisthitam | Kinchit urdham tatha bama angushtham mahishopari | Stuya manancha tadrupa mamraih sannibeshayet | Prasanna badanam devim sarba kama phala pradam || The Goddess is pulling the demons hairs with Her left arm on side, while the demon is throwing up blood. Near Her foot is the lion and the right foot of the Goddess is resting on him. The left paw of the lion is gripping the upper chest of the demon. Yet the Goddess maintains her peaceful countenance and blessing all. In this action mode, all Gods are praising the Goddess. wgRcA pRcA c cEAEgRA cnAiykA| cA cbtI cb crpAit cikA| Siivl lAiv: aAiv SiivlAiv: sttQ pirEbitAm| yv icEyvjgtAQ }AiQ }mkAmAF EmAxdAm|| Ugrachanda Prachanda cha Chandogro Chandanayika | Chanda Chandabati Chaiba Chandarupati Chandika | Ashtabhi shaktibhirshtabhi satatam paribeshtitham | Chintayet jagatam dhatrim dharma kamartha mokshadam || Circumscribed by the eight energy forms of the Gods Ugrachanda, Prachanda, Chandogra, Chandanayika, Chanda, Chandabati, Chandarupa, and Atichandika The Goddess who fulfills the goals of human life for the householder Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha Should be the focus of meditation for the Goddess of the Universe.
Goal of Human Life The ancient Hindus never neglected any aspect of human life. The four goals or endeavors of human life constitute the roadmap for a happy life on earth and beyond. These are Dhrama, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Dharma is the first goal of life. Our moral duties, obligations and conduct, the dos and donts. This builds our character and helps us make the righteous decisions of life. Artha, is the second goal of life for the householder. Undoubtedly we need wealth and material prosperity to fulfill our aspirations and dreams. But to realize this goal one must have a righteous and moral basis. Kama (desire) is the fulfillment of biological, physical, and material desires. Artha and Kama are necessary for a householder in order to bring growth and satisfaction for his family and society. Yet he has to decide the limits on Artha and Kama in order to reach the ultimate goal of human life, which is Moksha or liberation. Moksha brings divine happiness. It is through this process of evolution that he takes refuge in God, free from earthly bondage, and is blessed with self-realization and God realization. It is such a blessed life when someone, before the final departure, looks back and says with a sigh of satisfaction, I have done my best.
Manas puja jepfS Manas puja Manas puja simply means to worship mentally. You just meditate on the deity (Goddess Durga) and worship her after letting her sit in your heart as her throne. You perform all the rituals but they are all in imagination, fulfilling your desire to your hearts content without lifting your finger. Some people consider this to be the finest form of worship where you see your dream come into life establishing your close contact with the Goddess. Sit in padmasan. Take a flower and put it on your head. Close your eyes and think of the illuminous Goddess sitting on the lotus of your heart. Hold the mental image and offer Her bath and various puja materials that is normally offered, including dhup and lamp. Finally offer her your humble obeisance without any mantra to chant except humming with the mulmantra, Iw qw nw Owim Hrim Shrim Gods image in single syllable, the primordial sound
Special Offerings ibES>AG Bishesharghya It is the special offer to the deity. The general offer, called sAmAnAG or samanyargha, is done on the water vessel kept in front (koshakushi) of the priest. While the bisheshargha is done on the waterconch (jlS), keep it on the left of the priest/devotee. Make a triangular water mark on your left. Place the metal tripod (used to place the water-conch) with tail side facing front. Put the washed water-conch on it, tail side matching with the tripod. Utter the primordial sound of Om Owing (o^ \Q) while filling three-quarter of the water-conch with water. Put in that durba grass, a pinch of rice and a flower with a touch of sandalwood. Hold the conch and chant the following mantras: f Lmae Ha N ff Jy Aw ALjmu cn Lmae ejx cnLmae Jy jw hq jmu cnLmae ejxz osnLmae Jy Fw pj jmu osnLmae ejxzz Etey gandhapushpey Om am arkamandalaya dwadasha kalatmaney namah | Om mam vanhi mandalaya dashakalatmaney namah | Om oom soma mandalaya shorashakalatmane namah || I am offering my scented flowers (sandalwood-dipped) to the solar system in all its grandeur, twenty folds of the solar disc, ten folds of its energy (fire, vahni) circle, and sixteen folds of lunar cycle. Show the five mudras, mentioned earlier (see Mudra), the call of the divine spirit. Finally show ankusha mudra to call the water from five holy rivers. Then point your pointer finger upwards while other fingers are folded together (called akSmdA, ankusha mudra). Lift the hand up pointing to the solar system and bring it down to the water of the water conch. Thus you seek support from the planetary energy to sancitify the water. jElin o^ gE c JmuEn cb EgAdAbir srit, nmEd isu kAEbir, jElin sii}Q kur| Om Gangeycha Jamuney chaiba Godavari Saraswati | Narmadey Sindhu Kaveri jalesmin sannidhim kuru || Allow me to call the holy rivers of India (Ganges, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaberi) to merge into this water. Reverence To Gods Holding Us pI[pujA Peethapuja Peetha puja (pI[, peetha means seat) refers to the offerings to those Gods that form our base of existence.
Show five welcome mudras addressing the holy pitcher (See attached figure and more explanation in Book #1, Introduction and Invocation.
HhAitt, o^ pI[EdbtA HhAg Ct HhAg Ct, HhAitt HhAitt, HhsiE}ih| t:| Hh sir}B, Hh sirY}Bm aAi}AnQ kurt:| mm pUjA g<hIt|| Om Pithadevata ihagachhata ihagachhata, ehatishthata ehatishthata | Iha sannirudhwashwa, iha sannirudhwadhwam atradhishthanam kurutah | Mama puja grinhita || Oh pithadevata (Gods of the background) come and stay close to me and let your presence help me to perform the puja.
Offer bits of flowers or small quantities of water in the name of each God and Goddesses listed below.
nmx eEt g puEp o^ pI[AsnAy nmx| o^ aA}ArSAy nm:| o^ pRk<tY nm:| o^ anAy nm:| o^ p<iFEbY nm:| o^ xIrsmudRAy nm:| o^ EbtIpAy nm:| xAy o^ minmpAy nm:| o^ kb<xAy nm:| o^ minEbidkAy nm:| o^ rtisQhAsnAy nm:| o^ agYAidEkANctuEy nm:| o^ }mAy nm:| o^ SRIQ kmlAsnAy nm:| Etey gandha pushpey Om Peethasanaya namah | Om Adharashaktaya namah \ Om Prakritai namah | Om Anantaya namah | Om Prithibai namah, | Om Khirasamudraya namah | Om Swetadhipaya namah | Om Manimandapaya namah | Om Kalpabrikshaya namah | Om Manibedkawai namah | Om Ratnasinhasanaya namah| Om Agnyadikonachatushthaye namah| Om Dharmaya namah| Om Kamalasanaya namah || I am offering my reverence to the Gods in the background in order to receive their blessing : The base of our existence, the infinite, the nature, the cosmos, the earth, the ocean, the island from where we evolved, the crystal hall of the universe, the wishing tree (aspirations), the jeweled stage of our activities, the honored throne of precious stones, the directional gods, righteous thoughts, and the auspicious seat.
ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum ardum inarakihkummaS inhdorinnaS inapahdinnaS arduminapatS arduminahabA
ecaF esolc emoC nwod eltteS tiS emocleW
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Sanctification of The Holy Pitcher fbe Prarthana Fold your hands and pray to the holy pitcher: M L Lmnp jM ho L lx pjnax z a jd jm a a h jd jaNZx jax zz r ph Lr a pNlx ph pf hpl z cx h pjhcx GNcx Ab kShcx pjhcx Af AbhZx zz ph AQ pqax ph Lmn pjnax z Bk ch fSbw claruLlLx zz e pla N Q kje Qh Nchl pla z c Lhl S ejc p Lhl Smje pdw Ll zz Kalashashya mukhey Vishnu kanthey Rudrah samasritah | Muley tatra sthito Brahma madhey matriganah smritah || Kukshaitu sagarah sarbey Saptadeepa basundhara | Rigvedah atha Jajurvedah Samavedah api Atharbanah | Ayantu deva pujartham durita kshayakaraka || Gangeycha Yamuney chaiba Godavari Saraswati | Narmadey Sindhu Kaberi jaleysmin sannidhim kuru || At the mouth of the pitcher rests Vishnu, on the neck is the Shiva, at the bottom (root) rests Brahma (the creator), and in the middle circles various mother goddesses. The water represents the ocean at the time of creation of earth when seven islands comprised the land of India, whence the learned sages wrote Rigveda, Jajurveda, Samaveda and Atharbaveda. They all merged in this pitcher of water. This pitcher is dedicated to the worship of God and may all the evil spirits clear off from here. Establishing the Holy Pitcher qaLlZ Sthirikaran Hold the pitcher with both hands and repeat the following mantra: hp Zax Jy ahax flhp hujc fZax z lZ jp qaqlZj z ql Jy qw qw ql ih z JAbq pUjA kErAmYhm| Om twabatah purubaso bayamindra pranetah | Smasi swatar Harinam | Om stham sthim sthiro bhaba || Javat puja karomyaham In the name of Vishnu I am offering my reverence to the gods to stay with me as long I am performing this sacred puja. Stay here firmly.
A touch of the ancient history of India in Hindu rituals Brahmanda Purana has described that the prehistoric India was originally comprised of seven islands which today drifted to their various current locations Malaysia, Andaman, Sri Lanka and others. They were named as Jambu, Plaksha, Shalmala, Kusha, Krouncha, Shaka and Pushkara. They were surrounded by seven seas. They believed that todays India was inhabited by sages and people with high spiritual thoughts. Apart from this mythological account, anthropological evidences record that during the Continental Drift, India separated out from the Gondwana Land located in the South Pole into the present position. Geologically, the origin of the Himalayas is the impact of the Indian tectonic plate traveling northward at 15 cm per year towards the Eurasian continent, about 40-50 million years ago. The formation of the Himalaya Mountains resulted since the lighter rock of the seabed of that time was easily uplifted into mountains. An often-cited fact used to illustrate this process is that the summit of Mount Everest is made of marine limestone. In addition, the continuing rise of Himalaya is in support of this theory. The mystery still remains to be resolved as how did our forefathers conjecture the things happened before even the human race appeared on this earth?
Prayer for support Lam Kritanjali(pray with folded hands) pab a chpje Jy pabhw hl phhchpjeaj z ch Cjw OVw pjlq a ch NZx pqx zz Om sarbatirtha-udbhabam bari sarba deva samanwetam Imam ghatam samarujhya tishtha deva ganaih saha| The sacred rivers sanctify this holy water of the pitcher with the merger of all Gods and Goddeses into it. Now I establish this pitcher with the appeal to the Gods and Goddesses I plan to worship to rest here, with the men. Cordoning the pitcher The sacred pitcher is cordoned by planting four arrowhead sticks (kAvErApN, Kandatropan) on the four corners around the pitcher and circling (5-7 times) of a redcolored thread around the sticks (sUEbn, Shutrabeshtan). Planting of Arrow-head Sticks kAErApN Kandaropan On the four corners of the sacred pitcher place four sticks (3-5 mm diameter, 2 ft high) with an arrowhead on the top of each. This is commonly known as tIrkAi[ (tirkathi). The arrowhead is made from dry palm leaves as they are inserted into the split top of the stick,
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA making the appearance of the three leaved durba grass (iconic). If palm leaves are not available, use thin wood pieces or rough green leaves, inserted into the split top of the sticks, with the attempt to make the stick. Tirkathi (tIrkAi[) imitates durba grass. The sticks are inserted into the mud balls at the base (imitating earth). One can use foam cups filled with wet dirt. The mantra bears the history of the migration of Aryans into India.
Background information: The durba grass or Cynodon dactylon is a creeper grass highly prized in India. It practically grows anywhere under wide variety of climates and soils. It spreads quickly with the availability of water, extending its creeping stems, called stolons that spread in all directions. (Note: a stolon is a shoot that bends to the ground or that grows horizontally above the ground and produces roots and shoots at the nodes). Hence it is also referred as runners. When the Aryans came, they wanted to spread out in India like the durba grass. The nodes with roots and shoots they called kA (kanda) and the extending stem between the nodes, or stolon, they called pr>(parush). So, the arrow-head sticks, planted around the holy pitcher, are compared with thedurba grass with three pointing leaves (the arrow head) that is held on mud balls (earth). The thread is the stolon or the family joined together by holding to each other and circles around the holy pitcher (emblem of God).
The pitcher, symbolic of the basic elements of life, is encircled by four sticks called tirkathi (tIrkAi[) and a continuous red thread (five rounds). The tirkathi and thread appear to signify the interwoven relationship of the family and community with the creation of the basic elements of life.
Touch the tIrkAi[ (tirkathi) and chant: lq Jy Lv Lv flq flo flofl pqp nae Hh e c fae pqpZ nae Q z Om kandat kandat prarohanti parusha parushaspari Eba no durbey pratanu sahasrena satena cha || I am establishing these sticks with arrow-heads (tirkathi), representing the Durba grass that spreads in all directions through roots (kandat) at the nodes and stolen (parush) or runnerstalk. I pray for our family to spread out in all directions in hundreds and thousands Oh durba (Cynodon dactylon!) The way your roots strikes at your nodes (kA), connected by your stolens (pr>), the same way connect us with thousands of our children and grandchildren spreading out in all directions.
cjeqpw Jy pjZw fbhw cjeqpw pnjZjcaw pfZaw z jlqj chw ehw lpeNj phjlqj u zz Om sutramanam prithibim dyamanahasam susharmanamditim supranitim Dwaivim nabam swaritr-asanagam srabanti-maruhama swastayey || This auspicious security thread is long, holy, prosperous, immortal, divine and firm. It is like a boat that will lead us to the heaven. Sanctification of Dias (platform) hc nde Vedi sodhan
Put a flower on the platform and pray with folded hands.
hcx pjfa Jy hcx hcx pjfa hqo hqlcuj z fe kfe kf Bfuaw fZa ANlNe zz a Om bedyah bedih samapyatey barhisha barhindriam Jupen jupa apayatam pranita agniragnina I am dedicating this sacred dias (platform) with all my sense of perception I am inviting all Gods and to the God of fire Agni to bless me. Sanctification of Top Cover hae nde Bitan sodhan
Look at the ceiling (or top canopy), place a flower in the offering plate and then say with folded hands.
Eau, ch Jy F FoZ Eau, a ch e pha z kci jq F hSp pea kcihOhqujq zz Om urdhey ushuna utaye, tishtha debo na Sabita | Urdho bajashya sanita jadanjibhirbagha-udvirhabhyamahey || Oh the sacred canopy, like the sun in the sky, you protect us and our food. Let your invitation go to the wise men to chant mantras under your shelter
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Welcoming Goddess Durga EdbIEk aAbAhn Devikey abahan Welcome Goddess Durga, showing the five mudras abahani, sthapani, sannidhapani, sannirodhani, and smmukhikarani. See details of mudras presented earlier. o^ vUx vUbx : vgbit dugA pirbAr gnsihEt HhAg C HhAg C Hhit HhsiE}ih, Hh sir}Y aAi}AnQ kur, mmpUjAQ g<hAN| o^ AQ IQ ErA vb, JAbt pUjA kErAhQ mm:| o^ aAg C mdg<Eh EdbI aAiv siiv sh| hAN pUjAQ g<hAN ibi}bq sbklYAnkAirin| Om bhuh bhubha swah bhagavati Durga paribar gana sahitey Ihagaccha I, hagaccha, , ihatistha, ihatistha, ihasannideahi, ihasannirudhaswa, Atradhistanam kuru, mamapuja grihan | Om stham shthim sthirobhaba, jabat puja karoham mama || Om agaccha madgrihey debi ashtabhih shaktibhi saktibhi saha | Pujan grihana bidhibat sarbakalyana karini || Oh Goddess Durga come with your family, sit down, get attached, stay close to us, settle down as long I worship you. Come in my house Oh Durga, with all your eight powers, I will worship in the prescribed way, Oh the well wisher of all. Offerings to Nine Planets nbgh Nabagraha Nava means nine. Graha means planets. As per Vedic Astrology, there are nine planets that influence our lives. These nine planets are: Sun (Aditya, Rabi), Moon (som), Mangala (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Brahaspati (Jupitor), Sukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu (ascending node of the moon) and Ketu (descending node of the moon). The last two are related to the eclipse. In the worship of nine planets, the name of the individual planet is not necessary. The mantra Adityadi (Aditya or sun and others) Navagraheybhyo namah takes care of all the nine planets. Make five offerings in the name of thenine planets: e> g: o^ aAidtYAid nbgEhEvYA nm: Esha Gandha Om Adityadi Nabagraheybhyo namah etq pp o^ aAidtYAid nbgEhEvYA nm: Etat pushpa Om Adityadi Nabagraheybhyo namah e> }p: o^ aAidtYAid nbgEhEvYA nm: Esha dhupah Om Adityadi Nabagraheybhyo namah e> dIp o^ aAidtYAid nbgEhEvYA nm: Esha dwip Om Adityadi Nabagraheybhyo namah
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN aAidtYAid etd nEbdYQ o^ aAidtYAid nbgEhEvYA nm: Etat naivedyam Om Adityadi Nabagraheybhyo namah Herewith I offer sandalwood, flower, incense, lamp and food platter to Aditya and other Gods of the nine planets. (Note: separate naivedya with nine mounds of rice and a small fruit on each mound makes the nabagraha-naivedya). Guardians of directions cncLfm Dash dikapal Das means ten, dik is direction and pal is protector. Hence Dasdikpal means the protector of ten directions. The deities connected to the protection of the ten directions of this earth are: Indra (east), Agni (south-east), Yama (south), Nairit (south-west), Varun west), Vayu (north-west), Kuber (north), Isha (north-east), Brahma (upward) , Anant (downward). Show your respect by offering a little water or flower or rice in the name of each deity. eEt g pEp Jy dSidkpAElEvYA nm: z Etey gandhapushpey Om Dashadikapalebhyo namah I am offering these scented flowers to the Lords of the directions with humility. Offerings to Durga E>A#ESApcAEEr pjA Shorashopacharey puja Any of the following sixteen things, as listed, can be offered. Each time repeat this line as you submit the individual offering: --) Hacdfa ejx, Hav e> --- (dIp: --) Hacdfau nhoh ejx, Hav pfceu Jy qw cNu ejx z Esha --- (e.g. deepah) etatdhipataye Shri Vishnabey nmah, Etat sampradanaya Om Hrim Durgawai namah || I am offering ---- in the name of Lord Vishnu Oh Goddess Durga, please oblige me by accepting my offering. e> dIp: z Esha deepah I offer the lamp to lead you etq pAdYm z Etat padyam I offer you water to wash your feet HdQ aGm z Idam arghyam I offer you rice as a welcome treat
HdQ aAcmnIyQ z Idam achmanium I offer you water to drink HdQ rjtAsnQ z Idam rajatasanam I offer you the silver seat to sit HdQ Aluj z Idam anguriam I offer you the ring as my gift etq lSailZ z Etat rajatabharam I offer you the silver ornaments in my appreciation e> Nx z Esha gandha I offer you the scent (sandalwood paste) for your body e> dfj z Esha dhupam I offer you incense to purify the air Hae ffe z Etani pushpani I offer you the flower as a token of my appreciation for you. Htq jmj z Etat malyam I offer you garland to honor you. HdQ peu Smj z Idam snania jalam I offer you water to take bath HdQ hj Idam bastram I offer you clothes to wear e HdQ pfLlZ j ehcj z Idam sopakarana mannya naivedyam I offer you this platter of rice with many accompaniments Hae gmjme z
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Etani phalamulani I offer you fruits and roots for your pleasure Htq jdfLj z Etat madhuparkam I offer you honey for your pleasure Htq fljj z Etat paramannyam I offer you the special sweet preparation with rice as your dessert Hdm pnrAcmnIyQ z Idam punarachmaniam I offer you water for washing your mouth Adoration With Lamp aArit Arati Start the arati after ringing the bell or ghanta held in left hand. The right hand holds the lamp (and other objects in turn) while you stay stationary facing the deity. The first adoration is done to the Holy pitcher. Circle the lamp (and other in sequence) three times in front of the Holy pitcher. Then you do the same in front of Shaligram sheela (if you have it there). Then you adore Shiva whose image is usually kept nearby to remind of the devotee of Lord Shiva, Durgas husband the source of Durgas inspiration. Then you focus on the main deity, Goddess Durga, followed by her children, nabapatrika, pets, Mahishashur and the lion. Circle the lamp (and other objects in sequence) three times in front of each, as listed. In the conclusion, circle in front of Durgas feet with devotion and sincerity. The burnng lamp is then circled around the devotees to receive the Warmth of God by touching the flame. Five lamps (ffcf, pancha pradeep) Water conch (SmnM, jala sankha) Cloth (h, bastra) Flower/grass (ff-c, pushpa, durba) Mirror (cfe, darpan) Camphor (Lfl, karpur) Incense (df, dhoop) Fan (Qjl, chamar)
(Awakening) EbA}n
Please note: Bodhan is a part of Sadharan Puja. Hence some repeats will be obvious which can be eliminated. INVOCATION PRAYERS ho plZ Vishnu smaran Then with folded hands pray to Lord Vishnu: ao Jy ao fljw fcj, pc fn plux, chh Qrlaaj z Jy hox, Jy hox, Jy hox z Om Tadavishnu paramam padam sada pashyanti suraya dibiba chakshuratatam Om Vishnu! Om Vishnu! Om Vishnu! As the widely open eyes can see the sky clearly without any obstruction, so the wise people always see Lord Vishnu on His Highest Place with their divine vision. Hail to Lord Vishnu. Ganesh and Other Divinities NZnc ee cha fS Ganeshadi nana devata puja gpu NZnu Ha gpuEp Jy NZnu ejx z gpu Ha gpuEp Jy eluZu ejx z
gpu eEt gpuEp nm: SIrEb nm:| gpu Z Zi Ha gpuEp Jy hZi ejx zz Etey gandhapushpay Om Ganeshaya namah | Etey gandhapushpey Om Narayanaya namah | Eteh gandhapushpey namah Shri gurobey namah | Etey gandhapushpey Om Brahnebhyo namah || My humble prayers to various Gods I am offering these scented flowers to Lord Ganesha, Lord Narayana (Vishnu), my guru and to the learned Brahmin, my spiritual inspiration. Good Wishes of Assembly h hQe Throw rice into the offering plate (tamprapatra) while chanting: du o^ kEbYhimn SRIiNhcdugA EbA}n kmiN o^ puNYhQ vbEA bRb,u o^ puNYhQ vbEA bRb,u o^ puNYhQ vbEA bRb,u zz
Om kartebheyshmin Shri Bhagawat Durga bodhana karmani Om punyaham bhabanto broobantu, Om punyaham bhabanto broobantu, Om punyaham bhabanto broobantu, Om punyaham bhabanto broobantu, Om punyaham bhabanto broobantu, || As part of my solemn duty I resolved to perform the awakening of Goddess Durga, Oh the assemblage, bless me that my act be holy.
Response of the assembly Priest and others will throw rice towards the holy pitcher in response to the wish of the devotee: Jy fZqj , Jy fZqj , Jy fZqj zz Om punyaham, Om punyaham, Om punyaham, || Let holiness shower on you Offer rice again: ih ih ih Jy ih hh, Jy ih hh, Jy ih hh z Om swasti bhabantu brubantu, Om swasti bhabantu brubantu, Om swasti bhabantu brubantu Oh the assemblage, bless me that my act be auspicious. Response of the assembly Jy , Jy , Jy zz Om swati, Om swasti, Om Swasti Let it be auspicious Offer rice again: ih ih ih Jy Gw ih hh, Jy Gw ih hh, Jy Gw ih hh z Om rhidhim bhabanto broobantu, Om rhidhim bhabanto (3) || Oh the assemblage, bless me that my prayers bring properity. Response of the assembly Jy Gaj , Jy Gaj , Jy Gaj zz Om rhidhyatam, Om rhidhyatam, Om rhidhyatam || Wish you for prosperity Worship of Wood-apple Tree iblBb<x Bilwabriksha The Wood Apple Tree is the Kalabau who stands next to Lord Ganesh on the right of the Goddess durga. More detailed description is given in the introduction. Please note:
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Wood apple is symbolic of Lord Shiva with trident like leaves. It is a favorite offering to Lord Shiva. Prayer bdnA Vandana Go near the Nabapatrika and make these offerings to the wood apple (branch of bel tree): Jy hmhr jqiN pc aw nwLlfux z Nqa ah nM cNfSw Lljqj zz nMR Rchw fi Jy nMRchw cxMw e Q Lkw au fi z N chNqa a nMw fS cNa hnax zz Om bilwabriksha mahabhaga sada twam shakarapriya | Grihita faba shakhancha Durga pujam karomyaham || Om Shakhachedodbhabam sukkham na cha karjam twaya prabho | Debaigrihitwa tey shakham pujya durgati bishrutih || Oh the Apple wood tree, you are highly fortunate. You are the favorite of Shankara (Shiva). I want to do the Durga puja after taking your branch. Oh the Lord, do not be sad for giving up your branch. Gods do Durga Puja after taking your branch and that carries your great reputation. Offerings ffQl fS Panchopacharey puja Offer five things to the Nabapatrika (apple wood branch): Havfcj Jy hmnMhpe cNu ejx Etat padyam Om Bilwashakha basinyai Durgawai namah I am offering herewith water to wash your feet Ha NfEf Jy hmnMhpe cNu ejx zz Etey gandha pushpey Om Bilwashakha basinyai Durgawai namah Herewith I am offering the sandalwood- dipped flower To you, Oh the wood apple tree, with devotion e>dfx Jy hmhry ejx e>d y Esha dhupah Om Bilwabrikshaya namah Herewith I am offering the incense Oh wood apple tree e> dIp: Jy hmhry ejx y Esha deepah Om Bilwabrikshaya namah Herewith I am offering the lamp Oh wood apple tree
Hav ehcj Jy hmhry ejx ehcj y Etat naivedyam Om Bilwabrikshaya namah Herewith I am offering the food platter Oh wood apple tree WORSHIP OF GODDESS DURGA Awakening prayers ALmhde Akalbodhan In early time Durga Puja was held during Autumn. Introduction of Durga puja during autumn was introduced after Rama performed the worship, out of season, in order to get the weapon to kill Ravana. Thus Durga Puja in Fall is often referred as Akal Bodhan (untimely prayer to awaken the power). The following prayer reflects this mythological background. Jy Iw lhZp hdbu ljp AeNqu Qz ALm hd ALm hZ hd chu Lax flzz e puq Aqjf Bne ow puq hduj h z pwhd muzz nZf Q pwhd ffw lSw plmuzz ajcqw aw fahduj, hialSfafqax z ljZ qa kbh ljZ qa cnpbh nj hefaujzz Om owing Ravanasya badharthaya Ramasya anugrahayacha | Akaley brhmana bodho debyastayi kritah pura || Ahamapya Ashwiney shashtham sayanah bodhayami bai | Shakranapi cha sambodhya praptyam rajyam suralaye || Tashmadaham twam pratibodhayami bibhuti-rajya-pratipatti-hetoh | Jathaiba Ramena hato dashasyastasthaiba shatrum binipatayami || In ancient days, in order to favor Rama and to kill Ravana Brahma aroused the Goddess untimely to reach his goal. Like that, I am also worshipping the Goddess in the evening of autumn (Aswin) on the sixth day of waxing moon. Indra also aroused her to win over his kingdom and wealth in heaven. Like that I would be able to remove all my hurdles, by chanting your name and receive glory and kingdom for me. The same way as Rama killed his enemies by worshipping you. May I be able to destroy my enemies.
Reception (Offering of cosmetics) Adhp Adhibas In this ritual the devotee offers cosmetics to please the Goddess, now arriving on the puja platform. The offering concludes with a special gesture of reception, called baran, that indicates an honorable welcome to the great guest, Goddess Durga. Resolution pf Take the platter (barandala) that may have the following things (and more): Lamp, earth from Ganges River, sandalwood, small piece of stone, paddy, flower, a fruit (supari or beetle nut), swastik (a leaf with swastik sign or a metal with the sign), kajallata (the container that holds black lamp soot, mixed with oil, for eye brow decoration), conch, vermilion (sindur), yogurt, ghee, gold, silver, white mustard, turmeric (or rochana). holy avpc Ane jp L fr --- ab --- Nx n --- chnj ly L fr a p hd fnje fL cOu Aam de de f fce AhR pa ff Ljx sLh hoL nlv Lme niNhcN jqfS Aiaw niNhcNux Lloz fl fl i Adhpe Ljqw Lloz (flb Lloj ) Vishnurom tatsad Ashwiney mashi shukley pakshey --- tithou --- gotrah Shri--- devassharma Sarba badha prashamana purbaka dirghayusta atul dhana dhanya putra pautradyana abhichinna santati prapti kamah swakartabya barshika sarat Kaleen Shri bhagabadurga mahapuja angibhuta Shri bhagabadurgaya Shubha adhibasana karmaham karishey (pararthey karishyami) In the name of Lord Vishnu, on the auspicious month of Ashwin (September-October) on the waxing fortnight of the moon, on the --- tithi (date), I of gotra --- with the name ---, performing the prayers with the aspiration of eliminating all hurdles, bring prosperity, fame and wealth, expanding families of childen and grandchildren in continuity, feeling as my solemn duty, to perform annually at autumn time and as a part of that great puja of Goddess Durga, I am performing this auspicious adhibas (or performing for someone else with the identification of gotra and name of the host). Now offer individual items on the platter: aEnn gEn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena gandheyna asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this scent (sandalwood) to the Goddess in honor of her reception
anyA m<ikAyA asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena mritikaya asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this earth to the Goddess in honor of her reception anyA }ANYA asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena dhanya asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this paddy to the Goddess in honor of her reception asYA aEnn G<Etn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena griteyna asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this ghee (concentrated butter) to the Goddess in honor of her reception aEnn pRErn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena prastarena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this stone to the Goddess in honor of her reception aEnn duEbn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena durbeyna asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this durba grass to the Goddess in honor of her reception aEnn puEpn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena pushpena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this flower to the Goddess in honor of her reception aEnn fEln asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena phalena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this fruit to the Goddess in honor of her reception anyA di}ptEy asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anaya dadhipatayena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this yogurt to the Goddess in honor of her reception iEkn aEnn iEkn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena swastikena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this swastika to the Goddess in honor of her reception aEnn isduErn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena sindurena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this vermilion to the Goddess in honor of her reception aEnn kEln asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena kajjalena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this lamp soot for the eye brows to the Goddess in honor of her reception
aEnn SQEn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena shankhena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this conch to the Goddess in honor of her reception aEnn Ests>Epn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena swetasarshapena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this white mustard to the Goddess in honor of her reception En aEnn Enn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena swarnena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this gold to the Goddess in honor of her reception ErEp aEnn ErEpn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena roupena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this silver to the Goddess in honor of her reception aEnn tAEmRn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena tamrena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this copper to the Goddess in honor of her reception aEne aEne cAmErn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena chamarena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this fan to the Goddess in honor of her reception dIEpn aEnn dIEpn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena dwipena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this lamp to the Goddess in honor of her reception aEnn pRSipAEn asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anena prasastipatrena asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasana mastu I am offering this platter of excellence to the Goddess in honor of her reception anyA sbdRbYA asYA SRIEdib dugA EdbYA: ai}bAsnm| u Anaya sarbadrabya asya Shri Devi Durga devyah adhibasanamastu I am offering all these things to the Goddess in honor of Her reception Finally touch the whole platter, with the burning lamp, to the holy pitcher and to Narayana: Jy Ap idhpej Om asya shubhadibasanamastu I welcome you.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA As you continue with Her lower right arms, The lowest two arms hold sharp arrow, and thunderbolt (shakti, spear). On the left, at the bottom she holds the leather shield (khetaka) Over that is the bow (purnachap), and then is the serpant, Above that is the hook (ankush). At the top is the bell or the axe. At Goddesss feet is the severed head of the demon. Note: The mantras described here differ from the descriptions found in other literatures. Here is the list of 10 weapons held by Durga in her ten arms, as described by others: Trishula (trident), Chakram (discus), Scimitar (khatga), Snake, Conch Shell, Mace, Bow/Arrow, Hook, Lotus, and Thunderboldt. The mount also differs in some descriptions Lion or Tiger. In any case, the overall image of the Goddess killing the buffalo demon does not change. iSrECEdAh tc iSrECEdAhQ tc dAnbQ K pAiNnm| hid Eln inivQ inJd ibvui>tm|| rAr rAr k<tA r ibfuirEt xNm| v>NAnnm|| EbitQ nAg pAESn kuiT v>NAnnm|| Shirascheydodbhabam tadbat danabam kharga paninam | Hridid shulena nirbhinnam nirjadantra bibhushitam || Raktarakti kritangancha rakta bisphurita khanam | Bestitam naga pashena bhrukuti bhishanananam || From the sheared head of the buffalo emerges the demon, halfway raised with his khatga (sickle-shaped sword) in hand. His heart is pierced by the trident of the Goddess, And his guts are out from his stomach. His body is smeared with blood and his eyes are red and wide open. The serpent of the Goddess is encircling the demon. He looks dreadful with his raised eye brows. EkS spAS bAmhEn }<tEkS dugyA| bmd i}r yv bmdli}r b EdbYA isQhQ pRdSEyv|| EdbYAu dixNQ pAdQ smQ isQEhApiritm| ikiq WQ tFA bAm auQ mihE>Apir|| UymAn tdRp mmr: siEbSEyq| fp hcew Echw p Lj gm fcwz Sapasha bamahastena dhritakeshantu Durgaya | Bamadrudhir bakrancha devya simham pradarshayet || Debastu dakshinam padam samam sinhoparisthitam | Kinchit urdham tatha bama angushtham mahishopari | Stuyamanancha tadrupa mamraih sannibeshayet | Prasanna badanam devim sarba kama phala pradam || The Goddess is pulling the demons hair with Her left arm on side, while the demon is throwing up blood. Near Her foot is the lion and the right foot of the Goddess is resting on him. The left paw of the lion is gripping the upper chest of the demon.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Yet the Goddess maintains her peaceful countenance and is blessing all. In this action mode, all Gods are praising the Goddess. wgRcA pRcA c cEAEgRA cnAiykA| cA cbtI cb crpAit cikA| Siivl lAiv: aAiv SiivlAiv: sttQ pirEbitAm| yv icEyvjgtAQ }AiQ }mkAmAF EmAxdAm|| Ugrachanda prachanda cha chandogra chandanayika | Chanda chandabati chaiba chandarupati chandika | Ashtabhi shaktibhirashtabhi satatam paribeshtitam | Chintayet jagatam dhatrim dharma kamartha mokshadam || Circumscribed by the eight energy forms of the Gods Ugrachanda, Prachanda, Chandogra, Chandanayika, Chanda, Chandabati, Chandarupa, and Atichandika The Goddess who fulfills the goals of human life for the householder Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha Should be the focus of meditation for the Goddess of the Universe. Resolution sL Sankalpa Take a little water in the kushi, and place it on the left palm. Hold the kushi in a way that the narrow side faces the deity. Put a flower dipped in sandalwood, and a little rice with durba grass. Cover the kushi with the right palm and chant. After the chanting turn over the kushi on the offering plate (tamrapatra). lj L fr holj avpc Ac Bne jp L fr pjw abhli jqehjw khv --- N pclfax n --- chnj pfR fL cOu fljnk ull Aam dede ffce AhR pa j he nrull pu aLj lSpjec Ai pu ncNfaLj Ll (flb chflZhde niNhN fSe Ljqw Llo (flb Lloj) z Zhde Vishnurom tatsad adya Ashwiney mashi shukley pakshey saptamam tithibarabhya Mahanabami jabat ---- gotra sadarapatya Shri --- debasharma sarbapachanti purbaka dirghayushta paramaiswarja Atul dhanadhanya putrapoutradyan abachinnya santati mitra bardhana shatrukhayarotara rajasammanadya abhishta sidhaya Shri Durga pritikama Debipuranakta bidhina Shri bhabhagabardurga pujana karmaham karishey (pararthey karishyami) In the name of Lord Vishnu, this auspicious month of Aswin (spring) on the waxing fortnight of the moon, on the seventh day until the ninth day I (priest), of gotra ____ name Shri ____ wish to perform the worship everyday for everyones peace, for their long life, plenty of wealth and prosperity, having children and grandchildren of unlimited continuity, increased friendship, destruction of enemies, receipt of royal honor, and by Her grace to receive liberation from this mortal life in accordance with the reward that I
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA aspire in worshipping Goddess Durga (if the worship is done for someone else mention the name of the host --- and conclude: I am doing for him). Hymn of Resolution (Samaveda) pjhc skp Sankalpasukta (samvedi) This prayer is meant to seek heavenly grace for the successful completion of the worship. o^ EdEbA EbA dibENAdA: pNAQ ibbAiscm| wA is}-mp bA p<N} mAidEA Edb ohEt|| Om devo bo dravinodah purnam bibasthasicham | Udhwa sinchadhwa moopa ba prinadhwa madidwo deva ohatey || I seek the blessing of illustrious Agni with devotion. I pray for His grace to fulfill my goal. I call Him with my utmost humility. o^ asY sitAFpY isir| | o^ aymAr vAy: vbtu || Om asya sankalpitarthasya sidhirasthu. Om ayamarambha shubhaya bhabatu || In the spirit of divinity may my goal be successful. Thus, herewith, may this beginning be auspicious Witness Call of the Divine sAxYm Sakhyamantra (Divine witnesses) With folded hand in front of your chest chant: ANYqx o^ sUJY: EsAm Jm: kAl: sEY vUtANYqx xpA| idkpitv pbEnA idkpitvUimrAkASQ KcrA mrA:| bRAQ SAsnmAAy k}imh sii}m| o^ tqsq| o^ aymAr vAy vbtu| Om Surjuo somo Yahmo kalah sandhaye-bhutahnyata khsapa; Pabano dikpatir-bhumir-akasham khachara marah. Brahmam shasanomasthayo kalpadhwamiha sannidhim.Om tatsat. Om ayomarambho shubahayo bhabhatu. The spirits in all the planets, all the visible and invisible Gods and Goddesses, whereever they are, no matter what time it is now I pray everybodys presence now. Let the holy occasion begin). Sprinkle some water around you taken from the kosha in front of you by dipping a small flower in the pot while chanting: o^ bit e HEA b<SRbA: bit n: pU>A ibbEdbA:|
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN o^ bit, o^ bit, o^ bit| Om swasti nah Indro bridhrashraba swasti nah Pusha bishwadeva. Om Swasti, Om Swasti, Om Swasti. Let lord Indra and sage Pusha give me blessings for this occasion. Let there be sanctity everywhere. Seeking Divine Blessing p Swastisukta Take rice in your hand and offer it to the names of various Gods controlling the environment, appealing to them to bring success in the completion of your puja offering. While chanting the matra throw the rice three times in the offering plate, coinciding with the last mantra (Om swasti). Jy pjw lSew hlZjNjlijq, Bcaw how pow hZ hqfaj zz Jy e Cc hnhx Jy ex fo hnhcx z er Alejx, ex hqfax cda zz Jy , Jy , Jy zz Om somam rajanam Varunam-agnim ambara bhamahe, Adityam Vishnum Surjyam Brahmanancha Brihaspatim || Om swasti no Indro Briddhashraba swasti nah Pusha Viswavedah | Swasti nastarkshyo arishtanemih swasti nah Brihaspatih dadhatu || Om swasti, Om swasti, Om swasti || I offer my praises to the glory of Moon (Som), Varuna, Agni, Sun, Vishnu, Brahma and Brihaspati; with my prayers to mighty Indra, learned Pusha, undefeated Taksha, and the care-taker of Gods, Brihaspati, seeking their blessings on us. Reception of Goddess Durga aAbAhn Abahana vU o^ vUvUbx : vgbit duEg pirbArgn sihEt HhAg Hhit it| HhAg C HhAg C Hhit Hhit| Hh siE}ih, Hh sir}Y, aAi}AnQ kur mmpUjAQ g<hAN| JAbv mm:|| o^ AQ IQ ErA vb, JAbv pUjA kErAhQ mm:|| Om bhurbhubah swaha bhagabati Durgey paribargana sahitey Ihagaccha ihagaccha iha tisht ha ihatishtha | Iha sannidhehi, iha sannirudhaswa, atradhistanam kuru mamapujam grihana | Om stham sthim sthiro bhaba, jabat puja karoham mamah || chn o^ chn iJ pmi flhl pjea | khaw fSuoj ahw pl ih | mdg< aAivx iivx o^ aAg C mdg<Eh EdbI aAivx niivx sh|
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA lYAZ kAiriZ pUjAQ g<hAN ibi}bq sbklYAZ kAiriZ| Om debeshi bhakti sulabhey paribara samanwitey | Jabatwam pujaishwami tabatwam susthira bhaba | Om aghachya madgrihey devi ashtabhih saktibhih saha | Pujam grihana bidhibat sarbakalyana karini || Oh Goddess Durga come with your family, Come, come, stay here, stay here, come close to us, and make yourself comfortable to receive my worship. Stay with me until I am done with my puja. Oh the blissful mother come, stay in your eight energies. Oh the bestower of blessings to all, Accept my traditional worship, Oh the wellwisher of all.
Trident Mace Axe Spike Discu Discus s Arrow Sword Bell Snake Bow
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Entry of Nabapatrika ehfL fEhn Nabapatrika Prabesh Nine twigs of plants, as described earlier, after receiving a grand bath in the local pond enters the puja place for its worship. In a foreign country, the twigs (ehfL) are previously tied in a bunch and placed next to Ganesha. This waits for a formal reception, bath and worship as described later. Reception aAbAhn Abahan Place a flower on the feet of Nabapatrika and chant. This offers reverence to the Goddess. o^ iblBSAKAbAisnY dugAy nm:| Om bilwashkhabasinai Durgawai namah || I am prostrating to that form of Durga who lives on the Apple Wood tree || Now hold the base of the deity and welcome the Goddess towards the puja place: o^ ci&Ek cl cl cAlAy cAlAy SIGRQ pUjAlyQ pRibS pRibS | o^ gmYtAQ mdg<Eh EdbI aAiv: siiv sh| EhtEb|z pUjAQ g<hAN sumiK sb klYAN EhtEb|z Om chandikey chala chala chalaya chalaya shighram pujalayam prabisha prabisha | Om gamyatam madgrihey devi ashtabhi shaktibhi saha | Pujam grihana sumukhi sarba kalyana hetabey || Oh Goddess move hurriedly towards the worship place where you will soon enter My blessed house with your eight forms of energies. Accept my worship Oh Beautiful One who will bring happiness to all. Bathing of Nabapatrika nbpikA pe Nabapatrika Snan Now prepare the Nabapatrika for a bath after anointing her body. This can be done in situ or in a big bowl where her reflection can be seen on a mirror. Remember: Nabapatrika consists of nine branches: (as mentioned earlier) and hence, while giving bath, each one receives separate recognition. Put some oil on the Nabapatrika along with turmeric, chant while rubbing the oil on her: Lajqp Jy Lqp Lajqp Lj a Lua z pnLx pjmx palSe z n Lx mx dl ha Jy eelf dl ch chhha z
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN ahe jZ ahemfe jZ pffw hena zz Om kohsi katamohsi kasmai twa kayatwa | Suslokah sumangalah satyarajan | Om nanarupa dharey devi dibya bastrabagunthatey | Tabanulepana matrena sarbapapam binashyati || Oh the devotee, get the blessings of Prajapati to perform the rituals with confidence, Chant the good mantras and you will be blessed, Oh the pious one, The Goddess has many forms as She is covered with divine clothes; by anointing Her body all your sins will be destroyed. Then take the kamandalu and give a sprinkle bath: ho o u Jy Lcm alpwp horxmnu z ej ej QeuL ej ehf aw ej QeuL zz1zz Om kadali tarusamsthasi Vishnurbakshahsthalashraye | Namastey nabapatri twam Namastey Chandanaikey \\1\\ Staying like a banana tree in front of us, you occupy the heart of Lord Vishnu, I bow to you Oh Nabapatrika, Oh the Goddess Chandi (another form or Durga). Jy L aw hlp pc pfcue z lfZ cNlfZ p pee hSuw Ll zz2zz Om kachwi twam sthabarasthasi sada siddhi pradayini | Durga rupena sarbatra snanena bijayam kuru ||2|| Oh the Colocassia (kochu) plant, you are the form of Goddess Durga who stays firm and brings success to us. Bring victory after taking your bath. Jy ql qllfp nlp pc fu z lfp lclfp ch aw pnw fkR j zz3zz Om haridrey hararupasi Shankarasya sada priya | Rudrarupasi devi twam sarbashantim prajachha mey ||3|| Oh the turmeric creeper, you are Shiva. You are His all time favorite. Oh the Goddess with Shivas face bring peace to us Jy Su Sulfp SNaw SuLlZ z cq q pfujq ch aw Suw cq Nq jj zz4zz Om Jayanti Jayrupasi jagtam jayakarini | Snapayamiha devi twam jayam dehi grihey mama ||4|| Oh Jayanti, the Goddess of Victory, as I give you a bath, you bring victory to us all, eLaq La Jy ngm neLaqp pc hSuhex z cq j qaLjwQ fp ih pc zz5zz Om shriphala shriniketohshi sada vijayabardhanah | Dehi me hitakamanscha prasanna bhaba sarbada ||5|| Oh the Apple Wood tree, you are the center of beauty and augmentor of victory, Give me your good wishes and be graceful always.
Jy csjOhenu rnu pc ih z u eja gmLju fpc aw qlfu zz6zz Om darimyaghabinashaya khunnashaya sada bhubi | Nirmita phalakamaya prasida twam Harapriyey ||6|| Oh the branch of pomegranate (daalim gach, csj) you are engaged in destroying sin and created to end hunger for ever. You are made to fulfill all wishes. Bless us, Oh the beloved of Hari (Vishnu). N AnL Jy l ih pc cN AnL nLqlZ z N u ju aw fSa cN l ih ihfu zz7zz Om susthira bhaba sada Durgey ashoke shokaharini | Maya twam pujita Durgey sthira bhaba bhabapriya ||7|| Oh Ashoka (shoka means sorrow, Ashoka is applied to the one who takes away sorrow), the remover of sorrows, I am ready to worship, Oh Goddess Durga, please stand still for me! lx Jy je jeo hro jeeux plplx z pfuj jqchw jew cq ej a zz8zz Om man manyeshu briksheyshu mananiya surasuraih | Snapayami mahadevim manam dehi namastu tey ||8|| Oh mankachu (arum), you are revered by all, both Gods and Demons. I am bathing Goddess Durga, give me the reverence to do that with your blessing. Jy mrw delfp fZew fZcue z e q law q e ia Nq Ljfc ih 9zz Om Lakshmistwam dhanyarupasi praninam pranadayini | Sthiratyantam hi no bhutwa grihey kamaprada bhaba ||9|| Oh the paddy plant (dhanya de you are the Goddess of Wealth. You bring life to the de), living. Stay fixed in our house and fulfill our wishes . Holy Bath Of Goddess Durga mhAAn Mahasnan Place a mirror in a big bowl and allow the image of Goddess Durga to be reflected in the mirror. The bathing will be done on the reflection of the goddess in the mirror. We have given here the most basic snan mantra. For more elaborate treatise, consult Purohit Darpan.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Water from Kamandalu v<Ar jl Bhringar jal Use the Kamandalu while pouring pure spring on the mirror. Use Ganges water, if available. o^ aAEyI vArtI gA JmunA c srtI | srJu g&kI pUNYA Et gA c EkiSkI || EvAgbtI c pAtAEl Eg mdAiknI tFA | sbA sumnEsA vutBA v<Ar sApyu tA: || Om Atreyi Bharati Ganga Jamuna cha Saraswati | Saraju Gandaki punya sweta Ganga cha Koushiki || Bhogbati cha pataley swargey Mandakini tatha | Sarba sumanaso bhutwa bhringarai snapayantu tah || Atreyi, Bharati, Ganges, Yamuna, and Saraswati (now lost) Sarayu, auspicious Gandaki, Sweta Ganges and Kaushiki (river of the transition world that lies between heaven and earth) Bhogavati of patal (world under the earth) and Mandakini of heaven, Filled with those divine Rivers in this Kamandalu, I am giving you this Great Bath. plhjio hho jqnlx z b hpch SNb b poZx fix z fcjQelQ ih hSu a zz Surastamabhishinchantu Brahma Vishnu Maheshwarah | Basudevo Jagganath statha Shankarshanah prabhuh | Pradyumnaschaniruddhascha bhabantu vijaya tey || All the gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar, Basudev, Jagannath, Balaram, Pradyumna, Aniruddha, give you bath and bring victory to you BMmqNiNhe kj h eGab z hlZx fhZQh decr b nhx z cLfmx hZ pqax no cLfmx pfua azz Akhandalohagnirbhagavan Yamo bai nairitastatha | Varunah Pavanaschaiba dhanadyaksha statha Shivah | Brahmana sahitah shesho dikpalah snapayantu tey || Indra, Agni, Yama, Nairiti, Varuna, Pavana, wealthy Kuber, Shiva and Brahma, with Sesh Nag (Ananta, or endless serpent) and the Gods of the directions may protect you. h< Em} o^ kIil{I h<t Em}AA pui: SRA xmA mit:| builA bpu: kAi: SAitui: kAitc mAtr:| z| Hajio djfmx ppwkax z| Om Kirtirlakshmi britir medha pushti shraddha kshama matih | Budhirlajya bapuh kanti shantetushthih kantischa matarah || Etahstwamabhisinchantu dharmapalah susamjatah ||
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Mothers, devoted wives, blessed and wise, wealthy, courageous, intelligent, spiritually enriched, dedicated, compassionate, intellectual, strong, peaceful and contented are waiting to give you bath, Oh mother Goddess! ij Jy Bca Qcj ij hd Sh paLSx z Nq Aio l LaQ afax zz Om Aditya Chandrama bhoumo budha jeeba sitarkajah | Grahasta abhishinchantu Rahu Ketushcha tarpitah || Sun, Moon, Mangal, Budh, Brihaspati, Shukra, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, may these divine planets give you bath. Jy Gou jeu Nh chjal Hh Q z chfa dh eN caQ Aplpw NZx zz n lS AZ pnZ lSe hqee Q z Kode Q lae LmphuhQ k z plax pNlx nmbe Smc ecx z ch ceh N kr lrp fNx z Ha ajioQ djLjb pu zz Om rishayo munayo gabo devamatara eba cha | Devapatnodhrubanaga daityascha apsarasam ganah || Astrani sarbashastrani rajano bahanani cha | Oushadhani cha ratnani kalasyabayabascha jey | Saritah sagarah shailastirthani jalada nadah | Deva danaba gandharba jaksha rakshasha pannagah | Etey twamabhishinchantu dharmakamartha siddhaye || In order to attain the ultimate goal of their existence (dharma), living and nonliving the sages, holy men, cows, Goddesses, Gods consorts, the earth, the snakes, the angels, the weapons, the kings, the carriers, the medicines, the jewels, the cycle of time, the rivers, the oceans, the mountains, the pilgrimage centers, the water sources of rivers, the Gods, the devils, the semigods (Gandharba), spirits and supernatural beings, demons, and reptiles, they are all joining me to give you this divine bath with reverence. Jy pilh nZc k qc ih pwa z p pjep ia il pfu a zz ep Om Sindhubhairaba shonadya ja hrida bhubi samshthita | Sarba sumanasa bhutwa bhringarai snapayantu tey || The rivers Sindhu, Bhairav, Shon, and many lakes of the earth, All in good spirits, are bathing you through this kamandalu (bhringar). Jy cN Qnl Q hlq LL ab z o^ vdRkAlI iibSAlAxI vrbI sbripNI| bSAlAxI etA: Ar: py etA: sbAc EJAignY v<Ar: sApyu tA:|| Om Durga Chndeshwari chandi Barahi Kartiki tatha | Om bhadrakali bishalakshi Bhairabi sarbarupini | Etah sarbascha yoginya bhringarai snapayantu tah ||
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Oh Goddess with many magical powers Durga, Chandeshwari, Chandi, Barahi, Kartiki, Harasidhah, Kali, Indrani, Vaishnabi, Bhadrakali, Bishalakshi, Bhairabi, and Sarbarupini are all joining me to give you bath with this kamandalu. Water from water-conch S jl Sankha jal Pour water from water-conch on the mirror where Devi Durgas reflection is visible: o^ sEb>Am ai}EpA Edb: ~SEnA nAm nAmt:| ~S lpAin SlpAin mhAEdEbA v<Ar: sApyiB mAm|| Om sarbesham adhipo devah ishano nama namatah | Shulapani Mahadevo bhringarai snapayanti mam | In the name of the trident holder Mahadeva, the Lord of all Gods, known as Commander (Ishan), I am giving you bath with this kamandalu Ganges water gAjl Ganga jal Pour a little Ganges water into the kamandalu and then pour its water on the mirrow showing the reflection of Goddess Durga: md o^ mdiknYAu JAir sbpAphrQ vm| tQ gEsRAtQ b>bYQ AnQ vbtu Etn Et|| Om Mandakinyastu jadbari sarbapapa haram shubham | Swargasrotascha Vaishnabyam snanam bhabatu tena tey || The heavenly river Mandakini, that flows in the heaven, the abode of Lord Vishnu, now flows as Ganges on the earth and takes away all the sins and brings happiness, I am bathing you with this water. Warm water W>jl Ushnajal Take a little water on the kushi. Hold it over the flame of the lamp. Then pour it into the kamandalu and pour its water over the mirror chanting the following mantra: pibw E>Q o^ pibw prm E>Q bihEjAYAit sminBtm| jIbnQ sb pApGQ v<Ar sApyiB mAm|| Om pabitram param unchashnam banhijyoti samanwitam | Jibanam sarba papaghnam bhrigarai snapayanti mam || This pure warm water, with the warmth of the flame, bearing life-giving power, The remover of all sins, is offered to you from this kamandalu Oh Goddess for your bath.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Scented water gjl Gandhajal Pour some perfume in the kamandalu water (or put a little sandle wood paste) and bath: ESAvnw o^ gYA]YQ ESAvnwQb SItlQ sumEnAhrm| sb pAp hrQ bAir v<Ar sApyiB mAm|| Om gandhyadhyam shobhananchaiba shitalam sumanoharam | Sarba papa haram bari bhringarai snapayanti mam || This scented attractive cold water that is so good looking, which destroys all sins, is now put into the kamandalu for your bath. Yogurt di} Dadhi Put some yogurt on the mirror and chant the following: e o^ cd h e ALlow ijE>A ~brsY bAijn:| tAilo loq|| suriv EnA muKAkrq pRZ aAyuQi> tAiloq|| Om dadhi kraba no akarisham jishno Ishwarasya bajinah | Surabhi no mukhakarat prana ayumshi tarishat || I pay my reverence to the fast moving stream of rays of the sun that follows the victorius horses. These divine rays protect our senses, the face and eyes, and increase our longevity. Milk du} Dudh Bathe with a little milk poured from a small tumbler: o^ gEbYA ou EnA JFA purA, SEyAt rFyA| mEhAnAm birbsYA mEhAnAm || Om gabya shu no yatha pura, swayot rathaya | Baribasya mahonam || Oh wealthy Indra, as you fulfilled our wishes by providing us cows and horses in the past Continue to bless us with wealth and prosperity. Concentrated butter GI Gheee Pour a small amount of melted ghee on the mirror while chanting:
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN o^ EtEjAhis msY m<tmis }Am nAmAis| ipRyQ EdbInAm anA}<Q EdbI Jjnmis|| Om tejhoshi shukramasya mritamasi dham namashi | Priyam devanam anadhristham devi jajanamashi || Oh the cosecrated butter (ghee), you provide strength, vitality, food and revered by all. You are the favorite of the God and in the war between the Gods and Demons, You gave strength to all You are the article of oblation for the Gods that invoke Agni in Havan (fire worship). Honey m}u Madhu Pour a little honey on the mirror carrying the reflection of Goddess Durga: xr o^ m}u bAtA VtAyEt m}u xr isb:| p jdex podx zz aop, ao Jy jd ejaop, jdjv fbhw lSx | jd cl ex fa zz A A o^ m}umAA bnpit m}umAQ au sUJY:|| jdNh ih ex z Jy jd, Jy jd, Jy jd z Om madhubata ritayatey madhu kharanti sindhabah | Madhwirnah santoshadhih || Om madhu naktamutashsa, madhumat parthibam rajah | Madhu dourastu nah pitah || Om madhumanno banaspati madhumam astu Suryah | Madhirgabo bhabantu nah | Om madhu! Om madhu! Om madhu! Let the sweetness of honey shower on you. Let the rivers yield honey. Let our medicines be wrapped with sweetness. Let the night and day become sweet. Let the earth and the humanity be sweet. Let our ancestors, the heaven and earth be sweet. Let the vegetation be covered with sweetness. Let the sun be sweet and let out cows give sweet milk Water Dipped in Gold ENAdEkr jl Swarnodaka jal Put a gold ornament in the kushi and pour the water on the reflection: o^ p<iFbYAQ NrEpn Edb iti b sdA| sb EdA> ibnASAFQ ApyAim mEhbrIm|| Om prithibyam swarnarupen deva tishthanti bai sada | Sarba dosha binashartham snapayami Maheshwarim || Gods live on the earth like the gold. So to remove all evils, I am bathing the Goddess with water dipped in gold.
Water Dipped in Silver rEpAr jl Rupar jal Put silver jewelry or a silver ring into the kushi and then pour it on the reflection: o^ aiEk tBQ mhAvAEg SArEd SnAiSin| AnnAEnn Edib tBQ brdA vb subREt| Om Ambikey twam mahabhagey sharadey shatrunashini | Snanananena devi twam barada bhaba subratey || Oh Goddess Durga (Ambikey), you are the greatest, Oh the Goddess of Autumn, Oh the destroyer of the enemies, Oh the virtuous, I am giving you bath to seek your blessing. Ordinary Water sAmAnY jl Samanya jal Pour the spring water on the mirror with the help of the kushi: qa qah Jy k Bfx phiaew phc qah z fhex fZcQh aiw pfujqj zz Om ja apah sarbabhutanam sarbada shudhihetabey | Pabanyah pranadaschaiba tabhistwam snapayamyaham || I am bathing you with the water which is always purifying, holy and invigorating, Water from fruit fElr jl Phaler jal Use supari (betel nut) dipped in the kushi while pouring the water on the mirror. AEn o^ aAyAih bItEy g<hAEn hbY dAtEy| inEhAtA sqis bihi>|| Om ayahi bitaye grihano habya dataye | Nihota satsi bahirshi || Oh Goddess Agni (fire, energy inherent in the fruit) you are admired by us As we pour ghee in oblation, come and settle here at the place of our worship. Water Pouring Through Thousand Streams shsR}ArAr jl Sahasradharar jal Use tea strainer while pouring water through it. It gives the effect of thousand streams.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN o^ sAgrA: sirt: sbA:sREtA ecb | Et|z sb>}iv: pApGA: shsR: Apyu Et|z o^ lbn Hxu surAsip di}dug jlFA| }Ar shsR }AryA EdibQ ApyAim mEhbrIm|| Om sagarah saritah sarbahsrato nadastatha | Sarbam oushadhibhih papaghnah sahasraih snapayantu tey || Om labana ikshu surasurpi dadhidugdha jalaistatha | Sahasra dharayan devim snapayami Maheshwarim || All the waters of the ocean, river and all moving streams are purifier of sins, This water, mixed with medication, coming in thousand streams On you along with salt, sugarcane juice, pure wine, ghee, yogurt and milk, in order to give a divine bath to the Goddess as a thousand streams. Water from eight pitchers aklEsr jl Ashta kalaser jal Eight small pitchers are arranged and each filled with a special things used in bathing. Chant the corresponding manta as you pour the water on the mirror: 1) Ganges water gjl Gangajal o^ surAB m aivi>u bRAib>u mEhbrA:| EbYAmgAu pUENn aAEdYn klEsn tu| Om surastwa abhishinchantu Brahma Vishnu Maheshwarah | Byomgangambu purnena adyena kalasena tu | The first pitcher is filled with the divine water of Ganges And you are being bathed by Brahman, Vishnu and Maheshwara. 2) Rainwater b<ir jl Bristir jal mraQ aQivi> rb o^ mraQivi>u vim: suErbr z Z EmGAu flfZe idBtIy klEsn tu| Om marutascha-abhishinchantu bhakti-mantah sureshwari | Meghambu paripurnena dwitiya kalashena tu || Oh the Goddess of the Gods, this second pitcher is filled with rain water and the God of the wind (marud) is giving you bath
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA 3) Saraswati water (use Ganges water) srtIr jl Saraswatir jal sArEtn aue o^ sArEtn aue spuEnn suErAEm| ibdYA}rA BAivi>u t<tIy klEsn tu| Om Saraswatena toyena sampurnena surottamey | Bidyadhara stabhishinchantu tritiya kalashena tu || Oh the best of the Goddesses, the third pitcher is filled with The water from Saraswati River and the learned wise men are giving you bath. 4) Ocean water sAgErr jl Sagarer jal S dYAc o^ SdYAc aivi>u ElAkpAlA: smAgtA:| sAgl sAgl ErAdk pUENn ctuF klEsn tu | Om sakradyascha abhishinchantu lokpalah samagatah | Sagara rodaka purnena chaturtha kalashena tu || Indras and other Gods and the protector of people (lokpal) have collected here To fill the fourth pitcher with the ocean water to give you bath. 5) Water with lotus pollen (use rose water) pdrjimiSRt jl Padmarajamishrita jal o^ bAirNA pirpUENn pdErNu suginA| pEmn aivi>u nAgAc klEsn tu| Om barina paripurnena padmarenu sugandhina | Panchmena abhishinchantu nagascha kalashena tu || Filled with water and lotus pollens, with this fifth pitcher, The eternal female elephants (naga) are bathing you. 6) Spring water inzErr jl Nirjharer jal o^ ihmbE mukUTAdYAcA Aivi>u pbtA:| inzl ErAdk pUENn >En klEsn tu|| Om Himabandhey mukutadyascha abhishinchantu parbatah | Nirjhara rodaka purnena shashthena kalasena tu || Filled with the spring water coming from the Himalaya and its snowy peaks, With this sixth pitcher, the mountains are bathing you.
7) Water from all pilgrim centers (use Ganges water) sbtIEFr jl Sarbatirther jal o^ sbtIFu pUENn klEsn suErbir| sEmn Aivi>u V>y: s EKcrA:| Om sarbatirthambu purnena kalashena sureswari | Saptamena abhishinchantu rishayah sapta khecharah || Oh the Goddess of the Gods, filling water taken from different pilgrimage centers, With this seventh pitcher, the seven sages and all the flying animals are joining to give you bath. 8) Pure water (use spring water) jl Shudha jal Lm Aje o^ hphQ Aio Lmpe Aje a| Ed aml sQJuE duEg Edb nmuEt|| Om basabshcha abhishinchantu kalashena ashtamena tu | Ashtamangala samjuktey Durgey devi namastutey || Oh Goddess, with this eighth pitcher with pure water and eight auspicious goods you are bathed by the eight directional Gods (Ashtadikpala or Astabasu). My earnest reverence to you. Now wipe the mirror, write the mulmantra Hring ( qw ) on it with the help of vermilion oil paint. Cover with a cloth and place at the feet of the deity. Establishing the Goddess qlLlZ (pRitmA pRitA) Sthirikaran (Pratima pratishtha) Touch the base of the image and chant: Q cN Jy QL! Qm Qm Qmu Qmu cN! fS Bmuw fhn z Jy Njaw jcNq ch ! Aix nix pqz qa zz fSw NqZ pjM p LmZ qah zz Jy Blf ap cN aw jeu ngmqf Q z law q e ia Nq Ljfc ih z Jy w w l ih zz Om Chandikey! Chala chala chalya chalaya Durgey | Puja alayam prabisha || Om gamyatam matgrihey devi Asthabhi shaktibhi saha | Pujam grihan sumukhi sarba kalyana hetabey ||
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Om aropi tasi Durgey twam mrinmaye shriphalehapi cha | Sthiratyantam, hi no bhutwa grihey kama prada bhaba | Om stham shthim sthira bhaba || Come, come, Oh Goddess to the place of your worship Come to our house with your eight powers and receive my worship Oh the beautiful one, So that we are all blessed. Jy Blf ap cN aw jeu ngmqf Q z law q e ia Nq Ljfc ih z Jy w w l ih zz Oh my rescuer Goddess Durga presnt in clay and bel tree Settle her firmly and fulfill our desires Gently settle and firmly stay here. The eight shaktis (Ashthashakthi) are the various forms of the Goddess Durga Brahmani (calm like Brahma), Maheshwari (powerful like Mahesh or Shiva), Koumari (passionate like virgin), Vaishnabi (protective like Vishnu), Oindri (master of all senses or indriya), Joggobarahi (perceptible or Jog with the female power of Baraha, wild boar), Naroshinghi (adapted to changes like Narsingha Avatar), and Chandrika (fighter like Chandi who killed the demon Chamunda). As she was blessed by the various Gods and they gave their weapons to fight with the demon Mahishashur. Thus she became Mahishamardini and was blessed with all the aforesaid qualities. All these qualities are said to be inherent in a woman and expressed in times of need. Reception cNl Bhqe Durgar abahan Touch the base of the idol (you may have to use a kush to reach): o^ aAg C mdg<Eh EdbI aAiv niiv sh| pUjAQ g<hAN ibi}bq sbklYAn kAirin| vit: pUjyAim tBAQ nbdUEg srAicEt| s o^ Edib duEg smAg C si}Yimh ky|| Om agachha madgrihey devi astabhi saktibhi saha | Pujam grihana bidhibat sarbakalyana karini | Bhaktitah pujayami twam Nabadurgey surarchitey | Om devi Durgey samagachha sannidhya miha kalpaya || Oh Goddess, come to my house with all your eight energies (described before) Take our worship and bless us happiness I am offering my prayers with my utmost sincerity To Thou, the new Durga, that was created by all Gods. Oh Goddess Durga come, come close to me and fulfill my dreams s o^ aAbAhyAim tAn sAn ci&Ek prEmbir|
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN dAr o^ pRAZAn rx JESA rx pudAr }nQ sdA|| o^ Apyis myA Edib pUjEy tBAQ pRsIdEm| aAyulrA lrAgYQ aAyulrAgYQ ibjyQ Edih Edib nEmAuEt|| Om abahayami tan sarban Chandikey parameshwari | Om pranan raksha jasho raksha putra dara dhanam sada || Om sthapayasi maya devi pujayey twam prasidamey | Aurarogyam bijayam dehi devi namastutey || I am calling all divinity along with you, Oh Chandikey the great Goddess, You always save our lives, our fame, children, wives, and our wealth. Get established as I worship with all my heart. Give us healthy life free from diseases and bring victory, Oh Goddess I bow to you . o^ aAgtY iblBSAKAyAQ ci&Ek kur sii}m| ais o^ Apais myA Edib pUjEy tBAQ pRsId Em|| o^ Edib c&AiEk ci& c&ibgRh kAiriN| iblBSAKAQ smAiSRtY it Edib gn sh:|| Om agatya bilwashakhayam Chandikey kuru sannidhim | Om sthapitashi maya devi pujayey twam praseeda mey || Om devi Chandantikey Chandi chandabigraha karini | Bilwashakham samashritya tishtha devi ganai sahah || Oh the Goddess, appearing as the applewood tree (nature,) come close to me I am establishing you Oh Goddess to worship you, please oblige me Oh Goddess Chandikey you are the greatest woman in war, You stay on the applewood tree along with your attendants. o^ plbc fElAEpt: SAKAiv: surnAiyEk| plEb sQiEt Edib pUjAQ g<h pRsId Em|| o^ ci&Ek aw c&rpAis surEtEjA mhAbEl| JE kErAj || jh pRibSY it JEisn JAbq pUjAQ kErAjhj|| Om pallabaischa phalopetai shakhabhi suranayikey | Pallabey samsthitey devi pujam grinha praseeda me || Om Chandikey twam Chandarupasi suratejo mahabaley | Prabishya tistha yagyeashmin jabat pujam karomyaham || Oh the Goddess, you are in the trees and branches (nature) In that form of yours, accept my prayers and oblige me. Oh Chandi (Durga), you in the form of the warrior with the divine strength Emitting divine powers all around, Enter the place of worship and stay with us as long as I offer my worship.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Activating the Eyes of the Idol cxudAn Chakshurdan Take a kush (dry grass) and put the oily lamp soot (kajal) on its tip. (The soot is made by holding the kajallata (container of the soot) smeared with little oil and held over the flame of an oil lamp). Note: For Goddesses first activate the left eye and then the right eye. For Gods, first right eye and then the left eye. The Upper eye is done at the end. As you brush over the left eye, chant: o^ aApAys smtuEt, ibbt: EsAm b<>Ym| vbA bAjsY sEF|| Om apayaswa samatutey, biswatah soma brishyam | Bhaba bajashya sangathey || Oh Lord Soma, let all energies merge in you. With this energy you grow and give us food for sustenance. For the right eye o^ icQ EdbAnA mdgAdnIkQ cxuimsY brn asYAEg:| aApRA dYAbA p<iFbI airxQ sUJY aAtA jgt au yc|| u Om chitram devana mudgadnikam chakshurmitrasya Varuna asyagneyh | Apra dyava prithibi antariksham Surya atma jagata astu stushashcha || The magnificent rays of the setting sun joins Mitra, Varuna and Agni like the energized eyes They penetrate deep into the three worlds the heaven, earth and the innerworld; He is the soul of all the living and the nonliving. Upper eye (third eye) o^ kyA nic aA vUbdUtI sdA b<}: sKA| kyA SicyA b<tA| Om kaya nashchitra a bhubadutee sada bridhah sakha || Kaya shachishthaya brita || Ever expanding, with infinite variations, and friendly Indra Come to us for our good deeds and devotional acts. Infusion Of Life pRAN pRitA Pranpratishtha Before initiating the ritual of Pranpratishtha count the mulamantra of Durga qw ten times.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Then take a flower in between your right ring finger and thumb. Then hold the flower at the position of the heart of the Devi and chant. Following the mantra, leave the flower at the feet of the deity. o^ Bw hRIQ SRISRIdugA EdbYA pRANA Hh pRAN:| o^ Bw hRIQ SRISRIdugA EdbYA jIb Hh it:| o^ Bw hRIQ SRISRIdugA EdbYA sEb HidRyAin| o^ Bw hRIQ SRISRIdugA EdbYA hPeQr: | n OZ fZ Cq Na pMw Qlw a pq || Om am hrim Shri Shri Durga devya prana iha pranah | Om am hrim Shri Shri Durga devya jeeba iha sthitah | Om am hrim Shri Shri Durga devya sarbey indriyani | Om am hrim Shri Shri Durga devya bangmanaschakshuh | Shrotra ghrana prana iha gatya sukham chiram tisthantu swaha || In the name of Lord Almighty let life come into this idol stay May Her spirit stay with us Let Her senses be aroused With her divine words, vision, hearing and smelling May it all come into life And shower happiness and blessing on us for ever. Now jap ten times with the mulmantra of Goddess Durga on her heart (same way as Gayatri is done) by the mantra \Q.Then do the Gayatri ten times. Following Goddess Durgas pranpratishtha, move to each deity, including Mahishashur, Shiva and all the kids and pets. In each case hold the flower on to the heart and chant: Jy Bw qw w Ap cha pwMu pq || Om am hrim kram asyai devatwa sankhawai swaha || In the name of the divinity, let life come in the associates of Goddess Durga. Concluding Prayer jq jau j Maha Mritunjaya Mantra Fold your hands and pray to Shiva: Jy hLj kSjq pNw fhdej z aj EhlLjh hev jajru jjav zz Om Trayambakam jajamaha sugandhim pushtibardhanam Urvaarukamiva Bandhanaath mrityur mukshiya maamritat I am worshipping the three-eyed Lord Shiva (Tryambakam) By whose grace I gained knowledge and my sustenance Relieve me from my mortal attachment Like the cucumber that severes out from its live branch
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Offerings to Goddess Durga E>A#>pcAEr pUjA Shorhashopacharey puja Offer any sixteen things listed below: 1. Seat aAsn Asana Offer the silver seat made for this occasion or a metal silver coin: o^ aAsnQ g<h cAbi ci&Ek prEmbir| vjsB jgtAQ mAt: AnQ Em Edih ci&Ek| Om asanam grihna charbangi Chandikey parameshwari | Bhajaswa jagatam matah sthanam me dehi Chandikey || Oh the beautiful Goddess Chandikey! Please take my offering of this asan (seat) Oh Goddess of the Universe! Use it and allow me to sit near your feet 2. Welcome hNa Swagata Show the welcome mudras to the Goddess and chant (referred before): AF aj o^ ktAF AeNqaj pgmw Shaw jj z ka N jqn BNap ka cN jqnl jcnjj Om kritatha anugrihitosmi saphalam jeebitam mama \ Agatasi jato Durgey Maheshwari madashramam || Oh Goddess Durgey! The killer of Mahishasur, I am so very grateful for your coming to my house. I am so very obliged and grateful. My life is blessed. 3. Water to wash feet pAdY Padya Pour a little water from the kamandalu into the offering plate and chant: o^ pAdYQ g< mhAEdib sbd:KAphAlkm| u KAphAl SQL Ay brEd Edib nmE SQLripREy| etd pAdYQ nEmA dUgAy nm:|| Om padyam grihna mahadevi sarbadukhapharakam | Trayaswa baradey devi namastey Shankarapriye || Etat padyam namo Durgawai namah || Oh great Goddes, wife of Mahadeva, the remover of all miseries Welcome Oh my protector, Oh the favorite of Shankara (Shiva)
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Allow me to wash Thy feet, Oh Durgey! 4. The special offer hnoO ce Beshesharghya dan o^ dubAxt smAJuQ iblpQ tFAprm| hN ESAvnQ SQpAQ g<hNAGYQ hripREy| e> aGYQ nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om durbakshata samajuktam bilwapatram tathaparam | Shobhanam shankhapatrastham grihanarghyam Harapriye | Esha arghyam namo Durgawai namah || Oh the favorite of Shiva, I am offering the Durba grass along with the leaves of apple wood tree and the durba grass (symbolic of mother nature) held in the water-conch as the special offering to Thy feet, Oh Goddess Durga. 5. Offering drinking water aAcmnIy Achmania Offer the glass of water kept for drinking. o^ mdAiknYAu JAir sbpAphrQ vm| g<hAn aAcmnIyQ tQ myA vYA inEbidtm| etd aAcmnIy jlQ nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om mandakinyastu jadbari sarbapapaharam shubham | Grihana achmaniyam twam maya bhaktya nibeditam | Etad achmania jalam namo Durgawai namah || I am offering that water from Mandakini (Ganges of the heaven) that removes all the sins and brings eternal happiness Please accept from me, your devotee. Here is the drinking water for you Oh Goddess Durga. 6. Cold water for bath AnIyjl Snaniyajal Pour a little water on the offering plate: o^ jl SItlQ CQ intYQ Q mEnAhrm| Ed AnAFQ Et myA vYA kitQ Edb g<hYtAm|| etd AnIyjlQ nEmA dUgAy nm:| Ok jalancha sheetalam swachham nityam shuddham manoharam | Snanartham tey maya bhakta kalpitam devi grihyatam || Etad snaniajalam nomo Durgai namah || I am offering this cold, clean, refreshing water for your daily bath. Please accept this bathing water, Oh Durga.
7. Cloth b Bastra Hold the new sari in your left hand and put a flower on top of it and chant the mantra. At the end, place the sari on the dias near the feet of the idol. p o^ btu smAJuQ p suAid inimtm| fljhl jhl| bAEsA Edib suk g<hAN fljhl| o^ hpe sjQ ritQ rAgbunA| Q awbAsE EdbI cN iS fawbAsE pir}IytAm| etd bQ nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om bahutantu samayuktam patta sutradi nirmitam | Baso devi sushuklancha grihana parameshwari | Om bahusantan samriddhyam ranjitam ragbastuna | Devi Durgey bhanja preetimbasantey paridhiyatam | Etad bastram namo Durgai namah || Oh Great Goddess, this beautiful sari, made of many interwoven threads and other things for you to wear. It is long, rich, decorated with many colors, and may you be pleased in wearing it. I am offering this dress to you Oh Goddess Durga. 8. Scent N (Qce) Gandha (sandalwood paste) Offer sandalwood paste on the holy pitcher: o^ SrIrQ Et e jAnAim EcAQ nb nb c| ibilpY myA inEbidtAn gAn pRitg<hY ibilpYtAm| e> gQ nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om shariram tey na janami chestam naiba naiba cha | Maya nibeditan gandhan pratigrihya bilipyatam | Esha gandham namo Durgawai namah || Oh Goddess I do not know your body in any way I am offering this scented paste; put it on your body. Here I offer the scent to Goddess Durga. 9. Conch-shell jewelry nMilZ Shankhabharan pNlvf lvf Jy nMQ pNlvf eehZ hioax z ehc hca nMquw ju ehca i nMquw faNqaj zz Om shankhascha sagarotpanna nanabarna bibhushitah |
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Maya nibedito bhaktya shankhohyam pratigrijyatam || Originated from the sea this conch shell jewelry, with different colors, I, your devotee, am offering to you with great reverence, please accept my offering. 10. Ornaments AmwLl Alankar chla pjk hqie pjfix z Am NZ niuo Amlx plnl zz ln Divyaratna samayukta bahnibhanu samaprabhah | Gatrani shobhyishyanti alankarah sureshwari || Oh the Goddess of divinity, these jewelry glowing as Agni and Sun, will beautify your body as you wear them. 11. Vermilion pcl Sindur Take a new package of vermilion (sindur) and offer the powder to the Gopddess by putting on the holy pitcher. Chant the following while applying the powder on the Holy pitcher: Jy Qcee pjkw pclw imioZj z lfSaLlw ch QL Nq jL z Jy QLu hcq iNha djq a Nl fQcuv zz Om chandanena samayuktam sinduram bhalabhusitam | Rupajyotiskaram devi chandikey grihna mastakey | Om Chandikawai bidmahey bhagabatai dhimahi tanno Gouri prachodayat || Along with the sandalwood paste the vermilion decorates your forehead Oh Goddess Chandi, your forehead illuminates with beautiful rays of light Allow me to meditate on you the Goddess of wisdom as you illuminate my intellect. 12. Flower pup Pushpa Put a flower on the holy pitcher or on the feet of Goddess Durga in o^ pupQ mEnAhrQ idbYQ sugi Edib inmtm| hdYm aUtm aAEGRyQ EdbIQ dQ pRitg<hYtAm| etd pupQ nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om pushpam manoharam divyam sugandhi devi nirmitam | Hridam adbhutam aghreyam devim dattam pratigrihyatam | Etat pushpam namo Durgawai namah || These are beautiful flowers with great color and fragrance that touches the heart, I am offering these to you; please accept.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA I offer these flowers, Oh Goddess Durga, with utmost reverence. 13. Leaves of apple-wood tree iblp Bilwapatra o^ am<tvQ SRIJuQ mhAEdb fuw sdA| pibQ Et pRJ CAim SRIflIyQ suErbir| e> iblpQ nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om amritodvabham Shrijuktam Mahadeva priyam sada | Pabitram tey prajachhami shriphaliam sureshwari | Esha bilwapatram namo Durgawai namah || Oh the Goddess of the Gods, coming out of immortality, these beautiful leaves, a favorite of Lord Shiva, Always pure and fruitbearing, I am offering the leaves of the apple-wood tree to you. 14. Garland pupmAlY Pushpamalya o^ suEn gRiFtQ mAlYQ nAnA pup smintm| ghAn SRIyuQ lmAn ghAn prEmbir| e> pupmAlYQ nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om sutrena grathitam malyam nana pushpa samanwitam | Shrijuktam lambamanacha grihana parameshwari | Esha pushpamalyam namo Durgawai namah || This garland, made with many flowers stuck in thread, Long and beautiful, I am offering to you Oh Goddess Durga with great reverence. 15. Incense }Up Dhoop Jy hefa lp ch NYx pjeqlx z BOux pchew dfquw faNqaj zz e> }Up nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om banaspati rasho divyo gandhadyam sumanoharah | Aghreyah sarbadevanam dhupohayam pratigrijhatam || Esha dhupa namo Durgawai namah | This incense was made with the extract from natural vegetation. It has a heavenly smell and it is beautiful. Its smell is liked by all gods. Please accept this incense. I am offering this incense to you with humility, Oh Goddess Durga. Perform a little arati with the incence and ring the bell with the following chant:
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN ja: Jy Sude j ja: pqzz Om jayadhwani mantra matah swaha || Let the sound of victory be dedicated to the divine spirit. 16. Lamp dIp Deep o^ aigEjYAit: ribEjYAit: cdREjYAit tFb c| EjAit>Amuj dI EjAit>Amuj cN dIphm pRitg<hYtAm| e> dIp nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om agnijyotih rabijyotih chandrajyoti tathaiba cha | Jyotishamuttamo Durgey deepoham pratigrhiyatam | Esha deepa namo Durgawai namah || Oh Goddess Durga, like the illumination of sun and the moon, The flame of this lamp carries the best of the rays, Take it as my offering to you Perform a little arati by ringing the bell as you did with the incense. 17. Honey m}upk Madhuparka Take a little honey with a stick or plastic spoon and pour on the offering plate along with the following chant: o^^ m}upkQ mhAEdib bRAdY: pirkitm| prEmb myA inEbidtQ vYA g<hAN prEmbr| etd m}upkQ nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om madhuparkam Mahadevi Brahmadwai parikalpitam | Maya niveditam bhaktya grihana parameshwari | Etad madhuparkam namo Durgawai namah || This honey is a blessing from Brahma. I am offering this blessed honey To you Oh the great Goddes, oblige me by accepting it. May I now offer the honey to you Oh Durga. Note: Madhuparka can be honey only or could be as Panchamrita (five sweet edibles). The Panchamrita contains honey, milk, yogurt, sugar and ghee. The following two mantras can then be included with the offering of the panchamrita. 18. Milk du Dugdha Pour a little water from the kushi into the panchamrita bowl, which is symbolic of offering milk.
etd duQ nEmA dUgAy nm:| Etad dugdham namo Durgawai namah | I am offering the milk to you Oh Goddess Durga 19. Yogurt di} Dadhi Pour a little water from the kushi into the panchamrita bowl, which is symbolic of offering yogurt. etd di}ptEy nEmA dUgAy nm:| Etad dadhipataye namo Durgawai namah | I am offering yogurt to you Oh Goddess Durga. 20. Food platter ehc Naivedya Sprinkle a little water on the food platter as symbolic of offering: Jy Bjw Oa pwkJw eech pjhaj z ehcaw fljhl ju ehcaw iJ NqZ fljhl zz Om amannam ghrita samjuktam nanadrabya samanwitam | Maya niveditam bhaktya grihana parameshwari || This food platter with rice, ghee and other things combined, I, your devotee, is offering to you, Oh the Super Goddess, please accept. Note: Cooked rice is kept on the left and uncooked rice on the right. 21. Fruits glmul Phalamul Sprinkle some water on the fruit platter: o^ flmulAiN sbAiN gRAmYArNYAin JAin c| nAnAib} sugIin g< Edib mmAicrm| etAin flmulAin nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om phalamulani sarbani gramyaranyani jani cha | Nanabidha sugandhini grihna devi mamachiram | Etani phalamulani namo Durgawai namah || Oh Goddess Durga these fruits are from various villages and forests, They are aromatic and tasteful. Please accept them as my offering. Herewith I am offering the fruits at Thy feet.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN 22. Round Sweets (commonly known as laddos or narus) EmAdk Modak o^ EmAdkQ AdsQyuQ SkrAid ibinimtm| surmYQ m}urQ EvAjYQ Edib dQ pRitg<hYtAm| e> EmAdkQ nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om modakam swadsamjuktam sarkardi binirmitam | Suramyam madhuram bhojyam devi dattam pratigrijyatam | Esha modakam nomo Durgawai namah || Made with sugar and other tasteful things, these beautiful round sweets, Are offered to you Oh Goddess Durga, Please accept them as I lay them to Thy feet. 23. Cooked rice A Anna Note: Keep the cooked rice on the right of the Goddess (priests left side) and uncooked rice on the left of the deity (priests right side). Sprinkle a little water on the plate of cooked rice: Ed smie o^ aQ ctuib}Q Edb rs: >#iv: smieam| wmQ pRNdQ cb g<hAN mm vAbt:| Hdm aQ nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om annam chaturbidham devi rasai sharabhih samanwitam | Uttamam prandam chaiba grihana mama bhabatah | Idam annam namo Durgawai namah || Oh Goddess this tasteful rice cooked with various ingredients This is of high quality and life giving, I am offering it to you with great devotion, please accept it. 24. Special rice preparation iKcurI Khichuri This special rice preparation, called khichuri is a special treat to Durga. Sprinkle a little water as a sign of offering on the bowl of kichuri. t& o^ t&l XAilsQ imSRA aAdRk ihuiv:| sQJuA: k^srA kiFtA bu}:| etd k<srA (iKcurI) nEmA dUgAy nm:|| Om tandula dalisam misra ardraka hingubhih | Samjyukta kamsara kathita budhai | Atad krisranna (khichuri) namo Durgwai namah || Made with rice and dal, ginger and hing (asafoetida) And mixed with other spices and ingredients,
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA This special preparation is offered to you Oh Durga. 25. Sweet dessert pAEys Payas Jj J o^ gbYsip: fukw nAnA m}urs sQJuJj| inEbidt p myA inEbidtj vYA pAysQ ptg<hYtAm| Hdm prmAQ nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om gabyasarpih payojuktam nana madhurasa samjuktam | Maya niveditam bhaktya payasam pratigrihjatam | Idam paramannam namo Durgawai namah || Made out of cows milk, added with many sweet things, I am offering this payas (sweet dessert) to you with great devotion Accept this special rice preparation (paramanna) Oh Goddess Durga o^ pRANAy AhA, apAnAy AhA, smAnAy AhA, wdAnAy AhA, bYAnAy AhA| o^ am<EtA prNmis AhA || Om pranaya swaha, apanaya swaha, samanaya swaha, udanaya swaha, byanaya swaha Om amrito pastaranamasi swaha || I offer the dessert to the five vital breaths of the body, Prana, apana, samana, udana and byana May this food bring immortality as I consume it. Make the offering to the five vital breaths of the body by touching the thumb to the five fingers (beginning from the little one and ending with the thumb touched by the pointing finger). The mantra and its application has been sed earlier (vital breath). 26. Second glass of water to drink felQjeu Punarachmania o^ jl StlQ CQ pN pmEnAhrm| mEnAhrm ju ehcaj i feu faNqaj z etd felQjeu nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om jalancha shitalam swachham sugandhi sumanoharam | Maya niveditam bhakta panaya pratigrijhyatam | Etad punarachmanya namo Durgawai namah || Here is the cold, clean, pure, great smelling water that I am offering to you, please accept it, May I humbly offer it to you as the second drink, Oh Goddess Durga. 27. Betel leaf tAul Tambula flpsmAJQ o^ flpsmAJQ kpUErn subAistm|
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN v myA inEbidtQ vA tAulQ pRitg<hYtAm| etd tAulQ nEmA dUgAy nm:| Om phalapatra samajuktam karpurena subasitam | Maya niveditam bhaktya tambulam pratigrihyatam | Etad tambulam namo Durgawai namah || I am offeringwith devotion the fruit (supari), pan leaf with the aromatic camphor, Please accept it Oh Goddess Durga jqch u gmf fap jqch jeu ngmf Q z ejqa Bu BlN hSuw cq ch ejqa zz B N aSjqh Sjqhm Jy cN cN lfp plaSjqhm z pcecLl qlhi pcecLl ch fpc qlhi zz Sthapatashi Mahadevi mrinmaya shriphalopicha | Aur arogya bijayam dehi devi namohstutey || Om Durgey Durgeswarupasi surtejomahabaley | Sadanandakarey devi praseeda haraballabhey || Oh great Goddess in clay and in the form of apple wood tree Grant me long and healthy life, and bring me success, as I offer my reverence to Thee, Oh Durga in your own image you are strong with the divine power bestowed on you You bring happiness to all, Oh the beloved of Shiva. Worship of Accompanying Gods/Goddesses faj chal fS Pratimasthadevata puja Four children of Durga accompanies Her to visit the earth once a year during Durga puja. They are Her two sons, Kartik and Ganesh, and two daughters Lakshmi and Saraswati. Each of them bears their own godly powers and is worshipped at different times of the year. As they come with their mother at this time of the year, they are worshipped along with Goddess Durga. Lord Kartikeya (leader of war) kAiku Kartikeya Meditation }Yan Dhyan Note: Follow the procedure for doing dhyan (Hold the flower on the left palm. Cover the palm with your right palm in the dhyan mudra). Chant and then put the flower on the holy pitcher. kyw mhAvAgw o^ kAiEkyw mhAvAgw muyErApir sQitm| t kAn bNAvQ SihpQ brpRdm| v Sihp
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA u nAnAl idBvSQ ShArQ nAnAlAr ibvUi>tm| pRsbdnQ EdbQ sbEsnA smAb<tm| Om Kartikeyam mahabhagam mayuropari samsthitam | Tapta kanchana barnabham shaktihastam barapradam | Dwibhujam shatruhantaram nanalankar bibhushitam | Prasanna badanam devam sarbasena samabritam || I am meditating on Lord Kartik, seated on a peacock, who has the color of hot gold, Bearing strong hands that blesse us. With his two hands he kills the enemies. He is decked with many ornaments and has a happy face with divine glow. He is surrounded by armies of different kinds. Offering ehce Nibedan Offer a flower in the name of Kartikeya, the leader of war e> scdn: pupAil: nm: kAiEky nm:| eEt g puEp nm: kAiEky nm:| Esha sachandana pushpanjali namah Kartikeya namah | Etey gandhapushpey namah Kartikeya namah || I am offering herewith these scented (sandalwood-dipped) flowers to Lord Kartikeya with reverence. Then continue other offerings: etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ, pAnIyjlQ nm: kAiEky nm:| Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, naivedyam, paniajalam Namah Kartikeya namah || Here is the water for washing His feet, auspicious rice, incense, lamp, foot platter and drinking water. Prostrate pRNAm Pranam kyw o^ kAiEkyw nmuvYQ Egir puQ sUtpRdm| >#AnnQ mhAvAg dtY dp insUdnm| Om Kartikeyam namastavyam Gouri putram sutapradam| Sharananam mahabhaga daitya darpa nisudanam || I bow to you Oh Lord Kartikeya, the son of Goddess Gouri (another name of Durga) Who blesses with children, who has six faces, big heart, and He who kills the ego of the enemies.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Lord Ganesh (the symbol of wisdom) gEnS Ganesh Meditation }YAn Dhyan Follow the procedure described earlier o^ KQ ultnuQ gEjdRbdnQ lEAdrQ sudrQ dgbYAElAlfpj jdg-lu-m}up-bYAElAl-g&lQ| GAtirdAGAt-ibdAirt Air-ri}r: isdur ESAvAkrQ| AbEd SlsutA-sutQ gnpitQ isipRdQ kAmdQ| Om kharbam sthulatanum gajendrabadanam lambodaram sundaram | Prasannam mada-gandha-lubdha-madhupa-balyola-gandasthalam | Dantaghata bidarita ari-rudhiraih sindur shobhakaram | Bandey shailasuta-sutam Ganapatim siddhipradam kamadam || I am meditating on the son of the mountain daughter (Durga) , Leader of all people who fulfills our wishes Who is short and chubby, whose head is that of an elephant, His stomach is big and beautiful From his happy face comes out a sweet smell that attracts the restless bees As he piereced open his enemies, his tusk is beautifully colored red like the vermilion Offering ehce Nivedan eEt g puEp nm: gEnSAy nm:| es scdnQ pupAil nm: gEnSAy nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ, pAnIyjlQ nm: gEnSAy nm:| Etey gandha pushpey namah Ganeshaya namah | Esha sachandanam pushpanjali namah Ganeshaya namah | Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, naivedyam, paniajalam Namah Ganeshaya namah || (Same way as described with Kartikeya, in the name of Lord Ganesh) Goddess of wealth l{I Lakshmi Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth who stands on the right of Goddess Durga. Her pet is the owl, the icon of wisdom. The worship procedure is the same as described earlier with Kartikeya.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Meditate }Yn Dhyan EsmYEyA:z pASAx mAilkAEAj s<iNivJAmY EsmYEyA:z pdAsnAQ }YAEy c iSRyQ ElAkY mAtrQ| l >tAQz EgrbNAQ surpA sAlAr vUi>tAQz Err Er-pd-bYgRkrQ brdAQ dixENntu|| Pashaksha malikambhoja shrini bhirjyaamya soumayoh | Padmaasanastham dhayechcha shrim trailokya mataram || Gourabarnam surupancha sarbalankar bhusitam | Roukma padma byagrakaram baradam dakshinena tu || As I meditate on you (Lakshmi) in the image of holding a long rosary bead, a beautiful wife (bharjya), sitting ona lotus, with a pleasant face likethe moon, the Supreme mother of the three worlds, beautifully decorated with a variety of golden jewelry, and raising your lotus-shaped right arm, offering blessing to all. Offering ehce Nivedan Offer flower and other things: o^ nmE sbEdbAnAQ brdAiS hripREy| t JA gitq pRpAnAQ sA Em vuyAq tccNq|| lxI tQ }AnY rpAis pRAiNnAQ pRANdAiyin| dAirdRY du:K sQhI mhAlxI nmuEt|| e> scdn: pupAil: nEmA SRIlxIEdbY nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ, pAnIyjlQ nm: SRImhAl{ nm:| Om namastey sarbadevanam baradasi Harapriye | Jya gatisam prapannanam sa me bhuyat tadwarchanat || Lakshmitwam dhanya rupasi praninam pranadayini | Daridra dukha samhantri mahalakshmi namastutey || Esha shachandana pushpanjali namo Shri Lakshmidevai namah || Etat padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, naivedyam, paniajalam, namah Shri Mahalakshmai namah || You bless all the creatures Oh favorite of Hari (Vishnu). What happens to your favorites when they worship you May that happen to me as I am worshipping you with all my heart. Oh Lakshmi you come to us as the beautiful paddy that brings life into the living ones You are the remover of poverty and sorrow, Oh Lakshmi I prostrate with reverence Herewith I am offering the flower Oh Mahalakshmai Along with I offer the five items of oblation water for washing your feet, welcome gift of rice, incense, lamp, food platter, drinking water to Thee Oh Shri Mahalakshmi ||
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Prostrate pRNAm Pranam ibbrpsY vAJYAis pEd pdAlEy Ev| st: pAih mAQ Edib mhAlxI nEmAh Et| Viswarupasya bharjyashi padmey padmalaye shubhey | Sarbatah pahi mam devi mahalakshmi namostutey || Oh the wife of the Lord of the Universe, You are beautiful like the lotus and you live in the palace of lotus I see you everywhere, Oh Mahalakshmi, accept my reverence. Saraswati srtI Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge and speech. Meditation }Yn Dhyan o^ truNSklimEdA: ibtI kAit: | kucvrnimtAgI si>NA istAE || injkrkmElAdYEKnI putk SI: | sklibvbisYR pAtu bAgEdbtA n: || Om taruna-shakala-mindoh bibhrati shubhra-kaantih | kucha-bhara-namitaangi sannisanna sitaabje || nija-kara-kamala-udyat-lekhani pustaka shrih | Sakala-bibhava-siddhyai paatu baag-devataa nah || We bow to the Goddess of learning who is radiating soothing moonlight of white complexion, bent slightly because of her heavy breasts, and sitting on a white lotus; her lotus-shaped hands are holding book and pen. May the Goddess of learning help us acquire all the glories and fames. Offering ehce Nivedan srt e> scdn: pupAil: nEmA SRIsrt EdbY nm: | etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, bQ, nEbdYQ, pAnIyjlQ | nm: SRIsrtY nm: || Esha sachandana pushpanjali namoh Shri Saraswati Devai namah | Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, bastram, naivedyam, paniajalam Namah Saraswatai namah || Here I am offering with reverence, the sandalwood-dipped flower, Water for washing feet, rice for reception, incense,
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Lamp, clothing, food platter and drinking water to your honor, Oh Goddess Saraswati. Obeisance pRNAm Pranam srtI mhAvAEg ibEdY kmlElAcEn, ibbrEp ibSAlAix ibdYAQ Edih nmEt| Saraswati mahabhagey vidyey kamala lochaney | Vishwarupey bishalakshi vidyam dehi namastutey || Saraswati, with lotus-like eyes, and whose eminence of knowledge Is perceived over the universe, Enlighten me with that knowledge. Honoring Accompanying Creatures pf/hqe fS Sangapanga/Bahana puja Give three times anjali to Durga with this prayer: Jy pfu phqeu cNu ejx z Om sangopangwai sabahanawai Durgawai namah | I worhsip Thee, Oh Durga, with all your associates and pets. Great Lion mhAisQh Mahasingha Pay reverence to the lion who fought with the demon along with Goddess Durga bj eEt g puEp nm: o^ bjQAy aAyu}Ay mhAisQhAy nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ, pAnIyjlQ, nm: mhAisQhAy nm:| Etey gandha pushpey namah Om Bajradamshtraya audhaya Mahasinghaya namah | Etat padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, naivedyam, paniajalam, Namah Mahasinghaya namah | Oh the Great Uneatable Lion with strong teeth and paws, you share your image with Goddess Durga Please accept my puja offerings and oblige me. Obeisance fZj Pranam j, Jy pwq aw phhSej, Adfp jqhm z fa hqe nje, hlw cq ejq a zz Om singha twam sarbajantunam, adhiposhi mahabala |
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Parbati bahana Shriman, baram dehi namastutey || Oh the lion, you are strong and king of all the anmials You are the carrier of the Goddess Parvati, I bow to you with reverence. Buffalo demon mih>Asur Mahisasur Pay reverence to the demon who shares the glory of Durga by his sacrifice. eEt g puEp nm: mih>AsurAy nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ, bQ, pAnIyjlQ nm: mih>AsurAy nm:| Etey gandha pushpey namah Mahishashuraya namah | Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, naivedyam, bastram, paniajalam namah Mahishasuraya namah || I am making the puja offerings to the Buffalo Demon (Mahishasur) with reverence. Obeisance fZj Pranam o^ mih>Q mhAbIr iSbrp sdAiSb| B atBAQ pUjiy>YAim xm mih>Asur|| Om mahishastwam mahabir Shivarupa sadashiba | Atstham pujaishyami khamaswa Mahishasur || Oh Mahishasur, you are a great warrior like Shiva, happy and prosperous, I am making my puja offerings to you, please forgive and accept it, Oh Mahishasur! Snake nAgpAS Nagpas eEt gE puEp nm: nAgpASAy nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ, pAnIyjlQ nm: nAgpASAy nm:| Etey gandha pushpey namah nagapashaya namah| Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, naivedyam, paniajalam Namah Nagapashaya namah || I am making the puja offerings to the snake who fought side by side with Goddess Durga. Hail to the snake! I offer you herewith my oblations of water to wash your feet, welcome gift of rice incense etc. Mouse mui>k Mushik eEt g puEp nm: mui>kAy nm:| pAnIyjlQz etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ, pAnIyjlQz
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA nm: mui>kAy nm:| Etey gandha pushpey namah Mushikaya namah | Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, naivedyam, paniajalam, Namah Mushikaya namah || Oh mouse, you share your image with Goddess Durga Please accept my puja offerings and oblige me. Peacock jyur Mayur eEt g puEp nm: myurAy nm:| pAnIyjlQz etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ, pAnIyjlQz nm: myurAy nm:| Etey gandha pushpey namah Mayuraya namah | Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, naivedyam, paniajalam Namah Mayuraya namah || Oh peacock, you share your image with Goddess Durga Please accept my puja offerings and oblige me Owl Epck Pechak eEt g puEp nm: EpckAy nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ, pAnIyjlQ nm: EpckAy nm:| Etey gandha pushpey namah Pechakaya namah | Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, naivedyam, paniajalam Namah Pechakaya namah || Oh owl, you share your image with Goddess Durga Please accept my puja offerings and oblige me Worship of Nine Plants (Nabapatrika) nbpikAr pUjA Nabapatrikapuja The nine plants (nbpikA, nabapatrika) represents Goddess Durga. Details of these nine plants have been presented earlier. Offer a flower on the holy pitcher in the name of each of the nine plants which individually represents various forms of Goddess Durga. Pay your obeisance by offering a flower on the holy pitcher in the name of each plant in the Nabpatrika. Note: These mantras call for the vision that we need to have to see the display of Goddess Durga in everything that surrounds us and especially in the plants who are our providers. N 1) o^ rAi}A hN nm:| N 1) Om rambhadhisthatrai Brahmanai namah |
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN I pay my reverence to Durga as a part of Brahma (Brahmani) As you take the form of banana plan You reveal as a savior like Brahma. N ch Jy cN ch pjNR pdjq Lfu z llfZ a llfZ p n Ll ejaa zz Om Durgey devi samagaccha sannidhya miha kalpaya | Rambharupena sarbatrya shanti kuru namastutey || Oh Durga, come, come near me, and fulfill my dreams Stay as the banana plant and bring happiness to us. I bow to Thee. kc 2) o^ kc ai}A kAilkAy nm:| 2) Om kachwa adhishthatrai Kalikawai namah | I pay my reverence to you, Oh Durga! As you take the form of kachu (colocasia) as Kalika You reveal as the protector from all evils. (fZj) Jy jqoplko Lhiap pha z o u jj Qe Nqbu BNap qlfu zz Om Mahishasurayudheshu kachwibhutasi subratey | Mama chanugraharthaya agatasi Harapriye || (Obeisance) Oh the virtuous one! During the war with Mahishashur (buffalo demon) You took the appearance of colocasia (kachu). Oh the favorite of Shiva, Come and oblige me. }A 3) o^ hirdR}A dugAy nm:| 3) Om haridradhishthatrai Durgawai namah | I pay my reverence to you, Oh Durga! As you take the form of turmeric plant You reveal as the rescuer. ql hlc Jy ql hlc ch Ejlfp pha z a cj jj hO henu fSNq fpcj zz Om haridrey baradey devi Umarupasi subratey | Mama bighna binashaya pujagrihna prasidamey || Oh the turmeric plant, you are adored by all, In the form of Goddess Durga (Uma), Oh the virtuous one! Remove all the hurdles and oblige me by accepting my worship. ju ejx| 4) o^ ju ai}A Ljk ejx| 4) Om Jayantya adhishthatrai kaumarjai namah | I pay my reverence to you, Oh Durga! As you take the form of Jayanta plant you reveal to me as Kaumarjai (emblem of virginity). I bow to Thee.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA jbe c Jy e jbe Ccch NZx pq z Su fSap aj AjLw hlc ih zz Om Nishumbha shumbhamathaney Indrairdeva ganai saha | Jayanti pujitasi twam ashmakam barada bhaba || Oh the Jayanti plant (always victorious) in the killing of the demons, Shumbha and Nishumbha, You were worshipped along with Indra and other Gods. Please bless me. 5) o^ iblBi}A iSbAy nm:| Om Bilwadhisthatrai Shivai namah | I pay my reverence to you, Oh Durga! As you take the form of the wood-apple (Bel), You reveal as Shivas consort. jqch Ll ch Jy jqch fuLl hpch fu: pc z Ll a Ejfa Ll hr hmlf ej a zz Om Mahadeva priyakaro Basudeva priyah sada | Umapriti karo briksho billarupa namastu tey || Oh the wood apple tree, you are symbolic of Mahadeva (Shiva) You are also the favorite of Krishna (Basudaeva), and you Bring happiness to Goddess Durga (Uma), Please accept my reverence to you. 6) o^ dAi#mYi}A rdikAy nm:| 6) Om Darimyadhisthatrai raktadantikawai namah | I pay my reverence to you, Oh Durga! As you take the form of thedalim (pomegranate) you reveal as Raktadantika (Goddess with bloody teeth) M Jy csj aw fl k lhSp pjM z Ej Lkw Law kjc AjLw hlc ih zz Om darimi twam pura yuddhey raktabijashya sammukhey | Uma karjam kritam jasmad ashmakam barada bhaba || Oh the pomegranate (dalim, that yields red juice)! In the war with Raktabeej (the demon who had the power to duplicate each drop of his blood that fell on the ground) You brought victory to Goddess Durga (Uma), I offer my deep reverence. 7) o^ aESAkAi}A ESAkrihtAy nm:| 7) Om Ashokadhishthatrai shokarahitawai namah | I pay my reverence to you, Oh Durga! As you take the form of Ashoka plant you reveal as Shokarahita (Goddes who removes all sorrows) Ll r AnLx Jy qlfa Ll hr AnLx nLenex z
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN aLl cN faLl kjej nLw pcLl zz Om Harapriti karo briksho Ashoka shokanashanah | Durga pritikaro jashman-mama shokam sadakuru || (Obeisance) Ashoka plant, a favorite of Shiva, is known for taking away all sorrows And which pleases Goddess Durga, please be with me always to remove all my sorrows. 8) o^ mAnAi}A cAmu&Ay nm:| 8) Om Manadhishthatrai Chamundai namah I pay my reverence to you, Oh Durga! As you take the form of the mankachu (arum) plant You reveal as Chamunda f hpc Jy kp f hpc ch jehrx nQfux z jj QeNqbu fSw Nqfpc j zz Om jasya patra basad devi manabriksha shachipriyah | Mama chanugraharthaya pujam grihnaprasida mey || On whose leaves rest the Goddess, a favorite of Shachi, that mana tree, Oblige me by acceping my offerings. 9) o^ ded jqmr ejx z 9) Om dhanyadhishthatrai Mahalakshmai namah | I pay my reverence to you, Oh Durga! As you take the form of the paddy plant You reveal as Mahalakshmi (Goddess of wealth) I bow to Thee! Jy SNax fZlrbw hZ ejaw fl z Ej fa Llw dew ajw lrjw pc zz Om jagatah pranarakshartam brahmana nirmitam pura | Uma preeti karam dhanyam tashmatwam rakhshamam sada || To save the life of living creatures on this earth, Brahma created the paddy plant, It also pleases the Mother Goddess Uma (Durga). Kindly protect me as always. eEt g puEp nm: nbpikA bAisnY dugAy nm:| Etey gandhapushpey namah Nabapatrika basinai Durgawai namah | I offer my reverence to all the forms of Durga established on this Nabapatrika (nine plants). etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ o^ nbpikA bAisnY dugAy nm:| Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, naivedyam, Ohm Nabapatrika basinyai Durgawai namah || Here are my offerings of water to wash their feet, special rice, incense, lamp and food platter.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Obeisance pRNAm Pranam o^ nbpiEk nbduEg tBQ mhAEdb mEnArEm| id pUjAQ smAQ sQg<hY rx mAQ idSbir| Om Nabapatrikey nabadurgey twam Mahadeva manoramey | Pujam samastam samgrijya raksha mam Tridasheshwari | Oh the New Durga as Nabapatrika (nine plants), Oh the favorite of Shiva (Mahadeva), Please accept all my worship and protect me Oh the Goddess of ten forms (nine forms described above and Durga). Divine Entities of Durga BhlZ fS Abaran puja The divine entities that encircle the Goddess or the deity are called Abaran (BhlZ) NZ Zi Jy BhlZ cha NZi ejx z Jy BhlZ cha Cq NR Cq NR Cq a Cq a Aaj jj fSj NqZ Om Abaran devata ganevyo namah | Om Abarana devatey Iha gachha, iha gachha, iha tishtha iha tishtha, atradhishtham Mama pujam grihana || Oh the encircled Divinity you are welcome and accept my offerings eEt gE puEp o^ Suu ejx eEt gE puEp o^ La ejx eEt gE puEp o^ fiu ejx eEt gE puEp o^ na ejx Etey gandha pushpey Om Jayayi, Kirtai, Prabhai, Shrutai Namah I offer my reverence to the encircled Divinity, Victory, Fame, Virtues and Progress o^ idbYAr pir}AnAQ nAnArt ibvUi>tAm| }YAEyaAQ }YAEyaAQ ibjyAQ intYQ sbisi pRdAiynI| Om dibyambara paridhanam nanaratna bibhushitam | Dhyetwam vijayam nityam sarbasiddhi pradayini || I am meditating on the victorious Goddess Wearing divine dress, decked with different jewelries And always brings success to all my endeavors.
(Mass offering of flower)
Pushpanjali nm: mih>iG mhAmAEy cAmuE mumAilin| aAyur aAErAgY ibjyQ Edih EdbI nmuEt| r mEh l| mnu > vEyvY nm: vutEpRt ipSAEcvY rxvY mEhl| EdEbEvYA mnuE>vY vEyvY rx mAQ sdA| nm: s ml mElY iSEb sAF sAi}Ek| wEm bRAiN EkmAir ibbrEp pRsId Em|| e> scdn pupAil vgbtI EdbI dugAy nm:| Namah Mahishagni mahamaye chamundey mundamalini | Ayur arogya bijayam dehi devi namastutey | Namah bhutapreta pishachevyo rakshyebhyascha Maheshwari | Devebhyo manushebhyascha bhayebhyo rakshamam sada | Namah sarba mangala mangalye Shivey sarbartha sadhikey | Umey Brahmani koumari vishwarupey praseedamay | Esha sachandana pushpanjali bhagavati devi Durgawai namah || Oh the killer of the buffalo demon, our divine mother, who slayed the demon Chamunda, You appear in the illusion of wearing the garland of enemy heads, Allow me to win long life and be free from diseases. You protect us from evil spirits Oh the wife of Shiva. You protect both humans and Gods and let them be free from fears. Oh Uma, Brahmani, Kaumari (different names of Durga), you are present all over the universe. Here is the sandalwood dipped flower offered to you with reverence. nm: vgbit vyE CEd kAtYAyiN c kAmEd| kAlk<t EkiSik tQ ih kAtYAyiN nmuEt|| nm: pRcE puEk intYQ suipREt surnAiyEk| kuldYAt kEr EcAEgR jyQ Edih nmuEt| nm nm: rdRcE pRcAis pRc gNnAiSin| rx mAQ sEtA EdbI ibEbbrI nmuEt|| e>scdn pupAil vgbtI EdbI dugAy nm:| Namah bhagawati bhayachhedey katyani cha kamadey | Kalkrit koushiki twam hi katyani namastutey | Namah prachandey putrakey nityam supritey suranaikey | Kulodyota karey chogrey jayam dehi namastutey | Namah rudrachandey prachandasi prachanda gananashini | Raksha mam sarbato devi Visheswari namastutey || Esha sachandana pushpanjali bhagawatidevi Durgawai namah || I bow to you with reverence, Oh Goddess, who takes away all fear, who wears a red dress, and grants all desires, Who holds time (creates seasons) and gives us the knowledge. I bow to you. I bow to Thee Oh Rudrachandey (form of Durga) ferociously killing the demons Protect me from all sides Oh the Goddess of the Universe, I bow to you. Here is the sandalwood dipped flower offered to you with great reverence, Oh Goddess Durga! irNI nm: duEgirNI duEg tQ s Av ibnAiSNI| }mAF kAm EmAxAy, intYQ Em brdA vb|| nm: pRcE cmuAEr mumAlA ibvUi>Et| nmuvYQ inAEr vI>N kAiriN||
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA e>: scdn pupAil vgbtI EdbI dugAy nm:| Namah durgottarini Durgey twam sarba ashubha binashini | Dharmartha kama mokshaya, nityam mey barada bhaba || Namah prachandey chandamundarey mundamala bibhusitey | Namastabhyam Nishumbharey Shumbha bhisana karini || Esha sachandana pushpanjali bhagawatidevi Durgawai namah || I bow to you Oh Durga, who lifts us from all difficulties and destroys our sins. Who always helps us to reach our human goals, Dharma(righteousness), artha (wealth), kama (desire) and moksha (liberation) Here is the sandalwood dipped flower offered to you with great reverence, Oh Goddess Durga! Obeisance pRNAm m Pray with your folded hands: m sAi}Ek| sbml mElY iSEb sbAF sAi}Ek| SrENY YmEk Egir nAArAyiN nEmAh Et|| YmEk s<iiit ibnASAnAQ SivuEt snAtin| NASREy NmEy nArAyiN nEmAh Et|| p SrNAgt dInAt prAN prAyEN| sbsYAithEr Edib nArAyiN nEmAh Et| Om sarbamongal mongolaye Shivvey saarbartha sadhikaye | Smaranye traimbhakey Gouri Narayani namastutey || Shrististhiti binashanam shaktibhutey sanatani | Gunashraye gunamaye Narayani namastutey || Sharanagata deenarta paritran parayaney | Sarbasyartiharey devi Narayani namastutey || (Oh the Goddess!) You bless us as our well wisher. Oh the wife of Shiva, allow us to attain our goal In distress, Oh Gouri, the wife of the three-eyed Shiva, I offer my deep reverence to Thee. You are the Creator and the destroyer of the Universe, You are the center of all powers, Oh the immortal! You harbor all qualties as you endowed with all qualities. Oh the goddess of wealth You rescue the poor who takes shelter under you You take away all miseries Oh Goddess, Oh the betower, I repeatedly bow to you with reverence.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Chant For Obeisance In Bengali bAQlAy cNl pRNAm m aAiSRt aA o dIn, skElr tuim kr An| skElr du:K hr, nArAyiN EtAmAEr pRNAm| kvU hQs rEFA pEr bRANIr murit }iryA| kuS muEK mput, SAibAir JAo ibikiryA| tA, iSiKrAj pirb<tA, kvu tuim pibA kumArI| } kvu ib>u SirpA, SQc gdAS<}r| inl}rA, EkSpAES kKEnA inl}rA, vAEl Hdu, EkSpAES fiN| b<>v bAhn pEr, ibrAijtA iSbANI ripNI| dSn vI>nmuKI, muE&mF, cAmu&A murit| mhASi, mhAEdbI, nArAyiN EtAmAEr pRNit| tuij l{I, tuim lA, pui, tuim }RbA| bA| }A tuim, mhArAi, mhAmAyA nm nm iSbA| Em}A tuim, tuim bANI, ESRA tuim, vrb ripNI| iSbANI tAmsI tuim, snAtnI, mAEgA nm nArAyiN| sbrpmyI mAtA sEbbrI sbSi}Am| vy hEt mui Edh Edib duEg EtAmAEr pRNAm| Asrita arta o deen, sakaler tumi kara tran | Sakaler dukha hara, Narayani tomarey pranam || Kabhu hansa rathopari Brahmanir murati dharia | Kusha mukhey mantraputa, shantibari jao bikaria || Shikhiraj paribrita kabhu tumi pabitra kumari | Kabhu Vishnu saktirupa, shankha chakra gadashringa dhari | Kakhono trishuldhara , bhaley indu, keshpashey phani | Brishava bahana parey, birajita Shivani rupini || Dashana bhishanamukhi, mundeymatha, chamunda murati | Mahashakti, mahadevi, Narayani tomarey pranati | Tumi Lakshmi, tumi lajja, pushti tumi Dhruba || Swadha tumi, maharatri, mahamaya namah namah Shiva | Medha tumi, tumi bani, shreshtha tumi, bhairava rupini | Shivani tamasi tumi, sanatani, mago namah Narayani | Sarbarupamayi mata sarbeswari sarbashaktidham | Bhay hotey mukti deha devi Durgey tomarey pronam || You rescue all who need your shelter, the destitute and helpless, You take away all the sorrows, Oh the favorite of Vishnu, I bow to you! You sometimes mride on the swan, as consort of Brahma, Sprinkling the peace mantra on people as rain, You sometimes become the pure maiden enveloped with love Sometimes you hold the power of Vishnu Holding the conch, disc, and mace above you Another time you hold the trident, Moon on your forehead with a poisonous snake hanging from your hairs, Riding on a bull, you hold the image of Shiva. Then you transform yourself into a ferocious deity with unlimited power,
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA And mighty Goddess, I bow to you with reverence. You are the Goddess of Wealth (Lakshmi), You are the emblem of modesty, You are the strength and You are the eternal truth of my soul, You are my intellect, you are my darkness, You are my ambition, You are the destroyer,you are in every form. You are the consort of Shiva, You are Kali, You the Goddess of my heart, You are the center of all powers, Relieve me from all fears, Oh Goddess Durga, I offer my reverence to Thy feet. Song of Praise for Durga dugAr ph Durgas stob Make a clockwise circle while chanting (fcrZ ) o^ dugAQ iSbAQ SAikrIQ bRANIQ bRN: ipRyAm| sElAk pREnI pRNmAim sdA iSbAm|| in klAm mlAQ ESAvnAQ AQ in LlAQ prmAQ klAm| AmAmYhm|| ibESbrIQ ibbmAtAQ ci&kAQ pRNAmAmYhm|| Om Durgam Shivam shantikarim Brahmanim Brahmanah priyam | Sarbaloka pranetrincha pranamami sada Shivam || Mangalam shobhanam shuddham niskalam paramam kalam | Bisheshwarim bishwamatam Chandikam pranmyaham || Oh Durga, wife of Shiva, who brings peace to us all, who is dear to Brahma, the Creator, Who regulates the lives of all creatures in this universe, I bow to you, Oh the favorite of Shiva. Auspicious, beautiful, pure, faultless, master of all arts, Goddess of the Universe, Mother of the Universe, Oh Chandikey I bow to Thee with reverence. sEdbmyIQ EdbIQ sErAg vyAphm| bRES ib>u nimtAQ pRNmAim sdA iSbAm|| ib ibAQ ibYinlyAQ idbYAn inbAisnIm| mAmYhm|| EJAignIQ EJAgjnnIQ ci&kAQ pRNmAmYhm|| Sarbadebamayim devim sarbaroga bhayapaham| Brahmesha Vishnu namitam pranamami sada Shivam || Vindhyastham vindyanilayam divyasthan nibasinim | Joginim jogajananim Chandikam pranamamyaham || Goddess of all Gods, who removes the fear of all diseases Worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar I bow to you with reverence. You stay in Vindyas where you have your divine place Allow me to offer my reverence to that divine mother Who is one with God, the mother of consciousness for spiritual insight and Tranquility,
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN I bow to you Oh Chandi (Durga)! ~SAnIQ mAtrQ EdbIm ~brIm ~bripRyAm| EtAq pRNEtAqi sdA dugAQ sQsArANb tAirNIm|| J HdQ p[it EAQ SnuyAd bAip EJA nr:| s mu: spAEpEvYA EmAdEt dugyA sh|| Ishanim mataram devim ishwarim ishwarapriyam | Pranatohsmi sada Durgam sansararnaba tarinim || Jah idam pathati stotram srinuyad bapi jo narah | Sa muktah sarbapapeybhyo modatey Durgaya saha || Oh Mother! You are our protector, you are divine, you are loved by all Gods, I bow to you again and again Oh Durga, so that you can help me cross the ocean of life. Any one who sings or hears this song of praise to the Goddess Is releaved from all sins and joins Goddess Durga in happinss.
CHANDI (Or Chandika) AND DURGA Chandi is a form of Goddess Durga in her fierce form to protect her children. She is the supreme Goddess of Devi Mahatmya also known as Durga Sapthashati that described the seven aspects of Durga. Chandi is described as the Supreme reality, a combination of Mahakali, Maha Lakshmi and Maha Saraswati. There is no reference of Chandi in any Vedic literature. This is perhaps due to the fact that the deity Chandi (Kali, Durga etc.) belonged to the non-Sanskrit or nonBrahminical tradition of Hinduism, and originates in Bengal as a non-aryan tribal deity. Worshipping the power of the Almighty in female form (devi Mahatmya), originated in Bengal, the primary seat of the Shakta or Goddess tradition and Tantric sadhana since ancient times. It is the most common epithet used for the Goddess. In Devi Mahatmya, Chandi, Chandika, Ambika and Durga have been used synonymously. The legend of the Goddess is described in Devi Mahatmya. The great Goddess was born from the energies of the male divinities when the gods became weak in the long-drawn-out battle with the demons or asuras. All the energies of the Gods were united to form a supernova, throwing out flames in all directions. Then that unique light, pervading the Three Worlds with its luster, combined into one, and became a female form which we worship as Durga, Kali, Chandi and such like. Chandi is one of the most spectacular personifications of Cosmic energy. In other scriptures, Chandi is portrayed as assisting Kali in her battle with demon Raktabija. Raktabija had the supernatural power of regenerating himself as his duplicates, for each drop of his blood that fell on the ground. Chandi and Kali worked together in killing the demon. Chandi engaged herself in destroying the armies of demons created from the blood of Raktabija and finally killed him while Kali was engaged in drinking the blood that came out of Raktabija before it fell on the ground. Thus Her tongue is out and she wears the heads of the demons that came from Raktabija. They later killed two other demons, Chanda and Munda that gave the name of Chamunda to the new form of Durga. This is described in Skanda Purana.
Resolution sL Sankalpa See Saptami for detail procedure. ib>u ib>uErAm tqst adY ----- mAEs ----- pEx ---- itEF vAkEr ----- EgA SRI ----- EdbSmN: sbEsvAgY kAmnAFAy AZ Z EdbI purAZ ibi}nA bAqsirk SrqkAlIn SRIvgbt dugA fS Aia jqj fS kmAiN
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA ___ EgA ___ EdbSmN: EprihEtY ahQ kir>YAim| Vishnurom tatsat adhya ---- mashey ---- pakshey ---- tithou bhaskarey ---- gotra Shri ---- devasharmanah sarbasoubhagya kamanarthaya Devi puranokta bidhina batsarik Saratkalin Shri bhagvat Durga puja angibhuta Mahashthami puja karmani ---- gotra ---- debasharmanah pourohitey aham karishyami || On this auspicious day of ----, with the wish of everyones prosperity (in public puja), Following the sacred scriptures of Devipuran, in the annual offering to Goddess Durga during autumn, to perform the Ashtami puja, a part of the Durga Puja, I ---- will be performing the worship as the priest. Abridged Offerings sQExEp Sankhepey Make new offerings for the Mahasthami Puja (panchopacharey puja, minimum of five) in short form: etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, pAnIyjlQ nm: jydugAy nm:| prEmbir|| etd sbdRbYQ myA inEbidtQ vYA g<hAN prEmbir| Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, paniajalam Namah Jayadurgawai namah | Etad sarbadrabyam maya niveditam bhaktya grihana parameshwari || Also perform the offering of the food platter (naivedya, nEbdY) to the vital breaths. AhA, o^ pRANAy AhA, apAnAy AhA, smAnAy AhA wdAnAy AhA, bYAnAy AhA | o^ am<tAip tnYmis AhA || Om pranaya swaha, apanaya swaha, samanaya swaha, Udanaya swaha, byanaya swaha | Om! Amritapi tanyamasi swaha || I am offering this food to the five vital breaths of the body.
Background information These verses are normally chanted before eating and have great philosophical significance. According to Vedic tradition, every act eventually becomes an act of worship. Food is essential for our sustenance. The prayer offered before eating is dedicated to the all pervasive Supreme Brahman so that the energy derived from the food be used to serve Him. It is universally accepted that breath (ana) is the vital force behind life. Five vital breaths (ana) control the inner function of the body. Thus it manifests the power of the Supreme in the bodily plane. These vital breaths are responsible for different activities prana (principle breath that we inhale to supply oxygen to every cell of our body), apana (excretory activity), samana (digestive activity), udana (respiratory activity that we exhale), and vyana (circulatory activity). Offerring process pgRAs m Panchagras mantra (Dedicated to the five vital breaths of the body) The offering is done with special gesture called, fNp j (Panchagras mudra) which is described in the following section. It is important that you set up in your mental picture that the deity is taking the food from your hand as you show the moving gesture. Take a small amount of water on your left palm. Move the fingers of your right palm from the consecrated food towards the Goddess. The five mantras refer to five kinds of air in our body to sustain our lives. The panchagras mudra (fNp j) is the same as the offering to the pranabayu, explained elsewhere. 1. Get your left palm into the grass mudra (eating posture). In other words, depress the central section of the left palm. Put a small amount of water on it. Then join the thumb to the little finger and offer with the following mantra while moving your hand towards the deity , imagining your desire to feed her: Jy fZu q Om pranaya swaha | Dedicated to the principle breath that I am inhaling Then join the thumb with the ring finger and say, again move your right hand towards the deity, imagining your effort to feed her: Jy Afeu q Om apanaya swaha | Dedicated to my excretory system of the body Then join the thumb with the middle finger and say, Jy pjeu q Om samanaya swaha | Dedicated to the digestive system of the body Then join the thumb with the pointing finger and say, Jy Eceu q, Om udanaya swaha | Dedicated to the respiratory activity of the body Finally, join all fingers and say, Jy heu q zz Om vyanaya swaha || Dedicated to the circulatory system of the body
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Worshipping Various Attributes of Durga wgRc&Aidr pUjA Ugrachandadi puja Offer Eight Flowers to Eight Fighting Forms of Durga protecting one from Eight Directions. In each case announce the form, show five signs of welcome gestures, and then prostrate (obeisance). c&A c&A o^ hRIQ SRIQ ENc&Ay nm:| o^ wgRc&A HhAg C HhAg C HhAit HhAit, HhsiE}ih, Hh sir}Y aAi}AnQ kur mmpUjAQ g<hAN| o^ AQ IQ ErA vb, JAbt pUjA kErAhQ mm:| Om hrim shrim Ugrachandawai namah | Om Ugrachanda ihagachha, ihagachha, iha tishtha, iha tishtha, Iha sannidehi, iha sannirudhyaswa Atradhishtham kuru mama pujam grihana || (Correspond with welcome mudra/gestures as described earlier) In the name of the divinity, Oh Ugrachanda (Durgas fighting form) Come close to me, establish your presence and oblige me by accepting my worship. Please stay with me until I am done with my worship a Jy ENQ a hlc jdqL pjfi z pj pc hlc ap eaw ej ejx zz1zz pc hlc ap Om Ugrachanda tu barada madhyanarka samaprabha | Samey sadastu barada taswai nityam namo namah ||1|| You are bright like the rays of the sun at noon, Oh Ugrachanda, Bless us always; I bow to you every day with reverence. &A o^ hRIQ SRIQ pRc&Ay nm:| o^ pRc&A HhAg C HhAg C HhAit HhAit, HhsiE}ih, Hh sir}Y aAi}AnQ kur mmpUjAQ g<hAN| o^ AQ IQ ErA vb, JAbt pUjA kErAhQ mm:| Om hrim shrim Prachandawai namah | Om Prachanda ihagachha ihagachha, iha tishtha iha tishtha, Iha sannidehi, iha sannirudhyaswa Atradhishtham kuru mama pujam grihana || (Show corresponding welcome mudras) I bow to Prachanda with reverence. You are welcome here Come, settle down and accept my worship. Jy fQ fc eaw fQNZpwa z zz2zz pec Ll ch aiw eaw ej ejx zz2zz Om hrim shrim Prachandawai namah | Om Prachanda putradey nityam prachandaganasamsthitey Sarbananda karey devi tubhyam nityam namoh namah ||2||
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Oh the Powerful Chandi, you bless us with children You are associated with mighty men You bring happiness to us all, I bow to you again and again o^ hRIQ SRIQ cE&AgRAy nm:| o^ cE&AgRA HhAg C HhAg C HhAit HhAit, HhsiE}ih, Hh sir}Y aAi}AnQ kur mmpUjAQ g<hAN| o^ AQ IQ ErA vb, JAbt pUjA kErAhQ mm:| Om hrim shrim Chandograwai namah | Om Chandogra ihagachha ihagachha, iha tishtha iha tishtha, Iha sannidehi, iha sannirudhyaswa Atradhishtham kuru mama pujam grihana (Correspond with welcome gestures) I bow to Chandogra with reverence. You are welcome here Come, settle down and accept my worship. Jy mrw p iaew p ia iufc z Lk nie ch aw p Lko hlcih nie zz3zz Om Lakshmistwam sarba bhutanam sarba bhuta bhaya prada | Debitwam sarbakarjeshu barada bhaba shobhaney ||3|| For all the living creatures you are the protector, giving them courage Oh the beautiful, bless us for all our endeavors. c&nAiykA o^ hRIQ SRIQ c&nAiykAy nm:| Om hrim shrim Chandanayikawai namah | I pay my reverence to the divine Chandanayika, the leader of the army of Fighter Goddesses o^ c&nAiykA HhAg C HhAg C HhAit HhAit, HhsiE}ih, Hh sir}Y aAi}AnQ kur mmpUjAQ g<hAN| o^ AQ IQ ErA vb, JAbt pUjA kErAhQ mm:| Om Chandanayika ihagachha ihagachha, iha tishtha iha tishtha, Iha sannidehi, iha sannirudhyaswa Atradhishtham kuru mama pujam grihana (Correspond with welcome gestures) I bow to Chandanaika with reverence. You are welcome here Come, settle down and accept my worship. Jy k p a ej Q chn hlcue z Lm Lmo enu ejj QeuLj zz4zz Om jashrishthi stithi namna cha debesha baradayini | Kali kalmasha nashaya namami Chandanayikam ||4|| Oh the Goddess whose name is associated with success Who blesses the Gods for their success I bow to that Chandi who removes all the sins of this.
c&A o^ hRIQ SRIQ c&Ay nm:| Om hrim shrim Chandawai namah | I pay my reverence to the divine Chanda, The fighter mother. o^ c&A HhAg C HhAg C HhAit HhAit, HhsiE}ih, Hh sir}Y aAi}AnQ kur mmpUjAQ g<hAN| o^ AQ IQ ErA vb, JAbt pUjA kErAhQ mm:| Om Chanda ihagachha ihagachha, iha tishtha iha tishtha, Iha sannidehi, iha sannirudhyaswa Atradhishtham kuru mama pujam grihana (Correspond with welcome gestures) I bow to Chanda with reverence. You are welcome here Come, settle down and accept my worship. QaE c Jy ch QaEL Q QlhSufc z jrc djb jrc cN eaw j hlc ih zz5zz Om devi Chandatikey chandi chandarivijayapradey | Dharmartha mokshadey Durgey nityam me barada bhaba ||5|| Oh Devi Chandi, you are the greatest warrior, and bring victory against enemies Bless us so that we can gain victory in our lifes goals Dharma, artha, kama and mokshya o^ hRIQ SRIQ c&btY nm:| Om hrim shrim Chandabatyai namah | I bow to the Goddess Chandavati c&b o^ c&bt HhAg C HhAg C HhAit HhAit, HhsiE}ih, Hh sir}Y aAi}AnQ kur mmpUjAQ g<hAN| o^ AQ IQ ErA vb, JAbt pUjA kErAhQ mm:| Om Chandabatey ihagachha ihagachha, iha tishtha iha tishtha, Iha sannidehi, iha sannirudhyaswa Atradhishtham kuru mama pujam grihana (Correspond with welcome gestures) Oh Chandavati! You are welcome here Come, settle down and accept my worship. Jy k pa pwql Zu pjea z e kx flx nup Qha ej ejx zz6zz Om ja shristhishiti samhara gunatraya samanwita | Ja parah shaktayatasyai Chandabatai namo namah ||6|| I bow to the Goddess Chandavati The Goddess who is endowed with the three qualities of Creation, preservation and destruction To that goddess with great power, I bow repeatedly.
c&rpA o^ hRIQ SRIQ c&rpAy nm:| Om hrim shrim Chandarupawai namah | I bow to Chandarupa with reverence. o^ c&rpA HhAg C HhAg C HhAit HhAit, HhsiE}ih, Hh sir}Y aAi}AnQ kur mmpUjAQ g<hAN| o^ AQ IQ ErA vb, JAbt pUjA kErAhQ mm:| Om Chandarupa ihagachha ihagachha, iha tishtha iha tishtha, Iha sannidehi, iha sannirudhyaswa Atradhishtham kuru mama pujam grihana (Correspond with welcome gestures) Oh Chandarupa, you are welcome here Come, settle down and accept my worship. euLJy QlfaL Q QL Q euL-euL z ch ej p pfc ch ap eaw ej ejx zz7zz Om Chandarupatwika Chandi Chandika Chanda nayaka-naika | Sarba siddhiprada devi tasai nityam namo namah||7|| Oh the Goddess in the form of Chandarupa You are the guide of your male and female leaders, You bring success in everything that you do, I bow to you repeatedly in reverence. aitci&kA o^ hRIQ SRIQ aitci&kAy nm:| Om hrim shrim Atichandikawai namah | I bow to Atichandika with reverence. o^ AaQL HhAg C HhAg C HhAit HhAit, HhsiE}ih, Hh sir}Y aAi}AnQ kur mmpUjAQ g<hAN| o^ AQ IQ ErA vb, JAbt pUjA kErAhQ mm:| Om Atichandika ihagachha ihagachha, iha tishtha iha tishtha, Iha sannidehi, iha sannirudhyaswa Atradhishtham kuru mama pujam grihana (Correspond with welcome gestures) Oh Atichandika, you are welcome here Come, settle down and accept my worship. Jy hmLlZ eue pc ihvpm z hlcq Qplp jbe hlcq aQL zz8zz Om Balarkaruna nayana sarbada bhaktabatsala | Chandasurasya mathani baradahastatichandika ||8|| I bow to the Goddess Atichandika with special powers Whose eyes are red like the rising sun Who killed the demon Chandasur Bless me with open arms, Oh Goddess Atichandika.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA o^ hRIQ jy nm:| o^ hRIQ mlAy nm:| o^ hRIQ kAl nm:| o^ hRIQ vdRkAl nm:| o^ hRIQ kpAilN nm:| o^ hRIQ dugAy nm:| o^ hRIQ iSbAy nm:| o^ hRIQ xmAy nm:| o^ hRIQ }A nm:| o^ hRIQ AhAy nm:| o^ hRIQ }Ay nm:| o^ hRIQ wgRc&Ay nm:| nm:| o^ hRIQ mhAdQRAy nm:| o^ hRIQ vdQRAy nm:| o^ hRIQ krAilnY nm:| o^ hRIQ vImEnAy nm:| o^ hRIQ ibSAlAx nm:| o^ hRIQ ibjyAy nm:| o^ hRIQ jyAy nm:| o^ hRIQ nidNY nm:| o^ hRIQ vdRAy nm:| o^ hRIQ l{Y nm:| o^ hRIQ k nm:| o^ hRIQ JSAnY nm:| o^ hRIQ puY nm:| o^ hRIQ Em}Ay nm:| o^ hRIQ iSbAy nm:| o^ hRIQ sA}BY nm:| o^ hRIQ JSAy nm:| o^ hRIQ ESAvAy nm:| o^ hRIQ }<tY nm:| o^ hRIQ aAndAy nm:| o^ hRIQ sundAy nm:| Om Hrim Jayantoi, Mangalaoi, Kaloi, Bhadrakalyoi, Kapalinyoi, Durgaoi, Shivaoi, Khamaoi, Dhatroi, Swahaoi, Shwadhaoi, Ugrachandaoi, Mahadangstraoi, Shubhadanstraoi, Karalinoi, Bhimanetraoi, Bishalakshoi, Vijayaoi, Jayaoi, Nandinyoi, Bhadraoi, Lakshmoi, Kirtoi, Jashaswanoi, Pustoi, Medhaoi, Shivaoi, Sadhwoi, Jashaoi, Shobhaoi, Dhrityoi, Anandaoi, Sunandaoi Namah Om Hrim (In the name of Divine Mother Durga) I bow to you Oh mother, who appears to me in different forms victorious, virtuous, enlighten our intellect, courteous, provide of good luck, remover of difficulties, Shivas favorite, kind hearted, benevolent, forgiving, loving, wellwisher, guide, fighter, gentle, beautiful, broad minded, intellectual, gracious, benevolent, one who blesses us, joyous, noble, praiseworthy, life giving, blameless, womanly and many more. Worship of Sixty Four Semigoddesses, Associated With Durga ctu:>i EJAignIr pUjA Chatushashthi yoginir puja (64 names) wQa Jy qw nwQao kNei ejx z kNe Jy qw nw QaokNe CqNRa CqNRa Cqaa Cqaa Ade Ade jj fS NqZ zz Om Hrim Shrim Chatushashthijoginibhyo namah | Om Hrim Shrim Chatushashthijoginya ihagachhata ihagachhata iha tishthatha iha tishtatha Atradishthan mama puja grihana || Oh the numerous associates of Durga, in the name of the Divine Mother Goddess, I offer my oblations. Oh the numerous semigoddesss and associates, Come come, rest here and accept my worship. Mix a small bowl with rice, red sandalwood paste and shredded flowers (preferably red). Offer the flower after announcing the name of each Yogini. These are again various qualities of Durga, now as individual Yogini: (A few examples: The creative mother, the angry mother, the calm mother, the victorious mother like Indra, the unmarried girl, as Ambika, etc.)
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN (1)o^ hRIQ SRIQ bRAN nm: | (2)o^ hRIQ SRIQ ci&kAy nm:| (3) o^ hRIQ SRIQ EgAJY nm:| (4) o^ hRIQ SRIQ HdRAZ nm:| (5) o^ hRIQ SRIQ EkmAJY nm:| (6) o^ hRIQ SRIQ vrbY nm: | Z vr (7) o^ hRIQ SRIQ dugAy nm: | (8) o^ hRIQ SRIQ nArisQhY nm:| (9) o^ hRIQ SRIQ kAlLAy nm:| kA (10) o^ hRIQ SRIQ cAmu&Ay nm:| (11) o^ hRIQ SRIQ iSbdUtY nm:| (12) o^ hRIQ SRIQ bArAhY nm:| SL LJY (13) o^ hRIQ SRIQ EkiSkY nm:| (14) o^ hRIQ SRIQ mAEhbJY nm:| (15) o^ hRIQ SRIQ SLJY nm:| (16) o^ hRIQ SRIQ jyY nm:| (17) o^ hRIQ SRIQ sbmlAy nm:| (18) o^ hRIQ SRIQ kAlY nm:| (19) o^ hRIQ SRIQ krAilnY nm:| (20) o^ hRIQ SRIQ Em}Ay nm:| (21) o^ hRIQ SRIQ iSbAy nm:| v (24) (22) o^ hRIQ SRIQ SAkAJ nm:| (23) o^ hRIQ SRIQ vmAy nm:| (24) o^ hRIQ SRIQ SAAy nm:| (25) o^ hRIQ SRIQ vRAmJY nm:| (26) o^ hRIQ SRIQ rdRANY nm:| (27) o^ hRIQ SRIQ aikAy nm:| (28) o^ hRIQ SRIQ xmAy nm:| (29) o^ hRIQ SRIQ }AY nm:| (30) o^ hRIQ SRIQ AhAy nm:| (31) o^ hRIQ SRIQ }Ay nm:| (32) o^ hRIQ SRIQ apNAy nm:| (33) o^ hRIQ SRIQ mEhAdJY nm:| (34) o^ hRIQ SRIQ EGArrpAy nm:| (35) o^ hRIQ SRIQ mhAkAlY nm: | (36) o^ hRIQ SRIQ vdRkAlY nm: | ExmL nm:| LJ (37) o^ hRIQ SRIQ kpAilnY nm:| (38) o^ hRIQ SRIQ ExmLJY nm:| (39) o^ hRIQ SRIQ wgRc&Ay nm:| (41) nm:| (40) o^ hRIQ SRIQ c&gRAy nm:| (41) o^ hRIQ SRIQ c&nAiykAy nm:| (42) o^ hRIQ SRIQ c&Ay nm:| (43) o^ hRIQ SRIQ c&btY nm:| (44) o^ hRIQ SRIQ c&Y nm:| (45) o^ hRIQ SRIQ mhAmAyAy nm:| wLJY (46) o^ hRIQ SRIQ ipRywLJY nm:| (47) o^ hRIQ SRIQ blibkrNY nm:| (48) o^ hRIQ SRIQ blpRmFNY nm:| (49) o^ hRIQ SRIQ mEnAnFNY nm:| (50) o^ hRIQ SRIQ sbvUtdmnY nm:| (51) o^ hRIQ SRIQ wmAy nm:| mh nm:| (52) o^ hRIQ SRIQ tArAy nm:| (53) o^ hRIQ SRIQ mhindRAy nm:| (54) o^ hRIQ SRIQ ibjAy nm:| (55) o^ hRIQ SRIQ jyAy nm: | (56) o^ hRIQ SRIQ SlpuY nm: | (57) o^ hRIQ SRIQ ci&kAy nm:| (58) o^ hRIQ SRIQ c>Ay nm:| (59) o^ hRIQ SRIQ kumA&Y nm:| (60) o^ hRIQ SRIQ dmAY nm: | Elc (61) o^ hRIQ SRIQ kAtAynY nm:| (62) o^ hRIQ SRIQ Elcu nm:| (63) o^ hRIQ SRIQ kAlrAY nm:| (64) o^ hRIQ SRIQ mhAEgJY nm:| Om Hrim shrim Brahmanoi, Chandikaoi, Gourjoi, Indranoi, Kaumarjoi, Bharaboi , Durgoi, Narasinhoi, Kalikawoi, Chamundaoi, Shivadutoi, Barashinhoi, Koushikoi, Maheshwarjoi, Shankarjoi, Jayantoi, Sarbamangalaoi, Kalai, Karalinoi, Medhawai, Shivoi, Shakambhajai, Bheemoi, Shantoi, Bhamarjoi, Rudranoi, Ambikaoi, Kshamaoi, Dhatroi, Swahaoi, Swadhaoi, Aparnaoi, Mahodajoi, Ghorrupaoi, Mahakalyoi, Bhadrakaloi, Kapalinoi, Khemangkarjoi, Ugrachandaoi, Chandagraoi, Chandanayikaoi, Chandaoi, Chandabatoi, Chandoi, Mahamayaoi, Priyamkarjoi, Balabikaranoi, Balpramarthanoi, Mononmathanyoi, Sarbabhutadmanoi, Umaoi, Taraoi, Mahanidraoi, Vijayaoi, Jayaoi, Shailaputraoi, Chandikaoi, Chandaghantaoi, Kushmandyoi, Skandamatroi, Katayanoi, Roudraoi, Kalaratroi, Mahagourjoi Namah
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Worship of Other Numerous Demi-goddesses EkAiTEJAignI pUjA Koti yogini Welcome and pay reverence to Numerous Demi Gods (EkAiTEJAignI) associated with Goddess Durga. Welcome Bhqe Abahan EkAiTEJAignIEvYA o^ hRIQ EkAiTEJAignIEvYA nm:| o^ hRIQ EkAiTEJAignY HhAg C, HhAg C, HhAit, HhAit, HhsiE}ih, Hh sir}Y, aAi}AnQ kur mmpUjAQ g<hAN| o^ AQ IQ ErA vb, JAbt pUjA kErAhQ mm:| Om Hrim Kotijoginibhyo namah | Om Hrim Kotijoginya Om Hrim Shrim Kotijoginibhyo namah | Om Hrim Kotijyoginya ihagachha ihagachha iha tishtha iha tishta | Ihasannidehi, ihasannirudhyaswa, Atradishthan mama pujam grihana | Om stham shthim shthiro bhaba, jabat puja karoham mamah || Oh the goddess with divine power who appear in numerous forms You are welcome. Come and stay here, come close to me and Establish your presence here Then accept my worship. Stay with me until I am done worshipping you. The Nine Forms of Goddess Durga ehcN fS Nabadurga Perform abahan (Bhqe, welcome) gestures for each form of Goddess Durga, followed by paying obeisance or pranam (fZj): Jy qw nw hZ ejx z Mw Jy QajMw SNw qwpltw hlfcj z plfw jqiNw hZw aw ejjqj zz Om Hrim Shrim Brahmanoi namah | Om chaturmukhim jagaddhatrim hansarurham barapradam | Shrishthirupam mahabhagam Brahmanim tam namamyaham || I worship Goddess Durga in the form of Brahmani (the Creator) You have four faces Oh Goddess, holding the Universe, sitting on a swan, In your posture for blessing, shaping the universe, Oh the Goddes of Creation, Accept my reverence
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN jqn k Jy qw nw jqnk ejx z ew Jy holtw iw w ew hlcw nhj z jqn jqnlw ejjc ppwqlLlZj zz Om! Hrim shrim Maheshwarjai namah | Om brisharuram shubham shubhram trinetram baradam Shivam | Maheshwarim namamadya shrishtisangharkarinim || Goddess as consort of Shiva You are sitting on the bull, who brings good luck, bearing three eyes, blessing us all Oh the Goddess in the form of Shiva, accept my reverence, Oh the Goddess with the ability to destroy the World. Jy qw nw ELjk ejx z Jy Ljlw fahpew jul hlhqej z q n qw jqiNw ejj hlcw ij zz Om! Hrim shrim Kaumarjoi namah | Om! Kaumarim peetabasanam mayur barabahanam | Shakti hastam mahabhagam namami baradam shubham || I bow to the Goddess with the appearance of virgin woman, You appear as a maiden wearing a yellow dress, riding on a peacock, With strong hands and fair-colored skin, I bow with reverence to that beautiful maid. Jy qw nwhoh ejx z Jy nM Q Nc fc dlZw LolfZj z MNc alfw MNcw hohw aw ejjqj zz Om! Hrim shrim Vaishnabyoi namah | Om! Shankha chakra gada Padma dharinim Krishnarupinim | Sthitirupam khagendrastham Vaishnabim tam namamyaham || I bow to you Oh Goddess with the appearance of Vishnus consort Holding conch, disc, mace and lotus in your four hands, Dark in color, sitting on the Garhura, Oh the consort of Vishnu, accept my reverence Jy qw nw elpwq ejx z Jy epwqlfZw chw ca ceh cfqj z iw ifcw w elpwqw ejjqj zz Om! Hrim shrim Narasinhai namah | Om Narasimhirupinim devim daitya danaba darpaham| Shubham shubhapradam shubhram Narasinhim namamyaham || Oh Goddess in a form of half lion and half human (Narsinghavatar is one of the Avatars of Vishnu) The destroyer of the ego of devils and demons, Oh the Nrishingharupini (Goddess with the appearance of half lion and half human) Bring me good luck and happiness, Oh the fair lady, I bow to you with great reverence. Jy qw nw hlq ejx z hlqlfZw chw cwa hplj z
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA icw fahpew aw ejjqj zz Om! Hrim shrim Barahai namah | Bararha rupinim devim damshtrodhrita basundharam| Shubhadam peetabasanam tam namamyaham || Oh Goddess Durga you appear before me as the Baraha (wild boar, one of the incarnations of Vishnu) When you hold the earth under your teeth, Bringing good luck to us and wearing a yellow dress. I am bowing to that goddess with the look of a wild boar. Jy qw nwCcZ ejx z eue mj e Jy CcZw NSLw pqp euemj z p ejj hlcw chw pch ejaj zz Om! Hrim shrim Indranyoi namah | Om! Indranim gajakumbhastham sahasra nayanojjalam | Namami baradam devim sarbadeva namaskritam || I am meditating upon the Goddess as the consort of Lord Indra. She is sitting on the elephant head with thousand bright eyes, Blessing us all, worshipped by all Gods. I bow to Her. Jy qw nw Qju ejx z Qjw jjbew jjmhioaj z qpj Aqpjcaw ejjahiau zz Om! Hrim shrim Chamundaoi namah | Chamundam munda mathanim mundamalabibhushitam | Attahasmuditam namamyatma bibhutaye | I bow to the Goddess who killed the demon Chamunda Who wears the garland of demon heads, Who is happy and juvilant in victory over the demons, I bow to Her for my fame and wealth. Jy qw nw Laue ejx z Jy Lauew cniSw jqopljej z fphcew chw hlcw aw ejjqj zz Om! Hrim shrim Katyanai namah | Om Katyanim dashabhujam Mahishasurmardinim | Prasannabadanam devim baradam tam namamyaham || I bow to you Goddess who is appearing before me as a red clothed widow (Kattayani). Who has ten hands, who killed the buffalo demons (Mahishasur) Who bears a happy face and blesses us all. I bow to you Oh Goddess in that form of Mahishasurmardini. Offer sandalwood-dipped flower on the holy pitcher: o^ hRIQ SRIQ nbdugAy nm:|
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN o^ hRIQ SRIQ ci&Ek nbduEg tBQ mhAEdb mEnAhrm| pUjAQ smAQ sQg<hY rx mAQ idESbrI| Om! Hrim shrim Nabadurgaoi namah | Om! Hrim shrim Chandikey nabadurgey twam Mahadeva manoharam Pujam samastam samgrihya raksha mam tridasheshwari || I bow to the New Durga, the killer of the demon Chandika, the consort of Shiva I bow with all my heart, please accept my worship Oh Goddess who killed all the enemies of God, protect me from all evils. Concluding prayers to Chandi (Durga in fighting spirit) jy mlAy o^ hRIQ SRIQ jy nm:| o^ hRIQ SRIQ mlAy nm:| o^ hRIQ SRIQ kAlY nm:| o^ hRIQ SRIQ vdRkAlY nm:| o^ hRIQ SRIQ kpAilNY nm:| o^ hRIQ SRIQ dugAy nm:| o^ hRIQ SRIQ iSbAy nm:| o^ hRIQ SRIQ xmAy nm:| o^ hRIQ SRIQ }AY nm:| o^ hRIQ SRIQ AhAy nm:| o^ hRIQ SRIQ }Ay nm:| Om! Hrim shrim Jayantoi, Mangalayoi, Kalyoi, Bhadrakalyoi, Kapalinyoi, Durgayoi, Shivayoi, Kshamayoi, Dhatryoi, Swahayoi, Swadhayoi Namah Oh Goddess allow me to worship you in your eleven aspects Victorious, blissful, immortal, auspicious, killer of devils (skull), Remover of distress (Durga), wife of Shiva, foregiving, beneficient, Powerful and eternally merciful. Worship of Accompanying Gods and Goddesses anAnY EdbEdbIr pUjA Offer sandalwood dipped flower in the names of all gods and goddesses accompanying Goddess Durga. Place the flower on the holy pitcher. gEnS Ganesh eEt g puEp nm: o^ gEnSAy nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, EsApkrn BmAnY nEbdYQ nEmA gEnSAy nm:| Eteh gandha pushpey namah Om Ganeshaya namah | Etat padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, sopakarana amanya naivedyam Namo Ganeshaya namah || I pay my obeisance to Lord Ganesha with the offering of scented flower, Water to wash the feet, rice as token of reception, incense, and the food platter. kAik Kartik eEt g puEp nm: o^ kAiEky nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, EsApkrn BmAnY nEbdYQ nEmA kAiEky nm:|
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Eteh gandha pushpey namah Om Kartikeya namah | Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, sopakarana amanya naivedyam Namo Kartikeya namah || I pay my obeisance to Lord Kartikeya with the offering of scented flower, water to wash the feet, rice as token of reception, incense, and the food platter. mhAlr mhAlr Mahalakshmi eEt g puEp nm: o^ mhAlxY nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, EsApkrn BmAnY nEbdYQ nEmA mhAlxY nm:| Eteh gandha pushpey namah Om Mahalakshmoi namah | Etat padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, sopakarana amanya naivedyam Namo Mahalakshmoi namah || I pay my obeisance to Goddess Mahalakshmai with the offering of scented flower, water to wash the feet, rice as token of reception, incense, and the food platter. srt srt Saraswati eEt g puEp nm: o^ srtY nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, EsApkrn BmAnY nEbdYQ nEmA srtY nm:| Eteh gandha pushpey namah Om Saraswatai namah | Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, sopakarana amanya naivedyam Namo Saraswatai namah || I pay my obeisance to Goddess Saraswati with the offering of scented flower, water to wash the feet, rice as token of reception, incense, and the food platter. mih>Asur Mahishasur eEt g puEp nm: o^ mih>AsurAy nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, EsApkrn BmAnY nEbdYQ nEmA mih>AsurAy nm:| Eteh gandha pushpey namah Om Mahishasurai namah Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, sopakarana amanya naivedyam Namo Mahishasurai namah || I pay my obeisance to demon Mahishasur with the offering of scented flower, water to wash the feet, rice as token of reception, incense, and the food platter. Puja for Jayanti and Other Forms of Durga Suc fS Jayantadi puja Offering reverence to the forms of Goddess Durga that bless on us. Su-jm-Lm-iLm-Lfme jm-Lm-iLmnh-rj-d-dcN-nh-rj-d-d-q eja z
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Om Jayanti Mangala Kaali Bhadra Kali Kapalini Durga Shivaa Kshama Dhaatri Svadha Svaha namostute Oh Goddess Durga with various forms Who Conquers Over All, All-Auspicious, the remover of Darkness, the Excellent One Beyond Time, the bearer of the Skulls of Impure thought the reliever of difficulties, loving, forgiving, supporter of the Universe, take the oblations of the devotee who is one with you, take the oblations of ancestral praise, We bow to you. Worshipping Multiforms of Durga (Deliberately repeated) Take a bowl and add to that rice, flower and red sandalwood paste. Mix them and offer to Goddess with her numerous forms by placing on the holy pitcher. Many of the names are repeatitions but that is the part of japa (names repeated with devotion). hRIQ o^ jyY nm:| hRIQ o^ mlAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ kAlY nm:|| hRIQ o^ vdRkAlY nm:|| hRIQ o^ AlY kpAilNY nm:|| hRIQ o^ dugAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ iSbAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ xmAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ }AY nm:|| hRIQ o^ AhAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ }Ay nm:|| hRIQ o^ wgRc&Ay nm:|| hRIQ o^ mhAdRQAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ vdRQAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ krAilnY nm:|| hRIQ o^ vImEnAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ ibSAlAxY nm:|| hRIQ o^ mlAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ ibjyAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ jyAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ nidnY nm:|| hRIQ o^ vdRAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ l{Y nm:|| hRIQ o^ ikY nm:|| hRIQ o^ JSAnY nm:|| hRIQ o^ puY nm:|| hRIQ o^ Em}Ay nm:|| hRIQ o^ iSbAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ sA}BY nm:|| hRIQ o^ JSAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ ESAvAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ jyAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ }<tY nm:|| hRIQ o^ aAndAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ sundAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ ibjyAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ mlAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ SAY nm:|| hRIQ o^ xmAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ isY nm:|| hRIQ o^ tuY nm:|| hRIQ o^ wmAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ ipRyAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ VY nm:|| hRIQ o^ rtY nm:|| hRIQ o^ dIpAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ kAY nm:|| hRIQ o^ l{Y nm:|| hRIQ o^ ~bJY nm:|| hRIQ o^ b<Y nm:|| hRIQ o^ SY nm:|| nm:|| hRIQ o^ jyAbtY nm:|| hRIQ o^ bRY nm:|| hRIQ o^ jyY nm:|| hRIQ o^ aprAijtAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ aij nm:| hRIQ o^ tArAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ mAnsY nm: nm:||| hRIQ o^ ESBtAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ idtY nm:|| hRIQ o^ mAyAy nm nm:||| hRIQ o^ mhAmAyAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ EmAihnY| nm:| hRIQ o^ lAlsAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ lAlsAy tIbRYAy| nm:| hRIQ o^ ibmlAy nm:| hRIQ o^ EgEJY nm:| hRIQ o^ mtY nm:|| hRIQ o^ i yAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ artY nm:|| hRIQ o^ GTAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ kNAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ skNAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ ErdRY myu nm:|| hRIQ o^ kAlY nm:|| hRIQ o^ myuJY nm:|| hRIQ o^ iEnAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ surpAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ brpAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ irpuhAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ aikAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ ci ckAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ surpUijtAy nm:|| hRIQ o^ bbtY nm:|| hRIQ o^ EkmAJY nm:|| hRIQ o^ mAEhbJY nm:| hRIQ o^ b>bY b>bY nm:|| hRIQ o^ kAiEk nm:Y| hRIQ o^ EkiSkY nm:|| hRIQ o^ iSbdUtY nm:|| hRIQ o^ cAmu&Ay nm:|| hRIQ o^ bRAY nm:|| hRIQ o^ bArAhY nm:|| hRIQ o^ nArisQhhY nm:|| hRIQ o^ HdRANY nm:|| Hrim Om --- (names as listed below) Namah Jayantoi, Mangalayoi, Kalyoi, Bhadrakalyoi, Kapalinyoi, Durgayoi, Shivayoi, Kshamayoi, Dhatryoi, Swahayoi, Swadhayoi, Ugrachandaoi, Mahadrangstaoi, Shubhadangstaoi, Karalinoi, Bhimanetraoi, Bishalakshoi, Vijayaoi, Jayaoi, Nandinoi, Bhadraoi, Lakshmoi, Kirtoi, Jashaswanoi, Pushtoi, Medhaoi,
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Sadhoi, Jashaoi, Shobhaoi, Jayaoi, Dhritoi, Anandaoi, Sunandoi, Vijayaoi, Shantoi, Kshamaoi, Sidhoi, Tushtoi, Umaoi, Priyaoi, Riddhoi, Rattoi, Dipaoi, Kantoi, Lakshmoi, Aisharjai, Bridhoi, Shaktoi, Jabatoi, Brahmoi, Aparijitaoi, Ojioi, Taraoi, Manasoi, Swetaoi, Deetoi, Mayaoi, Mahamayaoi, Mohinoi, Lalasaoi, Tibroi, Bimalaoi, Gourjoi, Matoi, Arundhatoi, Ghantaoi, Karnaoi,Sakarnaoi, Roudroi, Kaloi, Mayurjai, Trinetraoi, Surupaoi, Bahurupaoi, Ripuhaoi, Ambikaoi, Charchikaoi, Surapujitaoi, Baibswatoi, Kaumarjoi, Maheshwarjoi, Vaishnaboi, Kartikoi, Kaushikoi, Shivadutoi, Chamundaoi, Brahmoi, Barajhoi, Narasinhoi, Indranoi || Now put a flower on the holy pitcher with the following individual forms of Goddess Durga: ANY eEt g puEp nm: hRIQ bRANY nm:| eEt g puEp nm: hRIQ mAEhbJY nm:| eEt g puEp nm: hRIQ EkmAJY nm:| eEt g puEp nm: hRIQ b>bY nm:| eEt g puEp nm: hRIQ bArAhY nm:| eEt g puEp nm: hRIQ nArisQhY nm:| eEt gE puEp nm: hRIQ HdRANY nm:| cAmu eEt g puEp nm: hRIQ cAmu&Ay nm:| eEt gE puEp nm: hRIQ mhAl{Y nm:| eEt g puEp vrbAy nm:| eEt g puEp mih>AsurAy nm:| Etey gandha pushpey namah hrim --- (names as listed below) namah | Brahmanoi, Maheshwarjoi, Kaumarjoi, Vishnaboi Barahyoi, Narasinhoi, Indranoi, Chamundaoi, Mahalakshmai, Bhairabaya Mahishasuraya Acknowleding Helpers of Durga hVLilh Batukbhairab Batukas are short structured jivas (creatures), not so intelligent but useful in carrying out menial jobs. They are integral part of any fighting force for maintaing supplies. Here we are offering our reverence to them in many forms: Jy q nw pf hVLu ejx (the son of wish) Jy q nw ef hVLu ejx (the son of knowledge) Jy q nw pqSf hVLu ejx (the son of ease)
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Jy q nw pjuf hVLu ejx (the son of time) Om Hrim Shrim --- (listed below) namah Siddhaputra Gyanaputra Sahajaputra Samayaputra I pay my reverence to the jivas on the four categories: Sons of: Wish- Knowledge-Ease- Time Tutelary Gods rfm Khestrapal The tutelary deities are guards of the place. They have different names and they are individually worshipped. Jy qaLu rfmu ejx rfmu Jy flOu rfmu ejx f Jy ANSqu rfmu ejx hamu Jy ANhamu rfmu ejx Jy Lmu rfmu ejx Jy Llmu rfmu ejx Jy HLfcu rfmu ejx rfmu Jy ioZu rfmu ejx Om --- (as listed below)--- kshetra palaya namah | Hetuka (causal) Tripuraghnaya (killer of Tripuraghna demon Agnijihbhaya (fire tongued) Agnibetalaya (door keeper) Kalaya (dreadful) Karalaya (dark-colored) Ekpadaya (one-footed) Bhisanaya (terrible-looking monstrous guards) I bow to you all. Worship of weapons appUjA Astrapuja o^ ilAy nm:| o^ KAy nm:| o^ cAy nm:| o^ tIxbANAy nm:| o^ SAy nm:| o^ EKTkAy nm:| o^ pUNcApAy nm:| o^ pASAy nm:| o^ GTAy nm:| o^ bjRnKdRQA ayu}Ay mhAisQhAsnAy nm:| o^ CuirkAy nm:| k o^ kkArAy nm:| o^ }nuEb nm:| o^ kuAy nm:| o^ bmEn nm:| o^ cAmrAy nm:| o^ CAy nm:| o^ }BjAy nm:| o^ ptAkAy nm:| nm:| o^ dudEv nm:| o^ SAy nm:| o^ isQhAsnAy nm:|
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Om --- (as listed below) Trishulaya, khadgaya, chakraya, tikhnabanaya, Shaktaya, khetakaya, purnachapaya, pashaya, ghantaoi, Bajranakhadrangsta audhaya Mahasinghasanaya Chhurika, kattakaraya, dhanubey, kumbhaya, barmaney, Chamaraya, chhatraya, dhwajaya, patakaya, dundabhey, shankhaya, shinghasanaya Namah | I bow to the weapons of Durga Trishul , khadga , chakra , tikhnaban , Shakta, khetaka, purnachap, pasha, ghanta, Mahasinghaya, Churika, kattakara, dhanu, kumbha, barma, Chamar, chatra, dhwaja, pataka, dundabhi, shankha, shinghasan That helped her to win over the powerful demon Mahishasur. Here is the list of 10 weapons held by Durga in her ten arms: (refer to Figure: Weapons of Durga): Trishula (trident), Chakram (discus), Scimitar (khatga), Snake, Conch Shell, Mace, Bow/Arrow, Hook, Lotus, and Thunderboldt. The mount also differs in some descriptions Lion or Tiger. In any case, the overall image of the Goddess killing the buffalo demon does not change. Frightful Aspects of Durga ehilh Nababhairab Nine frightful looking aspects of Goddess Durga are worshipped separately: Jy Apau ilhu ejx (black-colored) z llh Jy llh ilhu ejx (monstrous looking) z Jy Qu ilhu ejx (fearful looking) z Jy du ilhu ejx (angry looking) z Jy Eeu ilhu ejx (crazy looking) z Jy iulu ilhu ejx (awful looking) z Jy Lfme ilhu ejx (obedient to Durga) z Jy ioZu ilhu ejx (horrible looking) z Jy pwqlu ilhu ejx (destructive looking) z Om ---- (as listed below) Ashitanga, Rurabey, Chandaya, Krodhaya, Unmattaya, Bhayankaraya, Kapaliney, Bhishanaya, Sanharaya Namah Prayers to Goddess Durga cN E Durga Stotra Jy mih>iG mhAmAEy cAmuE mumAilin| aAyur aAErAgY ibjyQ Edih EdbI nmuEt|
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN ipSAEcvY lExvY mEhh vY Ex hir| Vut EpRt ipSAEcvY lExvY mEhhir| EdEbEvYA mAnuE>EvY vEyvY rx mAQ sdA| s ml mElY iSEb sAF sAi}Ek| wEm bRAiN EkmAir ibbrEp pRsId Em|| Om mahishaghni mahamey chamundey mundamalini | Ayur arogya vijayam dehi devi namastutey || Bhuta preta pishachevyo rakshobhyascha Maheshwari | Devebhyo manushebhyascha bhayebhya rakshamam sada || Sarba mangala mangaley Shivey sarbartha sadhikey | Umey Brahmani Kaumari vishwarupey praseeda mey || Oh Goddess Durga, the killer of the buffalo demon,Goddess of illusion, decked with the garland of enemy heads, Who saves us from all diseases and brings victory, I bow to you. You bring good luck and good wishes to us all, Oh the wife of Shiva. You are Uma, ever youthful and omnipresent, be pleased with me. Jy vgbit vyE CEd kAtYAyiN c kAmEd| kAlk<t EkiSik tQ ih kAtYAyiN nmuEt|| dY Jy pRcE puEk intYQ suipREt surnAiyEk| kuldYt kEr EcAEgR jyQ Edih nmuEt|| nm: rdRcE pRcAis pRc gNnAiSin| rx mAQ sEtA EdbI ibEbbrI nmuEt|| Om bhagawati bhayachedey Katyani cha kamadey | Kalkrit koushiki twam he Katyayani namastutey || Om prochandey putrakey nityam supritey suranayikey | Kuladyota karey chogrey jayam dehi namastutey || Namah rudrachandey prachandashi prachanda gananashini | Raksha mam sarbato devi Vishewari namastutey || Oh Goddess, who removes all our fears, who fulfills all our wishes, you are Kaushiki and Katyayani. Oh Prachandey (killer of the demon Prachanda) who gives us children, who is loved by all and the leader of the Gods. She who brings fame to the family, She who is always victorious. Oh the killer of many demons (Rudra Chanda and Prachanda) and killer of all enemies. Always protect us Oh Devi, I bow to you Oh the Goddess of the Universe. }m Jy duEg tAirNI duEg tQ sAv ibnAiSNI| }mAF kAm EmAxAy intYQ Em brdA vb|| pRcE cmuAEr mumAlA ibvUi>Et| nmuvYQ inAEr vI>N kAiriN|| Om Durgey tarini Durgey twam sarbashubha binashini | Dharmartha kama mokshaya nityam mey barada bhaba || Prachandey chandamundarey mundamala bibhusitey | Namastibhyam nishumbharey shumbha bheesana karini || Oh the savior from our miseries, who always brings good luck, Who blesses us to attain our human goal of dharma (righteous principle of life), artha (wealth), kama (desire) and mokshya (liberation). Obeisance pRNAm m sbml mElY iSEb sbAF sAi}Ek|
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA YmEk SrENY YmEk Egir nAArAyiN nEmAh Et|| s<iiit ibnASAnAQ SivuEt snAtin| NASREy NmEy nArAyiN nEmAh Et|| p SrNAgt dInAt prAN prAyEN| sbsYAithEr Edib nArAyiN nEmAh Et| Om sarbamongal mongolaye Shivvey saarbartha sadhikaye | Smaranye traimbhakey Gouri Narayani namastutey || Shrististhiti binashanam shaktibhutey sanatani | Gunashraye gunamaye Narayani namastutey || Sharanagata deenarta paritran parayaney | Sarbasyartiharey devi Narayani namastutey || Oh Goddess Durga, the consort of Shiva! Bless us with your good wishes, you are the bestower. In time of distress, Oh Gouri, the wife of the three-eyed Shiva, I seek your shelter I offer my deep reverence to Thee. You are the Creator and the destroyer of the Universe, You are the center of all powers, Oh the immortal! You harbor all qualties as you are ever glorified with them. I seek your shelter, I am helpless. Please save me from my sorrows, And take away all my miseries. I surrender to you to give me shelter, Oh the Goddess of the people. I repeatedly offer my obeisance.
Brahmanai (1), Chandikaoi, Gourjai, Indraoi, Kaumarjoi, Bhairabey, Durgaoi, Narasinhai, Kalaoi, Chamundai, Shivadutyoi, Barahyoi, Kaushikoi, Maheshwarjai, Shankarjoi, Jayantoi, Sarbamangaloi, Kaloi, Karalinyoi, Medhaoi, Shivaoi, Shakambharjoi, Bhimaoi, Shantaoi, Bhhamarjoi, Rudranyoi, Ambikaoi, Kshamaoi, Dhatroi, Swahaoi, Swadhaoi, Aparnaoi, Mahodarjoi, Ghorrupaoi, Mahakaloi, Bhadrakaloi, Kapalinoi, Khemarjoi, Ugrachandaoi, Chandograoi, Chandanayikaoi, Chandaoi, Chandabatoi, Chandoi, Mahamayaoi, Priyankarjoi, Balabikiranoi, Balapramathanoi, Mano unmathanoi, Sarba bhuta damanoi, Umaoi, Taraoi, Mohanidraoi, Vijayaoi, Jayaoi, Shailaputraoi, Chandikaoi, Chandaghantaoi, Kushmandoi, Skandhamatroi, Katyayanoi, Mahanidraoi, Kalaratroi, Mahagourjoi (64) || Offering of One Hundred and Eight Lamps aEAr St pRdIp dAn Ashtottar shata pradeep dan Sprinkle a little water over the 108 lamps (candles to be offered to Goddess Durga. The mantra sanctifies the lamps. eEt gpuEp aEArSt sQKYk dIpmAlAy nm:| eEt gpuEp etd ai}ptEy o^ agEy nm:| Etey gandhapushpey astottarashata sankhaka deepamalaoi namah | Etey Gandhapushpey etad adhipataye Om Agnaye namah || I am offering with reverence this sandalwood-scented flower to One hundred and eight burning lamps and to Lord Agni Then offer a flower, in the name of Chamunda (Goddess Durga), on the lamps: etd spRdAnAy hRIQ o^ cAmu&Ay nm:| Etad sampradanaya hrim Om chamundaya namah | I herewith offer the lamps to Goddess Durga (Chamunda) Finally, take a little water on the right palm, along with a flower, chant the following as the final offer to the Goddess: g o^ aEdYAtYAid ------------------ EgA SRI ----------- EdbSmN SRIdUgA pRIitkAm: Y Edv etAn aEArSt sQKYk pRjBilt dIpAn SRIcAmu&ArpAy dugAy tuvYmh spRdEdv| Om adityadi --- gotra Shri ---- devasharman Shri Durga preetikamah Etan ashtottarshata sankhyak prajwaleet deepan Shri Chamundarupoi Durgaoi Tubhyameba sampradadet | On this auspicious cay I (priest) ------ (identification with gotra and name) Offering one hundred and eight burning lamps to please Durga in her Chamunda form.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Ring the bell to announce the offering of the lamp. Mass offering of flower (repeat of Saptami) pupAil Pushpanjali Mass offering of the flower (Anjali) can be arranged at this point, after the completion of the Sandhi Puja. The mantras are available in the Saptami Puja and in the appendix. Chandipath (abridged) sQExEp SRISRIc&IpA[ Invocation prayer m sbml mElY iSEb sbAF sAi}Ek| YmEk SrENY YmEk Egir nAArAyiN nEmAh Et|| s<iiit ibnASAnAQ SivuEt snAtin| NASREy NmEy nArAyiN nEmAh Et|| p SrNAgt dInAt prAN prAyEN| sbsYAithEr Edib nArAyiN nEmAh Et| Om sarbamangal mangalaye Shivvey sarbartha sadhikaye | Smaranye traimbhakey Gouri Narayani namastutey || Shrististhiti binashanam shaktibhutey sanatani | Gunashraye gunamaye Narayani namastutey || Sharanagata deenarta paritran parayaney | Sarbasyartiharey devi Narayani namastutey || (Oh the Goddess!) You bless us as our well wisher. Oh the wife of Shiva, allow us to attain our goal In distress, Oh Gouri, the wife of the three-eyed Shiva, I offer my deep reverence to Thee. You are the Creator and the destroyer of the Universe, You are the center of all powers, Oh the immortal! You harbor all qualties as you endowed with all qualities. Oh the goddess of wealth You rescue the poor who takes shelter under you You take away all miseries Oh Goddess, Oh the betower, I repeatedly bow to you with reverence. Chandipath hje qwpkhje hZlfdlZ z ej a j Lnx rlL ch elue ej a zz rlL ch Hansayuktabimanastha Brahmanirupadharini | Kaushantah ksharikey devi Narayani namastutey || Sitting on the swan, with the image of the Goddess of the Creator
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA You are holding the orange pitcher to remove the hunger Oh Narayani (consort of Vishnu), accept my reverence qdl nm Qcqdl jqhoi hqe z jqn lfZ ej jqnl lfZ eluZ eja zz Trishula chandrahidharey mahabrishava bahini | Maheshwari swarupena Narayanai namastut ey || Holding the trident, riding on the giant bull, You take the image of Shivas consort, Oh Narayani, accept my reverence. a dlqe lqeO jul LVha jqn dlqeO z ejq Ljl lf pwe eluZ ejq a zz Mayura kukkutabritey mahashakti dhareynagha | Kaumari rupa samsthanan Narayani namahstu tey || You ride on the peacock and fowl, holding the great power to destroy the serpants You are in the form of a maiden, Oh Narayanai, I offer my reverence to you. k ch piao Qaea Aidua z ao Qaea Aidua ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Chetanatya abhidhiyatey | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as the consciousness in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you lfZ k ch piao h lfZ pwa z ao ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Buddhi rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as the wisdom in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you lfZ k ch piao e lfZ pwa z ao ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Nidra rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as sleep in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you lfZ k ch piao rd lfZ pwa z ao ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Kshudha rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as hunger in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you ch lfZ k ch piao Ru lfZ pwa z ao ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Chaya rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as a shadow in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you lfZ k ch piao n lfZ pwa z ao ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Shakti rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as power in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you lfZ k ch piao ao lfZ pwa z ao ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Trishna rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as thirst in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you lfZ k ch piao r lfZ pwa z ao ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Khanti rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as patience in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you lfZ k ch piao Sa lfZ pwa z ao ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Jati rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as individual character in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you k ch piao m lfZ pwa z ao lfZ ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Lajja rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as modesty in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you k ch piao n lfZ pwa z ao n lfZ p ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Shanti rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as peace in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you
lfZ k ch piao n lfZ pwa z ao ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Shraddha rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as reverence in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you lfZ k ch piao L lfZ pwa z ao ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Kanti rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as the beauty in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you ao mrlfZ k ch piao mrlfZ pwa z ao ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Lakshmi rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as divine wealth in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you ao lfZ k ch piao h lfZ pwa z ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Britti rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as disposition in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you k ch piao jalfZ pwa z ao alfZ ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Smriti rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as memory in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you lfZ k ch piao cu lfZ pwa z ao ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Daya rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as kindness in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you lfZ k ch piao a lfZ pwa z ao ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Tushti rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah ||
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN You exist as satisfactioon in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you lfZ k ch piao ja lfZ pwa z ao ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Matri rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as motherly love in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you k ch piao lfZ pwa z ao fZ ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Ya devi sarbabhuteshu Bhranti rupena samasthita | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || You exist as confusion in all the living creatures I repeatedly offer my reverence to you eMmo CcuZj Ad iaeMmo k z ao hch ej iao paaw ap hch ej ejx zz Indrayanama adhishtatri Bhutananchakhileshu ja | Bhuteshu satatam taswai byaptadevai namo namah || You command the sensuary feelings existing all living elements You are in everyliving being and you are omnipresent, I bow to you QalfZ k Lvpjac hf a SNv z QalfZ jac ej ejp, ejp ejp ej ejx zz Chitirupena ja Kritsnametad byapya sthita jagat | Namastasai namastasai namastasai namo namah || Your bliss is present everywhere covering the entire Universe. I repeatedly offer my reverence to you. Concluding Adoration With lamp aArit Arati Aarati (adoration with lamp) is a special Hindu ritual of worship in which light from wicks soaked in ghee and several other items are offered to the deity in sequence. The priest/devotee circles the items in front of the deity. Each God gets a minimum of three circles starting with the main deity. The holy pitcher should also be adored and so also swan, pen and inkpot. If Naryayana and Ganesh are established, they should also received the arati. p pRdIp (Lamps with five wicks) jlS (water conch) b (cloth) pup (flower)
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA dpn (mirror) }upkAi[ (incense sticks) kpUrdAin (camphor) cAmr (fan)
Follow the sequence. Above said sequence is explained in the following way. Goddess (the deity) has arrived in your house and need to be led through the dark by showing the light (pradeep) with honor. Her feet will be washed (water), wiped (cloth), honored with the gift of flower, air of the environment refreshed (incense and camphor) and finally the deity rests comfortably (fan).
mhAnbmI pUjA
Invocation prayers Traditionally, Mahanavami is the fourth day of Durga Puja; the first three are Shashthi, Saptami and Ashtami. In the west, however, it is the last day of the weekend-puja and hence, it is combined with Dashami. In any case, invocation prayers are done in the same way as for Saptami/Ashtami, with a little modification to suit Navami tithi. Resolution sL Place the kushi with a little water on the left palm, as done for Sankalpa. In the kushi place a haritaki, a flower and a little rice. After completion of the resolution, turn over the kushi in the offering plate (tamrapatra). Then recover the kushi back to the kosha. ib>uErAm tqst adY ----- mAEs ----- pEx ----- itEF vAkEr ---- EgA SRI ----- EdbSmN: sb aSAi dUrkmEn, mEnAgt aiv isilAvkAEm, sbEsvAgY kAmnAFAy EdbI purAn ibi}nA A bAqsirk SrqkAlIn SRIvgbt dugA mhAnbmI pUjA kmAiN (fl Llo) flb ---- EdbSmN: EprihEtY ahQ kir>YAim| (flb Llo) Vishnurom tatsat adya --- masey --- pakshey --- tithou bhaskarey --- gotra Shri ---- devasharmanah sarba ashanti durakarmaney Manogata abhishta siddhi labhkamey Sarbasoubhagya (public puja) kamanarthaya devi puranokta bidhina Batsarik Saratkaleena Shri bhagavat Durga Mahanavami puja karmani --- devasharmana pourahitye aham karishyami (pararthey karishey) Welcome to Goddess Durga EdbIr aAbAhn Welcome the Goddess, showing the mudras for welcome: pirb o^ vUvub: : vgbit Edib dugA pirbr gnsihEt HhAg C HhAg C, HhAit HhAit, Cqpl Cqpldj Adew Lla, jj fSw Nqa z Om Bhutadaya iha gacata iha gacata Iha tishthata Iha tishthata Iha sannidhatta, iha sannirudhyam | Atradhisthanam kurutah mama puja grihnita Oh the Goddess of the universe Come with your family and assistants Come come, sit here, come close to me and after settling Accept my worship.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA The above mantra is chanted along with the gestures shown bellow (welcome gestures , aAbAhnImdA or Abahanimudras. These mudras express the welcome of the deity (icon) in four stages welcome, sit, settle down, come close and face me.
Abahanimudra Stapanimudra Sannidhapani Sannirodhni Sammukhikarani mudra mudra mudra mudra mudra Welcome Sit Settle down Come close Face
Meditation }YAn smAJu ElAcny o^ jTAjuT smAJuAQ aEdu k<tESKrAm| ElAcny sQJuAQ pUENdu sd<CAnnAm ---- || (See Saptami puja) Five Offerings to Goddess Durga p wpcAEr pUjA Pancha upacharey puja eEt g puEp nm: o^ dugAy nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ nEmA dugAy nm:| Etey gandha pushpey Om Durgawai namah | Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, naivedyam namo Durgawai namah || I am offering flower to receive you, water to wash your feet, rice (my staple food) in your reception, incense for fragrance, lamp to guide you and food platter in your honor Oh Devi Durga Offerings to other Gods and Goddesses on the Dias anAnY EdbEdbIr pUjA Offer flower and associated things in the name of each deity: Ganesh, Kartik, Mahalakshmi, Saraswati and Mahishasur eEt gE puEp nm: o^ gEnSAy nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ nEmA eEt gE puEp nm: o^ kAiEky nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ nEmA mhAlxY eEt gE puEp nm: o^ mhAlxY nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ nEmA eEt gE puEp nm: o^ srtY nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ nEmA eEt gE puEp nm: o^ mih>AsurAy nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, nEbdYQ nEmA mih>AsurAy nm:| Etey gandha pushpey Om ---- (listed below) namah | gEnSAy nm:| kAiEky nm:| mhAlxY nm:| srtY nm:|
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Ganeshaya, Kartikeya, Mahalakshmai, Saraswatai, Mahishashuraya Etad padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, naivedyam namo ---- (listed below) namah || Ganeshaya, Kartikeya, Mahalakshmai, Saraswatai, Mahishashuraya I am herewith offering these scented flowers (sandalwood-dipped) and other things to honor various Gods and Goddesses on the dais. Mass flower offering to Goddess Durga pupAil Pushpanjali See Saptami Puja Special Sacrifice (Can be done with Ashtami or Sandhi puja) bildAn Balidan Though Balidan or sacrifice meant the offering of self to the Goddess, it took a turn amongst those who were meat eaters (non-vegetarians), prior to the Buddist era (500 BC). Thus sacrifice of animals became an integral part of Durga Puja. In modern time, however, animal lovers have prohibited public sacrifice of animals. Thus the baby lamb (or goat) was replaced by whole fruit like banana or vegetables like cucumbers or pumpkins. The rituals continue. We have chosen here a banana for the sacrifice. Wash the banana, wipe with a paper towel and mark with vermilion paste (powder mixed with ghee or oil). Do the same with the knife. The vermilion represents the blood. Put a flower on the knife and chant: Jy qw nw RlLu ejx z ardl Jy Aphnpex RlL ardl clpcx z Ni ej j nNi hSuQh djfm eja zz Om hrim shrim Chhurikaya namah | Om asirbashanah chhurika tikhnadharo durasadah | Shrigarbho vijayashchaiba Dharmapala namastute || I pay reverence to the knife which I will use for the sacrifice. This sharp object (knife, kharga), to be used for the sacrifice, is beautiful to look at. We can be victorious in its use. Oh Dharmapal (protector of righteous principal - Dharma). I bow to you with great reverence. lgmhmu Hax Nff Jy Haj lgmhmu ejx z Hadfau au Hax Nff Hadfau Jy hefau ejx zz Hadfau hoh Hax Nff Hadfau Jy ejx hoh ejx z Hax Nff Hav pfceu Jy cNu ejx zz Etah gandhapushpa Om etasmai rambhaphalabalaye namah | Etah gandhapushpa etadhipataya Om banaspataye namah
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Etah gandhapushpa etadhipataye Om namah Vishnabey namah | Etah gandhapushpa etat sampradanaya Om Durgawai namah || I am paying respect to the banana by offering these scented flowers, I am offering flowers to the nature where they belonged, I am offering my respect to Lord Vishnu, the preserver of us all, I am offering this (banana) in the name of Goddess Durga. ly Acac holy avpv Acac ----- EgA SRI ----- EdbSmNx n cNfaLjx Cjw l gm hmw ncNch aijqw Oauoj (flb Oauo) Vishnurom tat sat adyetyadi --- gotra Shri ---- devasharmanah Shri Durgapritikamah imam rambha phala balim Shri Durgadevai tubhyamaham ghatayishyami On this auspicious occasion, to please Goddess Durga, I ----- am sacrificing this banana, in Her name. bQ etsY kdilblEy nm:| eEt gpuEp o^ kdil blEy nm:| eEt gpuEp etd di}ptEy EdbAy bnptEy nm:| o^ hRIQ spRdAnY o^ SRISRIdugA EdbY nm:| Bam etasai kadalibalaye namah | Eteh gandha pushpey Om kadali balaye namah | Etey gandhapushpey etad adhipataye devaya banaspataye namah | Om hrim sampradanoi Om Shri Shri Durga devyai namah || In the name of divinity! May I offer this banana for the sacrifice. I herewith offer the scented flower To the banana prepared for the sacrifice. I offer my reverence by offering the flower to the Lord of the Nature I offer the sacrifice to Goddess Durga. Cut the banana in one strike. CAUTION: Choose a sharp knife. You must cut the banana in one strike. At this time blow the conch and make a loud noise to announce the occasion of ceremonial sacrifice. Benedictory Prayer m sbml mElY iSEb sbAF sAi}Ek| YmEk SrENY YmEk Egir nAArAyiN nEmAh Et|| ii s<iiit ibnASAnAQ SivuEt snAtin| NASREy NmEy nArAyiN nEmAh Et|| p SrNAgt dInAt prAN prAyEN| sbsYAithEr Edib nArAyiN nEmAh Et| Om sarbamangal mongalaye Shivey sarbartha sadhikaye | Smharanye traimbakey Gouri Narayani namastutey ||
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Shrististhiti binashanam shaktibhutey sanatani | Gunashraye gunamaye Narayani namastutey || Sharanagata deenarta paritran parayaney | Sarbasyartiharey devi Narayani namastutey || (Oh the Goddess!) You bless us as our well wisher. Oh the wife of Shiva, allow us to attain our goal In distress, Oh Gouri, the wife of the three-eyed Shiva, I offer my deep reverence to Thee. You are the Creator and the destroyer of the Universe, You are the center of all powers, Oh the immortal! You harbor all qualties as you endowed with all qualities. Oh the goddess of wealth You rescue the poor who takes shelter under you You take away all miseries Oh Goddess, Oh the betower, I repeatedly bow to you with reverence.
HAVAN Kushundika
EhAm Hom Introduction and preparation Fire worship is perhaps as old as human civilization. Since fire was put into use during Early Stone Age, 70, 000 years ago, humans dominated over other animals in many ways. Its ferocious face when uncontrolled and the friendly use in our daily lives, made the fire or Agni as the leading God of Hindu pantheon. Offerings to the fire found a direct link with the Lord Almighty. Thus fire worship becomes an essential component of many Puja rituals. Havan in public places in USA is restricted due to fire hazard. It is the law. Hence, with considerable thoughts, it is modified in order to accommodate legal parameters. Thus the open fire is replaced by using canned fuel (Sterno). The fuel-gel is taken out with a spoon and placed on the sand layer spread on the havan kunda. Decorative sticks are used to offer ghee (quick dip in ghee, or concentrated butter) and then put into the fire along with the mantra. The thin stick does not allow soaking of excess ghee and thus the fire is fully under control. All procedures of traditional Havan is followed except the fire does not have a flame until the ghee-dipped stick is offered. No Havan Samagri is offered in the flame. It may start the smoke alarm. PreparatoryArrangement If available, use havan (or hom) kunda and spread on it a layer of sand. Keep ghee (concentrated butter) in a metal pot and pack of sticks for the offering. Keep one glass overflowing with rice on a plate with a supari (betel nut) and a coin at the top. This is called pNpA (purnapatra). Put a cover on the head of the devotee performing the ritual. Make a tilak mark on the forehead of the devotee/priest. The devotee/priest must take simple vegetarian food on the previous night. The devotee/priest must wear a silver ring or kush ring on his hand.
Coin Supari
Kamandalu Kosha-kushi
Overflowing rice
Water conch Tamrapatra Flower plate Script Priests seat Paper towel
INVOCATION PRAYERS (Fire worship) Dedication ib>umrN Vishnu smaran Sip water three times from your right palm seeking the blessing of Vishnu, our preserver. Then pray with folded hands: o^ o^ ib>u, o^ ib>u, o^ ib>u, o^ tdib>u, prmQ pdm sdApSYi sury: idbIb cxurAttm | o^ apib pibEA bA sAbAQ gEtAip bA| J: mErq pu&rIkAxQ s bAhYAvYr: Suic | nm: sml mlYQ bErNYQ brdQ vm| nArAyNQ nmtY s kmAiN kArEyq || o^ ib>u, o^ ib>u, o^ ib>u | Om Vishn - Om Vishn - Om Vishnu| Om Tad-Vishnoh paramam padam| Sada pashyanti soorayah dibi-iba chakshur-aatatam|| Om apabitra pabitro ba sarbabasthan gatopiba| jahsmaret pundarikaksham sa bajya-abhyantara suchi| Namaha sarva mangala mangalyam varayenam baradam shubham| Narayanam namaskritya sarbakarmani karayet|| Om Vishnu, Om Vishnu, Om Vishnu In the name of Lord Vishnu! As the widely open eyes can see the sky clearly without any obstruction, so the wise always see Lord Vishnu with their divine vision. He who, impure or pure, remembers lotus-eyed lord Pundarikaksha, Vishnu, in all situations, becomes purified inside and out.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA We bow to Lord Narayana who is all auspicious, most adorable, beneficial and kind. Remembering His name we should begin all our work. Hail to Lord Vishnu| Here I start with His blessing|| Resolution sk Sankalpa Take the kushi with water, flower, durba, little rice, a flower and haritaki on left hand. Cover the kushi with your right hand and declare the goal of the fire worship. After completion of the resolution, turn over the kushi in the offering plate (tamrapatra), ring the bell that declares the beginning of the fire worship ritual. ib>uErAm tqst adY --- mAEs ----- pEx ---- itEF vAkEr ----- EgA SRI ---- EdbSmN: EdbI purAEnA ibi}nA bAi>k SrqkAlIn SRIdugA pUjA Ljia qjLjZ Llo kir>YAim)zz nncNfaLj Aqj Llo (prAEF kir>YAim) Vishnurom tat sat adya --- masey --- pakshey --- tithou bhaskarey ---- gotra Shri ---- devasharmanah devi purnokta bidhina barshik Saratkalin Shri Durga puja karmangibhut homakarmani Shri shri Durga Pritikama Aham karishey (pararthey karishyami) Marking of Fire place Traditionally the Havan kunda is prepared, filled with sand and its borders are marked with the ring finger while the thumb is touching the ring finger. These markings describe the colors of the fire. Make four markings on the four sides of the havan kunda, on the sand, and one in the center (see ankusha mudra). One can use a small stick in place of finger as the Havan Kunda is often of small size. Mark four sides of the kunda and in the center. Marking by exact direction may not be convenient. . pUb-picm - East and west o^ ErEKyQ p<FIEdbtAkA pItbNA| Om rekheyam prithvidevataka peetabarna | In the name of divine (Om)! This line is for the earth-God, yellow in color picm-wr - West and north o^ ErEKyQ aigEdbtAkA ElAihtbNA| Om rekheyam Agnirdevataka lohitabarna | Om! This line I am drawing in the name of Lord Agni, the God of red in color | wr-pUb - North and east o^ ErEKyQ pRjApitEdbtAkA k<>bNA| Om! Rekheyam Prajapatir devataka krishnabarna This line I am drawing in the name of Prajapati, the Lord of the Universe,
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN who is of dark-blue color. pUb-dixN - East and south o^ ErEKyQ HdREdbtAkA nIlbNA| Om! Rekheyam Indradevataka neelbarna | This line is for Lord Indra of pale blue color. dixNpUb-dixNpicm - South east and south west (line through the center) o^ ErEKyQ EsAmEdbtAkA kbNA Om! Rekheyam Somadevataka shuklabarna This line I am drawing in the name of the moon with white color. Now take out a pinch of the sand and throw outside the havan kunda with a kush while chanting the following mantra: o^ pRjApitVi> aigEdbtA wqkr inrsEn ibinEyAg:| o^ inr: prAbsu| Prajapati rishir Agnir devata Utkar nirasaney viniyoga | Om! Nirastah parabasu || In the name of sage Prajapati and the Fire God Agni, I am throwing off this sand with the kush grass | In my attempt to remove all the bad spirits from this place of worship || Naming of Fire Note: In early days fire was always kept on in the house for its ready use. It, however, received a new name which corresponded to its use when taken for the Havan. For example, in marriage the name Yoyaka this signifies union. Similarly in Annaprasan it is Suchi, and in any happy occasion it is Shobhanah. For peace havan it is Baradah and for pujas Balada. Thus in Durga Puja the fire gets the name given of Balada (bld) that symbolizes Strength giving. Balad word is also used in referring to Bull which also indicates Power and this was the form in which Mahisashur was killed. Light three sticks from the burning lamp: o^ pRjApitVi> anup CEdYA aigEdbtA aigsQkAEr ibinEyAg:| u hdmig o^ hdmigQ pRihENAim dUrQ JmrAjQ g Ctu irpRbAh:| Om Prajapati-rishir anupstupa chhanda Agnir devata Agnisamskarey biniyogah | Krabyadam-agnim prahinomi duram Yamarajyam gachatu riprabahah || As chanted by sage Prajapati in Anustupa meter, in the name of Lord Agni, I am lighting this fire. Let the evil-fire (kramdagni) that bring destruction, go to Yamaraj (death) Leaving this land pure and happy ||
Circle the sticks counterclockwise (anticlockwise) while chanting the following: ApitGo itCd: o^ pRjApitGo b<hitCd: pRjApitEdbtA aigApEn ibinEyAg:| o^ vUvUb: ErAm | Om Prajapatir-rishi Brihatichhandah Prajapatirdevata Agnisthapaney viniyogah, Om bhurbhubaswarom || In the words of Rishi Prajapati, in the Brihatichanda, I am dedicating this fire to Lord Prajapati while establishing this fire and dedicating it to the Universe. Then put the fire on the fuel can or on the pile of woods. o^ aEg tBQ bldnAmAis| Om Agne twam Baladanamasi Om! Oh the new Fire by the name of Baladagni, accept my humble reverence. Then pray to the burning fire with folded hands: jal Sa c Jy Cqhu jal Sahc chi qhw hqa fSee z aqr nlj Jy phax fefcx phaqr nljMx z p hnlf jqeNx fZax pLjp zz Om! Ehaibayamitaro jatabeda devebhyo habyam bahuta prajanana | Om! Sarbatah panipadantah sarbatohakhi shiromukha | Vishwarupo mahanagni pranetah sarbakarmasu || Oh our well wisher the fire of knowledge (different from ill-spirited Agni), who carries our oblations to the Gods. With hands, legs, head and mouth spread everywhere while looking up Thou universally spread out Agni, accept our oblations in all occasions. Pay reverence by meditation on the fire with folded hands: feSW Jy fnn Lnrx feSWlqlZx z qN RNx prpqNx pQx ndlLx zz Om pingabhrushma keshakshah penanga jatharoharunah| Chagastham sakhsha sutrohagni saptarchi shaktidhrakah || Om! Whose brows like the bow, and has scattered hairs and hungry stomach Like a lamb I am bowing to the fire endowed with such great power || Then, welcome the new fire by showing the five welcome mudras (described ealier): o^ bldnAmAEg HhAg C HhAg C Hhit Hhit Hh siEdih Hh sir}Y aAiAnQ kur mm pUjAQ g<hAN| Om! Baladanamagney ihagachha ihagachha, iha tishtha iha tishtha, iha sannidhehi, iha sanniruddhyaswa atradhistanam kuru, mam pujam grihana || Oh Baladagni, come here come here, stay here stay here, come near, after coming close settle here and receive my oblations. Offer five things (minimum) to the fire by sprinkling a little water on each item:
o^ bldnAmAEg nm:| (prostrate) etd etd pAdYQ o^ bldAgEy nm:| (water) e> aGYQ nEmA o^ bldAgEy nm:| (rice) etd ppQ o^ bldAgEy nm:| (flower) e> }UpQ o^ bldAgEy nm:| (incense) etd dIpQ o^ bldAgEy nm:| (lamp) nm:|(food platter) etd nEbEdYQ o^ bldAgEy nm:| etd pAnIyjlQ o^ bldAgEy nm:| (glass of water) Om Baladanamagnaey namah! Etad padyam, esha arghyam, etad pushpam, esha dhupam, Etad dipam, etad naivedyam, etad paniajalam Om Baladagnaey namah! Reverence to the Fire God with the name of Balada (strength giving) I offer my oblation of water, rice, flower, incense, lamp, food platter and drinking water with humility in His reception. Creating water boundary wdkAl Esk Udakanchala sek Sit on your knees and create a water-marked boundary around the havan kunda (fire place) with the help of kamandalu (water vessel with spout). Chant the mantra while making the mark. The four mantras are for the four sides of the fire place. The idea (in sense of early days) is to prevent the fire from spreading out. Vi>x ibinEyAgx o^ pRjApit Vi>x anup CEdYA sibtA EdbtA aig pJuxEn ibinEyAgx| u Vi>x ibinEyAgx pRjApit Vi>x aiditr EdbtA wdkAil EsEk ibinEyAgx| Jy Acaqeje z Vi>x ibinEyAgx pRjApit Vi>x anumit EdbtA wdkAil EsEk ibinEyAgx| Jy Aejaqeje z Vi>x ibinEyAgx zz pRjApit Vi>x srtI EdbtA wdkAil EsEk ibinEyAgx| Jy plaeje zz Om Prajapati rishi Anustupa chandyo Sabita devata Agni parjukhaney biniyogah | Prajapati rishih Aditir devata udikanjali sekey biniyogah | Om Aditeyha-anumanyaswa | Prajapati rishih Anumati devata udakanjali sekey biniyogah | Om Anumateyha-anumanyaswa | Prajapati rishih Saraswati devata udakanjali sekey biniyogah | Om Saraswatyanumanaswa | In the name of sage Prajapati, in Anustup meter, dedicated to the sun, I am circling the water around the fire | Oh Aditi (the mother of Gods) you order me to perform my duties. Oh Lord give me the permission to start my offerings of fire Oh Saraswati, give me the permission to utter the words.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Divine Witness hfe Brahma Sthapan Place few kush grasses on the floor beside the Havan kundu: c elpe he heuNx fSfa GolNcha aZelpe heuNx z Jy elx flhpx zz Prajapati rishir agnirdevata trinanirashaney binyogah | Om! Nirastah parabasu || In the name of the sage Prajapati and the Fire God Agni, I am laying this kush grass, Requesting all the bad spirits to leave this place of worship || Then place a kamandalu with a flower in it on the grass you spread out. (alternatively, put a glass of water with a kush grass and a flower in it). The Kamandalu represents Brahma who is looking over the Havan ceremony. olNc fhn heuNx fhne fSfa GolNcha hfhne heuNx z Bhpx pce Jy Bhpx pce pc zz Prajapati rishi agnirdevata Brahma upabeshaney viniyogah | Om abaso sadaney seeda || Following the directions of sage Prajapati, in reverence to the Fire God (Agni devata), I have the task of establishing Brahma here. Obeisance to Directional Gods Then offer a little rice around the havan kundu, starting from the east in honor of the Gods of ten directions, cncLfm). Then offer the ghee-dipped stick in the name of ten directional gods. o^ HdRAy AhA, o^ agEy AhA, o^ JmAy AhA, o^ nVtAy AhA, o^ brnAy AhA, o^ bAyEb AhA, o^ kuEbrAy AhA, o^ ~SAnAy AhA, o^ bREn AhA, o^ anAy AhA| Om Indraya swaha (continue in the same way) Agnaye --, Yamaya --, Nairitaya --, Varunaya --, Bayabey --, Kuberaya --, Ishanaya--, Brahmane --, Anantaya -- || Oh the Gods of all directions bless me for completing this job. (Details of the directional Gods, is presented elsewhere) Offerings to the nine planets nbgh EhAm Nabagraha Hom Details of Nabagraha have been presented erlier. Make your fire offerings (ghee-dipped sticks) to the nine planets:
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN (rib, Sun) o^ch ka vUbnAin pSYn AhA, ) ch Om devo jati Bhubanani pashyan swaha Arrive before us with your divine brightness (EsAm, cdR, Moon, Soma) o^ vbA bAjsY sEF AhA ) Om bhaba bajashya sangathey swaha Bring (rain) more yield to our crops (ml, Mars) o^ apAQ ErtAQis ijnBit AhA ) Om apam retamshi jinwati swaha Your emitted energy brings life to the seeds on this earth (bu}, Mercury) o^ WJ}: EdbAQ AhA u Usharbudha debam swaha Oh Budha you are the inspirational God of the morning (b<hpit, Jupitor) o^ jymAk Em}YibtA rFAnAQ AhA ) Om jayanasmak mdhyabeta rathanam swaha Bring victory over our enemies and joy to us. p (, Venus) o^ p>ih rAit ru AhA ) Om pushanniha rati rastu swaha Shower your divine blessing on the earth (Sin, Saturn) o^ SQEJArivsRbu n: AhA ) Om sanyorabhusrabantu nah swaha Make us free from illness by your blessing (rA, Ascending/North lunar node) o^ kyA SicyA b<t AhA ) Om kaya sachistaya brita swaha What good deeds could we do to receive your favor jAyFAx (Ektu,Descending/South lunar node) o^ smu>ir jAyFAx AhA| ) Om samusharvir jayatha swaha You enlighten us from ignorance Mahabyahriti Hom mhAbYAhit EhAm Mahabyahriti Hom Vyahrities refer to the cosmos which is called Ahriti. By uttering the three words of Gayatri Bhur, Bhuvah and Svah, the chanter contemplates the Glory of God that illumines the three worlds heaven, earth and the world in between. This covers the cosmos. Many consider these three words could also mean past, present and future.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA In Mahavyariti Havan offering of ghee is done in the name of these powerful words that seek blessing from the Almighty for happiness and prosperity. Offer ghee four times to the fire in the names of the Gayatri.: dbtA o^ pRjApit Vi> gAyI CEdYA aigEdbtA bY sm mhAbYAhit EhAEm ibinEyAg: | o^ vu AhA || o^ pRjApit Vi> ri>k CEdYA bAyuEdbtA bY sm mhAbYAhit EhAEm ibinEyAg: | o^ vub: AhA || o^ pRjApit Vi> anup CEdYA sUJYEdbtA bY sm | u mhAbYAhit EhAEm ibinEyAg: | o^ : AhA || ApitEdbtA o^ pRjApit Vi> b<htI CEdYA pRjApitEdbtA bY sm mhAbYAhit EhAEm ibinEyAg: | o^ vuvub:: AhA || Om Prajapati rishi Gayatri chhandyo Agnirdevata vyasta samasta Mahabyahriti homey biniyogah | Om Bhu swaha || Om Prajapati rishi Rushnika chhandyo Bayurdevata vyasta samasta Mahabyahriti homey biniyogah | Om Bhubah swaha || Om Prajapati rishi Anustupa chhandyo Suryadevata vyasta samasta Mahabyahriti homey biniyogah | Om Swah swaha || Om Prajapati rishi Brihati chhandyo Prajapatirdevata vyasta samasta Mahabyahriti homey biniyogah | Om Bhur-bhubha-swah swaha || In the Gayatri meter, as chanted by sage Prajapati for Lord Agni, I am performing the Mahabyahriti Hom by offering ghee to the heavens, In the Rushmik meter, as chanted by sage Prajapati for Lord Agni, I am performing the Mahabyahriti Hom by offering ghee to the earth, In the Anustup meter, as chanted by sage Prajapati for Lord Agni, I am performing the Mahabyahriti Hom by offering ghee to the world in between, In the Brihati meter, as chanted by sage Prajapati for Lord Agni, I am performing the Mahabyahriti Hom by offering ghee to the cosmos. Principal Offering fLa Lj Prakrita karma Put 28 ghee-dipped sticks (Ahwna pwML) in the fire, chanting each time the following mantra. If applewood leaves (belpata) are available, offer at least three of these, dipped in ghee, while chanting the same mantra. Jy Su jmLm iLm Lfme z cN nh rj d q d ej a q zz d Om Jayanti Mangala Kaali Bhadra Kali Kapalini Durga Shivaa Kshama Dhaatri Svaha Svadha namohstute swaha Oh Goddess Durga You are victorious over evil and, gracious
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN You are kind and compassionate You are eternal truth beyond the limitations of the mortals You are not obvious and yet present in our consciousness (Atman) You are the forgiving mother of the world Accept my offering and sacrifice I bow to Thee with reverence Oh the victorious blissful Durga (in the form of Kali), the beautiful one, who holds the skull of devils, Durga, the wife of Shiva, the foster mother of forgiveness, Hail to her blessing, I pay my oblations to that divinity. Obeisance to all Deities in view ptYx EdbtA Pratakhya devata Now offer ghee (dipped in stick) for all the deities displayed Ganesh, Lakshmi, Vastudeva etc. SIgENSAy sAhA, o^ nArAyNAy AhA, o^ l{Y AhA, o^ dugAy AhA, o^ bAtEdbAy AhA, o^ iSbAy AhA, AhA, o^ kAiEky AhA, o^ gAy AhA, o^ srtY AhA, o^ >Y AhA, o^ SItlAy AhA , o^ mnsA EdbY AhA || o^ pRtYxEdbIvY: AhA, o^ pRtYxEdbtAvY: AhA| Shri Ganeshaya swaha, Narayanaya swaha, Lakshmayi swaha, Durgawai swaha, Vastudevaya swaha, Shivayai swaha, Kartikeywai swaha, Gangawai swaha, Saraswatwai swaha, Shashthai swaha, Shitalawai swaha, Monosha devai swaha. Om pratakhya devibhyo swaha, Om pratakshya devatabhyo swaha. I am offering my fire oblations to the deities in front of me, Shri Ganesh, Shri Lakshmi and others. Offerings to Fire God AN fS Agni puja Hav fcw ejx ANu ejx Ho AOw ejx ANu ejx Ho dfw ejx ANu ejx Ho cfw ejx ANu ejx Hav ehcw ejx ANu ejx Etat/esha --- (padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam. Naivedyam) namah Agnaye namah || Herewith I am offering water for washing feet, rice for reception, incense, lamp and fool platter as my oblation, Oh Lord Agni.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Conclusion of Fire Worship wdIcY-km Udichya karma Sprinkle water around the havan kunda with the following chant: pL heuNx fSfaGo Acacha EcLm pL heuNx z faG Acac aidEthnmn mn o^ aidEthnmns zz Prajapati rishi Aditir devata udakanjali sekey viniyogah | Om Aditehanumanyaswa || In the name of sage Prajapati, Oh the mother of all Gods (Aditi) I am offering this water to you. As I sought your favor to start thus fire worship, you will grant me its success. Naming of Extininghing Fire m<#Aig Mriragni The fire is given a new name (Mriragni, m<#Aig) before it is turned off. Mrirah means ocean which gave birth to this earth. It conveys the spirit of eternal, divine ocean that covers the earth. Welcome the new fire along with the five mudras for the welcome (described in previous text): ejN Jy jsejN CqNR CqNR Cqa Cqa, pdq, Cq pdq, Cqpld, Ade Ll, jj fSw NqZ zz Om Mriranamagney Eha gachha eha gachha, eha tishtha, eha tishtha, eha sannidehi, Eha sannidehi,Eha sannirudhaswa, Atradhishtam kuru, mam pujam grihana Oh the fire with the name of Mrirah (ocean) you are cordially welcome, come close to me, stay close to me and after establishing your presence here, Accept my oblations. N Jy jsN ejx z N Ho Nx Jy jsN ejx z Hav ff Jy jsN ejx z N N Hav cfx Jy jsN ejx z hcj N Hav qhehcj Jy jsN ejx z Om Mriragney namah | Esha gandha Om Mriragney namah, etat pushpam Om Mriragney namah | eta dweepah Om Mriragney namah | Etat habir naivedyam Om Mriragney namah ||
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Oh the Mrirah-named fire! I am offering with great reverence, the flower, the incense, the lamp, the fire offering (habir) and the food-platter (naivedya), please accept my offering. Completion of Fire Offering pNAit Purnahuti The jajaman (host) and his wife, along with the priest, stand up and give their last offering to the fire. This is called pNAit (purnahuti). While standing, pour a spoonful of ghee, held between both hands, on the fire while chanting the following: pRjApitVi>irAs gAyI CEdA HdREdbtA As JSkAmsY JjnIy pEyAEg ibinEyAg:| o^ pUNEhAmQ JSEs juEhAim, EJAhs juEhAit brms ddAit, brQ b<EN, JSsA vAim ElAEk AhA| Prajapatir-rishir-Birarah Gayatri chhanda Indra devata Jashaskamasya jajaneya prayogey viniyogah | Om Purnahomam jashashey juhomi, johashmai juhoti baramashmai dadati, Baram briney, jashasha bhami lokey swaha || As written by Prajapati rishi in the meter of Brirah-Gayatri, in the name of Lord Indra, I am offering this oblation to the fire for my fame | In this final oblation to the fire I seek your blessing, I seek your boon to grant me a good reputation in this terrestrial world. Offering of Purnapatra pUNpA dAn Purnapatra dan After offering the purnahuti, sit down and take the purnapatra on your left hand (Purnapatra: A tumbler placed on a plate and is overfilled with rice; on the top place a coin and a supari; a ripe banana is placed on the side). Put a flower on the Purnapatra and sprinkle a little water (three times) on it while chanting: EvAjYAy eEt g puEp etmY pUNpA anuk EvAjYAy nm:| pet etdi}ptEy eEt g puEpetdi}ptEy SRIib>Eb nm:| nm:|z etd spRdAnAy Jy bREN nm:|z Etey gandhapushpey etashmai purnapatra anukalpa bhojyaya namah | Etey gandhapushpey etatadhipataye Shri Vishnabey namah || Etey gandha pushpey atad sampradanaya Brahmaney namah|| With the scented flower (dipped in sandalwood) I sanctify this raw food for the dinner. I am offering this, with the scented flower, to Lord Shri Vishnu with humility, I am offering this, with this scented flower, to the Brahmin with humility. ib>ErAm tqsddY amEkmAis amEkpEx amkAQitEF amkEgA: amkEdbSmA (name and identification of host)
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA amkEgA: amkEdbSmA (name and identification of the priest/Brahmin) etd spRdAnAy bREN nm:| Etat sampradanaya Om Brahmaney namah || Vishnurom tatsat adya ___ (identification of day) ___ (identification of the person offering) to ____ (identification of the Brahmin) Offering this bhojya (raw food for dinner) in the name of Lord Almighty. The Brahmin, together with the devotee, will empty the purnapatra on the fire (that also helps in its extinguishing), along with the coin, banana and supari. Extinguishing the fire aigibsjn Agni bisarjan Pick up the kamandalu (Brahma), sprinkle some water around the fire and offer apology for any mistakes I made during the performance of the puja. Jy he rj zz OmBrahmana kshamashya Pardon me Oh Brahman (Lord of the Universe) Then offer apology to the mother earth that endured the heat of the fire during its worship: Jy kil cqjax ANcqe fsa z qe dl avpj dl ch fb aw nam ih zz Om yagyabhara dahamatah agnidahana piritah | Tatsamasta dharey devi pritwi twam shitala bhaba || Oh the earth you have endured the weight of the fire place And tolerated the pain of heat, May you rest in peace after the entire fire ceremony || Finally pour the rice of the purnapatra. Along with supari, banana, flower and coin, on the fire which helps in turning it off without smoke and fire splatter. Note: Before the rice is poured on the fire, take out a little ash for tilak in a small aluminum bowl that contains a small amount of ghee so that the ash sticks to the forehead. After pouring the rice sprinkle a little water (be careful, do not splatter the fire which is caused by its sudden outburst). This is followed by pouring yogurt on the fire to put out the fire. o^ aEgtQ smQ g C| B Om Agney twam samudram gachha || Oh Agni may you now go to the ocean || o^ p<iFB tBQ SItlA vb| Om prithwi twam shitala bhaba || Oh earth! May you cool down.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Rewarding the Brahmin dixNA Dakshina Then take the coin and give in the hands of rthe Brahmin: fiSw Laav qjLjZ pabw crZjcw fZfeLfiSw c nhochaj hZu Aqw pfcc zz Kritaitat homakarmana sangatartham dakshinamidam purnapatra anukalpa bhyojyam Shri Vishnuur daivatam Brahmaney aham sampradadey. After completing the fire worship (homakarma,) I am herewith offering the reward (dakshina) along with the raw food for dinner (bhojya) in the name of Lord Vishnu. Please note: During the process of havan use few pieces of wood to produce ash. Offering of wood at the final offering will yield ash which needs to be mixed with the little havan ghee to make it slightly pasty in order to give bhasma tilak. Say the following mantras while putting the bhasma. On the forehead: Jy Lnfp uoj zz Om Kashyapashya trausham || Like rishi Kashyam I wish you have a long life || On the neck: SjcN Jy SjcNuoj zz Om Jamadagney trausham || I wish you attain the power of Jamadagni (one of the great sages of ancient India, father of Parashuram, who was one of the incarnations of Vishnu) || On the shoulders: khew Jy khew uoj zz Om jadevanam trayusham || I wish for you divine characters || On the heart: aq Jy aq uoj zz Om tateyhastu trayusham || Wish for you youthfulness in your long life ||
(Worship of a virgin girl, symbolizing Goddess Durga)
kumArI pUjA
Kumari puja Goddess Durga is worshipped in various forms during her period of stay on the earth. One of those forms is the "Kumari", the Virgin form. To imagine the Goddess in the mould of a Kumari is an age old concept. The Kumari is the most powerful form of Mahashakti. She has the potentiality of giving birth to a new life. Thus Kumari Shakti is symbolically the basis of all creation. Our scriptures have emphasized Kumari Puja particularly to evolve the purity and divinity of the women of the society. A girl aged between one to sixteen, symbolising the Kumari form of Devi is worshipped in front of the idol of Goddess Durga. The scriptures mention the great care with which the Kumari is selected to be worshipped as the earthly representative of Devi Durga. The qualities required in the girl have to match the dynamism, purity and serenity of the Goddess. A calm, serene and unmarried girl with a bright disposition between one to sixteen years, who has not yet reached her puberty and is bereft of desire, worldly pleasures and anger, is the right requisite for the Kumari Puja. Depending on the age of the girls they are worshipped in the various forms of the Goddess. A three year old girl is worshipped in the Tridha form of Durga and a four year old is worshipped in the Kalika mould of the Devi. Subhaga and Uma are the forms of Durga for a five and a six year old respectively. The worship is usually done by someone (male or female) who desires to do the puja in front of the Goddess. He/she might have chosen her own Kumari and the priest need to help her perform the ceremony. It is interesting to note that the scripture allows Kumari from any caste but a Brahmin Kumari is usually preferred. Resolution sk ib>uErAm tqsq adY ------ mAEs ------- pEx ------- itEF vAkEr ------ EgA/EgAA ----------------- EdbSmn/EdbI EdbIpurAEnA ibi}nA bAqsirk SrqkAlIn SRIvgbt dugA pUjAAid kmN: flf kAm: pirpUN flfkAm: kumArI pUjAQ ahQ kirE>Y (prAEF kir>YAim)|| Vishnurom tatsat adya --- masey --- pakshey --- tithou bhaskarey (devotee) ---- gotra/gotra ---- devasharmana/devi Devipuarana bidhina batsarik Sharatkalina Shribhagawat Durga pujadi karmanah paripurna phalapraptikamah Kumari pujam aham karishey (pararthey karishyami) In the name of Lord Vishnu, on this auspicious day of ____ I, ____ (gotra and name), As a part of the annual Durga Puja of autumn, I am performing the Kumari Puja In order to fulfill the requirement for complete Durga worship.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Meditation }YAn Dhyan o^ bAlrpA ElAkY sudrIQ brbiNnIm | nAnA AlAr vU>AIQ vdRibdYA pRkAiSnIm|| cArhAsYAQ mhAnd hdyAQ vdAQ vAm| }YAEyYq kumArIQ jnnIQ prmAnd ripNIm| Om balarupancha trailokya sundarim barabarnineem | Nana alankar bhusangim bhadrabidya prakasinim || Charuhasyam mahananda hridayam shubhadam shubham | Dhyaet kumarim jananim paramanda rupinim || In the name of the divinity, I am meditating on Goddess Durga appearing as a young girl, She is most beautiful of the three worlds, who blesses everyone and wish them well. Decked with different ornaments, glowing with wisdom with righteous knowledge, Bearing a beautiful smile from a happy heart, the benevolent, auspicious divine mother, I am worshipping that virgin who is blessing us for our peace and prosperity. Worship kumArI pUjA (pEApcAEr) Kumari puja Put a garland on the Kumari and put flower on her feet everytime you make an offering: eEt g puEp nm: o^ kumAJ nm:| etd pAdYQ, aGYQ, }UpQ, dIpQ, EsApkrn nEbdYQ o^ kumAJ nm:| Etey gandha pushpey namah Om Kumarjai namah | Etad ---- (padyam, arghyam, dhupam, deepam, sopakarana naivedyam) Om Kumarjai namah || I am offering these scented flowers (dipped in sandalwood) to Goddess Durga as virgin Here is the water for washing her feet, rice for her reception, incense to bring fragrance in the air, lamp to show the path, and the food platter to eat from. I pay my reverence to the virgin form of Goddess Durga. After the puja offer sweet and water to the Kumari to eat. Finally do the obeisance at her feet. Obeisance pRNAm Pranam o^ nmAim kulkAimnIQ prmvAgY sAiynIQ | Arla pckumArla cAturIQ pLm pc-ecew || pRbAl iTkA sRjQ rjt rAg bAitAQ z
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA ihrNYL ihrNYLl vu>NAQ vubn lf kumArIQ vEj| Om namami kulakaminim parambhagya sandhayinim | Kumarrati chaturim sakala siddhida nandinam || Prabal gutika srajam rajat raga bastranwitam | Hiranya kula bhushanam bhubanarupa kumarim bhajet || I pay my reverence to the Goddess who fulfills my family wishes Who brings good luck to us all Who cleverly manages the boys and fulfills all her young dreams She beautifies herself with the garland of sea shells While wearing a silver-colored white dress decorated with gold ornaments, Merging as world beauty, I bow to that Goddess of virginity. Rewarding the Virgin Ljl dixNA Kumari dakshina Place a silver coin on the floor in front of the devotee/giver. Put a flower on it and a little water. Chant the following mantra and give the coin in the hand of the Kumari. f lSamU Hax Nff et lSamUlYAy nm:| etq ai}ptEy SRIib>Eb nm:| Hav pfceu Jy --- AjLLjk ejx z ib>uErAm tqsq adY -------- mAEs -------- pEx ------- itEF vAkEr ------ EgA/EgAA SRI -------- EdbSmN:/EdbI AEN bAio EdbIpurAENA ibi}nA bAiok SrqkAlIn SRIvgbt dugA pUjAAid kmN: pirp ttq pirpN flpRAiP kAmnyA k<ttq kumArI pUjAQ sAtAFQ dixnAimdQ lSamU EgAnA lSamUlYQ SRIib>udbtQ JFAsb EgAnAm ------- amk kumAJY tuvYmhQ spdEd| Etah gandhapushpa etashmai rajatamulyaya namah | Etat adhipataye Shri Vishnabey namah | Etat sampradanaya Om --- amuka kumarjai (name of kumari) Vishnurom tat sat adya ---- masey ---- pakshey ----- tithou bhaskarey ---- gotra/gotra Shri ---- devasharmanah/devi (the devotee) Devipuranokta bidhina barshik Sharatkaleena Shri bhagwat Durga pujadi karmanah Paropurna phalaprapti kamanaya kritaitat kumari pujam sangatartham dakshina midam Rajata mulyam Shri Vishnu daivatam jathasambhaba gotranamney --- amuka kumarjai Tubhyamaham sampradadey || May I sanctify the silver coin with the scented flower! May I offer it to Lord Vishnu. Allow me to give it to the Kumari (virgin) with reverence. On this auspicious days of ____ I with my identification ____ (gotra and name) On the occasion of the annual autumn worship of Goddess Durga, By the method described in Devipuran, And in completion of the puja ritual, I have completed the worship of Goddess Durga as virgin and would like to reward this silver coin I am giving this reward to ____ (the virgin) in the name of Lord Vishnu and my identity.
List of Requirements for Kumari Puja A well dressed Kumari who will sit still for half hour without being restless. A person (male or female) to do the Puja of Kumari A small low height sitting stool for Kumari to sit Decorative Ashan which will be placed on the stool on which Kumari will sit. Garland for Kumari Kosha-Kushi to do the Puja A plate (Like a Small Pizza Tray) where Kumari will put her feet A plate of cut fruits & sweets and also a small glass of water to offer Kumari A bouquet of flower for Kumari's hand Dakshina
Adoration with lamp dugAr aArit p pRdIp (Lamps with five wicks) jlS (water conch) b (cloth) pup (flower) dpn (mirror) }upkAi[ (incense sticks) kpUrdAin (camphor) cAmr (fan)
This is described earlier under Saptami and Ashtami. Benedictory prayer pRNAm m Pronam mantra Pray with your folded hands: m sbml mElY iSEb sbAF sAi}Ek| YmEk SrENY YmEk Egir nAArAyiN nEmAh Et|| s<iiit ibnASAnAQ SivuEt snAtin| NASREy NmEy nArAyiN nEmAh Et|| p SrNAgt dInAt prAN prAyEN| sbsYAithEr Edib nArAyiN nEmAh Et| Om sarbamangala mangaleye Shivey sarbartha sadhikaye | Smharanye traimbakey Gouri Narayani namastutey || Shrististhiti binashanam shaktibhutey sanatani | Gunashraye gunamaye Narayani namastutey ||
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Sharanagata deenarta paritran parayaney | Sarbasyartiharey devi Narayani namastutey || (Oh the Goddess!) Bless us as you are our well wisher. Oh the wife of Shiva, allow us to attain our goal In distress, Oh Gouri, the wife of the three-eyed Shiva, I seek your shelter. Accept my obeisance. You are the Creator and the destroyer of the Universe, You are the center of all powers, Oh the immortal! You are holder of all qualities and ever glorified. The destitutes seek your shelter and you rescue them Oh Goddess you remove all our sorrows. I repeatedly bow to you Oh Narayani (Goddess of the people).
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Offering to the vital breath pgRAEsr m Panchagraser mantra This is described earlier (vital breath) in the introductory chapter. Keeping your eyes closed, hold the palms of both hands upwards. Put a little water on the left palm and keep still. On your right palm, touch one by one, the four fingers (starting with the little finger) with the right thumb while chanting the four mantras as you touch the fingers. Give a slight circular motion to the palm and imagining that you are offering the food to the Goddess while She is accepting it from you. wdAnAy o^ pRANAy AhA, o^ apAnAy AhA, o^ smAnAy AhA, o^ wdAnAy AhA, Om! Pranaya swaha, Om! Apanaya swaha, Om! Samanaya swaha, Om! Udanaya swaha Offering this to the vital breaths, prana, apana, samana, udana, At the end, touch the thumb with the tip of the index finger and chant. o^ bYAnAy AhA Om! Byanaya swaha And the vital breath Byanaya Finally, throw the water into the bowl chanting the last line o^ am<tAip }Anmis AhA| Amritapi dhanmasi swaha May this lead to immortality Special note: Continue meditating until you are able to see the Goddess accepting your offer. Singing the Glory of Durga cNa Durga stuti (Prayer of Durga) kE iN Jy AuEq kEn Ecq iNw iNha Ecq Ej z fe Ecq dew Ecq pe LjwQ Ecq Ej zz iEuR Rc LjE Jy iNha iEuRc ihihe LjEc z ejq nl LnL aw q Laue ejqEa zz Om aurdehi jashodehi bhagyam bhagavati dehimey | Putran dehi dhanam dehi sarban kamanscha dehmey | Om bhagavati bhayochhedey bhaba bhabini kamadey | Shankari koushiki twam hi katayani namohastutey || Oh Goddess give me long life, fame, fortune, Sons, wealth, and fulfill all my wishes || Oh Goddess who removes all our fears and fulfills our desires
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN You are Kaushiki, wife of Shiva, (a beautiful woman warrior) You are also Kattayani (daughter of sage Kattayan and a form of Durga) I bow to you with reverence euL Jy fQ fc eaw pfa pleuL z caLl azz a LmcaLl ch Suw cq ejqazz lQ Jy lQ fQ aw fQ hmnme z a hE ejqa lr jw pa ch hEnnl ejqa zz Om prachandey putradey nityam supritey suranaikey | Kuladyota karey devi jayam dehi namohastutey || Om rudrachandey prachandey twam prachanda balashalini | Raksha mam sarbato devi bishweshwari namohastutey || In the form Prachandey, you are the life giver of my son You bring delight as leader of the gods You bring brilliance and victory to the family I bow to you with reverence. You are the ferocious forms of the Goddess, Rudra Chanda, Prachanda And bring strength to us all. Oh Goddess protect us always. I bow to you with reverence Oh the Goddess of the Universe. N N Jy cNlZ cN aw p ehlZ z jr djbjrc ch eaw j hlc ih zz jrc ch nlipR o^ duEg duEg mhAvAEg AihmAQ nlipREy | mih>As< mEdAmE pRNEtAim pRsId Em || Om Durgottarini durgey twam sarbaashubha nibarini | Dharmartha mokshadey devi nityam mey barada bhaba || Om Durgey durgey mahabhagey trahimam Shankarapriye | Mahishasringa madonmattey pranatoshmi praseed mey || You are the one who rescues me from my troubles, you remove all the misfortunes You guide me to the right path, make me wealthy and liberate me from my bondage So I worship you all the time || Oh the Durga, you are eternal, rescue me out from my troubles, Oh the favorite of Shiva. You are the wild who slayed the buffalo demon I bow to you with reverence. Please be kind to me. hr o^ hr pApQ hr EkSQ hr ESAkQ hrvm | hr ErAgQ hr ExAvQ hr mArIQ hripREy || o^ kAil kAil mhAkAil kAilEk ffqlZ | jrc }mAFjrc Edib eluZ nmuEt || Om hara papam hara klesham hara shokam hara ashubham | Hara rogam hara khobham hara marim harapriye || Om Kali Kali mahakali Kalikey papaharini | Dharmartha kama sampattim dehi devi namastutey || Take away all my sins, tiredness, sadness and bad luck Take away all diseases, frustrations, and pandemics,
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Oh the favorite of Shiva (Durga) || Oh the Kali, Kali, Mahakali (mother of darkness) who destroys our sin (ignorance) Liberate us from worldly passion and desire. I bow before you with reverence || mih>iG o^ mih>iG mhAmAEy cAmuE mumAilin | aAyur aAErAgY ibjyQ Edih EdbI nmuEt || iSEb| o^ Buca Em kAil puAn Edih sdA iSEb }nQ Edih mhAmAEy nArisQih JESA mm || Om mahishaghni mahamaye chamundey mundamalini | Aur arogya Vijayam dehi devi namastutey || Om aurdadhatu mey Kali putran dehi sada Shivey | Dhanam dehi mahamaye Narasinhi jasho mama || Oh the slayer of the buffalo demon, the mother of illusion, The wearer of the skulls of the demons as your garland, Bless me to conquer over all diseases and to lead a healthy life Bless me with long life and with many sons, Oh the wife of Shiva. Give me great wealth of wisdom Oh the great Goddess Narashinghi (Favorite of Narasinghavatar, Vishnu) And bring me great fame. o^ iSErA Em ci&kA pAtu kQ pAtu mEhbir | hdyQ hdyQ pAtu cAmu&A sbt: pAtu kAilkA|| o^ aAYQ ku[ dAirdRYQ ErAgQ ESAk dArNm| bujn brAgYQ duEg tBQ hr dugitm || Om shiro mey chandika patu kantham patu maheshwari | Hridayam patu chamunda sarbatah patu Kalika || Om andhyam kushtancha daridyam rogam shokancha darunnam | Bandhu swajana bairagyam Durgey twam hara durgatim || On the head rests Chandika (supreme goddess) On the throat is the Shiva, our protector (patu) In the heart is the seat of Chamunda (the fearsome aspect of Divine Mother who killed both the demons Chanda and Munda) While Kali (the Goddess of Time and Death) protects us all. Durga takes away the miseries of the blind, the lepers, Poverty and illness, of deep depression, And of people without friends and relatives and those in miseries. o^ rAjYQ tsY pRitA c l{I tsY sdA irA | pRvutQ tsY sAmFYQ JsY tBQ mEkApir || B o^ jyQ Edih mhAmAEy jgtsY aprAijEt | ElAkY AimnI tBQ ih xuqippAsAi nAiSnI || Om rajyam tasya pratishtha cha Lakshmi tasya sada sthira | Prabhutam tasya samarthyam jashya twam mastakopari || Om jayam dehi mahamaye jagatasya aparajeetey | Trailokya swamini twam hi kshutpipasarthi nashini || All I have, my property, my prosperity and fame, my stable income are all yours
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN I acquired them with your power and blessing on my head, Oh the victorious Goddess, Oh the undefeated Goddess of the Universe, Your are the ruler of the three worlds (heaven, earth and the world in between) You are the one who takes away our hunger and thirst. }EnYAhQ o^ }EnYAhQ k<t k<EtYAhm sflQ jbnQ mm | aAgtAis JEtA duEg mAEhbrI mmAlym || o^ aGQ pup nEbdYQ mAlYQ mlybAisin || g<hAn brEd Edib klYANQ kur Em sdA || Om dhanyoham kritakrityoham saphalam jibanam mama | Agatashi jato Durgey maheshwari mamalayam || Om arghyam pushpancha naivedyam malyam malayabasini || Grihana baradey devi kalyanam kuru mey sada || I am so very blessed, and so very grateful to you for making my life so fulfilled, As you came to my house Oh Goddess Durga. Take my revered offerings, the flower and the food platter, The flowers from the garden and the garland Please oblige me by accepting them and bless me always. o^ cdEnn smAlE kumkuEmn ibElipEt | iblBpQ k<tApIE# duEg tBQ SrnQ gtA || yAhInQ o^ mhInQ yAhInQ vihInQ suErbrI | Edb Jq pUijtQ myA Edb pirpUNQ tduEm || Om chandanena samalabdhey kukumena bilepitey | Bilwapatram kritapirey Durgey twam sharanam gata || Om mantra hinam kriyahinam bhaktihinam sureshwari | Jat pujitam maya devi paripurnam tadastumey || I have obtained the sandalwood and vermilion, annointed on apple wood leaves I seek your shelter Oh Goddess Durga. I neither know the mantras nor the rituals; my devotion may also be wanting, Yet in whatever way I have my imperfect worship, Through your blessing please make it perfect. o^ kAEyn mnsA bAcA kmnA J k<tQ myA | tq sQ pirpUNQEt td pRsAdAq suErbrI|| Om kayena manasa bacha karmana ja kritam maya | Tat sarbam paripurnamtey tad prasadat sureshwari || Whatever I have done through my body, mind, speech and action (in worshipping you) There will be many short comings. Please fulfill those voids, Oh Goddess, the beloved of Shiva, and make them complete by your grace.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Obeisance pRNAm Pronam Pray with your folded hands: m sbml mElY iSEb sbAF sAi}Ek| SrENY YmEk Egir nAArAyiN nEmAh Et|| YmEk s<iiit ibnASAnAQ SivuEt snAtin| NASREy NmEy nArAyiN nEmAh Et|| p SrNAgt dInAt prAN prAyEN| sbsYAithEr Edib nArAyiN nEmAh Et| Om sarbamongal mongolaye Shivey sarbartha sadhikaye | Smharanye traimbakey Gouri Narayani namastutey || Shrististhiti binashanam shaktibhutey sanatani | Gunashraye gunamaye Narayani namastutey || Sharanagata deenarta paritran parayaney | Sarbasyartiharey devi Narayani namastutey || (Oh the Goddess!) Bless us as you are our well wisher. Oh the wife of Shiva, allow us to attain our goal In distress, Oh Gouri, the wife of the three-eyed Shiva, I seek your shelter. Accept my obeisance. You are the Creator and the destroyer of the Universe, You are the center of all powers, Oh the immortal! You are holder of all qualities and ever glorified. The destitutes seek your shelter and you rescue them with compassion. Oh Goddess you remove all our sorrows. I repeatedly bow to you Oh Narayani (Goddess of the people). Immersion Ceremony ibsn Bisarjan Prayer o^ ibi}hInQ vihInQ iyAhInQ Jdi ctm | jqn puNQ vbtu tqsQ avfpcv jqnl || Om bidhihinam bhaktihinam kriyahinam jadarchitam | Purnam bhabatu tatsarbam twatprasdat meheshwari I have made the offerings to you without knowing the ritual, With imperfect devotion and inappropriate action, Oh Goddess, the wife of Shiva, Fulfill it with your grace and oblige me. Put a flower on the holy pitcher and pray with folded hands:
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN o^ duEg EdbI xm| o^ inmAlYbAisN nm:| o^ Qnk ejx | Om Durgey Devi khamasya| Om Nirmalyabasinyai namah | Om Chandeyswarjai namah || I beg apology Oh Durga, the divine spirit in these remains of flowers I bow to the Chandi form of Durga associated with these remains|| Moving the deity Give a little push to the base of the deity while chanting: Jy E ch Qj iw fSw fNq Q z Ll jj LmZ Aix ni pq zz o^ g C g C prQ AnQ AnQ EdbI ci&Ek| kv fSaw ju ch flfZw ac j zz bRj aw EsRAtp Sm it EgEh Q iau | Om uttishtha devi Chamundey shubham puram pragrijya cha | Kuruswa mama kalyana ashtabhi shaktibi saha || Om gacha gacha param sthanam swasthanam devi Chandikey | Jat pujitam maya devi paripurnam tadantu mey || Braja twam shrotashi jaley tishta gehey cha bhutaye || Oh Goddess Chamundey (the killer of the devils Chanda and Munda), Arise and accept my auspicious worship and bless me with your eight powerful Forms (Shakti) before you go to your heavenly abode, Oh Goddess Chandi (the fearful form of fighting mother). Fill in the void that I might have left during my worship. As you flow into the stream Leave your good wishes at my home for my prosperity. Placement of water for immersion Sm fe Jalasthapan Place water in a big bowl and sanctify it before immersing the reflection of the deity in the mirror. o^ duEg EdbI jgnAt: AeQ g C pUijEt| smBbqsr bYAitEt tu punr aAgmnAy c|| aAgmnAy ehca hcaQ Cjw fSw ju ch kbn ehcaQ z zz lrb pjcu hS ejjw zz Om Durgey devi jaganmatah swasthanam gachha pujitey | Sambatsara byatitetu punar agamanaya cha || Imam pujam maya devi jathashakti niveditam | Raksharthantu samadaya bajra swasthanmuttamam || Oh Durga the mother of the Universe, now you go to your heavenly abode after my prayers Come back after one year and I will offer you all that I can. Protect us from where you are firmly established.
u Jy kbn La fS pj nlfu z chax h NR chax p c a haw hlj z LmpnMl lj pd LmpnMl lj pwa ih pd zz N a fSap ju i ehcN plQa z aw fNq hlw c Ll sw kbpMj zz Om! Jathashakti krita puja samasta Shankarapriye | Gachhantu devatah sarba dattwa to banchhitam baram || Kailasha shikhara ramye samsthita bhaba sannidhou | Punitashi maya bhaktya nabadurgey surarchitey || Twam pragrihya baram dattwa kuru kriram jathasukham || I have done the worship to the best of my ability Oh the wife of Shiva As you leave, fulfill all my ambitions Please stay close to us while you happily live on the mountain top of Kailash (Himalaya) I will devotedly worship you every time you come along with other Gods Bless us while you stay happily amongst us keufq L ufq mfej Jy keufqaw Lv h Nemfej z av pjfiS aw NR ch kb pMj zz o^ rAjYQ SnYQ g<hQ SNYQ sbSnYA dirdRtA| tBA m<Et vgbtY ikQ kErAim bd tq|| Om janmayopahritam kinchit bastra gandhanulepanam | Tat sarbamupabhujya twam gacha devi jatha sukham || Om rajyam shunyam griham shunyam sarbashunya daridrata | Twa mritey bhagabatyamba kim karomi badaswa tat || With humility we offered you clothes and essence, and now you go happily. As you go we feel the emptiness in our kingdom and home and We feel so very deprived Yet in the name of the eternity, Oh Goddess, advise us as to what to do! Immersion Process Take the mirror that was placed at the feet of the image after giving bath to the reflection of Goddess Durga. The mirror has (hRIQ) mantra written on it with vermilion paste. Immerse it under the sanctified water. o^ inmAAis Edib tBQ pikA bitA jEl| puAyu}n b<YFQ AiptAis jEl myA|| o^ pUjItA EdbIdugA xm}Q|| Om! Nimajjambhasi devi twampatrika barjeeta jaley | Putrayurdhana bridhyartham sthapitasi jaley maya | Om pujita devi Durga khamadhyam || Oh Goddess! Immerse in water as I place the Navapatrika in the water As I place you in water, I seek your blessing for the expansion of my family (son), life and wealth Forgive me Oh Goddess Durga for my faults in my prayers.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Obeisance pRNAm m Pranam mantra ErAgAQESAkAw o^ ErAgAQESAkAw aphQis tu, rA tu kAmAn sklAQ aivAn| tmAiSR tBm BiSRtAnAQ ibp rANAQ, tmAiSRtA hYASRytAQ pRyAi|| bAEkY>u ibEdYsu SAE>u ibEbkdIEp>u aAEdY>u bAEkY>u c kA tBdnYA| gEt at mmtB gEt ait mhAkAEr ibvRAmyit etq atb ibbm| ibbm|| ibEbbrI tBQ pirpAis ibbQ, ibbAitkA }Ayyis Hit ibbm|| ibEbS bdYA vbtI vbi, ibbASRyA Et itB vi nmR:| EdbI pRsId pirpAly n: airvIEt:, intQ JFA asurb}Aq a}unA eb sdY:| sb pApAin sbjgtA SmQ nyA, wqpAp pApjintAQc mhA wpsgAn|| pRNtAnAQ pRsId tBQ EdbI ibbAit hAiriN| ElAkY bAisnAm ~EDY ElAknAQ brdA vb|| Om ragamshokam apahansi tusta, rusta tu Kaman sakalam abhistan | Twam ashritanam bipanna ranam, twamashrita hyashratam prayanti || Bidyeshu shashtreshu Vivekdeepeshu adyeshu bakyeshu ch ka twadanya | Mamatwa gartey ati mahandhakarey bibhramayati etat ateeba viswam || Vishwesha bandya bhabati bhabanti, vishwashraya tey twi bhakti namah | Devi praseed paripalaya nah arivititeyh nityam jatha asurbadhat adhuna eba sadyah | Papani sarbajagatancha shamam nayashu, utpapa papajanitansch maha upasargan || Prnatam praseed twam devi biswat harini | Trilokya basinam idye lakanam bara bhava || Oh Mother Durga, You are happy to destroy all our diseases and calamities You are mad about our greed and passion You give us protection when we are surrounded by danger I am helpless in approaching you to seek your shelter My knowledge, conscience, wisdom and speech are not functioning I am confused in the darkness of my ignorance Oh the Goddess of the Universe who protects this Universe, Who is holding this Universe The World is in praise of you and submitting to Thy glory, Oh Goddess you are so kind to your subjects and protect them from the demons From the sins and disturbances I bow to Thee, the destroyer of our enemies The entire Universe is in praise of you and I offer my oblations. Moving the Holy Pitcher OVQme Ghatchalana Move the holy pitcher while chanting: fljn NR NR flw ew ew fljnl z haa pwhvpl haa a felNjeuQ zz hlc j fljn Jy rj hlc ch jmw fljnl z iN pN iN ch cc gmfc zz
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Gachha gachha param sthanam swastanam parameshwari | Sambatsar byatite tu punaragamanayacha || Om khamasya baradey devi mangalyam parameshwari | Sarbaga shubhaga devi drishtadrishta phalaprada || Oh Goddess you now go to your abode After the completion of one year you return here. Oh the auspicious Goddess forgive me for my short comings and bless me With your continued blessing we are rewarded with good luck. Peace Chant nj (pjhcu) Shantimantra (samavedya) Hold the holy water pitcher on the palm of your left hand. Take out the leaves and dip into the consecrated water. Then sprinkle the holy water on the heads of the attending devotees. Keep chanting the following mantra while sprinkling. jqhjchGo Cc kyA ni HitVkysY jqhjchGohlsx NuRc Cc cha Sf heuNx n LjZ Sf heuNx z Kaya naschitra iti riktrayasya Mahabama devya rishir birar Gayatri chhanda Indro devata Shanti karmani japey viniyoga | This peace chant is written by sage Mahabamadeva in Gayatri meter and addressed to Indra, the King of the Devas. Always victorious in numerous ways and friendly to us all, and whose (Lord Indra) protection surrounds us all. Jy Lu nQ Bihca pc hdx pM z Lu nQu ha z pa jwq Jy L pa jcew jwq jvpcpx z QclS cY QclS hp z Jy Aio Zx pMejla Slaej z au naw ihx pau zz Om kaya naschitra ah bhubaduti sada bridhah sakha | Kaya sachisthaya brita | Om kasta satyo madanam mamhistho matsadhandasah | Drirha chidarujey basu | Im abhishunah sakhinambita jaritrinam | Shatam bhabah swutaye || (Oh Indra) How were you inspired to protect your friends and followers and help them prosper ? How did you get the strength h to destroy your enemies and Defend the righteous people. Come in hundreds of forms to protect us, your appreciators. Cc hcx e Alejx, Jy ex Cc hnhx ex fo hnhcx z eAr Alejx,
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN e hqfacda zz Jy , Jy , Jy zz Om swasti nah Indro bridhdhashravah, swasti nah Pusha Viswavedah | Swasti narstrakshyo arishtanemi swastino Brihaspatirdadhatu | Om Swasti, Om Swasti, Om Swasti || May Indra, inscribed in the scriptures do well to us, May Pusha who is knower of world do good to us and May Trakshya who devastates enemies do good to us! May Brihaspati do well to us! OM Peace, Peace, Peace". o^ EdY: SAi: arIxQ SAi: p<iFbI SAirAp: SAi rA>}y: SAi: | bnpty: SAiibESEdbA: SAibSAi: sQ SAi: || SAi SAiErb SAi: sA mA SAiEri} | Om dauh shantih antariksham shantih prithibi shantirapah shanthi Roshadhayah shantih banaspataye shanti Vishwadeva shanti Brahmashanti sarbam shantih | Shantireba shanti sa ma shantiredhi || (Rigveda) There is peace in the sky, there is peace on earth, and there is peace in the heavens. There is peace in the world. There is peace in the water, there is peace on land. There is peace in nature (plant, animals, flowers, insects, and herbs) There is peace in the Universe. There is peace with Brahma, the Creator, May this all pervading peace enter into us and permeate us to the very core of our being. ibnSYt o^ SAir iSbA ibnSYt v Jq | Jt ebAgtQ pAp tb pitg Ctu AhA || Om shantirastu Shivanchastu binasyata shubhancha jat | Yata ebagatam papa tatraiba pratigachatu swaha || By the grace of Lord Shiva, peace will prevail. May He destroy all the evil to establish peace. May all the sins (ignorance) be removed and permanently stay away from us. o^ pUNmd: pUNAimdm pUNAq pUN mudcYEt | pUNsY pUNmAdAy pUNEmbA aibiS>YEt || o^ SAi: o^ SAi: o^ SAi: Om purna madah purnamidam purnat purna mudachyatey | Purnasya purnamadaya purnameba abishishyatey || Om Shantih! Om Shantih! Om Shantih! You are infinite (perfect, absolute) here, you are infinite (perfect, absolute) there, and When we take out the infinite (perfect, absolute) from the infinite (perfect, absolute), The infinite (perfect, absolute) still remains infinite (perfect, absolute). In other words: You are Infinite, Absolute and Perfect in every possible way.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Benidictory Prayers o^ asEtA mA sq gmy, Ej my, tmEsA mA EjAtgmy, m<tuYr mA am<tYQ Nju | Om asato maa sat gamaya Tamaso maa jyotirgamaya Mrityor maa amritam gamaya (Oh Almighty God!) Lead me from the unreal (illusion) to the real, From darkness to light, From the fear of death to the knowledge of immortality. Rewarding the priest for his services (muladakshina) dixNA Dakshina Put an appropriate denomination coin on the floor. Sprinkle a little water on the coin and place a flower on it. etj k^AnmUlYu nm:| etd Ai}ptEy SRIib>Eb nm:| etj Yu Hav pfceu Jy cNch ejx z Etadmsi kanchana mulaya namah | Etat adhipataye Shri Vishnabey namah || Etat sampradanaya Om Durgadevai namah || May I sanctify the coin in the name of Lord Vishnu, our protector. I am offering this to the priest in the name of Goddess Durga tqsv --------ib>uErAm tqsv adY ------- mAEs --------- pEx ------- itEF vAkEr ------- EgA SRI ------- EdbSmN: A EdbI purAn ibi}nA ncN faLjeu Laav hoL nlvLme cNjqfS LjZx pabw L crZjcw Lejmw nho chaw ncNch aijqw pfcc zz Om Vishnurom tatsad adhya --- month --- fortnight (lunar) ---- day bhaskarey --- gotra Shri ---- devasharmanah Devi puranokta bidhina Shri Durga pritikamanaya kritaitat Barshik saratkalin Durgapuja karmanah sangatartham Dakshinamidam kanchanamulyam Shri Vishnu daivatam Shri Durgadevai tubhyamaham sampradadey || On this auspicious day (bhskarey), in the name of Lord Vishnu, in the month of ---- in the lunar fortnight of ---- on the tithi (day) of ---I will offer this money to ---- gotra of name ---- (the priest) who completed the Annual Durga Puja of autumn, by the method described in Devi Puran, In the name of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Durga, I am giving it to you.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Seeking Forgiveness ARhdlZ Achidrabadharan Take a little water in your right palm and chant. After completing the chant discard the water in the offering plate (tamrapatra): Ac cq o^ JdxrQ pirvRQ mAAhIn JEbq| pUNQ vbtu tqsQ tqpRsAcq suErbr|| mhInQ iyAhInQ vihInQ suErbr| Jq pUijtQ myA Edb pirpUNQ tduEm| tQ AdAq o^ kAEyn mnsA bAcA kmnA Jv k<tQ myA, tq sQ pirpUNQ tq pRsAdAq suErbr:| Om jadaksharam paribhrashtam matrahinancha jadbhabet | Purnam bhabatu tatsarbam tatprasadat sureshwara | Mantraheenam kriyaheenam bhaktiheenam Sureshwara | Jat pujitam maya Deva paripurnam tadastumey || Om kayena manasabacha karmana jat kritam maya | Tat sarbam paripurnam tad prasadat sureshwari || All the mistakes I committed unknowingly in reading the script, Oh Lord make them perfect by your grace. I do not know the mantras, the rituals and even I lack the devotion to perform them right, yet what I did, Oh Lord, make them right. I could not bring in words what I wanted to say, but I did my best. Please fill in the void I left and bless me. Resolving Errors he pjde Baigunya samadhan Pray with folded hands A@ lo Jy A@ec kc h jqv fQha dlo kv z jlZch hox jlZch ac hox pfZw pca nax zz Om agyanad jadi ba mohat prachyabeta dhwareshu jat | Smaranadeva tad Vishno sampurnam syaditi shruti || All the omissions in my performance of puja will be completed When I remember Lord Vishnu and seek His forgiveness. etd sbQ kmflQ SRIEdbIdugA crEN smpyAim| Etad sarbam karmaphalam Shri Devi Durga charaney samarpayami | I am submitting here to the feet of Goddess Durga with utmost humility The results of my worship.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Conclude your prayer by seeking forgiveness from the Goddess and taking shelter under our protector, Lord Vishnu. nEmA duEg EdbI xm: | nEmA duEg EdbI xm: | nEmA duEg EdbI xm: | hir o^ tqsq || Namah Durgey devi Khamashyah \ Namah Durgey devi Khamashyah \ Namah Durgey devi Khamashyah \ Hari Om tatsat || Forgive me Oh Goddess Durga for my mistakes. I submit in the name of Lord Vishnu, my protector. Let Thy will be done, Oh Hari (Vishnu)
Attendees of Durga Puja approach the priest to perform puja for their own individual family. In a big gathering this may be time consuming and exhausting. The following steps may help to satisfy individual families seeking the blessing of Durga. Explanation of the mantras are available in the main text. Sankalpa: Do Sankalpa for all families at one time, using the name of the Head of the family in each case, (mantra available in the beginning) . Anjali (Flower offering) pupAil mih>iG Jy mih>iG mhAmAEy cAmuE mumAilin| aAyur aAErAgY ibjyQ Edih EdbI nmuEt| ipSAEcEvY lExvY mEhh vY Ex hir| vut EpRt ipSAEcEvY lExvY mEhhir| EdEbEvYA mAnuE>vY vEyvY rx mAQ sdA| s ml mElY iSEb sAF sAi}Ek| wEm bRAiN EkmAir ibbrEp pRsId Em|| g e>: scdn pupAil vgbtI EdbI dugA y nm:| Om! Mahishagni mahamaye chamundey mundamalini | Aur arogya bijayam dehi devi namastutey | Bhutapreta pishachevyo rakshyebhyascha Maheshwari | Devebhyo manushebhyascha bhabhyo rakshmam sada | Om! Sarba mangala mangalye Shivey sarbartha sadhikey | Umey Brahmani koumari vishwarupey praseedamay | Esha schandana pushpanjali bhagavati devi Durgawai namah || Oh the killer of buffalo demon, you appear as Chamunda (killer of demon Chamunda) wearing the garland of enemy heads. You save us from all diseases and bring victory. You bring good luck and good wishes to us all, Oh the wife of Shiva. You are Uma, ever youthful and spread over the Universe, be pleased with us. Here is the sandalwood dipped flower offered to you with great reverence. Jy vgbit vyE CEd kAtYAyiN c kAmEd| kAlk<t EkiSik tQ ih kAtYAyiN nmuEt|| dY Jy pRcE puEk intYQ suipREt surnAiyEk| kuldYt kEr EcAEgR jyQ Edih nmuEt|| nm: rdRcE pRcAis pRc gNnAiSin| rx mAQ sEtA EdbI ibEbbrI nmuEt|| Om bhagawati bhayachedey Katyani cha kamadey | Kalkrit koushiki twam he Katyayani namastutey || Om prochandey putrakey nityam supritey suranayikey | Kuladyota karey chogrey jayam dehi namastutey || Namah rudrachandey prachandashi prachanda gananashini | Raksha mam sarbato devi Vishewari namastutey || Oh Goddess, who removes all our fears, who fulfills all our wishes, Who wears red dress (Katyayani), gives us wisdom (Kaushiki) Who holds the time (Kalkrit) and alwaya victorious, I bow to you.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA Oh the killer of many demons (Rudra Chanda and Prachanda) and killer of all enemies. Protect me from all sides Oh the Goddess of the Universe, I bow to you. Here is the sandalwood dipped flower offered to you with great reverence, Oh Goddess Durga! Jy duEg tAirNI duEg tQ sAv ibnAiSNI| }mAF kAm EmAxAy intYQ Em brdA vb|| pRcE cmuAEr mumAlA ibvUi>Et| nmuvYQ inAEr vI>N kAiriN|| e>: scdn pupAil vgbtI EdbI dugAy nm:| Om Durgey tarini Durgey twam sarbashubha binashini | Dharmartha kama mokshaya nityam mey barada bhaba || Prachandey chandamundarey mundamala bibhusitey | Namastibhyam nishumbharey shumbha bheesana karini || Oh the savior from our miseries, who always brings good luck, Who blesses us to attain our human goal of dharma (righteous principle of life), artha (wealth), kama (desire) and mokshya (liberation). Here is the sandalwood dipped flower offered to you with great reverence, Oh Goddess Durga! Obeisance pRNAm Pronam m sbml mElY iSEb sbAF sAi}Ek| SrENY YmEk Egir nAArAyiN nEmAh Et|| YmEk s<iiit ibnASAnAQ SivuEt snAtin| NASREy NmEy nArAyiN nEmAh Et|| p SrNAgt dInAt prAN prAyEN| sbsYAithEr Edib nArAyiN nEmAh Et| Om sarbamangal mangalye Shivvey sarbartha sadhikaye | Smaranye traimbhakey Gouri Narayani namastutey || Shrististhiti binashanam shaktibhutey sanatani | Gunashraye gunamaye Narayani namastutey || Sharanagata deenarta paritran parayaney | Sarbasyartiharey devi Narayani namastutey || (Oh the Goddess!) You bless us as our well wisher. Oh the wife of Shiva, allow us to attain our goal In distress, Oh Gouri, the wife of the three-eyed Shiva, I offer my deep reverence to Thee. You are the Creator and the destroyer of the Universe, You are the center of all powers, Oh the immortal! You harbor all qualties as you endowed with all qualities. Oh the goddess of wealth You rescue the poor who takes shelter under you You take away all miseries Oh Goddess, Oh the betower, I repeatedly bow to you with reverence. Oh the goddess of wealth
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN You rescue the poor who takes shelter under you You take away all miseries Oh Goddess, Oh the betower, I repeatedly bow to you with reverence. Adoration With Lamp Bla Arati Perform Arati with dhoop only, circling on each platter offered by the devotee. The process is described elsewhere in this text.
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Kudrishtih kubakya prabanddhah sadaham, gatistwam gatistwam twameka bhabani || I was always involved in bad acts, kept bad company, took bad advice, and worked against my family and society. I looked at bad things, said bad words all the time, I find no way for my rescue than to seek your refuge, Oh the Mother of the Universe. anAEFA dirEdRA jrAErAgJuEA, mhAxINdIn: sdA jADYbEA: | ibp vbAin| ibp pRib: pRbu: sdAhQ, gitQ gitQ tEmkA vbAin|| Anatho daridro jararogajukto, mahakshindeenah sada jadyabaktoh | Bipaktou prabishtha prabuddhah sadaham, gatistwam gatistwam twameka bhabani || The poor, the destitutes, the diseased, the week, the handicaps, the helpless, the people who confronts danger, always seek your shelter, you are their only refuge Oh the Mother of the Universe.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA fla chx fla chx LWeal ph Lmau fnadLjfea nad ju fnadLjfea ahup z jax ahuc Ccew j jax ahuc LfZf iha elm kj elm mcl See Ljkj jlZj zz3zz * phch Rs Nm jl HC ih que pde iSe el Aih z HMe Hp fyQna, H ih pNl aj e Llm cu L Llh jl zz * Paritwakta devah Kathinatara seva kulataya Maya panchashiter-adhika-mapapanitey tubayashi Idanim me matah Tabayadi kripanapi bhabita Niralambo lambodar janani Kamajami sharanam All the Gods have left me as I could notfollow their rigorous rituals of worship. Now, I am 85 years old, desperately seeking your favor. In this pitiable condition, if I do not have your compassion, Oh Mother of Ganesha, where will I go for my shelter? SNealjax ah QlZph e lQa ju ehcj ch hejfiu h ju z elfj abfaw pqj ju elfj k flo Lf Suax LQcf Lja e iha zz4zz Suax Qcf zz4 * q jax, Lle ajl fS aC je iu, ah jl RseL, cuR Bnu z Lf AeL qu, Lja L Lh lu zz * Jaganmatarmatah taba charanaseva na rachita Nabadattam devi drabinamatibhuya staba maya | Tathapitwan sneham mayi nirupam yatra purushey Kuputro jayetah kwachidapi kumata na bbhati. Oh the goddess of the Universe!I have never cared to touch your feet; Gave my offerings or prayed to you And yet you, the compassionate loving mother,had been so kind to me. There could be a bad child but never a bad mother. Qa ij m Vd Qa ijmf Nlmjpej cLfVdl L SWdl L iSN faql ffa z a SNcnL fchj Lfm iap iSa SNcnL fchj Z lZ, ihea Sfa fax jmZ, lZ, nh nh ihea Sfax zz5zz * ijjM, SWdl, BL No Ll fe hodl Nm eu ah ej LlR hue z qu ffa, SNcnl, ah XLa ime jme, le, nh, nh, ihe zz *
NEW AGE PUROHIT DARPAN Chita bhashmalepo Garalmasanam dikpatadharo Jatadhari kanthey bhujaga patihari Pashupatih | Kapali bhuteysho Bhajati jagadeeshaika padabim Mrilani, Rudrani, Shiva Shiva Bhavaniti japataha || Covered with funeral ashes, your husband Shiva, with poison in his throat and circular vision, grows interlocked hair, carries poisonous snakes around his neck, is known as Pashupati (Lord of all beings). He, the king of the ghosts, gets the credit as Lord of the Universe (Jagadishwara) by chanting your names to seek your favor Mrilani, Rudrani, Shiva Shiva Bhavani. elcap hde hhd-EfQl ca hhd- fQl hQ Lw lrQeflCl eLaj hQi z Ae nj ajh kc Leju Aeb dvp fljahh zz6 dvp Lfj EQajj fljahh zz6zz * e Se iLa a, Bj ceSe jdl hL aju Lle iSe z JN iNha aj cul pNl Apqu pel ajC eil zz * Narayadhitasi bidhina bibidho-upacharai Kkim rukshachintanaparair nakritam bachovi | Shyamey! Twameba yadi kinchanamayee anathey Dhatsey kripam uchitamyamwa paramtwabaiba I have neither performed any ritual nor given various offerings to you, nor did I utter flowery words in your praise, Oh compassionate blissful mother! Please consider me to be your helpless son who needs your protection. acuj Bfvp jNj jlZj acuj hp Llj cN LlZehp i ua eavRVaw jj ihua d n Seej zz7 rd na Seej jl zz7zz * HC jq pwLV ah euR jlZ jN aj Lf Ll Se AiSe z n kh L Ll j, jN hm j aMe nVl eu Lm am zz * Apatsu magnam smaranam twadiyam Karomee Durgey karunaarnabesi Naitat-chatatwam mama bhabayetah Kshudha trisharta jananim smaranti I am remembering you in my distress, Oh Goddess Durga have compassion for me. This feeling of mine is not unusual because the child cries for the mother when hungry or thirsty.
BOOK 4: DURGA PUJA SNc hQjLj flfZ LlZ Qeu fljflh j Afld fljflhaj fra zz8 eq ja pjfra paj zz8zz * See, SNc, HC hn eLl ah Lfu flfZ SNa pwpl z rj jj Afld, See kja Li eq Ll aN ayql pa z * Jagadamba bichitramatrakim Paripurna karunaasti chinmayi Apraradha paramparabritam Nahi mata samupekhshatey sutam Oh Goddess of the universe (Jagadamba)! In this world of multitude, you are wholesome, kind and compassionate. Pardon my faults as no mother will ever leave her child uncared. jvp e ffO avpj jvpj faL e ffO avpj eq kbkN Ll Chj a jqch kbkNj ab Ll * jj pj faL eC H hn jTl hm cJ L Llm alh pwpl zz * Matsamo pataki nastee papaghni twatsama nahi Ibam gyantma Mahadevi! Yathayogyam tatha kuru || In this world there is no one moe sinful than me, Oh Mother! And no one will pardon my faults like you. Knowing this, Oh Goddess, do what you feel to be appropriate.
Professor Kanai Lal Mukherjee, popularly known as Cyber Grandpa, was born in a priest family in Varanasi (July 4, 1926). As he was the eighth child, he was named after Krishna (Kanai) who was also he eighth child of His parents. He learned his priesthood from his father Pandit Haribrahmo Bhattacharjee alias Mukherjee, and from his maternal uncle Professor Brahomadhab Bhattacharjee. (Note: Bhattacharjee is a title given to dedicated priests). His father became blind when Dr. Mukherjee was five years old. So he became his fathers blind mans dog and learnt the puja rituals by sitting next to his father until he took his sacred thread at the age of ten. After reaching his adolescence he started doing the Hindu rituals to assist the family. When he reached his adulthood he was frustrated with the poor return of his family trade. Out of frustration he moved into science and married a non-Brahmin, Dr. Bibha Mukherjee (1954). His wife motivated him to relearn the priesthood as an academician. This book is the outcome of this unique combination. Dr. Mukherjee often refers his wife, with respect, as his guru who came into his life as Gods blessing. Dr. Mukherjee came to the west alone in 1959 and was later joined by his wife and three small children. Dr. Mrs. Mukherjee received her doctorate in Geography from the University of Iowa (1964). Both of them were teachers of long standing. After his immigration to USA, Dr. Mukherjee promoted the Bengali tradition of Hindu puja rituals in the Baltimore-Washington DC area and became deeply involved in explaining the significance of the rituals to local people, various educational institutions and churches. His weekend-priesthood did not mask his professional career of medical technology. He was considered as an authority in his field and published many books with such renowned publishers as Mosby, McGraw Hill and American Medical Association. His three children and six grandchildren are his life beats. All of them are highly accomplished. He received his recognition as Cyber Grandpa from the International Community (India Abroad and India Today, 1986). The World Indian Community knows him as a great story teller. His homepage ( contains 300 videos of Indian stories and now this book on Hindu Puja rituals. After his wifes death (2007) he moved to Nashville, TN and now lives with his eldest daughter, Dr. Anuradha Chakravarthy, Vanderbilt University.