CAP Progress Report

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Coordinated Admissions Program - Progress Report

First Cohort - Entering Component Campuses Fall 2001

Freshman applicants to UT Austin who were offered CAP: Number of Offered who returned CAP Contracts: CAP Contracts by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio Total CAP Contracts 2102 599 % of total 35% 3% 2% 1% 59% % of Offered 28%

210 19 12 6 352 599

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First Cohort - Returning to UT Austin Fall 2002

Number of Participants Admitted to UT Austin Fall 2002: Number of Participants Enrolled at UT Austin Fall 2002: UT Austin Enrollments by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio Total UT Austin Enrollment 184 182 % of Admitted % of Enrollment 40% 2% 0% 2% 56% 99%

73 4 0 3 102 182

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Second Cohort - Entering Component Campuses Fall 2002

Freshman applicants to UT Austin who were offered CAP: Number of Offered who returned CAP Contracts: CAP Contracts by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio Total CAP Contracts 3407 982 % of total 34% 2% 3% 1% 60% % of Offered 29%

334 24 26 6 592 982

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Second Cohort - Returning to UT Austin Fall 2003

Number of Participants Admitted to UT Austin Fall 2003: Number of Participants Enrolled at UT Austin Fall 2003: UT Austin Enrollments by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio Total UT Austin Enrollment 340 326 % of Admitted % of Enrollment 31% 2% 1% 1% 66% 96%

102 5 2 2 215 326

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Third Cohort - Entering Component Campuses Fall 2003

Freshman applicants to UT Austin who were offered CAP: Number of Offered who returned CAP Contracts: CAP Contracts by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio Total CAP Contracts 6258 2089 % of total 32% 2% 2% 1% 63% % of Offered 33%

673 42 39 15 1320 2089

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Third Cohort - Returning to UT Austin Fall 2004

Number of Participants Admitted to UT Austin Fall 2004: Number of Participants Enrolled at UT Austin Fall 2004: UT Austin Enrollments by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio Total UT Austin Enrollment 872 813 % of Admitted % of Enrollment 30% 1% 0% 1% 68% 93%

245 8 1 6 553 813

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Fourth Cohort - Entering Component Campuses Fall 2004

Freshman applicants to UT Austin who were offered CAP: Number of Offered who returned CAP Contracts: CAP Contracts by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio Total CAP Contracts 4348 1366 % of total 24% 0% 2% 3% 1% 69% % of Offered 31%

334 5 32 35 11 949 1366

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Fourth Cohort - Returning to UT Austin Fall 2005

Number of Participants Admitted to UT Austin Fall 2005: Number of Participants Enrolled at UT Austin Fall 2005: UT Austin Enrollments by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio Total UT Austin Enrollment 589 540 % of Admitted % of Enrollment 23% 0% 1% 1% 1% 74% 92%

126 2 6 4 3 399 540

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Fifth Cohort - Entering Component Campuses Fall 2005

Freshman applicants to UT Austin who were offered CAP: Number of Offered who returned CAP Contracts: CAP Contracts by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total CAP Contracts 5364 1540 % of total 20% 1% 2% 2% 1% 71% 3% % of Offered 29%

312 14 37 34 15 1087 41 1540

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Fifth Cohort - Returning to UT Austin Fall 2006

Number of Participants Admitted to UT Austin Fall 2006: Number of Participants Enrolled at UT Austin Fall 2006: UT Austin Enrollments by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total UT Austin Enrollment 533 495 % of Admitted % of Enrollment 19% 1% 1% 1% 0% 75% 2% 93%

96 5 5 7 2 372 8 495

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Sixth Cohort - Entering Component Campuses Fall 2006

Freshman applicants to UT Austin who were offered CAP: Number of Offered who returned CAP Contracts: CAP Contracts by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total CAP Contracts 6651 1869 % of total 20% 1% 2% 2% 2% 71% 2% % of Offered 28%

371 14 38 36 41 1323 46 1869

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Sixth Cohort - Returning to UT Austin Fall 2007

Number of Participants Admitted to UT Austin Fall 2007: Number of Participants Enrolled at UT Austin Fall 2007: UT Austin Enrollments by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total UT Austin Enrollment 676 634 % of Admitted % of Enrollment 17% 1% 1% 2% 2% 76% 2% 94%

107 5 7 10 14 480 11 634

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Seventh Cohort - Entering Component Campuses Fall 2007

Freshman applicants to UT Austin who were offered CAP: Number of Offered who returned CAP Contracts: CAP Contracts by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total CAP Contracts 6327 1685 % of total 18% 1% 3% 2% 1% 72% 2% % of Offered 27%

298 22 43 38 24 1221 39 1685

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Seventh Cohort - Returning to UT Austin Fall 2008

Number of Participants Admitted to UT Austin Fall 2008: Number of Participants Enrolled at UT Austin Fall 2008: UT Austin Enrollments by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total UT Austin Enrollment 650 600 % of Admitted % of Enrollment 15% 0% 3% 1% 2% 78% 2% 92%

90 2 15 6 10 466 11 600

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Eighth Cohort - Entering Component Campuses Fall 2008

Freshman applicants to UT Austin who were offered CAP: Number of Offered who returned CAP Contracts: CAP Contracts by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total CAP Contracts 8080 2003 % of total 18% 2% 2% 2% 0% 73% 3% % of Offered 25%

354 46 44 45 8 1454 52 2003

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Eighth Cohort - Returning to UT Austin Fall 2009

Number of Participants Admitted to UT Austin Fall 2009: Number of Participants Enrolled at UT Austin Fall 2009: UT Austin Enrollments by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total UT Austin Enrollment 810 765 % of Admitted % of Enrollment 12% 1% 2% 1% 0% 81% 2% 94%

95 6 15 6 3 621 19 765

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Ninth Cohort - Entering Component Campuses Fall 2009

Freshman applicants to UT Austin who were offered CAP: Number of Offered who returned CAP Contracts: CAP Contracts by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total CAP Contracts 9512 2076 % of total 17% 2% 1% 2% 0% 74% 3% % of Offered 22%

356 48 30 47 7 1536 52 2076

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Ninth Cohort - Returning to UT Austin Fall 2010

Number of Participants Admitted to UT Austin Fall 2010: Number of Participants Enrolled at UT Austin Fall 2010: UT Austin Enrollments by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total UT Austin Enrollment 822 778 % of Admitted % of Enrollment 12% 1% 1% 1% 0% 83% 2% 95%

94 9 8 10 3 642 12 778

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Tenth Cohort - Entering Component Campuses Fall 2010

Freshman applicants to UT Austin who were offered CAP: Number of Offered who returned CAP Contracts: CAP Contracts by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-Dallas The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total CAP Contracts 8374 1598 % of total 18% 2% 3% 2% 4% 1% 67% 4% % of Offered 19%

282 27 49 35 59 10 1074 62 1598

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Tenth Cohort - Returning to UT Austin Fall 2011

Number of Participants Admitted to UT Austin Fall 2011: Number of Participants Enrolled at UT Austin Fall 2011: UT Austin Enrollments by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-Dallas The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total UT Austin Enrollment 622 581 % of Admitted % of Enrollment 15% 1% 2% 2% 2% 1% 72% 5% 93%

89 7 13 9 12 3 420 28 581

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Eleventh Cohort - Entering Component Campuses Fall 2011

Freshman applicants to UT Austin who were offered CAP: Number of Offered who returned CAP Contracts: CAP Contracts by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-Dallas The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total CAP Contracts 9287 1721 % of total 18% 3% 4% 2% 4% 0% 65% 4% % of Offered 19%

306 51 69 33 68 7 1119 68 1721

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Eleventh Cohort - Returning to UT Austin Fall 2012

Number of Participants Admitted to UT Austin Fall 2012: Number of Participants Enrolled at UT Austin Fall 2012: UT Austin Enrollments by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-Dallas The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total UT Austin Enrollment 739 683 % of Admitted % of Enrollment 16% 2% 3% 1% 3% 0% 72% 3% 92%

106 14 22 6 22 0 492 19 683

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Twelth Cohort - Entering Component Campuses Fall 2012

Freshman applicants to UT Austin who were offered CAP: Number of Offered who returned CAP Contracts: CAP Contracts by Component: The University of Texas-Arlington The University of Texas-Brownsville The University of Texas-El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas-Permian Basin The University of Texas-San Antonio The University of Texas-Tyler Total CAP Contracts 9589 1881 % of total 19% 5% 4% 5% 2% 59% 7% % of Offered 20%

351 85 69 98 34 1109 135 1881

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Note: UT Dallas ceased participation Fall 2012.

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