Description: Tags: 0304EDETRefJan
Description: Tags: 0304EDETRefJan
Description: Tags: 0304EDETRefJan
Electronic Data
Exchange (EDE)
U.S. Department of Education
Table of Contents
Overview........................................................................ 1-1
Preface.......................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Header and Trailer Records ......................................................................................................... 1-2
Electronic FAFSA........................................................................................................................ 1-3
Renewal FAFSA Process............................................................................................................. 1-4
School Eligibility to Make PIN Requests .............................................................................. 1-4
What’s New for the Renewal FAFSA process for 2003-2004?............................................. 1-5
Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) ........................................................................ 1-7
Electronic Corrections/Duplicate Requests ................................................................................. 1-8
Handling Record Level Rejected Records................................................................................... 1-9
Handling Batch Level Rejected Records ................................................................................... 1-10
What’s New and Changed in the EDE Technical Reference for 2003-2004?........................... 1-11
Section 3 Changes................................................................................................................ 1-11
ISIR Changes................................................................................................................... 1-11
Section 4 Changes................................................................................................................ 1-12
Field Name and Position Cross-Reference Table............................................................ 1-12
E-mail Address Valid Content Table .............................................................................. 1-12
Table of Reject Codes and How to Respond to Each...................................................... 1-12
Batch Level Error Message Tables ................................................................................. 1-13
Record Level Error Messages ......................................................................................... 1-13
Field Name and Position Cross-Reference...................................................................... 1-13
Message Classes .............................................................................................................. 1-13
Global Change ..................................................................................................................... 1-13
# S Batches..................................................................................................................... 1-13
What’s Changed in the Record Layouts Section Since the NASFAA Version? ....................... 1-14
Getting Help............................................................................................................................... 1-16
CPS/WAN Technical Support ............................................................................................. 1-16
Printing.......................................................................... 5-1
Printing ISIRs............................................................................................................................... 5-1
Printing Assumed Values....................................................................................................... 5-2
Printing Intermediate EFC Values ......................................................................................... 5-2
FAFSA Data Verify Flags ..................................................................................................... 5-2
Printing Correction Flags....................................................................................................... 5-3
Printing Highlight Flags......................................................................................................... 5-3
Rejected ISIRs ....................................................................................................................... 5-4
Comments .............................................................................................................................. 5-4
NSLDS Page .......................................................................................................................... 5-4
Field Types............................................................................................................................. 5-5
Other Field Notes................................................................................................................... 5-5
ISIR Fields Not Printed on the ISIR ............................................................................................ 5-6
ISIR Sample Output Document ................................................................................................... 5-9
Appendix........................................................................ A-1
Overview..................................................................................................................................... A-1
January 2003 Tracking Log ........................................................................................................ A-2
The Electronic Data Exchange (EDE) Technical Reference is designed to meet the reference
needs of programmers and data processing staff.
The Department of Education (ED) provides two types of software to EDE participants:
• EDExpress for Windows software for processing student financial aid. Using EDExpress
Financial Aid Administrators (FAAs) can enter and edit electronic initial FAFSAs and
electronic corrections. They can create duplicate requests, track documents, student aid
packages, originate loans, and track disbursements for Pell and Direct Loans, and send
signature records for FAFSA on the Web, Renewal FAFSA on the Web, and Corrections on
the Web applications.
Many EDE participants need specifications for these functions to develop their own software or
to develop software bridges between their own systems and EDExpress.
This guide provides sufficient information for you to build your own software to complement or
take the place of the software provided by ED for sending and receiving Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) data. It includes information about record layouts, required edits,
print assistance, and reject messages that are applicable for electronic FAFSAs, Institutional
Student Information Records (ISIRs), electronic corrections, and signature records.
The EDE process is described in this section with additional information in the EDE Processing
section. There are numerous references to the use of EDExpress software, so this guide is a
useful reference tool because the processing steps remain essentially the same.
You should refer to the Record Layouts section for instructions on individual Header and Trailer
Record layouts (refer to Header Record Sent To/Received From the CPS and Trailer Record Sent
To/Received From the CPS).
The Record Layouts section includes information on record layouts including the FAFSA
Application Export Record Layout (EAPS04IN). Reject codes are found in the Processing
Codes section. How to handle rejected FAFSAs is located later in this section and in the EDE
Processing section. The Printing section includes details on printing ISIRs.
CPS automatically sends PIN mailers instead of paper Renewal FAFSAs to eligible applicants
whose grade level in college equals fifth year undergraduate, or first year graduate, professional,
or higher. CPS also sends PIN mailers to students who used the Internet to submit a FAFSA or
make corrections. Students who supplied a valid e-mail address on their application will receive
a PIN notification by e-mail.
Schools can also request that specific students or groups of students receive a PIN instead of a
paper Renewal FAFSA. Schools can request PINs be mailed to students by submitting either a
PIN Request via FAA Access to CPD on-line or a ‘Type 2 Individual PIN Request’ via the
Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG).
• Have completed and filed a SAIG Enrollment Form that requests specific services for an
EDE process (such as receiving electronic automatic ISIRs). The SAIG Enrollment
process can be completed at;
• Have an active enrollment status for your Federal School Code, which means you have
correctly indicated on your SAIG Enrollment Form the Federal School Code you plan to
use to perform the specific processes;
• Ensure your Federal School Code has an active enrollment status for Renewal
Applications. Your enrollment status is designated on your school’s SAIG Enrollment
Form with CPS/WAN Technical Support; and
If your school is not properly enrolled for Renewal Applications, you cannot make PIN
requests. If you do, you will receive error messages or rejected batches (or both) when you
submit a PIN Request. If you want to verify or update your status for electronic automatic
ISIRs or Renewal Applications, you can contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at 800/330-
5947. For additional information on the PIN request process, please refer to Section 2, EDE
Processing, in this technical reference.
• 2002-2003 applications that we received via FAA Access to CPS Online are treated like
electronic applications. Students will receive an e-mail if they provided a valid e-mail
address. Otherwise, they will receive a paper Renewal FAFSA.
• The PIN request file will be sent in the RADD04IN message class and the RAPP/PIN
Print Notification File will be returned to schools in the PINR04OP message class. Last
year the RAPP/PIN Print Notification File was returned in the RADD03OP message
• If a student qualified for the Auto-Zero EFC for 2002-2003, we will pre-populate the tax
and income information on the form.
• Tax line references were added to the Renewal FAFSA, instruction booklet, and Renewal
FAFSA on the Web site.
• All Renewal FAFSA eligible records are checked against the NSLDS Payment School
File to determine if any institutions have made payments to the student. If the Renewal
Record matches any record on the NSLDS file, those school codes will be pre-populated
in the school code positions. All other school codes will be removed. If no match with
NSLDS occurs, the existing school codes will carry forward.
• Electronic Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), correction, or duplicate
request from your school.
• Electronic FAFSAs and corrections done by another school. You will receive the
resulting ISIR if your Federal School Code is listed on the transaction.
• Web FAFSAs or corrections using FAFSA on the Web, Renewal FAFSA on the Web, or
Corrections on the Web.
• Paper FAFSAs or corrections to a Student Aid Report (SAR) if your Federal School Code
is listed on the transaction.
CPS sends Automatic ISIRs to destination points for every student indicating a school serviced
by the destination point on the FAFSA, and to state agencies which elect to receive ISIRs for
legal residents or students indicating a school in that state. The Record Layouts section includes
details on the ISIR Record layouts. The Processing Codes section includes information on
comment codes, verifiable rejects, and how to respond to each.
State agencies can request ISIRs for any student on CPS database. This process is known as the
Federal Data Request (FDR). The record layouts for FDR (FDRS04IN), are in the Record
Layouts section, and the procedures for the FDR process are in the EDE Processing section.
Schools can make duplicate requests to receive a specific ISIR transaction for a student provided
their Federal School Code is listed on that transaction. The Correction and Duplicate Request
Record layouts are found in the Record Layouts section and are submitted in the CORR04IN
message class.
Information about adding your Federal School Code to receive electronic data, making signature
corrections, requesting a duplicate ISIR, and using the Correction Record are found in section 2,
EDE Processing.
The EDE Record Level Error Report contains the record’s serial number, the student’s ID, the
transaction number, last name, first name, the SAR field number in error, an edit code, an error
code, and a text explanation for the reason the record was rejected. Each field in error is
reported. If it was rejected due to invalid value, CPS sends the actual value of the data received
from the school. A serial number and student ID is listed more than once in the EDE Error
Record Report when a record has more than one field in error. See section 4, Processing Codes
for additional details about rejects. The following is a list of message classes for reporting
CORE04OP Electronic Correction or Duplicate Request Errors
FDRE04OP Rejected FDR Requests
EAPR04OP Electronic Application Rejects
SIGA04OP Signature Correction Acknowledgements & Errors
EREP04OP PIN Request Errors
Section 3 Changes
The FAFSA Express/Web Hold Information Record Layout was renamed the School Web
Student Signature Hold Information Record Layout.
Removed "Mailer" from the title of the Type 2 Individual PIN Mailer Request Export and PIN
Error Import Record Layout.
ISIR Changes
Please refer to section 4, Processing Codes for the 2003-2004 ISIR Cross Reference table. This
table is a cumulative list of changes to the ISIR.
• Reject Override A
• Reject Override C
The following fields were deleted from the ISIR Record Layout:
• A is now a verifiable reject on the FAFSA and Correction Records. The end year
range increased from 1927 to 1928.
• C is now a verifiable reject on the FAFSA and Correction Records. The description
means that the taxes paid are greater than zero and greater than or equal to 40% of the
AGI, but not equal to or greater than AGI. (Does not apply to electronic or Web
New Rejects:
• 12 describes a record where the taxes paid are greater than or equal to the AGI.
(Does not apply to electronic or Web transactions).
Message Classes
• Changed process year in the all message classes from 03 to 04.
• Increased field lengths for EAPS04IN and TAPS04IN from 650 bytes to 800 bytes.
• Renamed the RADDXXOP message class to PINRXXOP where XX is the process year.
Global Change
#S Batches
Files processed from Signature Correction files will no longer be returned in #S batches. These
files will be processed and returned in the System Generated message class, SYSG04OP, as #G
• We changed all references to "MDE" and replaced them with "IDC" in ISIR fields 109, 116,
and 132. IDC stands for Image Data Capture.
• On the NASFAA ISIR draft we noted in field 118 that “3 = Easy FAFSA” was added as an
Electronic Application Entry Source Code. We have deleted this value from the field. The
only change from last year is that we deleted the value of 5.
• We modified the taxable income parameter of $13,000 in ISIR field 142, Automatic Zero
EFC, to $15,000.
• We added value 65 = Easy FAFSA on the Web to the Application Data Sources/Type Code
on the ISIR Record layout field 163. We also corrected the value of 51 = Paper Application
from an “added” field to a “modified” field.
• On the NASFAA ISIR draft we noted in field 164 that value 32 for Electronic Signature was
a new Transaction Data Source/Type Code. However, in error, we did not list 32 as a valid
value in the 2002-2003 EDE Technical Reference. We also noted that field 65 was modified
when the only change was to the wording.
• Since the NASFAA draft we have added "Electronic" to valid content description of value 33
= Quick Correction and added value 65 = Easy FAFSA on the Web to the following record
layouts and field numbers:
• On the FAFSA Record Layout, we modified the description for the Permanent Mailing
Address, Student's Permanent City, and Student’s Driver’s License Number to say, "If non-
blank, first character cannot be blank" instead of "If non-blank, first character cannot be non-
• The justification was inadvertently left off of fields 112, 113, and 274 of the FAFSA Record
Layout. All three fields should be left justified.
• We renamed the Signature Record Layout to Signature Record Export Record Layout to
match the naming format of the other record layouts.
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 319/358-4260
FSATECH is an e-mail listserv for technical questions about the U.S. Department of Education’s
FSA systems, software, and mainframe products. For more information about FSATECH,
including how to subscribe, visit the FSA Schools Portal: Listservs & Mailing Lists:
This section provides a more detailed description of the Electronic Data Exchange (EDE)
process. It provides instructions for each of the individual processes within EDE.
EDExpress software is provided free to destination points by the U.S. Department of Education
(ED). It allows Financial Aid Administrators (FAAs) to enter the FAFSA information into a
personal computer. However, schools may choose to develop their own software instead.
Regardless of whether the FAFSA data is entered using EDExpress or other software, the data
must adhere to ED’s editing rules in order to be accepted by CPS.
The remainder of this section includes specifications for developing software to provide the
required Electronic FAFSA functions.
1. The student submits a completed and signed paper FAFSA to the school.
3. The FAFSA data is edited and corrected until a clean data file is created. The data elements
for each field must be in the valid range with no inconsistencies in the data. For example, the
system will generate an edit for inconsistent data in these fields when a student indicates a
single status yet provides income earned from work for student and spouse.
4. The file is formatted and transmitted to CPS via the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG).
5. Processed FAFSA Records are transmitted back to the destination point as Institutional
Student Information Records (ISIRs) under the message class EAPS04OP.
Note: See the Printing section for more information on printing ISIRs.
Transaction Rejects: A transaction reject prevents the FAFSA Record from being processed.
If a record is rejected for one or more reasons, an error report is returned to the school in
message class EAPR04OP (see the layout in the Record Layouts section) and no ISIR is created.
These rejects are also known as record level rejects.
Compute Rejects: CPS contains a series of edits that evaluates data on incoming FAFSA data
for consistency and completeness. These edits apply to all data from electronic and paper input.
An Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is not computed for a FAFSA rejected for a compute
reject reason. However, an ISIR is produced. ISIRs with a compute reject are returned in the
EAPS04OP message class. The reasons for the compute reject are coded on the ISIR. Refer to
the Processing Codes section for information on interpreting these reject codes.
Numeric: Certain data items MUST be corrected before a valid ISIR can be generated (Non-
Alphabetic: Certain data items MUST be either corrected or verified before a valid ISIR can be
generated (Verifiable). An alpha reject reason code is a verifiable data element, meaning the
data given is questionable but could be correct.
In the paper system, a student can verify a data field by re-entering the same information in the
Student Aid Report (SAR) correction column for the field in question. In the electronic process,
the school verifies the data (re-enters the data as a "correction") and transmits the Correction
Record to CPS. Data that must be verified or corrected in response to each reject reason is
provided in the Processing Codes section.
A student’s record will not have an EFC if the record contains questionable data and has a
FAFSA reject reason code(s). The reject reason code(s) are found in positions 612 through 625
on the ISIR. The Table Of Reject Codes And How To Respond To Each is found in section 4 of
this document.
For more information on PIN requests, please refer to section 1, Overview, in this technical
reference and to the Renewal Application Data (RAD) Process Guide. The RAD Process Guide
contains additional information regarding changes to the Renewal FAFSA process and can be
found on the U.S. Department of Education's Federal Student Assistance Download
(FSAdownload) Web site located at as well as
2. Type 2 Individual PIN Request - This request is sent via SAIG. You will need to create a file
that contains a CPS Header, Type 2 Individual PIN Request Export and PIN Error Import
Record Layout, and the CPS Trailer. All of these layouts are found in section 3, Record
Each destination point will receive a report in the format of the RAPP PIN/Print Notification
layout, found in section 3, Record Layouts. This report will identify which students received a
paper Renewal FAFSA or a PIN.
If a student returns a completed Renewal FAFSA to the school, the data can be entered, edited,
and transmitted to CPS as if it were a FAFSA.
The ISIR carries National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) information, which is located at
the end of the ISIR Record Description.
ISIR Types
There are four reasons why CPS generates an ISIR:
• ISIRs are generated in response to a request by state agencies through the Federal Data
Request (FDR) process. This process allows state agencies to request a processed FAFSA
Record for any student on CPS database. ISIRs are returned to the state agency’s destination
point in FDRF04OP message class.
Each school subscribing to the ISIR service automatically receives one ISIR for every student
who lists their school on the FAFSA. Servicers receive only one ISIR per destination point.
ISIRs in this message class are returned to the school in response to electronic FAFSAs. The
school receives one ISIR for every FAFSA submitted that did not receive a transmission
reject. Refer to the Record Layouts section for EDE Batch or EDE Record Level Error
Report Import Record Layout and the Processing Codes section for Batch and Record Level
Error Messages.
ISIRs in this message class are returned to the school in response to electronic corrections or
duplicate requests. The school receives an ISIR for every correction or duplicate request
submitted that did not receive a transmission rejection. Refer to the Record Layouts section
for the EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record Layout, and the Processing Codes
section for Batch and Record Level Error Messages.
Note: A school, with the student’s consent, is able to electronically add its Federal School
Code to the list of school choices on the student’s ISIR Record with the Data Release
Number (DRN). Instructions for this are explained later in this section.
ISIRs in this message class are sent to the school as a result of a transaction automatically
created by CPS. The school does nothing to initiate these ISIRs. There are several instances
when CPS generates an ISIR for a student:
CPS receives changed information via NSLDS Post-Screening INS Secondary Match
Requested ISIRs in this message class are sent to the school as a result of the school sending
a signature for an applicant and/or a parent who filed using one of the Web products or FAA
Access to CPS Online. Automatic ISIRs in this message class are also received from paper
FAFSAs and corrections, from another school filing an electronic FAFSA or electronic
correction with your school listed, or a student filing a FAFSA on the Web or making
corrections on the Web.
Note: If an ISIR receives a reject code of 14, 15, or 16 (missing signatures), the school and state
agency receive the full ISIR electronically. As with other rejects, an EFC is not computed until
the reject is resolved.
As destination points, state agencies have two options for obtaining processed FAFSA data:
• Both
Note: If the student indicates on the FAFSA more than one school that is located in your state,
your state agency receives only one ISIR.
Automatic ISIRs are transmitted daily from CPS to the SAIG in one of two message classes:
Note: The state agency indicates what type of ISIRs (residents, non-residents or both) it wants
to receive on the SAIG Agency Enrollment Form.
In the case of students who are neither residents of the state nor attend a school in the state, an
FDR can be made if the student has signed a loan or state grant application that releases CPS
data to the state agency. The agency must retain the signed FAFSA. When requesting and
receiving this data from CPS, use the following message classes:
1. In the first position of the record, enter 4 to indicate this is a request for a 2003-2004
applicant transaction.
2. In positions 15 through 17, enter 199. This indicates a request for an ISIR Record.
3. In positions 18 through 26, enter the applicant's original Social Security Number (SSN).
This is the number reported by the applicant on the FAFSA form and does not reflect any
corrections to the SSN that might have been made.
4. In positions 27 through 28, enter the first two letters of the applicant’s last name. These are
the letters reported by the applicant on the FAFSA form and do not reflect any corrections to
the last name that might have been made.
Remember, prior to sending the file, you must add a Header Record before the FDR request
Record(s) and a Trailer Record after the FDR Request Record(s).
To request more than 12 ISIRs, create an additional record by repeating steps 1 through 7.
If a requested student record is not found on CPS database after 30 days, a notice is returned to
the requesting agency in message class FDRU04OP.
EDExpress allows schools to enter and edit correction data according to system requirements. It
also creates an electronic Correction Record ready for transmission using the communications
interface software, EDconnect. Schools, however, may choose to develop their own software to
enter, edit, and format correction data. Specifications for developing correction software are
provided in the remainder of this section.
1. In the first position of the record, enter 4 to indicate this is a correction to a 2003-2004
applicant transaction.
2. In positions 2 through 10, enter the applicant's original Social Security Number (SSN). This
is the number reported by the applicant on the FAFSA form and does not reflect any
corrections to the SSN that might have been made.
3. In positions 11 and 12, enter the first two letters of the applicant's last name. These are the
letters reported by the applicant on the FAFSA form and do not reflect any corrections to the
last name that might have been made.
Note: When making a correction using transaction 99, corrections to SAR field number 087
(the first Federal School Code) and field number 114 (DRN) must also be provided on the
5. In positions 15 through 17, enter the SAR number of the SAR field being corrected. Each
correctable field has a 3-digit SAR number associated with it. For example, enter 001 to
correct the student's last name. The SAR numbers with valid field content are provided in
the Correction Data Entry Specifications table found in the Processing Codes section.
6. In positions 18 through 52, enter the new value for the field being corrected.
7. In positions 471 through 476, enter the Federal School Code of the school making the
8. In positions 477 through 526, enter or correct the student’s e-mail address.
9. In positions 555 through 562, enter the transaction receipt date. This is the date you received
the correction information from the student.
10. In positions 575 through 579, enter the serial number (the sequential position of the
correction record in the batch.) For example, the first student's correction record will have a
serial number of 00001, and the second student’s serial number will be 00002, etc.
11. In position 580, enter H (correction) for the Input Record Type.
Note: To correct a field to blank, enter a single asterisk (*) left justified in that field. The
Correction Data Entry Specification table, in section 4, distinguishes which fields can be
corrected to blank as not all fields can be.
Up to 12 SAR data fields can be corrected on a single record. Repeat steps 5 and 6 using the
remaining data fields on the Correction Record if more than one field is being corrected. If more
than twelve fields require correction, an additional record must be created, repeating steps 1
through 10. Both data records for the student have the same serial number.
• Left-justify the corrected value within the data field on the Correction Record, while zero-
filling numeric fields up to the valid maximum length of the field and leaving empty
positions to the right blank. For example, to correct the number of family members to 5,
enter 05 in positions 18 and 19, leaving positions 20 through 52 blank. To correct the
student's last name to Smith, enter SMITH in positions 18 through 22, leaving positions 23
through 52 blank.
• All 9s in a field indicate the reported or calculated value is greater than or equal to the value
of all 9s. Blanks are allowable in some fields.
• Fields can contain one of three data types, character, numeric or signed numeric.
• A negative entry is acceptable for a limited number of fields. The Correction Data Entry
Specifications table in the Processing Codes section identifies the fields in which a negative
is acceptable under the Justify Signed column and the valid field content column. The
Signed Numeric Field table below also defines the signed fields. With signed numeric fields,
the sign is always implied in the right most character of the field. For example, if the
Student’s Adjusted Gross Income field contains a value of negative 3507, it appears as
00350P. The following chart explains the conversion of the sign and the number:
If you need to add a signature to a student’s record on the Web hold file you must use the layout
for Signature Record Export Record Layout (SIGS04IN) found in section 3, Record Layouts.
You can correct the student or parent signature using this layout. You must make sure the
student included your school on the FAFSA or correction.
Follow these steps to add your Federal School Code and/or to make corrections:
1. In the first position of the record, enter 4 to indicate that this is a correction to a 2003-2004
applicant transaction.
2. In positions 2 through 10, enter the applicant's original SSN. This is the number reported by
the applicant on the FAFSA form and does not reflect any corrections to the SSN that might
have been made.
3. In positions 11 and 12, enter the first two letters of the applicant's last name. These are the
letters reported by the applicant on the FAFSA form and does not reflect any corrections to
the last name that might have been made.
4. In positions 13 and 14, enter the transaction number of the applicant record being corrected.
For example, enter 01 to correct the first transaction on file at CPS. The transaction does not
necessarily have to be the latest one on file at CPS. If the transaction number being corrected
is not on CPS database, the record will be rejected. You can use transaction 99 to add your
school code to the most recent transaction on CPS Database.
6. Enter the student's DRN in Correction Data 1 field, positions 18 through 52. Remember to
make it left justified, and leave any unused bytes blank.
Note: A unique DRN is assigned to each Title IV applicant. It appears only on paper SARs
and ISIR Records generated in response to electronic FAFSAs. If a valid DRN is not present
on the Correction Record containing the Federal School Code change, the record is rejected.
7. Enter the SAR field number associated with the Federal School Code position being changed
in the SAR Field Number Correction #2 field, positions 53 through 55. Possible field
numbers are 087, 089, 091, 093, 095, and 097.
8. Enter the Federal School Code in the Correction Data 2 field positions 56 through 90.
(Remember to make it left justified, and leave any unused bytes blank.)
The number can be changed only to the number of the participating Electronic Data
Exchange (EDE) school submitting the correction. You also must enter this number in the
EDE Federal School Code field, positions 471 through 476. If the codes in these two fields
do not match, the record is rejected.
Schools may modify the Federal School Code and make other corrections to the applicant
record on the same correction transaction.
9. Enter the date you created this record in positions 555 through 562, the EDE Transaction
Receipt Date, in CCYYMMDD format.
10. Enter 00001 in positions 575 through 579, the serial number field. If you exceed 12
corrected fields, create a new record. The serial number on the second record is also 00001.
The serial number increments with a second student’s record.
11. In position 580, enter “H” (correction) for the Input Record Type.
1. Transaction Rejects
A transaction reject prevents the Correction Record from being applied to the student's
record. If a record is rejected for one or more reasons, the school receives an error report
in message class CORE04OP (see EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record layout
in the Record Layouts section). No ISIR is created.
2. Compute Rejects
CPS contains a series of edits that evaluate all incoming FAFSA and correction data for
consistency and completeness. These edits apply to all data from electronic, Web, and
paper input. An Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is not computed for a correction
rejected for a compute reject reason. However, an ISIR is produced. Correction and
duplicate ISIRs with a compute reject are returned in the CORR04OP message class.
The reasons for the compute reject are coded on the ISIR in positions 612 through 625.
Refer to the Processing Codes section for information on interpreting these reject codes.
• Numeric: Certain data items MUST be corrected before a valid ISIR can be
generated (Non-Verifiable).
• Alphabetic: Certain data items MUST be either corrected or verified before a valid
ISIR can be generated (Verifiable). An alphabetic reject reason code is a verifiable
data element, meaning the data given is questionable but could be correct.
A student’s record may not have an EFC if the record contains questionable data and has an
FAFSA reject reason code(s). The reject reason codes are found in positions 612 through 625 on
the ISIR. They explain the questionable and highlighted field(s).
• Header Record
• Data Record(s)
• Trailer Record
Data records vary by processing function. Each record format is provided in the Record Layout
section of this technical reference.
Each batch of data records must be preceded by a Header Record and followed by a Trailer
Record. The end of each record (header, data, and trailer) is marked by a CR/LF (carriage
return/linefeed, ASCII 13, 10). An End of File (EOF) marker (ACSII 26) is optional.
The format and content of Header and Trailer Records are found in the Record Layout section.
Received from the Central Processing System (CPS) message Header and Trailer Records –
those records produced by CPS to send to the destination point, such as SARA04OP.
Sent to CPS message Header and Trailer Records –those records produced by the destination
point to send to CPS, such as CORR04IN messages.
• The Header and Trailer Records are the same lengths as the detail (data) records.
• Only data records of the same type (for example, FAFSAs) and the same year can be batched
together. (There is one exception – Corrections and Duplicates can be batched together.)
• The Counts in the Trailer Record are for the number of student records, not the number of
data records.
This section provides all the necessary record layouts needed for users to create their own
software to participate in the EDE process.
Date created.
9 54 57 4 Modified Award Year Always ‘0304’ for 2003- Right
valid 2004
content Current Academic Cycle.
10 58 102 45 Error Message Text See ‘Batch Level Error Left
Messages' table in the
Processing Codes section of
this technical reference.
11 103 106 4 Edit Code – For ED Use 0001 to 9999 Left
Must be non-blank.
Must be in ascending
sequential order.
2 6 14 9 Original Social Security 001010001 to 999999999 Right
142 608 608 1 Modified Automatic Zero EFC Y = EFC set to zero based Left
income on income criteria
range from Zero EFC is automatically Blank = Flag not set
13,000 set if simplified needs test
met and taxable income is
$15,000 or less.
143 609 609 1 EFC Change Flag 1 = EFC increase Left
2 = EFC decrease
Indicates if the EFC has Blank = No change
gone up or down from the
transaction being applied
144 610 610 1 SAR C Flag Y = C flag set, resolution Left
required on one or more
match results
Blank = No flag set
145 611 611 1 Simplified Needs Test Y = SNT met Left
(SNT) N = SNT not met or
insufficient information to
Applicant meets certain determine SNT eligibility
criteria for tax filing status Blank
and income level and is
not required to provide
asset information.
Must be non-blank
Must be in ascending
sequential order.
46 580 580 1 Input Record Type H = Correction Left
Total 580
Must be non-blank
Must be in ascending
sequential order.
16 580 580 1 Input Record Type S = Any other signature Left
Total 580
This section provides charts and tables that include an explanation of the different reject codes
and how to respond to each. Other tables provide information that further explains other
processing codes associated with the Central Processing System (CPS) Electronic Data
Exchange (EDE) process.
State/Country/Jurisdiction Codes
This table is used to determine the valid state abbreviations used for the following fields found
throughout the Record Layouts section of this technical reference:
Message Classes
This table lists the message classes associated with Application Processing.
S = Web
Serial Number 114 485 489 Serial Number 115 536 540
Deleted #S=
Modified IDC
batch number valid
content to: IDC
batch numbers
consist of the
PI - stands for
Packet ID
1 digit Cycle Year
12-digit Packet ID
from IDC
8 blank spaces
Early Analysis Flag 116 513 513 Early Analysis Flag 117 564 564
Electronic 117 514 514 Electronic Application 118 565 565 Deleted 5 =
Application Entry Entry Source Code FAFSA Express
Source Code
Filler 118 515 520 Filler 119 566 571
ETI Destination 119 521 527 ETI Destination 120 572 578
Code Number
Reject Override A 121 579 579 Added in 03-04
1 = Yes
Reject Override B 120 528 528 Reject Override B 122 580 580
Reject Override C 123 581 581 Added in 03-04
1 = Yes
Reject Override N 121 529 529 Reject Override N 124 582 582
Reject Override W 122 530 530 Reject Override W 125 583 583
Assumption 123 531 531 Assumption Override 126 584 584
Override 1 1
Assumption 124 532 532 Assumption Override 127 585 585
Override 2 2
Blank = Not an
11 = No longer
subsidized loan
12 = No longer
combined loan
13 = Change in
type of discharged
loan status
VA Match Flag 156 670 670 VA Match Flag 158 677 677
Prisoner Match 157 671 671 Filler 159 678 678 Deleted Prisoner
Match and made
this field filler.
For ED Use Only.
Verification 270 1560 1561 Verification Tracking 160 679 680 Removed alpha
Tracking Flag Flag values. Values will
be numeric.
Student is selected 158 672 672 Student is selected for 161 681 681
for Verification Verification
Subsequent 159 673 673 Subsequent 162 682 682
Application Flag Application Flag
33 = Electronic
Quick Correction
34 = Electronic
65 = Easy FAFSA
on the Web
66 = Easy FAFSA
Corrections on the
31 = Electronic
Full SAR
51 = Paper
52 = Paper
53 = Paper
55 = Paper Spanish
56 = Paper
Signature Page
DRN (Data Release 162 678 681 Data Release Number 165 687 690
Number) (DRN)
Transaction 163 682 689 Transaction Processed 166 691 698 Modified year
Processed Date Date reference in valid
content to:
20030101 to
* = Code of FC and a zip code of 00000 identify foreign countries (other than Canada and Mexico).
** = Code used for a student’s mailing state only, not valid for state of legal residence or driver's license
Printing ISIRs
Effective in 2002-2003 you were no longer required to print your Institutional Student
Information Record (ISIR) output document exactly as the ED provided software, EDExpress,
printed it. You can also choose to print additional information on the ISIR. Included in this
section is the ISIR Fields Not Printed on the ISIR table. It contains all the ISIR fields that
EDExpress does not print on the ISIR. There is an example of an ISIR printed from EDExpress
for your reference.
The following information describes how EDExpress prints values. We have provided it to
assist the school or state agency in printing the data on a received ISIR.
For certain fields, the only assumption CPS ever makes is zero so these assumption fields on the
ISIR will contain zeros (for example, ISIR field 244, Assumed Student’s U.S. Tax Paid). On the
ISIR, EDExpress will print an asterisk (*) to the left of the field title to indicate that the CPS
made an assumption and the assumed value must print in place of the reported value.
If a field is both assumed and highlighted, EDExpress would print an asterisk (*) to the left of
the field title. Positions 1500 through 1588 of the ISIR all contain CPS assumption fields.
If a field was verified as the same data as the transaction being corrected, the FAFSA Data
Verify flag will contain a value of 1. A value of 0 signifies that this field was not corrected to the
same value and a 2 means the CPS has asked that the field be verified.
EDExpress does not print these flags on the ISIR. These flags were added by request of Third-
party Servicers to assist them when doing correction edits.
If a field was corrected on the current transaction, the correction flag will contain a value of 1. If
a field was corrected on a previous transaction, the correction flag will contain a value of 2. All
other correction flag fields will have a value of zero.
EDExpress will print on the ISIR a pound sign (#) to the right of the field variable that was
corrected on the most current transaction, and print an at sign (@) to the right of the field
variable that was corrected on a previous transaction.
Correction flags are cumulative (i.e., the flag will be carried on all subsequent transactions).
EDExpress does not actually print the data in this field, rather it uses this data to determine
which fields will have a # or @ printed to the right of the field variable to show that the field has
been corrected from the original application.
Any field containing a highlight flag will have a value of 1. All other highlight flag fields have a
value of zero.
On the ISIR, EDExpress will print the letter ‘h’ to the left of the field title that was highlighted.
If the field is both highlighted and assumed, an asterisk (*) will print to the left of the field title.
EDExpress does not actually print the data in this field, rather it uses this data to determine
which fields will have an ‘h’ printed to the left of the field title to show that the field was
An EFC will not be computed for a rejected application transaction. Transactions can be rejected
for multiple reasons. Up to seven two-digit reject reason codes are carried on the ISIR.
The reject reason codes and resolution in response to each reject reason are described in the
Table of Reject Codes and How to Respond to Each, in section 4, Processing Codes.
Up to 20 three-digit numbers can appear on the ISIR record, indicating which comments would
appear on Part One of a SAR from any paper application processor. Some comments contain
critical information regarding the student’s status. The comment text that prints on the ISIRs can
be found in the 2003-2004 SAR/ISIR Comment Codes and Text document found on the U.S.
Department of Education's Federal Student Aid Download (FSAdownload) Web site located at as well as
The ISIR record contains NSLDS information. EDExpress only stores the most recent NSLDS
transaction. As a result when the ISIR is printed from EDExpress the transaction number for the
student’s NSLDS record may not match the transaction number of the ISIR being printed. You
should always print the NSLDS information with the highest transaction number no matter what
the transaction number of the ISIR being printed.
With S/N fields, the sign is always implied in the right most character of the field. For example,
if the Student’s Adjusted Gross Income field contains a value of negative 3507, it would appear
as 00350P. The following chart explains the conversion of the sign and the number:
{ +0 E +5 } -0 N -5
A +1 F +6 J -1 0 -6
B +2 G +7 K -2 P -7
C +3 H +8 L -3 Q -8
D +4 I +9 M -4 R -9
EDExpress does not print the value in the Electronic Federal School Code Indicator field, instead
it prints the Federal School Code number associated with the value. For example, if the
Electronic Federal School Code Indicator equals 3, EDExpress will print the value for the
Federal School Code #3 field.
* These fields are not printed as the field values exist. See Printing Correction Flags and
Printing Highlight Flags earlier in this section for more details.
SEC SATI: Secondary Student’s Allowance Against Total Income 236 1463 1469
SEC SDNW: Secondary Student’s Discretionary Net Worth 238 1477 1485
* IMPORTANT: Read ALL information to find out what to do with this Report. *
OMB Number: 1845-0008
1123 WEST L
If you need additional help with your ISIR, contact your school Financial Aid
Administrator (FAA) or the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4FED-AID
(1-800-433-3243). If your address changes, contact your school or call 1-800-4FED-AID to
make the correction on your record.
Based on the information we have on record for you, your EFC is 0. Your school will use
this number to determine what types of aid and how much you are eligible for. You may be
eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant and other federal student aid.
Your citizenship status has been confirmed by the Immigration and Naturalization Service
(INS) and you meet the citizenship requirements for federal student aid.
No relevant information found on NSLDS database.
Comments: 006,149,143,137
#Pell Payment Data:
Sch.Code: 00305100 Tran: 05 Sch.Amt:$2,800 Award Amt:$2,800 Disb.Amt:$ 700
%Sch.Used: 25.00 As Of: 08/19/2003 Pell Verification Flag: EFC: 0
Sch.Code: Tran: Sch.Amt: Award Amt: Disb.Amt:
%Sch.Used: As Of: Pell Verification Flag: EFC:
Sch.Code: Tran: Sch.Amt: Award Amt: Disb.Amt:
%Sch.Used: As Of: Pell Verification Flag: EFC:
Loan Detail: Net Loan Begin End GA School Grade Contact
Amount Date Date Code Code Level Code/Type
Additional Loan Capitalized Date of Amt of
Unsub Type Interest Last Disb Last Disb
FFEL Stafford Subsidized $ 1,564 08/16/1994 05/26/1995 706 00119700 ABC SCHCONTC/386
Neither Recent NO 08/16/1994 $1564
Status Code RP as of 02/01/1997
Outstanding Bal. $1,564 as of 12/31/1995
MPN Information
If you are the student, by signing this application you certify that you (1) will use
federal and/or state student financial aid only to pay the cost of attending an
institution of higher education, (2) are not in default on a federal student loan or
have made satisfactory arrangements to repay it, (3) do not owe money back on a
federal student grant or have made satisfactory arrangements to repay it, and (4) will
notify your school if you default on a federal student loan.
If you are the parent or the student, by signing this application you agree, if asked,
to provide information that will verify the accuracy of your completed form. This
information may include your U.S. or state income tax forms. Also, you certify that
you understand that the Secretary of Education has the authority to verify information
reported on this application with the Internal Revenue Service and other Federal
agencies. If you purposely give false or misleading information, you may be fined
$20,000, sent to prison, or both.
Everyone whose information is given on this form should sign below. The student (and
at least one parent, if parent information is given) MUST sign below.
Page 5 of 5
New for 2003-2004, we created an Appendix for this technical reference. This appendix will
include all the tracking logs for each set of change pages as they are issued.
We will continue to show new text additions in the technical reference change pages with bold
italic text. Text deletions will be marked with strikethrough.
The footer on each page of the section will change to reflect the month that the change was
made. For example, if a change was made on page 1-12, all pages in section 1 will show the
new month in the footer. Use the corresponding Tracking Log to see what was changed in that
section during that period.
This Appendix contains the current and previous tracking logs for your reference.
Table of Contents
iii iii Updated two page numbers.
iv iv Added entries for the new Appendix.
1-4 1-4 Activated the Web site link.
1-6 1-6 Activated two Web site links.
1-12 1-12 Removed phrase “(Does not apply to electronic or Web
transactions).” from modified Reject C and new Reject 12.
1-16 1-16 Activated the Web site links.
Changed the FSA Schools Portal link to
EDE Processing
2-5 2-5 Activated two Web site links.
Record Layouts
3-36 3-36 Modified Valid Content for Field 160.
3-47 3-47 Modified Field 276-Changes, Field Name, and Valid Content
3-79 3-79 Removed Blank as valid content from Date Application
Completed, field 99.
3-80 3-80 Updated Field Length for field 111 from 35 to 36 bytes.
Processing Codes
4-24 4-24 Added “Added Blank” to NSLDS Transaction Number
4-37 4-37 Removed phrase “(Does not apply to electronic or Web
transactions).” from Reject C description.
4-39 4-39 Removed phrase “(Does not apply to electronic or Web
transactions).” from Reject 12 description.
Modified description for Reject 16.
Removed Comment Code 62 from Reject 18.
4-47 4-47 Deleted “current” from “Net Worth of current Investments”,
field 47.
4-51 4-51 Deleted “current” from “Net Worth of current Investments”,
field 82.
4-53 4-53 Deleted SAR Field number 109 entry from the table.
4-68 4-68 Activated two Web site links.
5-4 5-4 Activated two Web site links.
5-6 5-6 Added Transaction Data Source/Type Code, field 164, as a field
that does not print on the ISIR from EDExpress. You can view
this information on the FAA Information screen of the
EDExpress software.
A-1 to A-3 Added a new section called the Appendix to detail the change
page process.