Encouraging Girls in Math and Science: IES Practice Guide
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science: IES Practice Guide
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science: IES Practice Guide
NCER 2007-2003
Encouraging Girls in
Math and Science
IES Practice Guide
Joshua Aronson
New York University
Nona Reimer
John Malcom Elementary School, California
California State University, Fullerton
Sandra Simpkins
Arizona State University
Jon R. Star
Harvard University
Kathryn Wentzel
University of Maryland, College Park
NCER 2007-2003
This report was prepared for the National Center for Education Research, Institute of Education
Sciences, under contract no. ED-05-CO-0026 to Optimal Solutions Group, LLC.
The opinions and positions expressed in this practice guide are the authors’ and do not necessarily
represent the opinions and positions of the Institute of Education Sciences or the U.S. Department
of Education. This practice guide should be reviewed and applied according to the specific needs of
the educators and education agencies using it and with full realization that it represents only one
approach that might be taken, based on the research that was available at the time of publication.
This practice guide should be used as a tool to assist in decision-making rather than as a “cookbook.”
Any references within the document to specific education products are illustrative and do not imply
endorsement of these products to the exclusion of other products that are not referenced.
September 2007
This report is in the public domain. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary,
the citation should be:
Halpern, D., Aronson, J., Reimer, N., Simpkins, S., Star, J., and Wentzel, K. (2007). Encouraging Girls
in Math and Science (NCER 2007-2003). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Research,
Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from http://ncer.ed.gov.
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Encouraging Girls in
Math and Science
Preamble from the Institute of Education Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Recommendation 1: Teach students that academic abilities are expandable and improvable. . . . . . . . . 11
Recommendation 3: Expose girls to female role models who have succeeded in math and science. . . . 19
Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
( iii )
List of Tables and Figures
Table 3. Percent of degrees awarded to women in engineering subfields in 1966, 1985, and 2004 . . . . 20
Figure 2. Percent of public high school graduates who completed various mathematics
and science courses in high school, by gender: 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Figure 3. NAEP mathematics scores by highest course completed and gender: 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Figure 4. NAEP science scores by highest course completed and gender: 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
( iv )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Field and Lohr (1990).
there is no single template in use. Rather, one finds carried out independently of the office and staff within
descriptions of general design features that permit IES that initiated the practice guide.
substantial variation in the realization of practice
guides across subspecialties and panels of experts.2 Because practice guides depend on the expertise of their
Accordingly, the templates for IES practice guides authors and their group decision-making, the content
may vary across practice guides and change over of a practice guide is not and should not be viewed as
time and with experience. a set of recommendations that in every case depends
on and flows inevitably from scientific research. It
The steps involved in producing an IES-sponsored is not only possible but also likely that two teams of
practice guide are first to select a topic, which is recognized experts working independently to produce a
informed by formal surveys of practitioners and practice guide on the same topic would generate
spontaneous requests from the field. Next, a panel chair products that differ in important respects. Thus con-
is recruited who has a national reputation and up-to- sumers of practice guides need to understand that they
date expertise in the topic. Third, the chair, working in are, in effect, getting the advice of consultants. These
collaboration with IES, selects a small number of panel- consultants should, on average, provide substantially
ists to co-author the practice guide. These are people better advice than educators might obtain on their
the chair believes can work well together and have the own because the authors are national authorities who
requisite expertise to be a convincing source of recom- have to achieve consensus among themselves, justify
mendations. IES recommends that at least one of the their recommendations in terms of supporting
panelists be a practitioner with considerable experience evidence, and undergo rigorous independent peer
relevant to the topic being addressed. The chair and the review of their product.
panelists are provided a general template for a practice
guide along the lines of the information provided in
this preamble. They are also provided with examples of
practice guides. The practice guide panel works under
a short deadline of 6 to 9 months to produce a draft
document. The expert panel interacts with and receives
feedback from staff at IES during the development of
the practice guide, but the panel members understand
that they are the authors and thus responsible for the
final product.
American Psychological Association (2002).
( vi )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
( vii )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Moderate • Comparison group studies that do not demonstrate equivalence of groups at pretest and therefore
do not meet the standards of the What Works Clearinghouse but that (a) consistently show
enhanced outcomes for participants experiencing a particular program, practice, or approach and
(b) have no major flaws related to internal validity other than lack of demonstrated equivalence at
pretest (e.g., only one teacher or one class per condition, unequal amounts of instructional time,
highly biased outcome measures); OR
• Correlational research with strong statistical controls for selection bias and for discerning influence
of endogenous factors and no contrary evidence; OR
• For assessments, evidence of reliability that meets the Standards for Educational and
Psychological Testing 4 but with evidence of validity from samples not adequately representative of
the population on which the recommendation is focused.
In general, characterization of the evidence for a recommendation as low means that the
recommendation is based on expert opinion derived from strong findings or theories in related
Low areas and/or expert opinion buttressed by direct evidence that does not rise to the moderate or
strong levels. Low evidence is operationalized as evidence not meeting the standards for the
moderate or high levels.
American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
90 Bachelor’s
80 77.8 78.1
70 67.3
59.1 58.6
60 57.6 54.5 55.9
50 46.3 45.9 45.4
45.4 46.2
31.7 31.2 25.2
30 28.4
25.1 21.8 20.5 21.1 17.6
20 15.5
All Fields Biological Chemistry Computer Mathematics Physics Engineering Psychology Social Sciences
Sciences Science
See Hyde (2005), Spelke (2005), and Halpern (2000) for recent discussions of the literature.
See Gallagher and Kaufman (2005) for a collection of chapters representing different researchers’ views.
National Science Foundation (2006a, 2006b).
National Science Foundation (2006d).
and careers in the physical sciences, engineering, or likely to complete biology (girls, 93 percent; boys, 89
computer science. Several potential reasons for the percent), advanced placement (AP) or honors biology
gender disparity include previous coursework, ability, (girls, 19 percent; boys, 14 percent), and chemistry
interests, and beliefs. (girls, 66 percent; boys, 58 percent) than boys were.
Although some gender differences are present in high
An examination of course-taking patterns shows that school math and science course enrollments, similari-
girls are taking math and science courses in high ties between the genders is also common. This gender
school. On the 2005 National Assessment of Educa- parity in course-taking patterns may be less surprising
tional Progress (NAEP) High School Transcript Study, than it appears, given that high school graduation
girls who graduated from high school, on average, requirements typically include multiple science courses,
earned slightly more credits in mathematics and science as well as mathematics.
(7.3) than boys earned (7.1). Boys, however, earned
slightly more credits in computer-related courses (1.1) A second reason for the observed differences in college
than girls earned (0.8).11 Figure 2 shows the percent- and occupational choices may be that males and
ages of female and male high school graduates in 2000 females have variant math and science abilities, as
that completed math and science courses. Although measured by standardized tests. Although girls gener-
a greater percentage of boys completed physics (34 ally do as well as, or better than, boys on homework
percent) and calculus (12 percent) than girls (physics, assignments and course grades in math and science
29 percent; calculus, 11 percent), girls were more classes,12 boys tend to outscore girls when tested on
Figure 2. Percent of public high school graduates who completed various mathematics and science courses in
high school, by gender: 2000
Shettle, Roey, Mordica, et al. (2007).
College Board (2006, August 29); Shettle, Roey, Mordica, et al. (2007).
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Figure 3. NAEP mathematics scores by highest course completed and gender: 2005
Figure 4. NAEP science scores by highest course completed and gender: 2005
the same content in high-pressure situations, such as in math or science careers.16 This gender difference is
standardized tests with time limits. These tests are typi- interesting, and somewhat puzzling, given that males
cally not linked to instructed curriculum, and so can be and females generally enroll in similar courses and
understood to be measures of more general abilities in display similar abilities (at least as measured by course
math and science.13 For example, on the 2005 NAEP grades). In other words, girls, particularly as they move
math and science assessments, girls scored lower than out of elementary school and into middle and high
boys when controlling for highest course completed at school and beyond, often underestimate their abilities
all levels, except the lowest level (see figures 3 and 4).14 in mathematics and science. However, it is important
Performance differences on timed standardized tests to note that not all girls have less confidence and inter-
do not necessarily mean that girls are not as capable as est in mathematics and science, and that girls, as well
boys in math or science. Researchers have found, for as boys, who have a strong self-concept regarding their
instance, that SAT math scores underpredict young abilities in math or science are more likely to choose
women’s performance in college math courses.15 This and perform well in elective math and science courses
suggests that it is not ability, per se, that hinders girls and to select math- and science-related college majors
and women from pursuing careers in math and science. and careers.17 This is noteworthy because it suggests
If not ability, then what? that improving girls’ beliefs about their abilities could
alter their choices and performance. Theory and
Areas where consistent gender differences have emerged empirical research suggest that children’s beliefs about
are children’s and adolescents’ beliefs about their their abilities are central to determining their interest
abilities in math and science, their interest in math and performance in different subjects, the classes they
and science, and their perceptions of the importance choose to take, the after-school activities they pursue,
of math and science for their futures. In general, and, ultimately, the career choices they make.18
researchers have found that girls and women have less
confidence in their math abilities than males do and What can teachers do to encourage girls to choose
that from early adolescence, girls show less interest career paths in math- and science-related fields? One
major way to encourage girls to choose careers in
math and science is to foster the development of
strong beliefs about their abilities in these subjects–
beliefs that more accurately reflect their abilities –
and more accurate beliefs about the participation of
women in math- and science-related careers (see table
2). Our first two recommendations, therefore, focus
on strategies that teachers can use to strengthen girls’
beliefs regarding their abilities in math and science: (1)
Teach students that academic abilities are expandable
and improvable (Level of Evidence: Moderate); and
(2) Provide prescriptive, informational feedback (Level
of Evidence: Moderate). Our third recommendation
addresses girls’ beliefs about both their own abilities
and the participation of women in math- and science-
related careers: (3) Expose girls to female role models
who have succeeded in math and science (Level of
Evidence: Low).
See Halpern, Benbow, Geary, et al. (2007) for a more thorough discussion of this point.
Shettle, Roey, Mordica, et al. (2007).
Wainer and Steinberg (1992).
Andre, Whigham, Hendrickson, et al. (1999); Herbert and Stipek, (2005); Jacobs, Lanza, Osgood, et al. (2002); Simpkins and Davis-Kean
(2005); Wigfield, Eccles, Mac Iver, et al. (1991).
Simpkins and Davis-Kean (2005); Updegraff and Eccles (1996).
Pajares (2006).
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
1. Teachers should explicitly teach students that academic abilities are expandable
and improvable in order to enhance girls’ beliefs about their abilities. Students
who view their cognitive abilities as fixed from birth or unchangeable are more
likely to experience decreased confidence and performance when faced with
difficulties or setbacks. Students who are more confident about their abilities in Moderate
math and science are more likely to choose elective math and science courses
in high school and more likely to select math and science-related college
majors and careers.
3. Teachers should expose girls to female role models who have achieved in math
or science in order to promote positive beliefs regarding women’s abilities in
math and science. Even in elementary school, girls are aware of the stereotype
that men are better in math and science than women are. Exposing girls to Low
female role models (e.g., through biographies, guest speakers, or tutoring by
older female students) can invalidate these stereotypes.
4. Teachers can foster girls’ long-term interest in math and science by choosing
activities connecting math and science activities to careers in ways that do
not reinforce existing gender stereotypes and choosing activities that spark
initial curiosity about math and science content. Teachers can provide ongoing Moderate
access to resources for students who continue to express interest in a topic
after the class has moved on to other areas.
Wigfield, Eccles, Schiefele, et al. (2006).
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Checklist for carrying out Provide girls and young women with information
about mentoring programs designed to support
the recommendations students who are interested in mathematics and
Recommendation 1: Teach students that Encourage parents to take an active role in provid-
academic abilities are expandable and ing opportunities for girls to be exposed to women
improvable. working in the fields of math and science.
( 10 )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Level of evidence: Moderate or ability is that it is not fixed but can be improved
through hard work and effort. Research shows that
The panel judges the level of evidence supporting this children who view intelligence as a fixed trait or believe
recommendation to be moderate, based on the two that their own abilities cannot be changed tend to
small experimental studies that examined the effect of pursue “performance goals.” That is, they tend to be
this practice for improving K–12 students’ performance more concerned with demonstrating their intelligence
on math,21 one experimental study that examined the and prefer to complete tasks that will show that they
effect of this strategy for improving college students’ are “smart.” In contrast, students who believe that intel-
general academic performance,22 and supporting cor- ligence or ability can be improved with effort are more
relational research demonstrating the relation between likely to pursue learning goals.25 That is, they tend to
students’ beliefs about the stability and malleability of be more concerned with learning new material and are
intellectual abilities and their performance.23 more likely to seek to master difficult material, even if
doing so does not make them look “smart” (e.g., they
Brief summary of evidence to support might not be able to solve problems initially). When
the recommendation tasks become more challenging, students who believe
that abilities or intelligence cannot be changed are more
What students believe about the nature of intelligence likely to become anxious, downgrade their assessment
and ability affects their achievement.24 Some students of their ability, and give up. However, students who
believe that people, in general, are born with a fixed believe that abilities can be improved through effort
amount of intelligence, such that some people are born and hard work are more likely to respond to challenge
smart and others less smart and that little can be done with increased effort. In the long run, the students who
to change this. Similarly, some students believe that are able to persist in their attempts to master difficult
their abilities were determined at birth and cannot be material perform better than the students who doubt
changed. An alternative way to think about intelligence their ability and give up.26
See Dweck (2006) for a recent discussion focused on girls’ beliefs about intelligence.
Good, Aronson, and Inzlicht (2003); Blackwell, Trzesniewski, and Dweck (2007).
Aronson, Fried, and Good (2002).
Weiner (1986); Graham (1991); see Dweck (1999) for an overview of research in this area.
Grant and Dweck (2003).
Dweck (1999); Dweck and Leggett (1988).
Utman (1997).
( 11 )
These different orientations toward learning may mind grows stronger as a result of doing
have long-term implications. For example, if a child’s hard work, and that over time and with
goal is to look smart, she may shy away from challeng- continued effort, understanding the material
ing tasks with potential for failure in favor of easier and solving the problems will get easier.29
tasks with higher potential for success. In addition,
if a child believes that intelligence or abilities are fixed, • Teachers can also remind students about the
then she is likely to attribute failure to lack of ability, malleability of intelligence when they make
and her belief in her own abilities may eventually progress, pointing out that their brains are
decline. Thus, failures or challenges can have a negative actively building new connections as they study.
impact on children who view intelligence or abilities
as a fixed trait. In contrast, research shows that when Potential roadblocks and solutions
students are taught that intelligence and abilities can
be increased with hard work, their test scores and their Roadblock 1.1. Some adults may believe that
grades improve.27 intelligence and abilities are innate or fixed and that
people who are “naturally” good at something will
Finally, why is it important to foster girls’ belief in excel in that domain. It can be difficult to convince
the malleability of intellectual abilities? As discussed students that effort will make a significant difference
in the overview, girls tend to lack confidence in their when some adults seem to favor “natural ability”
math and science abilities even when they do well in explanations for success over “effort and hard work”
their math and science courses. Teaching girls that explanations.
knowledge and intellectual skills increase, for example,
Solution. Some teachers may view abilities and
when students learn how to solve problems that they
intelligence as static characteristics that are fixed at
previously could not do explicitly provides girls with a
birth. Neurologists used to believe this as well, but
way to interpret failure that does not discourage them
they no longer do. Thus, teachers as well as students
from persevering to master new material in class.
need to take the neuroscience seriously and examine
and modify their preconceptions about the nature of
How to carry out the recommendation human intelligence. Only then can they genuinely help
both students and parents understand that our brains
To help modify students’ beliefs about their intelligence
are constantly creating and refining new synaptic
or abilities, teachers can:
connections, based on our experiences and the activi-
• Expose students to and discuss the neuroscience ties we regularly practice. Teachers should consider
research that shows that brains grow new synaptic the following two studies. In one, researchers found
connections when new material is learned and that cab drivers had enlarged portions of the part of
practiced, thus making the brain more complex the brain that is important in performing spatial tasks
and “smarter”—that working hard to learn new (right posterior hippocampus) relative to a control
knowledge leads to improved intelligence. Sports group of adults whose employment required less use of
analogies can buttress this learning: practicing spatial navigational skills.30 Among the cab drivers in
academic skills, like solving math problems, this study, the number of years spent driving taxis was
improves performance much like practicing positively correlated with the size of the right posterior
free throws improves basketball performance hippocampus. In a related study, researchers found
or practicing serves helps one’s tennis game.28 that in a sample of adults who were not taxi drivers,
there was no correlation between size of the posterior
• When students are struggling, teachers can hippocampus and navigational expertise.31 These two
explicitly remind their students that the sets of findings suggest that experience with complex
Aronson, Fried, and Good (2002); Good, Aronson, and Inzlicht (2003); Blackwell, Trzesniewski, and Dweck (2007).
Good, Aronson, and Inzlicht (2003).
Maguire, Gadian, Johnsrude, et al. (2000).
Maguire, Spiers, Good, et al. (2003).
( 12 )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Gallagher and Kaufman (2005).
( 13 )
( 14 )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Level of evidence: Moderate a response. However, all forms of feedback are not
equal in their impact on students’ beliefs about their
The panel judges the quality of the evidence on the abilities in a given domain, such as math or science, nor
relation between prescriptive, informational feedback in their impact on performance. In particular, when
and students’ beliefs about their math and science teachers provide specific, informational feedback in
abilities and their performance on math- and science- terms of strategies, effort, and the process of learning
related tasks to be moderate, based on a set of small (e.g., “you worked really hard at that subtraction
experimental studies using random assignment that problem”), rather than general praise (e.g., “good job”)
focus specifically on children performing math or or feedback regarding global intelligence (e.g., “you’re 15
math-related tasks 34 and supporting research on the smart”), students’ beliefs about their abilities and their
effects of different types of feedback on a variety of performance are positively influenced.36
tasks.35 The supporting research on feedback includes
many studies that vary in terms of design, including Many teachers know that providing informational
small experimental studies, longitudinal and cross- feedback helps create a positive learning environment.
sectional correlational studies, and qualitative studies. Indeed, the use of classroom formative assessment is
Many of the experimental studies on the effects of linked to substantial learning gains.37 When teachers
different types of feedback have been conducted give informational feedback (e.g., pointing out to a
with children. student a specific problem in her logic rather than
simply noting that the answer is incorrect) students’
achievement and attitudes improve.38 During whole-
Brief summary of evidence to support
class instruction, when teachers combine positive
the recommendation
comments with specific information about how to
Students often receive feedback regarding their solve a problem, students are less likely to report that
performance in the form of grades, test scores, or they engage in self-defeating behaviors (e.g., putting
statements from teachers regarding the accuracy of off doing their homework until the last minute) or
See Hackett (1985) for a classic study supporting this conclusion in the context of mathematics; Fouad and Smith (1996) discuss this
relationship in middle school students.
Mueller and Dweck (1998); Elawar and Corno (1985); Miller, Brickman, and Bolen (1975).
See Bangert-Drowns, Kulik, Kulik, et al. (1991) for a synthesis of studies on feedback and Henderlong and Lepper (2002) for a recent
review on the effects of praise on children’s intrinsic motivation.
Mueller and Dweck (1998); Elawar and Corno (1985); Miller, Brickman, and Bolen (1975).
See Black and Wiliam (1998) for a recent discussion of the literature on feedback and formative assessment.
Elawar and Corno (1985).
( 15 )
avoid asking for help when they don’t understand abilities? As discussed in the overview, girls tend to
assignments.39 In addition, research suggests that lack confidence in their math and science abilities even
positive substantive feedback that provides information when they do well in math and science courses. Provid-
about students’ progress toward goals and progress in ing informative feedback focuses students’ attention on
learning is related to children’s motivational beliefs, what to do when they do not solve a problem correctly
such as their self-concept of ability and self-efficacy. An rather than letting girls attribute wrong answers to
observational study of math classrooms illustrates how a lack of ability. When students experience success,
including such feedback during instruction can support providing informative feedback directs their attention
students’ self-efficacy in mathematics.40 Even though to what they did to achieve that success (e.g., worked
the research demonstrates the critical and potentially hard, tried multiple strategies, used the procedures in
powerful role that appropriate feedback can play, it the correct order) rather than allowing girls to attribute
does not appear that teachers typically use prescriptive, that success to having a certain amount of ability.
informational feedback. In fact, a recent descriptive
study of teacher feedback used in 58 third-grade How to carry out the recommendation
mathematics classrooms suggests that the primary form
of feedback teachers use during instruction is general What can teachers do to make sure that the feedback
praise, such as “that’s very good,” which does not they give students will help improve both their motiva-
provide any useful information to students.41 tion to learn new material and their performance, even
in the face of failure?
Experimental work suggests that feedback given in
the form of praise focused on global intelligence (e.g., • Provide positive, substantive feedback to students
“you’re smart”) may have a negative impact on future as they solve problems to encourage students to
learning behavior in comparison to praise about effort correct misunderstandings and learn from their
(e.g., “you must have worked hard”).42 Elementary mistakes.43 Teachers should create a classroom
school students who were given praise about their environment in which learning, improving,
intelligence after correctly solving a problem were likely and understanding are emphasized. In such an
to attribute future failures to lack of ability, have lower environment, when children give an incorrect
interest, show less persistence on future tasks, and have answer, it becomes an opportunity for learning.
a goal for future tasks of looking smart. In contrast,
children who were given praise about their effort were • Highlight the importance of effort for succeeding
more likely to believe that subsequent failure was due at difficult tasks. By attributing success to effort
to lack of effort, show higher persistence on difficult rather than to global intelligence, expectations
tasks, and have a goal of mastering challenging tasks for future success are supported. Praising general
or concepts rather than just “looking smart.” Thus, intelligence implies that natural intellectual gifts
teacher feedback that attributes student success to effort determine success (and failure) rather than effort;
(e.g., “you’ve been working hard”) and task-specific this can be a debilitating mindset for students
ability (e.g., “you did very well at solving this division when confronted with failure on a difficult task.44
problem”) strengthens self-efficacy beliefs about
• Keep a balance between learning on the one hand
mathematics. These beliefs, in turn, influence a child’s
and performance on the other. Grades matter,
future persistence on difficult tasks and, ultimately,
but students who focus single-mindedly on their
overall performance.
grades may come to care so much about perfor-
Finally, why is prescriptive, informational feedback mance that they sacrifice learning opportunities.45
important to enhancing girls’ beliefs about their
Turner, Midgley, Meyer, et al. (2002).
Schweinle, Turner, and Meyer (2006).
Foote (1999).
Mueller and Dweck (1998).
Schweinle, Turner, and Meyer (2006); Turner, Midgley, Meyer, et al. (2002).
Mueller and Dweck (1998); see Foersterling (1985) for a review of research on attributional feedback.
Dweck (2002); Mueller and Dweck (1998).
( 16 )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Potential roadblocks and solutions so that appropriate adjustments can be made through-
out the year. Lessons should include formative and
Roadblock 2.1. Some teachers may find it difficult to summative assessments of student progress, providing
focus on effort and strategy use rather than on perfor- feedback to students long before the annual standard-
mance. Too often, the attention of many students (and ized assessments are taken. Teachers can also use peer
sometimes their parents) is on report card grades and feedback and critique as a classroom activity—provid-
exam scores. In addition, many teachers are required ing clear criteria for feedback and critique to students
to assess and report performance in terms of grades or at the outset.
exam scores.
Turner, Midgley, Meyer, et al. (2002).
Ward (1976).
Henderlong and Lepper (2002) provide a recent discussion of the research on praise.
( 17 )
( 18 )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Aronson (2002); Aronson and Steele (2005); Steele, Spencer, and Aronson (2002).
Marx and Roman (2002); McIntyre, Paulson, and Lord (2003).
For reviews of the research, see Aronson and Steele (2005); Steele, Spencer, and Aronson (2002).
Steele (2003).
Several experimental studies have been conducted with college students that demonstrate the stereotype threat phenomenon. For example,
see Gonzales, Blanton, and Williams (2002); Spencer, Steele, and Quinn (1999); Steele and Aronson (1995).
Aronson and Good (2002).
Stangor, Carr, and Kiang (1998).
Davies, Spencer, Quinn, et al. (2002).
( 19 )
Research also indicates that when some women take the math or science performance of girls, experimental
tests, a certain amount of stereotype threat is generally studies demonstrate that calling attention to gender
operative—that is, stereotype threat is the default decreased performance on math tests in 12-year-old
unless measures are taken to counter it in the testing girls but not in younger girls (10- and 11-year-olds).61
situation.58 It is also the case that circumstances can be In addition, researchers have found that by age 10 or
more or less threatening depending on the number of so, simply being evaluated is enough to evoke stereo-
stereotype cues in the environment. For example, when type threat with respect to academically stigmatized
men outnumber women in the room when taking a ethnic minority students.62 These studies demonstrate
test, women perform worse than when they outnumber that stereotype threat can be a problem by the time
men, and women seem to perform better still when no girls reach middle school.
men are present.59
Because the research on the effects of stereotype
Evidence from four random-assignment experiments threat and exposure to positive female role models
indicate that exposing women to female role models has primarily been documented with adult women,
who are high-achieving or who are perceived as math we considered related research on awareness of gender
experts can mitigate the effects of stereotype threat stereotypes by girls in general. Evidence from one
on math test performance. 60 These studies show that small, cross-sectional observational study suggests that
even brief exposure to women who are perceived to be elementary-school-aged girls are aware of the stereotype
experts in math can improve female students’ perfor- that men are considered to be better at math than
mance on math tests. women, but that they view girls and boys to be equally
good at math. 63
Although we did not identify experimental studies test-
ing the effect of exposure to successful role models on
Table 3. Percent of degrees awarded to women in engineering subfields in 1966, 1985, and 2004
Bachelor’s Master’s Doctorate
1966 1985 2004 1966 1985 2004 1966 1985 2004
SOURCE: National Science Foundation. Division of Science Resources Statistics. 2006. Science and Engineering
Degrees: 1966-2004.
E.g., Inzlicht and Ben-Zeev (2000); Inzlicht, Aronson, Good, et al. (2006).
Marx and Roman (2002); McIntyre, Paulson, and Lord (2003).
Good and Aronson (2007).
McKown and Weinstein (2003).
Steele (2003).
( 20 )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Although the negative stereotype that women cannot In addition, we suggest that teachers invite women or
perform as well as men in math and science exists and older students who can serve as role models in math or
can affect students’ performance, the stereotype is not science to be guest speakers or tutors. Learning about
necessarily accurate. As we indicated in the overview, role models who have achieved in math or science,
women earn a substantial proportion of the bachelor’s whether through biographies or personal conversations:
and master’s degrees in math and in many science
disciplines (see figure 2). Even in engineering, the pro- • Teaches students that struggle and eventual
portions of degrees that women now earn have substan- success are normal. This knowledge seems to
tially changed over the last 40 years.64 Table 3 shows the reduce anxiety and boost motivation when
percent of degrees awarded to women by engineering the student encounters challenges in work
subfields in 1966, 1985, and 2004. In 1966, women related to science, technology, engineering, or
earned less than 1 percent of the bachelor’s degrees mathematics. A role model who communicates
in any engineering subfield. By 2004, women earned this may serve as a greater inspiration to
about one-third of the bachelor’s degrees in chemical persist through difficulty than someone for
engineering (35 percent), industrial engineering (33 whom achievement appears effortless.66
percent), and materials and metallurgical engineering
• Conveys to students that becoming good at
(31 percent). Exposing girls to female role models may
math or science takes hard work and that
help negate the stereotype and encourage more girls to
self-doubts are a normal part of the process of
pursue math- and science-related careers.
becoming expert at anything worthwhile.67
How to carry out the recommendation At least some female role models should be “attainable.”
Research supports the idea that older students who
To counteract the negative stereotypes regarding overcame initial difficulty with hard work eventually to
women’s math and science abilities, teachers should become high performers can be effective role models.68
provide exposure to female role models who are experts A famously gifted female engineer for whom math and
in math and science fields. Experimental studies with science always came easily and naturally is not always
college women indicate that learning about women the best role model because she can be written off as
who have achieved success in math or science can help an the exception—a rare case who triumphed through
attenuate the effects of negative stereotypes.65 Teachers talent rather than hard work.
can expose students to female role models in a number
of ways: In addition, many mentoring programs have been
created for young women in an attempt to provide
• Assign biographical readings about women them with role models and foster their interest in
scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. mathematics and science.69 Mentoring is a broad
term used to describe formal and informal programs
• Call attention to current events highlighting the in which mentors, who are people with expertise in a
achievements of women in math or science. field, help people develop and accomplish their educa-
• When talking about potential careers, make tional and career goals. Little rigorous research exists
students aware of the numbers of women who assessing mentors’ effectiveness in math and science
receive advanced degrees in math- and science- per se, but mentoring programs may provide many
related disciplines. The National Science Founda- high-school-age girls with exposure to and connections
tion publishes statistics on women in the sciences, with a woman who has succeeded in math and science.
math, and engineering each year. This information However, some promising research illustrates the effects
is available on its website (www.nsf.gov/statistics). of mentoring programs in increasing the numbers
National Science Foundation (2006a).
Marx and Roman (2002); McIntyre, Paulson, and Lord (2003).
Ibid.; Wilson and Linville (1985).
Good, Aronson, and Inzlicht (2003).
Building Engineering and Science Talent (2004).
( 21 )
Maton and Hrabowski (2004); Summers and Hrabowski (2006).
Tierney and Grossman (2000).
E.g., Davies, Spencer, Quinn, et al. (2002).
See National Science Foundation at http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/wmpd/ for current statistics on the numbers of women and men receiving
degrees in math and science.
( 22 )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Level of evidence: Moderate activities and careers that involve social and artistic
pursuits.78 These differences in interests are apparent
A number of studies have shown that students’ interest by middle school and are reflected in undergraduate
predicts both concurrent and long-term performance degree and career choices. Even highly mathematically
in and choice of math and science courses, majors, and able youth who were identified in adolescence and
careers.75 In addition, several small-scale experimental followed longitudinally showed gender effects in their
studies have examined the effect of specific strategies choice of degrees. The ratio of male to female under-
(e.g., using practical problems as a context for learn- graduate degrees in math and science is 2.4:1.79
ing math or science skills) on students’ interest and
learning. The panel judges the quality of the evidence To make math and science content more interesting
supporting this recommendation to be moderate, based to students, it is helpful to think about what “interest”
on five small-scale experiments that focus specifically means. In research on learning, the word interest is used
on children learning in math and science contexts 76 in two different ways. The first, which might be called
as well as supporting experimental studies on interest long-term or individual interest, is a relatively stable and
in other domains or with adult populations and personal preference toward certain types of activities. A
correlational studies of students’ interest and course- second kind of interest, which might be called curiosity
taking or career choices.77 or situational interest, is a more immediate response
to particular aspects of situations or problems.80 It is
true, as noted above, that gender differences have been
Brief summary of evidence to support
found in students’ long-term interests. But many expert
the recommendation
teachers realize that an important way to cultivate
Researchers have found gender differences in students’ students’ long-term interests in math and science is to
interests, with boys typically more interested in build upon their initial curiosity. Research (as well as
activities and careers involving scientific, technical, intuition) suggests that curiosity can serve as a hook to
and mechanical pursuits and girls more interested in engage students in math and science content.81 Once
Simpkins, Davis-Kean, and Eccles (2006); Updegraff and Eccles (1996).
Cordova and Lepper (1996); Parker and Lepper (1992); Ginsburg-Block and Fantuzzo (1998); Turner and Lapan (2005); Phelps and
Damon (1989).
For a recent review of this literature, see Hidi and Renninger (2006).
Lapan, Adams, Turner, et al. (2000).
Webb, Lubinski, and Benbow (2002).
Mitchell (1993); Hidi and Renninger (2006).
Hidi and Renninger (2006).
( 23 )
students’ interest in a topic or content area is sparked, • Use project-based learning, group work, in-
teachers can then build on that curiosity, providing novative tasks, and technology to stir interest
students with opportunities to engage with interesting in a topic. Using web-based presentations of
material and potentially transforming that initial content and animated presentations of changes
curiosity into long-term interest. that occur during chemical bonding supports
student exploration of key chemical concepts
and is associated with improved learning. Other
How to carry out the recommendation research shows that when students are asked
Teachers can take several actions to create a classroom to solve the series of problems presented in a
video-based adventure as members of teams,
environment that sparks initial interest and may foster
they outperform their counterparts who are
long-term interest.82 To spark initial interest, teachers
asked to solve the problems individually. 87
can provide students the opportunity to see how the
skills and knowledge they are learning in mathematics • Examine the large variety of tools designed for
and science classes can be used to solve interesting and teachers to use with girls and young women to
meaningful problems. For example, teachers can: spark initial curiosity about science and mathemat-
ics content. Many of these tools incorporate the
• Embed mathematics word problems and science principles that have been discussed in this practice
activities in interesting contexts.83 For elementary guide. A listing of these tools is published in a
school children, embedding mathematical practice volume entitled New tools for America’s workforce:
in fantasy contexts (e.g., saving a planet from an girls in science and engineering and can be down-
alien invasion, searching for buried treasure or loaded at http://www.nsf.gov/publications/. 88
criminals) has been found to be highly motivating
and interesting and has led to improved perfor- Teachers can capitalize on that initial situational
mance.84 For middle school children, embedding curiosity by providing students with opportunities to
mathematical practice in the contexts of real- deepen their knowledge and understanding of par-
ticular math and science content and to broaden their
world problems (e.g., figuring out how to build an
understanding of how what they are learning today
effective skateboard ramp given a limited budget
connects to their future goals. Teachers should also
or a hovercraft that “flies” multiple students)
consider providing students with access to female role
can be both motivating and support learning.85 models who have been successful in mathematics and
• Provide students with access to rich, engaging, science careers to nurture long-term individual interest
(see Recommendation 3).
relevant informational and narrative texts as they
participate in classroom science investigations. • Encourage middle and high school students to
For example, during weeklong series of science examine their beliefs about which careers are
investigation activities where elementary school typically female-oriented and which are typically
children learn about owls and birds and have the male-oriented. Encourage these students to learn
opportunity to dissect owl pellets and discuss more about careers that are interesting to them
what they find, the children are also asked to read but that they believe employ more members of the
from both informational and narrative texts that opposite gender. Connect mathematics and sci-
focus on owls. Embedding the reading activities ence activities to careers in ways that do not rein-
into the context of science investigation serves to force existing gender stereotypes of these careers.89
generate situational interest and further curiosity.86
Mitchell (1993); Hidi and Renninger (2006).
Renninger, Ewen, and Lasher (2002).
Cordova and Lepper (1996); Parker and Lepper (1992).
Bottge, Rueda, Serlin, et al. (2007).
Guthrie, Wigfield, Humenick, et al. (2006).
Barron (2000); Linn, Lee, Tinker, et al. (2006); Phelps and Damon (1989); Kaelin, Huebner, Nicolich, et al. (2007).
National Science Foundation (2006c).
Turner and Lapan (2005); Ji, Lapan, and Tate (2004); Lapan, Adams, Turner, et al. (2000).
( 24 )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Potential roadblocks and solutions and covering the required curriculum. But, despite
increased time demands, using interesting tasks and
Roadblock 4.1. Teachers may be reluctant to incorpo- instructional formats may be worth the extra effort:
rate aspects of youth culture into a lesson because they Research indicates a strong link between interest and
lack familiarity with students’ interests. Teachers may academic performance, for both girls and boys. In
be concerned that they might look silly by connecting addition, as a teacher and her students become more
to something long out-of-date in students’ minds. accustomed to doing things a bit differently (e.g., using
group work or using project-based learning), the extra
Solution. Certainly it is a challenge to follow cultural
effort required to implement these kinds of activities
trends and fads in students’ interests; it is likely that
can decrease.
students do not expect their teachers to be able to
keep up and may even be surprised when one is able
to do so. However, connecting to trends in popular
culture is only one potential strategy for arousing
students’ curiosity. Teachers can also seek to connect
math and science content with other contexts that
are of interest to students of all ages and generations,
including history and current events. In addition,
incorporating hands-on activities, group work, and
technology into lessons can make the content more
interesting for students.
( 25 )
( 26 )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Doolittle (1989); Newcombe (2002); McGraw, Lubienski, and Struchens (2006).
Ben-Chaim, Lappan, and Houang (1988); Piburn, Reynolds, McAuliffe, et al. (2005).
A summary of research can be found in Halpern, Benbow, Geary, et al. (2007).
E.g., Bielinksi and Davison (2001); Doolittle (1989); Gallagaher, De Lisi, Holst, et al. (2000); Geary, Saults, Liu, et al. (2000); Gierl,
Bisanz, Bisanz, et al. (2003).
Gierl, Bisanz, Bisanz, et al. (2003).
Casey, Nuttall, and Pezaris (2001).
( 27 )
using more overt strategies, such as counting, and boys Several studies have documented that women who
using more conceptual spatial strategies.96 undergo specific spatial skills training programs show
improved performance in the specific domain of their
A large research literature shows that boys outperform training.105 In one study, for example, researchers
girls on many tests of spatial skills, especially ones that designed and implemented a course to improve the
require visualizing what an object will look like when it spatial visualization skills of first-year engineering
is rotated in space.97 Researchers have established that students.106 In this course, students learned effective
spatial skill performance is correlated with performance strategies for mentally representing objects, and for
in mathematics and science.98 For example, researchers using graphs, diagrams, charts, and maps as tools for
have found that kindergarteners’ ability to perceive thinking about topics in science and mathematics.
and discriminate among various shapes and geometric Notably, retention in the engineering program for
forms predicts their later performance in fourth-grade female engineering students who took the spatial
math.99 Scores on a spatial visualization test, for visualization course was 77 percent, whereas retention
example, have correlated with subsequent test scores was only 47 percent among those who did not take the
in geology.100 Other evidence supporting the idea that course. Although both females and males participated
spatial abilities are important in math and science was in the spatial training course, more females scored
provided by researchers who found that scores on a test low on tests of spatial visualization at the start of the
of mental rotation, which measures how well students program, and females showed greater gains in retention
can visualize an irregular shape when it is rotated in in the engineering program as well as in grades. Other
space, accounted for a large proportion of the male- researchers examined the effects of spatial training
female difference on standardized examinations.101 when using information about maps and found that
Additionally, geometry items comprise close to one- when students were taught how to project lines of
longitude and latitude and to visualize the curve of the
third of the questions on the math portion of the SAT,
Earth’s surface, their map skills improved.107
and the largest differences between males and females
are found on geometry items.102 Spatial skills, therefore, Several studies, including a few experiments using
figure importantly in the male-female test score gap.103 random assignment, have directly examined spatial
skills training in school-age children. In these studies,
In mathematics, researchers have studied the way
children who received training in a specific spatial skill
that representations affect the learning of complex (e.g., mental rotation, spatial perspective, embedded
mathematical ideas. For example, in a study of the figures) improved their performance on related visual
strategies used to solve mathematical problems, and spatial measures more than children who did not
researchers found that overall, the male students were receive this training.108 In a recent synthesis of the
more likely than female students to use a flexible set spatial skills training literature, such training was found
of general strategies and more likely to solve problems to improve the visual and spatial skills of both children
correctly when the solution required a spatial represen- and adults.109 Thus, targeted training can serve to
tation, a short cut, or the maintenance of information improve spatial skills performance beginning in early
in spatial working memory.104 childhood and continuing into adulthood.
Carr, Jessup, and Fuller (1999).
E.g., Battista (1990); Bielinksi and Davison (2001); Doolittle (1989); Harris and Carlton (1993); McGraw, Lubienski, and Struchens
Casey, Nuttall, and Pezaris (2001); Kurdek and Sinclair (2001); Piburn, Reynolds, McAuliffe, et al. (2005).
Kurdek and Sinclair (2001).
Piburn, Reynolds, McAuliffe, et al. (2005).
Casey, Nuttall, and Pezaris (2001).
Harris and Carlton (1993).
E.g., Bielinksi and Davison (2001); McGraw, Lubienski, and Struchens (2006).
Gallagher, De Lisi, Holst, et al. (2000).
Halpern (2000).
Sorby (2001).
Muehrcke and Muehrcke (1992).
Connor, Schackman, and Serbin (1978); DeLisi and Wolford (2002).
Marulis, Liu, Warren, et al. (2007).
( 28 )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
To reiterate, the mathematical test items that show the offering ideas to teachers for incorporating spatial skills
greatest difference favoring boys are spatial in nature. training in their everyday curriculum.115
Spatial skills can be improved with training. When
spatial skills training was given to college students in Roadblock 5.2. Learners in any classroom will vary in
engineering, grades in courses that use spatial skills their spatial abilities, making it difficult for teachers to
improved and retention in engineering programs, know how to target their teaching in this domain.
especially for women students, improved. In addition,
Solution. Tools and lesson plans available on the Web
spatial ability predicted which courses high school
can be used by learners at different levels of ability.
students liked best (with math and science courses
In addition to published materials, special workshops
positively related to spatial ability) and the careers in
for teachers that vary by grade level could also help
which students were employed when they were in their
teachers begin to plan lessons, as well as ready-to-use
30s (with spatial ability positively related to careers in
sample exercises and online training programs.
math, science, and engineering).110
Shea, Lubinski, and Benbow (2001).
Deno (1995).
Gerson, Sorby, Wysocki, et al. (2001).
Casey, Nutall, and Pezaris (2001).
Sorby and Baartmans (2000).
Casey (2003).
( 29 )
( 30 )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Wigfield, Eccles, Schiefele, et al. (2006).
( 31 )
( 32 )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
on the studies In our example study,121 shortly after the school year
began, 138 seventh-graders (both boys and girls) were
randomly assigned a mentor, with whom they commu-
nicated throughout the school year. The mentors were
Recommendation 1: 25 college students who were completing a required
Teach students that academic abilities are mentor-training course designed by the school district.
The mentors’ role was to offer advice to their assigned
expandable and improvable.
students regarding study skills and the transition to
junior high, explicitly teach one of four messages, and
Level of evidence: Moderate help the students design and create a web page for their
computer skills class in which the students advocated
The panel rated the level of evidence as Moderate. the experimental message conveyed to them by the
We were able to locate two small experiments demon- mentor throughout the year.
strating support for the practice of improving students’
performance by teaching them that academic abilities The participating seventh-graders were randomly
are expandable and improvable.117 In the first study, assigned to one of four conditions, representing a
138 girls and boys in seventh grade participated in the message taught by a mentor: (a) the incremental
study that examined the effect of teaching students condition, in which students learned that intelligence
is an expandable capacity that increases with mental
about the expandability of their abilities on end-of-year
effort; (b) the attribution condition, in which partici-
math and reading achievement test scores.118 The
pants learned that many students experience difficulty
second study was conducted with 95 girls and boys when they move to a new educational level (such as
in seventh grade and examined the effect of such in- junior high), but then improve their performance
struction on students’ end-of-semester math grades.119 once they are familiar with their new environment;
In addition, we identified a small experiment with (c) a combined condition, in which students learned
79 female and male college students that demonstrated both the incremental and attribution messages; and
support for this practice improving students’ end-of- (d) an antidrug control condition, in which students
term grade point averages.120 All three studies included learned about the dangers of drug use. Each mentor
students from ethnically and socioeconomically diverse had about six randomly assigned students across three
backgrounds. of the four messages.
These studies share the following features: Students or Students’ math achievement was measured at the
groups of students were randomly assigned to treat- end of the school year using the Texas Assessment of
Academic Skills, a statewide standardized achievement
ment and control conditions, where some were taught
test administered to all students in the district.
that intelligence is malleable and abilities are expand-
able, while others were not taught this but spent an Study results indicate that the boys in the antidrug
equal amount of time engaged in learning something condition performed significantly better on the math
new. In all three studies, students in the group that was test than the girls; that is, the math score mean for the
taught that abilities are expandable performed better boys was 81.55, but the mean math score for girls was
than students in the control condition. 74.00. However, in the three other conditions, the
gender gap in math performance disappeared. The
Blackwell, Trzesniewski, and Dweck (2007); Good, Aronson, and Inzlicht (2003).
Good, Aronson, and Inzlicht (2003).
Blackwell, Trzesniewski, and Dweck (2007).
Aronson, Fried, and Good (2002).
Good, Aronson, and Inzlicht (2003).
( 33 )
math test scores of the girls in the experimental variation in math course-taking.126 Students examined
conditions were statistically equivalent to the scores of in this study (n = 1,039) were followed from 9th to
the boys across all conditions (i.e., in the incremental 12th grade, and were primarily from middle and
condition, the average math score for males was 85.25 lower middle class European American backgrounds.
and for females was 82.11; in the attribution condition, Self-concept of ability in math, utility of math, and
the average math scores of both boys and girls was interest in math were measured in the ninth grade
84.53; in the combined condition, the average math using questionnaires. Grades in math, standardized
scores for females was 84.06 and for males was 82.30). test scores in math, specific course enrollment choices,
Importantly, the large difference in test scores between and the number of math classes taken throughout high
boys and girls that was found in the control condition school were gathered from school record data. Findings
(i.e., antidrug message) was eliminated in the three indicated a strong and significant association between
experimental conditions. The experimental manipula- self-concept of math ability and performance in
tions were particularly beneficial for the female students mathematics. In addition, the perceived utility of math
and demonstrated significant effects closing the gender had the strongest and most consistent association with
gap in performance, indicating that the intervention the number of high school math courses taken, with
procedures meaningfully increased girls’ math scores boys perceiving math as having significantly greater
compared to the control condition. utility than girls.
Mueller and Dweck (1998).
Elawar and Corno (1985); Miller, Brickman, and Bolen (1975).
Henderlong and Lepper (2002).
Simpkins, Davis-Keans, and Eccles (2006); Updegraff and Eccles (1996).
Updegraff and Eccles (1996).
Simpkins, Davis-Kean, and Eccles (2006).
( 34 )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
science and their performance in these areas. The third given a third and easier set of matrices to complete,
study 128 presents a series of six randomized controlled thus yielding a measure of post-failure performance.
experiments that demonstrate that performance on a
math-related skill can be improved by manipulating Findings from this series of studies indicate that
fifth-graders’ attributions regarding success and failure, fifth-graders who were praised for ability performed
thus increasing their beliefs regarding the likelihood less well following subsequent failure, whereas students
that they will succeed on future related tasks. who were praised for effort did not. Following failure,
students praised for effort rather than ability also
Example of an intervention that uses prescriptive, showed greater task persistence and enjoyment and
informational feedback. greater orientation toward mastery learning. Students
in the control condition typically had scores between
In a series of six experiments, the impact of ability those of students in the ability-praise and effort-praise
versus effort feedback on fifth-graders’ subsequent conditions.
performance on the Standard Progressive Matrices,129
designed to measure ability to form perceptual rela- In this series of studies, several alternative explanations
tions and to reason by analogy, was examined. The were ruled out, including the possibility that: (a) praise
Standard Progressive Matrices is a nonverbal measure for ability might have led children to have higher
that correlates strongly with the Stanford Binet and expectations for future performance, which might then
Wechsler Scales of intelligence. In addition, studies of have led to greater disappointment following failure;
the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Test of Intelligence (b) having the same teacher administer both positive
(Revised) show that math performance is moderately and negative feedback following task completion might
related to perceptual organization for every age group have increased the desire of ability-praised children
sampled. Thus, the Standard Progressive Matrices to perform well on the second set of matrices; and (c)
measures perceptual relations skills that are related to ability-praised children might have interpreted the task
mathematics performance. as an intelligence test, thus leading to greater disap-
pointment following failure. With these competing
The number of participating fifth-graders for each of explanations ruled out through experimental manipula-
the six studies was: 128, 51, 88, 51, 46, and 48. The tion, the authors conclude that ability-focused praise
ethnically and socioeconomically diverse students (both led the fifth-graders to view performance as an index of
boys and girls) were drawn from public schools in the ability, resulting in decreased motivation and perfor-
midwest and the northeast. Students were randomly mance following failure. Students who were praised for
assigned to one of three conditions: (a) ability or effort rather than ability did not show these post-failure
intelligence praise; (b) effort praise; and (c) a control deficits in motivation and performance.
condition in which students received a general state-
ment of praise with no attributions regarding either
ability or effort.
Recommendation 3:
In this series of studies, students were asked to do Promote positive beliefs regarding women’s
three sets of Standard Progressive Matrices. Following abilities by exposing girls to female role
the first set, students received either positive praise models who have succeeded in math
regarding their intelligence or ability; positive praise and science.
regarding their effort; or nonspecific praise that did
not offer an attribution for success. Students then
Level of evidence: Low
completed a second set of matrices, following which
they were told that they had performed “a lot worse” The panel rated the level of evidence that supports
on this set than they had on the first set. After complet- this recommendation as Low, based on four small
ing items measuring dimensions such as desire to experimental studies with college students. Although
persist on the problems, enjoyment of the problems, the experiments that support the recommendation have
and attributions for their failure, students were then strong internal validity for supporting causal claims,
Mueller and Dweck (1998).
( 35 )
these studies were conducted with college students strategy (i.e., exposing girls to positive role models) in
rather than girls in kindergarten through high school general has been shown to be effective for elementary to
and were short laboratory experiments, rather than secondary school students in some outcome domains,
real-world classroom studies conducted with students although not specifically for improving outcomes in
over extended periods of time. Thus, the generalizabil- math or science.
ity of these studies to the effects of exposing girls
to female role models over, for example, the course Example of intervention using competent female
of a school year is limited. role models with college students.
In addition to these studies that explicitly address In our example study, a research team conducted
the effect of female role models on young women’s a series of three random-assignment experiments
math performance and beliefs about their math examining the impact of competent female role models
abilities, there is evidence that exposure to positive on the performance of college women in a setting that
role models or mentors can have a positive effect was represented to participants as a diagnostic testing
on students’ behaviors.130 situation for math.134 The participants in each of these
experiments were students who considered themselves
In a set of three small experimental studies with to be good in math and to be motivated to do well
college students, researchers demonstrated that the on math exams. In experiment 1, 43 undergraduate
presence of female role models who are competent women and men were randomly assigned to undergo
in math mitigated the negative impact of gender the math testing situation with either a female or a
stereotypes on the math performance of female male experimenter, both of whom were presented to
college students.131 These studies provide evidence the participants as being competent in math. Women
that exposure to competent female role models can performed as well as their male counterparts when the
close the female-male math gap in testing and improve experimenter was a woman; women did not do as well
young women’s beliefs about their math abilities. on the math test when the experimenter was a man.
However, these studies do not examine the efficacy
of female role models with girls from kindergarten In experiments 2 and 3, participants were provided
through high school. with the biographical sketch of a fictitious female
experimenter who was not actually present; in the
In another small, random-assignment experiment biographical sketches, the female experimenter’s level of
with college women, a team of researchers found math competence was manipulated to be either high or
significantly improved performance on a test of items low. The results of both experiments demonstrated that
similar to those used for the GRE math test when the the improved performance on the math exam obtained
students first read about women’s accomplishments in in experiment 1 was dependent on the undergraduate
architecture, law, medicine, and invention.132 women perceiving the female role model to be very
compentent in math, as opposed to simply taking the
These four studies provide evidence of the positive test with a female experimenter with average math
effect of female role models on the test performance skills. In addition, in experiment 3, the researchers
of young college women and on their beliefs about found that young women’s perceptions of their math
their math abilities. Some evidence suggests that ability were higher when they were exposed to a female
exposure to positive role models or mentors can have role model who was competent in math.
a positive effect on students’ behaviors. For example, a
large-scale evaluation of Big Brothers/Big Sisters found These studies provide evidence that a brief exposure
positive effects of mentoring on young adolescents’ to a compentent female role model can affect college
school attendance and drug and alcohol use.133 women’s performance on tests and their perceptions of
We cite these studies as providing evidence that the their math abilities. An important limitation of these
E.g., Tierney and Grossman (2000).
Marx and Roman (2002).
McIntyre, Paulson, and Lord (2003).
Tierney and Grossman (2000).
Marx and Roman (2002).
( 36 )
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
studies for our purposes is that the participants were of science texts.141 Finally, another set of studies
students who self-identified as being good in math and examined 133 third-grade and 106 fifth-grade students
being motivated to do well on math tests. from two low-income schools with predominantly
African-American populations.142
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pretest questionnaire; in the first personalized fantasy considered important in math and science achieve-
condition, the students had some choice regarding at ment. One study was a small-scale, random-assignment
least six details incidental to the game itself, whereas experiment with college students144; the other was a
(e) in the second personalized fantasy condition, quasi-experiment with elementary or middle school
the students did not have a choice. Thus, the five students.145 Both studies focused on the improvement
conditions were: no-fantasy control condition; generic of specific spatial skills. Although there is agreement
fantasy, no choice; generic fantasy, choice; personalized among experts that the relevant skills are important to
fantasy, no choice; personalized fantasy, choice. specific aspects of math and science performance, the
transfer of these skills more generally to achievement in
The intervention consisted of five sessions. In the first math and science courses has not been directly demon-
session, participating students were pretested on their strated. The evidence supporting the practice of spatial
knowledge of the target math skills, and also completed skills training as a way to improve performance in math
several measures of their global motivational orienta- and science courses in K–12 is thus indirect.
tion. In the next three sessions, each child played with
one randomly assigned version of the computer games. In the first study, 103 college students taking an
These sessions were scheduled about five days apart introductory geology course were in one of four
and lasted about 30 minutes each. In the fifth session, sections randomly assigned to either an experimental
students completed posttests on the target math skills, or a control condition.146 Both experimental and
as well as several additional attitudinal measures. control sections used the same laboratory manual;
Dependent measures included self-reports of interest however, the two experimental sections used additional
and enjoyment, behavioral commitments to continued computer-based modules that allowed extensive student
task engagement, preferences for increasingly chal- involvement with images that could be manipulated.
lenging tasks, and direct measures of students’ online Students were administered a content assessment and
involvement in the activities. two spatial-visual measures as pretests and posttests.
Study results indicate that students in the experimental
The results of the intervention indicate that students sections improved their spatial visualization skills
exposed to each of the three specific strategies designed significantly more than did students in the control
to heighten student interest (contextualization, choice, sections and that pre-existing gender differences with
and personalization) showed significantly greater mo- regard to spatial visualization were eliminated in the
tivation, involvement, and learning of the target math experimental sections. That is, final posttest scores of
skills than those students in the control condition. males and females on the spatial visualization tasks were
not different from one another.
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