Stuyvesant Letter
Stuyvesant Letter
Stuyvesant Letter
journey together, I want to welcome you back to school and to outline for you some of the plans I have made in partnership with the faculty and the School Leadership Team. I want to ask for your input and your support as we move forward. In particular, I want to urge all staff, parents and students to join me as active partners in formulating and enacting these plans. Change is excitingthis is a time for us to join together to explore the possibilities for growth as a school community. Stuyvesant High School has a long history of preparing students to become leaders in their fields of study, and we will build on that foundation of excellence. I challenge our students to hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct and ethics in their academic pursuits. As a community we must address the issues of student discipline and academic integrity directly: We will not tolerate any acts of academic dishonesty. Such acts undermine the reputation of this school and hurt our students individually and collectively. We will be working closely with student leadership in discussions about the creation of an Honor Code. An honor code would be a public sign of our commitment to uphold academic integrity at Stuyvesant High School. We will review and discuss the behaviors expected of Stuyvesant students and the consequences for actions that are not acceptable, including enforcing the Citywide Standards of Intervention and Discipline Measures and the Chancellors policy on the use of electronic devices. Beginning next week, all students will be bringing home a document that outlines the Stuyvesant High School Academic Honesty Policy as part of an assignment in their English classes. Parents should discuss this policy and, together with their child, sign and return it to their English teacher. All teachers will be conducting lessons on academic integrity and honesty on every grade level, with particular attention to testing procedures. I am asking parents to reinforce our policies regarding acceptable behavior with their children at home. I want to reiterate what I said in my previous letter to you: leadership coupled with open communication leads to successful partnerships that further student achievement. I am excited about the year ahead, and eager to get started. Please join me! Yours, Jie Zhang, Principal, I.A.