Gas Turbine

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Axial Turbine Introduction:A gas turbine unit for power generation or a turbojet engine for production of thrust primarily consists of a compressor, Combustion chamber and a turbine. The air as it passes through the compressor, experiences an increase in presser. There after the air in fed to the combustion chamber leading to tan increase in temperature. This high pressure and temperature gas in then passed through the turbine, where it is expanded the required power is obtained. Turbines, like compressors, can be classified into radial, axial and mixed flow machines. In the axial machine the fluid moves essentially in the axial direction through the rotor. In the radial type the fluid motion is mostly radial. The mixed-flow machine is characterized by a combination of axial and radial motion of the fluid relative to the rotor. The choice of turbine type depends on the application, though it is not always clear that any one type is superior. Comparing axial and radial turbines of the same overall diameter, we may say that the axial machine, just as in the case of compressors, is capable of handling considerably greater mass flow. On the other hand, for small mass flows the radial machine can be made more efficient than the axial one. The radial turbine is capable of a higher pressure ratio per stage than the axial one. However, multistaging is very much easier to arrange with the axial turbine, so that large overall pressure ratios are not difficult to obtain with axial turbines. In this chapter, We will focus on the axial flow terbine Generally the efficiency of a well-designed turbine is higher than the efficiency of a compressor. Moreover, the design process is somewhat simpler. The principal reason For this fact is that the fluid undergoes a pressure drop in the turbine and a pressure rise in the compressor .The pressure drop in the turbine is sufficient to keep the secondary layer generally well behaved and the secondary layer separation which of the occurs in compressors because of an adverse pressure gradient, can be avoided in turbines. Offsetting this advantage is the much more critical stress problem, since turbine rotors must operate in very high temperature gas. Actual blade shape is often more dependent on stress and cooling considerations than on aerodynamic considerations, beyond the satisfaction of the velocity-triangle requirements. Because of the generally falling pressure in turbine flow passages much more turbine in a giving blade row is possible without danger of flow separation than in an axial compressor blade row. This means much more work and considerably higher pressure ratio, per stage. In recent years advances have been made in turbine blade cooling and in the metallurgy of turbine blade materials. This means that turbines are able to operate

successfully at increasingly high inlet gas temperatures and that substantial improvements are being made in turbine engine thrust, weight, and fuel consumption. Two-dimensional theory of axial flow turbine. An axial turbine stage consists of a row of stationary blades, called nozzles or stators, followed by the rotor, as Fig 1 illustrates. Because of the large pressure drop per stage, the nozzle and rotor blades may be of increasing length, as shown, to accommodate the rapidly expanding gases, while holding the axial velocity to something like a uniform value through the stage. It should be noted that the hublip ratio for a high pressure gas turbine in quite high that in it is having blades of short length. Thus, the radial variation in velocity and pressure may be neglected and the performance of a turbine stage is calculated from the performance of the blading at the mean radial section that in a bio-dimensional pitch-line Following are the notation used for this chapter: C - axial velocity W - relation velocity R radial character R radial direction Z - axial direction - tangential direction 1 - inlet to the nozzle. 2 - exit from the nozzle, or unlit to the rotor 3 - exit from the rotor. - absolute angle - relative angle design analysis . A Lowpressure within will typically have a much lower hub-lip ratio and a larger blade twist. A two dimensional design is not valid in this case. A section through the mean radius would appear as in fig.1 One can see that the nozzles accelerate the flow imparting an increased tangential velocity component. The velocity diagram of the turbine differs from that of the compressor in that change in tangential velocity in the rotor, Vw , in the direction opposite to the blade speed U. The reaction to this change in the tangential momentum of the fluid is a torque on the rotor in the direction of motion. Hence the fluid does work on the rotor. Again applying the momentum relation-ship we may show that the power output is & P = m(U 2Vw U 3Vw ) (1) 2 3 In an axial turbine, U 2 ~ U 3 = U ( say ) . The work output per unit mass flow rate is

WT = U (Vw Vw )
2 3

Again, Defining We find that the stage work ratio is

WT = Cp (To1 To3 ) . To = To1 To3 = To 2 To3 ,

U (Vw Vw ) To WT 2 3 = = (2) To1 C p To1 C p To1 Fig 2: illustrates a combined (inlet to and exit from the rotor ) velocity diagram of a turbine stage. The velocity diagram gives the following relation: U = tan 2 tan 2 Vf = tan 3 tan 3 WT = U (Vw Vw )
2 3

Thus, i.e,

= UV f [tan 2 tan 3 ] WT = UV f [tan 2 tan 3 ] (3)

The Eq (3) gives the expression for WT in terms of gas angles associated with the rotor blade. Note that the work-down factor required in case of the axial compressor in necessary here. This in because in an accelerating flow the effect of the growth of secondary layer along the annulus passage in much less then when there is a decelerating flow with an adverge pressure gradient. Instead of temperature drop ratio [defined in Eq (2)], turbine designers generation refer to the work capacity of a turbine stage as = Vf c p To U2 = Vw Vw 2 3 V

[tan 2 tan 3 ] ..(4) U is a dimensionless parameter, =

Which is called the blade looking capacity or temperature drop coefficient . In gas turbine design, V f in kept generally constant across a stage and the ratio V f / U is called the flow coefficient Thus, Eq (4) can be written as = [tan 2 tan 3 ] ..(5) As the secondary layer over the blade surface in not very sensitive in case of a turbine the turbine designer has considerably more freedom to distribute the hold stage pressure drop between the rotor and the stator. However, locally on the section surface of the blade there could be a zone of an adverse pressure gradient depending on the turning and on the pitch of the blades. Thus, the secondary layer could grow rapidly or even separate in such a region affecting adversity the turbine efficiency. Figure 13.3 illustrates the schematic of flow within the blade passage and the pressure distribution over the section surface depicting a zone of diffusion. Different design groups hence their own rules, learned from experience of blade testing, for the amount of diffusion which is permissible particularly for highly loaded blades. Degree of reaction: Another useful dimensionless parameter is the degree for reaction or simply the reaction R. It may be defined for a turbine as the fraction of overall enthalpy drop (or pressure drop) occurring in the rotor Thus, R= h2 h3 (6) ho1 ho3


T2 T3 To1 T o3

Turbine stage in which the entire pressure drop occurs in the nozzle are called impulse stages. Stages in which a portion of the pressure drop occurs in the nozzle and the rest in the rotor are called reaction stages. In a 50% reaction turbine, the enthalpy drop in the rotor would be half of the total for the stage. An impulse turbine stage in shown in Fig14.1, along with the velocity diagram for the common case of constant axial velocity. Since no enthalpy change occurs within the rotor, the energy equation within the rotor requires that | Vr | =| Vr | . If the axial velocity
2 3

is held constant, then this requirement is satisfied by 3 = 2

From the velocity diagram, W1 can see that Vr = Vr




Vw Vw = 2Vr w 2 3 2 = 2(C 2 V ) = 2U ( C 2 C3 U = 2( tan 2 1) Cz tan 2 1) U


The Eq 8 illustrate the effect of the nozzle outlet angle on the impulse turbine work output. It is evident, then, that for large power output the nozzle angle should be as large as possible. Two difficulties are associated with very large 2 . For reasonable axial velocities (i.e., reasonable flow per unit frontal area), it is evident that large 2 creates very large absolute and relative velocities throughout the stage. High losses are associated with such velocities, especially if the relative velocity Vr is supersonic. In practice, losses seem to

be minimized for values of 2 around 70 In addition, one can see that for large 2 [tan 2 > (2U / V f )], the absolute exhaust velocity will have a swirl in the direction opposite to U. While we have not introduced the definition of turbine efficiency as yet, it is clear that, in a turbojet engine where large axial exhaust velocity is desired, the kinetic energy associated with the tangential motion of the exhaust gases is essentially a loss. Furthermore, application of the angular momentum equation over the entire engine indicates that exhaust swirl is associate with an (undesirable) net torque acting on the aircraft. Thus the desire is for axial or near-axial absolute exhaust velocity (at least for the last stage if a multistage turbine is used). For the special case of constant V f and axial exhaust velocity Vw = 0 and Vw = 2U . So Eq. 8 becomes,
3 2

=2 = 2 / ]

[tan 2 =

C 2U = CZ CZ

For a given power and rotor speed, and for a given peak temperature, Eq. (8) is sufficient to determine approximately the mean blade speed (and hence radius) of a single-stage impulse turbine having axial outlet velocity. If , as is usually the case, the blade speed is too high

(for stress limitations), or if the mean diameter is too large relative to the other engine components, it is necessary to employ a multistage turbine in which each stage does part of the work. It has been shown that the 50% reaction compressor stage (with constant V f ) has symmetrical blading. The same is true for the 50% reaction turbine stage. As the change in static enthalpy is same in stator and rotor blades, the change in kinetic energy relative to such blade row must be the same. The velocity diagram for a 50% reaction stage with a constant axial velocity is shown in Fig 5. Since the velocity diagram is symmetrical, W 2 = C 2 V = C 3 i.e. C 3 = (C 2 V ) or, C 2 C3 = 2C 2 U

C 2 C3 V

C = 2 z tan 2 1 V or, = 2 tan 2 1 .(9) Again the desirability of large 2 is indicated and the same limitations are encountered, so that typical values of 2 are near 70 o . For the special case of axial outlet velocity and constant V f 3 and 2 are zero and the velocity diagram becomes a rectangle. The stage work output is then =1 Thus for the same blade speed and for axial outlet velocities, the impulse stage work is twice that of the 50% reaction stage. We can expect the impulse stage to have somewhat greater loss, however, since the average fluid velocity in the stage is higher and since the secondary layer on the suction side of the rotor blades may be significantly thicker and closer to separation, depending on the turning angle and blade spacing. The 50% reaction stage is not uniquely desirable, of course. One can use any degree of reaction (greater then zero) to design a turbine of acceptable performance.

The gas flow angle at inlet and exit of blades can b expressed in terms of , and R . For the rotor blade, the relative total enthalpy remains constant and W1 have, h2 +
2 W W2 = h3 + 2 2 2 3


h2 h3 =

W32 W22 2 2

If the axial velocity is the same upstream and downstream of the rotor, then h2 h3 = The Eq.6 becomes, R= (W 3 W 3 )(W 3 + W ) 2 2U (C 2 C 3 ) (W 3 W 2 (W 3 + W ) 2 2 .

Again from velocity triangle (Fig 2), C 2 C 3 = W 2 W 3 Thus, R = ( W 3 + W 2 2U ) .(10)

1 Cz (tan 2 + tan 3 ) 2 U


1 R = (tan 2 + tan 3 ) ..(11) 2

Solving Eq. 5 and Eq.11, we have tan 2 = ( 2 R ) / 2 (12) tan 3 = ( + 2 R ) / 2 ..(13) and from geometric relation

tan 2 = tan 2 +

1 (14) 1 ..(15)

tan 3 = tan 3 +

Hence, from given values of , and R, We can estimate gas flow angles and the blade layout. Again, combining Eq.11 and Eq.14, We have 1 R = [1 (tan 2 + tan 3 )] .(16) 2 Which is the expression for R in terms of the exit air angles. For the special case of symmetrical blading , 2 = 3 and we have R = 1 / 2 . For the case of Vrw3 = Vrw2 , We have R = 0 . Now for the special case of zero exit swirl, Vw3 = 0 and it follows that Vr

= V f tan 3 = U ie. tan 3 = 1 and Eq. 16 because 1 R = 1 tan 2 .(17) 2

Again for zero exit swirl, the blade loading capacity, Eq.5 reduces to = tan 2 ..(18) [3 = 0]

Equations 17 and 18 have been used in plolling Fig 6, which pertains to design conditions mlz. Here we see that for a given stator outlet angle, the impulse stage requires a much higher axial velocity ratio than does the 50% reaction stage. In the impulse stage all flow velocities are higher, and that is one reason why its efficiency is lower than that of the 50% reaction stage. STAGE EFFICENCY The aerodynamic losses in the turbine differ with the stage configuration, that is, the degree of reaction. Improved efficiency is associated with higher reaction, which tends to mean less work per stage and thus a large number of stages for a given overall pressure ratio. The understanding of aerodynamic losses is important to design, not only in the choice of blading type (impulse or reaction) but also in devising ways to control these losses, for

example, methods to control the clearance between the tip of the turbine blade and the outer casing wall. The choices of blade shape, aspect ratio, spacing, Reynolds number, Mach number, and flow incidence angle can all affect the losses and hence the efficiency of turbine stages. Two definitions of efficiency are in common image: the choice between then depends on the application for which the turbine is used. For many conventional applications, useful turbine output is in the form of shift power and the kinetic energy of the exhaust -, V32 / 2 , is consideration as a loss. In this case, I deal work would be C P (T01 T3s ) and a total to static turbine efficiency, ts , based on the inlet and exit static conditions is used. Thus,

ts =

To1 To3 ..(19) To1 T3s

The ideal (isen tropic) to actual expansion process in turbines is illustrated in Fig 7. Further,

= To1 To3


To1 [1 ( P3 / Po1 )( 1) / ]

1 ( p 3 / p o1 )( 1) /

1 (To3 / To1 )


In some applications, particularly turbojets, the exhaust kinetic energy is not considered a loss since the exhaust gases are intended to emerge at high velocity. The ideal work in this case is then C P (T01 T03s ) rather than C P (T01 T03s ) . This requires a different definition of efficiency, the total-to-total turbine efficiency tt defined by tt = T01 T03 1 (T03 / T01 ) = (21) T01 T 03s 1 ( p03 / p01 ) ( 1) /

One can compare tt & ts by making the approximation T03s T3s T 03 T3 = V32 / 2C p , and using Eqs. 20 and 21 to show that

tt =

1 V32 [2C p (T01 T3s )]


tt > ts

The actual turbine work can be expressed as, P Wt = tt C p T01[1 ( 03 ) ( 1) / r ]. P01 Or P Wt = ts C p T 01 [1 ( 3 ) ( 1) / r ]. P01 Despite the development in computational methods to predict the flow field in turbine blade passages, the estimation of stage losses and then efficiency is still a matter of considerable difficulty. In addition to the primary flow through the blade passage, there are secondary flows which move fluid across the blade passages under the action of centrifugal and carioles forces, blade loading effects causing incidence and deviation; bat age between the moving blade lip and the stationary should; the secondary layers and wakes shed by blades; and for transonic blades, shock waves in the blade passage and at the trailing edges. Another class of effects is the insteady general cascade list can be correlated to define the loss coefficients for the stator (nozzle) and rotor blade of turbines. With reference to the Fig 7, the effects of loss and thus irreversibility through the sector and rotor are expressed by difference in static enthalpies, (h2 h2 s ) and (h3 h3ss ) respectively. Non-dimensional enthalpy loss coefficient for the nozzle can be defined as, 1 2 h2 h2 s = V2 N 2 Similarly, the enthalpy to as coefficient for the rotor, 1 h3 h3ss = Vr2 R 2 3 Thus, the expressions for the efficiency can be approximated as: V 2 + V 2 R r N 2 3 tt = 1 + 2(h1 h3 )


V 2 + V 2 + V 2 R r N 2 1 3 ts = 1 + 2(h1 h3 )


While designing a turbine stage for a particular application, the restriction arises from the view point of blade stress rather than from the aerodynamics to achieve the maximum possible efficiency. In short, the blade spud is limited by the blade stress particularly in high temperature:- applications. The turbine designers will often work to a maximum value of blade speed defined by temperature and material properties. Thus in modern limits, the turbine blade cooling in very vital which determines the life of an engine ( Parlimitorly for the turbojet engine). In many applications, the characteristics of the compressor which the turbine drives also impose limits on the turbine special. Turbine Performance For a given design of turbine operations with a given which at sufficiently high Reynolds member, it can be shown from the dimensional analysis, P0 P0 m RT02 P02 D
2 .

2 3

= f(



Where stagnation states 02 and 03 are at the turbine inlet and outlet, respectively. Figure 8 shows the overall performance of a particular single-stage turbine. One can see that pressure ratios greater than those for compressor stages can be obtained with satisfactory efficiency. The performance of turbines is limited principally by two factors: compressibility and stress. Compressibility limits the mass flow that can pass through a given and as we will see stress limits the wheel speed U. The work per stage, for example, depends on the square of the wheel speed. However, as Chapter 5 showed, the performance of the engine depends very strongly on the maximum temperature. Of course, as the maximum temperature increases, the allowable stress level diminishes; hence in the design of the engine there must be a compromise between maximum temperature and maximum rotor tip speed U. For given pressure ratio and adiabatic efficiency, the turbine work per unit mass is proportional to the inlet stagnation temperature. Since, in addition, the turbine work in a jet or turboshaft engine is commonly two or three times the useful energy output of the engine, a 1% increase in turbine inlet temperature can produce a 2% or 2% increase in engine output. This considerable advantage has supplied the incentive for the adoption of fairly elaborate methods for cooling the turbine nozzle and rotor blades.

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