Heat Rate & Heater Level Control
Heat Rate & Heater Level Control
Heat Rate & Heater Level Control
To minimize controllable losses tied to feedwater heater performance by gaining additional insight into the basic feedwater heater and power cycle operations; associated performance indicators and the positive or negative impact of level control on overall plant efficiency as related to net unit heat rate and cost containment.
Heat rate is a measurement used in the energy industry to calculate how efficiently a power plant uses heat energy and is expressed as the number of BTUs of heat required to produce a kilowatt hour of energy. There are several different calculations for heat rate. The following equations offer the basics of heat rate calculation. Note that the most commonly used calculation is Net Unit Heat Rate.
Heat Rate Cost of Heat Rate Deviation Feedwater Heaters Basic Power Cycle Level Control Monitoring Performance
General heat rate: Heat Rate (Btu/KWh) = Energy Input (Btu) Energy Output (kWh) Energy Input: Energy In Fuel (Btu/hr) = Fuel Flow(lbm/hr) Fuel Heating Value(Btu/lbm) Net unit heat rate: Fuel Flow(lbm/hr) Fuel Heating Value(Btu/lbm) Net Power Output(kW)
Instrument Induced Errors and Heat Rate Case Studies Level Optimization
Heat Rate
The advent of climate change protocols and the Clean Air Act has put fossil fuels in the forefront of the political debate. Adhering to these standards while improving bottom-line performance has made heat rate a common term at all power plants. An understanding of heat rate, its value to the business, and the impact of enhanced technologies on efficiency is crucial when linking the features and benefits of any technology to a return on investment relative to the whole as well as the intended application.
Another variation on heat rate calculation specific to the area of interest is turbine cycle heat rate. Turbine cycle heat rate determines the combined performance of the turbine, condenser, feedwater heaters and feed pumps. Knowing the unit heat rate and the turbine cycle heat rate allows the plant to determine the boiler efficiency.
Turbine Cycle Heat Rate: Turbine Cycle Heat Rate (Btu/kWh) = Energy Input (Btu) Energy Output (kWh)
In an ideal world Performance Engineers would like to see the heat rate at 3,412 Btu/kWh. This would imply that all of the available energy in the fuel source is being converted into usable electricity; hence, the plant is running at 100% efficiency. Although this is not a practical expectation, the reality is that the closer the net unit heat rate is to 3,412 Btu/kWh, the more efficient and cost-effective the operation. An increase in heat rate results in an increase in fuel consumption; whereas, decreasing heat rate equates to a reduction in the fuel required to produce a given number of kWh of energy. Although heat rate is a key consideration in any purchasing decision, other factors play a role as well: maintenance costs, reliability, safety, emissions, hardware cost, etc. Understanding the impact of instrumentation technology across the spectrum will assist in rationalizing the full return on investment to aid in containing costs and maximizing profitability.
HRD Heat Rate Deviation (net unit or turbine cycle heat rate) BE FC CF Boiler Efficiency = 0.88 Fuel Cost/1,000,000 Btu = 2.01 Unit Capacity Factor = 0.85
Annual Fuel Cost: (1 Btu/kWh 0.88)(2.01 1,000,000)(0.85)(500,000)(8760) = $8,503.64/year for a 1Btu/kWh heat rate deviation.
The average commodity price for all grades of coal ($14.35 $71.00) was used to determine the fuel cost
per 1,000,000 Btu. Average price per short ton of $48.31 as of September 17, 2010. Assumed 12,000 BTUs per pound. Cost per ton/24 = Cost/MBtu
Feedwater Outlet
Steam Inlet Water Box Desuperheating Section Window to Allow Flow of Steam Out of Desuperheating Section Tube Bundle Condensing Section Shell
Feedwater Inlet
Drain Outlet
Figure 1
steam from the HP, IP and LP turbines is sent to the appropriate feedwater heaters where the transfer of energy discussed in the previous section takes place. Maintaining accurate and reliable level controls throughout the individual stages is critical to achieving the required final feedwater heater temperature prior to water arriving at the economizer. As mentioned in the general guidelines for heat rate, a modest -5 F reduction in final feedwater temperature increases heat rate by 11.2 Btu/kWh contributing an additional $59,230.00 to annual fuel cost (500MW plant).
HP Turbine
IP Turbine #2
LP Turbine
Condenser Boiler Feed Pump Turbine #6 #4 #5 #7 Condensate Pump Steam Seal Regulator Gland Steam Condenser
To Reheater
To Condenser
Feedwater to Econimizer
#1 FW Heater
#2 FW Heater
#3 FW Heater DA
#4 FW Heater
#5 FW Heater
#6 FW Heater
#7 FW Heater
Figure 2
Modernizing feedwater heater level controls allows operators to better manage controllable losses while significantly reducing maintenance costs. Torque tube displacers (above) are common in the industry and one of the easiest to retrofit.
In addition to exposing the tubes to excessively high temperatures causing premature wear or worse, a lower than acceptable level introduces excessive amounts of high temperature steam to the drain cooler which causes the condensate to flash to steam. The resulting damage to the drain cooler section increases maintenance cost and unscheduled downtime. Another issue tied to low heater levels is having a mixture of steam and water blown through the heater. The subsequent reduction in heat transfer will reveal itself as an increase in the net unit and turbine cycle heat rates. The design of the feedwater heater itself (horizontal versus vertical) and the drain cooler section (snorkel inlet versus full length) can challenge some level technologies. Level control on horizontal heaters and those with full length drain cooler sections is easier since more volume is required for a given change in level. Human factors can also intervene when operational decisions are based on questionable instrumentation. These subtleties need to be taken into account during the instrumentation selection process as well.
If the heater level is higher than the design, the active condensing zone is effectively decreased and tubes in the heater that should be condensing steam are sub-cooling condensate. Exacerbating the problem is the risk of turbine water induction from the feedwater heater. Although fail-safe measures are in place to prevent such occurrence, the impact on efficiency is sufficient to warrant concern.
Feedwater Inlet
Figure 3
Case Studies
The case studies cover two key topics relative to feedwater heater performance. The first details the annual fuel cost associated with an off-design final feedwater heater temperature at a 500MW coal-fired plant. Although this particular situation does not fall into an extreme case warranting a heater bypass, it exemplifies how seemingly minor trade-offs in level control; thus, final feedwater heater temperature in an effort to minimize risk of damage to hardware can impact a plants profitability. The second case study brings to light the dayto-day operational risks and costs that ineffective or aging instrumentation technologies have on the bottom line. In both situations the return on investment for modernizing the instrumentation on their feedwater heaters fell in the 1.0 to 1.5 year timeframe. Lastly, the case studies do not take into account additional emissions cost, affects on boiler & turbine efficiencies, over-firing conditions, lost production, etc., mentioned in the previous section.
Case Study #2 Cost justification to replace aging level controls/technology due to excessive bypassing of LP heaters
Feedwater Heaters Replaced in 2002; Original Instrumentation (1966) Reused (Pneumatic Level Controls/Sight Glass) Unreliable Instrumentation Caused Feedwater Heater Level Fluctuations Bypassed all LP heaters as part of TWIP Placed unit at risk of tripping offline
Cost of LP Heaters Out of Service for Two Weeks
Case Study #1 Off design final FWH Temperature at a 500MW Coal-fired Plant
Outlet Temp Target +438.4F Actual Difference +417.4F -21F
Based on 21 F Low Temperature Heat rate impact was 47 Btu/kWh Cost impact was $243,000 annually
Instrument-induced errors common to the technology used indicated lower than actual level in the feedwater heater
Level Optimization
As the political climate continues to unfold, the capacity to manage controllable losses by leveraging state-of-the-art instrumentation and hardware technologies to improve efficiency and profitability can only be realized when all parties, manufacturers included, with a vested interest in performance strive to meet the challenges and opportunities of a changing industry. Gone are the days of throwing more fuel on the fire and the one dimensional view of presenting solutions. Magnetrol, a global company, pioneered the mechanical switch in 1932 for boiler applications. Over time our expertise in this arena gave access to the power industry where today it is a rare case that one cannot find our transmitters or switches monitoring a critical level in nuclear & fossil plants around the world. This entrepreneurial and innovative spirit continues today. As the need for improved instrumentation and control increased, so did our product offering. It has evolved to include a range of level and flow technologies to satisfy the most complex applications. A key development was the Eclipse Guided Wave Radar (GWR) transmitter. Magnetrol introduced this technology to the process world and was the first to leverage its unique capabilities in the Power Industry. Unaffected by process variations, the Eclipse accurately and reliably monitors feedwater heater, deaerator, and hotwell levels without the need for calibration. In 2001 we started Orion Instruments, a subsidiary of Magnetrol International, after noting stagnation in the advancement of Magnetic Level Indicators (MLI). In this short period of time Orion Instruments revolutionized the MLI industry with the release of the Aurora integrated MLI/GWRan instrument widely accepted in the Power Industry. It is an unwavering commitment to quality, safety and continuous improvement that has lead to our past and present success and will be foremost in our mission to support the Power Industry in the future. Contact Magnetrol for more information: Phone 630-969-4000 Fax 630-969-9489 E-mail: [email protected]
Heat Rate Improvement Guidelines for Existing Fossil Plants, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA; 1986 CS-4554 Heat Rate Improvement Reference Manual, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA; 1998 TR-109546 Heat Rate Awareness, Seminar Notes, General Physics Corp, Amherst, NY; December 2009
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Copyright 2010 Magnetrol International, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
Performance specifications are effective with date of issue and are subject to change without notice.
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