Scoring Chart For Solo Essays: Very Good Good Developing
Scoring Chart For Solo Essays: Very Good Good Developing
Scoring Chart For Solo Essays: Very Good Good Developing
! ! 5 - 4! ! ! ! You did some research, however, if you do a little more next time your essay will become more interesting. You explained and supported your ideas, but not always. The topic was good and well thought out. A little more research and detail will give you higher marks. ! ! 3 - 2! ! ! ! !
(Ideas, research) 7
Think a little more about your ideas next time. Try brainstorming. Try and do a little more research next time to help you develop your ideas. You need to support your ideas. This will make your essay more interesting for the reader. ! ! 1-0
(grammar) 4
You used some of the grammar structures that you learned in class and tried to use some other structures not taught to you. Your grammar structure was good, but there were sometimes problems with sentence structure word order or using the correct tense. ! ! 3 - 2! ! ! !
It was difcult to read and understand your essay because the grammar was unclear. You used very little grammar taught to you. Lets practice that a little more for the next one. Ask your teacher or a student to help you check and edit your essays. ! ! 1-0
(Vocabulary) 4
Word choice shows good understanding You didnt use the same words too often. The words you chose suited this essay very well. There were few or no spelling or punctuation mistakes.
Word choice was generally good, however, sometimes theyre not suitable for what you want to say. Possible direct translation. You sometimes repeated the same words and phrases in the same paragraph. There were some spelling and punctuation mistakes. ! 3 - 2! Almost met word count. ! ! !
Take care with words and phrases used from your rst language or dictionary. In English the meaning is different. You used the same words and phrases a lot, try to use different words next time. Take care with your spelling and punctuation next time. There were lots of common mistakes.
! 1-0 Try to write a little more next time. Work on making your Intro, main body and conclusion clearer by making an essay plan. Practice a little more making Topic sentences and thesis statements.
(Length, Paragraphs) 5
Introduction, main body and conclusion are clear and well thought out and planned. The topic sentence and thesis statement are clear and well written.
Intro, main body and conclusion are a little simple and need some more creativity. The introduction, main body and conclusion are good but a little difcult to follow in parts.