Process Description Og LPG Train 4
Process Description Og LPG Train 4
Process Description Og LPG Train 4
26-Oct-11 16-Aug-10
J.M.Jung G.P.Moon
J.M.Mun S.M.Choi
G.P.Moon B.J.Yi
1. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................ 6 1.1 2. Plant Facilities .......................................................................................................................... 7
OVERALL DESIGN BASIS................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 2.2 Design Throughput................................................................................................................... 9 Feed Stream Condition and Composition ............................................................................... 9 2.2.1 Feed Gas Condition and Composition ......................................................................... 9 2.2.2 Condensate Feed Condition and Composition .......................................................... 11 2.2.3 LPG Feed Compositions ............................................................................................. 13 2.2.4 Exceptional Operation ................................................................................................. 15 2.3 Product Specifications ........................................................................................................... 15 2.3.1 Ethane / Propane / Butane Recovery .......................................................................... 15 2.3.2 Residue Gas Specification .......................................................................................... 15 2.3.3 Ethane Product Specification ..................................................................................... 16 2.3.4 Propane Product Specification ................................................................................... 17 2.3.5 Butane Product Specification ..................................................................................... 18 2.3.6 Kuwait Natural Gasoline Product Specification ......................................................... 18 2.3.7 Fuel Gas Specification ................................................................................................ 18 2.4 Battery Limit Conditions ........................................................................................................ 19 2.4.1 Battery Limits Conditions for Feed Gas ..................................................................... 19 2.4.2 Battery Limits Conditions for Condensate Feed ........................................................ 19 2.4.3 Battery Limits Conditions for LPG Feed..................................................................... 20 2.4.4 Battery Limit Condition for Product ........................................................................... 20 2.4.5 Battery Limits Conditions for Propane Refrigerant System ...................................... 21 2.4.6 Battery Limits Conditions for Deep Refrigerant System ........................................... 21 2.5 Design Consideration ............................................................................................................. 22 2.5.1 Plant Design Life ......................................................................................................... 22 2.5.2 Plant Availability .......................................................................................................... 22 2.5.3 Effluent Treatment ....................................................................................................... 22 2.5.4 Physical Properties ..................................................................................................... 22 2.5.5 Remote/Emergency Depressurization ........................................................................ 22
2.5.6 Pressure Relief System and HIPPS ............................................................................ 22 2.5.7 Source and Compressing of Regeneration Gas......................................................... 23 3. DESIGN BASIS FOR FEED PRETREATMENT UNIT(UNIT 231) ........................................................ 24 3.1 DESIGN BASIS FOR FEED GAS COMPRESSION.................................................................. 24 3.1.1 Feed Gas Compressor ................................................................................................ 24 3.1.2 Product specifications ................................................................................................ 24 3.1.3 Water Content .............................................................................................................. 24 3.1.4 Feed Gas Specification for Mercury Guard Bed......................................................... 24 3.1.5 Product specifications for Mercury Guard Bed.......................................................... 25 3.2 SPECIFICATION FOR CONDENSATE AND LPG DEHYDRATION .......................................... 25 3.2.1 Product specifications for condensate dehydration.................................................. 25 3.2.2 Product Specifications for LPG dehydration ............................................................. 25 3.3 GDESIGN BASIS FOR HP FUEL GAS CONDITION .............................................................. 25 3.3.1 System Capacity .......................................................................................................... 25 3.3.2 HP Fuel Gas Specification ......................................................................................... 26 3.4 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATION.................................................................................... 25 3.4.1 Feed Gas Compressor ................................................................................................ 25 3.4.2 Feed Gas Dehydrator, Condensate and LPG Dehydrator .......................................... 26 3.4.3 Feed Gas Compressor Discharge Air Cooler ............................................................. 26 3.4.4 Gas Filters.................................................................................................................... 27 3.4.5 Mercury guard bed ...................................................................................................... 27 3.4.6 Regeneration Gas Heater ............................................................................................ 27 3.4.7 Dryer Regeneration Compressor ................................................................................ 27 3.4.8 Feed Gas Compressor Suction Drum ....................................................................... 28 3.4.9 HP Fuel Gas / Gas Exchanger ..................................................................................... 28 3.4.10 HP Fuel Gas Chiller ..................................................................................................... 28 3.4.11 HP Fuel Gas KO Drum ................................................................................................. 28 3.4.12 HP Fuel Gas KO Drum Pump ..................................................................................... 28 4. DESIGN BASIS FOR NGL RECOVERY AND CONDENSATE STRIPPING UNIT(UNIT 232) ............. 29 4.1 DESIGN BASIS FOR NGL RECOVERY SECTION................................................................... 29 4.1.1 Product specifications ................................................................................................ 29 4.1.2 Equipment Design Consideration ............................................................................... 29
DESIGN BASIS FOR CONDENSATE STRIPPING SECTION .................................................. 31 4.2.1 Product specifications ................................................................................................ 31 4.2.2 Equipment Design Consideration ............................................................................... 31
DESIGN BASIS FOR NGL FRACTIONATION UNIT(UNIT 233).......................................................... 32 5.1 DESIGN BASIS ........................................................................................................................ 32 5.1.1 Product specifications ................................................................................................ 32 5.1.2 Recovery and purity .................................................................................................... 32 5.1.3 Battery limits conditions ............................................................................................. 32 5.1.4 Equipment design consideration ................................................................................ 32
DESIGN BASIS FOR PRODUCT TREATING (UNIT 234) ................................................................... 34 6.1 C3 TREATING .......................................................................................................................... 34 6.1.1 Feed Specification ....................................................................................................... 34 6.1.2 Product Specification .................................................................................................. 34 6.2 C4 TREATING .......................................................................................................................... 34 6.2.1 Feed Specification ....................................................................................................... 34 6.2.2 Product specifications ................................................................................................ 34 6.3 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATION.................................................................................... 34 6.3.1 Equipment design requirements ................................................................................ 34
DESIGN BASIS FOR REFRIGERATION UNIT(UNIT 235) .................................................................. 36 7.1 DESIGN BASIS FOR PROPANE REFRIGERANT FACILITY ................................................... 36 7.1.1 Feedstock Characteristics and Capacity .................................................................... 36 7.1.2 Equipment Design Requirements ............................................................................... 36 7.1.3 Equipment Design Consideration ............................................................................... 36 7.1.4 Propane and Deep Refrigerant Accumulator Pressure .............................................. 38 7.2 DESIGN BASIS FOR DEEP REFRIGERANT FACILITY .......................................................... 38 7.2.1 Feedstock Characteristics and Capacity .................................................................... 38 7.2.2 Equipment Design Requirements ............................................................................... 38 7.2.3 Equipment Design Consideration ............................................................................... 39 7.2.4 Deep Refrigerant Accumulator Pressure .................................................................... 39
DESIGN BASIS FOR SOUR WATER STRIPPER (UNIT 236)............................................................. 40 8.1 DESIGN BASIS ........................................................................................................................ 40 8.1.1 Design capacity ........................................................................................................... 40 8.1.2 Feed Condition and Compositions ............................................................................. 40 8.1.3 Product specifications ................................................................................................ 40 8.1.4 Battery Limits Conditions for Sour Water Stripping Unit .......................................... 41 8.2 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATION.................................................................................... 41 8.2.1 Equipment design requirements ................................................................................ 41
GENERAL Feed Gas supplied to LPG Train-4 (LPG 4) facilities consist of mixture of Associated Gas and Condensate from the KOC Gathering Centers Southeast Kuwait (SEK) and North Kuwait (NK) oilfields. In addition, existing KNPC Refinery Gases from the Shuaiba (SHU) AGRP and the Mina Al-Ahmadi (MAA) AGRP are supplied to the Fourth Gas Plant facilities. Future Non-associated Gas from the Dorra Gas field is considered in the design cases. The range of the Feed Gas composition is covered by the six defined design cases, which govern the design of Liquefaction and Fractionation Sections. And JT valve operation case of Winter Without Dorra feed is also considered in design. These cases are presented in the Design Basis and summarized below:
1. Summer Case Without Dorra 2. Summer Case With Dorra 3. Winter Case Without Dorra 4. Winter Case With Dorra 5. Rich Case 6. Lean Case 7. JT Valve Operation Case
A separate design Feed quality has been defined to represent the maximum content of 2.5 mol% CO2 and 2000 ppm H2S (2400 ppm for metallurgical purpose). To support the operations of the LPG Train-4, C3 Refrigeration and general Utility Facilities are provided. These facilities consist of Fuel Gas System, Heat Recovery Steam Generation System, Sea Water System, Closed Cooling Water System, Nitrogen Generation System, Instrument and Plant Air Systems, Water Treatment and Distribution Systems, Pressure Relief and Flare, Liquid Disposal Systems, Fire Fighting System, Effluent Treating, and HP Fuel Gas Conditioning etc.
The design of the NGL section is based on the GSP (Gas Sub-cooled Process), which is a Turbo Expander, based cryogenic technology. The GSP (Gas Sub-cooled Process) was selected among 4 candidate processes, which are two open-art and two licensed processes, i.e. GSP (Gas Sub-cooled Process, Open Art), OHR (Over Head Recycle, Open Art), SFR
(Split Flow Reflux, Licensed by Ortloff), and the CRR (Cold Residue Recycle, Licensed by Ortloff) during the development of the Feasibility Study by Fluor Daniel.
This plant capacity is designed to process 805 MMSCFD of Feed Gas and 106.3 MBPD of external Condensate in addition to the Condensate produced in the NGL Recovery Section of the process. Product Recoveries of at least 75% C2, 97% C3 and 99% C4 are expected. The Percent Recovery varies based on the Feed composition. Cases, the Lean Case will have the highest Percent Recovery Among the 6 different Feed
Plant Facilities The Plant facilities are provided as follows to allow operations for 6 different cases: Feed Pretreatment Unit (Unit 231) Two gas turbine driven compressor trains to get driving force of ethane recovery. Feed Gas, Condensate and LPG Dehydration to prevent ice and hydrate formation in the down stream NGL Recovery Unit (Unit 232) which would cause blockage of lines and equipment. Mercury Guard Bed is provided downstream of the Feed Gas Dehydrator. The purpose of Mercury Guard Bed is to remove trace quantities of mercury that could be present in the feed to the NGL Recovery Unit (Unit 232) to protect the brazed aluminum plate heat exchanger against rapid corrosion of aluminum. Mercury, even in trace quantities, has been found to corrode aluminum rapidly under certain conditions. NGL Recovery Unit (Unit 232) The purpose of the NGL Recovery Unit (Unit 232) is to produce and recover the C2 heavier component. The selected process is GSP process which is using Turbo Expander and C3 Refrigeration System as a cooling medium. Condensate Stripping System is to separate stripped condensate from the feed condensate and to inject separated light ends into the Demethaniser (V-232-001). NGL Fractionation Unit (Unit 233) Single NGL fractionation facilities including Deethaniser, Depropaniser,
Debutaniser system. The objectives of a fractionation unit are to produce ethane, propane, butane, pentane and KNG for using as a fuel gas or storage. Product Treating Unit (Unit 234) Propane sweetening and drying Butane sweetening and drying Purpose of Propane and Butane Treatment Facilities are to remove the residual mercaptan and sulphur compounds (H2S, COS) in order to meet commercial grade specifications. Propane Refrigeration & Deep Refrigeration System (Unit 235) The purpose of C3 Refrigeration System is to provide main cooling duty to liquefying the C2 heavier component. The purpose of Deep Refrigeration System is to provide cooling duty for propane product cooling down to -49 Sour Water Stripping Unit (Unit 236) Sour water stripping unit are provided with inlet feed drums, stripping tower and associated equipment, etc. The purpose of sour water stripping unit is to strip out H2S in sour water. The H2S gas is sent to existing SRU. (-45 )
OVERALL DESIGN BASIS 2.1 Design Throughput The throughput or flow rate to the LPG 4 is shown in Table 2-1. Depending on the design case, the LPG 4 can be broken down into two parts: Gas feed for NGL Recovery Unit Condensate and LPG Feed for Fractionation Unit The facilities pertaining to Dorra Gas/Condensate sweetening and glycol Dehydration facilities have been excluded from the scope of work of LPG 4 Project. Table 2-1 Feed Case Overview for the new Gas Train Gas Feed Liquid Feed 805 MMSCFD 2.2 106.3 MBPD
Feed Stream Condition and Composition 2.2.1 Feed Gas Condition and Composition The operating window for CO2 and H2S in sour gas will be as follows. CO2: Max. 2.5 mol% (normal average is 2 mol%) H2S: Max. 2400 ppm(Max quantity to be considered for metallurgical purpose only) (normal average is 1000 ppm) The following tables 2-2 though 2-4 show the condition and compositions of the feed stream: Table 2-2 The feed gas condition are : Case Without With Without With Dorra Dorra Dorra Dorra Summer Summer Winter Winter Temperature Pressure Flow ( ) psig (barg)
MMSCFD 96.9 (36.1) 508.9 (35.1) 805 40172 103.1 (39.5) 508.9 (35.1) 805 40170 96.8 (36.0) 509.1 (35.1) 805 40172 102.9 (39.4) 508.9 (35.1) 805 40167
Table 2-3 The feed gas composition are : Case Without With Without Dorra Dorra Dorra Summer Summer Winter
Unit Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen H2S CO2 Methane Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane i-Pentane n-Pentane n-Hexane n-Heptane n-Octane Water Impurities Total H2 N2 O2 H2S CO2 C1 C2 C3 IC4 NC4 IC5 NC5 NC6 NC7 NC8 H2O Note1 ppmw Mol% 0.00 0.57 0.01 0.20 2.30 73.12 14.71 6.56 0.67 1.37 0.16 0.18 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.10 111 100 Mol% 0.00 0.38 0.01 0.20 2.50 78.15 10.99 4.93 0.75 0.99 0.24 0.20 0.57 0.01 0.00 0.07 114 100 Mol% 0.00 0.45 0.01 0.20 2.30 71.03 15.22 8.33 0.60 1.31 0.24 0.17 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.10 108 100
Mol% 0.21 0.16 0.00 0.20 2.10 63.21 17.18 10.73 1.30 3.13 0.56 0.68 0.41 0.05 0.01 0.05 92 100
Mol% 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.20 1.38 80.42 10.41 4.57 0.56 1.29 0.31 0.38 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 117 100
Note 1 : Refer to Table 2-4 for the components and quantities of impurities.
Table 2-4 The feed gas impurities are : Case Without With Without Dorra Dorra Dorra Summer Summer Winter
Unit Carbon Disulphide Carbonyl Sulphide Methyl Mercaptan Ethyl Mercaptan Dimethyl Mercaptan i-Propyl Mercaptan n-Propyl Mercaptan Methyl Ethyl Sulphide Methyl Propyl Sulphide n-Butyl Mercaptan Tert Bytyl Mercaptan Dimethyl Disulphide Diethyl Disulphide 2-Methyl Thiophene ppmw 0.48 20.63 24.58 48.47 0.07 11.83 1.80 0.47 1.52 0.06 0.27 0.28 0.04 0.15 ppmw 0.50 21.22 25.28 49.86 0.07 12.17 1.85 0.48 1.57 0.06 0.28 0.28 0.04 0.16 ppmw 0.47 20.14 23.99 47.32 0.07 11.54 1.76 0.46 1.49 0.06 0.27 0.28 0.04 0.14
ppmw 0.40 17.89 21.08 40.53 0.05 9.15 1.28 0.35 0.91 0.03 0.20 0.16 0.01 0.08
ppmw 0.52 21.77 25.94 51.14 0.06 12.47 1.88 0.48 1.62 0.04 0.31 0.32 0.06 0.14
2.2.2 Condensate Feed Condition and Composition The following tables 2-5 and 2-7 show the condition and compositions of the case 1for Condensate: Table 2-5 The Condensate condition are : Case Without With Dorra Dorra Summer Summer Temperature Pressure Flow ( ) psig (barg) MBPD
102.0 (38.9) 565.6 (39.0) 59.4 106.4 (41.3) 565.6 (39.0) 66.3
Table 2-6 The Condensate composition are : Case Without With Without Dorra Dorra Dorra Summer Summer Winter
Unit Hydrogen Nirtrogen Oxygen H2S CO2 Methane Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane i-Pentane n-Pentane n-Hexane n-Heptane + Propylene H20 Impurities Total H2O Note1 ppmw H2 N2 O2 H2S CO2 C1 C2 C3 IC4 NC4 IC5 NC5 NC6 NC7 Mol% 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.09 0.28 9.11 15.49 30.15 8.05 21.54 5.03 6.12 3.07 0.89 0.00 0.08 341 100 Mol% 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.44 10.46 13.10 25.04 7.26 17.61 5.00 5.68 14.47 0.71 0.00 0.06 315 100 Mol% 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.09 0.54 9.08 13.46 28.54 8.41 24.07 4.95 5.81 3.24 1.60 0.00 0.08 334 100
Mol% 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.09 0.27 9.01 15.44 30.17 8.06 21.58 5.04 6.15 3.08 0.89 0.00 0.09 325 100
Mol% 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.65 10.44 11.48 23.73 7.53 19.59 4.94 5.43 14.69 1.27 0.00 0.06 339 100
Note 1 : Refer to Table 2-7 for the components and quantities of impurities.
Table 2-7 The Condensate impurities are : Case Without With Without Dorra Dorra Dorra Summer Summer Winter
Unit Carbon Disulphide Carbonyl Sulphide Methyl Mercaptan Ethyl Mercaptan Dimethyl Mercaptan i-Propyl Mercaptan n-Propyl Mercaptan Methyl Ethyl Sulphide Methyl Propyl Sulphide n-Butyl Mercaptan Tert Bytyl Mercaptan Dimethyl Disulphide Diethyl Disulphide 2-Methyl Thiophene ppmw 2.06 13.67 35.06 119.52 0.31 105.01 11.11 4.79 28.50 1.50 2.74 7.11 5.05 4.22 ppmw 1.91 12.65 32.45 110.58 0.29 97.20 10.28 4.44 26.38 1.39 2.55 6.59 4.68 3.89 ppmw 2.02 13.38 34.32 117.01 0.30 102.81 10.88 4.70 27.90 1.47 2.70 6.97 4.95 4.12
ppmw 2.06 13.66 35.03 119.41 0.31 89.17 11.42 4.78 28.46 1.51 2.74 7.10 5.05 4.22
ppmw 1.88 12.45 31.91 108.79 0.28 124.24 10.40 4.36 25.93 1.37 2.49 6.47 4.60 3.84
2.2.3 LPG Feed Compositions The following tables 2-8 and 2-10 show the condition and compositions of the 1 for LPG: Table 2-8 The LPG condition are : Case Without With Dorra Dorra Summer Summer Temperature Pressure Flow ( ) psig (barg) MBPD
100.4 (38.0) 580.2 (40.0) 47.1 100.4 (38.0) 580.2 (40.0) 40.2
Table 2-9 The LPG composition are : Case Without With Without Dorra Dorra Dorra Summer Summer Winter
Unit Hydrogen Nirtrogen Oxygen H2S CO2 Methane Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane i-Pentane n-Pentane n-Hexane n-Heptane + Propylene H20 Impurities Total H2O Note1 ppmw H2 N2 O2 H2S CO2 C1 C2 C3 IC4 NC4 IC5 NC5 NC6 NC7 Mol% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 6.02 44.50 16.66 28.39 2.57 1.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86 100 Mol% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 6.02 44.51 16.65 28.39 2.56 1.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86 100 Mol% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 6.02 44.50 16.66 28.39 2.57 1.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86 100
Mol% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 6.02 44.50 16.66 28.39 2.57 1.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86 100
Mol% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 6.02 44.51 16.65 28.39 2.56 1.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86 100
Note 1 : Refer to Table 2-10 for the components and quantities of impurities. Table 2-10 The LPG impurities are : Without With Without Case Dorra Dorra Dorra Summer Summer Winter
Unit Carbon Disulphide Carbonyl Sulphide Methyl Mercaptan Ethyl Mercaptan ppmw 0.00 4.70 26.83 54.20 ppmw 0.00 4.70 26.82 54.19 ppmw 0.00 4.70 26.83 54.20
2.2.4 Exceptional Operation JT Valve Operation Case During transient operation i.e. start-up or shutdown operation or while expander is under shutdown, expander could not be operated due to turn down operation ( < 30%), high pressure gas letdown is performed through pressure control valve installed as a by-pass of the Feed Gas Expander. In this case, Residue Gas Compressor is not anymore mechanically driven and shall be by-passed. During this operation mode, Demethaniser columns shall be operated at higher pressures than normal. 2.3 Product Specifications 2.3.1 Ethane / Propane / Butane Recovery The calculated Ethane recovery is to be 76.9 mol%. The calculated propane recovery is to be 97 mol%. The calculated butane recovery is to be 99.7 mol%. The Guaranteed Recovery based on the exhibit D for PROCESS PERFORMANCE AND CONSUMPTION GUARANTEES are given below : Recovery is applicable for all cases except Rich and J-T case. Compositions Ethane Propane Butane 2.3.2 Residue Gas Specification After the removal of ethane and heavier components, residue gas from the Recovery Unit (Unit 232) will be sent to the new ERP Unit downstream of the existing trains 1,2, and 3. The maximum H2S concentration in the residue gas is 800 ppmv. The LPG 4 will be sent to the Ethane Recovery Plant (ERP), CO2 content in the residue gas should not exceed 2 mole percent. HP Fuel gas from Ethane Recovery Plant residue gas shall be supplied to Gas Turbine as a fuel and to Dryer Regeneration Heater and Treater Regeneration Heater as a regeneration gas and to letdown facility of LP Fuel gas Knock-out Drum in which LP fuel gas will be supplied for the process heaters and boiler. The residue gas from LPG 4 will be used for back-up for fuel of above consumption facilities. Guaranteed Recovery 75.4% of Feed 96.75% of Feed 99.45% of Feed
2.3.3 Ethane Product Specification The Ethane Product gas shall meet the specifications listed Table 2-11. Table 2-11 Ethane Product Specification Product Specification (vol.%) Min. Max. Methane Ethane Propane C4 CO2 H2S 7.1 85.6 0.1 0 2.3 0.4
(1) (1,2)
(1) Value is allowed to be lower than shown in table. (2) H2S content in FEED gas shall be limited 700 ppm to meet product specifications.
2.3.4 Propane Product Specification The Propane Product shall meet the specifications listed below. Table 2-12 Propane Product Specification Test Method Composition
C2 and Lighter C3 (Propane) C4 and Heavier Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Moisture Content Olefins Residual Matter R Number O Number Residue on Evaporation Sulphur, Total D 2163 D2420 D2713 D2163 D2158 D2158 D2784/3246 D1838 mol% 2.0 96.0 2.5 Negative Pass Report
Corrosion, Copper Strip 1h @ 37.8 C
Density @ 15 C Volatile Residue 95% vol. Evaporated @ (760 mm Hg) Vapor Pressure @ 37.8 C D1657/2598 D1837 D1267
2.3.5 Butane Product Specification The Butane Product shall meet the specifications listed below. Table 2-13 Butane Product Specification
Test Method Unit Limits Min 95.0 2.0 Negative None Report Report 20 No.1 Max
C4(Butane) C5 and Heavier Hydrogen Sulphide(H2S) Free Water Content (Note 2) Olefins Residue on Evaporation Sulphur, Total D 2163 D2420 Visual D2163 D2158 D2784/3246 D1838 mol%
Corrosion, Copper Strip 1h @ 37.8 C
Density @ 15 C Volatile Residue 95% vol. evaporated @ (760 mm Hg) Vapor Pressure @ 37.8 C D1657/2598 D1837 D1267 lb/ft3 (Kg/L) F (C) kPa (psia) Report Report 483 (70)
Note: 1. Confirm to Gas Processor Association (GPA) 2. Water shall be determined by visual inspection of the samples used for the density determination 2.3.6 Kuwait Natural Gasoline Product Specification For Kuwait Natural Gasoline (KNG), the RVP should not exceed 10.5 psia. There are no other specific requirements of the KNG product. 2.3.7 Fuel Gas Specification The H2S content is to be not more than 2,400 ppmv.
Battery Limit Conditions 2.4.1 Battery Limits Conditions for Feed Gas The conditions of the main streams to the Feed gas compression are listed hereafter : Table 2-14 Feed Gas battery limit conditions Feed Gas Operating Condition(1) Pressure Temperature psig (barg) F ( ) From NK 100.4 (38) 542.3 (37.4) From SEK From AGRP MAA From AGRP SHU 563.3 (38.8) 557.5 (38.4) 550.5 (38.0) 100.4 (38) 118.4 (48) 118.4 (48) Design Condition Temperature Pressure psig (barg) F ( ) 1209.6 141.8 (61) (83.4) 1055.9 170.6 (77) (72.8) 764,4 199.4 (93) (52.7) 638.2 167 (75) (44.0)
Battery Limit pressure is referenced to grade at the LPG 4 IBL battery limit. 2.4.2 Battery Limits Conditions for Condensate Feed The operating conditions of the main streams to Dehydration Facilities are listed hereafter. Table 2-15 Condensate Feed battery limit Condensate Feed Operating Condition(1) Pressure Temperature psig (barg) F ( ) From SEK 100.4 (38) 591.8 (40.8) From NK From AGRP MAA From Slug Catcher From ERP Condensate 590.7 (40.7) 596.1 (41.1) 589.7 (40.7) 591.9 (40.8) 100.4 (38) 100.4 (38) 100.4 (38) 100.4 (38)
Design Condition Temperature Pressure psig (barg) F ( ) 1375.0 181.4 (83) (94.8) 1375.0 156.2 (69) (94.8) 1215.4 199.4 (93) (83.8) 1026.9 167 (75) (70.8) 1348.9 167 (75) (93.0)
2.4.3 Battery Limits Conditions for LPG Feed The operating conditions of the main streams to Dehydration Facilities are listed hereafter. Table 2-16 LPG Feed battery limit Operating Condition(1) Pressure Temperature LPG Feed psig (barg) F ( ) From MAB & SHU 100.4 (38) 607.4 (41.9) From MAA 592.3 (40.8) 100.4 (38)
Design Condition Temperature Pressure psig (barg) F ( ) 799.2 167 (75) (55.1) 1375.0 181.4 (83) (94.8)
Battery Limit pressure is referenced to the LPG 4 IBL battery limit. 2.4.4 Battery Limit Condition for Product The battery limit conditions are below shown in Table 2.17. Table 2.17 Product Battery limit conditions Operating Condition(2) Pressure Temperature psig (barg) F ( ) Residue Gas 438 100.4 (30.2) (38) LP Fuel Gas 72.5 100.4 (5) (38) 100.0 Ethane 325 (22.4) (37.8) -49 Propane 202.9 (1) (15.0) (-45 ) 14 Butane 94.3 (1) (6.5) (-10 ) Pentane 91.4 100 (6.3) (37.8) KNG 69.6 100 (4.8) (37.8)
Design Condition Temperature Pressure psig (barg) F ( ) 520 180 (35.9) (82.2) 126.2 284 (8.7) (140) 460 280 / -57.3 (31.7) (138/-49.6) 554.5 -59.8 (38.2) (-51) 300.3 (20.7) 206.6 (14.3) 237.1 (16.4) -20 (-29) 150.8 (66) 140 (60)
(1) Propane, butane, pentane and KNG product rundown to be cooled below the boiling point and at a temperature suitable for storage at atmospheric level. (2) Battery limit pressure is referenced to the LPG 4 IBL battery limit.
2.4.5 Battery Limits Conditions for Propane Refrigerant System Propane make-up is performed from propane product at normal operation. For initial charge during start-up, propane is provided from existing gas plant. The following Table 2-18 shows the condition of the case specific feed streams: Propane blow down, in case of unit 235 emptying, is sent to the existing propane tank. The conditions at the battery limit of propane for make-up and empting are shown blow table 2-18: Table 2-18 Battery limit for propane make up. Operating Condition(1) Pressure Temperature Propane psig (barg) F ( ) From Existing Gas Plant To Existing Propane Tank 243.7 (16.8) () -49 (-45) -49 (-45)
Design Condition Temperature Pressure psig (barg) F ( ) 488.8 (33.7) 554.5 (38.2) -58 (-50) -59.8 (-51)
Battery Limit pressure is referenced to the LPG 4 IBL battery limit. 2.4.6 Battery Limits Conditions for Deep Refrigerant System Deep refrigerant is ethane and propylene mixture. Propylene make-up is performed from existing gas plant or . Ethane make-up is performed from ethane product line. Deep refrigerant blow down, in case of Deep Refrigerant System (Unit 235) emptying, is sent to the flare stack. Table 2-19 Battery limit for propylene and ethane make up Propylene / Ethane Operating Condition(1) Design Condition Pressure Temperature Temperature Pressure psig (barg) psig (barg) F ( ) F ( ) Propylene From 1299.5 180 / -70.6 () 77 (25) (82.2) / (-57) (89.6) Existing Gas Plant Ethane From ERP 290 101 460 280 / -57.3 (Ethane Recovery (20.0) (38.3) (31.7) (138 /-49.6) Plant) Battery Limit pressure is referenced at the LPG 4 IBL battery limit. Ethane shall be provided above the 99.9 mol% purity to prevent corrosion. 2.5 Design Consideration
2.5.1 Plant Design Life Industry Standard design approaches will be used in equipment design. Plant design life is 20 years for economic evaluation. 2.5.2 Plant Availability The plant availability is defined at 8,000 hours per year for the economic. 2.5.3 Effluent Treatment Effluents will be collected and treated in accordance with common industry practices, maximizing use of existing MAA Refinery facilities, such to meet the Kuwait EPA standards. 2.5.4 Physical Properties The physical properties of the streams will be determined from a process simulation in the software package HYSYS Version 7.1. "Normal" vapour conditions (e.g. for volume in Nm3): P = 14.7 psia (1 Atm), T=60 F (15.6 C) 2.5.5 Remote/Emergency Depressurization It should be designed to include for remote/emergency depressurization facilities. The minimum design temperatures shall comply with DEP Metallic Materials Prevention of Brittle Fracture and API 521. 2.5.6 Pressure Relief System and HIPPS All pressure safety vents route via common header to the Flare K.O Drum. Cooling water thermal relief vents located at exchangers route safely to atmospheric location. For control valve discharging to Flare K.O Drum, the control valve is used tight shut designation in order to mitigate inadvertent product losses to flare system. The HIPPS system has also been identified to limit flaring rate to flare system. 2.5.7 Source and Compressing of Regeneration Gas The high pressure fuel gas from Ethane Recovery Plant (ERP) should be used as the primary source of the regeneration gas for all the system. The H2S and water
contents of this gas would be provided with 40 ppmv and trace respectively. The regeneration gas from the three driers (Feed Gas Dryer, Condensate Dryer, LPG Dryer) will be excessive and should be routed to the high pressure fuel gas and installed a common centrifugal compressor, (to boost spent regeneration gas to the high-pressure Fuel Gas pressure), Air Cooler and Discharge Drum at the discharge of the Compressor.
DESIGN BASIS FOR FEED PRETREATMENT UNIT(UNIT 231) 3.1 DESIGN BASIS FOR FEED GAS COMPRESSION 3.1.1 Feed Gas Compressor Two (2) Feed Gas Compressor trains have been provided (2 x 50%). Each train is driven by a dedicated gas turbine. Gas turbine is heavy-duty industrial type and capable of dual firing (fuel gas & gas oil). Fuel gas is normally used for turbine operation and when fuel gas is not available, then gas oil will be used to run the turbines. The exhaust gas from each gas turbine will be directed to the respective Heat Recovery Steam Generator (one HRSG per gas turbine train) to recover heat and produce high pressure steam. The discharge pressure is controlled by Gas Turbine Speed Control Device. An anti-surge system is provided down stream of the Feed Gas Compressor Discharge Water Cooler to ensure stable Compressor operations. The Feed Gas is compressed to a pressure so that when it is cooled and expanded through the Turbo-Expander. 3.1.2 Product specifications The maximum concentration of water in the dry gas at the outlet of the Dehydration Facilities shall be 0.1 ppmv (free water dew point lower than -148 F (-100C) at 440.9 psia (30.4 bara)). This value is defined considering hydrate formation temperature in the downstream units as hydrates are likely to form in the downstream NGL Recovery unit (unit 232) where temperatures can be reached to -148 F (-100 C) @ 440.9 psia (30.4bara)(Feed to Demethaniser V-232-001). 3.1.3 Water Content All Feed vapor streams have water contents of 803 ppmv for the Rich Case except Dorra Gas. All liquid streams in the feed are water saturated. The LPG 4 will be designed for an upset condition where all vapor streams are water saturatedat 86 F (30 C) in accordance with MOM-FGTP-SKE-001. 3.1.4 Feed Gas Specification for Mercury Guard Bed The dry gas coming from feed gas dehydrator, which will have mercury
concentration design value of 100 ng/Nm. 3.1.5 Product specifications for Mercury Guard Bed The maximum concentration of mercury in the treated gas at the outlet of the shall be 10 ng/Nm. 3.2 SPECIFICATION FOR CONDENSATE AND LPG DEHYDRATION 3.2.1 Product specifications for condensate dehydration The saturated water content at the feed temperature 113 F (45 C) with 5.4 F (3 C) margin in water content will be applied with design case. The maximum concentration of water in the dry condensate at the outlet of the Dehydration Facilities shall be 1.0 ppmw. 3.2.2 Product Specifications for LPG dehydration The saturated water content at the feed temperature 102 F (38.9 C) in water content will be applied with design case. The maximum concentration of water in the dry LPG at the outlet of the Dehydration Facilities shall be 1.0 ppmw. 3.3 DESIGN BASIS FOR HP FUEL GAS CONDITIONING 3.3.1 System Capacity Inlet Design Flow : Max. 403.3 MMSCFD , 50% of Feed Gas in case 2, Without DORRA Summer plus inclusion of 10% design margin. Outlet Design Flow : Max. 384.2 MMSCFD plus inclusion of 10% design margin. 3.3.2 HP Fuel Gas Specification LHV(Low Heating Value) of conditioned HP Fuel Gas shall be 1088 BTU/SCF. The outlet temperature of conditioned HP Fuel Gas is 50.1 3.4 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATION 3.4.1 Feed Gas Compressor For centrifugal or axial compressor, the design pressure of upstream
equipment should be set at a safe margin above the settle-out pressure. Downstream equipment design pressure will be set at blocked in condition. However, to prevent excess over design, the design pressure can be lowered with proper protection system such as HIPPS or PSV. Centrifugal Compressor The choking capacity shall be not less than 115 percent of the rated capacity while the surge capacity shall be less than 75 percent of the rated capacity at the rated speed. Unless otherwise specified, compressors will be started on full recycle with the system at specified "Settling-Out Conditions". The recycle piping will be designed to handle a minimum 110 percent of surge flow at maximum continuous speed. A dedicated anti-surge controller is to be provided protection of the Feed Gas Compressor. 3.4.2 Feed Gas Dehydrator, Condensate and LPG Dehydrator The Dryers are designed to accommodate the molecular sieve inventory as proposed by the main suppliers. The adsorbent material is supported on a fixed grid, with layers of ceramic balls at the top and bottom of the bed. The Dryers are externally insulated (heat and cold conservation).. As the Dryers will be cycling through the adsorption and regeneration sequences, mechanical design of the Dryers shall take into account the effects of thermal fatigue. The water content of the dry liquid shall be guaranteed, the molecular sieve lifetime shall be guaranteed to be at least three years, the pressure drop across the drier during adsorption step shall be guaranteed to be a maximum of bar). 3.4.3 Feed Gas Compressor Discharge Air Cooler Outlet temperature of air cooler should be designed as 140 F (60 controlled by motor on/off or louver opening. ) and psi (0.
3.4.4 Gas Filters Mercury guard filter Treated gas outlet filter will be installed downstream the mercury guard bed. There are two 100% cartridge filters designed to remove fines 5 bar). Feed gas compressor suction drum Feed gas compressor suction drum includes the function of filtering. Refer to item 3.4.8. 3.4.5 Mercury guard bed Mercury guard shall be alumina impregnated catalyst or equivalent process. The catalyst will not be regenerated on site, but will be removed and disposed off. The maximum available pressure drop across the mercury guard adsorber shall be 7.3 psi (0.5 bar). The Mercury(Hg) content is to be 3.4.6 Regeneration Gas Heater One regeneration gas heater for the three dryers (Feed Gas Dehydrator, Condensate Dehydrator, LPG Dehydrator) would be required for regeneration system design. The heater is provided by a cylindrical fired heater. As there is no regeneration gas flow in furnace during cooling and bed switching steps, two alternatives may be foreseen by the supplier: Pilots operating continuously and burners maintained to the minimum sustainable flame (preferred option). Pilots operating continuously and burners stopped (automatic restart provided). The relevant flame detection devices shall be provided (UV detection for burners and pilots). 3.4.7 Dryer Regeneration Compressor The Dryer Regeneration Compressor(C-231-002) is a centrifugal type, driven more than 10 ng/Nm3. m and larger. The pressure drop through the fouled filter shall not exceed 7.3 psi (0.5
by steam turbine and is provided with anti-surge devices. Regeneration Compressor Discharge Air Cooler(E-231-007) is designed to cool compressor discharge down and uses air as a cooling media. Regeneration Compressor Discharge Drum (V-231-007) is to separate gas and potential liquid. This vertical drum is equipped with a mesh to avoid any liquid carry-over to residue gas header. 3.4.8 Feed Gas Compressor Suction Drum The Feed gas compressor suction drums are designed to remove fines 5 m and larger that is contained in the feed gas. This drum is equipped with the lower sump to collect bulk contaminants and Cyclotube with independent second stage sump to remove and collect entrained contaminants. The pressure drop through the Feed gas compressor suction drum shall not exceed 2 psi (0.14 bar). 3.4.9 HP Fuel Gas/Gas Exchanger (E-231-031) The conditioned HP fuel gas is heated by Feed Gas and thus the Feed Gas is pre-cooled in the process 3.4.10 HP Fuel Gas Chiller (E-231-032) The pre-cooled Feed Gas is cooled by C3 Refrigerant to 10.4 in order to achieve 1088 BTU/SCF of Fuel gas LHV and heavy component is liquefied 3.4.11 HP Fuel Gas KO Drum (V-231-031) The purpose of HP Fuel Gas KO Drum is to separate the liquid and gas formed after the chilling of Feed Gas . 3.4.12 HP Fuel Gas KO Drum Pump The separated liquid is pumped to Feed Condensate Drum (V-231-011)
DESIGN BASIS FOR NGL RECOVERY AND CONDENSATE STRIPPING UNIT(UNIT 232) 4.1 DESIGN BASIS FOR NGL RECOVERY SECTION 4.1.1 Product specifications Products of NGL Recovery Unit (Unit 232) are: Residue Gas to Ethane recovery Unit or High pressure fuel gas header, NGL to the Deethaniser of Fractionation Unit (Unit 233), The residue gas is normally routed to new Ethane Recovery Plant (ERP). However in case of excess quantity, it shall be diverted to HP fuel gas header. The specifications of the residue gas from the unit 232 shall comply with the following specifications: H2S CO2 max. 800 ppmv max. 2 mol%
At the outlet of the Deethaniser bottom, the NGL shall meet the ethane and the propane product specification of NGL fractionation unit (233) in terms of hydrocarbons contents. The Ethane and Propane product specification shall meet the specification specified on para.2.3.3 and 2.3.4 of this document. 4.1.2 Equipment Design Consideration Column V-232-001 Demethaniser The operating pressure of the Demethaniser is set to ensure residue gas and ethane recovery at an optimum pressure without any recycle compressor. There are packing in the top section and trays for the bottom. The two sections are defined by a different column diameter. The below special devices are provided: Two nozzle on the mixed feed from Feed Gas Expander to ensure a proper distribution at the column inlet, One demister on column top to avoid any liquid carry-over.
Compressor C-232-001 Residue Gas Compressor The Residue Gas Compressor is driven by the Feed Gas Expander, L-232-001. Recovered energy from the Feed Gas Expander is used to increase the pressure of the Residue Gas to the design conditions based on the Lean Case. Drums V-232-003 Chilled Feed Gas K.O Drum This horizontal drum purpose is to separate the liquids and gases formed after the chilling of the Feed Gas to the Demethaniser. It is equipped with a symmetrical, dual-entry inlet distributor and an outlet vapor mesh pad to avoid any liquid carry-over to the Feed Gas Expander. Exchangers V-232-E001/002/003 Cold Box In the Cold Box, one stream is cooled down : Warm dried gas. Simultaneously, cold streams are reheated : Demethaniser overhead gas, Demethaniser side withdrawals. E-232-003 Demethaniser Reflux Subcooler This plate fin heat exchanger purpose is to cool down stream used as Demethaniser reflux while heating up residue gas. This exchanger is part of the cold box. E-232-006 Demethaniser Trim Reboiler This is a vertical thermosyphon type reboiler using low pressure steam as heating medium. It will be used during start-up and JT valve operation case. E-232-004 Dry Feed Gas Chiller This kettle type shell and tube heat exchanger uses propane as cooling medium for chilling of feed gas.
Expander L-232-001 Turbo Expander This Expander allows for drop both temperature and pressure by an isentropic letdown. Energy is recovered in the associated Residue Gas Compressor. By-pass valve of the Expander is provided for start-up, transient and shutdown operations. 4.2 DESIGN BASIS FOR CONDENSATE STRIPPING SECTION 4.2.1 Product specifications Products of unit 232 condensate stripping section are : Condensates from condensate stripper sent to Deethaniser, C1 : Max. 2 mol%
4.2.2 Equipment Design Consideration Column V-232-002 Condensate Stripper Raw condensate from Condensate Dehydrators is treated in the Condensate Stripper V-232-002. Lighter components are removed as vapor overhead product and supplied to the demethanizer V-233-001. The column is equipped with : Reboiler E-232-008, heated by low pressure steam, Side reboiler E-232-007, in which liquid coming out from column is heated and sent back to column after exchanging heat with column bottom The E-232-008 is fed with low pressure steam under flow control reset by bottom trays temperature. The condensate stripper bottom temperature is about 221 F (105 C). The condensate flow rate is controlled by the level of V-232-002. which changes the flow to the Deethaniser V-233-001 Exchangers E-232-008 Condensate Stripper Reboiler This is a kettle type reboiler using low pressure steam as heating medium.
DESIGN BASIS FOR NGL FRACTIONATION UNIT(UNIT 233) 5.1 DESIGN BASIS 5.1.1 Product specifications The product from NGL fractionation unit shall meet the specification specified on para.2.3.3, 2.3.4, 2.3.5 and 2.3.6. 5.1.2 Recovery and purity The recovery and purities from NGL fractionation unit shall meet the specifications listed below. Guaranteed product quality is applicable for all cases except J-T case. Product Ethane(C2) Propane(C3) Butane(C4) 5.1.3 Battery limits conditions The Battery limit conditions of the main streams are listed on para. 2.4.4 5.1.4 Equipment design consideration V-233-001:Deethaniser The operating condition of the Deethaniser is set to ensure Ethane recovery at an optimum pressure. High Integrated Pressure Protection System (HIPPS) will be considered at the column overhead line to mitigate flare load. V-233-002: Depropaniser The operating condition of the Depropaniser is set to ensure the condensation of the propane . High Integrated Pressure Protection System (HIPPS) will be considered at the column overhead line to mitigate flare load. V-233-003: Debutaniser The operating condition of the Debutaniser is set to ensure the condensation of the butane Debutaniser Overhead Condenser. High Integrated Pressure Protection System (HIPPS) will be considered at the column overhead line to Recovery, mol% 75 ~ 76 (Calculated) 97 (Calculated) 99 (Calculated) Purity, mol% Min. 85.6 Min. 96.0 Min. 95.0
mitigate flare load. LP steam flow rate and quantity to reboilers : The LP steam flow rate to the Reboiler of the column is indirectly controlled by condensate level controller in condensate pot which is reset by the temperature of the sensitive tray of the corresponding column of which the temperature is to be controlled. The quantity of reboiler shall be limited two (2) to install symmetrically.
DESIGN BASIS FOR PRODUCT TREATING (UNIT 234) 6.1 C3 TREATING 6.1.1 Feed Specification The feed specifications listed below (specified for the existing trains) will be adopted and applied to the design of the LPG 4.. H2S MeSH COS 100 ppmw 100 ppmw 93 ppmw
6.1.2 Product Specification The maximum concentration of total sulphur, H2S and COS in the treated Propane Product at the outlet of the Propane Treater will be 20 ppmw, NIL for H2S and 3.0 ppmw for COS, respectively. 6.2 C4 TREATING 6.2.1 Feed Specification The feed specifications listed below (specified for the existing trains) will be adopted and applied to the design of the LPG 4.. MeSH EtSH 108 ppmw 363 ppmw
6.2.2 Product specifications The maximum concentration of total sulphur and COS in the treated butane at the outlet of the treater facilities shall be 20 ppmw and 3.0 ppmw respectively. 6.3 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATION 6.3.1 Equipment design requirements Heaters Regeneration Heater One regeneration gas heater for the two treaters (C3 / C4 treaters) would be required for regeneration system design. The heater is designed to heat and vaporize the regeneration flow stream. The heater is to be a natural gas fired cylindrical type heater. The outlet
temperature of the heater shall be 68 F (20 C) above the required regeneration temperature. Regeneration of the product treaters involves a hot regeneration stage and finally a cooling stage. The regeneration uses ERP HP fuel gas. Fuel gas is heated to regeneration temperature in the fired heater H-234-001 before it is passed over the molecular sieves for regeneration Exchangers E-234-005/009/012/013: Regeneration Air Cooler Outlet temperature of air cooler should be designed as 140 F (60 of E-234-009 is 150 F (65.5 ) and controlled by pitch or louver opening. However, air cooler outlet temperature ) to prevent a partial condensing in the air fin cooler and balance heat load to sea water cooler, E-234-010A/B. E-234-006/010: Regeneration Water Cooler The shell and tube exchanger is designed to subcool the propane/butane to minimize the duty of the downstream refrigeration system. E-234-001/002/003, E-234-007 Propane Product Refrigerant Cooler / Chiller The shell and tube exchanger is designed to meet the B/L temperature of -49 F (-45 C) for C3 and 14 F (-10 C) for C4. E-234-011: Treater Regeneration Gas Preheater The Preheater is designed to exchange heat of ERP high pressure fuel gas with hot regeneration gas and sent into regeneration gas heater. The outlet temperature of the preheater is designed to ensure a vapour phase into H-234-001. Filters F-234-001/003: Treater Outlet Filters The filter is designed to remove any molecular sieve material 99% down to a size of 5 m from the propane and butane product. The fouled filter pressure drop should be limited to 7.0 psi (0.48 bar). F-234-002/004/005/006: Regeneration Gas Filter The regeneration gas filter is designed to remove particle from regeneration gas coming out of treaters. The filter will be sized to remove 99% of 5m size particles and larger particles. The fouled pressure drop should be limited to maximum of 7.0 psi (0.48 bar).
DESIGN BASIS FOR REFRIGERATION UNIT(UNIT 235) 7.1 DESIGN BASIS FOR PROPANE REFRIGERANT FACILITY 7.1.1 Feedstock Characteristics and Capacity The composition and properties of the propane refrigerant used in this facility, are as below: Ethane: Propane: maximum minimum 0.5 mol% 99.0 mol% 0.5 mol%
The Propane Refrigeration Unit consists of a closed loop in which the propane is flashed, vaporized, recompressed and condensed. Compressor shall be capable of restart-up from settle-out condition The settle out condition is determined from bubble pressure at maximum ambient temperature 140F (60 C). When the temperature of system is over 140F (60 C), the propane will be vented to the Low Pressure Fuel Gas system. 7.1.2 Equipment Design Requirements All equipment and lines in the Propane Refrigeration Unit will be designed to accommodate the required flow rates to supply the cooling duties of the LPG Train-4 Plant. As the Feed Gas compositions provided by KNPC are very wide for the design cases, the Rich Feed case will not have any design margins applied to the sizing of the equipment. For the other cases, the design margins will be included in the Equipment Data Sheets as 20 percent. In case of compressor suction vessel, the design margins will be applied in Equipment Data Sheets as 25 percent. 7.1.3 Equipment Design Consideration Compressor C-235-001A/B Propane Refrigerant Compressor Two (2) Propane Refrigerant Compressors have been provided (2 x 50%). Each compressor is driven by a dedicated gas turbine. Gas turbine is heavyduty industrial type and capable of dual firing (fuel gas & gas oil). Fuel gas is
normally used for turbine operation and when fuel gas is not available, then gas oil will be used to run the turbines. The exhaust gas from each gas turbine will be directed to the respective Heat Recovery Steam Generator (one HRSG per gas turbine train) to recover heat and produce high pressure steam. Heat Exchangers E-235-001 Propane Refrigerant Condenser Propane Refrigerant Condensers (E-235-001) are designed to cool compressor discharge down to condensing temperature and uses sea water as a cooling media. E-235-002 Propane Refrigerant Subcooler Propane Refrigerant Subcooler (E-235-002) is designed to cool down liquid propane refrigerant coming out from V-235-001 and uses cold heat of ethane product. Drums V-235-001 Propane Refrigerant Accumulator This horizontal drum purpose is to provide a liquid propane refrigerant buffer (Surge) to overcome any process or propane refrigerant system upsets. V-235-002 Propane Refrigerant Compressor LP Suction Drum This vertical drum separates Propane vapor and liquid from the vapor to the suction of the Propane Refrigerant Compressor. It is equipped with a mesh pad in the vapor outlet to avoid any liquid carry-over to the Low pressure suction of the Propane Refrigerant Compressor. This drum also serves as the inventory of LP Propane Refrigerant used to cool the Propane Product in E235-003, the Propane Product LP Refrigerant Cooler. It is also provided with a special diffuser pipe to cool down the hot anti-surge stream, by vaporizing the liquid Propane Refrigerant contained in the bottom section. V-235-003 Propane Refrigerant Compressor MP Suction Drum This vertical drum separates Medium Pressure Propane vapor and liquids. It is equipped with a mesh pad to avoid any liquid carry-over to the secondstage, Propane Refrigerant Compressor suction. It is equipped with a special diffuser pipe to cool down the hot anti-surge stream, by vaporizing the liquid
Propane Refrigerant contained in the bottom section. V-235-004 Propane Refrigerant Compressor HP Suction Drum This vertical drum separates High Pressure Propane vapor and liquids. It is equipped with a mesh pad to avoid any liquid carry-over to the third-stage Propane Refrigerant Compressor suction. It is equipped with a special diffuser pipe to cool down the hot anti-surge stream, by vaporizing liquid Propane Refrigerant contained in the bottom section. 7.1.4 Propane Accumulator Pressure The pressure in Propane Refrigerant Accumulator, V-235-001 is maintained by means of hot gas by-pass around the Propane Refrigerant Condenser, E-235-001. A differential pressure controller (PDC) maintains a constant pressure drop through the Propane Refrigerant Condenser, E-235-001, to keep the hot gas by pass valve under control whatever the flow through the E-235-001. 7.2 DESIGN BASIS FOR DEEP REFRIGERANT FACILITY 7.2.1 Feedstock Characteristics and Capacity The composition of the deep refrigerant which has been considered: Ethane: Propylene: 30 70 mol% mol% or Ethane: Propane: 37 63 mol% mol%
The Deep Refrigeration Unit consists in a closed loop in which the deep refrigerant (ethane and propylene mixture) is flashed, vaporized, recompressed and condensed. Compressor shall be capable of restart-up from settle-out condition The settle out condition is determined from bubble pressure at maximum ambient temperature 140F (60 C). When the temperature of system become over 140F (60 C), the will be vented to flare system. De-ethaniser ovhd will be used as make up for ethane. 7.2.2 Equipment Design Requirements All equipment and lines in the Deep Refrigeration Unit will be designed to accommodate the flow rate required to supply the cooling duty of the Propane Product Deep Refrigerant Chiller, E-234-003. As the Feed Gas compositions provided by KNPC are very wide for the design
cases, the Rich Feed case will not have any design margins applied to the sizing of the equipment. For the other cases, the design margins will be included in the Equipment Data Sheets as 20 percent. In case of compressor suction vessel, the design margins will be applied in Equipment Data Sheets as 25 percent. 7.2.3 Equipment Design Consideration Compressor C-235-011 Deep Refrigerant Compressor The Deep Refrigerant Compressor(C-235-011) is a centrifugal type, driven by steam turbine with load controller and is provided with anti-surge devices. Heat Exchangers E-235-011 Deep Refrigerant Condenser Deep Refrigerant Condenser (E-235-011) is designed to cool compressor discharge down to condensing temperature and uses sea water as a cooling media. E-235-012 Deep Refrigerant Subcooler Deep Refrigerant Subcooler(E-235-012) is designed to cool down liquid deep refrigerant coming out from V-235-011 to sub-cooled condition and uses cold heat of propane refrigerant. Drums V-235-011 Deep Refrigerant Accumulator This horizontal drum purpose is to provide a liquid deep refrigerant buffer to overcome any process or deep refrigerant system upsets. V-235-012 Deep Refrigerant Compressor Suction Drum This vertical drum is to separate gas and potential liquid. It is equipped with a mesh to avoid any liquid carry-over to Deep Refrigerant Compressor suction. 7.2.4 Deep Refrigerant Accumulator Pressure Pressure in Deep Refrigerant Accumulator, V-235-011 is maintained by means of pressure control valve to .
DESIGN BASIS FOR SOUR WATER STRIPPER (UNIT 236) 8.1 DESIGN BASIS 8.1.1 Design capacity Design capacity of 40 Sm3/h is composed of existing gas plant, slug catcher and LPG 4 and its composition is based on LPG 4. Table 8-1 Sour Water Feed Flow Rate Source Definition Existing gas plant Flow rate ,Sm3/h 20 8.1.2 Feed Condition and Compositions The following tables 8-2 and 8-3 show the condition and compositions of the case specific feed streams for Condensate: Table 8-2 The sour water condition are : Pressure Temperature Total Flow Rate psig (barg) F ( ) kg.mol/hr 21.8 (1.5) 104 (40.0) 2,249
Slug catcher 10
LPG 4 10
Total feed 40
8.1.3 Product specifications The Treated Water from the Sour Water Stripper shall have the following specification. H2S: Not more than 10 ppmw
Acid Gas from New Sour Water Stripper The composition and amount of Acid Gas from OVHD of Sour Water Stripper are estimated as below.
8.1.4 Battery Limits Conditions for Sour Water Stripping Unit Incoming: Sour water to new Sour Water Stripper from existing gas plant: Outgoing: Treated water to existing WWT from new Sour Water Stripper: Acid gas to existing SRU from new Sour Water Stripper: Table 8-5 Battery limit for sour water and gas treating Commodity Operating Condition(1) Design Condition Temperature Pressure Temperature Pressure psig (barg) psig (barg) F ( ) F ( ) Sour Water 29 (2.0) 104 (40) 50.8 (3.5) 248 (120) Treated Water 240.7 (16.6) 100.4 (38) 435.1 (30.0) 167 (75) Sour Gas 18.9 (1.3) 190.4 (88) 50.8 (3.5) 248 (120) Battery Limit pressure is referenced to the LPG 4 IBL battery limit. 8.2 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATION 8.2.1 Equipment design requirements Column V-236-001: Sour Water Stripper The Sour Water Stripper column is designed to strip H2S out of the Sour Water feed, down to a concentration of 10 ppmw or less. The column is equipped with one-pass, valve trays. Drum V-236-002: Sour Water Feed Separator The separator is sized for minimum storage to accommodate any surge in sour water feed to the Sour Water Stripper and for removing slop from feed
water. V-236-003: SWS Reflux Separator The SWS Reflux Separator is sized for a liquid residence to support the SWS reflux Pump. In addition, the vapor space above the feed nozzle is designed to minimize entrainment of liquid into the Sour Gas stream. A mesh Pad is also included in the top of the vessel to minimize entrainment carry-over. Exchanger E-236-001: SWS Overhead Condenser This Air Cooler/Condenser is designed to partially condense the Sour Water Stripper overhead stream, producing a concentrated Sour gas stream to be routed to the existing Sulfur Plant and a sour liquid reflux stream. E-236-003A/B: Feed/Bottoms Exchanger This exchanger is designed to recover heat from the Stripped Water bottoms product and transfer it to the Sour Water Feed stream, thereby reducing the Reboiler requirements during normal operations. E-236-004A/B: Stripped Water Trim Cooler This exchanger is designed to cool the Stripped Water exiting the Feed/Bottoms Exchanger to a temperature of 100 oF (37.8 oC). Seawater is used as the cooling medium. E-236-002: SWS Reboiler This is a kettle-type exchanger using Low-pressure steam as the heating medium. The Reboiler will generate the required stripping steam to achieve a bottoms product composition of 10 ppmw or less of H2S.