Forest Types of Pakistan
Forest Types of Pakistan
Forest Types of Pakistan
The total area of forests in Pakistan is 4.224 million ha which is 4.8% of the total land area. However, it may be mentioned here that the farmland trees and linear planting along roadsides, canal sides and railway sides covering an estimated area of 466,000 ha and 16,000 ha respectively do not constitute forests within the context of legal, ecological or silvicultural/management definition of forests. The situation is also similar, but to a lesser extent, in the case of miscellaneous plantations over an area of 155,000 ha. If the area of these three categories of plantations is excluded from total forest area of 4.224 million ha, then the latter is reduced to 3.587 million ha which is approximately 4.1 % of the total area. As recognition of the multiple values of forests has grown, so have concerns for their disappearance. In Pakistan, subtropical, temperate, riverain and mangrove forests are being lost because of questionable land use practices and the ever-increasing demand for timber and firewood. As a result, more responsible management approaches are being demanded that can accommodate complex economic and ecological needs. Designation of selected forestlands as national parks, area for agro-forestry practices and the development of plantations and a forestation practices are needs of the hour. Total Forest Area under the control of the Forest Departments (including Azad Kashmir and the Northern Areas) is 4.26 million hectares. The per capita forest area is only 0.037 ha compared to the world average of ONE ha. Main reason for this is that more than 70% land area of Pakistan is Arid and semi-Arid with annual rainfall of 250-500 mm: too low and erratic to sustain natural vegetation and to plan a forestation/regeneration programmer.
Littoral and Swamp forests Tropical dry deciduous forests Tropical thorn forests Sub-tropical broad-leaved evergreen forests Sub-tropical pine forests Himalayan moist temperate forests Himalayan dry temperate forests Sub-alpine forests Alpine scrub
The world Littoral and Swamp forests cover at least 14 millions hectors and 257500 hectors of these are found in Pakistan which is 7th largest Littoral and Swamp forests in world. Forest is evergreen. The root produce aerial outgrowths from the soil which protrude from the wet ground like fingers; these are called pneumatophores. The seed germinate on the mother plant before shedding and fall on wet ground in the form of small seedling. This phenomenon is called vivipary. This forest is not important from the point of view of timber production. Mangrove forests are teeming with life. They are natural habitat to a large number of insects, micro organisms, birds, different mammals as well as snakes. Mangrove areas act as physical breeding grounds and nurseries for fish, shrimp and crabs. During winters, many guest birds from north also come to breed here. It also protects the coast against tidal erosion.
DISTRIBUTION: These forests occur at elevation 0-20 ft. These are more or less
gregarious forests of low height which occur in the Arabian Sea around the coast of Karachi and Pasni in Balochistan and along the coast of Gawader.
FLORISTIC: The main species is Avicennia marina (timer) (99%). Other species like
Rhizophora have disappeared over a period of time due to heavy cutting. According to latest estimates, these forests cover an area of 207,000 ha.Ceriops tagal.also present.
In upper Indus plains these forests are known as Rakh forest while in lower Indus plains as Desert forests. In open low forests in which thorny usually hard wood species predominant. These trees have short bole and low branching crowns. Regeneration occurs by root sucker. They are primarily used as firewood.
DISTRIBUTION: these forests occur at elevation 1200 ft. The types of forest
naturally growing over the whole of Indus plain except for the driest parts and area covered by annual inundation. They are most widespread in the Punjab plains but also occupy small areas in southern Sindh and western Balochistan.
Locality factor; Means annual temperature varies from 75F TO 80F while mean annual
rainfall is 30 inch down to 5 inch with variation from year to year.
DISTRIBUTION: This type does not occur extensively in Pakistan but there are
limited areas in the Rawalpindi foothills carrying this vegetation type, all much adversely affected by close proximity to habitation or cultivation. The forests occur at elevation 1200-2000 ft.
LOCALITY FACTORS: The spring is hot and dry but there is much rain in late
summer up to 37 inches in the year.
FLORISTIC: The chief tree species are Lannea (Kamlai, Kembal) Bombax ceiba
(Semal), Sterculia, Flacourtia (Kakoh, Kangu), Mallotus (Kamila, Raiuni) and Acacia catechu (Kath). Common shrubs are Adhatoda (Bankar, Basuti, Bansha), Gymnosporia (Putaki) and Indigofera (Kathi, Kainthi), dalbergia sissio (shisham).
Distribution; These scrub forest occurs at height of 1500-5000 feet. These forests found
in Gujrat, Margalla Hills, Attock and Malakand. Actully broadly speaking, these forests occur throughout the country at suitable elevation merging downwards with the subtropical pine forest.
LOCALITY FACTORS; Temperature runs high in summer and long dry seasons. FLORISTIC; Olea cuspidata (Kau) and Acacia modesta (Phulai), Dodonaea viscose
(snatha). Acacia modesta (phulai).Pistacia integerrima.
LOCALITY FACTORS; Mean annual temperature lies between 60F0 to 72F0 and
monsoon rainfall is usually 30-50 inches.
FLORISTIC; Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii), quercus incana, (white oak) Pyrus pashia,
pistacia integerrima,
These are the evergreen forests of conifers. They also extend into dry temperature forest and to small extent into sub alpine forest. Locally with some admixture of oak and deciduous broad-leaved trees fall in this category. Their undergrowth is rarely dense, and consists of both evergreen and deciduous species.
Distribution; These forests occur between 4500 feet to 10,000 feet elevation. Mainly
these are found in Murry, Kaghan, AJK, and Nathiagali.Shogran.
These are open evergreen forest with open scrub undergrowth. Both coniferous and broadleaved species are present. This type occurs on the inner ranges throughout their length and are mainly represented in the north-west.
LOCALITY FACTORS: The annual total rainfall is less than 30 inches and this type
of forest it confined to hilly country and most it on steep rocky slopes.
(8) SUB-ALPINE FORESTS: In sub alpine forests Abis pindrow and pinus
wallichina stand singly and in groups over in irregular and sometimes dense, lower story is of broad leaved trees in which Betula utilus is typically dominated at higher elevation. (Betula utilus {(birch),} in early days the barks of Betula utilus was used as writing material because at that time paper was not invented. 10 | P a g e
(9) ALPINE SCRUB: At this zone quite a limited no. of species exists. The stems are
generally flexible and adapted to snow pressure. Good herbaceous flora is also present. Under this type are included shrub formations 1 m to 2 m high extending 150 m or more above the sub-alpine forests.
DISTRIBUTION: Generally about 1100 ft. Altitude and above. Alpine are present in
Kashmir.Hazara, Upper DIR. FLORISTIC: The characteristic genera are Salix, Lonicera (Phut), Berberis (Sumbul, Sumblue), Cotoneaster with Juniperus and occasionally Rhododendron or Ephedra (Asmania).
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Map showing Forest area of Pakistan Map Credit: UNEP Environment Assessment Programme for Asia and the Pacific (
Dr. K.M. Siddiqui, Director-General Pakistan Forest Institute Peshawar ASIA-PACIFIC FORESTRY SECTOR OUTLOOK STUDY, WORKING PAPER SERIES, ASIA-PACIFIC FORESTRY TOWARDS 2010, (FAO)Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, August 1997 12 | P a g e
Pakistan," Reserved.
UNEP Environment Assessment Programme for Asia and the Pacific Biodiversity Action Plan for Pakistan 2000 by Government of Pakistan, World Wide Fund for Nature, Pakistan and International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Pakistan
First National Report on the Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, LEAD Pakistan, Ministry of Environment and Local Government Pakistan and UNEP
COUNTRY REPORT BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN PAKISTAN, Ejaz Ahmad Conservation Director, World Wide Fund For Nature - Pakistan BIODIVERSTIY CONSERVATION IN PAKISTAN : AN OVERVIEW, Muhammad Ajmal Director (Industries & Ozone) Ministry of Environment, Urban Affairs, Forestry and Wildlife C/O Pakistan National, Commission for UNESCO
Atlas of Pakistan, Survey of Pakistan United States Geological Survey Pakistan at a Glance, The World Resource Institute
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