Major Combinational Atpg

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Lecture 11 Major Combinational Automatic Test-Pattern Generation Algorithms

Definitions D-Algorithm (Roth) -- 1966

PODEM (Goel) -- 1981

D-cubes Bridging faults Logic gate function change faults

X-Path-Check Backtracing

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VLSI Test: Bushnell-Agrawal/Lecture 11

Forward Implication

Results in logic gate inputs that are significantly labeled so that output is uniquely determined AND gate forward implication table:

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VLSI Test: Bushnell-Agrawal/Lecture 11

Backward Implication

Unique determination of all gate inputs when the gate output and some of the inputs are given

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Implication Stack

Push-down stack. Records: Each signal set in circuit by ATPG Whether alternate signal value already tried Portion of binary search tree already searched

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Implication Stack after Backtrack

Unexplored Present Assignment Searched and Infeasible


1 0

0 0
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VLSI Test: Bushnell-Agrawal/Lecture 11

Objectives and Backtracing of ATPG Algorithm

Objective desired signal value goal for ATPG

Guides it away from infeasible/hard solutions

Backtrace Determines which primary input and

value to set to achieve objective Use testability measures

Feb.. 16, 2001

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Branch-and-Bound Search

Efficiently searches binary search tree Branching At each tree level, selects which input variable to set to what value Bounding Avoids exploring large tree portions by artificially restricting search decision choices Complete exploration is impractical Uses heuristics

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VLSI Test: Bushnell-Agrawal/Lecture 11

D-Algorithm -- Roth IBM (1966)

Fundamental concepts invented: First complete ATPG algorithm

D-Cube D-Calculus Implications forward and backward Implication stack Backtrack Test Search Space
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Singular Cover Example

Minimal set of logic signal assignments to show essential prime implicants of Karnaugh map

Gate AND 1 2 3
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Inputs Output Gate B A d NOR X 0 0 1 0 X 0 2 1 1 1 3

Inputs Output

1 X 0

X 1 0

0 0 1

VLSI Test: Bushnell-Agrawal/Lecture 11


Collapsed truth table entry to characterize logic Use Roths 5-valued algebra Can change all Ds to Ds and Ds to Ds (do both) AND gate:

Rows 1 & 3 Reverse inputs And two cubes Interchange D and D D 1 D D 1 D

1 D D D D 1


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D-Cube Operation of D-Intersection

y undefined (same as f) m or l requires inversion of D and D D-intersection: 0 0 = 0 X = X 0 = 0 1 1 = 1 X = X 1 = 1 X X = X

D-containment Cube a contains Cube b if b is a subset of a

0 1 X D D

0 0 f 0 y y

1 f 1 1 y y

X 0 1 X D D

D y y D m l

D y y D l m

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VLSI Test: Bushnell-Agrawal/Lecture 11

Models circuit faults:

Primitive D-Cube of Failure

AND Output sa0: 1 1 D AND Output sa1: 0 X D X 0 D Wire sa0: D Propagation D-cube models conditions under which fault effect propagates through gate
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Stuck-at-0 Stuck-at-1 Bridging fault (short circuit) Arbitrary change in logic function

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Implication Procedure
1. Model fault with appropriate primitive
D-cube of failure (PDF) 2. Select propagation D-cubes to
propagate fault effect to a circuit output (D-drive procedure) Select singular cover cubes to justify internal circuit signals (Consistency procedure) Put signal assignments in test cube Regrettably, cubes are selected very arbitrarily by D-ALG
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Bridging Fault Circuit

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Construction of Primitive D-Cubes of Failure

1. Make cube set a1 when good machine
2. 3.
output is 1 and set a0 when good machine output is 0 Make cube set b1 when failing machine output is 1 and b0 when it is 0 Change a1 outputs to 0 and D-intersect each cube with every b0. If intersection works, change output of cube to D Change a0 outputs to 1 and D-intersect each cube with every b1. If intersection works, change output of cube to D
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Bridging Fault D-Cubes of Failure

Cube-set a 0 a0 X 1 a1 X 0 b0 X b1 1 X 0 X 1 0 1 X

a* b*
0 X 1 X 0 1 1

X 0 1 0 1 D X PDFs for 1 Bridging fault 0 1 D 1 0 1 1


a b a* b*

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Gate Function Change D-Cube of Failure

Cube-set a b c a0 a1 b0 b1 0 X 1 0 1 X X 0 1 0 X 1


a b
0 1


0 0 PDFs for 1 AND changing 0 to OR 1 1

1 0

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D-Algorithm Top Level

1. Number all circuit lines in increasing level order from PIs to POs; 2. Select a primitive D-cube of the fault to be the test cube; Put logic outputs with inputs labeled as D (D) onto the D-frontier; 3. D-drive (); 4. Consistency (); 5. return ();

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D-Algorithm D-drive
while (untried fault effects on D-frontier) select next untried D-frontier gate for propagation; while (untried fault effect fanouts exist)
select next untried fault effect fanout; generate next untried propagation D-cube; D-intersect selected cube with test cube; if (intersection fails or is undefined) continue; if (all propagation D-cubes tried & failed) break; if (intersection succeeded) add propagation D-cube to test cube -- recreate D-frontier; Find all forward & backward implications of assignment; save D-frontier, algorithm state, test cube, fanouts, fault; break; else if (intersection fails & D and D in test cube) Backtrack (); else if (intersection fails) break;

if (all fault effects unpropagatable) Backtrack ();

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D-Algorithm -- Consistency
g = coordinates of test cube with 1s & 0s; if (g is only PIs) fault testable & stop; for (each unjustified signal in g) Select highest # unjustified signal z in g, not a PI; if (inputs to gate z are both D and D) break; while (untried singular covers of gate z)
select next untried singular cover; if (no more singular covers) If (no more stack choices) fault untestable & stop; else if (untried alternatives in Consistency) pop implication stack -- try alternate assignment; else Backtrack (); D-drive (); If (singular cover D-intersects with z) delete z from g, add inputs to singular cover to g, find all forward and backward implications of new assignment, and break; If (intersection fails) mark singular cover as failed;
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if (PO exists with fault effect) Consistency (); else pop prior implication stack setting to try alternate assignment; if (no untried choices in implication stack) fault untestable & stop; else return;

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Circuit Example 7.1 and Truth Table

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Inputs

0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1


0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

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Singular Cover & D-Cubes

1 0

1 0 1 0

1 0

1 0 0

0 1 1 1 0
D D D 0 D D

Singular cover Used

for justifying lines

D 1 D

1 D D D 1 D

1 D D

1 0 D D D D 0 D

0 0 1

Propagation D-cubes
Conditions under which difference between good/failing machines propagates


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Steps for Fault d sa0

Step A B C d e F 1 1 1 D
2 3

Cube type PDF of AND gate

D 0 D Prop. D-cube for NOR 1 1 0 Sing. Cover of NAND

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Example 7.2 Fault A sa0

Step 1 D-Drive Set A = 1

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Step 2 -- Example 7.2

Step 2 D-Drive Set f = 0

0 1 D D D

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Step 3 -- Example 7.2

Step 3 D-Drive Set k = 1

1 0 1 D D D D

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Step 4 -- Example 7.2

Step 4 Consistency Set g = 1 1


1 D D

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Step 5 -- Example 7.2

Step 5 Consistency f = 0 Already set 1


1 D D

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Step 6 -- Example 7.2

Step 6 Consistency Set c = 0, Set e = 0 1

0 D 0 0 D D

1 D

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D-Chain Dies -- Example 7.2

Step 7 Consistency Set B = 0 D-Chain dies

0 0 1

1 D D

0 D

Test cube: A, B, C, D, e, f, g, h, k, L
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Example 7.3 Fault s sa1

Primitive D-cube of Failure 1 D


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Example 7.3 Step 2 s sa1

Propagation D-cube for v 1 D


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Example 7.3 Step 2 s sa1

Forward & Backward Implications 0 1

1 1


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Example 7.3 Step 3 s sa1

Propagation D-cube for Z test found! 0 1

1 1


D 1

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Example 7.3 Fault u sa1

Primitive D-cube of Failure 1


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Example 7.3 Step 2 u sa1

Propagation D-cube for v 1

0 sa1 D

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Example 7.3 Step 2 u sa1

Forward and backward implications 1 1


1 0 D

0 sa1

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d = 0 and m = 1 cannot justify r = 1

(equivalence) Backtrack Remove B = 0 assignment

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Example 7.3 Backtrack

Need alternate propagation D-cube for v 1


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Example 7.3 Step 3 u sa1

Propagation D-cube for v 1



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Example 7.3 Step 4 u sa1

Propagation D-cube for Z 1

0 sa1

D 1

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Example 7.3 Step 4 u sa1

Propagation D-cube for Z and implications 0 1

1 1

1 1 0 D sa1 0

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PODEM -- Goel IBM (1981)

New concepts introduced: Expand binary decision tree only around primary inputs Use X-PATH-CHECK to test whether D-frontier still there

Objectives -- bring ATPG closer to

propagating D (D) to PO

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IBM introduced semiconductor DRAM memory into its mainframes late 1970s Memory had error correction and translation circuits improved reliability D-ALG unable to test these circuits Search too undirected Large XOR-gate trees Must set all external inputs to define output Needed a better ATPG tool
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Feb.. 16, 2001

PODEM High-Level Flow

1. Assign binary value to unassigned PI 2. Determine implications of all PIs 3. Test Generated? If so, done. 4. Test possible with more assigned PIs? If

maybe, go to Step 1 5. Is there untried combination of values on assigned PIs? If not, exit: untestable fault 6. Set untried combination of values on assigned PIs using objectives and backtrace. Then, go to Step 2
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Example 7.3 Again

Select path s Y for fault propagation


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Example 7.3 -- Step 2 s sa1

Initial objective: Set r to 1 to sensitize fault


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Example 7.3 -- Step 3 s sa1

Backtrace from r


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Example 7.3 -- Step 4 s sa1

Set A = 0 in implication stack

0 sa1

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Example 7.3 -- Step 5 s sa1

Forward implications: d = 0, X = 1

0 0 sa1

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Example 7.3 -- Step 6 s sa1

Initial objective: set r to 1

0 0 sa1

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Example 7.3 -- Step 7 s sa1

Backtrace from r again

0 0 sa1

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Example 7.3 -- Step 8 s sa1

Set B to 1. Implications in stack: A = 0, B = 1

0 1 0 sa1

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Example 7.3 -- Step 9 s sa1

Forward implications: k = 1, m = 0, r = 1, q = 1, Y = 1, s = D, u = D, v = D, Z = 1 1 1 0 0 1 sa1 1 D D 1 D 1

0 1

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Backtrack -- Step 10 s sa1

X-PATH-CHECK shows paths s Y and s u v Z blocked (D-frontier disappeared) 1


0 sa1

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Set B = 0 (alternate assignment)

Step 11 -- s sa1

0 0 sa1

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Backtrack -- s sa1

Forward implications: d = 0, X = 1, m = 1, r = 0, s = 1, q = 0, Y = 1, v = 0, Z = 1. Fault not sensitized. 1

0 0

0 1 sa1

1 0

0 1

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Set A = 1 (alternate assignment)

Step 13 -- s sa1

1 sa1

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Backtrace from r again

Step 14 -- s sa1

1 sa1

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Step 15 -- s sa1

Set B = 0. Implications in stack: A = 1, B = 0

1 0 sa1

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Forward implications: d = 0, X = 1, m = 1, r = 0. Conflict: fault not sensitized. Backtrack 1 0 1 0 1 sa1 1 0

Backtrack -- s sa1

0 1

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Set B = 1 (alternate assignment)

Step 17 -- s sa1

1 1 sa1

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Fault Tested -- Step 18 s sa1

Forward implications: d = 1, m = 1, r = 1, q = 0, s = D, v = D, X = 0, Y = D 0 1 1 1 1 D 1 sa1 D 0


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Backtrace (s, vs)

v = vs;
while (s is a gate output) if (s is NAND or INVERTER or NOR) v = v; if (objective requires setting all inputs) select unassigned input a of s with hardest controllability to value v; else select unassigned input a of s with easiest controllability to value v; s = a; return (s, v) /* Gate and value to be assigned */;
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Objective Selection Code

if (gate g is unassigned) return (g, v); select a gate P from the D-frontier; select an unassigned input l of P; if (gate g has controlling value) c = controlling input value of g; else if (0 value easier to get at input of XOR/EQUIV gate) c = 1; else c = 0; return (l, c );

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PODEM Algorithm
while (no fault effect at POs) if (xpathcheck (D-frontier) (l, vl) = Objective (fault, vfault); (pi, vpi) = Backtrace (l, vl); Imply (pi, vpi); if (PODEM (fault, vfault) == SUCCESS) return (SUCCESS); (pi, vpi) = Backtrack (); Imply (pi, vpi); if (PODEM (fault, vfault) == SUCCESS) return (SUCCESS); Imply (pi, X); return (FAILURE); else if (implication stack exhausted) return (FAILURE); else Backtrack (); return (SUCCESS);
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D-ALG First complete ATPG algorithm

PODEM Expand decision tree only around PIs Use X-PATH-CHECK to see if D-frontier exists Objectives -- bring ATPG closer to getting D (D) to PO

D-Cube D-Calculus Implications forward and backward Implication stack Backup


Feb.. 16, 2001

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