Hi Everyone!
I´m so tired today has been a dar for work in home making housework (;´∩`;)゜:。And I´ve been working on this review too editing the pics and working and the video review. I received this circle lens very late thanks to the slow office postal of my country. But well o((*^▽^*))o I feel happy to share this cute circle lens with you. Since a long time I want try again black circle lens but this color is complicated because it is not the right design my eyes can look like a dead fish. Thanks to Pinkyparadise for sponsored this circle lens for review purposes.
If this is your first time reading my blog and you want know how care circle lens
I want invite you to read my post
Geo Medical Security Seal + Bottle Details (*^^*)
GEO CK120 Black Circle Lens
Brand: Geo Medical
Origin: South Korea
Diameter: 14.2 mm
Base Curve: 8.6 mm
Life Span: 1 Year Disposable
❁ Design/Pattern + Color: I was worried about the color because this circle lens only has a color "Black" and how I have light green/gray eyes this color not always look good, I'm impressed because the pattern is like black lace, circular black lace or a circular geometric pattern black and is very cute. Just one color make my eyes look dolly and innocent.(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ Never the edge is solid and that is good point because make the circle lens design more soft and pretty.
❁ Comfort: 100% comfortable I don't have to say nothing more about this.
❁ Enlargement: Provides a subtle and dolly pure effect the enlargement I love it because is perfect for just 14.2 mm
❁ Overall: I love it this circle lens (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ I need say this are my favorite black circle lens. The design I love it these are a new model of circle lenses from GEO Medical and I´m very happy. 100% and I don´t need use a heavy make up for use this circle lens. The design blends with my natural color eyes (something very complicated for black circle lenses). I recommend this circle lens if you love it the dolly effect in this case a subtle and cute dolly effect.
❁ Rating: ★★★★★
Where to buy?
Webstore: https://www.pinkyparadise.com
You can buy the GEO CK120 Black Circle Lens
Selfie time~(ノ*゜▽゜*)
Before and after~
(☆^O^☆)Dolly Eyes~
(o⌒.⌒o)I´m not sure why but I love it this pic~♥
*(*´∀`*)☆ My last pic!
I hope you enjoyed this review~
(´-`).。oO Thanks for your cute comments and support!
♡ I did this review with more selfies!
I hope you have a nice week~
Bye Bye!!