Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts

Friday, October 6, 2017

Stay Gold

In this ever changing world of people doing things to their fellow man
that we cannot understand; that leave us gasping for breath and I still believe in the deep down goodness and great capacity that we have to love one another. My last few weeks have been quite interesting and full to the brim. In the midst of devastating world events and a very local school shooting threat, I have, in my personal realm, been touched so deeply by the warmth and kindheartedness of some very beautiful people.
In the heat of my mad dash week of preparations for the annual Pumpkin Festival Craft Faire a precious friend and neighbor had supper delivered to our front door, knowing that I was just crazy busy and wanting to help in some way. Mind you, she has an extremely hectic household of her own with six children but she was determined to lighten my load. My other friend and neighbor tagged my items and stamped my bags with my business name, as she does every year, around taking care of her four children. The friend and neighbor who lives in the middle of these two and directly across the street from me sent food over hot off her grill one night while she herself  was also preparing for the Pumpkin Festival and caring for her three little ones. This is the community I live in. These are the golden hearts that God has placed just within my reach. We run back and forth across the street when there's a need and we look after one another. To me this is Life at its very finest ... Life as it's meant to be... and I am so very, very thankful.
I've also been blessed by visits from friends who I've enjoyed lovely front porch conversations with. Some of them have shown up with fresh flowers from their gardens in hand for me. Others have brought home baked cookies or pumpkin scones. I've put on the kettle for tea or made them coffee. Together we are squeezing every last drop of pleasant porch time we can before the air turns to chill and forces us indoors again.  They are helping me create memories that I am storing in my heart for the long winter ahead. Each one being its own golden ray of sunshine in my soul.
Of course while we talk, I knit... and knit... and knit some more.
Autumn means lovely little pumpkins and I am just about to wrap up my custom orders on them for this year as I move on to other items to prepare for my upcoming Christmas event. I have knit so many pumpkins this year! I have to say, I think I've enjoyed them more than ever before. Like a dear friend said when she saw a ton of them all loaded together in a big basket before being sorted for individual orders,
"It's like having a litter of puppy's! It's going to be hard to let them go!"
The other thing I knit continuously every Fall
is fingerless mitts in various styles and colors.
Everyone seems to love them. I even have people who prefer them on the coldest of days because they still want their fingers free while driving. Plus a lot of us tend to have cold hands even inside, like my daughter, who wears them to work to keep her hands warm and her fingers free for typing on her computer. 
They tend to be my top selling item.
Some are knit in a DK weight lacework pattern
with a lush blend of merino wool and cashmere.
Others are chunky, cable knits in a soft blend
of merino wool, alpaca and Donegal tweed.
And I have to get my hooks into crocheting some as well, 
with this wonderful merino wool and bamboo fiber.
Although I do as much of my knitting as I possibly can sitting on the swing on my front porch, while weather permits, I have another favorite spot I love to go to knit once a week. Thankfully knitting is portable so I take my work with me wherever I go. One evening a week I take my granddaughter, Gabby, to ballet. She has two classes that together last 2 1/2 hours. This provides me with wonderful knitting time in one of my favorite coffee shops. Also I get to visit with the other customers and employees.
This week I spent time talking to a young man who I've seen in there many times. He's a regular. A friend of the manager. Through the course of our conversation I was very touched by his outlook on life. His desire to live simply and enjoy the smallest things in life... to quite literally find joy in living. We talked about several things. We talked about his siblings, my husband and children and grandchildren, happiness, God and what it's like to be content with our lives, comfortable in our own skin and thankful for everyday life
in a world that is plugged in and disconnected all at the same time.
And here's the thing...
this young man has been confined to a wheelchair all of his life
due to cerebral palsy.
Yet it is well with his soul.
He has figured out how to stay gold.
When the evening was over he thanked me for an "enjoyable conversation"...
Some people absolutely amaze me.
Though it may not seem like it at times,
there are still so many truly good people out there.
We have to look for the good in others and continue to try to connect.
Somewhere inside each of us is that carefree child of eternal summertime, turning a face toward the sunshine and believing that the world is full of hope and beauty and will be forever a place of gold.
"Stay gold, Ponyboy... Stay gold..."
{continue to be innocent and pure}
Johnny ~ The Outsiders

"I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well."
Psalm 139:14

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Sweet, Simple Pleasures

We had a little party last evening ...
It was full of cinnamon, sugar and sweet, sweet laughter.
Oh! There was tea and coffee and white roses too!
And Beautiful, smiling faces glowing round the table so bright.
For, you see, there were birthday's to celebrate;
Precious Friendships to commemorate.
As the years go by, we must stop and kiss each one anew.
Gather them like friends so dear ...
Bestow on them the scent of roses, always Roses!
And sprinkle them liberally with friends...Lovely Friends...
As though they were the spice...the sugar... the absolute sweetness
of Life.

Cinnamon Teacake

1/4 Cup Unsalted Butter, softened
1/2 Cup Sugar
1 Egg, lightly beaten
1 Teaspoon Pure Vanilla
1/4 Cup All Purpose Flour
3/4 Cup Self-Rising Flour
1/2 Cup Buttermilk


1/4 Cup Unsalted Butter, melted
Mixture of Cinnamon and Sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Line the bottom of an 8-inch round or square cake tin with parchment paper
and spray sides and bottom with cooking spray.
Cream butter and sugar till fluffy.
Gradually add egg and vanilla.
Using a metal spoon, fold in sifted flours alternately with buttermilk.
Stir until smooth.
Bake for 25-30 minutes, until toothpick comes out clean.
Leave in tin for 5 minutes and cool on rack.
Turn out onto plate and brush warm cake with melted butter.
Sprinkle liberally with cinnamon and sugar mixture.
This simple teacake is quick and easy to make and usually loved by all.
It's perfect to share over afternoon tea with a friend or to serve for a small gathering as I did last night. We had the pleasure of celebrating two birthday's within our knitting group that meets at my house every Monday night for what we call Knit Night.
This recipe is a long standing favorite.
So the next time you need a little something sweet in your life,
especially for teatime, give it a try.
Be sure to gather a friend or two to share a cup and a laugh ...
and relish together in the sweet, simple pleasures of Life.

"I've learned that people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel."
 Maya Angelou

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


If asked I think most people would say their most dreaded day is Monday.
There have been times throughout my life
that it has been quite the opposite for me.
Years ago, as a cosmetologist, I always looked forward to Monday
because it was my day off.
I worked long hours on Thursday and half of every Saturday
just so I could enjoy the sheer bliss of
calling that first day of the week my own.
Then for the last seven years Monday has become
a constant new dawn in the ebb and flow of my life.
As the weekend slowly fades,
 I begin to await this sacred day like a child on the edge of her seat.
At this point my plans have already been made.
My ingredients have been gathered and my table has been set in my mind.
Sometime between the sixth and seventh hour of the evening,
 they will start to trickle in my front door.
My beloved friends.
My family really.
These Sisters of my Heart.
There are six of us, ranging in ages from our thirties to our sixties.
The words get stuck somewhere deep down within me
 when I try to dislodge them
to explain what these women mean to me.
When I am suffering from the worst times of my constant battle
with two forms of rheumatoid disease
they pray for me, feed me, cry with me, laugh with me,
hug me and hold my hand.
They walked through the unknown days of Scott's
battle with Pancreatic Cancer
one step at a time with us,
lifting him up as well as me.
They are my rocks when the ground becomes rugged and too difficult
to navigate on my own.
Knowing that my week will start with them gathered around my table,
keeps me focused and helps me push through the morning pain at times.
It gives me a goal; a purpose.
My week is off to a good start because they have given of themselves once again,
sitting around my table with their stories and their knitting,
their laughter and tears,
and their absolute beauty.
They think because I bake each Monday that I am pampering them.
When in reality I am only trying to offer back a tiny measure of
the sweetness they bestow upon my life.
Because of them my soul has continual refreshment.

"Friendship consists in forgetting what one gives
and remembering what one receives."
Alexander Dumas

Blueberry Buttermilk Coffeecake

2 Cups All Purpose Flour
2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon
3/4 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Butter, Softened
1 Egg
1/2 Cup Buttermilk
1 Cup Blueberries, Fresh or Frozen
1 Cup Pecans, Chopped

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Whisk flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon together.
In another bowl, cream sugar and butter until light and fluffy.
Add egg and buttermilk.
Stir into dry ingredients.
*If batter is too thick add a splash of milk.
Fold in blueberries and pecans.
Spread into a greased 9 inch baking pan.

Streusel Topping

1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
1/3 Cup All Purpose Flour
1/4 Teaspoon Cinnamon
1/4 Cup Pecans, Chopped
1/4 Cup Cold Butter

Combine brown sugar, flour, and cinnamon.
Fold in pecans.
Cut in butter with a pastry blender until crumbly.
Sprinkle over batter.
Bake for 35 - 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
Cool on a wire rack.

Make a drizzle with the following ingredients to your preferred
taste and consistency:

Powdered Sugar

Drizzle over coffeecake and enjoy.

"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo,
but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you
when the limo breaks down."
Oprah Winfrey

Friday, April 29, 2016

South Bay Shawlette

Because I seem to be in the mood to crochet these days...
I can't get enough of shawls...
here's one more.
This is the
that I just had to make.
It's just lovely and so versatile.
I can see why so many of you are making it yourself.
are the two who inspired me.
Thanks Girls!
I'm in LOVE.
For this first one I used Berroco Vintage in a DK weight.
{Notice I said "first one"... I just might be working on a second one ...}
The gorgeous Dusty Teal really makes me happy.
You can find the pattern on
If you love to crochet shawls,
this one is a

I have a new
I would like to invite
all of you to visit.

"There is magic in long-distance friendships. They let you relate to other human beings in a way that goes beyond being physical together and is often more profound."
Diana Cortes

Thursday, April 14, 2016

I am Overjoyed

I had a friend for lunch today.
The sun was shining nice and bright...
 The curtains blowing in the breeze.
We spent the entire afternoon
and being thankful for the day.
I am always especially happy when the weather becomes
nice enough once again for me to open up my windows and let 
the fresh air in.
And if it actually blows through my curtains,
I am overjoyed,
especially when this particular friend is coming to spend time with me.
The sight of  my curtains blowing in the breeze
for some reason makes her as happy as it does me.
We both wait with great anticipation for it through the long Winter months.
This friend is very dear to me.
She and I have been close for over thirty years,
raising up our children together.
Now sharing the joys of watching our grandchildren grow.
About a year and a half ago she had a serious battle with
Breast Cancer.
Two forms actually.
She's had surgery.
She's had treatments.
She is Cancer Free.
Praise God.
Together we 
the wondrous
 things of every day life.
Each day is precious.

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together...
there is something you must always remember, 
you are braver than you believe,
stronger than you seem,
and smarter than you think.
But the most important thing is,
even if we're apart...
I'll always be with you."
Winnie the Pooh

Friday, March 4, 2016

Sunshine Through Lace

I'm just popping in for a quick 
Good Morning 
to all of you before I get on with my Friday.
I wasn't planning to do a blog post today but then I woke up to a morning full of
Yesterday was cold, grey, wet, windy and even snowy.
Not the kind of snow that made a pretty blanket on the ground.
Just the kind that drizzled through the air all day and melted as soon as it landed.
But it went on all day long with not a single ray of sunshine in sight, not once.
It was however, a cozy day around here, for me.
I had my dear friend Amy for an afternoon of tea and knitting.
She comes at least once a week
{and twice if we can squeeze it in}
and spends whole lovely afternoons with me.
In the colder months we stay tucked in my warm kitchen with the kettle going,
a pot of tea always under a cozy,
my dogs napping contentedly in their bed together
and my little fireplace glowing.
Mack & Phoebe

Then as Winter finally gives up the ghost and Spring is reborn,
with my beloved Summer fresh on its heels,
we settle ourselves on my porch
{me on my swing, Amy on my vintage wicker settee}
and drink our tea and knit and crochet the afternoons away in the glorious fresh air.
On those days there's a smaller dog bed that is dragged out to the porch so the doggies 
can nap and "visit" with passersby.
I live on Main Street in a small town.
We have lots and lots of people strolling by all day long to have wonderful chats with.
When the weather is warm enough we're also joined by my song birds in their cages.
{Noah the Cockatiel and Spencer the White Dove}
 I carry them out and set them on the porch and they sing for the pure
 of it all afternoon...
and doze in the sunshine that trickles through the leaves on the big ancient maple tree shading the whole of my front lawn.

On this morning drenched in beautiful 
there are so many things I am so thankful for...
Small, constant, homely, warm, every day, cozy things...

My simple yet "perfect for ME in every way" home
My Husband... Can't even say it all here.
My beautiful, wonderful children and grandchildren... God is so GOOD.
My entire whole family {you know who you are}
My dogs, birds, kitty cat and squirrels and bunnies I feed in the yard.

My knitting group who keeps me steady through life all through each season, rain or shine, in and out of my house every Monday night week after week, year after year.
A special friend who comes to my home to share a cup of tea and play with yarn and make the gloomy days seem cozy and the sunny days even shinier. 
The many friends, so close to my heart. I am blessed with an abundance of friends.
A very, very dear friend God brought to me right here through this blog
{you know who YOU are... we are spiritual sisters... talking, texting, praying, sharing all of life}
And finally...
I really, really am 
So thankful
for days of 
Sunshine through Lace
When I open my front door and see this sight
my heart knows Spring is just as anxious
to enjoy my front porch swing as I am.

Wishing you days filled with 
Abundant Sunshine of the Heart


"Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
And delight yourself in abundance."
Isaiah 55:2

Thursday, November 5, 2015

I Really Do Love Cables...

As I said in my last post...
I just LOVE Cables...
Can't get enough of them!
So here's a few more of my recent 
Cabled Goodies
for you.
This is my favorite pattern for
It's from this book
It's a quick and easy knit,
which makes it perfect for last minute
gift giving.
These Mitts have been a huge seller
for me at Craft Shows.
I always make them with 
Knit Picks City Tweed Aran/HW Yarn.
It's a fabulous fiber blend of
55% Merino Wool
25% Superfine Alpaca
20% Donegal Tweed
 It's ultra Soft, Cushy and Warm.

And just 
One More Thing
I'll show you in 
Cable Work
The finished product of this...
Shown here on Caroline...
The Sweet daughter of
my Dear Friend 
I really do 
Can't help myself.
"What's currently on my needles?"
You ask.
Another Cable hat, of course ;-)

Hope you are all having a 
Glorious Day!


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Rosy Heart Hat for Eliza

Back sometime ago, 
I think in February,
I crocheted this 
to put on a hat.
You may remember me showing it in a previous post
along with the beginning of the hat.
The free pattern for the knitted hat can be found
Life got busy and the whole project found its way 
to the bottom of my work basket.
Yesterday it surfaced looking like the last picture 
and I decided it was TIME to FINISH IT!
The hat is an I Love You Gift for Eliza
who lives across the street from me.
Little Miss Eliza was born the day before my birthday.
This June she will turn 3 and I will turn 50.
We have been joined at the heart since the moment 
we met when she was only 2 days old.
On the day Eliza celebrated her second birthday
this is what I saw when I looked out my front window.
Who could not fall in love with such sweetness?!
She almost never actually walks.
Instead she ...
And oftentimes she's doing it all in a pink tutu :-)

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Basket Full Of Bunnies

Thought I'd show you a basket full of little bunnies before I take them downtown tomorrow and place them on the shelf at Lulu's Gift Shop where they will be anxiously awaiting new homes. They are in high hopes that Mommy's or Grammy's will buy them to place in Easter baskets for little ones to love on them! I know you've seen them before but I couldn't resist showing them off in their different colored suits all huddled together in the same nest.

I will take a break from blogging the rest of this week. I got a call from a friend in Kentucky last night who wants to come spend the week with me! She will be here this evening so we will fill the days with lots of laughter as we catch up with each other. Hope you all have a great week!

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Gift of Friendship

Knowing that I have been sick for 16 days now {but who's counting?!!!}, a very dear friend of mine, Mary Anne showed up at my door this morning to check on me. There I stood in my flannel jammies and there she stood in her cute hat she knitted herself at one time. That's the beauty of real friendship ~ it doesn't matter how we are dressed for the meeting ~ or that we didn't know there was to be a meeting!

She came in with a flurry of movement, a hug and lots of laughter {because that's how she ALWAYS is}. Tucked under her arm was a pretty wrapped gift and card for me. Being the child I am, I LOVE  gifts. The unexpected ones are so much fun!

When I opened it I was so excited! Mary Anne made me this beautiful pink rose filet crochet doily!!!
I LOVE IT! Thanks so much dear friend, you really lifted my spirits on this bleak day.
And all you who spend all your time making things to give away know that we so seldom ever recieve anything someone made for us. What a treat. What a treasure. The real treasure, of course, is FRIENDSHIP.
"A friend is not only a rock of shelter to us in time of danger, but is also as rivers of water in a thirsty land, when our hearts cry out for life and love." 
J.R. Miller