I don’t want a chrome anymore
19 de Diciembre del 2010EDIT: After some commentaries, I’ve found that the idea exposed in this post was already developed. Being ashamed by futility and stupidity of the post, I’m now changing it and publishing something else: one of the very first drawings I’ve saved from my childhood:
I did it when I was 3 years old, and I was definitely and completely obsessed with the tiny home computer. It was drawn at school, and it made my teacher to ask my mother what it was - in 1984 computers were not a very common thing.
Ok, let’s try to add something more to distract from the fact the previous content of this post was ridiculous:
Look at this beatiful Magi King! At Spain, it is not only Santa Claus who brings gifts to good children, but mostly the Three Kings. They take a bit more to reach children houses (January 6th), and I suppose it is mostly because their camel based ground way of transport.
Well, I don’t think it was absurd! the idea was good anyway :-)
I knew you had to come from that background! :) I always follow your amazing work, and I’ve noticed that it breathes that playful spirit we used to have when we made those little BASIC programs to make animations and sounds on a home computer.
BTW: I’m from argentina, and our ZX Spectrum equivalents were mostly the TK90X and the CZ Spectrum. I had the former.
In 1981 when I was 10 I was gifted a Timex Sinclair ZX 80 with the old membrane keyboard. I was so addicted to it, my mother spirited it away on a number of occasions. It did the trick though - they finally caved and got me a Leading Edge PC Compatible in 1984. ;)
What a ride it’s been since then…
Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7 (the older calendar).