Corrections and Errata

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We strive to see that the project instructions in all of our magazines are clear and accurate, but occasionally even quilters make mistakes and an error creeps by! We apologize for any problems this may have caused. If you find any errors in our magazines, please let us know and we will post corrections here.

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  1. Cat’s Cradle pattern by Lynn Roddy Brown: When drawing the diagonal lines for sewing the blocks the picture is wrong,, you must use one corner and then line it up with the sewn in square to draw the line otherwise it does not turn out square.

  2. I’m writing about the Quilt of Valour on page 74 of the Dec/Jan 2022 QUICK AND EASY QUILTS. As the Blue Star Mother of 3 US NAVY sailors, I am a bit concerned that there is no explanation about the significance of the Gold Star on Blue Star flags. The flag bears Blue Stars unless a Service member dies on active duty. At that point a Gold Star is placed over the Blue Star and is universally understood to mean this family has lost a family member in uniform. I am making my version of this quilt with Blue Stars since all of my children are still serving. The Gold Star version would be a wonderful comfort quilt for a Gold Star Family. Please pass this along to the designer.

  3. I downloaded the Quilters coat jacket pattern hoping it would give me the cutting size of the flying geese. It didn’t I know how to make the pattern, but I still need the size. I could have saved myself some money and used the pattern in the magazine. I know space is an issue when publishing a pattern but cutting directions would have been helpful. 91/4″ sq and 47/8″ isn’t enough information. I would appreciate that information.
    Thank You

  4. I think there is an error in the Ruby Jubilee block “Pinwheel Fancy”. The red 3 and 7/8 in. square is too small when cut to make the triangle. I hope that makes sense the block instructions are in the July/August issue of Quiltmaker magazine on page 68. Thanks, Carolyn Montgomery

  5. Is there correction on the pattern Fire and Ice? The numbers between to unpick the strips do not create the bargello pattern. I had to find a combo that made the pattern work as pictured. I followed the directions precisely and had to repick each strip.

  6. I received the Kimberly Jolly free pattern in several mail outs to subscribe to your magazines. “Thread the Stars” says to cut 40 each of two fabrics @ 4 7/8″ (A)to make 80 HST Most of us know they should be 4.5″ sq after sewing and thus cutting the HST apart. HOWEVER, the instructions tell us ” referring to 8 at a time” make these 80 HST. Well I know better, I questioned this step over and over, Then against my better judgement, I did 14 pairs B4 I stopped and screeched!!!. These are now 2.5″ HST. Please, I know it’s a FREE handout, BUT really guys it should be right. Luckily I have enough of both fabrics to re-cut and sew them right. Nowhere in this pattern are their any block unit sizes. Be careful with your potential customers.

  7. I have just purchased 3 pdf patterns from your website. Can I assume that any corrections have already been incorporated into the pdf files I downloaded? If not, how do I determine which magazine issue my purchased pattern was in? Thank you.

    1. I’d be very happy to do a search for you, to make sure your three patterns don’t have corrections. If you want to let me know their names, I’ll take a look. Usually in the pattern PDF it says the original magazine, but for older patterns it may vary so I thought if you write back the names we’ll be sure. Thanks!

      Quilting Daily Team

  8. I’m making Ski Trip pattern made in Mara Penny Tahoe Ski Week as shown in an email you sent me. I have a few issues with the pattern. I found the cutting instructions quite confusing. The template for the “moon” was suggested to blow up 200% but the paper I use cannot handle this size. I had to extrapolate and it didn’t come out the correct size anyway. Suggesting the correct template to purchase might have been helpful. The triangles that are used for the 6 trees….The diagram is good but EACH triangle, rectangle and “trunk” need to be cut out as singles with the right side of fabric up. Usually when one cuts from strips, wrong sides are together. This would then make the 45 degree cut incorrect on ½ of the pieces. Since this fabric is no longer being made, there is no room for error in cutting. Making this clear would be helpful. Since the pattern is listed as EASY and I’m a novice, I would not have known this except I was re-reading and going over each cut and trying to see how it was going to be used.

  9. I subscribe to quiltmaker magazine and am trying to download the magazine’s pull out section. I cannot find it anywhere on your site. The site is very difficult to navigate. Please send me instructions on how to get these downloads.

    1. Hello,
      I checked with our team, and the pattern print outs can be found on the main landing page for each issue. Can you let us know which issue you were hoping to track down? We can look it up and get you a link for easy access.

      Quilting Daily Team

  10. From the May/June 2020 McCall’s Quilring, pattern Star Studded, beginning on page 27. What is the size for the Unit 4 block? Mine measure 4.5 inches, but the C block, which is sewed to the Unit 4, is 3.5 inches. Are the Unit 4 supposed to be 3.5 inches or is the C block supposed to be 4.5 inches? Thank you.

  11. I’m working on the Beat Day Ever Alphabet quilt. I cannot figure out how to make the Q’s tail. I’ve downloaded 2 things from you, (each $5.99), neither have directions for this. Please help

  12. Quiltmaker magazine – May/June’19 – Modern Mandala by Betsy Vinegrad
    Paper pieced pattern pieces on page 42 – sections 4, 5, 6 & 7 appear in reverse of finished block as it should be. Sections 1, 2 and 3 do NOT appear to be to be reversed. Is it me?

    1. We’re sorry to hear that you haven’t received your magazine. If you head to and look for the little “help” icon on the bottom right of our page and click on it, a chat box will open and you can either live chat with our team or send us a message via a contact form and our customer service team will he able to help you with this!

  13. In Quiltmaker Jan/Feb 2020, I made Botanical Trellis. In Cutting, why do we need 50 2-1/2″sqares which are listed as A. I used 13″ white strips for A. Also in #3 Assembling, Row 5 indicates make 2, then Row 5 is listed again, rather than Row 6. The block size was indicated as 30″, I believe they were 13″, I assume this is a proofing error. Thanks for your attention in this matter.

  14. On the Spiceberry Star pattern, it would have been helpful to let you know what size the blocks will be. I normally have no problem understanding difficult parterns, but you’ve made it extremely difficult to know what size the 1/2 square triangles should be. Detail is important.

  15. I keep getting error… cannot load library.
    Am not even trying to access library.
    Impossible to navigate site. Will visit another time