June 28, 2009
June 27, 2009
June 25, 2009
June 24, 2009
Oh, Teddy Bear, what did they do to you?

Waiting to be taken:
a) home
b) to another home
... there can't be any other option. Otherwise it would be very sad.
teddy bear
June 23, 2009
Hannah Montana... and why I have the best of both worlds

Ok, this would be a weird post. I warn you ahead. Because it is weird when you are, well, old enough and still a fan of Miley Cyrus :) We have this Hannah Montana movie in Czech Republic right know and it's better than you would have thought. I don't have to tell you I was the oldest one in the audience. But(!), it was also advantage watching the film because when you know what the kids know and also what the kids cannot know (at least in my mind kids don't follow insides of this industry)... the experience is even better. I had a chance to talk with editor from popular Czech teenage magazine yesterday who was at Miley Cyrus' press event and we came to conclusion that she really is really good. So here you have it (I warned you). Hopefully you'll come back and not abandon this blog :)
PS: I have a picture of a sweet teddy bear as a treat for you for tomorrow :)
hannah montana,
June 21, 2009
OBI, vegetables and school food

On weekends you have all the time for all the DIY projects. Visiting store such as OBI is the first step. Here is my favorite in Modrany.

This is fruits and vegetables market in Horni Pocernice on Saturday morning. The idea is great but I don't think local farmers can make profit here (month ago there were three stands, now it's just one). At least until they focus on marketing... there are so many options to increase their sales. Well, we'll see.

We had EU elections few weeks back. As usual we voted in our old elementary school. Each classroom is prepared for voters from different part of our district. Mine was the last one on left (as has been for ages).

And while in old school I sneaked in the old dinning-room for which I have so many fond memories. BTW, the typical school food we all hated is the best choice if you go to a Czech restaurant. Somehow all the stewed vegetables, spinach and so turn out to be a delightful experience when done right :) (I have a theory that there is similar effect on literature. You also find so many years later that books our teacher wanted us to read in school are, in fact, worth reading.)
And that's all. Enjoy the rest of Sunday.
June 18, 2009
Mustek and Florenc metro stations

After Jessica's metro shot at Rome Photo Blog... why not show some pictures from Prague. And I didn't know it's not allowed to take pictures in Rome metro. We have it much easier here.
metro station,
June 17, 2009
McDonald's story

This is how it all begins. Job interview.

Some people are extremely camera-shy.

And some are not.

Working on home works.

Working on real work!

Just chatting.

Working. Again.

Smiling. (Just to end this post with a positive picture.)
PS: Don't forget to see Monochrome maniacs for this week.
June 14, 2009
Sunday's over
June 11, 2009
June 10, 2009
June 9, 2009
June 8, 2009
Under Nuselsky bridge...

... there is this almost ruined house. Well, there are more in Prague. I read an article about abandoned-looking houses in Prague about a month ago. Stories behind some of them were quite interesting. But the point was that sometime it's a better investment to just let the house (ruin) on its own as it will pay off in the long term. Hope this will be true fot this one, too.
More b&w at Monochrome maniacs.
June 7, 2009

Going from underground at Wenceslas square. You can see Wenceslas on the horse who is kind of a symbol of the whole square. Long before mobile phones existed when people wanted to meet each other they usually said "meet me under the horse at 8".

Saw this few hours ago and as the photo isn't so obvious I'll tell you about it. There are two homeless men sitting downstairs while those other two nicely dressed play tennis on the terrace. They lost their ball at the moment. That's why the red-sweatered one is looking down. Looked funny while I was passing by. (Must have been much more interesting few minutes before when a bunch of men dressed like sperm, who I met two blocks earlier, walked around. Yep, you heard it right, like a sperm. I know it's weird.)

Thought I'd share with you my into art-artifact turned nikes. The kiss is from the authentic Hollywood burlesque star. Promised to never wash it off.
My lazy ill week is over so expect more regularity in the next one. Being sick really sucks.
wenceslas square
June 4, 2009
Finding Nemo?

Shopping window of a secondhand store in Zitna street. The fish is not for sale.
More photos from that and other nights :)
June 2, 2009
Smoking with style

As much as smoking really isn't my thing... man, don't they look cool!
From Fringe festival final evening in Rubin near Malostranske square and from Solidni nejistota in Pstrossova street.
More B&Ws at Monochrome Weekly.
solidni nejistota