Hi! I’m Shaunna. I began blogging in 2009, and what began as a hobby quickly turned into a passionate brand and business. My writing and work at Perfectly Imperfect led me to publish The $50 Home Makeover, open two retail locations as well as my online store, air the pilot Sweet House Alabama with HGTV, and I was honored to have my home, work, and writing featured in several publications.
My experience in e-commerce business, retail, and design led me to work in business coaching with friends and partners across the country to help other businesses with branding, marketing, as well as collaborate to design their work spaces. You can now find me here, writing & podcasting about work and life, offering my business coaching services, and as a mentor and a co-founder of The Creative Exponent Community & Podcast.
Shaunna’s work is thankfully featured in….
Brands I’ve Partnered with: