Are You Ready to Apply | Award Criteria | About the Award | How to Apply | Award Cycle Overview | Is Your Organization Eligible | Award Process Fees
For the 2025 award cycle, applications will be submitted through the online application system*. See the How to Apply page for application deadlines. You can preview the 2025 Baldrige Award Criteria before completing your award application. Contact the helpline if you have questions.
*ATTENTION: The system allows up to ten users per applicant. After submitting eligibility, the account manager (the official contact point) can add up to ten users to the system.
For this section of the award application, your responses to each question are limited to 3,000 characters for text, plus three (3) charts, graphs, or tables.
Each response is limited to 3,000 characters and may include up to three (3) charts, graphs, or tables.
Each response has a 4,000 character limit and must include at least one chart, graph, or table (up to four may be provided). To receive full consideration for a response, a detailed explanation must be provided if the applicant is unable to provide either of the following: (1) relevant comparisons, and (2) five years of data.
Each response is limited to 3,000 characters and may include up to three charts, graphs, or tables.
Provide brief definitions of terms and acronyms used throughout your responses to the criteria questions. The glossary is limited to 20000 characters. Glossaries larger than 20000 characters will need to be submitted as an image file.
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