Share 4 Somethings for September

Tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month the time for the Share 4 Somethings link up with Jennifer. I really enjoy this cute little wrap up of the month even if it might overlap a bit with my What's Up Wednesday posts. I hope you all don't mind too much! As always we're looking at what we Loved, Learned, Read, and Ate this month. Loved-- Celebrating Evan's 16th birthday, getting to eat lunch at Alec's school, all our lovely hikes! Learned-- I learned far more than I ever wanted to about all of CT's driving laws; in helping Evan prep for his learner's permit test we read the entire manual cover to cover together and while I did know the general idea of most of it I definitely learned a few things along the way too. But at least he passed his test and we can now teach him to drive on the actual road. Read -- Even with school starting, I managed to read 14 books this month! All were pretty darn good too. I'm pretty sure I broke my r...