Focus on Europe
A long-standing Max Planck Society focal point
Nowhere does the Max Planck Society maintain such strong networks as in Europe: over a third of the more than 9000 international guest and early career researchers are from EU countries. In addition to long-term bilateral exchange relationships, the Max Planck Society takes part in collaborative EU projects and is committed to a dynamic, balanced development of the European Research Area oriented towards excellence.
Bilateral collaborations and networks
The International Relations Unit in the Administrative Headquarters is responsible for bilateral collaboration with EU partners. These networks are of outstanding importance in terms of global competition: the Max Planck Society and its partners not only contribute towards the scientific performance of the continent; their own development also benefits from the EU’s infrastructure and networking opportunities. Close scientific relationships, some of which have been built up over several decades, have been established with excellent research facilities, especially in the United Kingdom, France, and Switzerland. [More]
Scientific excellence in Central and Eastern Europe
The Max Planck Society developed the Dioscuri Programme to address the performance gap between Western and Eastern Europe. This is a competitive funding programme, financed by the German Federal Government and the governments of the partner countries, whose purpose is to provide support to enable outstanding researchers to establish internationally competitive research groups. The initial focus is on Polish universities and scientific institutes. [More]
Staff Unit – Brussels Office
The task of the Brussels Office is to observe, analyse and evaluate EU research policy developments and to help shape them in the interests of the Max Planck Society and its Institutes. In doing so, this staff unit helps to ensure that EU research programmes reflect the interests of the various Max Planck Institutes. To be able to lobby in the interest of the Max Planck Society, the Brussels Office also maintains strategic relations with the relevant EU institutions, especially with the EU Parliament and the EU Commission, but also with the EU Council (BMBF), research funding associations (Science Europe), and other stakeholders. [More]