Hooks overhead
This page is obsolete. It is being retained for archival purposes. It may document extensions or features that are obsolete and/or no longer supported. Do not rely on the information here being up-to-date. |
Following hook performance discussion at the NOLA Hackathon:
Number of hook calls
[edit]- Special:BlankPage: 384 calls
- en:Barack Obama import: 62112 calls (Cite and PF were disabled)
- en:Barack Obama uncached page view: 138797 calls (with Cite and PF)
Hook performance
[edit]Code used |
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/Maintenance.php' );
class HookPerf extends Maintenance {
function __create() {
function execute() {
global $wgHooks;
$cycles = 10000;
$this->output( "Running tests with $cycles repetititons:\n\n" );
$t = microtime( true );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $cycles; $i++ ) wfRunHooks( 'nonexistent' );
$this->output( "No hooks defined, repeatedly running the same hook via wfRunHooks(): " . ( ( microtime( true ) - $t ) / $cycles ) . " s/call\n" );
$t = microtime( true );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $cycles; $i++ ) Hooks::run( 'nonexistent' );
$this->output( "No hooks defined, repeatedly running the same hook via Hooks::run(): " . ( ( microtime( true ) - $t ) / $cycles ) . " s/call\n" );
$this->output( "From now on, using the fastest calling method, Hooks::run()....\n" );
$t = microtime( true );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $cycles; $i++ ) Hooks::run( "nonexistent$i" );
$this->output( "No hooks defined, different hook called each time: " . ( ( microtime( true ) - $t ) / $cycles ) . " s/call\n" );
$wgHooks['somehook'][] = 'HookPerf::staticHandler';
$t = microtime( true );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $cycles; $i++ ) Hooks::run( 'somehook' );
$this->output( "Calling the same empty static hook: " . ( ( microtime( true ) - $t ) / $cycles ) . " s/call\n" );
$wgHooks['somehook'][0] = array( $this, 'memberHandler' );
$t = microtime( true );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $cycles; $i++ ) Hooks::run( 'somehook' );
$this->output( "Calling the same empty member function hook: " . ( ( microtime( true ) - $t ) / $cycles ) . " s/call\n" );
for ( $i = 0; $i < 199; $i++ ) $wgHooks["foo$i"][] = 'explosion';
$wgHooks['somehook'][0] = 'HookPerf::staticHandler';
$t = microtime( true );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $cycles; $i++ ) Hooks::run( 'nonexistent' );
$this->output( "200 hooks defined, calling the same unset hook: " . ( ( microtime( true ) - $t ) / $cycles ) . " s/call\n" );
$t = microtime( true );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $cycles; $i++ ) Hooks::run( 'somehook' );
$this->output( "200 hooks defined, calling the same defined hook: " . ( ( microtime( true ) - $t ) / $cycles ) . " s/call\n" );
public static function staticHandler() {
return true;
public function memberHandler() {
return true;
$maintClass = 'HookPerf';
require_once( RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN );
Running tests with 10000 repetititons: No hooks defined, repeatedly running the same hook via wfRunHooks(): 3.2485961914063E-6 s/call No hooks defined, repeatedly running the same hook via Hooks::run(): 2.5429964065552E-6 s/call From now on, using the fastest calling method, Hooks::run().... No hooks defined, different hook called each time: 2.9288053512573E-6 s/call Calling the same empty static hook: 2.8852891921997E-5 s/call Calling the same empty member function hook: 3.0839109420776E-5 s/call 200 hooks defined, calling the same unset hook: 2.6947021484375E-6 s/call 200 hooks defined, calling the same defined hook: 0.00013253707885742 s/call
So that's something on the order of 1ms delay per 300-ish calls?