Jessica DiCicco

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Jessica DiCicco
Actress Jessica DiCicco, voice of the Yellow Toad in The Super Mario Bros. Movie
Full name Jessica Sonya DiCicco
Born June 10, 1980 (age 44)[?]
Super Mario–related role(s) Various voice acting roles in The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Jessica Sonya DiCicco is an American voice actress, known for her voice roles in animation such as Maggie Pesky in The Buzz on Maggie, Lexi Bunny in Loonatics Unleashed, Annie Bramley in It's Pony, Gwen Wu in The Mighty B!, Malina in The Emperor's New School, Flame Princess in Adventure Time, Toby in Sheriff Callie's Wild West, and Lynn and Lucy Loud in The Loud House. She also provided the voice of Feetface in the Noggin brand from 2002 to 2003, and the announcer for Nick Jr. and its 24/7 channel counterpart since 2012.

In The Super Mario Bros. Movie, she provides the voices of the woman in the Super Mario Bros. Plumbing commercial,[1] a yellow Toad, Mario and Luigi's mother,[2] Baby Peach, the baby who bullies Baby Luigi, and Mayor Pauline.[3]
