One of the most difficult lessons in life is my wrath---my indignation---my fury---my resentment for another---only hurts me. They are either oblivious to my emotion or more than likely do not care. All this negativity can eat you alive---from the inside out. It can absolutely affect your physical health and what a waste of time and energy. When we allow our differences or the pain we have experienced to rule our heads and hearts over a prolonged period of time, we become bitter. The book I am currently reading has a character who is a stark reminder of how we allow all of that negativity toward another to rule our thoughts when we spend time dwelling on the offense.
Recently I was watching a movie (I don't even remember which movie) that had a line that stuck with me ~
"Seems to me a whole lot of people are carrying around a heap of pain tied to the past."
WHOA! When is it time to LET IT GO? This is really the entire message about this subject---BUT I plan to die at peace with my fellow man. Peace can only come when we are able to let our negative emotions go. The first step to doing this is we have to be willing to let it go. We will never be able to leave the past in the past without our willingness. My personal experience--once I was able to tell God I was willing, but needed His help---I could not do it without Him---the process became much easier. I might have to give it to God again---after a stumble back into old feelings---but He is faithful---He will show us how to forgive---and eventually forget. He is the ultimate example of how it is done.
"Bear with each other and forgive one another
if any of you has a grievance against someone.
Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
Colossians 3:13