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Every week, thousands of women and their family members look to us for trusted information and a community of support. Your gift helps us provide timely and trusted services when they need it most.
Your gift, your impact
Donate to ensure that no one impacted by breast cancer feels uninformed or alone.
For 18 consecutive years, Living Beyond Breast Cancer has received Charity Navigator’s 4-star rating for demonstrating strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. This is a feat attained by less than 1% of charities in the US.
Here's how your gift will make an impact
There are several ways you can support our mission.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer respects the privacy of our donors. We will not trade, share, or sell our donors’ personal information with anyone else, or send mailings on behalf of other organizations. This policy is applicable to both online and offline donors. If you prefer not to receive solicitations, you can opt out by sending an email to [email protected] or by calling us at (855) 807-6386.
A copy or summary of our current financial statement and registration may be obtained by contacting us directly. LBBC's official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State at (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation from the state.
Help us
Every week, thousands of women and their family members look to us for trusted information and a community of support. Your gift helps us provide timely and trusted services when they need it most.