Our office is located in Suite 226 of the Law Building.
We can be reached by phone, email, walk-in or by appointment every Monday – Thursday from 10 am – 4 pm, excluding holidays and school closures.
We are closed each day for lunch between 12 – 1pm. If you need to reach us when we’re not in, please leave a voicemail at or email [email protected].
See below for our virtual office hours and important dates.
Financial Aid Updates and Announcements -
Morgan Lewis Scholarship Application Now OPEN! Deadline extended to Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Current 1Ls should consider applying to the 2025 Morgan Lewis Scholarship Program Application. Applications are now due Wednesday, February 26, 2025. Morgan Lewis aims to promote diversity in the legal profession; applications are evaluated on factors such as academic achievement, financial need, work and life experiences, leadership, and non-academic contributions. Applicants must have an anticipated graduation date of 2027. Up to $20,000 awarded!
Berkeley Law is committed to providing one of the best suites of financial aid programs. The Financial Aid Office helps eligible students to obtain grants, fellowships, and scholarships based on merit and/or need, as well as an array of federal and private student loans. Follow the links below to find information on types of aid, how to apply, and more. Visit our FAQ Page for up-to-date information.
Prospective and current students, as well as alumni, may also schedule an appointment to discuss financial aid matters.
For information on financial aid for LL.M and JSD students, please visit the LL.M and JSD admissions pages.