Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thankful Thursday {Link up #46} THANKSGIVING!!!

It's Thanksgiving & I expect not too many people are around blog world today - understandably.  Everyone is with families & cooking & stuffing their bellies... but I've done Thankful Thursday all year long & its still Thursday & an even BETTER day to be thankful when its Thanksgiving... so its up.  Even if no one links up with me, I'm still thankful for all my blog friends... wishing everyone a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving.

I usually do this for every week & what I'm thankful for - I may get a little bit more reflective today on this day of Thanks....

I am Thankful For:

.... Today is my brother's birthday!  Not just any birthday - he's 50 years old today!  Hello Old Man!  I would post a picture but he's pretty much the biggest recluse you could know.  Just imagine someone who looks totally opposite of me.  Happy Birthday Tony!

... my parents. I've had friends lately loose a parent & I cant even imagine it. I dont want to imagine it. So I am thankful that I still have both my parents who I love so much.

... time off work.  It's been wonderful sleeping in & not have to live by an alarm clock.

... & as much as I complain about it, I'm thankful for my job. It gives me freedom & is something that I'm comfortable doing & it pays me to where I can have a comfortable life.  My 24th work anniversary was last week.   Amazing.

... getting wedding pictures done & getting set up for my next wedding in 2 weeks.

... 24 years with the man that God brought me to & the love of my life.

... my sweet dogs that just bring joy on the darkest days.

... a home to come to every day.  It gives warmth, protection & safety.  Its where your heart is.  There's no place like home.

... my Bible Journal. I so love having time with God in this form of worshiping Him.

... there isn't a night that we go to bed hungry.

... vehicles that allow us to go where we want to go easily.

... such amazing blog friends who I've 'met' through the years.  We become so invested in each others lives & I love the special relationships that form.  When people email or text & we can laugh together, or talk TV together, or pray together. Its the best.

... family... all of them. My inlaws who I love so much - our girls & grandsons who are just so brilliant, gorgeous & wonderful (do I sound like a grandparent there or what) - my twin nieces - just all my family... near & far.

... even though we're hunting for a church home right now, I'm still so thankful for my church family that stay in contact with us & keeps the ties that bond still strong.

... More then anything, I am thankful for Jesus & the mercy & grace that He gives to anyone who accepts Him.  This world is just a blink... eternity is forever.  Only through Jesus can we experience the amazing life that awaits for us.  So thankful for the life He offers us.  Here & to come.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all

Be sure to take time today to count your blessings!


  1. You are truly blessed my friend and I'm thankful I've come to know you. Thank you for hosting Thankful Thursday each week. I really do appreciate it and I appreciate you.

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. So many things to be thankful for... it's wonderful! :D

  3. Happy thanksgiving, my sweet friend! I'm so glad I've gotten to know you, and am so thankful for you.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for the friends I've made through blogging, my parents and family, my job and creativity!

  5. i hope yours was as lovely as you. excellent list of thankfulness. and yes, hug your parents extra for me.

  6. I know I'm late but I hope y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm so thankful I found you and your blog!

  7. Happy belated Thanksgiving!!! I'm so thankful for you :)


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