Over the past five years, Just Security has published a variety of articles analyzing the diplomatic, political, legal, security, and humanitarian issues and the consequences of the international climate crisis.
The catalog below organizes our coverage into general categories to facilitate access to relevant topics for policymakers, researchers, journalists, scholars, and the public at large. The archive will be updated as new pieces are published.
We welcome readers to use the archive to follow climate change developments and generate new lines of analysis. To search headlines and authors, expand one or all of the topics, as needed, and use CTRL-F on your keyboard to open the search tool. The archive also is available in reverse chronological order at the climate change articles page.
What Just Happened: Withdrawing from Paris and other International Environmental Agreement Actions
by Sue Biniaz (January 21, 2025)
What to Do If U.N. Climate Negotiations Fail to Phase Out Fossil Fuels?
by Kirk Herbertson (@KirkHerbertson) (December 13, 2024)
COP29 in the Rearview Mirror: A Receding Mirage – But the Possibility for Real Action on the Road Ahead
by Camila Bustos (@MaCamilaBustos) and Achinthi Vithanage (@ProfAchinthiV) (December 4, 2024)
On the United States, China, and COP29: Assessing the State of International Climate Progress After Baku
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (December 3, 2024)
Punching Above Their Weight: Caribbean States’ Ambitious COP29 Global Finance Goal
by Jwala Rambarran (November 14, 2024)
The UN’s New Pact for the Future: A Milestone That Can Set a Path for Change
by Richard Ponzio (@ponzio_richard) (October 2, 2024)
The Just Security Podcast: Can the World Move Away from Fossil Fuels?
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt), Paras Shah (@pshah518), Tiffany Chang, Michelle Eigenheer and Clara Apt (@claraapt25) (December 22, 2023)
Tracking COP28: Notable Moments and Key Themes
by Clara Apt (@claraapt25) (November 20, 2023)
Climate Mitigation: Moving Beyond National Action to International Action
by Robert S. Taylor (September 27, 2023)
New High Seas Treaty Prepares International Community for Sustainable and Equitable “Blue Economy”
by Sarah Reiter, Angelique Pouponneau (@ANGIEPOPS11) and Kristina M. Gjerde (@4kgjerde) (April 26, 2023)
Tracking the United Nations 2023 Water Conference: Notable Moments and Key Themes
by Clara Apt (@claraapt25) and Katherine Fang (@fang_kath) (March 22, 2023)
China’s Achilles Heel: Climate Diplomacy in the Developing World
by Taiya Smith (@garnetstrat) and Alexandra Hackbarth (@alexhackbarth) (December 20, 2022)
Tracking COP27: Notable Moments and Key Themes
by Clara Apt (@claraapt25) and Katherine Fang (@fang_kath) (November 18, 2022)
Loss and Damage at COP27: What’s Been Lost, What Can We Salvage From the Damage?
by Jocelyn Perry (@JocelynGPerry) (November 11, 2022)
The Egypt Climate Summit: Four Key Questions to Help Frame COP27
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (November 8, 2022)
Climate Change Diplomacy Has an Authoritarianism Problem
by Kirk Herbertson (@KirkHerbertson) (November 2, 2022)
Tracking UNGA 77: Notable Moments and Key Themes
by Katherine Fang (@fang_kath) and Clara Apt (@claraapt25) (September 22, 2022)
Good COP, Bad COP: After the Mixed Results of COP26, What’s Next?
by Ben Abraham and Jocelyn Perry (@JocelynGPerry) (November 24, 2021)
With West Africa and Priority Countries Set, Potentially Game-Changing Global Fragility Act Still Faces Hurdles
by Liz Hume (@Lizhume4peace) and Kate Phillips-Barrasso (@kpbarrasso) (April 11, 2022)
The U.S. National Ocean Climate Action Plan Must Prioritize Local Stakeholders and Ecosystem Protection
by Sarah Reiter and Caroline Fullam (January 27, 2023)
In Addressing Climate Change, Business as Usual Is Climate Injustice
By Nikhil Deb (@nikhil_ndeb) and Nadia Genshaft-Volz (January 9, 2023)
What Just Happened: Trump’s Executive Actions on Environment and Implications for US Climate Security
by Tom Ellison (January 24, 2025)
Don’t Ignore the Security Risks of Climate Change Because of “Uncertainty”
by Tom Ellison (November 5, 2024)
Under the Weather – The National Security Risks from Climate Change Could Go Well Beyond What the U.S. Government Thinks
by Bryan Frederick and Caitlin McCulloch (@caitmcculloch) (March 7, 2024)
DOD Can Meet the Need For Climate Intelligence With a Community-Wide Center
by Imran Bayoumi (@BayoumiImran) (February 22, 2024)
This Summer Previewed the Security Threats of Climate Change: The U.S. Needs to Do More
by Elsa Barron (@elsa_barron_), Tom Ellison, Brigitte Hugh (@BrigitteHugh_), Alexandra Naegele and Christopher Schwalm (September 28, 2023)
Burning Threats: How Wildfires Undermine U.S. National Security
by Alice C. Hill (@Alice_C_Hill) and Tess Turner (July 19, 2023)
The U.S. Military Can Help Save the Amazon
by Steven Katz (@steveLkatz) (May 11, 2023)
Why the US Still Can’t Have It All: Biden’s National Security Strategy
by Emma Ashford (@EmmaMAshford) (October 14, 2022)
Bringing Climate and Terrorism Together at the UN Security Council – Proceed with Caution
by Jordan Street (@jordan_street07) (December 6, 2021)
Getting Climate Intelligence Right
by Rod Schoonover (@RodSchoonover) and Erin Sikorsky (@ErinSikorsky) (November 3, 2021)
Is Climate Change a National Emergency?
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (February 25, 2021)
Climate Change as a National Security and Foreign Policy Priority: Opportunities and Challenges for the Next Administration
by Mayesha Alam (December 4, 2020)
Climate Change, National Security, & the New Commander-in-Chief
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (December 2, 2020)
An Age of Actorless Threats: Rethinking National Security in Light of COVID and Climate
by Morgan Bazilian (@MBazilian) and Cullen Hendrix (@cullenhendrix) (October 23, 2020)
Climate Change Denialism Poses a National Security Threat
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (September 20, 2019)
Climate Change: Our Greatest National Security Threat?
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (April 17, 2019)
Pentagon’s Climate Change Report Lacks Analysis the Law Requires
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (January 23, 2019)
Two Notable Omissions in the Mattis National Defense Strategy
by Benjamin Haas (@BenjaminEHaas) and Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (January 24, 2018)
Wishing Away Climate Change as a Threat to National Security
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (December 20, 2017)
Military Planning for the Climate Century
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (October 19, 2017)
Climate Change and Arctic Security: Five Key Questions Impacting the Future of Arctic Governance
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (September 14, 2017)
NATO’s Renewed Focus on Climate Change & Security: What You Need to Know
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (June 23, 2021)
Why President Biden Should Not Declare a Climate Emergency
by Soren Dayton (@sorendayton) and Kristy Parker (@KPNatsFan) (February 10, 2021)
Unpacking the Biden Administration’s Executive Order on AI Infrastructure
by Clara Apt and Brianna Rosen (January 16, 2025)
How to Clean Up the Clean Energy Transition: Preventing Violence Over New ‘Conflict Minerals’
by Tarek Ghani (@tghani), Juan S. Lozano (@Juan_Lozano__), Anouk Rigterink (@anoukrigterink) and Jacob Shapiro (March 6, 2024)
Energy Security at the U.N. High Level Week: More Heat Than Light
by Morgan Bazilian (@MBazilian) and Cullen Hendrix (@cullenhendrix) (October 3, 2023)
Declaring a Climate Emergency Won’t Save the Planet – Energy Security Could
by Emily Holland (@EmilyJHolland) and Morgan Bazilian (@MBazilian) (August 8, 2022)
Climate Security, Energy Security, and the Russia-Ukraine War
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (May 11, 2022)
A Modern Rush for ‘Green Deal’ Minerals Challenges Troubled Governance in the Western Balkans
by Valery Perry (June 25, 2024)
Climate Challenges & Opportunities in Morocco and Beyond
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (June 13, 2024)
Friends Don’t Let Friends Succumb to Climate Change: Competing With China by Helping Our Partners and Allies Adapt
by Erin Sikorsky (@ErinSikorsky) and Admiral Sam Locklear (Ret.) (August 8, 2023)
Want to Compete with China? Deliver on Climate Security for the Indo-Pacific
by Caroline Baxter and Erin Sikorsky (@ErinSikorsky) (May 21, 2021)
The Mining Gap: Critical Minerals and Geopolitical Competition
by Gregory Brew (@gbrew24) and Morgan Bazilian (@MBazilian) (November 7, 2022)
China, Climate Change, Credibility: Why It’s (Finally) Time for the US to Join the Law of the Sea Convention
by Mark Nevitt (@marknevitt) (September 23, 2021)
One Key Instrument to Confront China and Climate Change
by Bishop Garrison (@BishopGarrison) and David Gargaro (@david_gargaro) (July 8, 2019)
“Water is Life,” One Syrian Told Us. Yet It Remains Elusive for Many.
by Nicole Hark and Areej Jadallah (August 27, 2024)
The Climate Crisis and Aging: Capitalizing on Traditional Knowledge and Innovation
by James O’Neil and Miguel Cotes Ramírez (December 20, 2023)
Will Canada Stand Up for Indigenous Rights or Continue Supporting Big Oil?
by Whitney Gravelle, Lindsay Bailey (@LindsayABailey), Tamara Morgenthau (@tammorgenthau) and Marco Simons (@Power_of_Law) (July 12, 2023)
The Just Security Podcast: Climate Change and Disability Rights
Paras Shah (@pshah518) interview with Michael Ashley Stein (July 5, 2023)
Universal Rights to Water and Sanitation in the Global North is a Myth
by Inga T. Winkler (@inga_winkler) (March 31, 2023)
Climate Change is a Human Rights Issue – Particularly in US-China Relations
by Tim Hirschel-Burns (@TimH_B) (August 11, 2021)
Climate Change Solutions Must Include People with Disabilities
by Brian Mateo (@brianmateo) (April 27, 2021)
Taking Gender Into Account to Better Confront New Security Threat
by Anca Agachi (@AncaAgachi) and Priya Swyden (@priya_swyden) (March 8, 2021)
Azerbaijan’s Aliyev Extends Arbitrary Detentions Even as He Prepares to Host Global Climate Conference COP29
by Zhala Bayramova (@BayramovaZhala), Ibad Bayramov (@BayramovIbad) and Emin Bayramli (@EminBayramli_) (July 23, 2024)
How Domestic Civic Movements Could Reshape US Foreign Policy
by Maria J. Stephan (@MariaJStephan) (February 25, 2021)
Climate Change is a Threat the Next Generation Cannot Face Alone
by Kate Guy (@kateaguy) and Annalise Blum (February 17, 2021)
Intergenerational Co-Leadership for Global Governance Innovation
by Aya Chebbi (October 24, 2020)
The Security Problem With Climate Migration Isn’t the Migration
by Tom Ellison (January 2, 2024)
A New Bill Could Help the U.S. Lead on Climate Change and Displacement
by Jocelyn Perry (@JocelynGPerry) and Yael Schacher (@YaelSchacher) (November 17, 2023)
Maui After Fire Illustrates Need to Plan for Longer-Term Disaster Displacement
by Jane McAdam (@profjmcadam) (September 5, 2023)
Tackling Climate Change Displacement at COP27
by Camila Bustos (@MaCamilaBustos) and Jeffrey Chase (November 14, 2022)
An Australian Model to Address Climate-Related Displacement: How to Flatten the Curve
by Jane McAdam (@profjmcadam) and Jonathan Pryke (@jonathan_pryke) (October 22, 2022)
As Biden Seeks Answers on Climate’s Impact on Migration, Sydney Declaration Provides Legal Ground Rules for Action
by Jane McAdam (@profjmcadam) (February 19, 2021)
Natural Disasters, Terrorist Disruptions and Presidential Elections
by Jerry Goldfeder (@JerryGoldfeder) (October 21, 2024)
Broader Lessons About Resilience from Maui’s Fires
by Daniel P. Aldrich (@DanielPAldrich) (August 23, 2023)
Meeting the Climate Moment Requires a Coherent Climate Disaster Strategy
by Sarah Labowitz (@SarahLabo) (May 12, 2023)
Amid Devastating Floods, Pakistan’s Leaders Must Learn from the Past to Avoid Future Mistakes
by Jumaina Siddiqui (@jumainasiddiqui) (September 2, 2022)
A Pandemic Isn’t the Only Kind of “Catastrophic Risk.” It’s Time to Prepare More Seriously for the Next.
by Nikita Lalwani (@nikitaalalwani), Alasdair Phillips-Robins (@alasdairpr) and Sam Winter Levy (@SamWinterLevy) (June 15, 2021)
The U.S. Water and Wastewater Crisis – How Many Wake-Up Calls Are Enough?
by Lucía Falcón Palomar (@LuciaFalconP), Obinna Maduka and JoAnn Kamuf Ward (@JoAnnKWard) (April 8, 2021)
COVID-19, California’s Wildfires, and Reimagining “The Reserves”
by Jordan Beauregard (September 25, 2020)
Long-Term International Climate Assistance to Pakistan is a Hard Sell, But Necessary. Here’s Why.
by Michael Kugelman (@MichaelKugelman) (September 9, 2022)
An Interim Report on the ICJ’s Climate Advisory Opinion
by Corina Heri (@cohelongo) (December 21, 2024)
The Just Security Podcast: Could Ecocide Become a New International Crime?
Paras Shah (@pshah518) interview with Naima Te Maile Fifita, Rebecca Hamilton (@bechamilton) and Kate Mackintosh (@Katemackintosh) (November 4, 2024)
Why Criminalize Ecocide? Experts Weigh In
by Rebecca Hamilton (@bechamilton) (September 23, 2024)
How the Inter-American Court Could Advance Protection for Climate-Displaced Individuals
by Felipe Navarro (@fnlux) (June 12, 2024)
What to Watch for Following Historic Climate Opinion from ‘The Oceans Court’
by Melissa Steward (June 4, 2024)
The Just Security Podcast: A Landmark Court Opinion on the Ocean and Climate Change
Paras Shah (@pshah518) and Megan Corrarino (@MeganCorrarino) interview with Ambassador Cheryl Bazard and Catherine Amirfar (May 28, 2024)
Q&A: ‘The Oceans Court’ Issues Landmark Advisory Opinion on Climate Change
by Catherine Amirfar and Duncan Pickard (@dpickard9) (May 21, 2024)
The Just Security Podcast: The ‘Year of Climate’ in International Courts
Paras Shah (@pshah518) interview with Naima Te Maile Fifita and Joana Setzer (@JoanaSetzer) (May 8, 2024)
Strasbourg’s “Case of the Century” – Revolutionary Climate Judgment from the European Court of Human Rights
by Corina Heri (@cohelongo) (April 10, 2024)
The ‘Year of Climate’ in International Courts
by Rebecca Hamilton (@bechamilton) (March 27, 2024)
Sackett v. EPA’s Aftermath and the Risk of Inflamed Western Water Conflict
by Colby Galliher (@ColbyGalliher) (October 2, 2023)
Prosecuting Ecocide: The Norms-Adoption/Enforcement Paradox
by Thomas Obel Hansen (June 22, 2023)
Could the Nova Kakhovka Dam Destruction Become the ICC’s First Environmental Crimes Case?
by Thomas Hansen (June 9, 2023)
The Ecocide Wave is Already Here: National Momentum and the Value of a Model Law
by Darryl Robinson (@DarrylRobs) (February 23, 2023)
Greenhouse Gaslighting: Deceptive Moderation and West Virginia v. EPA
by Craig Green (July 5, 2022)