The procedure of the cutting is as follows: the man of the house makes the sign of the Cross three times over the Vasilopita with a knife and then starts cutting the pieces. The first is for Christ, the second for Saint Basil, the third for the house and then a piece for each member of the family, according to age. The last piece is for the poor. One could also add one for the animals and one for the occupation or business. If the coin is found in the portion of Christ or Saint Basil, the money is given to the Church. If it is in the portion of the poor, it is given to a beggar or charity.
December 31, 2020
A Prayer for the Blessing of a Vasilopita (Composed by Elder Gervasios Paraskevopoulos)
The procedure of the cutting is as follows: the man of the house makes the sign of the Cross three times over the Vasilopita with a knife and then starts cutting the pieces. The first is for Christ, the second for Saint Basil, the third for the house and then a piece for each member of the family, according to age. The last piece is for the poor. One could also add one for the animals and one for the occupation or business. If the coin is found in the portion of Christ or Saint Basil, the money is given to the Church. If it is in the portion of the poor, it is given to a beggar or charity.
Was the Christmas Star Really an Angel?
(Four Dialogues, Dialogue 2.107, P.G. 38)
Answer: Because the Samaritans and the Sadducees did not accept the existence of angels, the divine evangelist [i.e. the apostle Matthew] apparently used the word "star" instead of the word "angel". After all, by referring to Christ and respecting the stars, that is, putting the star in the place of the angel, he not only removed people from the polytheist delusion, but also led them to worship [the divine infant]. Otherwise none of the magi would hasten to worship, but this was done based on the imagination of their own belief. But when [the magi] would have in mind the birth of the God-man, who established the stars and defined their order, the magic would fade. Thus, the wandering Chaldeans [i.e. the magi] for the sake of this fact understood their error and became evangelists and first preachers to the nations of the incarnation of the Word of God. They took up the prophecies of the exalted Isaiah, who cried out: "For a child is born to us, and a son is given to us, whose government is upon his shoulder, and his name is called the angel of great counsel, wonderful counsellor, mighty God, executor of authority, prince of peace, father of the age to come." Five hundred years from this divine prophecy, and having heard nothing of what they had received, the mindless Jews studied the law and the prophets, and their faith went on.
December 30, 2020
The Discovery of the Relics of Saint Anysia of Thessaloniki in 1980
Saint Anysios, Bishop of Thessaloniki (+ 407)
"Like Elijah he [Ascholios] was carried up to heaven, not in a chariot of fire, nor by horses of fire, (unless haply it was but that we saw them not) nor in any whirlwind in the sky, but by the will and in the calm of our God, and with the jubilation of the holy Angels who rejoiced that such a man had come among them. Surely we cannot doubt this, when all other particulars agree so well. For at the very moment when he was being taken up, he let fall so to speak the vestment which he wore, and invested with it holy Anysios his disciple, and clothed him with the robes of his own priesthood. His merits and graces I do not now hear for the first time, nor have I first learnt them from your letters, but I recognized them in what you wrote. For as if foreknowing that he would be his successor, Acholios designated him as such by tokens, though in open speech he concealed it; saying that he had been aided by his care, labour, and ministry, thus seeming to declare him his coadjutor, one who would not come as a novice to the chief office of the priesthood, but as a tried performer of its duties. Well does that saying in the Gospel befit him, 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things.'"
December 29, 2020
The Late Metropolitan Seraphim of Kastoria, My Friend who was a Friend of the Saints
In one of my phone calls he told me that every day at the Hospital he did the sacred Services, Compline and the Supplicatory Canon to the Panagia. In fact, he confided in me that one day a nurse entered the ward, before he was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, and asked if they had lit incense, because the ward was fragrant. Then he found out that a small box with some relics that he had under his pillow was emitting the fragrance. This shows his love for the sacred relics, that he took them with him to the Hospital. Now that I think about it, I understand that perhaps this fragrance was an indication that God wanted him in the heavenly Divine Liturgy, because he was pleased with his life.
St. Gregory of Nyssa on the Massacre of the Innocents
(Excerpt from his Homily on the Nativity of Christ)
The Magi were strangers to the promise of the Covenants and without a share in the blessing of the Fathers; yet they surpass the people of Israel in knowledge, for they recognized the heavenly luminary and were not ignorant of the King in the cave. The Magi bring Him gifts, but the Jews plot against Him. The former worship Him, but the latter persecute Him. The former rejoice at finding Him Whom they were seeking. The latter are perturbed at the birth of Him Who was announced. For, when the Magi “saw the star” over the place where the Child was,” “they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.” “When Herod...had heard” the report, “he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.”
Kollyva Art in Honor of the Holy Innocents
The Only Monastery in the Orthodox World Dedicated to the Holy Innocents
Homily on the Bronze Serpent and the Nativity of Christ (St. Luke of Simferopol)
By His order came a large number of poisonous snakes, which bit them so that thousands of people died. Let us remember this, too, how terrible and devastating it is for one to complain to God.
December 28, 2020
Saint Simon the Myrrhgusher and the Star of New Bethlehem
Saint Ignatius of Loma and Yaroslav (+ 1591)
The desire for an isolated hermitic life again compelled the Venerable Ignatius to leave the monastery he had founded. Having transferred the administration of his monastery to one of his disciples, the ascetic withdrew to the Vadozhsky volost, to the banks of the Darovitsa River, which flows into the Sarau River one mile from the place of the monk's settlement, and began to live there as a hermit. The place was silent, wooded, and the human settlements were five or six miles away. A barely noticeable path winding along the bank of the Darovitsa River was the only way to reach this place.
Three Rare Icons of the Virgin Mary as a Housewife and Mother
December 27, 2020
Abishag the Shunamite as an Image of the Wisdom of King David in his Old Age
Excerpt from Letter LII: to Nepotian
The Chapel of Saint Stephen in Kos and the Healing of a Fourteen Year Old Boy
In Sydney, Australia lives the family of Anna Kourgiali, of the family Zamagia, who has two sons.
Saint Stephen Rescues a Fisherman from an Octopus and a Chapel is Built to Commemorate the Miracle
In order to be built, only two walls were needed, to the right and to the left, since the rock cave itself provides both the floor and the ceiling.
The Appearance of the Holy Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen to a Hieromonk on Mount Athos
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The wonderworking icon of Saint Stephen, which is in the Chapel of Saint Stephen, in the konaki of the Monastery of Dionysiou at Karyes, on the Holy Mountain. |
On the previous Sunday, 14 July, the feast of our Holy Father Saint Nikodemos the Hagiorite, the Monastery’s representative [at the Holy Community] invited the very devout Hieromonk Father Nikostratos to celebrate the Divine Liturgy at the konaki. He was also the representative of his own Monastery, the venerable Russian Monastery of Saint Panteleïmon.
Homily for the Sunday after Christmas (Archimandrite George Kapsanis)
Delivered on December 26, 2008
By Archimandrite George Kapsanis
December 26, 2020
2020 Pastoral Encyclical for Christmas (Metr. Hierotheos of Nafpaktos)
Today's feast is the feast of Christmas, a bright festival, from the point of view of the theology of our Church, as it is preserved in the homilies of the Holy Fathers and the hymns of the holy hymnographers. What of it if everything outside of it is woeful? We celebrate "the Theophany" and our recalling and return to God. If all of humanity is trembling before death due to the pandemic of the virus, we Orthodox Christians celebrate by looking towards the incarnation of the Son and Word of God and the consequences it has for mankind.
Encomium to the Most Holy Theotokos (for December 25th)
Today, the gate of the King of glory is opened,
which the Highest alone traveled through.
Today the Beginningless begins
and the Word is noted down.
Today heaven and earth have united,
speaking of Christ.
Today God on earth has arrived,
and man to heaven has been raised.
Today fire has been made visible,
the nature of which is invisible to man.
Today the Virgin brings forth the Fashioner of all things;
the earth offers a cave, and the heavens a star.
December 25, 2020
Discourse on the Birth of our Savior in the Flesh (St. Cyril of Alexandria)
(Sermon 2 on the Gospel of Luke)
By St. Cyril of Alexandria
Luke 2:8-18 -- And there were shepherds in that country, watching and keeping guard by night over their flock: and the angel of the Lord came unto them, and the glory of God shone upon them, and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, "Fear not: for lo! I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which, shall be to all the people: that there is born unto you today, in the city of David a Saviour, Who is Christ the Lord. And this is your sign; ye shall find a babe wrapped in swaddling-clothes, and laid in a manger." And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, and among men good will." And it came to pass that when the angels had gone from them unto heaven, the shepherds said unto one another, "Let us go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which hath come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us." And they came with haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe laid in the manger. And when they had seen, they made known the word that was spoken unto them concerning the child. And all that heard wondered at what was told them by the shepherds.
Sermon on the Nativity of Christ (St. Cyril of Alexandria)
(Sermon 1: Luke 2:1-7)
By St. Cyril of Alexandria
December 24, 2020
The Second Christmas Canon of Saint John of Damascus
First Canticle
Of old the Master that works wonders saved His people,
Making the watery wave of the sea into dry land;
And now of His own will has He been born from a Maiden,
And so He establishes a path for us whereby we may mount to heaven.
We glorify Him Who in essence is equal to the Father and to mortal men.
Plainly foreshadowed by the burning bush that was not consumed,
A hallowed womb has borne the Word.
God is mingled with the form of mortal men;
And so He looses the unhappy womb of Eve from the bitter curse of old.
We men give Him glory.
A star showed plainly to the Magi
The Word that was before the sun, who has come to make transgression cease.
They saw Thee wrapped in swaddling clothes, within a poor and lowly cave,
Who sharest all our sufferings,
And in joy they gazed upon Thee, who art at once both man and Lord.
Third Canticle
Graciously accept, O Benefactor, the praises of Thy servants
And bring down the despiteful and haughty looks of the enemy.
O blessed Lord Who seest all, raise us up far above sin,
And establish Thy singers firm and unshaken
Upon the foundation of the faith.
The choir of shepherds abiding in the fields was overwhelmed
By the strange sight they were counted worthy to behold;
For they looked upon the all-blessed Offspring of an all-pure Bride;
And they saw also the ranks of bodiless angels, who sang
In praise of Christ the King, incarnate without seed.
He who rules the heights of heaven, in His compassion,
Has become such as we are, born of a Maiden who has not known man.
The Word who before was wholly outside matter, in these last times
Has assumed the material substance of the flesh
That so He might draw unto Himself fallen Adam, the first-formed man.
Fourth Canticle
Of old Habakkuk the Prophet was counted worthy to behold ineffably
The figure and symbol of Christ's birth,
And he foretold in song the renewal of mankind.
For a young babe, even the Word, has now come forth from the Mountain that is the Virgin,
Unto the renewal of the peoples.
Of Thine own will, O Most High, Thou hast come forth equal to mortal men,
Taking flesh from the Virgin,
To purge the poison of the serpent's head.
God by nature, Thou leadest all
From the gates that know no sun to the life-giving light.
O ye people that before were sunk in corruption,
But now have escaped wholly from the perdition of the adversary,
Lift up your hands and clap them in songs of praise,
Honouring Christ alone, our Benefactor,
Who in His compassion is come into our midst.
O Virgin, sprung from the root of Jesse,
Thou hast passed beyond the boundaries of human nature,
For thou hast borne the pre-eternal Word of the Father.
According to His good pleasure, by a strange self-emptying,
He passed through thy womb, yet kept it sealed.
Fifth Canticle
From the night of deeds of dark error we watch vigilantly,
And sing to Thee, O Christ, as to our Benefactor.
Come to us and grant us cleansing:
Make the path easy for us,
Whereby we may ascend and so attain to glory.
The Master, by His coming in the flesh, has cut clean through
The harsh enmity of the flesh against Him,
And has destroyed the might of the murderer of our souls,
Uniting the world to the immaterial essences,
He has made the Father merciful to the creation.
The people that before walked in the darkness
This day have seen a light from the beacon on high.
The Son offers to God the nations as His inheritance, bestowing grace past telling
Where sin once flourished more abundantly.
Sixth Canticle
Enclosed in the uttermost depths of the sea,
Jonah entreated Thee to come and still the storm.
And I, O Christ, priced by the dart of the tyrant,
Call upon Thee, the Slayer of evil,
Beseeching Thee to come quickly and deliver me from my slothfulness.
God the Word, who was in the beginning with God,
Seeing our nature powerless to guard unharmed
Its ancient fellowship with Him, now grants it new strength:
Abasing Himself, in a second act of fellowship
He makes it once again free from the passions.
For our sakes He has come froth from the loins of Abraham,
To raise up as His sons those who were sadly fallen
Into the darkness of sin that bowed them down to the earth;
And He that dwells in light has now been pleased, despite His high dignity,
To dwell in a manger for the salvation of mankind.
Seventh Canticle
Caught and held fast by love for the King of all,
The Children despised the impious threats of the tyrant in his boundless fury;
And as the terrible fire withdrew before them,
They said to the Master, 'Unto all ages blessed art Thou.'
The seething and roaring furnace, heated seven-fold,
In its fury burnt up the servants of the king,
But spared the Children:
For as the flame encircled them, the Lord,
Rewarding their godliness, shed upon them abundant dew.
O Christ our Defender, Thou has put to shame the adversary of man,
Using as shield Thine ineffable Incarnation!
Taking man's form, Thou hast now bestowed upon him the joy
Of becoming godlike: for it was in hope of this
That of old we fell from on high into the dark depths of the earth.
Thou hast overthrown by Thine almighty power
The fierce sin that raised its head in wanton pride,
And raged with blasphemy throughout a world gone mad.
Those whom in times past it dragged down, today Thou hast delivered from its snares,
O Benefactor, who of Thine own will hast taken flesh.
Eighth Canticle
The Children of the Old Covenant who walked in the fire, yet were not burnt,
Prefigured the womb of the Maiden that remained sealed,
When she gave birth in fashion past nature.
It was the same grace of God that brought both these wonders to pass in a miracle
And rouses the peoples to sing in praise.
Shunning the guilt of its vain attempt to become as God,
The whole creation sings, like the three Children, in praise of the eternal Word, who now empties Himself:
Yet sings with trembling, afraid to bring
A prayer unacceptable to God, for it is subject to decay,
Even though the divine wisdom maintains it ever in being.
Thou hast come, O Resurrection of the nations,
To bring back the nature of man from its wanderings,
Leading it from the hills of the wilderness to a pasture rich in flowers.
Do Thou destroy the violent strength of the murder of man,
O Thou who in Thy providence hast appeared as man and God.
Ninth Canticle
Today the Virgin bears the Master within the Cave.
It would be easier for us, because free from all danger, to keep silence in fear:
While it is hard indeed, O Virgin, in love to devise songs harmoniously put together.
But do thou, O Mother, give us strength so we may fulfill our good intent.
Today the Master is born as a babe of a Virgin Mother.
Today shepherds behold the Saviour wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger.
Today the Master who cannot be touched is wrapped as a babe in swaddling rags.
We have seen, O pure Mother, the dim figures of the Word and the shades that are past;
And now that He has newly appeared from the closed gate,
We who are counted worthy to behold the Light of truth, as is meet and right, bless thy womb.
Today all creation rejoices greatly and makes glad, for Christ is born of a Virgin Maid.
The Powers of heaven declare unto the world that the Saviour, Lord, and Master has been born.
Magnify, O my soul, the power of the undivided Godhead in Three Persons!
The people that delights in Christ has attained its desire,
Being counted worthy of the coming of God,
And now they humbly pray for the regeneration that gives life.
O undefiled Virgin, grant them the grace,
To worship Christ in His glory.
90-Year-Old Woman from Kalymnos Chants Christmas Hymns
Venerable Agapios the New (+ 1812)
December 23, 2020
Encomium to the Holy Ten Martyrs of Crete (St. Andrew of Crete) - 1 of 3
(Commemorated on December 23rd)
By St. Andrew, Archbishop of Crete
1. Did you, my friends and brethren and children, long for my return? I felt some pray to see me again in this kathedra and to be with you on this glorious day of the feast, that of the Martyrs and that of Christ, the great and unique and first leader of all, which predominates on this day of bright garments, while others asked to learn something and to basically say: "Where is our father? Where is our shepherd? Where is he who makes our feasts brighter and with his presence makes the memories of the Saints shine and who especially nourishes us with his words, expounding the Holy Scriptures, and where he basically cries out, 'My children, it is the final hour, and we must approach God with awareness, and even more so to come near Him, as we see the day approaching,' just as the divine trumpet, Paul the discourser of God, cries out. Where is he, therefore, who explains to us the divine and sacred writings, and intensifies the tone of our longing by his own example? Maybe, perhaps, having gone far from his homeland, he got lost? Maybe some desire reminded him of the tender love he has for his flock, and this desire conquered the difficulties of the road and reminded him to return? Or, finally, some divine power brought him back once again and even for the day of the Saints, whom he honors with much care and fervent desire? And behold, now with more zeal from that which his strength allows, he hastened to attend to this spiritual festival. And very reasonably, because he happens to have with him the sacred larnax of their revered relics, which he brings everywhere he goes, because it makes his paths very easy and having them as fellow-travelers he journeys with security." I think many contemplated these things, when I was absent, because this is how grateful children behave towards their loving father, and this is their desire, to see me with their very eyes that I am physically present, and to hear my voice teaching them. This, therefore, is what you now see happening. I myself, hence, am to be found among you with the living word, embracing this sacred gathering here, and as a gift for my absence I offer this discourse to you and to the Martyrs of Christ. Receive him as if he had not come from a long journey, and accept with meekness that which I will offer to please the Martyrs, that you may joyfully depart the feast, adorned with flowers and having reaped from here rich fruits.
December 22, 2020
An Icon of the Mother of God Surrounded by Righteous Foremothers of the Old Testament
The image of the Mother of God itself dates back to the 15th century, and it is quite standard. But its frame is unique, although it was created later, in the late 16th - early 17th centuries.
It is unique, firstly, in that it depicts women of the Old Testament, who were usually never depicted in icons. And also the fact that one of these women is possibly a hidden portrait of Princess Sophia.
December 21, 2020
The Penthekti Ecumenical Synod, Brumalia and the Origins of the Forty-Day Period of Preparation Before Christmas
Professor of Dogmatics at the
Because the question of this last celebration is relevant, since we have just gone through the period of the year during which its celebration took place in antiquity and the Middle Ages, I will deal with what follows with the clarification of the term "brumalia" and the accompanying calendar issues, saving the terms "kalends" and "bota" to deal with in the near future.
Catechesis on the Creedal Words "the Only-Begotten Son of God, Begotten of the Father Very God Before All Ages, by Whom All Things Were Made" (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)
Catechesis on the Creedal Words "Incarnate" and "Made Man" (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)
Behold! A virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Emmanuel. (Is. 7:10-14)
1. Nurslings of purity and disciples of chastity, raise we our hymn to the Virgin-born God with lips full of purity. Deemed worthy to partake of the flesh of the Spiritual Lamb , let us take the head together with the feet , the Deity being understood as the head, and the Manhood taken as the feet. Hearers of the Holy Gospels, let us listen to John the Divine. For he who said, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God John 1:1, went on to say, and the Word was made flesh. For neither is it holy to worship the mere man, nor religious to say that He is God only without the Manhood. For if Christ is God, as indeed He is, but took not human nature upon Him, we are strangers to salvation. Let us then worship Him as God, but believe that He also was made Man. For neither is there any profit in calling Him man without Godhead nor any salvation in refusing to confess the Manhood together with the Godhead. Let us confess the presence of Him who is both King and Physician. For Jesus the King when about to become our Physician, girded Himself with the linen of humanity , and healed that which was sick. The perfect Teacher of babes Romans 2:20 became a babe among babes, that He might give wisdom to the foolish. The Bread of heaven came down on earth that He might feed the hungry.
December 20, 2020
Homily One on the Sunday Before the Nativity of Christ (St. John of Kronstadt)
By St. John of Kronstadt
In order that we celebrate this feast of God's limitless love and His extreme condescension, not in a worldly, but in a spiritual manner, let us briefly consider the following: Why did God become man while remaining God? And what does God's incarnation require of us?
December 19, 2020
"A Woman Died and the Whole Place was Fragrant"
She died on the eve of the Dormition of the Panagia in 1998. The next day, August 15, the cheap coffin with her body, which was on the wagon of the small farm truck of the priest, was headed to the cemetery.
Elder Eumenios Saridakis: The Saint Who Had the Gift of Laughter
Father Eumenios also laughed during the services, while reading the Holy Gospel or while censing the Lady Theotokos during the "More Honorable".
Portrait of a Philanthropist
I was shocked. It had been fifteen days since I slept. To learn from this life that my mother is up there - I was sure, almost sure, about my mother. My mother was an ascetic in her life. Always smiling.
In the last thirty years of her life she never left her house.
She had seven children.
She treated her father-in-law, who reposed at the age of 94, as if he was her own father.
She was very merciful.
She would steal money from my father's pants and would secretly give it to the poor.
She hosted beggars at home almost every day and made a table for them. Then she would pack food for them in a bag.
She shined with joy.
Seventeen years after her death, we her children found out, by chance, that she was awarded by the Metropolis of Demitriados and Almyros for her philanthropic work when she was younger.
She was anxious to give hospitality to others and only by force would she sit at the table to eat herself.
We have a farm of fifteen acres. During the German occupation it was full of fruit trees. From the 100 chickens we had in those days, without reservation she would take fifty eggs a day and together with fruit she would distribute them to the poor. She would also constantly give to her relatives in Volos. It made her happy to give.
May the Lord grant her soul rest.
This is what I learned from Elder Ambrose. Let us not forget the souls. They ask for our help.
An African Neomartyr
In Uganda, Archimandrite Nikodemos Sarikas (1878-1941) preached for the first time (in 1933). Among those who heard him preaching was a young African boy.
That night, when the boy and his family sat to eat, he did his cross first.
December 18, 2020
Saint Eubiotos as a Model for our Lives
Synaxis of the Holy Family of Saint Gregory Palamas

In 2009, at the recommendation of the Metropolis of Berea, Naousa and Kampania, the Ecumenical Patriarchate established a feast day in honor of the family of St. Gregory Palamas. His father's name was Constantine, his mother Kalloni, his brothers were Makarios and Theodosios, and his sisters were Theodote and Epicharis. The day chosen for the feast is December 18th or the Sunday after November 14th.
St. Philotheos Kokkinos, a disciple of St. Gregory and his biographer, writes the following of his father:
"Gregory was the offspring of noble and pious parents. So virtuous was his father that the emperor Adronikos II Palaiologos, made him one of his counselors. And not only the earthly king, but also God the Heavenly King, honored and glorified him even while he was still alive with miracles. Foreknowing his death, Constantine – that was his name – took the Angelic Habit, that is, he became a monk, and was named Constantios."
Holy Spring of Saint Sebastian in Constantinople
During the centuries before the Fall of the Queen City in 1453, the memory of the Saint was honored with brilliance, where many people found a cure to their mental and physical ailments. Due to the destruction of the city, the holy water was seized and destroyed. But the Saint at the beginning of the nineteenth century appeared in a vision to a woman and indicated to her the place and existence of the holy spring.
Saint Sebastian and the 1576–78 Plague of Milan
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Saint Sebastian Interceding for the Plague Stricken, Josse Lieferinxe, 1497–1499, The Walters Art Museum |
The Skull of Saint Sebastian in Bavaria
December 17, 2020
A Summary of the Old Testament (St. Jerome)
Exodus, no doubt, is equally plain, containing as it does merely an account of the ten plagues, the decalogue, and sundry mysterious and divine precepts!